xt7h9w08xt3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w08xt3p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1971 journals 201 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.201 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.201 1971 1971 2014 true xt7h9w08xt3p section xt7h9w08xt3p       Kcncuck            `  s               ww
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The authors are grateful to Mr. _]ohn Byers, Department of Agronomy,
for his assistance in summarizing the results presented in this progress report
and to Dr. A. S. Williams, Department of Plant Pathology, for evaluation of l
the corn leaf diseases. Also acknowledgments are made to the following
persons who aided in the conduct of this year’s performance test:
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, West Kentucky Substation, i
Paul Appel, Superintendent, West Kentucky Substation, Princeton. . `
Dr. james Herbek, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, West Kentucky
Substation, Princeton.
George Armstrong, Superintendent, Robinson Substation, Quicksand.
C. E. Wyatt, Area Extension Agent, Mayfield.
Stuart Brabant, Area Extension Agent, Henderson. 9
John Kavanaugh, Area Extension Agent, Hartford.
Clifton Taylor, Area Extension Agent, Franklin.
Dr. Morris Bitzer, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, Lexington.
l.—Pcdigree of Experiment Station Hybrids (Page) 12_-Twg-Yea; Summary, Norma] Population,
in 1971 ............ 5 All Non-Virus Locations, 1969 and 1971 . 18
2.—1lybrids Tested in 1971 ....... 6 13.—Three-Year Summary, Normal Population,
3.—.»\gronomic information Pertaining to All Non-Virus Locations, 1968, 1969,
1971 Test Locations ........ 9 and 1971 ........... 18
4.— Annual Summary, Normal Population, 14.—Annual Summary, High Population,
Lowes, Ky. ,,,,,,..... 10 Princeton, Ky. .......... 19
5.--Annual Summary, Normal Population, 15.—Annua1 Summary, High Population,
Princeton, Ky. .......... 11 Lexington, Ky. ......... 20
6.—.»\nnual Summary, Normal Population, l6.—Annual Summary, High Population,
Henderson, Ky_ _________ 12 Princeton and Lexington, Ky. .... 21
7.-».~\nnual Summary, Normal Population, 17.—Two-Year Summary, High Population,
Hartford, Ky ........... 13 Princeton and Lexington, Ky-,
8.——.—\nnual Summary, Normal Population, 1969 and 1971 ·--······ 22
1·`r1mk1in_ Ky ___________ 14 18.~Three-Year Summary, High Population,
9.—i\nnual Summary, Normal Population, Princeton and Lexington, Ky., 1968,
Lexington, Ky_ _______,_ 15 1969, and 1971 ......... 22
10.—.·\nnua1 Summary, Normal Population, 19.~Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test,
Quicksand, Ky, _________ 16 Frankfort, Ky., 1971 ....... 22
11.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, 20.—Corn Leaf Diseases Rated at Henderson
All Non-Virus Locations, 1971 .... 17 and Hartford in 1971 ....... 24
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 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test-1971
By 0. G. PONELEIT and K. 0. EVANS
The objective of the Kentucky Com Performance Test is to provide unbiased
performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. This information, hopefully, _
will aid farmers as they select hybrids for use in the following season.
Environmental conditions for corn growth in 1971 were nearly ideal over the entire
, state. The state’s average corn yield, as estimated by the U.S.D.A. Statistical Reporting
{ Service, was 77 bushels per acre-—the second highest ever reported. Race T of southern corn »
leaf blight (Helminthosporium maydzk) was not as great a problem as in 1970, primarily
because most of the seed planted had resistant, normal cytoplasm. Susceptible T cytoplasm
 5 plants, however, were severely damaged by the fungus. Evidence of the damage can be seen
" , in the following tables which include three hybrids (Ky 105, Ky 5921W, and Coop T308) ,
( that had 100% T cytoplasm.
All hybrids in the 1971 test, except those already noted, had 100% normal (N)
cytoplasm a.nd high levels of resistance to race T of H. maydis. Since the 1970 Performance
i Test results are biased by the fact that most hybrids were 100% T cytoplasm and were very
I susceptible to the southern leaf blight fungus, the 1970 data were not used to construct 2-
{ and 3-year averages. Two-year and 3-year summaries for 1968, 1969, and 1971 are
presented as the averages over all non-virus locations since SCLB damage was negligible in
1968 and 1969. The average over-all non-virus locations for 1971 and multiple-year averages
( should be used in addition to data from individual 1971 test locations when possible, since A
l , evaluations of performance over many environments and years provide the best evaluation
4 of a hybrid’s potential.
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any two or more hybrids should be
made only with data from one table at a time. The testing procedures employed do not
allow comparisons such as a hybrid grown at one location and population with another T
hybrid grown at a different location and population.
Race T of southern corn leaf blight will be present in 1972; therefore, it will still be
necessary to purchase seed corn that has the resistant normal cytoplasm. Reports from the
seed corn industry indicate that good supplies of 100% normal cytoplasm seed will be
’ available in 1972 for most popular older hybrids and some new hybrids.
All seed corn sold in Kentucky must be labeled according to the Temporary Labeling
Requirements for Corn Seed which was issued by the University of Kentucky College of
Agriculture, Division of Regulatory Services, Oct. 21, 1971. These requirements state that
seed corn shall show the identity and percentage of the cytoplasm in the seed lot on the
A front of the analysis tag. The symbols N, T, and B will be used to indicate 100% normal
cytoplasm, 100% male-sterile cytoplasm, and a mixture of normal and male-sterile
cytoplasms, respectively.
. 3

Ky 105 and Ky 5921W (Table 1) were again included as check varieties for comparing
performance over years. Ky 105, Ky 5921W, and Coop T308 had 100% T cytoplasm and
provide an estimate of the severity of the southern leaf blight infestation in 1971.
Seed of each commercial hybrid (Table 2) was provided by the sponsoring company.
. The companies were requested to send 100% normal cytoplasm seed so that the 1971 test _
results would represent the performance of the hybrid seed sold for 1972 planting. `
Those hybrids grown in the maize dwarf mosaic virus test are indicated in column 2 of
Table 2. For inclusion the hybrid corn companies were asked to nominate only those
hybrids known to have virus resistance.
Second—generation seed (F2) of four hybrids and three open-pollinated varieties were _
also included in each non-virus test. F2- seed was obtained from the respective corn , ,
companies and open-pollinated seed from local growers. Since some farmers were forced to _
plant F2 or open-pollinated varieties in the absence of normal cytoplasm hybrids in 1971, 2
these varieties were included to provide evidence of their potential yielding ability relative -
to the regular hybrids available to Kentucky farmers.
The map on page 2 shows the location and Table 3 shows pertinent agronomic l
information for each test. The Lexington and Princeton locations had both normal and high -
population tests, while all other locations had only normal populations. The Frankfort test `
site was specifically chosen for the presence of maize dwarf mosaic virus. i
The seedbed at each location was prepared by conventional tillage methods. Fertilizer €
was applied as indicated by soil tests. The test areas were treated with herbicide and
supplemented by post-emergence cultivation when necessary. Table 3 shows the specific
treatments for each location.
Uncontrollable variability of soil types, fertility, and other factors was sampled by
using a 9 X I0 rectangular lattice. A separate randomization was used for each location.
Information presented in Tables 4 through 19 is adjusted for block and replication `
differences when shown applicable by statistical analyses. i
All plots were planted with a conventional four-row corn planter modified for small
plot work. The planter boxes were replaced by special planting heads to permit clean-out
after planting each plot row. Each plot consisted of two side-by-side rows 38 inches apart.
Population was varied by altering combinations of row length and number of kernels per
row. A normal population test had 20,000 kernels planted per acre, while the high
population test had 26,000 kernels planted per acre.
 -_1%r_g_ 4

L All plots were harvested with a tractor-mounted one-row picker—sheller. Both plot rows
W were picked, shelled, and the grain collected in a metal container. The grain weight and
» i moisture content of each plot were then measured with a portable scale and moisture meter.
{ Later, acre yields were calculated and adjusted to No. 2 corn at 15.5% moisture. Only the
amount of grain picked up by the harvesting equipment appears in the yield column of the
· following tables. Dropped or missed ears were not gleaned from the plots. The number of
plants remaining in each plot at harvest and the number of root and stalk lodged plants were
t recorded immediately prior to harvest. .
Sixteen hybrids were tested in the maize dwarf mosaic virus test (Table 19). Virus .
{ ratings were not made in the 1971 test, but yield of the hybrids should be indicative of virus
resistance. johnsongrass was allowed to grow in the plots early in the season to provide a
source of inoculum. Wet weather caused a delay in the removal of the johnsongrass and
’ consequently the yields of the tested hybrids were somewhat depressed owing to I
competition from the johnsongrass.
All hybrids at the Henderson and Hartford test locations were rated for symptoms of
Southern Corn Leaf Blight (Helminthosporium maydis), Northern Corn Leaf Blight
(Helminthosporium turcicum), Bacterial Wilt or Stewart’s Disease (Xant/zomonas stewartii),
· and Rust (Puccinzkz sorghi) by Dr. A. S. Williams of the Plant Pathology Department. A
U summary of these ratings is presented beginning on page Z3 .
Table 1._ Pedigrees of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested in
, 1971.
Hybrid Color Cross Pedigree
Ky 105 Yellow ax (T8 x C121E)
I (38-11 x Oh 7B) »
V, Ky 5921W White Ax (C16i+ x 33-16)
W (Ky 201 x CI66)

 Table 2.— Hybrids Tested in 1971. ~
Hybrid Testk Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Asgrow RX99 A Yellow 2X Asgrow Seed Co.
RXl00 A " 2X P. O. Box 2010
Des Moines, Ia. 50310 I
Conlee Tex. 28A A Yellow ax Conlee Seed Co., Inc.
` P. 0. Box 72A7 .
Waco, Texas 76710
Dekalb XL6A A Yellow 2X Dekalb Agricultural
XL66 A " 2X Association ‘ *
XL8l A " 2X Dekalb, Ill. 60115
XL85A A " 2X _
Exp. 68 A " 2X
F880 A “ ax
Coop. T308l/ A Yellow 3X Farmland Industries Inc.
P. O. Box 7305
Kansas City, Mo. 6A1l6 _
Funk's GAA55 A Yellow 3X (Mod.) Funk Bros. Seed Co.
GA550 A " 2X (Mod.) 1300 W. Washington St.
GA6A6 A " 2X (Mod.) Bloomington, Ill. 61701
GA76l A,B " 3X
GA808 B " 2X
G5757 A " ax
G508W A White Ax
GA895W A " 3X
Exp. 23981W A " AX
K.A.E.S. Ky 105l/l/ A,B Yellow ax University of Kentucky
Ky 5921W- A White ax Agri. Exp. Station
Lexington, Ky. AO506
Lewis Ex828 A Yellow ax Lewis Seed Co., Inc.
130 N. Spring St. _
Louisville, Ky. A0206
McNair X210F A Yellow 2X McNair Seed Co.
2210 A " 2X P. 0. Box 706
3838 A " 2X Laurinburg, N. C. 28352
Nigro M—A6SX A Yellow 2X Migro Hybrids
N-060lA A " 2X P. O. Box 7
M-0702 A " 2X Mitchell, Ind. A7AA6
M-0711 A " 2X
5%d@@?§%io 6

 Table 2.- (continued)
, Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
King PX61l A Yellow 3X Northrup—King & Co.
PX6l6 A " 3X 1500 Jackson St. N.E.
PX678 A " 3X Minneapolis, Minn. 55413
i X-155 A " 2X
P.A.G. SX39 A Yellow 2X P-A—G Division
SX83 A " 2X W. R. Grace & Co.
SX91 A " 2X Aurora, Ill. 60507
1 SX98 A " 2X
438 A " ax
· 644W A,B White 3X
_ 17525W A " 3X .
Syn. 1 A " Syn.
Syn. 2 A Yellow Syn.
. Syn. 3 A " Syn.
21130 B " 2X
Pioneer 3147 B Yellow 2X (Mod.) Pioneer Corn Co., Inc.
3179 B " 2X (Mod.) P. O. Box 278
3308 A " BX Union City, Tenn. 38261
3329 A " 3X (Mod.)
l 3334 A " 2X
3368 A " 2X (Mod.)
3369A A " 2X
3516 A " 2X
3518 A " 2X (Mod.) (
_ 3571 A " 2X (Mod.)
511A A,B White ax
’ X7571 A Yellow Spec. Cross
_ Princeton SX650 A Yellow 2X Princeton Farms
SX823 A " 2X P. 0. Box 319 »
sx836 A " 2X Princeton, Ind. 47570
SX850 A " 2X
Schenk SS-101N A,B White 2X Chas. H. Schenk & Sons
SX—110N A Yellow 2X Route 4
SS-303N A White 3X Vincennes, Ind. 47591
SX-440N A Yellow 2X
, SX-X04N A White 2X
So. States SS860 A Yellow ax Southern States Coop. Inc.
SS865 A " ax Seed & Farm Supply Div.
SS866 A,B " ax Richmond, Va. 23213
SS909E A " ax

 Table 2."(continued)
Hybrid Testk Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Stew. Card. SX58 A Yellow 2X Stewart Hybrids, Inc.
SX7l A " 2X Route l
Princeville, Ill. 61559
Stull's 555W A White ax Stull Bros. Inc.
560WSP A,B " 3X Sebree, Ky. 42455 V
807ASX A Yellow 2X
809SX A " 2X
809ASP A " 3X
850WSX A White 2X
877SX A Yellow 2X
Exp. 9llSX B " 2X
Evans Cashmaker A Yellow 2X Taylor-Evans Seed C0.
Mastermaker A " 2X Golden Acre Hybrids _ `
Tulia, Texas 79088
Trojan TXSll2 A Yellow 2X Trojan Seed Co.
TXSll3 A " 2X Eastern Division
TXll5 A " 3X Windfall, Ind. 46076
TXSll8 A " 2X `
TXll9 A " 3X
TXSll9 A " 2X
TXSl22 A " 2X
X67ll B " 2X
X67l2 B " 2X
X67l8 B " 2X
Boone County White A White O.P.
Reid's Yellow Dent A Yellow O.P.
Hickory King A White O.P.
F2 of 3334 A Yellow 2X
F2 of SX39 A " 2X
F2 of 644W A White 3X
F2 of 5llA A " ax
* Test — A = Performance Test
{ B = Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test V
** 2X = Single Cross, 3X = Three-way Cross, ax = Double Cross, MK or SP = Multiple or
Special Cross, OP = Open Pollinate
4/ Tcms Entries all others "Normal"
Note: The name Pioneer, Dekalb, Funk, P.A.G., & etc. refer to the company and the number
is the hybrid designation.
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