xt7h707wq53d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wq53d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1993 1993 1993-04-01 2020 true xt7h707wq53d section xt7h707wq53d     



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. Independent $00619"-


of workers
closes Site

By Heather Belster
Contributing Writer
and Gregory A. Hall
Editor in Chief



Spring showers did not seem to
dampen voter tumout yesterday
during the first day of Student
Government Association elec-
tions, but officials declined to re-
lease the number of students who



No students could vote at the
College of Agriculture Building-
North. however, because polls
never opened.

Elections Board of Supervision
Chairman Reno Deaton could not
be reached for comment about the
problem last night, but SGA Presi-
dent Pete November said the poll
will be open today.

He was not sure what its hours
of operation will be.

“I was told today that Reno just
simply did not have enough poll
workers to go over there,” Novem-
ber said last night.

Since agriculture students could
vote at three or four other loca-
tions. November said. he doesn‘t
believe the problem would greatly
effect election results.

November said there was a
problem in general with some poll

“A lot of people who signed up
to be poll workers. on the day of
the election decided they didn‘t
want to do it."

Brent White. who is running un-
opposed to be the agriculture sena-
tor, said the vote could be tainted
because yesterday was the only
day some agriculture students
could vote.

“We think it‘s very unfair to the
students in this college." he said.

White said he was told no one
signed up to work the poll.

“It‘s not much of an excuse," he
said. adding that signs could have
been put up to recruit workers.
"They did that last year.“

He said when the poll was
scheduled to open, several stu-
dents were waiting to vote. White
said about 500 students pass
through the building daily. and
that Wednesday is one of the col-
lege's busier days.

Presidential candidate T.A.
Jones said he talked to between 50
and 75 people outside the building
in the morning when the poll was
supposed to open.

“There was no information up
that the poll wasn‘t going to be




56A Cents-1.:-








Pegasfl @314. AEBM 1993

'Izsn fUNC“NG

. new

g-North’s poll to open today

















Business a

9 Sites


nd Economics

Margaret I. King Library

Donovan Cafeteria

Blazer Cafeteria

Commons Cafeteria
Nursing Student Center

Student Ce
AG North

LCC East

where to vote
representative, c


For more information on when and




Government Association at 257-3191.










there," he said.

Next year. regardless of whether
he is elected. he said he will work
to see elections better publicized.

Jones said he was concerned that
the poll was not open. but he does
not plan to contest the election.

“1 think I‘m going to win regard-

Overall. the election flowed
smoothly yesterday. he said.

Lines of students waiting to vote
were seen at Margaret l. King Li-

IMAN JENT/Kernel Graphics
brary and the Student Center.

Students cited many reasons for
voting their choice.

“l feel that (Jeremy) Bates and
(Ellen) Hamilton are very quali-
fied," psychology freshman Court-
ney Olson said. "They seem like
they‘re for the students. 1 think
they have realistic goals."

Todd Marrow. a sociology sen-
ior. said the ticket of Lance Dow-
dy and Amber Leigh is most quali—

“I know them. and I know how
they are." he said. “1 think they
have ambition enough to make
some changes and do something

Debates and fliers also seemed
to influence some students votes

Health administration sopho-
more Jennifer Schureman said a
flier she received in her mailbox
helped her choose her presidential

Although most students said the


TOP: Student Government Association vice presidential can-
didate Andrew Shveda campaigns near the library yesterday.
BOTTOM: A Dowdy/Leigh campaign worker distributes fliers
outside the classroom building yesterday.


voting system was convenient.
Bill Hensley described it as “inad-

“(The voting system) really re-
flects Student Govemment‘s direc-
tion in serving students." said
Hensley. an [English senior. “The
services are inadequate and cum-
bersome at best.“

Most students said that being
approached by the candidates or
their supporters did not bother

See ELECTION. Page 3



Thar???» Arm


By Nicole Heumphreus
Staff Writer



The Student Government Associ-
ation Senate passed an amendment
to the constitution last night mak-
ing it mandatory for the body to es-
tablish “non-binding guidelines"
each year on how it allocates mon-
The guidelines will be non-
binding because the senate must al-
low for the possibility of an excep-
tion to the guidelines. Senator at
large Heather Hennel said.

“Non-binding just means that
senators are constitutionally not ob-
ligated to follow (the guidelines) if
they believe the request for money
to be an exception the rules," Hen-
nel said.

College of Arts and Sciences sen-
ator Shea Chaney said he was
against the amendment because of
the non-binding clause.

“The term ‘non-binding' is am-
biguous.“ Chaney said. “If a sena-
tor doesn’t have to follow them.
why have them in (the constitu-

He called the guidelines “just
more bureaucratic red tape."

The guidelines were established
after SGA President Pete Novem-
ber lifted an executive order freez-
ing senate funds earlier in the se-

November issued the executive
order in Febmary because he be»
lieved the senate was not spending
its money responsibly. When he
lifted the freeze. he asked senate to
establish rules on the allocation of
its funds.

In addition to passing the guide-
line amendment. the senate also
heard the first reading of two more
constitutional amendments.

The first amendment states that
the senate would be able to over-
ride a presidential executive order
by a simple majority.

After November issued the exec-
utive order freezing senate funds.
the senate questioned whether the
constitution allowed the senate to
react to an executive order immedi-
ately after it is issued.

if the amendment is passed. it
will delete an ambigu0us statement
in the constitution about the sen-
ate‘s authority to challenge an ex-
ecutive order and w0uld allow the
senate to override the order.

The second amendment provides
for the resurrection of the Student
Organization Assistance Commit-

SOAC was dissolved earlier in
the school year after it was criti-
cized for not allocating funds fairly
or effectively.

The committee. which would be
composed of seven senators. would
receive 10 percent of the entire
SGA budget and have full power to
appropriate funds to registered or-

See SENATE, Page 3

W College of Law halfway through search for dean


Alpha Kappa Alpha

eorority'e Basketbd Jam ll Ill
be held today at Salon Gamer.
The location of the even BI
incorrect in yesterday's KM


Cloudy today with drizzle in the
morning. then light rain this
afternoon; high in the mid-50s.
Light rain likely tonight. possibly
mixed with snow by morning; ”I
around 35. Cloudy tomorrow “i
a chance of light rain or e '
clearing by late afternoon I“
between 40 and 45.

Sports ................ ........................I
Dm'“m ....... eneeemm .




.', “1’” .


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


The UK College of law is half-
way finished interviewing candi-
dates in its search for a new dean.

Two of the four finalists for the
post already have been interviewed.
The first. Robert Jerry. visited cam.
pus March 24 and 25. Jerry is dean
of the law school at the University
of Kansas.

He was followed by Sarah Ram-
sey. a professor of law at Syracuse
University. Ramsey interviewed
and visited on Monday and Tues-

Two other candidates will visit
later this month. David Shipley. the
deanofthe law school at the llni-
versity of Mississippi. will visit
April8and9.0nApril Band 14.
W.H. Knight. It associan dean of


the law school at the University of
lowa. will come to campus.

The College of Law search com-
mittee are using criteria as set by
Chancellor for the Lexington Carn-
pus Robert Hemenway, said Eugene
Gaetke. chairman of the search

“I think we're looking for some-
one who would be a good faculty
member as well as an administra-
tor." Gaetke said.

He said the committee also is
looking for someone who will be
successful at fund raising and other
“external matters."

Gaetke said the committee has no
real deadline other than July 1.
when dean Rutheford Cranpbell will
step down. But Gactke said he
hopes the oornmitwe will “move
ahead quickly" after the final candi-
date visits.

See LAW, Page 3


Architecture to begin interviewing candidates


By Kimberly Brown
Contributing Writer

Bill Lacy. the school’s second
candidate. is expected to visit UK
April 27 and 28. Lacy is former


After nearly 21 months with-
out a dean. the UK (‘ollcge of
Architecture finally may be
nearing the end of its search for
a new top administrator.

Christine Havice. director of
UK‘s Honors Program and head
of the search committee. said

three candidates for the post will
visit UK this month.
The fast candidate. David

Mohney. will be on campus
April 6 and 7. Mohney is a pan-
ner in Chan and Mohney Archi-
wcttle of New York.


president of (‘ooper Union for the
Advancement of Science and Art
in New York.

The final candidate. Nicole
l’ertuiset. is a professor of archi‘
lecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic
institute in Troy. NY. She is
scheduled to visit UK April 29
and 30.

the current search is the sec-
ond since former dean Jose Ou-
brerie left UK in June 1991 to ac-
cept a position at Ohio State

The first search. which began
in October 1991. yielded three

candidates. including a clear top
choice. Chancellor for the [ex-
ington Campus Robert Hemen-
way said.

But when the search commit-
tee‘s first pick declined to ac-
cept the post in the summer of
1992. UK decided to scrap the
initial search and begin anew.

“in the face of losing our top
choice and in consultation with
the search committee lid with
faculty. I came to the conclu-
sion that it would be beta to
reopen the semen particuhr-
ly when it became so be it the
summer." Hemenway su'd.








. W





. :,=_::-._’.<;7'.;..t. ae$chs teases “'9‘" “ ”’ " '





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. April 1. 1m


"Songs need new voices to sing
them in places thev've never been
sung tn order to stay alive. "


—Nunci singer/


Standing outside Bogart‘s in Cin-
cinnati before Monday's Nanci
Griffith concert. I had my hands
jammed in my pockets as I looked
down a line of people that snaked
around the block and back — like
one of those (‘hinese dragons pa-
rading through the sueets.

I thought to myself and then said
aloud. "It’s great to see so many
people with good taste."

I guess I‘m somewhat the oppo-
site of many music lovers who like
cutting-edge music. When these
kinds of bands get more than three
fans and suddenly are no longer
starving artists. however. their orig-
inal followers vehemently curse
them as Def Leppard wannabes.

They take the band‘s recordings
where they've never been before ——








March so - April 1 3


When do I register for
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Advance Registration
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Do l have to reapply?
Not if you are
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either through the air (Aah! A new
pocket fn'sbeel). or on the table as a
handy Seattle band beer coaster
(Yes. I'll take a Black label on my
Pearl Jam),

I don‘t know why it surprised me
that Cincinnati dug Griffith so
much. People there usually are up
on hip things: Jesse Helms. Marge
Schott. her drooling sidekick. 12
Jimmy Buffett shows in the sum-
mer. and. speaking of wasting away
—the Bungals.

So. I was expecting that Monday
night a crowd like I had seen at the
Lucinda Williams show in the fall.
A couple hundred folks at best. ec-

Austin, Texas, becoming the new home of great songwriting

static at getting to peer and listen to
one of America‘s best-kept musical
secrets who hadn‘t been in the area
in five years and whose last album
was recorded before that.

But instead. a myriad of fans de-
scended upon the well-wom. comfy
venue — from young kirk slightly
out of control in the hip high school
way we were. to distinguished gen—
tlemen slightly older than my folks
talking to me about how they dug
the Toad the Wet Sprocket show at

There was. to me. a symphony in
the air outside Bogart‘s. (Yes. I
heard this before I started drinking.)

Perhaps author William Savage
Jr. said it better: “Music travels
with the people who play it."

Yes. indeed.

The show. filled with short sto-
ries in songs written by Griffith and
a few of her friends — colleagues

and idols like John Prine. Townes
Van Zandt. Kate Wolf. Tom Pax-
ton. Jerry Jeff Walker and Bob Dy-
lan. was as energizing as the
sprawling spring sun that pumps
life into our veins.

After the show, which featured
Iris DeMint and Griffith‘s incredi-
bly talented Blue Moon Orchestra
-— including Pete Kennedy and
James Ilooker. leader of the band. I
felt like. well exactly like I did after
Williams‘ Bogan‘s show. I felt full
and felt like spreading the gospel
according to Griffith.

I'm not one to preach. In fact.
I'm usually not one to speak unless
spoken to. But because you are here
in line with me —-l‘ll let this slip.

Come here.

Come closer.

If you like songwriters —- I mean
if you really like swaggering, street-
conscience poets who can make

Black breaks from Pixies
with new name, solo career

Frank Black
Frank Black

By John Abbott
Staff Critic




I was pretty surprised when Hen-
ry Rollins kicked off MTV‘s 120
Minutes a few months back by an-
nouncing the dissolution of one of
indie rock‘s leading lights. The

Now that I think about it, though,
the band‘s breakup doesn't seem
all that shocking to me. After all.
bassist Kim Deal was becoming in-
creasingly committed to her side
project. The Breeders (where she
didn‘t have to play second fiddle):
and frqitman Black Francis had
announced plans to work on a solo
album. which meant that. even if
he didn‘t want to leave the Pixies.
at least he was starting to get a lit-
tle fidgety in his current surround-

Since then. he‘s changed his
name to Frank Black (“looks better
on a marquee." he said) and. with
the help of ex-Pere Ubu keyboard-
ist Eric Drew Feldrnan. he has re
corded a great new batch of good-
ies entitled Frank Black.

It's different; you wouldn't nec-
essarily identify this album with
the Pixies unless you knew Black
was in that band. Black hasn't

wasted his (and our) time rigidly
sticking to his old sound.

Sure. a few of the tracks could
have fit comfortably onto a Pixies
album. but his new stuff bounces all
over the place. and it usually works.

My favorite songs on the album
are the keyboard-driven “Two
Spaces.“ an unabashedly pleasant
pop song that ends way too soon.
and the opening cut “Los Angeles."
which jumps from acoustic to elec-
tric guitars and back. violently
shifting tempos at the drop of a hat.

Other notable tracks include
“Tossed." an instrumental high-
lighted by a sax cameo from They
Might Be Giants goofball John Lin-
nell; “Hang On To Your Ego." a
Beach Boys cover; and the loose.
mariachi-styled “Brackish Boy."

This album is a lot more re-
strained than his previous efforts.
This is partially because of the loss
of ex-Pixies guitarist Joey Santiago
and his punky. slashing riffs. but
it's also a result of the subdued pro-
duction job that Black and Feldman
have done.

Instead of letting the guitars buzz
madly, Black and Feldman take the

The Student Activities Board will award four
scholarships of $500 to those students who have
demonstrated outstanding initiative and contri-
butions to the University of Kentucky through
campus and community involvement while
attaining a grade point average of 2.5 or better.

To be eligible:

1) you must have a minimum GPA of 2.5

2) you must have attended the University of
Kentucky full-time for the previous Fall
semester and current Spring semester

3) you cannot be a graduating senior or a

graduate student

Applications must be returned by Friday, April 2,
1993, at 4:00 pm. to the Student Activities
Office, Room 203 Student Center.




. STUt'Jmi IlU/lVl/Il s, min/1;);






Wed-Sat. at 8:00 pm
Sun. at 5:00 pm



edge of them by shoving them a lit-
tle further into the background. I’d
like it better if this production sheen
weren‘t there, but it doesn‘t really
damage the music too much.
They're still good songs. polish or

One thing that hasn‘t changed in
the least is his often-indecipherable
lyrical style. Fun? Usually.

Half the time. his words are in-
spired and engaging. leading to
hours of amusement as you try to
come up with plausible interpreta-
tions of what he’s trying to say. The
other half. the words are prissy, pre-
tentious. overwritten garbage that
doesn‘t deserve a second look.

I kind of wish that, instead of
gathering a bunch of musicians and
telling them what to do, he was in a
band with another strong personali-
ty who would balance his self-
indulgent excesses. (Did I hear
someone say “Lennon!

In a solo format, he doesn‘t have
anyone to say. “Frank. that‘s really
dumb" which. on a few of these
songs. he could have used.

Black has pulled off the highly
unusual feat of making a superior
album with inferior personnel. In
fact. at every position. this group of
musicians is less talented than his
mates in the Pixies.

Nick Vincent's sludgy drumming
isn't as much fun as David Lover-
.ing‘s light. quick backbeat; Feld-
man's bass is solid enough but no-
where near the inspired genius of
Kim Deal; and Black‘s guitar work.
although very good. lacks the signa-
ture sound of Santiago (who. inci-
dentally. lends a hand on four
tracks on this album).

Strangely. even with this decline
in talent, I like this album better
than anything the Pixies have done
since Doolittle.

Nice trick. Frank.

Shamans Alley by Gibbs & Voigt

.. .vmi -


. .M-..



People there are usually up on hip things:
Jesse Helms, Marge Schott, her drooling
sidekick, 12 Jimmy Buffett shows in the
summer, and speaking of wasting stay —-%'to



you feel the heat rising off the side-
walks of the city or the taste of dust
rolling like Kansas wheat-field
waves off a dead-end road — then
you need to be turned on to the
flood of great artists spilling out of
Austin. Texas like Williams. Grif-
fith. Guy Clark. Lyle Lovett. Joe
Ely and Robert Earl Keen. just to
name a few of the folks making
great music in Van Zandt and Wil-
lie Nelson territory.

If not. I've got this great Expose
CD here in my desk. Stop by. I’ll
trade it to you.

Yes. I like Wrigley's Double-
mint. Two packs. Or a chewed-on
Martin pick. Or a book marker de-
void of goofy sayings. I'll take ‘em.

Here. Enjoy.

Ans Editor Dave Lavender is a
journalism senior and a Kentucky
Kernel columnist.


“Benny & Joon"

Starring Johnny Depp. Mary
Stuart Masterson and Aidan



By Jenny Christienseon
Contributing Critic


Did you ever think you would
see actor Johnny Depp toasting
bread with an iron? Have you
ever tried to make mashed pota-
toes with a tennis racket?

“Benny & Joon" proves that
nothing is impossible.

Director Jeremiah Chechik
takes us on a very unusual ride
focused on the deep relationship
between Benny (Aidan Quinn)
and Joon (Mary Stuart Master-

Joon suffers from a big per-
sonalin problem because her
parents died when she was very
young. Benny refuses to put her
into a psychiatric ward. so he
takes care of her at home.

Their relationship gets a little
tense when the housekeeper.
just like so many before her.
quits. and no one comes to re-
place her.

The problem solves itself
when Benny prorniscs to take
care of a friend's cousin. Sam
(Johnny Depp).

Sam is a very strange. eccen-
tric young man. and he develops
a peculiar bound to Joon that
later extends to love. This is not
just another love story. however
— not a banal love soap that we
are accustomed to seeing.

We are privileged to see some
brilliant acting performances
from both Masterson (“Fried
Green Tomatoes") and Depp
(“21 Jumpstreet." “Edward Scis-


New release proves
nothing is impossibl




In “Benny & Joon." Depp
proves he is not just a pretty
Hollywood product, but a great
actor with a broad acting capaci-
ty. The comedy field suits him
just as well as action.

“Benny & Joon" is emotional.
but it also offers many hysteri-
ml laughs. The movie also is a
pleasure for the eyes and the
ears. thanks to Chechik's taste-
ful directing and the music se-
lection that includes everything
from Joe Cocker to Soundgard~

Some scenes just stick in my
mind. In one, Joon kicks Sam
out of the house because he was
cleaning it, so Sam waits on top
of a mail box until Benny comes

Joon feels guilty and asks if
she maybe should invite Sam
back in again. Benny replies
that she better do that before
somebody puts a stamp on his
forehead and mails him.

At one point. Icon and Sam
discuss the humiliation of
grapes. It turns out they were
talking about raisins.

There is no way a review can
do justice to this movie. You
won't be disappointed.

"Benny Jr Joon. " rated PG.
was shown as a free sneak pre-
view Monday in Worsham Thea-
tre in the Student Center.





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Laura Cope. engineering sopho-
more from Paducah. Ky.

“Dowdy/Leigh because they‘re
the most qualified.

“'lhey‘ll do things for the stu-
dents rather than doing what the
administration wants."



Tara Darvill. geography junior
from Edmonton, Ky.

“lones/Shveda because they
didn't have any signs up .

“(Jones) went to the students in-
stead of relying on (the Greek Po-
litical Action Committee)"

Karl Anderson. theater design
senior from Lexington

“lones/Shveda because (Jones)
is the most diverse candidate and
he represents artistic beliefs. I like
his idea of trying to get everyone
to speak so he can speak for every-






Laurisha Tolliver. arts adminis- Shawn Hadley. fifth-year archi-
tration sophomore from ()wensbo- tecture student from Columbia
to. Ky. Ky.

“Mason/Eaves. l like the idea of “Jones/Shveda because 'lhe
them continuing to interact with idea of reforming SGA and the fact
groups like (the Black Student Un- that (Jones is) challenging tradi-
ion) . (Others) aren't interested tional student roles makes him an
in our voice until election time." ideal candidate."

Tommy Fowler. psychology
junior from lilizabethtown. Ky.

“l)owdy(/l.eigh) because I
know him and he‘s a great guy. I
think he'd be really sincere taking
care of the students. He's going to
make a lot of student services
more available to the students."



Continued from Page 1


“They need to do that.“ said
Dana Froehlich, an accounting

Topical student Bill Dotson said
his one complaint with those hand-
ing out fliers was that they were
not well-enough informed about
the candidates they were endors-

“They let the paper speak for
them,“ said Dotson. referring to
the campaign fliers.

Elections Board of Supervision
chairman Deaton said daily voting
results cannot be released because
there is “one big tabulation at the

He declined to comment on
whether voter tumout increased
this year.


Continued from Page 1


“If we were to hire one of the
other candidates. it would mean we
would be doing so at a time when
the faculty were away from campus
and unavailable to some extent to
be consulted.“

The current search began in Sep-
tember and has produced 45 appli-

Clyde Carpenter has served as the
college's interim dean since July 1.

Staff awards
given today



Staff reports


Seven Lexington Campus staff
employees will be recognized today
for their achievements at the third
annual Chancellor‘s Outstanding
Staff Awards at 2 pm. in the small
ballroom of the Student Center.

More than 60 employees were
nominated for the awards, which in-
clude $500. The seven awards are
divided into four categories: admin-

istrative, office/clerical. service/
maintenance and technical/

The ceremony is free and open to
the public.


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the Cats
in the Kentucky








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Mft passage. ‘
President Clinton 3 program "
of, tax increases, defense cuts
and were domestic speeding
. 3 The near party-line 240-184
if'vote was expected to be the
-._.,f_t_rst‘ in a flurry that cotild put

-?'*=the retardation of Clinton 3 ec~
" Ottomic plan in place by
_ week’s end.

AlSo en tap for possible
completion was the purest.
dent 5 $16. 3 billion jobs meas-
ure. which the Senate was de--

With senators also ready to
give final approval to me five
year deficit-cutting blueprint.
Democrats were poised to
hand their new president a

' gift: the earliest approval of a
_ federal budget ever.

' - “In the election of Novem-

ber, the American people said
- they want change," said House
' Budget Committee Chairman
_ . Martin Olav Sabo (D-Minn).

' “They elected a new presi‘

dent with a new vision for the
. future. Today‘s the time for

'us to deliver.”




- President

.saMfu “‘05


The Stuent ctIvr Ies
Bard; is now acce 9i

0 Vice-President

- Secretary-Treasurer

- Campus Network Chariperson
- Cinema Chairperson

0 Concert Chairperson

0 Contemporary Affairs Chairperson
- Indoor Activities

0 Multi-Cultural Coordinators

- Performing Arts Chairperson
- Public Relations Chairperson
- Spotlight Jazz Chairperson

- Travel Chairperson

- Visual Arts ChaIrpgrspn 7K .


Continued from Page 1

SOAC also must consider the full
senate's non-binding guidelines re-
garding funding.

Student groups would not be able
to go before SOAC more than once
a semester or ask for more than
$500 for the entire year.

In other business, the senate allo-
cated money to Lexington Commu-
nity College for a student computer-
ized bulletin board system, to the
College for Human Environmental
Science‘s Student Advisory Coun-
cil and to the Freshman Representa-
tive Council.

Alpha Phi Kappa Chapter of Phi
Theta Kappa community college
honor society, Black Graduate and
Professional Student Association
and the Kentucky Quick Recall
League also received money.


Continued from Page 1


The two-day campus visits con-
sist of meetings. interviews and
luncheons with students. faculty and
staff. as well as with Hemenway
and UK President Charles Wething-
ton. Gaetke said.

The current dean has served for
the past four years. Campbell. 48.
will step down to devote more time
to teaching and research.

Read the Kernel

















Sophomore Rebecca Riddle casts her vote for student government elections yesterday in
the Margaret l. King Library.






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By John Kelly
Sports Editor


Rick Pitino wants his team to
have three things as it approaches
its national semifinal game