xt7h445hdz3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hdz3r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1993 1993 1993-04-23 2020 true xt7h445hdz3r section xt7h445hdz3r l




rider Magma


Presley's condition.

Teammates express shock
aver shooting of Presley


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


Acquaintances and teammates of
UK football player Ted Presley ex-
pressed shock and surprise yester-
day after he apparently shot him-
self in his residence hall.

In Blanding 11, many of the resi-
dents of the floor said they were
surprised to see that Presley would
be involved in this type of inci-

“He wasn't the one you would
think would do something like
that." said Robert Ball, an anthro-
pology junior.

Ball said he didn't know Presley
very well, but he said they always
talked when they met in the hall-
way or the lobby.

“He was always quiet and al-
ways studying or carrying books
around," Ball said.

James Rollins, who lives three
doors down from Presley, said he
talked to him 10 minutes before
the incident occurred and that
Presley “seemed his normal self."

Rollins said he was in the lobby
in the middle of the floor when the
incident occurred, but said he
didn‘t hear the gunshots.

He said he first saw the emer-
gency personnel who asked that he


We are all stunned.
Our entire football
family has been
grieving about this
situation since the
first instant.
— Bill Curry,
UK football coach


go to his room. The next thing he
saw. from his window, were the
personnel leaving the building.

Ball said he knows of two resi-
dents who heard the shots, but
“they just thought it was a door or
something. They said it sounded
like a bang.“

Rollins said from what he knew
of Presley, he was “quiet and al-
ways studying."

“He seemed to work harder than
most," Rollins said.

Duce Williams, a senior defen-
sive back on the Wildcat football
team, said at a press conference in
Wildcat Den yesterday that “it was
a total surprise to all of us."

Williams said Presley “never as-
sociated himself with the team off
the field, but he laid it on the line
for UK football."


JEFF BURLEW/Kernel Staff

UK football coach Bill Curry talks to students in Blending 11 yesterday about cornerback Ted



By Dale Greer
Executive Editor


A UK football player remained
in critical condition last night after
he shot himself in the head while
playing Russian roulette, police
and school officials said.

Ted (Tolumbus Presley, a 22-
year-old comerback from Hop-
kinsville, Ky., has been in UK
Hospital‘s critical care unit since
yesterday morning, hospital
spokeswoman Mary Margaret Col-
liver said.

UK spokesman Ralph Derickson
said Presley shot himself about
12:50 am. yesterday while he and
his roommate, 21-year-old Jason
Smith, were playing a game they
called “chicken" in their dorm
room, 113 Blanding II.

“They had a .22-caliber, sixshot
revolver and all of the chambers
were empty except one." Derick-
son said Smith told police. “They
passed the weapon back and forth
between them a couple of times.
and on the second pass, when
Presley put the gun to his head and
squeezed the trigger. it dis-

In a meeting with Blanding 11
residents yesterday, UK head foot-
ball coach Bill Curry said a single
bullet passed through the top of
Presley’s brain. Hospital officials

‘Russian roulette’ hospitalizes UK cornerback


Defens/ve back. 5-8.2'70, JI. walk—on. Hopk/nsvt/le. Ky.


at boundary corner

oCoached by Dan Goble
oBorn May 1, 1970


oHas seen no action during UK career
oListed as fourth on the depth chart

One of 24 Wildcat footballers to
earn a 3.0 GPA or higher in 1992
oTimed in the 40 at 4.75 seconds
oTwo-year Ietterman as defensive
back at Christian County High

Son of Robert and Mae Presley




declined to release details of

Presley‘s condition.

Scotty Thompson, a psychology
sophomore who lives next door to
Presley in 112 Blanding II, was
home when the incident occurred.
but said he and his roommate, Bill
Knudsen, didn’t know Presley had
been shot until an ambulance ar-

“We heard something, but it
wasn't particularly noticeable or
anything," Thompson said. “It was





Students gather in Blanding ll yesterday to listen as UK officials offer support and informa-
tion following Ted Presley's shooting.

“Ted was kind of close. but he
distanced himself, too," senior
tight end Terry Samuels said.

The team decided in a meeting
yesterday aftemoon at the EJ. Nut—
ter Center to cancel Saturday’s
Blue-White game.

“We are all stunned. Our entire
football family has been grieving
about this situation since the first
instant," UK head coach Bill Curry

Curry said he first became aware
of the incident about 2:15 am. af-
ter a phone call from Samuels.

Samuels said in the press confer-
ence yesterday that he received a
phone call about 1 am. yesterday
moniing from a friend who lived
in Blanding 11.

“I called the University Hospital
because I wanted to see if it was
true,“ Samuels said.

He told the hospital personnel

that he was a coach and was able
to find out Presley‘s condition.

He then called two teammates.
nose guard Jon (‘ollins and rover
James Tucker. asking them to
come to the hospital. and he called
(‘trrry soon altcr

Williams read a statement at the
press conference expressing the
team‘s thoughts conceming the in-

See REACTION, Back Page

BRIAN JENT/Kemel Graphics

like a snap or a pop, but with the
nonnal noises around here, it was
nothing that caused us to think
something was going on.

"A little later. the ambulance
showed up, and that‘s when all the
commotion began. It kind of
shocked me when I found out
what was going on."

Prior to the shooting. Thompson
said Presley and Smith were unu-
sually quiet.

See PRESLEY, Back Page

Ofi‘icials meet
with students
to give support

By Ty Halpin
Sports Editor



In the wake of Ted Presley‘s
shooting. 17K football coach Bill
Curry, I)r. Nikki l'ulks of Lh'. ”K
counseling center. Pastor \‘.B.
Akins. First Baptist Church and
Dean of Students Dave Stockharn
met at Blanding 11 yesterday after-
noon to console students looking
for support turd information.

At Blanding ll, Presley‘s resi-
dence hall. students came looking
for answers conceming Presley’s
condition and for support.

"Grief is a kind of private expe-
rience." Fulks told the crowd of
about 60. “Reaction to this type of
a situation is very private. We
have made space available so you
cart talk to us if you need it. Any
reaction you have is normal. Dif»
fcrcnt people will react in different
ways to deal with this situation "

(‘urry came to tell thc group
about Presley.

“I can't tell you how tough ll is
to walk on a college 1‘ :Wall team
Nobody worked hard. .tll Tcd.
Ted passed out the first day he
came out for football." he said. rc-

See SUPPORT, Back Page




By Dale Greer
Executive Editor


UK‘s Albert B. Chandler Medical

nance Organization, which current-
ly provides coverage for about
7,000 UK employees.

Effective immediately, the plan

Center and Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Kentucky announced a
new health care plan yesterday that
officials say can reduce health

The plan actually is an extension
of UK‘s existing Health Mainte-

may be purchased by private-sector
businesses and groups at a cost that
is about 3 to 10 percent less than
other local HMOs.

Thomas Schifano, executive vice
president and chief marketing exec-
utive for Blue Cross and Blue
Shield, said the UK-HMO has a

University expands HMO plan

second feature many businesses
would find even harder to resist ——
a 24-month rate guarantee.

Any group that enrolls in the plan
between now and January 1994 will
get the two-year price guarantee in—
stead of the industry's standard
one-year guarantee.

“Given our state and nation‘s cur-
rent health care financial crisis.
which must be addressed, it should

See HEALTH, Back Page

Book focuses on women writers


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


A UK journalism associate pro-
fessor is excited that her latest pro-
ject will not be used for next
week's cat litter.

“She Said What?" is Maria Bra-
dcn's new book; it includes 13 in-
terviews with women newspaper
columnists. It will be in bookstores
at the beginning of May.

“When I first saw it (the book), I
said, ‘This is so beautiful.‘ " Bras
den said. “It‘s so exciting to hold
something that‘s hardcover
Everything I have ever written has
been put in parakeet cages.

“People throw newspapers out.
and they use them in litter boxes.
This (hock) has a hard cover.
Wow! There‘s a certain penna-
nence that‘s almost scary."

Until 20 years ago. there were
few women columnists. Braden ex-

plored the history of women colum—
nists in her introduction. “There's
potential there for real influence
over what people think," Braden
said. "I was exploring the differ-
ence it makes to have women writ-
ing columns.“

“1 think women communicate dif-
ferent than men. Women who write
columns tend to use different exam-
ples. They may have a different per-

See enAoEu. Back Page _________.______



Blue-White Day activities
cancelled. Story, Page 2.


Columnists differ on whether
the University should include
sexual preference in its
non-discriminatory statement.
Columns. Page 4.

Fieldhouse should be named
after ex-President David
Roselle. Editorial, Page 4.


Mostly sunny. breezy and
warmer today; high around
70. Increasingly cloudy.
breezy and mild tonight with a
50 percent chance of
thundershowers; low between
50 and 55. Breezy and mild
tomorrow with a 70 percent
chance of thundershowera;
high in the mid-708.



Sports ............. Mus“... ..... 2
Diversions............‘...‘...ai.~........ 3
\fwoint unanswnsn 4
CI I l

4; _ unborn-n. I



Hensley announces
Next Stage lineup


By John Dyer Fort
Senior Staff Writer


After a season of “tremendous
success and some abysmal fail-
ures." UK‘s Next Stage Series has
set its sights even higher for next

The only contemporary perform-
ing arts program of its kind in Ken-
tucky, the Next Stage series show-
cases innovators in dance, music
and theater. Next year‘s line-up fea-
tures nationally established artists
who have no problem with name

“We have brought in artists who
are popular but don‘t sacrifice anis-
tic integrity for that popularity.“
said Next Stage Chairman Byl Hen-
slcy, the mastermind behind the
Student Activities Board's innova-
tive series.

The 1993-94 Next Stage line-up

claurie Anderson (Sept. 26): Mu-
sician, filmmaker, poet and social


pundit. Ander»
son is known
worldwide as a
performance art-
ist. Using film.
keyboards. am‘
plified violin
and her hip, bit-
ing humor and
P0P Poetry. An-
derson has de-
ANDERSON veloped a stun-

ning repertoire
of perfonnance works.

-Muntu Dance Theater (Nov. 6):
For 18 years this Chicago-based
company of dancers and musicians
has celebrated the cultural variety
and unity of African rhythms ——
from the motherland to Brazil and

-National Theater of the Deaf
(Feb. 26): (‘ombining speech and
sign, the Tony-Award winning the-
ater company will deliver an encore


See NEXT, Page 3




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a, . mi

q rim.







Cats use power
._ ,1 o o o
» ~?- 1 pitchmg agalnst
‘ x » l o
. i
‘ Peay t0 en Skl
\ t
\ j seventh to bring the final score
Staff reports to a tally of 13-2. Chris Gonza-
lez hit another home run for
The UK baseball team ended a UK, bringing that final total to
five-game losing skid yesterday foul; for theerdfats. 3 th
? afternoon. trouncing the Austin orse .went -for- 09 e
: Peay Govemors 13-2 at Shively d3)" scoring “V0 runs. M'be‘el
Field. was 3-for-4, one of three Wild-
The Cats (22-16) fell behind cats to collect more than one hit.
f early as Austin Peay (2545) Jones (2-for-4) and second base-
scored its man Eddie Brooks (3-for-5) also
lone runs in proved ‘00
the third in- much for the
ning. Austin Peay
Then UK pitchers. .
took over. us- eagle ‘Yilslgd
in its wer
a. togits £3“- five pitchers
tage. to notch the
Wildcat triumph.
«I Pookie Jones .. Troy Trum-
333 hit a grand b0 improved
; slam in the JONES MADISON his seasonal
bottom of the third, capping a , _ record, pick-
seven-nrn outburst that put UK "'8 up the Victory. 'Trumbo has
‘ up for good. Jones completed the “'0“ two games Wh'le 105mg "0
da 'm r e RBI. come-“5- _
lollies slaid he sensed what UK head C93“? Keith Madr-
strategy Austin Peay pitcher Jeff son thought pitching more than
Taylor was going to take. the offensrve outburst impressed
“I knew he was going to throw h“? most. _ ,
a fastball with a 3-2 count," , I was pleased With the Elfin
Jones recalled. “I was just trying ing because we threvlv 5 .es
to put the ball in play. When you and (119,“ ‘ get ourse “is into
do that. good things happen.“ trouble. Madison said. When
The Cats poured on two more you throw stnkes. you help your
runs in the fourth, using first cause tremendously.
baseman Paul Morse and short- The Wildcats take to the
stop Jeff Michael as their weap- Southeastern Conference road
“‘\-\‘ ons. this weekend as they travel to
\ The tandem hit hack-to-back Wesvg‘ev Fla- ‘0 mke 0“ the
home runs. both solo shots. Florida ators.
UK added three more runs in UK plays a doubleheader on
the sixth and one more in the Saturday and one game Sunday.

- Mucky Kernel. Fruity. April 23, tm












. and“-.. «arm- ._ ,



Players vote to cancel Blue-White game


sun reports





OAren’t There Many Ways To Find You?

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Christians and Non-Christians alike struggle with
these tough questions. If you are searching for answers
to questions like these, we invite you to join us this
Sunday as we address the question:

The 1993 UK Blue-White Game,
which was scheduled for tomorrow
at 8 pm, has been cancelled. Ath-
letics Director CM. Newton an-
nounced yesterday.

The Wildcats football team voted
to cancel the annual scrimmage af-
ter senior-to-be walk-on Ted
Presley suffered a gun shot wound
to the head early yesterday mom-
ing. At press time, Presley was list-

ed in critical condition at the UK

Newton said he supports the de-
cision made by the team and head
coach Bill Curry to cancel the
spring game.

“Due to the tragic event involv-
ing Ted Presley, our football team
members have asked us to cancel
Saturday's scheduled Blue-White
game." Newton said. “I certainly
understand and support their deci-

“One of our most important goals
at UK Athletics is to keep the stu-
dent-athlete at the heart of the pro-
gram. With that in mind, the deci-
sion to cancel Saturday's game is
an appropriate one. All our
thoughts and prayers are focused
on Ted Presley’s family and

Also cancelled among tomor~
row's scheduled events are the
Youth Football Clinic, which was
set for 2 p. m., and the Wildcats Au-

tograph/Picture Session, scheduled
for 4 pm. All events. including the
Blue-White game, had been slated
for Commonwealth Stadium.

Presley, a 5-foot-8, l70-pound
comerback from Hopkinsville, Ky.,
was listed at No. 4 on the depth
chart at boundary comer entering
the final week of spring drills.

He did not play football at UK
last fall but was a member of the
Wildcats scout team during the
1991 season

Tennis team opens play at SEC Tourney


By Scott Reynolds
Staff Writer


The UK men‘s tennis team will
be in Athens, Ga. tonight to take
on the South Carolina Gamecocks
in the first round of the Southeast-
ern Conference Tournament.

Although the Wildcats are ranked
17th in the nation, a 12-11 overall
record and a 5-6 conference mark
have the Wildcats on the bubble for
an NCAA berth.

“1 think if we beat South Caroli-
na, we‘ll definitely go to the
NCAA,” UK head coach Dennis
Emery said. “There is a 20-tcam
field. and we are ranked 17th right
now. The only thing that would
hurt us is that we lost to two teams
that won't be going to the touma-


“We should get in, there is al-
ways a little politics involved and
that kind of stuff.”

UK will be going into the SEC
Tournament hoping to put a stop to
a five match losing streak. The
Wildcats have lost seven of their
past eight matches.

The cold and wet spring kept the
Wildcats inside the Hillary J.
Boone Tennis Center when they
would have rather been outside
gearing up for the stretch run. The
SEC tournament will be played out-
side in Georgia

“I think the weather really hurt
us. We played a lot of games out-
doors at the end of the season. Al-
though we are a better team out-
doors, we weren‘t used to playing

in that simation,‘ Emery said.
"That and coupled with the fact that
most of the teams we lost to have
been ranked in the Top 10 in the

Although victories for the Cats
may have been few and far between
near the season’s end, Emery is
confident his team will respond
positively in the tournament.

“I really like the way our team
has dealt with things. We just had
some bad circumstances that we
weren’t good enough to overcome.
If we can just keep it together a lit-
tle longer, we’re going to finish
really strong because I think we’re
really playing well."

UK's recent skid landed the

Wildcats in seventh place in the
SEC standings. With only the top

four teams receiving first round
byes, UK will be forced to play an
extra day. Emery said he doesn’t
see that as a disadvantage.

“1 think it will actually help us. It
will give us another day outdoors."

Georgia, playing at home and
ranked third nationally, and Missis-
sippi State, ranked fourth and the
SEC's regular season champion,
would have to be considered the fa-
vorites to win the title this week-

Becnuse of the number of excel-
lent teams in the conference. the
tournament figures to be wide
open. Other SEC teams in the Top
25 include Tennessee (6th), LSU
(7th), Alabama (10th), Florida
(18th), Arkansas (20th) and Missis-
sippi (25th).

Toronto vies for NBA expansion franchise


By Jeffery Ulbrich
Associated Press


TORONTO — Labatt breweries
and the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce, co-owners of base-
ball‘s Blue Jays, yesterday joined
the effort to bring an NBA team to

The Palestra Group, one of two
Toronto groups vying for an NBA
expansion franchise, announced
that John Labatt Ltd. and the ClBC
each would own one-third of the

The NBA‘s expansion commit-
tee will meet Tuesday in New York
to review the progress toward add-
ing two teams for the 1995-96 sea-
son, but no decision will be made,
according to Brian McIntyre, the
league‘s chief spokesman.

“We know Toronto is ready, we


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"Give drank: unto the lord" -Psalm 105:]


know Palestra is ready, but the de-
cision is ultimately the NBA's,"
said Palestra president Joel Rose.
He said he was “cautiously optimis-
tic“ that something very significant
would come out of the meetings.

“Our expectation is to have a
firm, conditional grant by June 30,"
said Rose.

Labatt owns 90 percent of the
World Series champion Blue Jays,
which have drawn over four mil-
lion customers in each of the past
two years. The CIBC owns 10 per—
cent of the American League fran-

Toronto is not a difficult sell as a
sports town. The Blue J ays sold out
their 50,000-seat stadium for all but
13 games last year en route to a
second consecutive major league
attendance record.

Tickets to see the Maple Leafs of
the NHL are at a premium even

though the team has not won a
Stanley Cup since 1967 and, until
this year, went several seasons
without a competitive team.

The Palestra backers said they
have received unsolicited requests
for more than 4,000 season tickets
from basketball fans in southern
Ontario and western New York.

As part of its bid, Palestra and
Maple Leaf Gardens, Inc. are
working together in the develop-
ment and financing of a proposed
24,000—seat arena for both the bas-
ketball and hockey teams. Labatt
and CIBC would not have a stake
in the arena.

Rose said the choice has been
narrowed to four sites. all in down-
town Toronto and near mass tran-

A second Toronto bidder is John
Bitove, head of Bitove, Inc., a ca-
tering firm which among other

things provides food at the Sky-
Dome stadium, home of the Blue
Jays and the Toronto Argonauts of
the Canadian Football League.

“There are other people who are
interested,“ Rose said. “And I‘m
not sure we’ve necessarily scared
them off.“

Rose said it would take three
years to plan and build the new are-
na. Under the current Palestra time-
table. he said, an NBA team stan-
ing in Toronto in 1995 would have
to play in a temporary site for one

“We need a definitive decision to
get our facility up and running," he

Palestra is headed by Rose, a To-
ronto lawyer, and Larry Tanen-
baum, who is in the heavy con-
struction and roadbuilding

UK close to signing new contract with Fanning


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


UK Athletic Director C.M. New-
ton said the University is close to
signing women‘s basketball coach
Sharon Fanning to a new contract.

Fanning is in the last year of her
contract, which runs out July 1.


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The Lady Kats went 18-10 this
season and reached the second
round of the Southeastern Confer-
ence Tournament Although they
defeated six teams that were includ-
ed in the NCAA Tournament field.
the Lady Kats did not compete in
post-season competition.

“Fanning has done a good job
and is getting the rewards for that,"










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(iliris ()l’f‘utt


'"r‘ _:‘R. 1'"...

4 K" , l ,
‘L '1' L l, i“ ‘
T".u\ ‘1 ' ~ ‘ . ‘ i1

. . .
q.“ Anna‘n MMM‘

“ similar I" ,

Newton said. “There was no
thought of changing the coaching
staff. Both of us have been busy.
but we visited a couple of weeks

Newton said the details of Fan-
ning‘s new contract have yet to be
worked out. He said there was no
msh on renewing the contract be-
cause her current contract doesn‘t
expire for more than two months.

Fanning has been recnriting for
the past several days, which has
held up contract talks.

Fanning has a 103-72 record as
Lady Kats’ coach. She led the team
to a National Women’s Invitational
Tournament title in the 1989-90
season. UK's first winning season
since 1982-83.

Fanning began her career at UK
in 1987 after 11 years at the Uni-
versity of Tennessee-Chattanooga.
In 17 years of college coaching,
Fanning has a 292-201 record.





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By Nina Davidson
Staff Writer


The UK Dance Ensemble will
present its biannual concert this Sat—
urday at 8 pm. at the Otis A. Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts Recital

The concert consists of eight
pieces, seven of them choreo-
graphed by students. The student
choreographers double as dancers,
as well. The pieces are in a variety
of dance styles: jazz, hip-hop, mod-
em and ballet. The music ranges
from the country sounds of Dolly
Parton to the opera notes of Phillip

Julie Emmerich, one of the stu-
dent choreographers. said the varie-
ty of dance styles will suit just
about anyone‘s tastes.

“I think there are some really in-
teresting pieces, and since we are


always training and always leam-
ing more and more about dance,
the ideas are fresh.“ Emmerich
said. “The concert this year is real
entertaining; there’s a lot of really
upbeat numbers — there‘s several
pieces that resemble music videos."

Emmerich's piece, “The Funer-
a1," is an Egyptian-inspired dance.
Emmerich said she researched an-
cient Egypt and based some of her
dance movements on Egyptian bas
reliefs she found in art history

“The Funeral" is about the death
of the Pharaoh Akhnaten and his
subsequent journey to the spirit
world. Akhnaten was a historical
pharaoh who lived in Thebes
around 1800 DC.

Other pieces include “Flapper
Tap," a 19205-inspired tap dance,
and “Rhythm is a Dancer,” an ener-
getic jazz dance. “Passage Revolu"

DIV E R S | O N 8
Student choreographed numbers highlight of show

Kentucky Kernel. Friday, April 23. 1003 - 3


“The concert this year is real entertaining;
there's a lot of really upbeat numbers — there’s
several pieces that resemble music videos.”

Julie Emmerich,
student choreographer


is a comic ballet piece set to the
music of Stephen Foster.

The 19 members of the UK
Dance Ensemble practice all se-
mester for the concert. One concert
is held during the fall semester, and
another one is held during the
spring semester. This year marks
the seventh anniversary of the en-
semble‘s concert.

Emmerich said the dancers prac-
tice four hours a week but can
spend up to 30 hours a week work-
ing on the concert, especially if
they choreograph a piece and also



Continued from Page 1

presentation of Dylan Thomas‘

classic drama “Under Milk
°Martha Graham Ensemble

(Mar. 12): Now under the direc-
tion of former Graham principal
Yuriko. the ensemble will per-
form the work of America’s most
important choreographer and pio-
neer in modern dance.

~Phillip Glass (Apr. 10): Glass
remains one of America’s truly
original and brilliant composers.
Known for his prolific work in
film and opera scores (“The Thin
Blue Line,” “The Fall of the
House of Usher") and hybrid mu-
sic theater, Glass will perform his
solo piano compositions in his re-
gional debut.

Season tickets for next year‘s
Next Stage Series have gone on
sale at all TicketMaster outlets,
including the Student Center. Sea-
son ticket prices are $52 for the
general public. $44 for UK facul-
ty and staff and $36 for students.
'I‘icket information is available by
calling 257-TICS.

“The philosophy is it‘s better to
have students enjoying the show
at a cheaper price and absorb
some of the cost than it is to
break even and have less stu-
dents," Hensley said.

“For instance, individual tickets
for Laurie Anderson will be $12
for students. At Bogart‘s a couple
of years ago, tickets for Laurie
Anderson were $20 and up,“ Hen-
sley added. Single show tickets
won‘t be available until the fall.

“But I don’t want to sell tickets
for individual shows," Hensley
said. “I‘d like to sell the entire
hall on series subscriptions. And
if we can't do it with students, I
feel pretty strongly Lexington

“If students don‘t buy their






The Martha Graham Ensemble will be one of five avant garde
artist groups coming as part of SAB's Next Stage series.

tickets now, by the time Septem-
ber rolls around there may not be
any left."

Support for this season‘s Next
Stage Series varied drastically
with each performer. Music pio-
neer Robert Ashley attracted the
smallest audience — under 150.
The internationally known per-
cussion ensemble Nexus attracted
less than expected, about 250.

On the up side, the Paul Dresh-
er Ensemble, performance artist
Rachel Rosenthal, Kathy Rose
and Jane Comfort and Company
drew enthusiastic crowds of 300
to 400 people. The Alvin Ailey
Dance Ensemble filled the 1,500
seat Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Ans.

“We took an educated guess of
where our audience was. We
thought Lexington was ready for
that type of programming. It was
a learning experience," Hensley

More important than the num-
bers, the Next Stage Series has
received the blessing of many


UK faculty and students, as well
as artists, teachers and theater,
music and dance buffs throughout
the area

“I believe the Next Stage Series
is going to grow tremendously,"
SAB director Barry Stumbo said.
“The series has received over-
whelrning support from the Uni-
versity and Lexington communi-

“It’s the only act in town," said
art professor Shawn Brixey, who
specializes in hybrid art forms. “It
puts me in proximity to people in
my field. (The members of) SAB,
especially Byl Hensley, have had
such strength of vision that they
have brought some wonderful
people to Lexington who
wouldn‘t otherwise come.

“Since our students are close to
the series, they often help load in
and load out the performers for
free tickets. lt’s grunt work, but
they need that exposure they
couldn‘t get in even a progressive




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2HEMAINST. 131-6997





dance. Most of the costumes are
handmade by the Dance Ensemble.

Emmerich said, “1 think it takes a
lot of time and talent to choreo-
graph an original work."

She added, “You don‘t get to see
dance, in Lexington especially, eve-
ry day. And for five dollars, it's
cheaper than a movie— for an hour
and a haif of original, live wor

Tickets are $5 for the general
public, $4 for students and senior
citizens. and $1 for children. Call
257-4929 for tickets and inform-



MA DAVIDSON/Kernel Staff

Members of UK’s Dance Ensemble prepare for tomorrow
night's show at the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts.

Folk artist Richie Havens mesmerizes
crowd with wild strumming, storytelling


By Phil Todd
Staff Critic


Renowned singer-songwriter Ri-
chie Havens brought his inimitable
folk guitar style, his acidic social
criticism and his overwhelmingly
positive persona to the Kentucky
Theatre Wednesday evening — and
was greeted with a standing ovation
from the capacity crowd gathered to
see him.

Havens appeared in the second
installment of the Coffeehouse
Concert Series, a series designed to
return popular music to the kind of
intimate, small-hall atmosphere
where it originally was performed.

lf Wednesday’s concert was any
indication, this long-overdue series
is sure to be a success.

The warm acoustics of the Ken-
tucky are ideal for this type of mu-
sic — a far cry from the gigantic tin
can of Rupp Arena — and the prox-
imity of the stage recalled the
Greenwich Village coffeehouses of
the early 19605, where Havens be-
gan his musical career.

And, unlike most similar con-
certs, the sound system was nearly
perfect. If anything, the volume lev-
e1 was a bit too low. The sound