xt7h707wn297 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wn297/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-04-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1945 1945 1945-04-13 2013 true xt7h707wn297 section xt7h707wn297 Best uopy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

War World
By Dr. Charles


Week ending April 8, 1945
The Eorepean Fronts: The Russo-Cermfront east of Berlin, along
the general line of the Oder from
Silesia to the Baltic, was relatively
inactive during the past week,
though steady pressure against the
German line was being supplied.
It was in the Danube Valley around
Vienna that the Russian armies
scored their successes. At the weekend the suburbs of that city had
been entered and the city as a
whole had been almost entirely sur-




There were indications that the
Russian siege operations were being
designed to spare the city from destruction so far as is possible,
though again it appeared that the
Germans intended to attempt another house to house defense of the
city. In the light of the rapid advance across Germany from the
west by Gen. Elsenhower's Allied
armies, the significance and importance of the Russian offensives
last summer and fall in the Balkans and in Hungary are becoming


Mortar Board Taps

Seniors who entered the University the spring quarter and
who expect to complete requirements for graduation at
the close of the spring or summer quarter, and who have not
made application for degrees,
are requested to do so on Monday. This applies also to graduate students who expect to
complete requirements for graduate degrees. All applications
should be filed In Room 16 of
the Administration building.
Friday, May 4 is the last day
on which application may be
made for graduation in June.
No student will be considered
for graduation who has not filed
an application. Candidates for
the bachelor's degree will be
charged a graduation fee of $9.
This will cover the rental of
cap and gown, diploma fee, The
Kentuckian and senior dues.
Candidates for advanced degrees will be charged a fee of
$15, which will cover the above
with the exception of The Kentuckian and in addition, the
cost of the hood to be presented
the candidate. Graduation fees
are payable NOT LATER THAN
Leo M. Chamberlain
Dean of the University

Prominent Women
Receive Awards

Seventeen women were tapped as
pledges of Mortar Board, senior
women's leadership fraternity, at the
convocation for all students held
last night in Memorial hall.
Mortar Board pledges are Ruth
Anthony. Betty Ann Brauer, Mari-am- e
Cross. Jean Crabb, Alice Dean,
Betty Lee Fleishman, Alice Freeman
Claudine Gibson, Betty Ann Ginoc-chi- o,
Emily Jones,Marie Jones Nancy
Lockery, Elizabeth McNeal, Martha
Ringo, Doris Smith, Nancy Ellen
Those Russian operations were Taylor, and Betty Tevis.
apparently designed to thwart any
The following women were tapped
efforts by the Nazis to retire into for Gwens, sophomore leadership
south Germany, Austria and honorary: Patsy Burnett, Margaret
and there in the Cash, Jane Hunt Clark, Mary Price
rugged mountainous terrain make Creamer, Mary Keith D o s k e r ,
a last, desperate stand. The Rus- Marcia Draddy, Barbara Futrell.
sian and the American Third and Rita Greenwald, Marjean Hill, Helen
Seventh Army advances across cen- Hutchcraft, Jamie Jameson, Judy
tral and southern Germany to Keen Johnson, Milly Johnston,
within less than 100 miles of the Charlotte Knapp. Margaret McRussians in the Danube Valley have Dowell, Carolyn McMeekin. Floye
now made such a stand impossible. Mullinaux. Frances Pritchett, May-bcl- le
According to Berlin announcements,
Rcichenbach, Peggy Reynolds,
unconfirmed as yet by Moscow, the Nancy Skeen, Margaret Skinner,
Russian attack on Berlin from the Katheritie Snowden, and Martha
Oder crossings commenced either Yates.
Saturday or Sunday.
Alpha Lambda Delta Taps
The American - British - French
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
front in the west this past week
was most fluid and for the safety scholastic honorary tapped the fol
of the armies themselves their sen- lowing women, Patricia Ann Bursational advances across Germany nett, Jane Hunt Clark, Mildred Jo
have been only vaguely disclosed. Cooper, Carolyn Rebecca Denning,
The Third and Seventh Armies seem Mary Keith Dosker, Mary Jo Farm
to be headed toward Leipzig and er, Ceillla Florence. Judy Keen
Dresden and a link up with the Johnson. Mary Lou Jones. Margaret
Russian forces which are expected McDowell. Carolyn McMeekin. Floye
soon to be advancing to meet them Mullinaux, Nelda Napier, Donne
from the Oder River line. The O'DonneU. Betty Peters, Frances
American First and possibly the new Pritchett, Nancy Skeen, Margaret
Fifteenth Armies have surrounded Skinner, Ann Straughn. Alice Jane
large German forces in the Ruhr in Street, Martha Yates, Beverly
a pocket from which they have thus Ritchie. Beverly Gaulke, June Potts,
far been unable to break out. The Beverly Ruth Davis.
Individual Awards
British Second appears to have
Baskett received the
reached the outskirts of the great
German Weser River port of Bre- Alpha Lambda Delta award given
men, to be nearing Hannover, and to the senior woman having the
to be headed for Hamburg on the highest University standing for four
The Alpha Gamma Detla social
The Canadian First Army at last
reports was driving for the North sorority award to the most outSea coast and the entrapment of standing freshman woman was prethe German forces which had been sented to Margaret Skinner. Betty
holding the lower Rhine and north- Sue Capen received the award for the
ern Holland. There have been lo- woman with the higiiest standing
cated the last remaining launching in economics which is given annualpfcUorms' f rOm" which " the rocket ly by Chi Omega.
The Kappa Delta Pi award to the
bombs have been landing in England. Thus spearheads of several most outstanding senior in the ColAllied armies now stand somewhere lege of Education was presented to
in central Germany, less than 150 Jane Oldham.
Mortar Board freshman scholarmiles from Berlin. Organized resistance by the German armies that ship cups were awarded to Judy
held the Rhine appears now to be Keen Johnson and Margaret Skinfalling apart. Its end should not be ner, freshman women with the highmany weeks distant, possibly only est standings.
days. Gen. Eisenhower has stated
The names of Joann Gorham,
definitely this week that he does Sarah Gay Hall. Betty Jean Pardo.
not expect any German offer of a Ann Joyce Straughn, Elizabeth
general surrender on his terms of Allen Thomas, and Betty Jo Woolum
unconditional surrender. Therefore were placed on the Mortar Board
all German soldiers will have to be sophomore scholarship plaque for
rounded up and made prisoners of sophomore women with standings
war. It may require many weeks, above 2.6
perhaps months, before that has
Violet Turner was awarded the
W.A.A. award to the most outstandbeen fully accomplished.
The Western Pacific Operations: ing
member. The Phi
On Okinawa the American forces, Upsilon Omicron Cornell award was
after landing without meeting real given to Joan Kloecker.
opposition, drove across the island
The Phi Beta national honorary
to the Pacific shore and then di- professional music, dramatics and
rected columns to advance north- dance fraternity, awards to senior
ward and southward on that
members for special qualities were
Those moving presented to Helen Lipscomb, future
southward have now encountered promise; Joan Akers, service; Pris-cildesperately
Graddy, most activities, and
troops in prepared positions in the Ruth Pace, most outstanding.
hills, such as those which the MaOfficers Elected
rines encountered on I wo Jima. The
Phi Beta officers are Betty Ann
real struggle for Okinawa may be Ginocchio. president; Alice Dean,
Just beginning.
Roberta Ratchford.
On Friday and Saturday Japanese secretary; Betty Bane Adair,
planes and a naval task force at- treasurer; Martha Yates, historian;
tempted to surprise the American Marjorie Choate, doorkeeper.
forces on and around Okinawa,
The 1945-4- 6
without success. Some damage to which were announced at the conAmerican naval units was caused, vocation are Claudine Gibson, presithree destroyers were sunk, but the dent; Betty Fleishman,
Japanese lost cruisers, their largest
Betty Tevis, secretary, and
Joan Scott, treasurer.
(Continued on Page Four)
SuKy named the following members:
Edna Crawford,
Hagan, Doris Hall. Frances Horton.
Martha Jacobs. Rebecca Lowe. Margaret McDowell, Marilyn Mitchell,
Doris Poole, Betty Rhodes. Betty
Robinson, Margaret Skinner, Lola
Stokes. Loutille Walker, Lois Warren, and Ellen Wood.
Pill Upsilon Omicron, national
Sweater (wing . . . from 6 to 7:30 home economics honorary new
pm. Monday in the Bluegrass room members are Helen Donovan, Mar
of the UUnion building,
garet Hollyfield, Joan Kloecher, Re
rreshman dab . . . will meet at 4:30 becca Lowe, Amelia Mason, Nancy
Saturday in the Union build- Shepherd, and Marie Shrout.
ing for a hike and picnic.
Pat Shely has been elected presiHe Re Klub . . . will meet at 4 p m. dent of W.A.A. for the coming year.
Thursday to hear Dr. Amry
Other officers are Mary Jane Dorsey,
speak on India.
Violet Turner, secreChemical society . . . will meet at tary; and Betty Swift, treasurer.
i pm. Monday in Room 200,Koppius W.A.A. council members for the
hall, to hear Dr. O. T.
coming year are Mary Jane Dorsey
Peggy Reynolds, basketball;
Society of Mechaniral and
and Joy Frances,
, . . will meet at 4 pjn. Violet Turner
Ruth Wilde and Betty FleishFriday in Room 232 of the Engi- man, hockey; Jane Erickson, swimneering building. Bart Peak will be ming; Virginia Brady, tennis: Jean
the speaker.
and Miriam
CppercUss T . . . will hear Dr.
Cohen and Millie Johnson, volley
Miles speak on the DumRobert
ball, and Anne Taylor, bowling.
Tues- barton Oaks plan at 6:30
(CKiUauec: cz

Seniors File
For Degrees

17 At Coed Convo









and Registrar

Les Brown

Of-.- .

To Play Here
' "V. '



Les"ofown and his orchestra will
be the featured attraction of a
spring formal April 27 from 8 to 12
p.m. in the Bluegrass room of the
Union building.
Sponsored By Service Unit
The dance, sponsored by the Military department, is being given by
the 1548th Service Unit as a graduation dance for the advanced and
third term reserves leaving on the
The dance will last until 12 midnight provided the curfew law is
not changed, said Capt. Preston P.
Stivers, who has been making the
arrangements. If the curfew is
lifted, the dance will be from 9 p.m.
to 1 am.
Ticket Limited
Only a limited number of tickets
will be sold, it was announced. They
are on sale now in the Union building and the bookstore. Soldiers may
get them through their company
Posters have been sent to th
Army Air Forces convalescent hospitals at Bowman Field and Fort
Thomas, but little other
publicity has been undertaken. Captain Stivers stated.



Evelyn Thompson, president, Mar
tha Jane Phipps, treasurer, and
Emily Hunt, secretary, of the Wom
en s Administrative council which
arranged the "Kentucky Belles"

"Pop" To Be Tried
On Murder Charge
Next Wednesday

Covington Elected

Thomas McHatton,
candy vendor, long known
to University students as "Pop,"
faces a charge of murder, with trial

Phalanx President
Joe Covington. Law freshman
from Bowling Green, has been
elected president of Phalanx fra
ternity, succeeding Merl Baker.
Jack Banahan, Arts and Sciences
sophomore from Lexington,
Bill Sprag-en- s.
Arts and Sciences sophomore
from Lebanon, was named secretary; Gene Whicker, Arts and Sciences junior from Lexington, treasurer; Mason Nooe, Commerce senior from Sliepherdsville, pledge master; and David Sageser, Lexington,
Covington is president of the Veterans' club and a member of the
YMCA cabinet. Pitkin club, and
Sigma Chi fraternity.

Mortar Board
Taps 17 Women





set for Wednesday.
"Pop" was arrested Sunday afternoon following the death of Wil
liam Sims, Negro, 24, of 111 Mont- Lmullin street, who was shot in the
abdomen Thursday night when on
South Upper near High street, according to police records. McHatton
had been charged with malicious
shooting and wounding with intent
to kill on Friday when, police said,
he admitted that he shot Sims, who
attempted to rob him.
"Pop" appeared in police court,
where his case was transferred to
the Fayette county court. He was
released under 81,000 bond after
Judge W. E. Nichols set the trial
for April 18.


13, 1913

'Kiss And Tell'
Giiignol's 3rd

Farce Presentation
To Open April 30,

Briggs Announces
"Kiss and Tell." a Broadway comedy hit by F. Hugh Herbert, will
open April 30 for a week's run at
the Little Theater on Euclid avenue. The play, the third Guignol
production of the 1944-4- 5
opened on Broadway in 1942 and is
still running. Wallace N. Briggs is
the director of the production.
The leading roles will be played by
Joan Rehm as Corliss Archer, and
John Renfro as Dexter Franklin.
The supporting cast includes such
Guignol actors as Ell
Popa, Edmund Mills, and Conrad
"Kiss and Tell" concerns two
neighboring families, the Pringles
and the Archers, whose friendship
1s threatened by a feud. The dispute centers around the excessive
pride of the two mothers for their
daughters, Mildred Pringle and
Corliss Archer, who are 18 and 16
Mrs. Archer forbids
her daughter to associate with the
Pringle girl, following an episode
in which the two sold kisses at a
USO party.
Corliss' brother, Lieut. Lenny
Archer returns home and secretly
marries Mildred, the wedding being
kept a secret because of the argument between the two families. Mildred takes Corliss into her confidence, and then begins the hilarious events which eventually lead
to the reconciliation of the two families. Corliss' boy friend. Dexter, becomes involved in the plot and aids
only in making the situation more
confusing and humorous.
The cast is as follows: Mr.
a house painter Hugh
Louise, the maid Mary Mulligan; Corliss Archer Joan Rehm;
Raymond Pringle
Bruce Glenn;
Eva Singleton;
Mildred Pringle
Dexter Franklin
John Renfro;
Betty Dickerson;
Janet Archer
Harry Archer Ell Popa; Uncle
Edmund Mills; Private
Earhart Conrad Richardson: Lieut.
Lenny Archer W. B. Wrench; Bill
Franklin, Dexter's father George
Kendall; Mary Franklin. Dexter's
mother Alice Dean; Dorothy Pringle
Pringle Wallace Kelly.
may be obtained
from the box office after April 25.

Salyer, Hopkins Vie
For SGA Presidency
In Election Wednesday

Recovery Suil Ends
In Favor Of Graham

and make a cross ou their fore
heads to bring good luck on future
Today most University students throws,
stated one of last season's
with traikaidekaphobia tas etomolo-gis- ts Wildcats.
Ever since high school
say, fear of the number 13)
one of our football players has carwill be trucking around with a four-leried a buckeye during games. Anclover, a rabbit's foot or an Ingrid player says It would be
penny. These are stu- other
dian head
bad luck for him to shave or wear
dents' most popular good luck his "Sunday" clothes before a game.
charms, according to a survey this
Not lighting three cigarettes on a
week on superstitions. Today is Fri- match, avoiding black cats and ladday 13 or did you know?
ders, wishing on a star, and saying
Men interviewed were less super "bread and butter" when two peo
stitious, or at least more reluctant to ple walking together go around opadmit belief in the supernatural, posite sides of a tree or post, are
than the women.
the superstitions most frequently
"You'll get rheumatism if you sit observed by UK coeds, whether
on a rock. My best friend got it from habit or actuel dread of the
badly from sitting on concrete, but supernatural.
that's not superstition, that's fact," "I'm not a superstitious character
at all. but for the last eight or ten
said a soldier.
"My only superstition as a civil- years I have wished on white horses
ian," said another, "was never to and wagon loads of hay and have
penny. I
study the night before a test p.s. carried an Indian-hea- d
always walk around the same side
It doesn't work here."
of the tree as the person I'm with,
Then there is the openly
male (but does it work?) "I'm but these are just because I have
the most unlucky man there is. I'm gotten in the habit," said a senior.
"I've gotten over mine," said ana lawyer and dont believe anything."
other. "In high school we had to
After making a goal, some of the walk under a ladder to get to a
vet dcL-- tu&s &r.cb 2cor sr--i we iliz't get liLt
taikfc'baU p!a;-eraf


self-relia- nt


Eight Members
To Be Chosen

for president,
and eight members will be held
Wednesday in the north end of the
main lounge of the Union building
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Clay Salyer. Arts and Sciences
The salary recovery suit against
freshman from Slyersville, is the
1 Col. James H. Graham, dean of the Independent presidential candidate
University's College of Engineering,
Hopkins, Arts and Sciended Wednesday In the Franklin and John
ences junior from Lexington, is the
Circuit court, in favor of Colonel
candidate of the ConGraham. Judge William B. Ardery presidentialparty. Salyer. a Marine
instructed the jury that the two stitutional
member of
Harper and for five years, anda Sigma Phi the
The University's Red Cross war taxpayer-plaintiffclub
during the Molioy. had failed to prove that Veterans SGA member for one year.
fund netted $3,740.24
campaign which closed recently, an- Colonel Graham has not earned his Hopkins is
of the
working in Washnounced Bill Embry. president of state salary while
Pitktn club and secretary of Phi
the Student Government association ington for the War Department.
Delta Theta.
on Wednesday.
The jury was also directed to find
Candidates For
contributed 8307.90. over- in favor of Frank D. Peterson, busStudents
The Constitutional candidate for
subscribing their $300 goal by $207-9iness manager, and 14 members of
is Gwen Pace. Arts
Last year the student goal was the board of trustees, defending
not reached. Faculty and staff with Colonel Graham in the suit and Sciences Junior, Tavares. Fla..
Is president of the Student
members contributed $3,232.34 to filed by Henry A. Harper. Midway, who
Panhel-leniand James M. Molioy of Lexington. Union Board, treasurer of Alpha
the fund.
rush chairman of
Within a few minutes after J. W.
Daily Records K.et
Delta, and a member of
Jones. Lexington, attorney for Uie Gamma
Charts, showing the daily total plaintiffs, had completed his case. Tau Sigma. Betty Tevis. Arts and
collected In each residence unit, Judge Ardery directed the verdict. Sciences Junior from Richmond, is
were kept, and a master chart in
Entertaining the motion for per- the Independent candidate and a
the Union biulding recorded the emptory instructions moved for by member of Chi Delta Phi, YWCA
totals collected on the campus. The the defendant's attorneys. In the Cabinet. Theta Sigma Phi. and ascampus drive was delayed by regis- chambers. Judge Ardery told Jones sistant news editor for The Kernel.
tration at the beginning of the that he had not only failed to prove Both candidates have been SGA
members since the fall quarter.
quarter, and the drive did not open his case, but had disproved it.
Vacancies To Be Filled
until March 25. The campaign closed
"You do not have a syllable of
five days later, on Friday.
Two other vacancies have been
evidence," Judge Ardery said, and
iivstead of the board of trustees automatically filled because of the
Bowen Named Chairman
firing or docking Colonel Graham, ineligibility of one candidate. New
Reginald Bowen, Arts and Scithey ought to hire half a dozen members so elected are Iris Shanences junior from Hillcrest. was
non, Constitutionalist from Louiscampus more like him."
general chairman of the
He addressed the Jury as follows, ville, as Agriculture
drive. Under the general chairman, on returning to
woman, and Angelina Fabrizio, Erie,
the bench:
into men's
the drive was
"No testimony has been Intro- Pa. The eight vacancies and the canand women's units, with canvass duced upon which I can submit this didates for the positions are: Art3
chairmen for both residence and case to you for your free considera- and Sciences: one upperclass man.
town students.
Bill SturgilL Constitutionalist from
tion. The testimony showed ColoHead of the men's division was nel Graham rendered substantial Prestonsburg. and Ed Bary. IndesenNorman Chrisman. Engineering
services for the salary paid him out pendent from Bellevue: one upper-claior from Pikeville. Women's division of the funds or the University.
woman. Betty Fleishman. Lexhead is Gwen Pace, Arts and Sci- There was no evidence introduced ington, Independent, and Juliette
ences junior from Tavares. Fla. John that he was paid without rendering Jones. Constitutionalist from May- Bobbins and John Hopkins canvass- commensurate services. It is now field; two lowerclass women. Indeed the men living In the dormi my duty to find for each and every pendents Floye Mullinaux. Corbin.
tories; W. B. Wrench headed the one of the defendants, and it Is my and Jean Spicer, Lexington, Con
division which contacted men liv duty so to direct you."
stitutionalist candidates Mary Keith
ing in town.
Colonel Graham said in comment, Dosker. Louisville, and Marjean Hill.
"I want to thank the people for Carrollton: one lowerclass man.
Heads Sorority Group
standing by me. I now can go back Mac Prewitt. Constitutionalist. FulsoMarybelle Calvert headed the
to my job as consultant to the ton, and Deward Compton. Indeto fill eight vacancies in rority group of the women's diviElection
the Student Union board will be sion; Helen Davis was in charge of undersecretary of war and do my pendent. Murfreesboro. Tenn.; ComInheld from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday the dormitory residences, and Betty best to get the boys back home in merce: one upperclass woman.
in the Union building. All civilian Ruth Harris headed the women liv- a few months." He visited briefly dependent Doris Holtzclaw. LexingEmily
students In the University are eli- ing in town. Joseph Covington was on the University campus on ton, and Constitutionalist EducaMiddletown;
gible to vote.
drive's Thursday, and will return to Wash- Jones. North
chairman of the Red Cross
tion: one upperclass woman. Ki'ty
p ington on Saturday.
The following students are eligible speakers' bureau and Marjean
Said Comptroller Peterson, "It's Churchill. Constitutionalist. Nicliol-asvill- e.
for election to the board: Reginald
headed the publicity division.
and Wllma McMullin. IndeMuch Ado Over Nothing." The
Bowen, Junior from Hillcrest; EleaEngineering:
tragedy of the whole thing Is that pendent. Lexington;
nor Bennett, sophomore from ButPresident Donovan, the deans, and one lowerclass man. O. C. Seevers.
ler. Pa.; Jack Banahan. sophomore
administrators of the University Carlisle. Independent, and James
from Lexington; Kitty Churchill.
are forced to give of their time to Durham, Anchorage. ConstituJunior from Nicholasville: Lib Crap- acquisitions such as this with so tionalist.
ster. Junior from Winchester; Mary
All May Vote
Plans for an exhibition of souve- little basis for action."
Wallace Evans, junior from Pine
All students may vote lev presiville; Marie Jones. Junior from nirs and relics of World War II
but may
dent and
Emily Jones, were discussed at the regular semiNortli Middletown;
vote only for the representatives
junior from North Middletown; monthly meeting of the University
from their own colleae. In the Lair
Maria Legg. junior from Henderson, Veterans' club at 7:30 pjn. Monday.
college where no vacancy occurs,
N. C; Nancy O'Rear, junior from Students and veterans may be asked
ballots will be printed with only the
Versailles: Gwen Pace. Junior from to loan articles of interest to the
tennames of the presidential and
Tavares. Fla.; Marty Ringo. junior exhibition which, according to
actDr. Henry Noble Sherwood,
from Lexington; Doris Smith, jun- tative plan, may be centered in
ing head of the University's Political
ior from Lexington; Polly Thomp- Neville hall.
son, junior from Ashland. Elizabeth
The club plans also to bring a Science department, was appointed
junior from Greenville, nationally known speaker to the chancellor by of Transylvaniacommitthe executive
Miss.; Isabel TePas, junior from campus and to sponsor a dance. Tuesday
Portsmouth. Ohio; and Mary Lou Other business included provision tee of the board of curators of
Veterans' club sta- Transylvania, its chairman. Dr. J.
junior from
for letter-hea- d
tionery and an official minute book. C. Carrick. has announced.
Dr. Sherwood will assume his new
He will take
duties immediately.
over many of the present duties of
the acting president of TransylBy Shirley Meister
vania. Dr. Leland A. Brown, who Is
serving in the absence of Dr. RayQuestion: D yoa think that ths
on the way home 'so I have never the toes of your slippers point un mond F. McClain. regular president soldiers in the European area should
been afraid since."
der the bed. Sit on the bed and put who was granted a leave of absence be sent straight to the Pacific or
Grandmothers and mothers were them on and don't ever let the stu- in 1943 to join the United States given s fnrloogh in the I'nited
States first? Why?
the principal source of scruples point under," whispered one
Dr. Sherwood received his A B.
Virginia Lindberg, A I S, freshabout supernatural. "I have every dent hoarsely.
Other superstitions mentioned by decree at Indiana university in man: given a furlough first besuperstition there is, and even more
from Harvard uni- cause they deserve a ret Bfter bestthan my mother," said one student, students interviewed are: whistling 1!9. an M-laughing. "My mother Just lives on In a dressing room before a show, versity in 1910. mid his Ph.D. from ing the Germans. They should also
them and that's why I don't have wishing on wishbones, stepping over Indiana imivtiity in 1914. He has be trained for jungle warfare
a person lying on the ground, giving served as a faculty member of the Bill Settlemarer. AiS, freshman:
any." declared another.
for a present, it University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati given a furlough first, so they can
Many students interviewed said someone a knife
will cut your friendship if you do." College of Finance. Central Normal see their families and sweetheart
they slept with a small piece of
tiny segments of a tan- college. Franklin college of Indiana. before fighting again.
wedding cake under their pillow Eating the
gerine that come in about every Wisconsin State Teachers' college,
Johnnie Stongh, AA5. freshman:
after the wedding of a friend.
tenth one will bring good luck, ac- Indiana university, the University they should be sent to the Faciflo
"Ever since I was twelve and cording to one student and so will of Louisville, and president of if they're needed.
grandmother said I would dream of "stamping on a
car." Georgetown college from 1934-4Jane GodgelL Ag.. junior: I thir.S
the man I would marry. I have slept that is, wetting your thumb, press- Since then he has been a faculty we want to see them as soon 34
with a piece of cake under my pil- ing it on the palm of the other hand member of the University.
possible. Send them back!
low after each wedding," said one
Kathleen Schohart, A&S, freshand hitting it with your fist.
coed, who is from the
student. One
Several coeds say they get their
man: given a furlough first so they
mountains and, according to studies daily exercise and good luck by
can rest and be better prepared to
on the origins of superstitions, picking up pins and even recited a
fight in the Pacific.
might therefore be expected to be "pome" for us. We think It fits in
Pvt. Fred (Glnh.
unusually determined about the ob- well with the conservation of straSponsored by Kappa Kappa Gam- AST: well, there U be plenty of felservance of them, unnerved
us tegic metals progfam.
ma sorority, the Red Cross' mobile lows like me over in the PaciSc
somewhat by saying. "Well I think
blood bank unit will be in Lexing- real soon, so why not give the boys
If you see a pin pick It up
that's silly; cake soils the sheets!"
ton from April 22 to April 27. Stud- tn Europe a break.
And all the day you'll have good
ents may make appointments to do"I don't care if I never get any
Virginia Bernard. A AS, junior:
nate blood by calling Red Cross given a furlough, because they've
courtin', I'd never look at the moon
See a pin and let it lay.
headquarters, 3891, as scon as possi- - done their share; It should be done
through the trees. It's a wonder you
Bad luck you'll have the
arts't (itsi IT ycu Iuie bsen !fetti



Campus Drive
Nels $3,740.2

Student Government


Judge Instructs
Jury On Verdict

Students Top
Goal Set









SUB Vacancies


Veterans Club Plans

To Exhibit Souvenirs

Committee Names
Sherwood Chancellor
Of Transylvania


Do You Have Trailiaidekaphobia?
By Mariamne Cross


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The 'Heartache on the Campus,"
which fraternities cause, according
r. Mrs r.lpnn Frank, seems to have
been based on one or two specific
ca.seSi which were certainly not rep-resentative despite their author's
attempt to generalize on them. I
wiU not attempt to make my argu- ment specific since I believe that
uigHniziH.- generalizing on
tions would be as odious as speak- ins of races or nationalities as a
From the article which caused
this letter I .... . , . the Idea that
nc uT7 a ii
ii was a niiiM tun-i- nna k. a. f a- ternity man to be a high school or
lpnrlfr This Ls Untrue. I
attended a large city high school
was vprv rn
-- "
atermues. lel i



One Quarter


ford. Marjorle Wyant, Martha Hagan. Jane Hunt Clark, Patsy
Burnett. Juliette Jones. Martha Yates. Marilyn Mitchell. Jane
Hammersley. Al Reynolds,
Glsh, Ruth Perlmutter,
George Beckvlth, Edwin Gaines.

N Y.

sa FfttiG

tifnei articles and eofamnt are to be considered the
opinions o the writers themsehmt, and do not neceiBarUg
reflect the opinion of Ths Kernel.




One Yrar

QreeliS"Pro And Con

"The mo't jTowcrful agency for the
ot dennKiacy is the pulilic scIkm1 svstem
ti.iiii piimaiy grade through the I'niversity. To
male ih:t system wholly worthv of what our
l.u's ate fighting- for, we must wiK- out fraternities and sororities while the time is ripe!"
I his. the opinion of Mrs. (lt nn Frank, widow
'.I tin- late president of the I'nixcrsity of Wisconsin, appeared recently in a Mipuhu monihlv
m:i".ii ne. and lias since stirred up controversial
di reunion hy those students, paicnts. and




who feel concerned.
tpiestion, when it is so generally
!' Inn el. has two sides there is also a good deal
l') Ik- said Itoih for and against the ideas pre-- '
Mrs. Frank. A past mcmher of a
oigauiation herself, she has the advan-t:i"- e
of aitual experiences and diieet contact to
L.i. I Ik I assertions.
It is ihis advantage that
ili;ijis one step ahead ot those who
puts her
ate .nailing tier s