xt7h9w08ww9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w08ww9s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1947 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 18, 1947 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 18, 1947 1947 1947 2012 true xt7h9w08ww9s section xt7h9w08ww9s  KE N TUC KY  
  Memorial Edition  
  Volume XVIII AUGUST, 1947 Number 3 I :

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It was in June, l942 that the first contingent of University of Kentucky men, i ‘
Reserve ofhcers in the Army of the United States, bachelors of the arts and of the I I  
sciences, virile, valiant young men, marched off to war. l A ,
Previous to that time, in fact as far back as 1939, the University’s older sons,  
R.().T.C. graduates of other years and members of the Reserve Corps, had bee11 I
called up by smaller numbers for a year of active duty. , ·
Then in March, 1943 approximately’l,()00 University students, sophomores, * ·
‘ juniors and seniors in the University R.O.T.C., left the campus in a body, to be  
processed, sent to training camps, and, in many cases, quickly to be sent to the , , I
various theatres of operations overseas. y ` ·
Less than a year after Pearl Harbor, at Oran, at Casa Blanca, at Kasserine   I · ,
Pass, University sons were falling in battle; bright-faced, eager, zestful boys. who   '
_ a short time previously had been walking the old, familiar campus paths.   { .’
A ‘·‘Those were the days which tried 1nen`s souls," when casualty lists blared    
forth this nation’s losses and wrung from the hearts of men bitter, bloody tears.   - I
l·`rom the early days of the war the University recorded these losses, added gold i ‘ ·
star after gold star to her service flag, and followed her sons over the rugged    
fields of battle.   . .
Rejoicing in her nation`s victories, agonizing in her temporary setbacks,   ·  
proudly recognizing the contribution of her native sons, the University kept her _   Q
bloody record of 7,644 men and women in service, and 332 Gold Stars. if
This Alumni Memorial Issue is the result of that tabulation. lt is the Uni~ i
versity`s way of passing on to posterity the glorious record of her sons in \IVorld ,
\\’ar II. There is every possibility that somewhere along the way she has failed {
_ to record all of their valiant deeds, all of her losses, and with this in mind, Uni-  
versity officials have expressed the hope that alumni, families of Gold Star men
and friends of the University will send in any information which may be lacking V ·
‘ Sadly, but proudly, then, Alma Mater publishes the roster of her Gold Star A `
I sons, dedicating her every effort to the young Kentuckians of the future, pledging
` herself to inculcate into their souls those principles for which their older brothers I,
fought and died.
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 1 { . r
_____ !_( i
` Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the University
of Kentucky published quarterly on the campus of the Uni-
, versity, at Lexington. Subscription to non-members, $1.
Membership (Type A) in the Association includes subscrip-
V tion to the Alumnus.
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Oiiice at Lex-
ington, Ky., May 22, 1929, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Helen G. King .......................................................................... Editor
G. Lee McClain ...................................................... Manager Editor _
V Marguerite McLaughlin .................................... Associate Editor
LeRoy M. Miles .................................................................. President
` Mrs. John N. Browning .......................................... Vice President - _‘
, James S. Shropshire .......................................................... Treasurer
Helen G. King ................................................ Executive Secretary i
I Material for the Gold Star issue was compiled and edited i
5 by Miss Mary Hester Cooper, ’25, assistant in the Bureau
` of Source Materials in Higher Education, assisted by Mrs.
‘ Mary Scully and Mrs. Joyce Peerman. Q
Additional copies of this issue, $1.00  
ii! - A ~ c . ` 1
 » ‘”.é  ic  ‘  
. A  

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Alumni and friends who will see this roster of the University of Kentucky
men who served their country in \·Vorld \Var ll, cannot but be impressed
with the tremendous amount of work which has been involved in collecting ·  
` and compiling the statistical data contained in this brochure. i .
lt is fitting that readers of this bulletin should know that the Bureau  
of Source materials in Higher Education, under the direction of Professor t ·
Ezra L. Gillis, has been entirely responsible for this meticulous and difficult `
assignment. .
At the end of World \t\’ar I, Professor Gillis, then Registrar of the University  
of Kentucky, assumed the task of compiling a similar list of University men who i ·
had served their country in that war. \iVhat was more natural, then, than that  
-  the President of the University should assign the same work to Professor Gillis g ·
in World \rVar Il? _ `
It has been a work of love, difficult, painstaking, and seemingly insurmount- ' ‘
. ‘ able at times, but Professor Gillis and his staff have never faltered in their deter- ` I
mination to present a report as complete as it is possible to assemble. . i · !
_ Therefore, it is with deep appreciation to the Director of the Bureau of . t .
Source Materials in Higher Education and his staff, that the administration '
acknowledges the completion of the roster contained in the succeeding pages. i _
ll•G•l5BbL'|U&**•• li L
H. L. Donovan, President
_ University of Kentucky {
'  , , LI
i . i I  
5) V V K l gyl
  I   .

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f A1)AMS, Ay/C William Frank, 27, making the first lap of the journey imsjyi.
j A&S 1935-39, son of Mrs, Olive Frank home, disappeared over China on Au. H hc
` {V Adams of Louisville, and the late Mar- gust 23, 1944. His decorations include died Si
, — _ tin Lillard Adams. While attending the the Chinese Air Medal, the Distin. [ions ii
}  , University of Kentucky he was a mem- guished Flying Cross and the Presiden. Croix
J     S.    j ‘· ' ber of Sigma Chi social fraternity and tial Citation. A daughter, Linda Price, si,i.i.ii,c,
 j , _   '`’‘`_   - ( : _ ,. captain of the golf team in 19-37-38. and a sister, Mrs. Paul G. Davis, also urtdjrio,
‘    "" Y  Prior to joining the Army Air Corps survive in addition to his wife and
    on November 2, 1942, he was a inem— parents. f\LS(‘
. .   , ber of the firm of Martin L. Adams ij; com p
_‘ _   j j v_ _ and Sons, general contractors, in Louis- ALLEN, Pvt. john Lewis, jr., 20, Mm C
*9  _   i   ville. He was sent first to Pine Blull`, Agr. 1942-43, son of Mr. and Mrs, {C,,(jg,,.,.
    Ark., and then to the air base at Col'- john L. Allen of Frankfort. A mem. was ii Ti
f ‘ feyville, Kaus., where he was in train- ber of the Army Medical Corps, Pvt, (iid iid
s _ , ing at the time of his death. Aviation Allen received his training at Walter iiiiivcis
1 ` Cadet Adams was killed july 9, 1913, Reed Hospital in lvashington, D. (1,, Suites A
when his parachute failed to open as after entering the service in April, — his com
WILLIAM FRANK ADAMS he jumped from a disabled bomber 1913. He was serving as an aid than Amii. A
over the Cofleyville base. Besides his when his company was lighting into idicii ii,
. mother he is survived by a brother, the "Ruhr Pocket," and was wounded ihc cms
joshua B. Adams, a sister. Nancy jane by SHip€l` small 3l`mS fire Hi Unna, ker-Stick]
A ‘ Atlantis, and his wife. who is now Mrs. Gertnany, on April 11, 1945. His Sislcm
Dee Allen Adams \Vendover. death occurred at an evacuation hos. ` _.\,idCiCS_
ij}? pital in Germany on ·May 10, 1945, (;u|`i{_
· ALEXANDER, Pfc Robert Walker, l`ro1n these wounds.
1 - _ 23, Engr. 1939--11, son ol` Samuel jk juni,
· ` ,_.   _‘ \\’a1ker Alexander and Mrs. Margaret ALLEN, lst Lt. RZl}'T\1OI`fd Edward, 27, it ];_ wig
~   E. Conley of Fulton. On April 1, Agr. 1938-4-1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elva Aiiiiiwii;
  I lf)-I], ,»\l(jj(;]u(jc]· j()j|](;(l [hc Afgtrinq D. /\llC1l 1ll1(l llllS1)HU(l of i\'ll“S. C2'tl`0lj‘1l env of ‘
,; *2   Corps, and attended radio school at Hall Allen of Henderson. Leaving the _ Updic  
. jj  jdj  '__ several bases in the South. Upon com- 11tl1\'Ct‘slly of KCl11llC1i)'. he joined thc jim. of
` -   Q" A pleting his training, he was sent to .'\l`111Y .·\ll` (i01`[¤$ lll API`11. 1941. Hc ])c|i;i_ g
the South Pacific for active duty, Pfc, served in Cuba and the United States iiiiiiciso,
i Alexander served there as a radio prior to his discharge in November. . was [isi,
I operator with a tank batallion until 19-15. On May 29. 1946. he joined the giiidciiis
he lost his life in battle on Guadal- regular Army, and a short time later _ » [;,iii.€i.Si,
` canal on September 14. 19-12. For this died as a result of injuries received in die Aim
Roiimzr .=\L1;x.xNn1;a action his unit received the Presiden- an automobile accident at Wright Field, Lexiiidio
tial Citation. Posthumously he was Ohio, june 13. 1916. ln addition to _.\iiii,id,,S
_ H . made a colonel on the staff of former his wife and parents he is survived by ,  mid WCC
. i _. ' ' i Governor Keen johnson. Pfc Alexander two children, Amy Lou and Raymond (,ii__ im,
    ’ was Fu1ton`s first casualty, lidward ll. and several brothers and ,,\.€i.SC,,S
_- , ii sisters. mdk im,.
~ .·\I,FRliY, Capt. Malcolm Pershing, 7/if fluent, in
, V V V V _. . 25, lingr. 1938-10, son of Mr. and Mrs. ALLISON. Lt. Col. Leslie. 27. A.ll. 1 his iiifm
. Qlgg;     —  j' G. S. Alfrey of Lexington. and husband `39, M./\. *12. son of Mrs. (lertrudc Fmncei (
    , *"’   o1`i\lrs_ Dorothy Glessenkamp Alfrey of Thomas Allison and the late Earl .1. _ i
    l     Newport News, Va. He entered the Allison, and husband of 1\1l`S.'MH1`j' ARCH;
  `;  ,.—   ,’ V ’ `.'. Army Air Corps in November, 1940, jane Sale Allison of Parts. While atv mph, 2.,
    . - ·   and went overseas in _]une, 1943. Capt. tending the University of Kentuckt. _ii.(.iid€;é,
j     s if Allrey flew with the Army Transport he was a member of Phi Beta KappH ,,\i.didC,,C,
    _, Command, ferrying supplies over the and Phi Alpha Theta. He 112215 H$51$· . QOOQIEA,.
j   ii Hump l`rom India to China until De- tant professor Of Military $C1€¤€€ M i iittejidim,
` cember,, when he was transferred to a the University from 1940 to 1942- _.\,·Cjidc,i;(
{ _ Hghter squadron in China. As a hghter when he was called to active·duty 111 · jiiipim ii,
 V f pilot he flew 69 combat missions over the infantry. Sent overseas in _lut1€- · riiiiced m
t _ China. The transport, on which he was 1944, he led the first troops into Clint`- . ii, ncdve
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 imc)- [yes, France, August 17. On September of 1942. His death occurred May 6, · _ y _  
. Au- 14 he was wounded near Metz and 19l3, when a [l`2l111 struck the aut0m0· . {
clude died September 16, 1944. His tlecora- bile in which he was riding to Ft, dy ·
isdn. [ions include the Silver Star and the lkilllllllg'. Ga., where he was attending ;' " I
iden— Croix de Guerre with Paltn. He is an infantry officer training school. F ’ y ‘ l
Price, survived by a daughter, Susanne, in A (laughter. Nancy, and a brother,  ’  
y also addition to his wil`e and mother. j. W. Archdeaeon, survive besides his '   ·  
and gy wif`e and mother. ‘  _   j ‘y i =
ALSOP, lst Lt. Walter james, 25, sf? · ~   i  
(lem. 1933-34, son of the late M·r_ and BACK, 5/ggc wmjam B,~CCk€m·gdg€_ .   I i
_, 20, Mrs,. (Il1u1`l€S l?i\ll1l·Al$(lP· \Vllll€ ill· 22, A&S, 1939-10, son of Mr_ and Mrs.      I y
Mrs. tending the llntvcrstty ol Kentucky he Roscoe (I. Back of jackson. He at- n   ° ' .
mgm. was   tnetnllier ol _l’l11 Dtsliil lll€l2t S0- tended Lees junior College at jackson or ~·   r V
, Pvt. cial. fraternity. .·\Iter one year at 'the for one year before coming to the   V K   ‘ . ;
Jalter llnrversttyz Alstlp 1lllClltl€(l lll€ Utl_ll€¢l University of Kentucky. Entering the 1 `
)_ (]__ States Military .*\C1ltlClt\)' iltlil l`€C€l\'€(l Army Air Corps on August 20, 1940,
April. · his eomnnsston. He transferred to the he attqnclgd Sdmots at FL Knox, Kp, .
man Army Air Corps and was an instructor and gem; Field, mq and was scm Over. joy-is josnvu Ancintiartcos: _ j
into when he was killed March 3, 19-ll, in Seas [0 Nord] Ah-gm and mccivim,
. . . h
mded the crash of a training plane near Ba- his rmgni,,g_ 5/gg[_ BackPa1·liCil);1l€([ in 1
Urma, kersfteld.C:1ltf.·$tl·t‘\’_l\’lt1ghullSite tw/> the invasion of. that continent. and . . { _
His _ sisters. MTR \’ll`§`llll1l House. <>l L08 was killed in acti011 at Fedala, French · . g
i hos- Angeles. and Dora Alsop, of Oakland. Mm-OCCOY on Nm·€mbm~ g, ]942_ _  5 ‘
1945, Calif. ig ' 5, ' i -_ ‘
$f( . , 4 ., · g r . ‘
.-tmtoNs,2mt 1.i.Rotier·t_pimes,22. 0()l’g‘Ll-*;%*-;*1 Pt- ‘lyll·[····{ l*l··§;ll~   r y i .
rd,27. .l\_ll. l’*13,S()l1()fA11`.2l11(l Mrs. lirnest H. `   ml; .1 _ filmll 0 i riilmn .ll5' . "` .. _'  2 _ .
.Elvz1 .·\l1111l0llS of Lexington. .»\t the Univer-   (35; ual eg ll V Cglllhéoll _ l‘   >   .
rrolvn sity of Kentucky he served as editor »l((;;2)°( dlc fl lm} _· ll T 0lP* lll, * *l}· · { .— _ _
rg thc of the Kernel tn 1941-42. was a mem- ‘ "[’ m H cl, U‘G""li> l;q3;l“l¤dl°l‘ -   _
rd the her of 1,111 Beta Kappa. Delta latt 21::; l(;lcl1§?;l?&n $._ll}§ li `. "Fl0";'€llf J p ‘
1. Hc Delta, Scabhard and Blade and the   3 Bliflgl ll'. il lolcilll _‘:l*‘·_‘ll“_; _ .»  _
States Patterson Literary Society. Annnons !.l_;:;l k   (ll llc   lc “‘l* lc ulllllllv ·=·  ‘ ’ _ . ° .
. · rl ' . Y { " ' ` y ' Q l '{_' _` al .‘  •
rinher. was listed in \\’hos \Vho Atnong ll _ I lldvul lllzlw ellllillll “   Tm;. _.  i  ..· j
Bd the ` Students in .~\tnerican Colleges and ;s?l`_"_llX1 " `__€)’ Oz? :1% fll_l(l, , _  I"; '
e later . · llnivcrsities" in |943. Be|`ore entering bV(’§};u_‘Kil;§§lll'kwmalsr ’;;_a;d l;;l:l°;4‘[ ’ V ·  
red lll _ the Army he was a reporter for the B; il) [Z" _u__(lh ui .l ’ ‘|.` _O I lhé 7 _ __ __ _ .
Field, Lexington Herald. ln ()ctober of 1942 glili    xr.;   °l;;llll)d EI 3] De “"`l'MM BRl°Cl`lLNRm(`l° BACK ' ., `
lon t0 ` Amrnons enlisted in the reserve corps. [C15) fj {Q4? Zfllll   (ih   [$l_d_“, ‘
red 1D' ·  and received training at Ft. Benning. iwlm El _ `pdq .I   (M_ €\Ié(;lll nag V o I · { ° '
pmonfl (ia., and. in (Iolorado before going 4l\\v_Hl(lL’j hm; ')0Sllmm(;u;l\_` ` " _ I W ` ·   - '
·s attfl overseas in june, 1944. Lt. .-\tn1nons ` ` l ` ·` M   · ; - ·
· took pill`! in the invasion of the cott- _ lf? V _ X   _   } ·_
tinent. and lost his life while leading _ llAKl*R· zllll LL .llll_llcS “lllllllll· 20*   ‘     if ' l
`. All his infantry cotnpanv near Rennes. l'-llgl`; l9li’·‘l3» Soll 0l_ All- llllll Mm ,   . ‘  j V ? .
rtrutlc France, on August 12_ 194.t_ \\. L. Baker of Louisville. An em- H . J . _
rar] ,\, at? plovee of tl1e Reynolds Metals Com- tj , ..   _ _ _
mtr .nzc:n1>1;.-mos. 2ria Ll. jetm je- 1>=}¤¤r ill L<>¤¤iS~*ill¤· he j)¤i¤¢’ 20 Cl?l}`$ lllld ll0“'ll '   ~   U _ j_ . ‘
1942- ‘ .\rchdeacon was a member of Phi Beta 0_ll€ llllssloll “’ll€ll_ ll€__“`?lS llllled ll'§` " ’ Q ·‘ * ‘ ,. '
uty lll . Kappa and 1’ershing Rifles. An ad- €l‘l€lll¥lllY Oll_ Alllll 2/» lllll- as llls 'V   { —
_lllll€· ' l‘llllC€(l military student. l1e was called l§·l/ was llllllllg _°ll [mm! lllc bllsc m .  
>Cll¤l' ~ to aCttve_(lnty in the Army in May lnngland 101 21 1atd 0ve1 tie continent. Wm-MM RUSSELL BAILEY g
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HENRY CAUDILL12 BARNETT PAUL TRUE B.·\RNE'l“l` WILIMM i1`\1'1`H1i·1- B··\\'H·2\' l· l9“l§l· ~
BAKER, lst Lt. William Harold, l Barclay of Arlington and the late Mrs. his graduation he was assistant in the i
22, A8¢S, 19-10-42, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bessie Hatch Barclay. ln civilian life Agronomy Department lat the Uni- ` 
Frank L. Baker of Lexington. En- Lt. Barclay was a mortician and imple- versity, and before entering the Army
listing in the Army Air Corps in june, ment dealer in Arlington. but in june, Air ‘Corps in january ol 1942 he was
1942. he went overseas in August. 1944. 1941, he joined the Army Air Corps. junior Agrononnst in the Unjted States _
` and was a lead and wing navigator He received his training at air bases in Soil · Conservation Service in Missis-
` with the Eighth Air Force in England. California, and was given his pilot’s sippi. ·Lt, Barnett graduated froijt y
He was killed on November 25, 1944-, wings and commission on july 26, 1942, Craig Field, Ala., in November of 19-1-. é
at an airfield in England when his at Mather Field, Calif. His death oc- and was a flight 1IlSll`l1Cl0l"2l[ 1’»t)‘Hl1 .  j
plane, returning from a mission over curred january 31, 1943, as a result Field, Tex., when he was li111C(l·l11 ll j V
3 Germany, crashed in a fog, lt was Lt. of the crash of a navigation training plane crash near there on April 16.
l Baker’s 20th mission. His decorations plane near Midland, Tex., on a night 1944. Ajbrother, Eugene B. Barnett. .
j were the Air Nfetlal with three Oak flight from Sacramento, Calif, also survives. i
‘ Leaf Clusters, the Presidential Unit ir _ _ j _ _Tk v_ _ ,l · '
. Citation, and two Bronze Stars. A sis- BARNETT, 2nd Lt. Henry Caudille, 27B(A\’L1·.}£)3$E1j3¤g1i \\ij_llj?¤11 Tjlljjlllp   A
A ter, Mrs. Hal W. Maynor, jr., sur- 24, A&S, 1940-42, son of Oscar C. , .om. . -L ,son o 1 r. aut ·  
I vives besides his parents. Barnett of Alva, and the late Elizabeth M211€0111_1 lV· Bi1)'l;€l‘ <>f_“j€$l D'$"l“l*
gg- Green Barnett. Barnett volunteered Mass., lormerly ol Louisville. llel$>1€ l>_.\
BALDEN, lst Lt, \Vi1liam Edward, l`or the Army Air Corps while a junioé the war he wis empxyed ;1i)y>t‘oj1]l:ijl3Q
24, Com., A8¤S 1938-41, son of Mrs. at the University of Kentucky, an manager in' ynn. tiass. n g. ·`_<
· Cordelia Parsons Balden of McAfee was Called to active duty on May 22, 12, 1942, he joined the Navy {Au C01P*
and the late W. E. Balden, and hus- 1942. He trained at several air bases and trained as a pilot at bijllillllllllli
band of Mrs, Dawn Rochow Balden of and after receiving his commission at Mass., landYjaclgsonville, 1*lil.;§;j;l;l · ‘
Long Meadow, Pittsford, N. Y. In Selma Field, La., remained for some Novem >er.· ·ort e next year   V 1
j&l1l1a1‘y, 19*12, he joined the Army Air time as an instructor in navigation. in Ltlie Pacific area. flying!   I
Corps, and after his training received On February 17., 1944, he was reported doing sea rescue duty. I up ·cI_l·c;hél_
his commission and wings at Maxwell missing in a flight from French Mo- 1944, he took a small plahcslt  ml
Field, Ala. He lost his life january 24, rocco to England, and was declared course at Pensacola, Fla'., jtllli liél jlqldm j
1946, when the training plane in which dead on February 18 of the following became. pilot instructor at 11_` jul]
he was flying crashed into the bay year, jk school ljl;§é1§tll\'(;,O(1i()l:]· j{'h;ll‘”h;€;mS
near Pensacola, Fla., where he was sta- occurret S . ,   , _ J j I _ I
tioned. Lt, Baldwin is survived by a BARNETT, lst Lt. Paul TrgeM25, 10SI Hf $@8 Oil illcjgllallllf °°‘*°l' ,
_ son, William Edward, jr., as well as B.S. in Agr. ’39, son of Mr. an rs. gy s
three half sisters and four half A. V. Barnett of Bagdad. While at- BAZZELL, 2nd Lt. Paul G_¤l€lgrj;v -
bl”0th€fS. tending the University of Kentucky he 20, A&S 1942-43. son of Mis- ll;] U-1 _
gf; belonged to Alpha Zeta, Block and Bazzell of Clinton and the l¢1i€‘,·‘n L
BARCLAY, 2nd Lt. Lindsey Hatch. Bridle. Alpha Gamma Rho and Alma (L. Bazzell. He joined the lizifilllgijligu Z
28, A&S 1934-35, son of Lindsey H. Magna Mater. For a year following March 27, 19-13, and re¢‘CW€ [F ” i Moten
= . - _ · ~ ,     ;
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 at Camp Swift, Tex., and Camp Robin- Louisiana, Illinois, Arizona and \Vy- lowing his graduation from the Uni-  
son, Ark., before getting his commis- oming, and went overseas in january, versity of Kentucky l1e worked as an · i
, A sion at Ft. Benning, Ga., in November, 1945. Before his death he took part engineer until 1939 when he joined I
1944. The next month he was shipped in bombing raids over Burma, Thai- the Navy Air Corps. Lt. Com. Berry j
to Italy, and fought there until March land and China. A radio operator participated in the major campaigns °
4, 1945, when he was killed while and gunner on a B-24, he lost his life of the Pacihc war including the battle  
- leading his platoon against an enemy- May 8, 1945, when the plane of which of the Coral Sea, the Solomons, Mid- €
held position. Besides his mother, he he was a crew member exploded after way and New Guinea. He was shot I  
- is survived by a brother, jitntnie taking off from the airfield at Mad- down over Saiki, japan, on May 13, ' E
i Bazzell. haiganj, Province of Bengal, India. A 1945. while leading his squadron on `
sf; sister, Miss Mary C. Beeler, of Lebanon a dive bombing mission. Lt. Com.
BEASLEY, lst Lt. Virgil Kinnaird,2li, Jttnction gui-i·iveg_ Berry received the Presidential Umt
LLB. *15. son of Mrs_ Virginia King jk Citation and was three times awarded
Beasley of Lexington antl the late Ru- BENTON, Maj. Mortimer Murray, 1116 Navy CY0S$· In adihiiclh [0 his wife
rich Nevel Beasley. At the University of 37, A&S Com. 1924-28, son of Mrs. he is $hY\’lV€d h)’ 3 daughlén Lihda A
Kentucky he was president of the Frances Keller Benton and the late JO. and H $i$i€Y- M¤'$· Martha B€”1'
Student Bar Association, a member of William T. Benton, and husband of Garvin of Bowhhg GY€€h·
Alpha Tau Omega, Scabbard and Mrs. Pauline Bowman Benton of Lex- ii? _ A
Blade. Phi Alpha Delta, and was listed ington. A member of the Lexington BERTELSMAN Capt- Johh _ Wil`
in the 1940-41 issue of "lVho’s \Vho bar and long interested in military lhihh 30- C0h1· 193687- wh of M"-
_»\inong Students in American Univer— life, he was inducted into the Coast ilhd MTS. Th€0d0T€ lV· Beftelsmah Of . I
sities and Col1eges." Entering the ser- — Artillery Corps in February, 1941, FL Th0¤h¤$ Bhd hhshahd cf MY$· Mall 1
vice in 1941, he served in North lre- went overseas in April, 1942, and Belle Bhflelslhah Of S°h‘hga[€· A ]`€’ A
hind prior to participating with the served in Ireland and North Africa $€1`V€ officer. he Was €ah€d to active '
armored infantry in the invasion of prior to partir-ipating ih the sieiiiah duty in july, 1942, and transferred ·
French North Africa. Lt. Beasley died invasion. He met his death the night h`0hl [hi? h'1fahU')' [0 [hc ArmY A"A ·
of wounds received November S. 1942. of August 16, 1943, when the vehicle C0¤`P$· S€h[ [0 Grcchlahd ih A_ugu$[· ·
during the landing of American troops in which he was riding timpped Off 1942, he was promoted to captain the ,
at Oran. Besides his mother. he is sur- ti bridge that had just hee., blown hy next july and was returned to this 47 I
rived by two brothers. _[a<‘k C. and loc retreating Germans in Sicily. His sur- €0hhU`Y hl S€P[€lhh€1`· HE death OC` A ,
H. Beasley. His degree was awartlcd viyors include two children. Terry and €h¤`F€d Athi] 29· l9‘l5·_m_ N¤¢h¤lS GF"` _
posthumously. Betty, besides his wife antl mother. €¤’1¤l Hospital lh L0}h$"lh€» f0ll°“'l_'lg _
it? {9 an operation necessitated by an ill- I ‘
. BEICLER, Sgt. Robert I., 21, lZngr_ BERRY. Lt. Com. David Render. 29. h€$$ Shhcmd “Ih'l€ he was hl Cree"` `
1912-43. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. B.S. in Min. Eng. `BS. son of the late lilhfl· TWCQ Children- Susan and .laY '
.\ndrew Beeler of Lebanon _]unction. jesse C. and Frances Render Berry LYIIU. Slll`\’l\’€ CHP!. B€fl€lStf1H¤. who ·
He joined the Army Air Corps on july of Owensboro. and husband of Mrs, was Campbell county probation officer ·
I, 1943. attended training schools in _]acqueline Berry of Ormond, Fla. Fol- Ibefore the war. I ·
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 . _ 1 1 1
/   vl`{»   _ BLANTON, 2nd Lt. William, 26, ceived the-Air Medal. On May 26, the N:
4   B.S. in Agr. ’4l, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1944, he was killed in action between “’i1$ iii
  & Grover C. Blanton of Wallins Creek. Chittagong and Imphal, India, on his illld it
4   st   farmer after his graduation, he twenty—lifth mission. A brother, Rob- *¤ll€1` I
j 1  4 _jo1ned the Army Air Corps October crt joseph Blumer, also survives. At lh€
4 1 435 _ · = 6, 1942, and after completing his $,2 was Set
|   4,., ‘ gp- 41 training period received his pilot’s _ Afticitt
    l  V *4 ,4 4 wings and commission. He was as- BLYTHE, 2nd Lt. \Vinston L., 25, Ol- Sid
 4., 4 -    »)4\   signed to duty in England in August, Engr., A&S 1939-43, son of Mrs, Peaylja Boaz it
4   4 44:4   ‘‘=··, I   1944, and took part in air raids over Sechrest Perry of Lexington and the Whlch
~    — 44 .  France, Belgium and Germany. His late Dewey Blythe, and husband o1` im] (Pl
    Q death occurred at Woodchurch. Eng- Mrs. Marian Tucker Blythe of Dayton, "“'“$“"
  if i lfmfl, April 10. 1945, when his plane Ohio. While attending the University "cl’m"C
4 » __j___ and another collided in mid-air. Lt. of Kentucky, he was a member of d°°]""°‘
j 5 Blanton was awarded tl1e Aid Medal. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pershing Rifles, €mS· ,hf
A daughter, Pamela Ann, and his wife, a11d Scabbard and Blade. Leaving the {th {
the former Mrs. Opal Ledford Blanton, University he entered the Army tank ‘ um
nov Mr:. O :1 \4 l`th, f C.l`f ‘- · A 'l V, l  z Nu fraternity, Blanton was a member 44 4 n“_m_dcd
'·-»-»· , of the advanced R.O.T.C. at the Uni- BOAZ, Ensign Shadrach \\'l1i1is_ 23, jim [ _
4 ` versity of Kentucky, and was commis- AS:$ 1942--13, $0ll al Ml`- uml Mm t‘Cllli)C?I’
‘   l sioned on july 26, 1943; at Ft. Benning, Seth 'l`. Boaz, Sr., of Mayfield. Boar On Sc 4
gn! Ga. Stationed at Camp Breckinridge, attended Murray State 'Tcachers (101. PO44[édl)4
y Ky__ {0,- Sew,-aj nj0“[hS4 he was Sent lege and the University .o1` Louisville ine abou
’ overseas as an infantry lieutenant i11 Law School, receiving his LL.D. de- wld “i.
e rt-immy, 1944. On jniy 5, 1944, he gree in S€P[€*“b€l`· 1942 He i<>i¤¤¤l S", pf
wzjs killed. lgycmortar 6reNwhile ju 4 [§u;,;“.€`
ac ion arains ermans in ormauc ,
VVIU-lAM LEE BI-AN'l`0N France. i’The Silver Star was awardeid ` migv
. 4 him postlmiiioiislv.
»   :;    —-  4  ,4 = BLEVINS, Sgt. George Hunt, 20,   --''' 4 licujaniit
  ’ 4 I  44 ’   1942-43, soil 4of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-  Tai? ' (Z4m1net-tc
_ 4     .·   l g liam Ashby Blevins of Ashland. Blcv—   , ymccrs j
,   ig 1  4* 1115 entered the service in April. 1943, ,    :44 , V jnjlmj jj,
,.-J Q   2lll(l was trained at Ft. McClellan. Ala.,     -.   . Q3 jq .
,§,,;»v   { · AW  9. __,. . _...       . ll.
      , · , _ and Ft. Ord. Calif. Assigned to infantry     {     f_§Y@s hosts i11 1
`   ‘é"g,,,_·, intelligence, Sgt.4Blevins4was sent to4 the    ·    _°   iu two 1:
_ ,·  ,     Pacific to participate in the Philip-         ` cu route
j   ‘ ' #4 * ,4_ pines campaign. He was wounded   _ i` ’   Sllllllllgrj
1 '     1,4_ ` I A 4 fatallv by a japanese sniper on April   _ with :1 In
j ~ ‘•g,\__4’*     13, 1945, while neutraliring enemy   uiiiiim-,
- V. 2,   ·,·‘ ?·   tcrritor on the island of Luzon. Be-   ,\1·m,- ' »
. . 1   . ,  . Y . . lim
{ _ 4 ‘» i   sides his parents, Sgt. Bl€Vll"lS, sur- , -.-. rille, Kt;
*%*4 Y   vivors include one sister, Miss Mary 19-16_ jn'1
1 ‘ ‘ ” j" ‘  ' Lynn Blevins. ,
Gizoncm HUNT BLEVINS ` `A? Wmsroiv L, BLv’1·111c
BLUMER, lst Lt. Philip Edw