xt7h707wnc96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wnc96/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1965 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2, Autumn 1965 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2, Autumn 1965 1965 1965 2014 true xt7h707wnc96 section xt7h707wnc96 i
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 In the spring of 1963, the Abbott Laboratories com- ; I
missioned Mary Gehr, a Chicago artist, to illustrate an ” I
article on the Frontier Nursing Service for their publi—   ,
cation, Abbottcmpo. The Abbott Laboratories were so `
kind as to give the FNS Miss Gehr’s lovely paintings. I
One of them, photographed by Phyllis Long, is on the  
cover of this Bulletin and is our Christmas card to you. i
` I
` `
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I
Lexington, Ky. I
Subscription Price $1.00 a Year ` ‘
Edit0x·’s Office: \Vend0ve1·, Kentucky 1
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507 I
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Cnnyriglnt. 1965. Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. l

  A Message From Molly Molly Lee 10
y American Association of
E i Nurse-Midwives 6
g i Are We Needed? H. E. B. 7
in   Beyond the Mountains 39
  Cindy Speaks Anna May January 27
2 Come to the Stable Anne T. Rule 3
Dr. Mary Lucille Wiss A Photograph 9
Field Notes 46
i In Memoriam 13
Old Courier News 15
Old Staff News 31
The Forty-Ninth Class A Photograph Inside Back Cover
The Mary Breckinridge Hospital P. E. 8
The World’s Desire (verse) G. N. Chesterton 2
‘ g BRIEF Brrs
K   Challenged by Bells The Countryman 26
  .§ . His voice 36
` l In a School Essay . . . Mutual Moments 5
»   Mount Vernon Frances P. Bolton 37
~ Postal Zip Code 6
i Resigned to It ? ? The Countryman 45
  1 Some New Love . . . John Ruskin 12
.   That Certain Something Modern Maturity 38
  White Elephant 30
Wrong Pew Modern Maturity 29

The ChrisT-child lay on lvlary's lap, l’
His hair was like a lighl. ii
(O weary, weary were The world, T
BuT here is all arighT.)  .
The ChrisT—chilcl lay on lvlary`s breasT,
His hair was like a sTar.
(O sTern and cunning are The Kings,  
BuT here The True hearTs are.}  
The ChrisT—chil0l lay on Mary`s hearT,  
His hair was likeaTire. "
[O weary, weary is The world, l
BuT here The w0rlcl`s desire.)  
The ChrisT—chilcl sT00d aT lvlary's knee, i {
His hair was like a crown, A]
Ancl all The Tlowers l00ked up aT him  
And all The sTars l00kecl down. l
—G. K. Chesterton, 187 4-1936, I;
The Oxford Book of Carols ‘

. by
i ` It is a sad indictment of our age that Christmas, the greatest
’, Christian festival of all, has degenerated into a tinsel bauble
  , deftly wielded by the giants of commerce and trade.
j Where has Christmas gone? This was the question pon-
i dered at length by one very troubled D. C. The answer came in a
i Hash of light. It was here, right in the palm of my hand. Christ-
I-` mas lies in the hearts of children and we have thirty-three of
them in the Granby (Conn.) Pony Club.
I At first the parents merely stared in bewilderment. They
seemed to feel it would be a giant undertaking. They couldn’t
quite grasp the fleeting vision I tried to put before them. Even
  the few that are wise in the ways of horses shook their heads a
Q little at the prospect of exposing them to a mixture of cows,
I sheep, goats, music and crowds.
  How were the horses going to react to their riders with
Li noses buried in carol books and singing lustily? Weren’t the
[ horses going to get restless and cause trouble? These and many
{ other questions were put to me.
* One positive thought remained——it could, and would, be done.
l I would just have to show them. Six rehearsals later came forth
. . a living re-enactment of the simple, moving story of Christmas.
i l Everyone was spellbound.
», The feat was accomplished with thirty or so Pony Clubbers,
  seventeen horses, two sheep, a cow, a goat and a donkey. Add
to this a wheezy old pump organ, a stack of straw bales, some
old planks, and a roll of chicken wire. Blend all these ingredients
C together with loads of enthusiasm and good practical help from
 _ some of the fathers, and you have it.
g The final dress rehearsal was a complete shambles. ENery—
i  thing went askew. At this point I comforted myself with a tra-
  dition borrowed from the theatre. If the dress rehearsal goes
 .. badly, the performance will go well. This held good for us.
  Our donkey started all the trouble. She refused to leave
  her home and walk over to Pony Club. In desperation she was
3 finally tied behind a pickup truck and forcibly dragged over.

 4 1moN·1·mR mmsmc smzvrcn  
Meanwhile, all the children were dressed and waiting. Our  
unmounted ones were poised atop the straw bales, looking very  
angelic in robes and halos loaned by the local church. The  
mounted Pony Clubbers brought their own horses and were lined  
up flanking the créche on either side.  
Our two Littlest Angels, six year olds, were shyly hovering V
in a corner waiting to escort Joseph and Mary in on the donkey ,
to the strains of "Silent Night."  ¤
By about the fifth introduction to the carol, the donkey — ij
started reluctantly to move. We began the tender opening  
words, and the mood was established. Mary was perched, side- X
saddle fashion on Jenny’s back, serene and composed. Joseph
stood at her head, bowed, in well-rehearsed and reverent pose.
Suddenly Jenny, who was utterly lacking any sense of piety _
or dignity, took a notion to bolt. The Virgin Mary ilew through J
the air and came to rest in a very unholy position. Our two tiny
angels met with a similar fate. Joseph had too many problems of
his own at that moment to do anything to help them. 2
The last we saw of him was a iieeting glimpse of heels dug l
in the sand skidding along beside the donkey, a very youthful  
butch cut displayed in place of the errant wig and beard which  
had flown off in the fray. He whizzed past and scattered the [,
shepherd boys who were waiting their cue to enter by the south
door and went halfway around the hay lot before Jenny ground  
to a halt as suddenly as she had taken off.  
On the heels of this little episode, we decided to tie Jenny { ,
up in the manger and have her there for effect only. We were i
to have had a very minuscule brother of one of our Pony Club- -j
bers portray the Infant Jesus; however, when the story of Jenny ~
reached his mother she decided against it and we substituted a J
doll. i
We chose as our cause the Frontier Nursing Service in Ken-
tucky where horses are still used by the nurses to reach the sick ,
in the mountains and where conditions of dire poverty exist. We .
encouraged the Pony Clubbers to make some small gift them-  
selves, rather than just go and buy something at the store.
We varied our program by having one of the mounted Pony *
Clubbers read the Lesson from Luke. Another recited "The ,
Legend of the Christmas Rose/’ while the part of the little shep- 1
herdess was acted by yet another youngster, clad, as were our ,

  boy shepherds, in old grain bags. The outburst of convincing
fl crying by the shepherdess I later learned was only stifled laughter
  brought on by nerves.
#2] The shepherds created a sharp contrast to our richly robed
  Kings who rode in on three matched black ponies while we sang
W the carol of that name. One king almost lost his footing when
} the goat gave him a sharp nudge in the rear as he was rising
  from bended knee. This incident was picked up by the television
_   camera.
I; Our cow really went to town and mooed with sheer delight
- while we sang "The Gloria." This was obviously her favorite
carol. By some strange coincidence, while we were singing the
lines from "Away in a Manger" . . . "The cattle are 1owing," she
let out a very long-drawn and gentle moo. This, combined with
t the sheep who baa-ed during the singing of "VVhile Shepherds
Watched Their F1ocks," caused several people to suggest that
I had pressed buttons.
_ All this was captured on a tape-recording and is available
i  for the world to hear. ·
‘ j At the conclusion of the tableau the mounted Pony Clubbers
  rode past the manger and presented gifts to Joseph and Mary,
l" then the audience followed. Despite the freezing cold New Eng-
V land night, three hundred people turned out to witness "Come
g to the Stable."
1 To the end of my life I will never forget the warmth and
  response of those people. Like great tidal waves their voices
Qi rose to the rafters and swept us back across the centuries to
A , that humble stable in Bethlehem.
  —Reprinted from the October, 1964 issue of
~ The Chronicle of the Horse with the kind
, permission of the author.
B In a school essay on "Parents," one little girl wrote: "We get
- our parents when they are so old it is hard to change their
" habits."
—-Mutual Moments,
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company,
Winter 1965 .,.,

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gl J é’€·»   OF if
gyrg    jg NURsE.MIDWIVES, Inc.  
\- `— . · ya
The thirty-eighth annual meeting of the American Associa- Y
tion of Nurse-Midwives was held at Wendover, Kentucky, on Sat- _
urday, September 18. Members and guests were entertained with
a buffet luncheon by the Frontier Nursing Service before the
meeting. The Secretary announced that at a meeting of the »
Board of Directors on September 6, Miss Betty Lester had been J
appointed to fill the unexpired term of President, left vacant by
the death of Mrs. Mary Breckinridge in May.
The President welcomed members from Oklahoma, Arizona,
Michigan, and Ohio, as well as from other parts of Kentucky. Dr.
Mary P. Fox, Regional Health Officer for Eastern Kentucky, stu- _
dents from the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery, and FNS Q
staff members also attended the meeting.
The guest speaker for this annual meeting was Dr. John W.
Greene, Jr., Professor and Chairman of the Department of Ob-
stetrics and Gynecology at the University of Kentucky, who gave 4
, a most interesting report on recent studies at the University on
the problems of interuterine fetal jeopardy. As always, a digest "
of the speaker’s address and the minutes of the meeting will be *
mailed to the members of the Association who are scattered all  l
over the world. V
HELEN E. BROWNE, Secretary  r
We would like to ask you, our readers, to include your zip
code in your return address when sending in your subscription Q
and/or change of address. We do want to cooperate with the ,
Post Office Department in using zip codes and you can help us j
to keep our mailing list up-to-date. v_

   QUARTERLY Bunnmrrw 7
While your Director was speaking in various cities outside
  the mountains this fall, she attempted to answer the question
E which is in the minds of many people today: Is there still a need
for the Frontier Nursing Service? Those members of the staff
{ who have worked with the FNS for anywhere from ten to thirty
`G years give the unqualiied answer: Yes. We feel this way because
_ it has always been our aim to give the children a healthy start
· in life so they may be better equipped to face the problems of
r this changing world. It is always our hope that others who, like
‘ ourselves, are interested in the health iield will come to us for
, further education and training so they may carry our techniques
’ to other areas in need, not only in this country but in the devel-
. oping countries of the world.
F Our Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery has been in
_ continuous existence for twenty-six years and graduates of this
School are now working in some forty different countries as well
as in the United States. As you, our readers, well know, profes-
` sional guests from foreign countries come to us every year to
° observe our program. Through the work of our nurse-midwives
' and these professional guests, our influence is already widespread.
Various programs in the field of health and education, spon-
1 sored by the Federal Government, are coming into the area. We
must help the people of our area adjust to these programs in
U such a way that they may have a better way of life, and yet still
P keep the good things which are here——the greatest of which is
 T their family solidarity. We must strive to maintain the high
standards of the work and to broaden our educational program
{ so we may continue to be of help, not only to the people of our
- area but also to the people of this nation and the world.
  With the help of our many generous friends, we shall try
_ to do just this.
? -11. E. B.

At a meeting in Lexington, Kentucky, on October 8, 1965,  
the Executive Committee of the Frontier Nursing Service passed i
the following resolution: i i
"Recognizing the extraordinary and imaginative leadership,
love and devotion of Mrs. Breckinridge in the establishment of
the Frontier Nursing Service and its direction over a period of l
forty years, '
"BE IT RESOLVED: The Executive Committee has reached
the present determination that the memorial to Mrs. Breckin- .
ridge shall be the Mary Breckinridge Hospital, perpetuating her
pioneer work in bringing the benefits of modern medicine to the _'
people of this mountain area, and
"FURTI-IERMORE, it is directed that gifts received for The
Fortieth Anniversary of the Frontier Nursing Service and in
memory of Mrs. Breckinridge shall be allocated to the Mary
Breckinridge Hospital Fund."
We in the Frontier Nursing Service feel that there could be ,
no more fitting memorial to Mrs. Breckinridge’s life and work
than a new hospital at Hyden. We have long recognized the need t
for an addition to the Hyden Hospital and Health Center. Over
the years we have taught our patients to seek medical care and
now our physical facilities are not adequate, either for outpatients
or for inpatients, to meet the needs of the area we serve. For
many years we saw an average of 10,000 patients a year in the
Hyden Clinic. For the last three years we have seen over 18,000.
Every available inch of the present hospital at Hyden is crammed
with patients, staff, and equipment, and there is no room for i
expansion. i
Some months ago a Hospital Subcommittee, under the chair- ,
manship of Dr. Francis M. Massie, was appointed by the Execu- .
tive Committee. After study and consultation with interested  V
medical personnel in Kentucky, the Subcommittee has concluded ·
that a new Frontier Nursing Service hospital in Hyden is neces- 1
sary and recommends that it be built. _
We are not quite ready to break ground yet. A new hospital,
which will not only meet our present needs but also provide for .
the certain increase in the demand for medical services in the  .
future, will be an expensive venture. But Mrs. Breckinridge her-
self always said that if something were needed badly enough, a  
way would be found to get it. The loyal support of our many, i

 Z many friends over the past forty years encourages us to believe
 T that we will have your interest and support in this new venture
 Q and we want to share with you our plans for the future.
_  -—P. E.
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' Medical Director of fhe Fronfier Nursing Service whom we welcomed
V wi+h open arms on Ociober 3. |965.

b .
Those of you who have, in the passage through life, met
sudden disaster, can appreciate the wealth of good which often `
comes through pain. In the pitiful accident which came suddenly
upon us, my sister and I found a world of compassion to wonder  
at, a world limited by no horizons, geographical, social or racial.  
So many people in the first few hours helped in different j
ways to sustain life itself: by swift conveyance, by the quiet con-
Hdent skill of the surgeons, by the prompt and most generous h
offers of blood from those who realized how much needed it
would be; by the devotion of the hospital staff and our own FNS
doctor and nurses who spent many patient hours and travelled
many miles to care for us; by friends far and near who by com-
ing, or staying away, did so much by thought and prayer to
uphold us in those early days.
Neighbours, known and unknown, old folks, crippled folks,
active church groups, school children, sending from England S
and Kentucky their own handmade greeting cards and iiowers,
expressed their concern.
The ministering of the Church, in the fullest sense of being
universal, was brought by Ministers and Priests of several
denominations. At no time was Divine aid very far away—only i
as far as our own thoughts. ,
There have been many gifts of flowers and useful, needful
articles. All of the donors I have not known, so certainly have Fl
not always thanked in words. Be it known how deep our appre- 3
ciation goes for these gifts and for the true compassion in every
thought and prayer. As Tennyson so rightly wrote, "More things
are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." That we have .
been upheld in countless hearts from Pakistan to California,
from England to Canada, by persons at all stages of spiritual f
growth has brought much comfort and the knowledge that we
are never alone in suffering.
I would say to my American friends, particularly to those
in Leslie County, that the shame which they felt on our behalf  i
has touched me deeply, but that never for a moment has my .
loyalty to them wavered. .

May I ask you, too, to trust, that in the unexpected happen-
ings of every day, we may more fully believe that all things work
together for good to them that love God. I am more than happy
to be able to say that my sister Nora, with her much more severe
` injuries, can sing when things are hard, and is looking forward
i to teaching a new Way of Life.
[ Editor’s Note: Soon after writing this, Molly and her sister left Wendover
3 (see Field Notes). The following excerpts from letters we have received
from Molly and Nora will give their latest news:
From Molly Lee, London, England-—October 22, 1965
` We have thought a lot about you and realize and appreciate
all you did on our behalf—also how good your decisions were.
We did enjoy our stay at Wendover. I can see now that it was
long enough to accomplish all that was necessary. The social
events certainly helped us to see everybody .... Nora has told
you most of the events up to yesterday, when we were taken by
ambulance to Roehampton in the morning. I was proud to be
the Escort Nurse and carry the records, and am pleased to have
been able to see the specialists this week with Nora ....
Nora goes to P. T. once a day and has a pretty good workout.
An Australian is looking after her. I’ve been working on myself
mostly-—stay on top of the bed, dressed all day, to reduce swell-
ing so that I can keep working the ankle. There is visible prog-
ress in just this one week. The P. T. chief talks of putting it in
wax on Monday. The dry skin has improved enormously. I’ve
been getting into the bath tub every night and doing exercises
in hot water, after everybody else is in bed and asleep. The shape
1 looks quite respectable and some feeling is coming back ....
. . Hilly has been in three times, one Sunday with Rose’s special
" cream cheese salad, which she must have had at Mardi Cottage.
3 It is so good to see her rosy, smiling face. She hopes to take us
‘ to the woods in her Van, perhaps this week end ....
. Alison Bray came in a few days ago and will come again.
I met her once in Hyden. We enjoyed together some of the old
trails of twenty years ago ....
p There is TV at the far end of the ward. Nora goes down
I and watches her favourite programmes. ,The wheel chair has
been so wonderful. It is very handy and so good to be inde-
pendent ....
_ From Nora Lee, London, England——October 28, 1965
- I’m on my second visit to Roehampton this morning, sitting
in the X-ray room waiting my turn .... Last Thursday we went
V over to the limb-fitting centre and I was measured up and a

ig raoivrima Nxmsme simvxom  
plaster cast taken of each leg below the knee .... We saw an eye ‘
specialist, Miss Simpson, on the first Monday and she gave me
eye drops and said I could have some specs with tinted glass.
She also said the left eye was seeing well and didn’t need a special
lens. She suggested I should be looking after the right eye myself,
so after instructions from Molly the next morning, I now do it , ,
on my own. The specs arrived yesterday afternoon in the physio ,
room and several people said they like them .... They have a
wooden chair weighing apparatus, and on the iirst Monday I was {
132% lbs. instead of at Harlan 125 lbs. Considering all I ate at ll
Harlan after going onto regular food, to say nothing of Wendover 1
where the meals are so marvellous, it’s no wonder I gained 7 %
lbs ....
We like the ward sister, Miss Smith, and her second-in- r
command, Miss Gardner. We’ve made some new friends among
the patients, too. And I still get letters from my dear little babes
at home in Devon ....
When you see Mrs. Moorman again, will you please tell her
how thrilled I am with my chariot and how mobile I feel in it.
And would you also tell Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Clay how pleased H
I am about the feather-weight "throw" which goes over my ·
knees, and if the wind blows, gets wrapped around my neck and
shoulders ....
Some new love of lovely things, I
Some new forgetfulness of the teasing things,  
Some higher pride in the praising things,
A Some sweeter peace from the hurrying things ·
And some closer fence from the worrying things.
——Jolm Ruskin, 1819-1900  

l is an ’
Flat Rock, North Carolina San Francisco, California
Died in July, 1965 Died in October, 1965
` New York, New York Washington, D. C.
{ Died in June, 1965 Died in June, 1965
1 Sewickley, Pennsylvania New Haven, Connecticut
Died in July, 1965 Died in August, 1965
Frankfort, Kentucky Hyden, Kentucky
» Died in July, 1965 Died in October, 1965
New York, New York Big Creek, Kentucky
Died in June, 1965 Died in September, 1965
Washington, D. C.
` Died in May, 1965
l·le is not dead, this triend —— not dead,
But in the path we mortals tread
Got some tew tritling steps ahead
And nearer to the end.
So that you too. once past the bend.
Shall meet again, as tace to tace. this triend
You tancy dead.
. —Robert Louis Stevenson. l850-l894
` Mrs. Archibald Douglas was one of the very early sponsors
of the Frontier Nursing Service, a charter member of our River-
» dale Committee and on our National Board of Trustees. She was
· not only a generous supporter of the work but a great friend to
Mrs. Breckinridge and each year she sent us lovely knitted gar-
Q ments for our tiny babies. The generous legacy she left us will
‘ help to carry on with the work in which she showed so much
interest. We will long remember Mrs. James B. Haggin as a
generous supporter of our work and as the donor of the Margaret
; Voorhies Haggin Quarters for Nurses at Hyden. General Thomas
Holcomb, of the U. S. Marine Corps, had supported our work for

14 1··1>.oN·r1me NURSING saavicm V .
over thirty years and had served on our National Board of l
Trustees. ,
We have lost three good friends who were in our professional 2
field. Although Dr. Marcia Hays had spent most of her profes-
sional life on the west coast, she first became interested in the
Frontier Nursing Service when she spent several months with
us as a young medical student. She had a distinguished career, ·
spending most of her energies on behalf of children. Twice she l
visited Japan as consultant for the World Health Organization.
For the last seven years of her life she showed tremendous cour- 4
age in carrying on after being paralyzed following an attack of
poliomyelitis. Not only the Frontier Nursing Service but the
whole state of Kentucky suffered a great loss in the untimely
death of Dr. Helen B. Fraser, who for nine years, was director
of the Division of Maternal and Child Health in the State Health _
Department of Kentucky. During this time she arranged for all
the examinations which are given to our student nurse-midwives
under the auspices of her Department. Miss Margaret W.
Thomas, consultant in nursing studies with the United States
Children’s Bureau, was a distinguished nurse-midwife who did
much valuable work for the profession of nurse-midwifery in this _
country and overseas. She spent some time with us in Kentucky
in the Thirties and served as a member of our National Nursing
Council until her sudden death this year.
We were distressed to learn of the death, following a sudden
illness, of our young Pittsburgh Committee member, Mrs. James {
0. Flower. She had maintained her interest in the Frontier Nurs-
ing Service since she first visited us in the Thirties. Two mem-  
bers of our local committees who will be much missed are Mr. l
Frank Sizemore of our Red Bird Committee and Mr. Ottis Rob-
erts of Hyden. Both of these men had given valuable services
to the nurses over the years.
Mrs. Richard Breckinridge and Miss Elizabeth R. Hooker
were old friends and supporters of our work and we are deeply
grateful for the generous legacies which each has left us in her
We shall miss all these good friends in many different ways.
To those who were their nearest and dearest we send our heart- .
felt sympathy. p

  QUARTERLY Bunnmrxw 15
i Edited by
From Mrs. Charles Imars (Susan Sogg) ,
Gates Mills, Ohio-August, 1965
pn Last month Charles and I moved into a new house and
{ things have been kind of hectic. On top of it all, my dog, Cahoun,
, goes off and gets lost and picked up by the police. He’s not sure
where home is.
I keep busy with the household chores, chasing after the
dog and doing Red Cross volunteer work at the Veterans Hospital.
Mom and I took a four-day jaunt to Saratoga last week to see
the races and yearling sales. It was very exciting. We saw a
` horse get sold for $125,00000. Can you imagine!
From Mrs. James R. Gibbons (Hope Foote),
1 Ridgefield, Connecticut-August 11, 1965
I keep busy—my husband and I have a travel agency in
p New York and our son is going to Amherst this fall; but I always
hope that I can find time to return to Wendover.
From Mrs. Donald Moore Skirmer (Eleanor Stineman),
Dallas, Texas——August 21, 1965
, I read of Mrs. Breckinridge’s death in our local papers. She
was without a doubt one of the greatest American women. I put
hy her in the same category as Helen Keller—always giving of them-
i selves endlessly for the benefit of others. All of us who were for-
tunate enough to come in contact with Mrs. Breckinridge have
1 had our lives deeply enriched and a tremendous example set
» for us.
It must be hard, and lonely, to go on with the Service with-
I out her; but, with capable hands at the helm, everything will go
— along just as Mrs. Breckinridge would desire.
Our lads are so grown up now! The oldest is twenty-two, in
_ the Navy on a transport, carrying troops and supplies to Viet-
; nam. The next is seventeen, a student at the Lawrenceville
‘ School in New Jersey. That leaves only the fourteen-year—old
A at home!

 16 FRONTIER NURSING smavxcm j
From Mrs. Charles F. Weeden IH (Mary Sayres) , i
Lawrenceville, New J ersey-August 22, 1965 1
I hope that my little girl, Ann, will have the opportunity to I
be a courier in about ten more years. We have a farm and she is .
very helpful to me in caring for my horse and the pony, so she
should be quite well trained by the time she gets to you! I have
leaned heavily on my experiences as a courier while we have been ,
fixing up this "outpost." I only wish that I had paid closer atten- ‘
tion to those swinging gates because we could use a few; and my l
waffles have never come near to those I had at Beech Fork. I
From Mrs. Edmund Hendershot Booth (Betty Pratt), 1
Norwich, Ve1·mont——August 23, 1965 I
Lisa is being married on September 4th to a fine boy——a mu- ”
sician (bassoonist) who has just completed his doctorate at Bos-
ton University. Liz Boardman Lloyd’s son was married in June-
time marches on.
From Mrs. Russell E. Near (Prudence Holmes),
Ukiah, California——August 27, 1965
The FNS has always been in my heart, my memory, and my
fables! (illustrated remarkably with the whole volume of Marvin
Breckinridge’s pictures) .
We have sold our cattle ranch and moved to a country town. ·
We miss our hills—steep as many of yours—but it is hard to *
combine primitive and endearing and impecunious isolation with _ g
the education of four very contemporary youngsters. 4
My three girls have heard a lot about Wendover. It would j
make me very happy if one day they could do something for the ,
FNS. At the moment, one is at college and working as an actress,
and another is singing her way through high school and studying
her summers away. Why two little cow-girls became so interested
in the performing arts, I cannot say. ,
I did not meet "Brownie" when I was there. I believe she 2
was away. But, I remember the high regard in which she was I
held. Very warmest best wishes to all of you in carrying forward 3
your work, which has the shining clarity of virtue. If we would  
spend less time worrying about philosophies and isms, and more ,

” time in doing real things for real people, things would go better,
A it seems to me.
— From Mrs. George M. Watts (Weezie Taylor),
New York, New York-—September 1, 1965
Indeed, it was most sad to lose Mrs. Breckinridge who built
‘, such a wonderful Medical Service. She meant so much to us all
l and will be greatly missed by many, many people.
1 Since losing my dear husband ten years ago, I have had to
carry quite a lot of responsibility. As you know, I have a darling
I daughter,