xt7h9w09074d_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/2009ms132.0029.dao.xml Evans, Rhoda, 1880-1953 0.3 Cubic Feet 10 folders archival material 2009ms132.0029 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Rhoda Evans letters Courtship Letters. Love-letters Marriage -- United States Courtship Women's and gender history Rhoda Evans letters text Rhoda Evans letters 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/2009ms132.0029/Box_123/Folder_10/Multipage301.pdf 1916-1925 1925 1916-1925 section  xt7h9w09074d_9 xt7h9w09074d 18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/2009ms132.0029/Box_123/Folder_10/123_10_0001.jpg 1912 1144 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/2009ms132.0029/Box_123/Folder_10/123_10_0001_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w09074d/data/2009ms132.0029/Box_123/Folder_10/123_10_0001_ftb.jpg BEST 

 Texas Ky 3/27 = 16
Dear Rhoda
This is Monday morn
 I am working in the 
store and wont get
 to finish this before
 mail time as we
 are very buisy. [sic]
the mail is coming now. 
I worked in the store
 [Gat?] and Durham was 
going to bring a bunch 
to Lebanon Sat night 
but the rain knocked 
us out so you see 
what the rain done 
for me made me a 
lonesome [ba?] Sunday
 I went fishing yesterday
 but didn't catch any thing 2
we will go to
 the [fark?] and  go fishing 
 what do you say. 
 say I am eating 
bunny hug wish 
you were here 
& would give you 
one hug or two
 I am going to work 
in the store this 
wk but will try 
to get over Sat night 
& will try to get
 this mailed in Lebanon 
this afternoon by Mr. 
Deagin Say some 
afternoon why don't 
you get  some one 
and drive over to
 [Texas?]. 3
I will give you
some [goss?]. I 
don't think you 
like to come to 
Texas do you.  say 
do you want 
to go to Louisville 
some of the days 
before long if you 
do we will 
go  well as I
 hafto go to work
 I will close write soon 
I still L you
yours only
Wilhelm Chicago, Ill 5.9 = 16
711 w 65th st.
Dear Rhoda rec'd your 
letter and you bet
 I was glad to hear 
from you I had 
began to think you
 wasn't going to write
 one. it sure did take
 you a long to make
 up your mind. I guess
 the reason why was
 you have been to busy
 ride the other fellows
 around. God knows I
 have got the blues bad 
enough the way I am 
without you telling 2
me about you going with 
other fellows I couldnt
keep from crying when  
I read your letter. of course
 you can go with who 
you please and guess you
 will. but I can say
 I have never been with another 
girl since I have been going 
with you nor I I never expect 
to. you have  [run?]  me crazy
 for you but you no that. 
 there is sure some fine
 looking girls here, but
 none of them look good
 to me. there is only one 
for me if I could only get 
her that one is you. 3
well I only wish I had 
stayed at Texas I dont think 
that City life will ever suit  me any moore. [sic]
I dont see why I came
I have only worked 
Sat night & Sunday since 
I have been here I drove
 a food truck S. nigh & Sunday
 they sure do some 
driving here. you
 hardly ever see a car 
going less than 
80 mi for hr I would 
like to see you
 driving one up here 4
you would hafto
 drive faster than the 
Sunday we came from 
[Perryville?]. I only wish
 I had a car not a Auto 
but car fare I would 
be riding a fast train 
to Ky to night. I have a 
job [promised?] one in 
the morning I am going 
over to see and if 
I dont get a job [??] I am going
 to ride a train tomorrow
 night. say I dont think
 I have spelled half 5
thes words right but 
you will hafto excuse 
me this time as I am
 just about half crazzy 
and you no I am in 
bad shape.  not crazzy 
like you saw me once 
not long ago. I am crazzy 
for you but guess you 
will soon forget me
 maybe by this time 
as you was no long 
about writing me and 
then telling me what 
you did about taking 
other men riding with you I dont care to have you writing and telling me about the good time your having with some other fellows.  well guess you will be and tired by the time you get through reading this. so I will close I am still loving you more than I ever did in my life. ans as soon as you get this good night only wish I was there to say that good nigh but guess [written sideways] you have some one else {written upside-down] to tell you that now. well remember me as you go along. write soon yours only Will

 When I start out to wish you
Good luck and good cheer.
It's the jolliest task
That I've had in a year!

 [no text on this page]

DEC 30

- PM

Miss Rhoda Evans
Lebanon Ky.

 Texas 3/12 = 16
Dear Rhoda  Sun Night 
and I am in Texas again 
on Sun. but am very
 tired & very lonesome 
but guess you dont care 
as you said you was 
going to get you another 
fellow. and I think you 
have all read gotton him 
for you wanted me to 
fined out who that
 box or candy was for. 
I didn't find out 
but guess it was for 
you. the reason I did 
come to h. yesterday 
or to day was 
my friend T. Hardin 
had a Baby to 2
die and I Sit
 up all night 
and to day I 
have been feeling
 bad.  and to night 
I am sleepy. I only 
wish I was in L. 
for and hr or so
 any way even if 
you dont love me. 
 this has been a
 fine day and guess 
you you have had 
[severl?] wild rides in 
your auto and enjoyed 
your self very
 much. I dont know 
of very much to day
 a I dont like
 to write any way 
and I think you dont
 care very much for 
it any way.  I had 
to two  [Lebanon?]  people 
to tell me that 
I had better watch 
that there might 
be another man 
in this case. 
do you remember
 what I  [uste?] to 
tell you when
 you got one up 
to the sky then 
you would let 
me fall and the 
fall would be what 
whould hurt 4
well it would
 hurt but I love 
you and you no I love 
you it doesnt
 matter what happen 
ore what you do
 to me I will love 
you the rest of my 
days but I will be a woman 
hater and will 
never be [trofed?] again.
 I guess you will 
say or think as 
you allways do that
 I want to see another 
girl to day but I 
have not. and 
will say since
I meet you 
I have never been to 
see any other girl but [written sideways] your  
and that is not 
the half I never
 expect to as long
 as I live. for 
I could not love 
her and if there 
isnot any love what 
is the use going to 
see any one.  
Well  at is 9.30 I am
 going to bed good night
 this is from a true 
boy to you and loves
 you and only you