xt7h707wq17j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wq17j/data/mets.xml West Virginia Historical Records Survey (W. Va.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1941 xiv, 301 p., 1 ℓ. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:W 52vc/2 books English Charleston, W. Va., West Virginia Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. West Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications Presbyterian Church in West Virginia Church buildings - West Virginia - Catalogs Inventory of the Church Archives of West Virginia. Presbyterian Churches text Inventory of the Church Archives of West Virginia. Presbyterian Churches 1941 1941 2019 true xt7h707wq17j section xt7h707wq17j 11: 1 H ‘ 1 . » 1 uulvens1|11vo1EKEr11ur1Ky1 1 1‘1 .
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Prepared by . . . .
The West Virginia Historical Records Survey
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
0 a
" Charleston, West Virginia
_ The West Virginia Historical Records Survey
f December 1941

 Historical Records Survey Projects
Sargent B. Child, Director
William Fred Conner, Acting State Supervisor
' Research and Records Subdivision
I ' Rarvey E. Becknell, Director
Willard N. Hogan, Regional Supervisor
‘ Division of Community Service Programs
‘ Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Mary G. Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor
Irene Gillooly, State Director
, Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner
George H. Field, Regional Director *
Carl Riggs, State Administrator
Sponsor: West Virginia Department of Archives and History
mrs. Bess E. Harrison, Archivist

I Having made a study of the Inventory of ”The
Church Archives of West Virginia”, I most heartily
commend this work as a permanent contribution to the
history of our beloved State.
While the natural resources such as timber, coal, .
gas, and oil have given us an economic standing among
the states of our Union, the churches have given the .
moral and spiritual qualities that made West Virginia 2 .
known for the men and women of note in the world of
letters, and of science, and in sociology, and educa— '
tion, and in the religious sphere. “
While the church when considered as individual
congregations in many communities may often lack
strength and spiritual virility, yet when considered 9
as a whole, the Church has been the vital force in the
life of the State.
In these days of world tragedy the Church will be
found upholding the banner of Liberty and being true . --
to our motto “The Mountaineer is always free”.
This inventory will not only preserve history of .
the individual congregations; but will give the one ‘
who makes a study of it better understanding of the
place and significance of the Church in the develop—
ment of our State life, and will give a deep sense of
appreciation of the work of the Church. ;
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” Beard Chapel, Beard .................................. 245 ‘ 1
35 ' Woodrow Union Church, Woodrow ........................ 245 ' '
35 Bethany Church, Martinsburg .......................... 245
DE Tabler‘s Church, Tabler‘s Station .................... 246
37 Tannery Chapel, Tannery .............................. 247 . r
39 Duckwall Church, Berkeley Springs .................... 248 '
11 ‘ Fort Run Chapel, Moorefield .......................... 248
11 Mountain (Chapel) Church, Gerrardstown ............... 249
12 Oak Dale Memorial Church, Rig ........................ 249 ,
14 ' Greenland Church, Scherr ............................. 250
15 Saint Paul Mission, Douglas .......................... 250 ‘
18 Halltown Union Church, Halltown ...................... 250 '
337 Fairview Mission, Martinsburg 251 '1
15 Eagle’s Church, Martinsburg .................;........ 251 ,
19 Canaan Valley or Settlement Mission, Leadmine ........ 2C2 ‘ L
20 Cave Valley Pine Ridge Chapel, McCauley .............. 252 ‘
2O Benbush Mission, Benbush ............................. 255
21 Little Falls Chapel, Falling Waters .................. 255
3.51 . ,

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—xiv— ”
Table of Contents Page
Church Schools and Institutions ............................. 254
Greenbrie: College, Lewisburg ............................. 254
Mercer Academy, Charleston ................................ 255
French Creek Academy, French Creek ........................ 255 .
Creenbrier Presbyterial School, Lewisburg ................. 257
John Stephe sun Seminary, Charles Town .................... 257
Pattie Stochdale Memorial School for Girls, Colcord ....... 258
aVls but Engine 0 l , ii- .......................... 58
D ‘ ‘a l “1‘ C llege, Elllns 2
DavisJStuart School, Lewisburg ............................ 2&2
Pritchard School, Ona ..................................... 282
Bibliogra;:*}13r on.0...!.‘CQIDODIOJIDOOIODCOIOOICIOIIIJIpauturu. 265
1 Indices‘
Chronological ............................................. 259
Alpila‘be’tical (IIOOOIC‘IOOOOII'll-0000....'CIOIIIIIDOOII'II.2):?
. Geogl‘aljl/lical OI...IIIODtilt-0..CIIOQOOIIOOOIDICIIIOICl...1.gg‘ii

 e .
3 > general
f This volume contains an inventory of records of
,j ' Presbyterian churches and organizations in West Virginia, a
)fi brief resume of the essential facts in their history and or— '
; ganization, and a bibliography of primary and secondary
S writings concerning them. A separate entry has been prepared
f for each ecclesiastical unit and these entries have been num—
if bered successively throughout the volume to facilitate ready V
i‘ reference. As a further aid the entries have been arranged
h according to Synods and the Synods in turn are arranged by
<3 Presbyteries according to date of formation.
. The typical entry is divided into four parts: (1) name, ‘ ‘ '
dates, and address of the ecclesiastical unit; (2) pertinent
Q facts about its history, organization and architecture; (5) a
7 complete list of the extant records so far as the Survey has
i3 been able to locate them; and (4) a bibliography of printed '
and manuscript materials concerning the unit. ,‘
Name 3 ' ’ ‘
Full names of persons have been given except where such .
information was not available. With respect to first settled
clergymen, full names and dates of services are given whenever
that information could be obtained.
assesses -
‘wExaEt street addresses of churches appear, except where 1
there is no specific street designated. In certain cases ’ v
churches are located in rural areas; in that case the name of . V
nearest post office has been given. In the case of extinct ,
churches it has sometimes been impossible to determine their ,
exact location. In a few instances there never were any regu-
. lar church buildings, services having been held in school— {
houses or private homes, and concerning which there sometimes
is no definite information.
Dates ,
—_“”~Whenever possible the dates of erection and disposal of 5
church buildings have been given. In some cases, however, it
' has been impossible to state when the first church edifice was
erected, due to the loss of early records. Some extinct organi- ;
zations, particularly missions, never had any special build— v
ing, and it would be practically impossible to indicate all the ‘ '
. places in w