xt7h9w08ww5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w08ww5f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-12-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1928 1928 1928-12-14 2012 true xt7h9w08ww5f section xt7h9w08ww5f Best Codv Available






Campus Cedar Will Be Decorated for Students of Lincoln
"Graded School
Will Purchase Toys and Candy
For One Hundred and
Fifty-Thre- e


Continuing its annual policy of giving Christmas cheer to the children of
Lincoln school, the Y. M. C. A. and
the Y. W. C. A., at a cabinet meeting
Tuesday night, December 11, voted
unanimously to sponsor a Christmas
tree and furnish "Santa Clnus" for
the children of tho primary and first
and second grades of this school. The
visit of Santa Thursday afternoon will
bring Christmas to 153 children enrolled in those three grades.
Plans for financing the tree were
adopted upon the suggestion of tho
committee in charge and it was
agreed that the custom of placing
boxes over the campus as has heretofore been the custom, will be abandoned this year, and only the box
under the decorated Christmas tree
near the Administration building will
be there for students who wish to
donate to the cause. It was further
agreed that students and. faculty
members be given a special opportunity to contribute at the convocation to
The Pitkin
be held next Tuesday.
Club, student luncheon club, and members of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C.
A. cabinets, will furnish the remainder of the money necessary for the

Because the Christmas furnished by
the two organizations will be practically the only Christmas the majority of the children at Lincoln school
will receive, a special plea to the
students to contribute has been made
by Mr. Peak, secretary of the Y. M.
C. A. and Miss Lewis Lewis, secretary
of the Y. W. C. A., to contribute. The
money will be used to buy toys, fruits,
candies and nuts for the children.

U. of L. Junior Wins

Rhodes Scholarship

Aubrey M. Cates Will Represent
Kentucky at Oxford University
The annual election of the American
Rhodes scholars was held last week,
and Aubrey M. Cates, a junior at
the University of Louisville, was
chosen to represent Kentucky at Oxford University for the next two
were held in 32
states, and the award to each man
carries an annual stipend of 400
poundsT or about $2,000.
The choice
is based on intellectual attainments,
combined with qualities of character,
leadership, and interest in outdoor
Rhodes scholars formerly were appointed for three years, but since it
is now possible for an American graduate to take a degree at Oxford in
two years, the trustees have authorized appointments for only two years.
The Rhodes scholars, just elected,
will begin their work at Oxford in
October, 1929. For the 32 scholar,
ships open this year, there were 398
candidates, each of whom previously
had been selected to represent his
college or university in the competition.


Professor Knight
rites for Bookman
number of The
The Christmas
Bookman contains an article entitled
"James Lane Allen's Christmas Trilogy," written by Prof. Grant C.
Knight, of the Department of English. In his article Professor Knight
explains that which 'has puzzled followers of the Kentucky novelist for
a decade, that is, what the novelist
was trying to do in "The Bride of
the Mistletoe" and "The Doctor's
Christmas Eve."
Based upon documents found among
Allen's literary
Knight makes it clear that the tales
objected to in the early
so nuck
years of this century have a purpose
surprisingly different from what critics and readers thought.
Professor Knight, who has ben preparing a critical study of Allen's career, is writing a series of papers on
this subject for "Letters," University literary magazine.
Prof. Robert D. Hawn, head of the
department of accounting in tho College of Commerce, has passed tho examination for a certified public accountant in the state of Kentucky,
which was held at Frankfort, October
16, 17, 18, 19. He was the only one
to pass out of the 14 who took the
Professor Hawn receivexamination.
ed his A. B. in 1925 from the State
He taught
rtfliwa nf Washington.
for three years at the
State College of Washington, ana ne
k Aotla graduate work at the Uni
versity of Chicago for three summers.
Dean William S. Taylor, head of the
College of Education, will deliver two
uUruuu this week, the first being
scheduled for this afternoon at the
.utliiir nf Countv Judges at tne
PkoAnix hotel. Tomorrow ho will up
beere the Jefferson County






Xmas Vacation
Holidays Begin December 21,
and End January 3
Christmas holidays begin at noon
on December 21, and end at 8:00
a. m. on Thursday, January 3, 1929.
The last recitation will be tho
fourth hour on Friday and the first
recitation, after the holidays, will
be at 8:00 a. m. on January 3. Students missing their last recitation
before the holidays, or their first
recitation after the holidays, will
be penalized by having
of their final standing deducted.

Last Convocation
To Be Next Tuesday
President McVey Will Discuss
Campus Problems; Men's
Glee Club to Appear


Debaters Argue in
Cynthiana and Paris




Pan-Hellen- ic

Dance Will Be
Given Tonight
The annunl University PanIIcllonic
dance will be held from 9:30 until 1
o'clock tonight In the Men's gymnasium by the 13 Greek letter organizations on the campus.
Tho gymnasium will be decorated
with lighted shields of the various
fraternities. Peg Longon and his
Phoenix hotel orchestra will furnish
the music. Attractive favors and programs will be presented to all the
guests. There will be 13
one representing each of the frater
nity hosts. These will be called in the
following order: Triangle, Alpha Tau
Omega, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta
Thota, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Nu,
Kappa Alpha, Alpha Sigma Phi, Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Gamma
Rho, Delta Chi, Phi Kappa Tau and
Phi Sigma Kappa.
will entertain their "dates" with a
dinner dance in the Red room of tho
Lafayette hotel at 6:30 o'clock this
evening. The room will be decorated
with roses and ferns, and music will
be furnished by Loop McGowan and
his Lafayette hotel orchestra.
committee in charge of the dinner
dance is composed of Arthur Munyan,
chairman; Ted Hardwick, Louis Weber, Carol Byron and Jack McGurk.

Phi Beta


Oratory College
President Speaks
"Hamlet, the Man of Will" Was
Subject of Henry Lawrence


Three Plays
To He Presented by Class in

Dramatic Productions

The class In dramatic production
of the Unlvorsity dopartmont of
English will present thrco one-aplays in The Gulgnol theater Monday evening, December 17, at 8:30
o'clock. The plays to bo presented
are: "Followers," "Distinguished
Service," nnd "East of Eden."
There will be no admission charges
and tho faculty and students arc
cordially invited.

Petition Requests
Permission for 'K



Strollers Forced
Change Play

Honor R.O. T.C.Man


Ida Hagman
Gets 'Ag'
Agent Appointment

Not High Hat Is
The Kentucky Derby-ITitle and Slogan of U. K. Comic Magazine

University Prof essort
Association to Meet
The Kentucky chanter of the Amer
ican Association of University Profes
sors will meet today at b'Ao p. m. in
tho faculty" dining room of the Uni
versity cafeteria.
Prof. W. S. Webb will speak upon
"Some Recent Explorations in WestLast summer Pro
ern Kentucky."
fessor Webb and Dr. W. D. Fuak- spent three week in exploring
and ttarain
mounds in Christian
nnnntipH. and made soma imDortant
discoveries which will be treated in
this address.
According to an announcement from
E. N. Fergus, secretary, chapter officers for 1929 will be elected at this
Tho "Midnight Imps," a quartet
made up of members of the Alpha Tau
f)moi?a fraternity, will present a pro
gram over WHAS radio station from
10 to 10:30 o'clock Sunday night, ue
cfMbtr 19,



Hold Initiation For
Board of Trustees
Votes on Degrees

Henry Van Dyke's
'Other Wise Man'






Henry Lawrence Southwlck, presTeachers' College Sending Team
ident of tho Emerson Collcgo of Oraof Veteran Players to
tory at Boston, Mass., and famous ns
nn orator and a Shnkcspcarcnn scholar, gave n recital at 8 o'clock Wcdncs-da- y
evening in the auditorium of the
Education building, on the subject,
"Hamlet, the Man of Will."
Mr. Southwlck appeared in Lexing
'Cats Meet Miami University
ton under the auspices of tho English
December 21 in Second
He was in
Club of tho University.
Game of Season
troduccd by Prof. L. L. Dantzler, head
of tho English department.
(By Laurence Shropshire)
After acknowledging the introduction. Mr. Southwlck classified "Ifam- Coach Johnnie
Mauer and his
most popular of tho foui
lct" as the
bounding basketccrs in blue will offiClub
great tragedies of Shakespeare, and
cially open the Kentucky net season
tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock In the
mentioned briefly tho numerous crit
A petition will be presented to Men's gymnasium.
ical theories which cluster around the
The quintet from
proper University officials within the Eastern Kentucky Teachers' College
widely-discusslitfigure in all
next few days requesting permission are tho scheduled victims of Captain
for tho organization of a "K" club Lawrence McGlnnls and his mates.
This club will chooso members only
When "Snooks" Winters of Huntfrom
GO letter those whotho fourwon a varsity ington, ring, will net up the third hall,
In one of
major sports in tho
the first
at the University, namely football, Kentucky fans and fanatics of the
bnskotball. baseball and track.
hardwood game will get their initial
Tho purposes of this "K" Club will eyeful of tho Wildcat cagers in action
bo to dovolop greater respect for the
this season.
Behind locked doors,
Speeches by Doctor McVey and varsity letter among the lettermen Coach Mauer has been drilling his
and candidates for tho teams, to help charges for the past six weeks in
Coach Gamage and Music by regulate
student actions at
Orchestra to Be Broadcast contests and social funcions athletic preparation for their baptism under
on the fire.
From WHAS.
campus, to entertain visiting high
No doubt the game will be a colorschool athletes, to stop smoking at ful one. First, there will be the WildThe University of Kentucky will go the basketball games and to promote cats in
their shiny, new blue and white
on the air next Wednesday ovening better sportsmanship toward visiting B. V. D.'s and the Normal outfit arat 8 o'clock at WHAS, Louisville, teams and athletic officials.
rayed in maroon jersies. Next, there
with a program of speeches and muThe "K" men have never had a real will be the eager crowd always presUnable to Obtain "Butter and sic, it was announced last Wednesday organization although they have had ent at a "first night." And just to be
by Prof. Carl Lampert, head of the a few meetings. Practically all uni sure
Egg Man" by Kaufman;
that everyone has a good time,
department of music. The program versities have clubs of this kind and "Bromo" Sulzer will will be on hand
Late Eligibles Announced
has been arranged in response to a their influence has been widespread.
with a section of the "best band in
request from authorities of the LouisDixie" to lend additional harmony to
Strollers, student dramatic organi ville station who have alloted an hour
the occasion. And lastly, augmenting
zation, will not present the "Butter to the University.
Club Will
the noise-makin- g
factors, will be the
and Egg Man" by George M. KaufDr. Frank L. McVey will deliver a
lusty-lunge- d
venders of Mr. SuKy as
man, as was planned, due to the fact short message, followed by Coach
they enthusiastically ply their trade.
that they cannot obtain the play for Harry Gamage, who will also give a
Line-u- p
Is Puzzle
When negotiations with brief talk. The remainder
of the Name of Honor Cadet at Uni- the Samuel French.. Company were evening is to be given over to the UniJust who will compose the starting
versity Will Appear on
made, it was learned that the play versity Philharmonic orchestra.
team for Kentucky is a problem that
could not be presented under any conhas assumed the proportions of a
Professor Lampert has arranged a
in towns where there are group of varied musical selections, in.
The graduate Btudent in the Re Chinese laundry
stock companies.
by Mrs. Dudley serve Officers Training Corps of the hampered by practicing on a small
eluding vocal solos
Copies of "The Tightwad" by Rob South, wife of Prof. Dudley South, University who gives promise of be floor, the Mauermen appeared to bo
ert Keith, and of "The Square Cook," concert master of the orchestra; a coming an outstanding citizen in his rapidly rounding into condition until
by James P. Judge, which had been piano solo by Mary Grace Heavencommunity after graduation, will be recently. However, when they returnordered, were burned in the Univer ridge, and several numbers by the or rewarded with an inscription of his ed to home grounds, the 'Cats dissity gymnasium fire and have been chestra.
name on a tablet which will be pre played a complete reversal of form.
In a pratice game with the freshThe program is as follows:
sented to the R. O. T. C. by the Lex
Despite these difficulties a play will
Overture Der Freischutz, Weber. ington Rotary Club, it was announced men on Wednesday, the varsity managed to outscore the yearlings but
Ballet Suite from Rosamunde, Thursday,
be decided upon before the Christmas
holidays, and tryouts for the play
The plate will be made by a Cincin- - their exhibition was a pitiful one. Al- they attempted 59 shots at
Piano Solo: Song of the Brook, nati firm, and the making will be
will be held after Christmas. Before
the tryouts, a synopsis of the play, Lack Mary Grace Heavenridge.
ervised by Maj. O. R. Meredith, com - the hoops, the 'Cats were successful
Two Guitars Horlick.
together with a description of each
J"8' exactly o per cunt wow
mandant at the University and W. E.
character in' it willy appear in Tho Ase's Death Greig.
Freeman, assistant dean of the Col- - a mighty low average for anybody's
team. Coach Mauer sent the whole
Jota Granados.
Kernel. This will enable those trylege of Engineering.
ing' out to study the characters beAlma Mater, U. of Ky. Lampert.
There will be a space on the tablet squad through a long drill in funda- mentals yesterday and will give them
fore they have a reading.
for 27 names, and the recipient of the
Jack Woods, Frances Baskett and
honor will be selected each year by a light workout this afternoon in
Ballard were made Stroller Miss
secret vote of the members of the hopes of perfecting some sort of an
eligibles after the late eligibility try
advanced course in R. O. T. C. work. offense.
The type of offense on which the
outs which were held Monday night.
The plate will be Inscribed as folWildcats have been coached requires
an accurate timing of plays and is
"Service Above Self. He Profits
difficult for a team to learn. The
Miss Ida C. Hagman, formerly Most Who Serves Best. Presented to
from a small floor to a larger
home demonstration agent in Graves the University of Kentucky by the shift
county, has been appointed field agent Lexington Rotary Club. The gradu- - HpjiI has necessarily ruined a
of teamwork develonod before
in home improvement for the exten- atine student of each year whose
The eligibility of students, who sion division of the College of Agri- name appears hereon, was selected by j the change, and the men also seem
completed work toward degrees duron ueiense in
culture. She will conduct this work the secret vote of his R. O. T. C. ad siow
ing the second term of summer school,
next year in Calloway, McCracken, vanced course companions as excelling
was determined at a meeting of the Ballard, McLean, Henderson, Muhlen in the requirements of good citizen
Court in Good Shape
hoard of trustees held at 2 o'clock berg and Jefferson counties.
Miss ship."
The playing floor is entirely conWednesday afternoon in President Hagman
valesced from its attack of combusis a native of Louisville, bhe
McVey's office. Those who were passtion suffered some time ago and under
studied at the Louisville Normal
ed will receive degrees at the first of School and the Battle Creek SanitarClub Will
careful nursing of a clinic of carpenthe year.
ters has regained perfect health. The
ium home economics school and taught
Students who are completing work
whole court was sanded and given a
in the Martha Washington Academy
for degrees this semester were not in Washington, D. C. She has had
dose of linseed oil which made the
considered at the meeting, but will be much experience along field agent
footing uncertain for a few days.
given attention at a later date. If
Atento Espanol, the University However, with its glistening counlines, having organized the first counthere is any doubt as to whether or ty
association in Ken- Spanish club, will hold its Christmas tenance massaged tonight by the
not the requirements for graduation tucky in Graves county and being meeting in Patterson hall Monday, at shuffling
feet of countless Greeks, it
have been completed, the registrar home demonstration agent in Valley
fehould be in A-- l condition tomorrow.
should be consulted at once.
The Christmas session promises to
should find
county, Montana.
The starting line-u- p
Six students are on the honor roll,
be very interesting and entertaining Captain McGinnis and Paul McBrayer
three with high distinction and three
as the program will include a group at the guard
with distinction. Those of the former
of Spanish songs to be sung by Miss Crump and Brontson will probably
group are Misses Doxie Dexter, Jean-ett- e
Holmes, former University break into the game because of their
Winston Pates and Ann Whitney
The following books were received student and now head of the depart- satisfying practice performances this
Smith. The second group is com- by the College of Law this week from ment of romance languages at
week. Milward will probably get the
prised of Misses Maud Miller Briggs the Thomas Law Book Co., of St.
Ky. call for the pivot position but Spicer,
College, Mlllersburg,
and Lucy Edelin McCaw, and Mr. Louis, and may be found in the li- She will be accompanied at the piano who has had but a few days in which
James Mundy Walter Jr.
brary of the Law building: Interstate by Miss Mary Rix Lawrence, of Bax- - to get in shape, is pushing jiim for
Commerce Commission, 38 volumes; ley, Ga., head of the voice department tne nonor.
American Law Review, 42 volumes; at Millersburg College. Theodore Co
The opening at the forward berths
English Ruling Cases, 27 volumes; hen,, member of Atento Espanol, will has brought about a spirited fight.
holidays, this California Reports to the Reporter play a violin solo. Dr. 0. H. Pinney, Louis McGinnis, McLane, Owens, and
Duo to the Christmas
will be the last issue ofThe Kernel System, 63 volumes, and Kansas Re- who has had much experience in some Combs are leading candidates for the
ports, 29 volumes.
until after the holidays.
of the Spanish speaking countries, starting assignment. However, Bill
will make a talk about the places of Trott, star of the Big Green last
year, has been showing tho most acinterest he has visited.
All members of the Spanish depart curate basket eye on the squad in remeet- cent sessions and may get a chance to
ment are Invited to attend the
ing and any one desiring to join the prove his worth.
club is Invited to do so.
Eastern Haa Veteran Team
Little is known about the outfit that
Coach Hembree is bringing to Lexington except that the line-u- p
is praca suggestion from the university of- ing young instructor even went so far
(By Beecker Adams)
tically identical with the team last
ficials that he devote his time to boot- as to send in a poem entitled "Our
season. Most of his netmen aro also
It's not legging, sorority visiting, or anything Nell." Well, we diced that a young
"The Kentucky Derby
high hat." This was the litle and
Alpha Gamma chapter of Kappa football players and a few are still
else honorable. Now we don't want lady like the noted Nell didn't belong
educational frater- - laboring with injuries received on the
slogan adopted for the University
anything like that up here. Those in our magazine, so we cremated her Delta PI, honorary
services gridiron.
Coach Hembree cancelled
comic magazine by members of Sigma boys ought to be ashamed of then- - and sent her ashes to Texas in order nity. will hold Initiation
18, at 0 the final football game on Eastern's
Delta Chi, men's international profesthey wrote jokes ukc that their tradition be unsullied by Tuesday evening, December
fraternity, and selves because
r onow-in- card in order to start basketball pracsional
o'clock at tho Phoenix notei.
a bunch of traveling salesmen. The letting an editor remain in school.
the initiation, the new members tice and give his charges a chance
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honorary only trouble here is going to be with
Let this be a warning to the liter
journalism fraternity, at a joint meet
will bo tho guests of the active chap to recuperate. His starting team will
ary faculty. Send in your contributho faculty.
probably be composed of Leo and Sal-yer- s,
ing held Thursday afternoon.
Everything that they have sent in tions to "The Kentucky Derby," but ter for dinner.
forwards; Clifton, center; and
The following pledges will be iniYou might not believe it but it so far has been turned down on ac- remember wo will countenance no evil
took a long time to figure out that count of the extremely ungentleraanly words or yo shall bo judged accord tiated: Miss Ethel Parker, professor Triplett and Combs, guards.
Kentucky has an extremely difficult
economics education; Mr.
name, that ia it took a big dose of tone of their articles. Some of them ingly. Wo might place a standard to of homo
argument and blood shed before any were terrible and the staff, composed go by, in sending In jokes, but it Dale Russell, associate professor of early season schedule, meeting tho
However, education; Mies Helen Council, Paris, quintet from Miami University next
one even thought of it.
of a mixed group, were erabarassed should not be necessary.
leavo all "darns" out. all jokes about Ky.; Mrs. Sarah Martin, Loxlngton, Friday night. The Ohians are bring.
You see, that little line assuring the to tears.
Ky.; Miss Anna Mitchell, Lexington, ing the same team to tho Blue Grass
public that it's not high hat is absolMembers of the department of Eng- traveling salesmen are taboo, and in
Minnie Winder, Maysvllle, that defeated tho Wildcats in their
utely necessary, because whenever you lish proved to be the naughty little toxicatlng beverages even unto the ex Ky.; Mrs.
Ky., and Mr. J. T. Neal, Georgetown, opening gamo last fall. All of which
ee a derby on this pasture it's about bo vs. No sooner than they heard of tent of ono half of one per cent, are
simply means that Coach Mauer and
the hight hattedest thing that ever the proposed magazine, than the office outlawed.
his cohorts will have their hands full
In caso there is any complaint, here
happened with the exception of some was swamped with some very quesnext week.
of thes dried pony hides. Whenever tionable literature about Cleopatra are the poor boobs who have sworn
they are topped off with one of these and her little flame, Mark Antony, to tako the responsibility.
Editor-in-chiS. A. E. DEFEATS DEI.T V CHI
(He who gets kick
Ethel L. Parker, professor of home
said derbies, the result is just too bad. Threo of them got a raise of seventy
economics in the College of Education
At the University of Texas, we u
five cents on the month for teaching ed) O. K. Barnes: Assistant Editors
S. A. E.'s defeated I he Delta Clils
University, and Prof. Carsie
derstand that it is a tradition that the the poor little students all about these Byron Pumphrey, Helen Shclton, Jess of the
editor of the college comic be gently bad people, but if all their teachings Laughlln, Martha Minihun; Business llummond of the College of Educa in the final round of the volley ball
but firmly requested to leave school went into print in "The Kentucky Manager, Hugh B. Ellis; Advertising tion, are attending the meeting of the tournament in the Men's gym lust
eacn year, wuii ise assistance or a Derby," it would be just too bad on Manager, Laurence Shropshire, and American Vocational Association in night. TUo scores were 15-- 7 und
Philadelphia this week.
m tM pants with he struggling editor, um Mierpns Circulation Manager, Lucille Short.
kindly but

The fourth University convocation
of tho year and tho Inst one before
the Christmas holidays, will be hold
at 10 n. m., Tuesday, December 18,
in the Men's gymnasium, with President Frank L. McVey as the speaker.
According to the annual custom,
this convocation has been net nsido as
"betwecn-us- "
day, and President Mc
Vey will discuss the outstanding prob
lems and events of the campus with
the purpose of having the students
reach a better understanding of them.
The rest of the program will conCouncil
sist of a scries of musical numbers
by the men's Glee club under the diThe
rection of Prof. Carl Lamport.
will be
invocation and benediction
given by the Rev. Jesse Hcrrmnn, of
At a special meeting of the Men's the Second Presbyterian church.
Student Council court, which was held
Wednesday at 4 o'clock in President
McVey's office, four men students of
the University were tried for the violation of the resolution passed by the
Council to suppress drinking among
the students.
The court, composed of students of
the University, passed sentences on Disease Is in Milder Form Than
the four men who were reported as
in 1918-2Sewanee and Unihaving violated the resolution. Three
versity of Missouri Forced to
of the four students before the court
were reprimanded and the fourth was
placed on probation, according to
The epidemic of influence which is
James Hester, president of the Stu
sweeping the schools and colleges of
dent Council.
Any further violation of the resolu the United States and Canada has not
tion by either of the four men who yet reached the University, according
were sentenced will mean expulsion to a statement from Dr. T. D. Rhodes,
from the University, according to of the department of hygiene, Thursday. Only eight or nine cases have
members of the Council.
been reported at the dispensary. None
of these is critical, and two are in
the convalescent stage.
Dr. Rhodes also said that if the
disease were kept as well under control as It is at present, the force of
University Team Holds "Scrim epidemic would not strike here before
mages" Before High School
the Christmas holidays begin. He
Student Assemblies
stated, however, that every precaution
should be taken to avoid the spread
Student assemblies of the Cynthi of contagion, and that crowded pubana and Paris hieh schools were en lic gatherings should be shunned.
tertained Wednesday by tHe members
The five large schools which are
of the University debating team. The closed are in widely separated sections
team "scrimmaged" itself Wednesday of the country.
The list includes:
morning at 9 o'clock at the Cynthiana University of the South, Sewanee,
high school and at 2 o'clock that after- Tenn.; Culver Military Academy, Culnoon debated at Paris high school.
ver, Ind.; University of Missouri, ColProf. William R. Sutherland, de umbia; the Seminary of St. Therese,
bate coach, presided at the debates near Montreal, Quebec, and Levis. Coland explained the subject to the stu- lege, Levis, Quebec.
The subject was "Resolved,
Despite the fact that some deaths
That the centralization of govern have been reported, the disease is in a
ment has destroyed the political sense mild form. Atlhough in the epidemic
of a people."
stage in some sections, physicians and
service officials, do not believe the
Negative present outbreak of influenza is as
W. H. Dysard
Clifford Amyx
widespread as that which swept the
W. R. Pearce .... James S. Porter
country in 1918 and 1920. Nor is it
Hugh R. Jackson Richard Weaver
considered as virulent in character,
for the death rate thus far has been
Negative low.
W. H. Dysard
Clifford Amyx
Richard Weaver
W. R. Pearce
James Porter
Sidney Schell
yesterday that the first intercollegiate
debate for the University team would
be held in Lexington February 6 with
the Ohio Wesleyan team, which is
Phi Beta, women's honorary music
composed entirely of women. The
and dramatic art fraternity, will hold
subject will be "Resolved, That the
initiation at 2 p. m. Saturday, Defreedom of speech and of the press
cember 15, at the Church of the Good
in the discussion of political and eco Shepherd.
A banquet will be held
nomic Isublects is essential to the
in honor of the initiates at 6 o'clock
maintenance and preservation of good
at the Phoenix hotel.
The following pledges will be ini
Davis, Martha
Hall, Ruth Moffitt, Ruth McFarland,
Y. W.
Maryleona Bishop, Eunice Denton,
Buena Mathis, Margaret Allen, Beryl
Hardy, Anna May, Evelyn Cooley,
Mildred Little.
Members of the active chapter in
"The Other Wise Man." a Christ
Gooch, Jane Gooch,
mas pageant by Henry Van Dyke, clude: Margaret
Ruttencut-te- r,
will be presented by the dramatic Dorothy Monroe, Rozanna
Margaret Treacy, Edith Fuller,
group of the Y. W. C. A. at The Guig-nRobinson, Anne McFarland,
theater. Wednesday evening, De Mrs. Lola
Bradley, Mary Grace
cember 19, at 7:30 o'clock. No ad- Mary Brown
Nell Spradlin, Olivio
mission will be charged.
Dudley, and Maxine
This play is being produced oy tnose Perkins, Louisa
in dramatic Lewis.
. W. eirls interested
Annette Newlin is in
charge of the group and Alice SpaldSENIOR CLASS TO MEET
ing will be the reader. Elizabeth Ann
Ewing is in charge of the costumes
A meeting of the Senior class will
and the scenery.
be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock
The cast is as follows: Artaban
n Dicker hall. The meeting is called
Alice Gardner Whittlnghlll;
for the purpose of electing a secreWise Men Marjorie Kimball, Fran- tary and treasurer and to elect offices Ballard, Caroline Vice Father-Gl-enn cers for the class day exercises.
Kingham; Sick Man Mary Ellen Coleman; Mother Evelyn Cooley;
Young Girl Jane Calcult; Mary, the
Mother of Jesus Georgette Walker;
Joseph Verne Law; A woman of the
mob Glenn Kingham; Prologue
Katherine Hill, Nina Budd, Lrances
McCandless, Georgia Bird.

Tries Four
Liquor Violations





Meeting Monday

Kappa Delta Pi
Initiation Tuesday

tm ktt



� Best Cop



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And Help the Assoclntion








Mrs. E. T. Proctor, '16
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02

Wylnnd Rhodes, 'IB

Walter Hillcnmcycr, '13

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04

W C. Wilson, '04

Christ-nin- s
This issue of The Kernel will be the last one until after the
Wc here in this office take this opportunity to wish
to each and every member of the Alumni Association the merriest of
Merry Christmnses and the happiest of Happy New Years.
This issue of The Kernel will mark the close of another year of
We are glad to be able to say that
work for the Alumni Association.
the yenr just closed has been in most every every respect a successful
year. The Association is crowing and new members are being added
Still this growth has not been in keeping with the
all the time.
number of graduates each year who are ushered into the ranks of
We, as an Association, are neither old or young.
the Alumni.
have rendered one service to the Univ