xt7h707wq44f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wq44f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1985 1985 1985-10-08 2020 true xt7h707wq44f section xt7h707wq44f _—____________________. ________________—_________________—

Vol. LXXXX, No. 2 Established 1094 University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1911 Tuesday, October a. 1935 . . 4
.W ,
Kentucky > ,3. , .y . _ .,, ,, . .

.‘t § 7;”. . i 1 \ ‘ ,y ( 11“," .

progress ' 2‘25" . ' ‘: ' " \3 \\ ‘ .’ I!"
necessary fl“ ‘. , 4.? ‘1. n \V ' . I‘ ':'<-. "y
Commissmn urges - . - . ‘ _ - . . -. , . Q o ~. i , I ...;:
Improvements . . . .- . . ~ it» . ‘ O s . . . i3 H

‘ ' ’ " « w I‘. I, - v‘ .' ~ o“

l-‘RANK'I‘ORT (AP) — Kentucky - w _ l.” .i .i-z: . .7; {-

nust progress in several areas if it ._ . , .i ‘ ' ’ " a] ‘ .373 .‘r‘

. to take advantage of the opportu- « ‘1 . " , r" ‘. j 3‘ 3 {if 1.3.-

nilies available in the let Century. «Q ' ' / ’3 ,3. . 3-; j '-";","r.

according to a preliminary report \ ‘ . 4' ‘ . " i‘r'v} , “.3 "5

released yesterday by the Kentucky - ‘. _ _ I a-” I.. I. ‘- - —_.. °.' , I ’- ,'.' L.

. Tomorrow Commission. _______. ”4—— m». ‘ l . -‘,:. . i
8 "Kentucky possesses all of the ' . .. .. " .. i:

' necessary elements to enable it. in ' ~", ‘ "i
the decades ahead. to become one of . ‘I _= . ‘ ' . f 1-;
the preeminent states in our na- I‘ I_I ,1.
tion." said the commission's founder ' f . if - . -; .
and chairman, Lt. Gov. Steve Be- . .1." ' 31‘]:
shear. / .- I . .. ‘7. ;_-

Unfortunately. he said. Kentucky ~ .. {‘35.
is just not prepared to take advan- .‘f‘ 1
tageof its position. i.“ ,‘ . '

"With the rapid changes that are . 1 ' . .' g :'
affecting every aspect of our lives. \ ‘ ~ '. . I .
we must be better prepared to re- , ' _ . _.
spond to future demands.“ Beshear . z ‘. ‘_ ~. II;
said during a morning news confer- /. ‘ 1 “ . . ‘. ,
ence to outline the commission's / " " I‘ “ ‘ , ..
firstyearofwork. ‘ g / F ~_ .' - i . ,' -.

Of particular concern. the report -. ' ‘3 .. . . 7'
said. is that Kentucky's economy I I ‘_ ' .‘i _‘
lags behind in the areas that will be- “mm“ ”W W. {I 1' . , : ' -
comelincreaSingly important m the Elementary education iunior Maria Blazeiewski and her cat, Callie. appear to be plays at the Rolling Stone Career Expo in the Student Center Great Hall yester- 5 I = ‘ :1 ‘
leg; gtglrenglso has not done all it riding in a speeding Porsche, but they were only participating in one of the dis- day. The Expo began yesterday and will continuefrom l0 am. t04 pm. today .li . g . . J
should to encourage “high technolo— 0 0 e 0 o : 7 _ ’. ‘. ',
MuSic fashion freebies hi hli ht t o d E
in the next century will be one that , ’ g g W - ay Xp 0 .- if ' ._ I"
depends on the development of capi- . “ '. '
all" [Tim]??? apgasigience and tech- B)’Kl)lBl‘IRl.)'SlSK METACORR a promotional mar- [K was one of 10 campuses “We‘ve gotten a good recep~ to New York (‘in will also he i .‘ . '1 "

Azigother d'PO . - _ ContributingWriter ketingfirm from the East Coast selected to tion. espeCially at the Maxeli held .. V ‘ ‘

isturbing trend m the Ja botz a re resentative of t' ' t "Th h f' booth 'th th f 1 " ’- -I ' i “I
past decade is the large increase in f . .. t t .- t . to y ‘ . p , par mp3 9' ls l5 t. e” ”St . v.” e ree pom-Old“ The Expo also prmmeg ”or. ‘. .. ” _ =
“transfer payments" that do not in— l 30'“ “an. 0 “1“ a ”P METACORP- said the‘two co-de- year that we have tried it. mtz chh said. ' ‘ . V ‘ I . I fl . .
dwaleastmn “one” New \ork City. an aliexpense veloped the program in order to said, The Maxell booth is Sponsoring méi‘on ‘Oéludemé 0“ WW” ”9' ‘3. - .

Th g ts l' l d h Paid trip ‘0 a concert or an bring the latest in stateof—the-art “It has been received extreme a trivia contest for prizes. and cessmes. well as ho“ ‘0 “m" a . ‘. 5- .. ,

. 059 _ paymen "lc u e suc album and concert tickets. dr0p sound equipment. video and video lv well on camPUSes. and we hOpe pictures are taken for free behind resume or conduct an ”“9"" W“ ' . ‘ ‘. ' .

things as retirement. disability and . h l‘ O V .1 Show- _ - , . j , . . , , . , , . .
health' . be f‘ts d . l h) l 9 R01 mg 5‘ "6’ ulth tape. fragrances. clothing and to expand next year to include the wheel of the picture of a The fashion 5hr)“ Mi; be pry. - _,
_ ‘ insurance “9‘ '3“ 5003 case and Career Expo '85. cars to university campuses other markets as well."he said. black Porsche s ted th ' . . h S ' l V '- t _. V
insurance payments such as food . . , , ..w t t it , .. . . . . en 0“ 9598““ 941109“ . . ..
stamps. aid to families with depen— The Expo. which was held yes- e wen ou a er we got ap- It s neat for a'concert to come Pierre Cardin will hold a draw- Center Grand Ballroom hen)”, _. . : ‘ . ‘
dent children and supplemental se- terday. wm continue from proval for the program and 59‘ along Wllh this kind 0‘ package. ”‘8 {01:3 fragrance and gr 00111108 the concert. The fashion show is - ' _ . ‘ .
curitv income 10 a m. to 4 p m today in the Stu» lected the most prestigious and said Kakie Urch concert commit collection as well as distribute sponsored by Pierre Cardin and .. . . , .

The commission .150 inted to dent (‘enter Great Hall. innovative companies to show« tee cochairwoman samples ofcologne. m“ showcase the latest m do!” _ y ,

. .. 2‘ 9° The Expo Is one 01 three events casewhat's hot."Lotz said. “SAB is glad to be one of 10 m and deg, n U,” V ,1 . . ‘ g .
what it called a disturbingemer- which the Student Activities . schools selected to partiCipate .. Lee has free posters and will g g . .dt ’ . . .
gence of ‘lWO Kentuckys' ‘Wlth the Board have planned for loda) Compames represented are she Saldk ““'e are gpecjauy 9.x. draw for an all—expense paid trip A SOHy compact dlSL‘ player 1"..5 ~ - - _ ' J.
state remaimng ”13'1“" ".1 many Besides the Expo. there will be a Lee. Sony. Maxell. Daniel fo‘hl‘ cited to have Lone Justlce- and [0 a chOice 0f one of 10 concerts will be given away at the concert ' - .‘ I. ‘
ways. such as regionalism. rich ver- fashion show and a concert feaI er. Thom McAn. Mateus. Pierre Love Tractor .. Ten people will receive Lee fash- : . " y ’I ~ -. .
sus poor. black versus white and turing Lone Justice and Love Cardin and Bose. Pontiac is the ' ions. Tickets for the concert are . 4 " ( ; T ’ g
rural versus urban." Tractor.tonightat8. overall sponsor of the Expo The "I understand that the Expo $650 at the Expo and $8 at the . I l ‘,

The report also made specific ref- companies hired student workers. has been gomg pretty well." said Every 15 minutes. Pontiac Wlll door Tickets may also he pur» 3 - - ' ' " .
erence to other areas that could The program is sponsored by mostly SAB board members. to David Nickell. vice president of draw for free albums and tickets chased at the Student (‘enter tick~ " I’ ,- I . '-
hamperthe statein the future: Rolling Stone Magazine and represent them at the event. SAB. A grand prize drawing for a trip et window . ' ' '5' .‘ f *

ScePROGRESS.pagc5 , >1 . _l 3 : .

C Q . . . . . I .i.‘ :1 ‘ .
Wl‘lter says capitalism Major parties get even number
4%o’3fl‘ /. ‘ . > ' . _ .1

answer to world problems " of newly registered students
By ALEXANDER s. CROUCH Human wit. or creativity. causes no "~ '1 ‘- , -' ~ '
Editorial Editor the wealth of nations. Novak said- I'h rzi.iz.\iir:rii('.\R-\s ment Association drive. Most of thinking more about issues rather .. ' .' ‘,; . l'
"Bedouins became oil-rich Arabs“ ‘\ i-‘hliiiiein-(‘hicf those SGA registered were freshmen than party affiliations ‘ '. I. . h ‘

Michael Novak tolda crowd at the because "human Wit made some- ‘ ‘ ' and about 35 percent just changed The Democratic Party had a I t , - p ‘ .1
Newman Center last night that dem- thing iseless black gold." He said s/ The chairman of \‘ote Central their votingdlstriCLl‘lesald stronger showmg in Fayette and j p ' ' - ,2
ocratic capitalism is the only way to this wit also influences “the rest of . 1- . /' ‘3‘“ ~3I“ Kentucky yesterday announced the SGA registered most of L'K‘s vat» Scott counties. of the tail voters reg- ‘: .I_.
improve poverty. the human organism.“ He cited the I ' 9%: . registration of 1.209 new voters in ers during its voter registration istered in Fayette County. 49 3 per- I - . I ‘ ‘ ‘ . .

He reached that CODClUSth after United 5‘3135‘ rebuilding 0‘ its of ' Fayette. Scott and Madison counties drive Sept. 23-27. where members cent were Democrats. 4"7 REPUhh' V . I; . if? "
describing the roots of the system in World War II enemies as an exam- 3' f 1 ‘ l "“91 #4560f whom were [K students. get up booths at cafeterias and the cans and 9 5 Independent. third .. -. f _ ; ‘ .= -. ;.
three categories: sin, creativity and ple; Americans did it because they r 'I «a 1 -‘ 0f the L'K students. 43.3 percent Student Center party or none Percentages for the . g, .I J.
anew idea of community. believed that others‘ success would f» . ff 4 T , . registered Republican and 43.2 per- John Fischer. College Republicans 106 voters registered in Scott (‘ounty ‘ . . p » r -..' :

He said Americans' belief in social benefit them. f? ' Vi”? )' ' cent Democratic (a difference of one vice president. said the group regis- were 75.7 Democrat and 24 5 Repub- ’ "I ' ' - ‘ ,I ,

order arose from the principle of Capitalism also gave Americans a S ' ' voter]. Don McNay said at a mom tered about so voters at its meetings llcan. ' ' , ‘ ‘-
original sin; "5 political significance new definition 0f community: the 3’: .. I ing news conference The virtually and at its booth at the Student Orga- Although this year's registration ~ ' -‘ ‘ -.

' he epitomized as "trust no one with corporation or association. “That‘s ' r equal numbers represent a drastic nization Center. Only about eight of total was down from 1.47; in 1983 ‘ . ' I‘ .

too much Power-H The other side 0‘ why we like football SO much; "‘5 a MICHAEL NOVAK change from last year's 2 to 1 ratio the 60 registered Democratic. he and 3.522 last year. McNay said he . _ ' g . .

that JudeoChristian principle is series of committee meetings." He of Republicans to Democrats added was pleased with the turnout. espe- ‘ - ‘ ' ., .- .‘ i .'

most people are decent most 0‘ the said this new principle 0f voluntary Novak said Smith. an 131h century The remaining 13.4 percent l'eng- Fischer said he doesn‘t think the cially because there is neither a . .‘ . 4 '

time.hesaid. association has also bred a new per- philosopher. was the first person to tered Independent. third party or latest figures signified any type of presidential or gubernatorial race in ~ .I J .

“The first side makes democracy sonality type: the joiner, He quoted ask the right question in economics: none. There were two Libertarians Democratic movement among col- the upcoming election to spark inter- ‘ . :

and capitalism necessary. the other a Soviet defector who said Ameri- ”What are the causes of the wealth and one humanist in this group. lege students. but he attributed the est - ' ' ; '.

makes ll possible." The concept 0‘ cans were the "105‘ social Of all 990‘ Of nations?" McNay said. adding that he had no generally lower figures to the lack This year's drive was the third for ' f ‘ ',

original Sill gave birth to what he ple. Th t' h . d . . knowledge of a humanist party, ofastrong local partisan race. Vote Central Kentucky. a nonparti~ ‘ ,

considers the first trinitarian socie- The whole purpose of this new sys- ”Whe‘wrongtheques lon‘ ‘f? 53' ‘ 35,; L'K‘s total of 456 includes students Susan Brothers. Young Democrats san organization sponsored by the . ‘

ly. Wllh cultural. political and eco tem. Wthh he traced to Adam h a “in? - causes 0 pover "j changing their residency to a cam- president. said the equal numbers Lexmgton Jaycecs. SGA. the EKL’ . . .' ;

nomic institutions separate and in Smith. l5 ‘0 liberate people from T at o ) SW5 you more poverty ' pus address. said David Botkins. show that “realignment is essential- Student Association and other local ' .

OPPOSlhO'l- poverty and tyranny. 50¢“Rlll‘1Rmatlel coordinator of the Student Govern- ly dead." adding that students are civic groups , . I ' .

m Peace proponent tells U K debate team wins ‘ " ‘

w... ..........- .i . of disarmament plan . 't t' I t t . ‘
imam an m anl a iona ournamen .
"m“ °' 0“" ‘ ”" '°"" "‘ By KAREN MILLER nuclear weapons nie peace march
“‘0 F“ " ”l“ "‘ mn- sum Writer will beginon March 1 and is the first ' 1 33' BOBB'WOL‘X‘" "A5 "‘9 “Ond‘ranl‘i’d ‘eami
NONsiwl step inthefour-part strategy Contributing Writer «Brownell and Kupferhergi did ex-
Doug McWilliams. regional re- ion“. the march we ho ‘0 . _ ceptionally well. Patterson said.
cruiter for PROPeace — an organi- enmmzufhnerme and rejuvenat'ee the ‘ l. . No UK varSity debaters defeated He added that he was “exceedingly
A I" M ll m 0|! zation of “people reaching out for peace movement _ bring a whole .. ‘ a team from Emory UmverSity Sun. pleased With the" performance.
campus to m the right to life peace" _ came to campis yester- broad range of people back into the day to win a national invitational The top UK team. senior Ouita
W.Fetthem.ncn¢2. day to recruit students for a nine- movement.“ McWilliams said. “Sew "4 i ., :oumament at Vanderbilt Universi- 5113:2323 Jill‘nigePguiilrl-{lprgi was
m rch from Los An- y. l l a i 5
E‘i’ympfiiifiinninnc. $§yu§2yafi§§$$ofm°nfl§2 . ‘ k i‘ ' Sophomore David Brownell and finished a preliminary round with 3
During a lecture last night. Mc~ freeze _ that's the kind of constitu— ‘ . ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ junior Eric Kupferberg beat teams 7-1record.Patterson said
Williams told four people of PRO- ency we‘re trying to motivate." ‘3 . . ‘ from Northwestern UmverSity. the Papka took honors for best speak-
Pea «.3 four—part strategy for global :l ' . i; ' l University of Kansas and Bedlands er and Flowersfimshed in the top 10
nucleardisarmament. McWilliams said the second and ‘ .3 . . (Calif) UmverSity before winning inspeakerrankingshesaid
Gerald Morse, president of Social- third parts of the strategy are to set 9‘ - thefinalround ina 2-1 decision. Paul and Ouita really helped es-
” my utte- u mead- ly Concerned Students. the «ganja. up a mailing list along the march The 'win came as ‘avtrerriendom peeially atuthe tournament. Brow-
tleu “WW“ a“ tion sponsoring the lecture. attrib- and carry out a civil disobedience DOUG MchLLIAMS shock. Kupferberg said. Neither nell said. Eric was also a mayor
in the w 1m. 1w VIN” uted the lack of attendance to two campaign. (Brownelli or I expected to do this factor 7.] couldnt ask for a better
ly cloudy with e In h h In. civil disobedience meetings which supporters arewilling to “put them- well. partner. .
50-. Partly In! #- ue w weregoingonatthesame time. “A march iuelf is a good show of selves on the lineto go out and say UK debate coach J.W. Patterson Papka and Flowers Will represent
mfiafiufl. PROPeace is a yearold citizens commitment.“ he said. But the m '1 believe in this issue to the extent and some so teams competed in UK at Wednesdays 13th annual
movement dedicated to abolishins test of commitment comes when SeePIOPONENT.page5 stlfilWMtdmm~ SceDILIATE.page2

 v r v t v
Union Carbide files New campus group
to open PCB plant Q s .. ‘ formed to promote
a” a ‘ .. . {,3
- w so " ‘ ' h l'f
in Kentucky to n s. ,4" . rig tto l e stance
,. ”:5“, w.“ 2*. .
‘ ‘ n.0,»;- ‘4”. _ "2, . ._
’ , ' ' ' ' ° ‘ ’“ 55‘; \r . f By JOHN WINSTEAD “No one group existed whose focal
. - Opponents flghtlng earlier deClSlon $5“ \ l ' ContributingWriter pointwas pro-life,"hesaid.
. ' HENDERSON K). A? ' L'nion posed on the PM?“ by local zoning Q 2‘1’.‘ - ‘ i; A group of UK students interested While 8’9““ representing a pro-
_‘ . ~ ~‘ Carbide offimals have filed permit offiCials. Reamsaid. . 73.. ‘ ~ . ii in the right to life movement decid- choice position already eitist at UK.
- , applications to operate a PCBproc- Those conditions include a bond to — n 1 g '1 ‘ ' ' '2 ed to make the campus aware of the Staver said Campus Right to Life is
‘ essing plant in Henderson but say a cover the cost of any acctdent at the F J " a, w v ‘” A ‘ ' issues totally independent of any other or-
'. ' . ‘ final decision on the site has not plant and special environmental and it a ,. . ‘ ' ganization.
‘ ' ‘- ' been made financial monitoring by the Hender- H r 3 my ' , . r» .. g: 0 Campus Right to Life recently he-
, . . . The company recently requested son County Board of Zoning Adjust» $93 .5 aiding L . “.5 an came a registered student organiza- He said his personal beliefs are
- ‘ Permits tmm the “kite .-\lr Pollution ment fiw ‘ $3.. 3‘- - y .3. gr. y - ~ tion, said Matthew Staver. president that “abortion is the taking of life"
. ' - . ' Control Ilivision and from the lien l'nion Carbide has written the 4.» . s“ M: w? of thegroup. and that “abortion on demand is
. _. . . ' ‘ derson County Airport Authority. board for clarification of some of the W We; A . . . Q 'f' wrong for any reason."
" I ‘ , comp-'1“! SiX’kQ-‘m‘dn B0" Ream conditions. Ream said. The board . ' ‘ J ., “a; A. My“ »» is“; The group’s purpose is to promote
. .' ~ said granted upon Carbide the conditio- W”: ‘> up it suite-s am?“ an understanding of and appreCIa- The group will have an outdoor in-
'- . = . . .. .. d ., hd» h' _ t , t nal' .‘ g . mental l’rutectiont‘abinet , _ Stayern who lds a masters de- representative. “1 t guest

. p _ The plant would employ about 30 H gree m diVinity from UK and who is speaker.

: . . The bur ‘rt Authority permit h. people and bring‘ new tax revenue-t0 orns up now working toward a law degree.

- Q. needetlittipn‘i’ake- sure the pl‘int doe; the City 5 financ1ally struggling ”Q. . - said there is a need at UK for a Arbogast. a member or the K9“
. . ‘ y . 4 . t . erport. but opponents say those ben- Donna Walker, 0 finance sophomore, marches during band grou to address the s ific i' tuckv m ht to Life Board .~” . .,
-~ . _ not pose any hazard to aircraft oper- f, , . Id be H t b‘ h lth risks . ' . h II F' Id P pec ”H95 . g .‘ “1 g1.“
‘ .. -. ._ . 9 "5 “0“ 0 59 3 ea practice asinig tat Sto ie . of concern to the right to life an overView of current right to life

. . « ating around the plant .

’ , . . _ , . from the plant. movement. issues
' - ' i . 'Q . The company 's det-ision on a plant The plant was spurned by offiCials
.. . , . > '- site is being held up by questions of several other cities in Kentucky .Debate

. -. ' about some operating conditions tin» and other states
’ , ‘ ’ Continued from page one
. ’ ' . . round-robin Thoroughbred touma- Competing in the tournament will noiS. RedlandS. and Baylor universi- 50 universities plan to compete. will
, ' ' , _ rl er merit here. Patterson said they will be the University of Massachusetts. ties be held at the (‘arnahan House this
. - . (mummy “Um “mom. be debating against eight of the top Dartmouth College and Emory. The 14th annual Henry Clay De- weekend with elimination rounds on
’ ' . ,. . Q debate teams in the country. Northwestern. Eastern Illinois, Illi- hate. in which 100 teams from about Sunday.
‘ y ‘ - , Poverty is what you have when you "If you socialized the Sahara. in 20 ___________.____ _. ._
. , . don t know cause-5 ., years there‘d be a shortage of W
’ _ . Novak acknowledged. after he had sand ,~ - . ‘ -~"“’“ Q 1'.
' " ' outlined his new of the American 9 —"" "“ —" '1‘ r
' , - ' , ' system. that "you‘re not supposed to Novak‘s talk began the Newman ' . ~ .,\
. ' ' . cheer for it it‘s designed to work (‘enter‘s three-yearold Distin- ‘ , / . m This .. V
, . ,‘ . .~ - for sinners " The only moral majorr guished Speakers Series for 1985436. ‘ m, . $ Pb week 1
. - . . ty. he said. are sinners "You can‘t \\ - Top“) DUIOB
' l cheer {Or SUL'hii 5."5‘€‘m Q Often called a neoconservative ‘ D
. ‘ ._ - - v . s Q I
‘ . l , He told his audience of between hearthgfhihémgfiiegr"czgvi‘ihtles:‘mein- ‘ ‘ , BLITZKIDS
: ' , 175. and 200 people. however. to re- _ , . Q l , a r “59 n‘ D ’ ' Thurs. Nite Ladies i
. . 7‘ 4 . member that no other system has stitute.aconservativethinktank. l / i _\ y (N . -
' done so much to raise up the poor / // 9° Chippendale Dancers
‘ ‘ , . . decade by decade As a university teacher in the ‘605 ,/ (3 \ .v ‘ . £ -
_ . . Novak was active in protests against —-\/ " . ' ‘
' He had said earlier that he pre- the Vietnam War. and supported lib- \‘t ' - »_ "3.:
' » Q {erred ‘0 “"9 where the system eral presidential candidates. Ed- / Q .. I
' worked. rather than where the the- mund Muskie and George McGov- / p .7 .
= ory was good 50013115!“ 15 deSIENt-‘d- ern. He has been quoted as saying. I ' . ‘K 1, Q, t
. not to lift the poor, but to distribute “1 really got a full dose of the left. . y , . .
‘ wealth. and it works badly. he said andlspatitout." ' ' I I _‘ y, - ' 2’
. 2;: w; ‘. .
* . ' ET R SEAFOOD “g “"5““ “NH“ r ‘ it "
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 I I I 9 |
KENTUCKYKERNEL 7M7, October. nos-3
Al's Editor
Assis'ontAriszdno, .
..,.,-...e.a;.;.;:;:;:=,..s:sz.~ x. .v 2:. . af’“»$\}3’gm,é-wffi 3:11:33!gg‘..i.;:mgmngyayhg .1 F?“¢g=-'5..:”3:.==:=.I:1§.;:é:§‘=-'e..;;..,:jg;"tE-E'i‘Zii".:.37‘:;f*'i;“"‘;;§:;”" *j",:j;;g;“ li?:¢.ei3f3..;C:-:><'f‘I???”:25: ..:._: .. . 5/ '
“$.83: .' .~-i kgefasfimgfi“g $3,...) wewteezéttv ~34: gwgf - .. . Wflfief‘ :31 h -
' ' 9 p. ' .2; : . w e» a. p . ”*1" ‘ ° 1 .
Sinner 01‘ saint . e. .1 .. - ~ ._ Q: r, «a . J ustice to .
a .fi..tz i- : —
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God spurs Viewers to question miracles and conv1ctions , y ' 5,8 . - - i t perform at .. _ . -
H.) ‘ ’uy I" ~ ’ 1‘. ‘ ’. .. :
By ERIK REECE As Dr. Martha Livingston. a court- “Agnes of God" for filmmakers, he me ~ ff, . . ., . ‘. , ..
(ebntributing Writer appointed forensic psychiatrist, kept the same principle in mind, '. g 0\ II I IK ton ht , .' "
Jane Fonda is the secular represen— using a convent as the centralized . \ Ir lg ;" . .-I
Nuns rim bald through Vatican tative of that world. sent to the con- setting throughout the movie a, ".5 ." r r . . . . .
halls, pregnant. pleadin' immacue V6"! [(1) deftermine wétetlie: Agnes is “AS at {Eutflall three actrleis?‘ M . -' .3 Staff reports f ‘ J I. .
Iuteconception. mentaly it to stan tria for mur- 0 er se rpe ormancos not I ey “£3 - ‘ ~ \ KN"! 11". ,
. e 3 melee by one We eee w .- 3222:2722: 32 :32: 32:32: i - - .~
“LostintheI-‘lood“ What follows is a series of devel- until long after the Academy 3 e" w ,n, m“ m ”w Stu dent mm” Grand '. "1-, , 'j',
opments reinforcing both the spiritu- Awards havebeenpresented. .‘fe Ballroom at 8p- ”1 mm“ , g :3
N0! since last year's “The Killing al'ggla'gnosucrilgglstizf the lsTuie‘Thlgr uaFl‘onTSdfpggg‘éll‘tcmgsgnglftgperggr 1' . '3’ t The band has vum (‘r-lll‘t‘dl afl‘lalm . I: '2', '.9( ‘1'
Fields" has there been a movie 9“ y p g u y . ~ ‘ l ' _ for its first release a selfiitled LP ‘ -~‘:.";="',."
, _ , _. . argument. As the drama progresgfi‘ ground With a heartfet concern for «.4 \_ . . . g , ‘ . , . g
packing the cinematic punch {9" b) - , - ~ - ' . -. ii ~ mainly due to Maria .\li he! e tilue .\_\ y, .e_ - 't, ,4 . :l
.. . . .. it becomes apparent that not only is domg fight. She exhibits an agnostic r .\ _ .' i. , . .. ; _
Agnes 0f ('Od' a mental and emo— ‘ ‘t ‘ ‘ b t le sentimentalit that is traditionall' g, 2 ‘4 ‘ lead‘wale‘ ‘ . ". 1 2..
“on?” pilgrimage that Spurs Viewers Agnes sani y m question. u a so y . 3 Q w (a Warming UP for Lune ,lustit't' l> .‘ ilx'. l- I ' V
- Gods abilitv to intervene in the absent from a Character of such ' ‘ _. . -
to think long and hard about com/ic- lives ofindividuals doubt as well as praenting a depth the grass rmuampmm 11““. 1““. . .;- e; ,v. 3,, ;
,. ’ - ~ . ', . ., ~ . - \ . g. '. -'.v .’-.,_.—_ .'
tionsand miracles Bancroft and Fonda find their that is indeed refreshing, In Agnes of God. Dr. Livingston (Jane Fonda, must deltermine torThe cnncer' “I“ I“ ”filmy” m a ,1 , ’11,
The mov1e. based on John Plele characters in direct opposition. each Bancroft hascome' full circle since whether Sister Agnes (Meg Tilly) is mentally fit to stand trio . {35mm 5mm. and [5 [\wnwra , m :l :1 .v ,3}: . 1,:
meier-s Tony Award-Winning play. arguing for what she feels will save receivmg' motion picture notoriety Jewison and producer Patrick Palm- cations as contained m "Agnes of the Student :\('tl\'lll9.\ Board ‘ ”mm-t .1 . f1, ,5“ :
ml” the story of Sister Agnes. a Agnes from an inherent misery. [“5 for flashing her garters at 8.. be~ er The two have been together for God ” it isn't a film that strives to (”iimmittee in (-ilniunt Iltlt‘, with the 5 It? fie-‘1". 1-K".
N‘lldhke nun who gives birth m .a a constant struggle between fa'th fuddled Dustin Hoffman m The several films “Best Friends “ "lce- achieve any kind of precedent lt Runny»: 5mm» (drew two and f ‘T-“T'J’rl I
mnvont Moments later the Child Is and logic. As Livingston gradually Graduate." As Agnes' bereaved man .. and m"? stage-to-screen adap» 51mph creates a definite ”my“ mgwghflgcgv , . . . T. 1 l. r. .y.
iiiund dead in a wastebasket. stran- learns the upsetting truths that en- mother figure, Bancroft is both en- tation of"A Soldier's Stor