xt7h9w08ws94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h9w08ws94/data/mets.xml Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. 1913.  books b92-58-27063798 English G.P.O., : Washington : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Crittenden, John J. (John Jordan), 1787-1863 Bibliography. United States History Sources. Manuscripts United States Catalogs.Feamster, Claudius Newman, 1876- Calendar of the papers of John Jordan Crittenden  : prepared from the original manuscripts in the Library of Congress / by C.N. Feamster, Division of Manuscripts. text Calendar of the papers of John Jordan Crittenden  : prepared from the original manuscripts in the Library of Congress / by C.N. Feamster, Division of Manuscripts. 1913 1913. 2002 true xt7h9w08ws94 section xt7h9w08ws94 








     L. C. card 12-35010


       PRICE, 60 cents.


Prefatory  note .........5.......... .-  ...................................5
Chronology.......... ... ........        ......           ................     7
Calendar ...9
Cal ndar ..  +. .  fi......... .. ......  -.  ...........  --....... .... ... .  79
Index----  .....                                          ........  2 91

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                    PREFATORY NOTE

  The John Jordan Crittenden papers, of which this is a Calendar,
consist of letters written to Crittenden, some law papers, principally
relating to land-title suits, and a few copies of his own letters and
speeches preserved by him and retained by his descendants. The
papers were acquired by the Library in April, 1905, from Mrs. Robert
H. Crittenden, of Frankfort, Ky.
  The depositions in lawsuits are of value for early Kentucky history.
The letters from prominent politicians and statesmen, during Critten-
den's long career in the public service, are replete with comments
on national questions and estimates of the public men of the time.
The letters of George M. Bibb, Henry Clay, Joseph H. Hawkins,
Francis P. Blair, and Anthony Butler are the most important of the
earliest correspondence; and the chief ones for the later period are
from James Barbour, William S. Archer, Samuel Smith Nicholas,
Humphrey Marshall, Orlando Brown, Robert Perkins Letcher, Alex-
ander Porter, Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Zachary Taylor, Reverdy
Johnson, Leslie Combs, Winfield Scott, James Middleton Clayton,
Abbott Lawrence, Robert Toombs, Thomas Ewing, Thomas Corwin,
Alexander H. Stephens, Robert Charles Winthrop, Amos Adams
Lawrence, and James Rogers Underwood.
  During the period of his attempted compromise, immediately before
the Civil War, the correspondence is extensive.
  The preliminary work on the Calendar was done by Mr. Wilmer R.
Leech, while an assistant in the Manuscripts Division, but now of the
State Historian's office, New York; it was completed by Mr. C. N.
Feamster, of the Manuscripts Division.
                                          GAILLARD HUrNT
                                 Chief, Divisitm of Manuscripts
      Librarian of Congress
            Washington, November, 1912

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1787. September 10, born in Virginia in what is now Woodford County, Kentucky.
1804. Student at Washington Academy, Virginia, now Washington and Lee Univer-
1805. Student at College of William and Mary, Virginia.
1807. After having been a law student under George M. Bibb begins practice of law
       in Woodford County, Kentucky.
1809. Attorney General of Illinois Territory.
1811-1813. Member Kentucky State Legislature from Logan County.
1811. Married to Sanie 0. Lee, daughter of Major John Lee.
1813. In active service as major and aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Isaac
1815-1817. Member and Speaker of Kentucky State Legislature.
1817-1819. United States Senator; resigned March 3, 1819.
1820. Commissioner for establishing boundary line between Kentucky and Tennessee.
1824. September, Mrs. Crittenden died.
1825. Presidential elector.
1825-1826. Member Kentucky State Legislature from Franklin County.
1826. November 15, married to Mrs. Maria K. Todd, daughter of Judge Harry Innes.
1827-1829. United States district attorney.
1828. Nominated for Justice, Supreme Court of United States; not confirmed.
1829-1833. Member and Speaker of Kentucky State Legislature.
1834. Secretary of State of Kentucky.
1835-1841. United States Senator; resigned March 3, 1841.
1841. Attorney General of the United States; resigned September 13, 1841.
1842-1848. United States Senator; resigned June 22, 1848.
1848-1850. Governor of Kentucky; resigned July 31, 1850.
1850-1853. Attorney General of the United States.
1851. September, Mrs. Crittenden died.
1853. February 27, married Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, daughter of Doctor James W. Mose,
       and widow of General William H. Ashley.
1855-1861. United States Senator.
1861. President " Border States Convention."
1861-1863. Member United States House of Representatives.
1863. July 26, died near Frankfort, Kentucky.

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1782      XcCrackin, Isaac. Entry for land on Treasury Warrant.
DEC. 14         Copy. 1 P.
1783      Todd, John and Robert. Entry for land on Treasury War-
JwNiE 2          rant. Copy. 1 p.
1784      Shepherd, Adam. Bond to William Kennedy for pound;1,250,
APR. 20         conditioned upon transfer of interest in land.
                  D.S. Ip.
1784      May, George. Plat and field notes of survey of land for
JUNE 9           Henry Banks; assignment of interest in same to
                  David Standeford; assignment to Patrick Carnes.
                  Copy. 1 p.
1785      Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to
SEPT. 8         George Mason. Printed form filled in. Copy.
                  1 p.
1785      Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to
DEC. 2          James Innes. Printed form filled in. Copy. 1 p.
1786      Christian, William. Kentucky. Will. Copy. And let-
MAR. 13          ter of transmission by Worden Pope to William
                  R. Weir. 6 p.
[1786]   Xachir, John, vs. Adam Shepherd's heirs. Memoranda on
[MAY 4]         suit. 1 p.
1786      Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to
Auo. 14          John Tyler. Printed form filled in. Copy. 1 p.
1786      Machir, John. Articles of Agreement with Adam Shep-
Nov. 14         herd for exchange of land. D. S. by Machir. 1 p.
1787      Randolph, Beverly. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to
SEPT. 3          George Smith. D. S. Printed form filled in.
                  Parchment. Lesser seal of Virginia attached.
                  D.S. ip.
1788      Randolph, Edmund. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to
MAY 15           Alexander W. Davey. Printed form filled in.
                  Copy. 1 p.
[1788]   Porter, Eppa. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et a].
                  Memorandum on line of title. 1 p.


10                   LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

[1788]   Chadwick, James. Defendant in Banks V8. Bailey et al.
                   Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p.
[1788]   Onan, Dennis. Defendant in Banks v8. Onan et al.
                   Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p.
[1788]   Plaster, William. Defendant in Banks V8. Bailey et al.
                   Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p.
[17887]   Onan, William. Defendant in Banks v8. Bailey et al.
                   Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p.
[1788]   Wait, David. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al.
                   Memorandum on line of title. 1 p.
1790      Randolph, Beverley. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant
MAR. 10          to Jesse Ewell. D. S. Printed form filled in.
                   Parchment. Lesser seal of Virginia attached.
                   D.S. ip.
1793      Xadison, A[mbrose]. Orange [Virginia]. To Major John
FEB. 26          Lee. Personal and business matter.s. A. L. S.
                   1 1).
1793      Shelby, Isaac. Lexington, Kentucky. Land grant to
MAr 16           Peter Shepherd. Printed form filled in. Copy.
                   1 p.
[1793]   Madison, James. List of lands belonging to Madison in
                   Kentucky. Ambrose Madison has 2 surveys on
                   Panther Creek and an entry on Elk Iorn. 1 p.
1796      Simms, Ch[arles]. Alexandria [Virginia]. To Jared Inger-
MAR. 13          soil, Philadelphia. Simms' title and claim to
                   Montours Island. A. L. S. 3 pp.
1795      Madison, J[ames], Jr. Philadelphia. To Major John
MAR. 14          Lee. Kentucky. Requests information relat-
                   ing to his own interests in Kentucky; also estate
                   of his late brother; war in Holland. A. L. S.
                   2 p.
1795      Madison, J[ames], Jr. Orange, [Virginia]. To Major John
MAY 1            Lee, Woodford County, Kentucky. Lands of
                   self and brother; treaty with Great Britain;
                   revolution in Holland. A. L. S. 1 p.
1795      Ingersoll, J[ared]. [Philadelphia.] To William  Rawle
JUNE 12          [Philadelphia]. Opinion on Col. [Charles] Simms'
                   claim to Montours Island. A. L. S. 2 p.
1796      Shelby, Isaac. Frankfort, Kentucky. Land grant to
FEB. 6           John, Fielding, and George Lewis, executors of
                   Fielding Lewis. Printed form filled in. Copy.
                   1 p.



1798      Milligan, John. Mays Lick, [Kentucky]. To Major John
MAY 12           Lee, Woodford County, [Kentucky]. Milligan's
                  right to certain lands leased from Lee's brother.
                  A.L.S. Ip.
1798      Kercer, H[ugh] T. W. Fredricksburg, [Virginia]. To
JutLY 24         Major [John Lee]. Recent journey from Ken-
                  tucky to Fredricksburg; reception to [Thomas]
                  Jefferson on his return from Congress; probable
                  war with France; suit with Kennedy. A. L. S.
                  4 p.
1799      Mercer, Hugh [T. W.]   Fredericksburg, [V irginia]. To
APR. 13          Major [John Lee]. Recent marriage; intention
                  to reside in Virginia; conflagration in the town;
                  suit with Kennedy. A. L. S. 4 p.
1799      Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To
MAY 2            Major [John Lee]. Suit with Kennedy; sale of
                  his lands; recent election and its effect on the
                  Democratic party; misfortune of G[eorge] Lewis;
                  sale of land to Gen. Thomas Posey. A. L. S.
                  4 p.
1800      Morgan, C. [Kentucky]. To Major John Lee. Survey
MAY 16           of lands. A. L. S. 2 p.
1800      Mercer, Hrugh T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To
JuINE24          Major [John Lee]. Suit with Kennedy; sale of
                  land to Gen. [Thomas] Posey; family matters.
                  A.L.S. 4 p.
1800      Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To
JULY 18          Major John Lee. Distressed at the postpone-
                  ment of suit with Kennedy. A. L. S. 2 p.
1800      Morgan, C. [Kentucky]. To Major John Lee. Will take
JULY 27          deposition. A. L. S. 1 p.
1800      Treaty between the United States and France. Extracts
                  from comments on same made by [William Vans]
                  Murray to [James] Madison on June 23, 1801, and
                  by [Charles Maurice de] Talleyrand [-Perigord] to
                  [Thomas Jean] Pichon on Aug. 4, 1801. Copy.
                  1 p.
1804      Wilson, Samuel. Logan County, Kentucky. Certificate of
Ocr. 12          survey of land for Benjamin Sawyer. D. S. 1 p.
1804      Ewing, Baker. Franklin County, Kentucky. Bond to
Ocr. 14          Thomas Lewis, Fayette County, Kentucky,
                  for pound;68 +, conditioned upon payment of 31 +
                  D.S. ip.



12                   LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

1805      XcBrayer, William. Franklin County, [Kentucky]. Plat
JAN. 15          and field notes of survey for heirs of Isaac Mc-
                  Cracken. Copy. 2 p.
1805      Allen, Emerson. Logan County, [Kentucky]. Entry for
MAY 20           land.  Copy.   Assigned to William    Fritsch.
                  D.S. 2p.
1805      Fordo, Standish. Will. Copy. 12 p.
DEC. 2
1806      Roes, Thomas F., and William   Neal. Henry County,
JULY 19          Kentucky. As commissioners divide lands of
                  Joseph Dupey and Robert Pleasants; field notes;
                  plats; and deeds. Copy. 17 p.
1807      Shepherd, Adam. Bullitt County, [Kentucky]. Acknowl-
MAY 8            edgment of deed to John Machir and obligates
                   himself to give title for land exchanged. D. S.
                   2 p.
1807      Swan, James. [Dorchester, Massachusetts,] and heirs of
Ocr. 5-6         Patrick Carns of South Carolina. Field notes;
                   plat; commissoners partition of land. Copy.
                   3 p.
1808      Xorgan, Willis. Affidavit relative to purchase of land
APR. 27          from Joseph Ficklin. D. S. 1 p.
180[91]   Edwards, Amos. [Christian County, Kentucky.] Peti-
                   tition in suit for debt against Azarial Davis,
                   Christian County, Kentucky. Copy. 4 p.
1810      Harrison, Jesse. Two promissory notes to Absolam Mat-
JAN. 19          tox. A. D's. S. 2 p.
1810      Gordon, John. Hopkins County, Kentucky. Plat and
MAY 19           field notes of survey for William French. As-
                   signment of same to Rezin Davidge and John
                   [Jordan] Crittenden. D. S. 2 p.
1810       Lyle, James. Manchester, Virginia. Will. Copy. 4 p.
1810      Gordon, John, and George P. Brown. Receipt to Daniel
Simr. 27         Barry. D. S. 1 p.
1810      Kincheloe, Lewis. Lewisburg [Kentucky] Order on
Nov. 3           Joshua Beard for money favor of David Thomas;
                   protested; assigned to John Cain. Copy. 1 p.
1811      Locker, George L. To Benjamin Temple. Russellville,
FEB. 7           Kentucky. Dullness of trade; effect of the non-
                   intercourse [Act against Great Britain] on cotton;
                   sale of a slave; statement of their account.
                   A.L.S. 3p.



1811      Anderson, William. Receipt to Crittenden. A. D. S.
FuB. 26          1 p.
1811      Temple, Benjamin. Power of attorney to Crittenden to
FzIu,            endorse and assign bills of exchange. D. S. 1 p.
1811      Connolly, John [Sr.]. Saint Johns, Canada. Will. Copy.
JULY 1           4 p.
1811      Ramsey, Edward. Christian County, Kentucky. Power
Nov. 11          of attorney to Crittenden to collect money due
                   from John Edmunds. D. S. 1 p.
1811      Butler, A[nthony]. Russellville, Kentucky. To Critten-
Dec. 31          den, Frankfort, Kentucky. Crittenden's grow-
                   ing reputation; division of Kentucky into con-
                   gressional districts; prefers a seat in the House
                   of Representatives to one in the Senate; per-
                   sonals; estimate of population of the different
                   congressional districts in Kentucky. A. L. S.
                   6 p.
1811      Rose, Samuel. Kentucky. Draft on Thomas [T.] Critten-
                   den, St. Louis, to pay Crittenden forty-four
                   dollars. A. D. S. 1 p.
(18111]   Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Russellville, Kentucky.] To
                   Dr. W. R. Wilmoth. Direction to collect bonds
                   belonging to P. Thurston. A. L. S. l .
1811      Tyler, John, heirs. Prince William  County, Virginia.
                   Memorandum on deed to Adam Steel. 1 p.
1812      Ficklin, Joseph. Assignment to Crittenden of five shares
MAR. 2           in Logan Vinyard Society. A. D. S. 1 p.
1812      Bibb, George M. [Washington, D. C.] To Crittenden,
MAY 21           [Russellville, Kentucky].  Republican   caucus
                   recommended [James] Madison and [John]
                   Langden for President and Vice President, re-
                   spectively; declaration of war against G[reat]
                   B[ritain]. to be proposed in the House of Repre-
                   sentatives. A. L. S. 2 p.
1812      Clay, H[enry]. Wash[ington, D. C.] To Crittenden, Rus-
MYa 28           sellville, Kentucky. Sends Jordan's letter; des-
                   patches from France; course of the government
                   against England and France. A. L. S. 1 p.
1812      Xorehead, Armd. Logan County, Kentucky. Certifi-
Auo. 12          cate that Crittenden deposited certain notes in
                   the post office directed to John M. Reed, Browns-
                   ville, Pennsylvania; list of notes on reverse.
                   A.D. S. 2 p.



14                    LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

[1812]   Xarshall, John J. Bill in chancery against Rawleigh
                   Colston and others; claims prior title to land.
                   Copy. 4 p.
1813      Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C.] To Crittenden,
JAN. 3           Frankfort, Kentucky. Praise for troops; causes
                   of failure of past campaign; praises James Mon-
                   roe; criticises President Madison and Cabinet;
                   British endeavouring to excite emperor of Hayti to
                   invade Southern States; expects a Rejpblican
                   majority in Congress; Federal opposition to
                   raising an army; proposed terms to G[reat]
                   BIritain]; advises election of [Anthony] Butler to
                   Senate. A. L. S. 5 p.
1813      Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C.]   To Crittenden,
FEB. 20          Russellville, Kentucky. Advises him  not to
                   enter the army at present; capture of the Java
                   by the Constitution; prize taken by the Hornet.
                   A.L.S. 3p.
1813      Tompkins, Christopher. Barren County, Kentucky. To
APR. 16          Crittenden, Russellville, Kentucky. Real estate
                   matters; rumor of Crittenden entering the Army.
                   A. L. S. 4 p.
1813      Robinson, Benjamin, Estate. Decree of court in Sussex
JULY 23          County, Delaware. James Hazzard Adminis-
                   trator, vs Thomas Carlisle. Copy. 10 p.
[1813]   Robinson, [Benjamin], heirs. Suit entered against James
[JULY]          Carlisle. Copy. 3 p.
1813      Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Camp Meigs, [Ohio]. To Critten-
AUo. 6           den. Detailed account of the siege of Fort
                   Meigs; army life. A. L. S. 12 p.
1813      Swan, James. Dorchester, Massachusetts. Deed to Dan-
SEPT. 10         iel Weiseger and John Bacon, Franklin County,
                   Kentucky. Copy. 4 p.
1813      Shepherd, Adam. Affidavit relative to power of attorney
SEPr. 13         from his father, Peter Shepherd, to him. 2 p.
1813      Jefferson, Thomas. Monticello, Virginia. To [Harry]
SEPT. 18         Innes, Frankfort, Kentucky. Describes breed
                   of shepherd dogs he brought from France and
                   hopes he can furnish Judge [Thomas] Todd a
                   pair. Copy. 2 p.
1814      Tompkins, Christopher. Barren County, Kentucky. To
JAN. 22          Crittenden. Financial matters; hopes Critten-
                   den will practice in Christian [County, Kentucky]
                   courts. A. L. S. 2 p.



[1814]    Breathitt, John. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden,
JAN. 22          Russellville, Kentucky. Acts of Legislature;
                   Revenue bill; removal and rebuilding seat of
                   government; banks and manufacturing. A. L. S.
                   4 p.
1814      Adams, George. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden.
FEB. 11          Claim of Loudon against Caldwell; undecided to
                   run for the next Legislature; some wealth neces-
                   sary for honors and office; fatal epidemic.
                   A.L.S. 3p.
1814      Butler, A[nthony]. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Crittenden.
FEB. 12          Ill health; commander in chief of the territory;
                   condition of the fort; movements of British
                   and Indians; to surrender is out of the ques-
                   tion; every man will die first; prospects and hopes
                   of victory and fame. A. L. S. 6 p.
[1814]    Butler, A[nthony]. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Crittenden.
MAR. 13          Engagement in detail and great victory over the
                   British; praise of men. A. L. S. 5 p.
1814      Shelby, Isaac. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden.
APR. 8           Officers already appointed for corps of riflemen;
                   mission to Gottenburgh; half-hearted interest in
                   the war; repeal of embargo and nonimportation
                   acts [against Great Britain]. A. L. S. 3 p.
                   Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden. Phila.
                   1871. I, p. 31.
1814      Braddock, Robert. Hermitage. To Crittenden. Law
APR. 15          matters. A. L. S. 3 p.
1814      Tilford, John. Logan County, Kentucky. Bond for title
APR. 19          to land sold to James Tilford. D. S. 1 p.
1814      Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Washington, D. C. To Critten-
APR. 21          den. Hawkins' vote against the repeal of the
                   restrictive system [embargo and nonintercourse
                   acts against Great Britain]; politics a bed of
                   thorns and a sea of troubles. A. L. S. 3 p.
1814      Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C.] To Crittenden.
APR. 24          Court martial of [Brigadier General William]
                   Hull; negotiations for an armistice and its terms.
                   A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit-
                   tenden, Phila. 1871, I, 32.
1814      Morehead, A. Account against Crittenden. A. D. S.
AUG. 20-         1 P.
AUG. 27



16                   LIBBARY OF CONGRESS

1814      Barry, W[illiam] T[aylor]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To
SPT. 20          Crittenden. Barry and others as candidates for
                   the Legislature; affairs at Washington; resigna-
                   tion of [George M.] Bibb [from U. S. Senate].
                   A.L.S. 3p.
1814      Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Washington, [D. C.] To Critten-
Szrr. 27         den. Victories at Baltimore, Plattsburg, and
                   on Lake Champlain relieve the disgraceful sur-
                   render [of Washington, D. C.]; Crittenden's age
                   and the Senate; British movements. A. L. S.
                   2 p.
1814      Curd, Spencer. Logan County, Kentucky. Execution
DEc. 12          against George Bell and Crittenden in favor of
                   Morton Maulding. Printed form filled in D. S.
                   1 p.
[1814]   Anderson, R[obert] C[lough]. To Crittenden. Youth
                   alone debarred Crittenden from Ij. S. Senate;
                   offers aid to Crittenden for U. S. Senate in iwxt
                   legislature. A. L. S. 2 p.
1815      Xaulding, West. Assignment of interest in execution
JAN. 16          against George Bell and Crittenden to Samuel
                   Gray. D. S. 1 p.
1815-16   C[rittenden], J[ohn] J[ordan]. Memorandum   book; ac-
JAN. 24          counts; lawsuits. A. D. S. 13 p.
1815      Pendleton, John T. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Reuben
FEB. 5           Anderson, executor of estate of Edmond Bacon,
                   Franklin County [Kentucky]. Notice of protest
                   of note endorsed by Bacon. Printed form filled
                   in. D. S. 1 p. v
1815      Dallas Aplexander] J. Washington [D. C.] To Major
Awa. 12          General [Andrew] Jackson, New Orleans. Noti-
                  fication that peace has been declared with [Great
                  Britain]; Jackson's great services to his country;
                  reports of Jackson's ill treatment of Louisiana
                  judges and citizens sent to President, and Jack-
                  son's report on same requested. Copy. 2 p.
1815      Pendleton, John T. Frankford, Kentucky. To Reuben
AUo. 5           Anderson, executor of estate of Edmond Bacon,
                  Franklin County [Kentucky]. Notice of protest
                  of note endorsed by Anderson. Printed form
                  filled in. D. S. I p.
1815      Pendleton Academy. Trustees. Order that bonds due
Nov. 6           said institution be put into hands of Crittenden
                  for collection. Copy. 1 p.



1816      Innes, Harry. Franklin County, Kentucky. To Maria
Dec. 10          [Innes]. Her visit to Washington [D. C.] at the
                  President's house. Copy. 2 p.
1815      Xason, John T. Washington [D. C.] To Judge Harry
DEC. 22          Innes. Praise of Maria [Innes]; her visit to
                  Washington; Congress and the next Presidential
                  election. Copy. 2 p.
1816      Xachir, John. To [James] Hughes  Talbot. Agreement
MAY 10           to continue suit of Machir and Bealls heirs vs.
                  Margaret Hamilton. A. L. S. 1 p.
1816      Innes, Harry. Franklin County, Kentucky. To Maria
JUNE 18          [Innes]. Her intended visit to Newport. Rhode
                  Island; good advice. Copy. 2 p.
1816-18   Lewis, Gabriel  Co. Russellville [Kentucky]. Account
JUNE 20          against Crittenden. A. D. S. 3 p.
1816-22   Ross, David, and heirs of John lay, Virginia. Land suit
JvLY 12          against Richard B. Mason, Maryland. Bill in
AUG. 31          chancery; subpoena; return; amended     bill;
                  answer; agreement of plaintiff's attorney; order
                  for survey; plaintiffs' agreement as to notice;
                  original plat and field notes; depositions of John
                  Isaacs, Henry French, Benjamin Fields, Benja-
                  min Taylor, John Helm, Jacob Vanmeter, Isaac
                  Vanmeter, and Philip Hammond. Copy. 35 p.
1816      Lee, John H. Woodford County [Kentucky]. Order on
JALY 28-         Crittenden for money in favor of Herbert P.
AU. 8           Gaines. Receipt on reverse. A. D. S. 2 p.
1816-22    lay, John, heirs of. [Virginia.] Land suit against
AUG. 16          Richard B. Mason [Maryland]. Bill in chancery;
AUG. 30          subpcena; return; answer; order for survey;
                  amended answer, including record of previous
                  suit begun March 8, 1786, including depositions
                  of Hancock Lee, Philip Taylor, John Smith,
                  Philip Hammond. Copy. 33 p.
1817      Kadison, J. Logan Co., [Kentucky]. Receipt to West
JAN. 15          Maulding for 572.26 revenue tax from Logan
                  County, [Kentucky]. D. S. "by G. W. Clark
                  Clk." 1 p.
1817      Crittenden, John J[ordan], and John Roberts. Promissory
FEB. 22          note to the managers of the Russellville [Ken-
                  tucky] Masonic Hall Lottery. D. S. 1 p.



18                   LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

1817      Ewing, Young. Receipt to Crittenden for taxes and
MAR. 13          militia fines for year 1815. A. D. S. 1 p.
1817      Perry, John. Receipt to Crittenden for money.  A. D. S.
APR. 22           1 P.
1817      Hawkins, Benj[amin]. Receipt to Francis Moore for
MAY4             money. A.D. S. 1 p.
1817      Perkins, Benj[amin]. Receipt to Crittenden. D. S. 1 p.
SEIr. 8
1817      Lee, John, heirs. Deed to David Hardin for land in Bar-
OCT. 10          ren County, Kentucky, incomplete. 4 p.
1817      Bacon, Charles P. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Thomas
Dzc. 19          Arnold. Collection of a draft. A. L. S. 1 p.
1817      Greenup, Christo[pher].  Frankfort, Kentucky.  Will.
                  A. D. S. 6 p.
1818      Speed, Thomas. Washington, D. C. To John H. Todd.
JAN. 20          Description of certain members of the House of
                  Representatives; bill to pension Revolutionary
                  officers; internal improvement; Spanish affairs.
                  Copy. 3 p.
1818      Speed, Thomas. Washington, D. C. To John H. Todd.
JAN. 20          Pension for Revolutionary soldiers; court-mar-
                  tial of Commodore [Oliver Hazard] Perry and
                  Captain [John] Heath [Marine Corps]. Copy. 1 p.
1818      Todd, John H. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To [Thomas
FEB. 4           Speed]. Ability of U. S. Representatives [John]
                  Holmes and [William] Lowndes; oratorical powers
                  of [John J.] Crittenden; bills in [Kentucky] legis-
                  lature, namely: new election of Governor (de-
                  feated), establishment of 40 banks (passed), tax
                  on Kentucky branches of U. S. Banks (passed);
                  criticisms in each case. Copy. 4 p.
1818      Sproule, Charles. Frankfort, Kentucky. Deed to land in
MAR. 4           Frankfort; Kentucky, to Joseph Scott, Frankfort,
                  Kentucky. Printed form filled in. D. S. 2 p.
1818      Pindell, Thomas H. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To John
MAR. 23          Bibb. Order on Bibb for money in favor of
                  Levin L. Shreve. A. L. S. 1 p. Memoranda
                  of Crittenden on reverse.
1818      Lewis, Sarah. Order on Crittenden to deliver to John
JUNE 2           Bearden amount of pension due for husband's
                  services in "the late war," also the certificate.
                  D. S. "her mark." 1 p. Receipt on reverse.



1818      Clay, Henry. Frankfort [Kentucky]. To Jacob Castle-
JULY 28          man, John H. Hanna, and John H. Todd. Ac-
                  cepts an invitation to a dinner in conjunction
                  with colleague [Richard Mentor Johnson]. Copy.
                  1 p.
1818      Johnson, Richard M[entor]. Blue Lick Springs [Ken-
JULY 28          tucky]. To [Jacob Castleman, John H. Hanna,
                  and John H. Todd. Is unable to accept invita-
                  tion to a dinner in company with Henry Clay.
                  Copy. 1 p.
1818      Poulk, Elizabeth. Order on Crittenden to deliver to
Auo. 12          William Gist amount of her pension and the cer-
                  tificate. D. S. "her mark." 1 p.
1818      Rector, William. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden.
Smr. 9           Acknowledges receipt of money delivered by
                  Samuel Hadley. A. L. S. 1 p.
1818      Smith, George and Elizabeth. Franklin County, Ken-
SzPT. 11         tucky. Deed to land in Franklin County, Ken-
                  tucky, to Thomas L. Bryan. Copy. 3 p.
1818      Lewis, George. K[ing] G[eorge] County, V[irgini]a.
Nov. 7           Power of attorney to John S. Chapman to sue for,
                  and dispose of, land and build warehouse.
                  A.D.S. 3p.
1818      Karshall, John J. Suit against Rawleigh Colston et al.
OCT.             Order for survey. Copy. 1 p.
[1818]   C[rittenden], Jfohn] J[ordan]. List of sons and heirs of
                  Fielding Lewis. A. D. S. 1 p.
[1818]   Chapman, John S. List of lands [Fielding Lewis estate]
                  made for Major George Lewis. A. D. S. 2 p.
[1818]   [Lewis, Fielding, estate.] List of claimants to lands,
                  called "defendants." 3 p.
[1818]   [Lewis, Fielding, estate.] Plat of tract of land, giving
                  claimants. 1 p.
1819      Chapman, John S. Frankfort [Ke