xt7h707wmn0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h707wmn0t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1865-03-jun22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1865-03-jun22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1865-03-jun22. 1865 1865-03-jun22. 2011 true xt7h707wmn0t section xt7h707wmn0t 



Election of
Ix. Cos.

Election of

     On motion of Curator Thompson, the Board adjourned till
to-morrow morning 8 o'clock. On motion, this resolution was
reconsidered., and the Board proceeded to elect an Executive
Committee, whereupon, Curator J. A. Williams, McGarvey, Allen,
Steele and M. C. Johnson were elected.
     On motion, J. B. Bowman was unanimously re-elected
     On notion of Curator J. B. Bowman, the Executive Committee
were authorized to appoint a Board of Visitors for the ensuing
     On motion, the Board. adjourned till to-morrow morning
8 o'clock.

             Thursday Morning, June 22. 1865

offers to
Messrs. Har-
lan & Van

of Counsel

Expenses of
Curator Bow-
man & others.

Claims for

of Acts of the
Legi slature
Universi ty.

Conveyance of
property of

     Board met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Curator
Ricketts.  On motion Curator R. M. Bishop was elected Chairman.
     On motion, resolved that the thanks of the Board are due
to Hon. John Ml. Harlan, Attorney General of Kentucky, and Ron.
E. L. Van Winkle and others for the assistance which they
faithfully rendered the Committee in procuring the passage of
the Act authorising the removal of the University, and that the
Ex. Committee be instructed to pay the fees for their profes.
sional services.
     On motion, resolved that the Ex. Committee be authorized
to procure consel in any litigation thay may grow out of the
Act of removal, such litigation having already threatened as /121/
the Board are informed; and that M. C. Johnson, Esq., be here-
'by recommended to the Committe, as suitable Counsel in such
     Resolved, that Curators J. A. Williams, J. B. Bowman, and
McGarvey be appointed a Committee to revise the Charter and
By-Laws of this Board, and report at the adjourned meeting.
     Resolved, that the Treasurer and Counsel of this Board,
with D. W. Thompson and 0. S. Poston be instructed to close
by contract with parties claiming from this Board under the
recent Act of the Legislature, with discretionary power to
meet by any legal or equitable arrangement any special cases
that say arise under said act of removal.
     Resolved, that Curators J. B. Bowman, J. A. Williams and
McGarvey be instructed to have printed 1500 copies of the
recent Acts of the Legislature in reference to the University,
the Reports of the General Agent and Treasurer; the announce-
ments of the University for the ensuing session, and such
other documents as in their judgement may be expedient to publish.


Thanks to
J. B. Bowrman

Boar di ng
house for

Prof. White
to collect
Library &
apparatus & c.

40ting of
July 17, 1865


       Resolved that the Ex. Committee of this Board is here-
  by instructed to receive from the Trustees of Transylvania
  University the property and funds of said institution, as
  soon as it shall please said Trustee to deliver the same,
  and immediately put the property into condition fro use by
  Kentucky University.
       Resolved, that the warmest thanks of this Board are duo
  and are hereby extended to J. B. Bowman, the efficient Gen.
  oral Agent of Kentucky University, for the faithful manner in
  which he has always discharged his duties, and especially for
  the personal sacrifice which he made in securing the passage
  of suitable acts for the removal of the University to Lexington.
       Resolved, that the Ex. Committee be authorized to secure
  some suitable person to take charge of the Building known as
  the President's House on Transylvania lot for the purpose of
  furnishing boarding for students.
       Resolved, that Prof. White be employed by the Ex. Commit-
  tee to proceed to Lexington to collect and arrange in the Uni-
  versity Buildings, all libraries, apparatus, museum, & co be.
  longing to said University, and pay him and such assistants a
  proper compensation. /122/
       On motion the minutes were read and approved by the Board.
                                        R. M. Bishop
                                          President Proten
  Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec.

  On motion Board adjourned after prayer by Prof. Pinkerston.

            Lexington, Ky., July 17th, 1865.

     The Board of Curators met in the Bhristian Church at 2 P.M.
pursuant to adjournaent and             by the Committee on
Organization. Present Z
     John B. Bowman                     Joseph Wasson
     Jno. Aug. Williams                 Andrew Steele
     D. W. Thompson                     Z. 7. Smith
     W. L. Williams                     J. P. Tarbitt
     A. G. Herndon                      Juo. G. Allen
     R. White                           Benj. Gratz
     B. C. Ricketts

     The President of the Board P. M. Bishop, being absent and
the Secretary Jno. W. McGarvey being on account of sickness
absent also E. C. Ricketts was on notion elected President
2ro tem and Jno. Wug. Williams, chosen Secretary.