xt7h707wq16z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wq16z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2006 text The Kentucky Press, September 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt7h707wq16z section xt7h707wq16z a. . .. .. .. ._ REPROGRAPHICS 3
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September, 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Assocnatlon/Kentucky Press Servnce ‘ :-
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The Anderson News will no “33- " - 4-5-17 r 3
longer publish photos of peOPIe 3%; 3 g p%
conv1cted of drunken drivmg for *3 l . ‘ mwuwm}

The former publisher of the 3 ’ ;
Anderson News, Don White, said in : ' I :
1998 he received calls from people 3min; .r. f .3, . , 3
who wanted to keep thelr names off $333333?” :- 3:31
the court records page In the news- 33» 3 3 " ' - 5;. 3333-3’5333 -,
Paper Wthh has a Cll‘Clllatlon 0f ' 3” if“ .
about 5'700' H i . 3% The Newspaper Assoc1at10n 2
a deterrent to these folks to have ' fig] 3 in Louisville this year. One of the 7
their name In the paper then hOW -, ’ ,. a hlghllghts of the convention was a '
would they feel if they knew their 1%.; f tour and dinner at the Brown- ’
picture was also going to be in there 3 : .v 1......:-::§.§*f;{£; Foreman Distillery outside of .-
Wlth their name?.” he said at the '3 f .. ' .3“; f f Frankfort where several brands of :f
tlme. -32 ’ ‘3 whiskey and bourbons are made. :-

But general manager Ben Carlson , 2:3}: - “3353i. 3,, ‘ Above; NAM Visitors pose for a ,1
send 1t1s not the newspaper s role to 33% ”:3; 3i .- 3.,”ggfie photograph out51de the C115- ‘:
P‘mISh or embarrass People. 33334%%‘3§%3§‘% 3, 1 5i - : tlllery s convention center. Left: 5

He wrote a (301111131 m a recent 23$33’3L3Vr 5%; M 3% After dinner, NAM ViSitOTS enjoy 3
edition explainlng the deCISlon. L fieefféffw‘§% «M {gr-12:33? 1 the Kentucky everung Sittlng out ,
Carlson 3313 he 30313333 3° 333- 33- 3 on the front porch of the conven— :
dence that pubhshmg the photos .- . 2 ' 3333 tion center- '3
served as a deterrent. . rr" .' ._ 3333533337 ’33 f

‘ 33% 333333 -


See People on Page 8


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 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, September, 2006
V Themwda’l’mwmwme
. Pubhshedmonflfiybymxmmky”mmt’omcmnrcasey
Former Anderson News publisher PrsAssommn/chkyl’rescomywews
Semeeahfimdpefiage 13 1 _ f 3.13: I? “ J ::*i: . 2
Rumsey GarrlSOH passes away Subsmpnonpriceis$8peryearLexntgtonHerald'Leader
Rumsey Elliott Garrison Jr., former managing editor and co-publisher of j POWEI‘ Sendchangeofaddress for I
the Anderson News, died Aug. 9. He was 91. ThaifienmckyPress,101ConmerDzsmctlzte’reresastzenters, Bares
Garrison, who was managing editor and co—publisher of the newspaper :‘.Lane,Franl1 V ' Board ofVVDirectoVrsV , V Associates Division ‘ Stan Lamps
arrangements. District 1 _ Loyd Ford, The L aka Kentucky Education Cabinet
N9“! Calvert City 0 Journalism Education Representative
District 2 - Jed Diiungham. Dawson 3211;753:1301» wager“ Kentudcy
Survey finds low WWW ‘ , " W
, . 1 ., '3 . i . ' ' 1 General Counsels — Jon Fleischaker,
Emmet?) “Dayld DIXC-m’ The Ashley Pack, Dinsmore & Shohl
. ll endersonGleaner, . 1 , ,
..' KtukPA'tiStff
Start“ lg pay, $1113 Drum - Jeff 10b8, Butler County p.53 {Tiorffii’onsii‘é‘fuél 1
. . . Banner ' Director
. . V . . , Bonnie Howard, Controller '
raises for Journalists 3,1,1, — 111111 . i
, David Greer, Member Services
. . . . Director
0 , 2‘3““? - John Mura, 140%va John Whitlock, News Bureau
n average, cub reporters at daily newspapers make less than $30,000 ourier Journal , ,, ' Director
their first year, according to the most comprehensive industry report on V D ‘dS N M . ,
salaries and compensation. District 7 - Kelley Warnick, Gallatin Ad‘rfniniftigftfrrl 8W edia
The 2006 Newspaper Industry Compensation Survey found that the County News .1 Buffy Sams Bookkee in Assistant
average entry-level salary last year for the 521 dailies participating in the ’ Stephanie Conrad P g
study is up 17.3 percent from 2001, but is still a humble $29,048, or $558.62 District 8 ' Ken Metz, Bath County Research IMarketilng Coordinator
a W991“ . . _ News Outlook 3 1 , , Sue Cammack, Administrative
They'd be better off movmg to the class1fied department, where the aver- , . Assistant
age salary for an inside sales rep last year was $36,077. District 9 ' Loretta Tackett, Paintsville Rachel McCarty Adv ertisin
Sports editors were paid an average salary of $52,632 last year, up about Herald Assistant I g
15.5 percent from five years ago. 1 H ll Will d INAN B . k
Newsroom raises are slowing down, the report suggests. While the base District 10 ' Edmund Shelby, Sigmembjs’oficers WIZSEZder
pay of beginning reporters increased by double digits since 2001, the raise Beattyville Enterprise may be reached by e-mail using the indi-
between 2004 and 2005 was just 2.1 percent, well under the inflation rate of vidual’sfirst initial full last ( V
District 11 - Willie Sawyers, London name @ k ress com/
See SURVEY on Page 4 Sentinel Echo VP ‘ '

 - The Kentucky Press, September, 2006 - Page 3 j
KPA ad ert's'ng sets ne record '
7' ' ' ..e Geor etown area has rown. '
5 org anlzatlon makes On second I giess for the past g0 years at least, we’ve
f . Thou ht . _, always said, ”Twenty—four,” when asked '
mOnthly mark 111 ______g_ % how many dailies there are in Kentucky. Not f
»’ 2 since the Paris Daily Enterprise went from :
i more W ays than one E, David T. unmpson v daily to weekly to defunct, or the Columbia -f
I KPA Executive Director kw Statesman stopped daily publication has the .
August typically isn’t that large of an number of daily newspapers changed in the E
advertising month. Going back over the last Bluegrass. It seems to have always been 24. I
. 23 years, only August of 2002 was above I’ve told you before, I’ll tell you many 2
$400,000 in placement. In fact, August TWO KentuCky papers times in the future, I’ve always been proud I.
ranked only above January in total number ° of our Kentucky newspapers. And this is 'ust :
of times we’d hit $400,000. Then there were are exceptions to rule another reason. Congrats, Marty and thke I
Mays and Octobers when $400,000 was A quick check around the country seems and staffs. .
rather easy. to verify that two Kentucky newspapers are ,
is But August, 2006, now ranks as the high- thfi exciptions rither than the rule. At a 1tlime o o o o o .
est advertisin month in KPS histo _ The w en t ere mig tbe more dailies switc ing ' ?
staff sold mm: than $910,000 (and drill the to weekly publication, the Appalachian Web Slte category added ..
. newspapers ran all the ads, we’ll finish the NEWS Express in Pikeville and the to annual contest »
’ month with that amount). Georgetown News-Graphic have done just .
' The $910,000 broke last year’s October the OPPOSite- Not a lot Of changes in the Excellence in c
, mark of $868,000 (record number one). And Instead of publishing three times per Kentucky NEWSPaPerS - 2006 competition, ,
the $627,000 placed just in Kentucky news- week, as both had for several years, the two save for the addition of one new category --
papers was $80,000 above the previous high Lancaster Newspapers publications have Best NEWSpaper Web Site. _ - ,
7?? : ; for placements in Kentucky newspapers gone daily. That’s unheard of these days. Editors should have received the mailed :

. (record number two). When the news came about Georgetown’s packet of information on the contest. And it’s ;
‘ Add to that our ARK 2x2 network with move to daily I did a quick check of my col- also available on the web -- ,
he: - . $30,350 and you have yet a third record. leagues around the country and found only www.kypress.com/excellence2006. :
" Now consider that in all of 1983, KPS one other newspaper going from weekly to The contest period is for all issues pub-
., ‘ placed a total of $983,000 and you see how daily. And that won’t happen until later this lished between Oct. 1, 2005, and Sept. 30, _
.; . far the ad service has come. month. 2006. But it takes a while to gather all the i
. .‘ The ad staff got tired Of hearing me say, Most of the press associations reported issues and all the potential entries SO don’t
i'§=. ‘ ”Are we there yet, are we there yet?” and just the opposite Dailies have become week— wait until after Sept. 30 to Start that sortlng.
t, :‘ . they were somewhat relieved when we final- lies or are considering such a change in pub- G0 through Past Issues NOW and P1111 the .f
I ly reached it, with a few days remaining in lication frequency. For definition purposes, things you want to enter. .’
j the month. most of us define a weekly as being pub- For the web site category, you’ll only have .
.. Of course, hitting $900,000 gave me an lished up to three times per week, a daily as to submit your URL (web site address) and
i: . opening to say, ”Let’s do a million this being published four or more times. we'll Pass that along to the Judges “(he W111 :’
1;; month!” lust gotta keep them on their toes. The move by the Appalachian News rev1ew all. the web Sites entered, a minlmum
So to Teresa and Rachel and Holly and Express isn’t a recent idea. For my 23 years of three times. Content, ease of naVIgation,
Stephanie and Ashlee and Bonnie and Buffy here, that’s been mentioned more than once design/ visual, timeliness. and news llhkS :
and Sue and David Spencer. Well, I have to a year. LaJuene Waggoner and Barbara Will be the criteria for the ludg1ng. _ 5
i include David Greer and John Whitlock Justice often talked about it at Kentucky This being the first time we’ve offered this :1
:2 'f ‘ because they had to put up with my banter Weekly Newspaper Association conferences. category, there could be room for improve— ::
i back and forth with the ad staff. So to the And both thought it would be ”later this meet on the judging Ctiterla or there C011“ i
:1: ; whole staff, ”Thanks!” It was a great birth- year” that the ANY went daily. Didn’t hap— be room for more categories in the future. ::
. day present and a great way to celebrate the pen. But we wanted to_ get something included
. 23rd anniversary with KPS. Georgetown’s switch might be a little this year and keeping it Simple was the best
. And I’m certain all of our Kentucky Press more surprising although the market in and way to go for now.. .
k : Association newspapers join me in congratu- around SCOtt County has certainly changed. The-entrydeadline 15 Oct 16- We usually 1'
i lating you and thanking you. No more is Scott County the sleepy little make It a Friday Put that would have been
:1; (RS. to the ad Staff _- So now let’s shoot for community where farmers gather down- Friday, the 13th. I m a llttle superstltlous so i
i that first million dollar month!) town on Saturdays or every person you see extending the deadline was ObVlOllS.
. ' on the street you can call them by their first
‘ ..... name. I know first-hand how the David Thompson is the executive director of i
' / ~ . . - » - the Kentucky Press Association.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, September, 2006
KPA ed1tor1al workshops cover dISaster reportmg, editing and WI‘ltlIlg techniques ‘

- Earthquake, tornado, flood, forest fire, bliz- -23 work from home, if needed. And there’s also the

' zard, ice storm, chemical spill and avian flu. Oh’ by the A need to devise a communication system using

‘ Aside from sounding like a list of made-for-TV way ... g4 two-way radios if power fails and c611 phones t

: movie topics, all of these are natural or man— —— tat don’t work, Kolarik said.

3 made disasters that could strike Kentucky. Some ii»? I Those attending learned that state agencies, 1

1 already have. By David Greer , 5' such as the Division of Emergency Management

; These scenarios and more were discussed dur- KPA Member Services RA and the Department Of Public Health, have sub- 1
ing the disaster—reporting segment of KPA’s Director stantial amounts of disaster preparedness infor-

, recent one-day journalism boot camps held in mation for the public and journalists on their web ‘
Lexington and Madisonville. More than two— sites. , ;
dozen Kentucky journalists partici ated. Some useful URLs include:

‘_ While you and your newspapefcan’t plan on DISASTER RESPONSE www.homelandsecurity. ky. gov _ l

3 when such calamities might strike your commu— Some useful URLs include: http:/ /kyem.dma.ky.gov . (

_ nit};é yo]:1 clingrepare fofrEthem, the speakers said£ www.homelandsecurity.ky. gov http: / / chfs.ky.gov/ dph/ ep1/ preparedness 1

‘ en c y 1v1310n o mergency anagemen _

. representatives Buddy Foster and Dan Hayden, ht . / / fitti.//k‘y7:in.gr/na.li