xt7h445hdx7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hdx7j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1987 1987 1987-11-12 2020 true xt7h445hdx7j section xt7h445hdx7j  





Director says true story of “Evita” will
take audiences away.SEE PAGE 6.





UK signs three basketball
recruits. SEE PAGE 2.




Today: Partly Sunny, warmer
Tomorrow: Sunny and milder



Vol. xcr. No. s4 .

ntucky Kernel

Unlversltyof Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Thursday, November 12, 1987


for summit

Associated Press

WASHINGTON —- U.S. and Soviet
experts met yesterday to plan next
month’s summit, as a U.S. official
said General Secretary Mikhail S.
Gorbachev would limit his stay to
three days and spend all of the time
in the nation’s capital.

The planning will continue over
the next two weeks, and while ar-
rangments are “complicated," they
will be worked out in time for the
opening of Gorbachev's talks with
President Reagan on Dec. 7, said
the official, who demanded anonym-

Reports out of Moscow carried by
some American newspapers quoted
unidentified Soviet officials as say-
ing Gorbachev might be interested
in staying longer and having more
time to get his views across to the
American people. But the U.S. offi-
cial here told The Associated Press
that a threeday visit was a settled

White House spokesman Marlin
Fitzwater also said that there had
been no indications from the Soviets
that Gorbachev would stay beyond
the summit meeting.

The planning sessions are being
conducted at the White House.

White House Communications Di-
rector Thomas C. Griscom, Colin
Powell, deputy national security ad-
viser, and Rozanne L. Ridgway, as-
sistant secretary of state for Euro—
pean affairs, met with their Soviet
counterparts yesterday.

American and Soviet negotiators
in Geneva are still wrangling over a
handful of nuclear disputes that
stand in the way of Reagan’s first
arms control accord with Moscow.

As a result, U.S. officials said
Tuesday. Secretary of State George
P. Shultz may have to go to Geneva
before Thanksgiving to try to wrap
up the pact with his Soviet coun-
terpart, Foreign Minister Eduard A.

it would be their fourth round of
talks in three months and would un-
derscore a strenuous effort by the
Reagan administration.




U.K. Marching Band baritone player Mark
Mahan employs gloves and earmuffs to keep

All-time low

warm while practicing yesterday afternoon in
the almost freezing weather at Stoll Field.




SDC program to recognize student organizations that raise money for UK

Staff Writer

The Student Development Council
will gain new partners in the spring
by rewarding organizations on cam-
pus that raise money for University
projects. said James Rose, SDC

A program called “Partners for
Excellence“ is designed to recognize
student organizations that contribute
money to UK through fund-raising
projects, Rose said.

“Most organizations give to phi-
lanthropies,“ Rose said. “We like to
show that UK is a philanthropy."

Amy Figg, SDC public relations
chairperson, said there are three
ways for student organizations to
participate in the program: contrib-
ute money to a University program

which is already established; donate
10 percent or more of a current
fund-raising campaign to UK: or
sponsor a fund-raiser in which all
proceeds are donated to UK.

The money donated to UK will
fund University projects or schol-
arships, said Lynn Zaremba, SDC
campus coordinator chairperson.

Organizations can compete in the
fraternity division, sorority division,
residence hall division. funded-stu-
dent organizations division or non-
funded student organizations divi-

“The phone-asthons of each col-
lege are being incorporated in the
Partners for Excellence program,“
Zaremba said.

Awards will be given in three cat-
egories. The first category recogniz-
es the highest contributor of each di-


“We like to show that

UK is a philanthropy."
James Rose,
SDC chairman


vision as a partner. and the winner
will receive a plaque. The second
category recognizes organizations in
the upper 10 percent of each division
as an associate partner. The third
division recognizes organizations
that finish in the upper third of each
division as a contributor.

Rose said SDC's goals are to raise
money and to create student pride.

“if students care about and help
UK while they are here. they are
more willing to give back to UK
when they graduate," Rose said.


Ortega asks for peace talks with U.S.

WASHINGTON —— Nicaraguan
President Daniel Ortega declared
yesterday his government is fully
committed to complying with the
Central America peace agreement
and he renewed his offer to hold
peace talks with the United States.

“Nicaragua is ready to comply 100

t with the agreement," Orte-

ga declared in a dramatic hour-long

appearance before the General As-

sembly of the Organization of Amer-

ican States durim his first visit to

Washirgton in eight years. Ortega

wore a conservative gray suit in-

stead of his uual outfit for public
appearances -- combat fatigues.

He thin disputed Pruident Rea-
gan's charge before the same audio
ence on Monday tint Nicaragua is
mine near" meeting its obliga-

An overflow crowd filled the main
meeting room at OAS headquarters.

in the standing-roomme crowd
were all six members of the contra
leadership; they listened intently as
Ortega spoke. Afterward, one of the
most veteran contra leaders, Adolfo
Calero. called Ortega's speech
“lengthy, boring and without real

Ortega's call for a direct dialcgue
with the United States was rejected
immediately by the U.S. ambassa-
dor to the OAS, Richard McCor-
mack, who said that Reagan had
laid out strict conditions for reopen-
ing diplomatic contacts with Sandi-
nista officials.

Ortega said that although Nicara-
meet its commitments under the re-
gional peace ayeement he signed
last Aim-t, the United States has
undercut the accord by sending
weapons and other equipment on 140

resupply flights to the country‘s con-
tra rebels since then.

He said the weapons include
ground-to-air missiles which are
threatening domestic and interna-
tional air traffic in Nicaragua. U.S.
spy flights also have continued, he

Responding to Reagan‘s charge.
Ortega said that on two key el-
ements of the peace plan — a total
amnesty for political prisoners and
a lifting of the state of emergemy —
Nicaragua would comply only when
an international observer team veri-
fies that outside support for the con-
tra rebels has ceased.

The peace agreement was de-
signed by Nicaragua and four Cen-
tral American neiflibon - Gute-
mala, El Salvador. Honduras and
Costa Rica. Among other measures,
the agreement calls for steps toward
democratization in Nicaragua and
an end to U.S. aid tothecontrn.

Much of Ortega’s speech was de~

voted to a long recitation of the 1906
ruling by the international Court of
Justice. which accused the United
States of violating international law
by supporting the contras and it de-
manded an end to all future aid.

The United States has ignored the
ruling, contending that the court
lacks jurisdiction in such disputes.

The OAS is a hemispherewide
group which holds a general assem-
bly each year. Member states nor-
mally are represented by their for-
eign ministers; Ortega is the first
president ever to head his nation‘s
delegation to such a meeting.

The large gather-tr! remained at-
lent when Ortega was introduced but
applauded at the conclusion.

Later, Ortega went to Capitol Hill
with Home Speaker Jim Wright, D-
Texas, who has been involved in
Central Amelcan peace efforts.

Examiner says

heart disease
killed athlete

Associated Press

LOUISVILLLE — A rare congeni-
tal heart disease caused the death
last month of UK track athlete Ro-
driq McCravy. the state’s chief med-
ical examiner said yesterday.

Dr. George Nichols said McCravy.
19, died Oct. 28 as a result of idiopa-
thic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis,
or IHSS, which thickens the wall di-
viding the two sides of the heart and
may eventually cause it to stop beat-

The disease is estimated to afflict
one out of every 15,000 people. Nich-
ols said at a news conference.

He said he sees only three or four
deaths from the disease each year in

“The majority of people with this
disease do not die suddenly. nor do
they die from the disease.” said Dr.
Doug Ackermann, a pathologist who
specializes in heart disorders.

Ackermann said the disease is dif-
ficult to detect during normal physi-
cal examinations and many people
may never know they have it,

People under 30 are most likely to
suffer the disease's effects. which
include shortness of breath, chest

pain, fainting spells or, as in McCra-
vy‘s case, sudden death. Ackermann

There is no conclusive evidence
that strenuous physical activity ag-
gravates the disease or increases
the chance of dying from it. he said.
it was difficult to determine whether
McCravy‘s death was made more
likely by his athletic training or by
the fact that he was young, he

Nichols said that if McCravy had
suffered other effects of the disease,
such as chest pains. he may not
have been able to distinguish them
from the normal discomfort of train-

McCravy, a former state cham-
pion hurdler at Louisville‘s Trinity
High School, was a hurdler and a
member of record-setting relay
teams at UK.

Nichols said because the disease is
hereditary in one of four cases. he
has urged members of McCravy's
family to get physical examinations
as a precaution.

The effects of the disease can be
treated with medication to relax the
enlarged heart wall and control ir-
regular beating of the heart. he said.

Grant to help colleges
evaluate TAP program

Contributing Writer

UK and the University of Louis-
ville have received a $67,500 grant
from the Kentucky State Police to
evaluate the effectiveness of the
Traffic Alcohol Program (TAP) in

TAP deploys additional police offi-
cers to patrol the streets during
peak drunken-driving periods. This
extra patrol effort and an accompa-
nying education program to inform
the public about the penalties and
dangers of drunken driving are de-
signed to curtail the number of
drunken drivers and resulting tragic

How effective this statewide TAP
program is, however, is not really

Ken Agent of UK‘s Kentucky
Transportation Research Program
said, “The state police has em-
ployed TAP a number of times in
the past. Our study will try to eval-
uate the effectiveness of TAP. "

Agent said the study will research
TAP in the Louisville, Shively and
Jefferson County police depart-

The research will be divided into
four data collection areas.

./ UK will study accident data in
the observed police districts. con-
centrating 0n alcohol-related inci-

./ U of L will gather arrest and
court data. The L’ of L researchers
will concentrate on arrest and con-
viction rates and how they are af-
fected by TAP,

/ UK will study the cost effective-
ness of TAP. Agent said the main
benefit of fewer drunken drivers
would be in the reduction of costly
traffic accidents.

.1 UK and U of L will jointly dis~
tribute a questionnaire to measure
the public‘s attitude. awareness and
perceptions of the drunken driver

Since the study has not yet
started, Agent could not comment
directly on any study results. but he
said results from a similar TAP op-
eration performed by the Lexington
police show that alcohol-related ac-
cidents were “substantially re«

Agent said that the final report is
expected to be finished by Septem-
ber i988.


People are called to convert to
a deep level of insight based on
mutual trust and interdepen-
dence, said Sr. Barbra Fiand last

The Roman Catholic Sister of
Notre Dame de Namur gave a
talk on “Cultural Development:
A Call to Conversion" as part of
the Newman Center‘s Distin-
guished Speakers Program.

The speech dealt with the de-
velopment of culture as a parallel
to human growth and maturation.

“The opening up of awareness
directly influences cultural
deptls." Sr. Fiand said. “The
time is right to take ownership of
this higher cultural devel-

The level of consciousness in
humans is divided into three
areas of increasing order, she
said. These are biological, func-
tional and personal.

Often people attain the person‘
al, or idealistic. level in their late


Conversion a product
of awareness, nun says

Staff Writer

teens or early 20s However. the
needs of society sometimes force
a regression to the functional. or
practical and competitive. level.

“We sometimes lose the in
sights we gained,“ Sr. Fiand

Sr. Fiand also spoke of four
main crises. or conversion points,
that people face. These are birth.
the search for identity, the col-
lapse and regaining of values and
a mid-life crisis.

“These crises can last months
or years in our developmental
process.“ Sr. Hand said.

She related these natural proc-
esses to the development of cul-
ture, from the need for indepen-
dence in primitive tribes to the
masculine/feminine stniggle of
today. She said that just as a per-
son can become fixated at a cer-
tain stage in life, so can a cul-
ture. This is where we stand
today, and that is why we are
called to conversion.

“Instead of confrontation. we
are called to a deeper form of

Sec NUN. Page?!




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, Number 12, 1007


Rich get richer as Cats land 3 hoop recruits

Sports Editor

Basketball coaches in the South-
eastern Conference may soon be
pleading with Eddie Sutton to sign a
disarmanent treaty.

The UK coach followed up this
year 5 banner crop of six freshmen
by signing a trio of highly touted
prep players to national letters of in-
tent yesterday.

The three who inked their names
on the Wildcats' dotted line include
Chris Mills, Shawn Kemp and Sean

“We feel like we have had a bonus
recruiting class," Sutton said last
night during a telephone interview

from the SEC media convention in

“We‘ve had back-to-back groups
now who we feel can carry on the
Kentucky basketball tradition.
We‘re elated. We needed to have an-
other outstanding group because we
lose five seniors this year.“

Heading the list is Mills. a 6-foot-7
forward from hos Angels, Ca.. who
is rated one of the top 10 high school
players in the nation. Mills averaged
25.2 points. 12 rebounds and 2.1 as-
sists as a junior and was named
Player of the Year in California.

“A lot has been written and said
about him." Sutton said. "Chris
Mills is an excellent shooter who can
also pass the basketball and has
wonderful foot speed. "

UK downs Tennessee,
sets up SEC showdown

Staff reports

The UK women‘s volleyball team
continued its hot play last night by
defeating Tennessee at Knoxville
15-4. 15—3. 15-13.

The victory improved Kentucky to
24-1 and kept the No, 9 Wildcats tied
with [St at 6-0 for the Southeastern
Conference lead.

“We were worried about playing
Tennessee when we came in here to-
night," L'K coach Kathy DeBoer

“The Vols have always played
great on their homecourt." she said.
“And I was afraid We were looking

Idle Hour

S. Limestone
Versailles Rd.
Wilhite Dr.
North Park

forward to Saturday and not worry-
ing about tonight "

Kentucky was led by junior mid-
dle- blocker Lisa Bokovoy who had
18 kills and a hitting percentage of
.‘72. Senior outside-hitter Annette
Ewasek chipped in with 14 kills for
the Cats.

“We had great play out of Boko-
voy. Ewaskek and Kim Thompson."
DeBoer said. "They have continued
to carry us throughout the season.“

The SEC championship will be de
cided Saturday when UK collides
with [SE at Memorial Coliseum.
Game time is 7:30 pm.


Player Pos. hgt.

PlS- reb. A blk.


Chris Mills F
Shawn Kemp C
Sean Woods G





12 2.1

6.4 6



Mills uses his height to play in-
side. but it's no secret he prefers to
play out on the perimeter. That’s no
problem with Sutton.

“He can play the two or three po-
sition," Sutton said. “He will be
playing on the perimeter and will be
expected to play guard."

UK recruiters crossed the Ohio
River and snatched two Hoosiers

from under the nose of Bobby
Knight. One is a big man, the other
a guard.

Shawn Kemp from Elkhart will
provide the additional muscle inside.
The 6-10 Kemp averaged 25 points
and 14.4 rebounds as a junior. He al-
ready holds Concord High School's
record for points (1,483) and blocked
shots (300).




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“Shawn can play in the paint or
out on the floor,” Sutton said. “He’s
got great passing instincts for a big
man and he runs the floor extremely
well. He will be a hanger and a

The other Hoosier headed to lex-
ington is Sean Woork of Indianapo-
lis. The 6-2 guard averaged 18.5
points and six assists last year.
Woods possesses a 37-inch vertical
leap and led Cathedral High School
with a rebounding average of 6.4.

“We feel he can play either point
guard or off guard," Sutton said.
“He has tremendous ability to pen-
etrate and run the basketball team

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

while still hitting the outside jump-
er. He's got great quickness and
good ball-handling skills."

Sutton said the three signings do
not mean ass'mtant coaches James
Dickey and Dwane Casey are off the
recruiting trail.

“We're still recruiting Don Mc-
Clean,” Sutton said. “Hopefully we
have not ended the signers. We will
certainly continue to look at others
as the season goes on. But we will
not just sign people to be signing

Other SEC coaches may find that
hard to believe.



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Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. November 1 2, 1087 — 3


Briefcase bomb kills 6, wounds 73
in crowded Beirut airport terminal

Associated Press

BEIRUT. Lebanon — A briefcase
packed with explosives blew up in a
crowded passenger terminal in Bei-
rut's airport yesterday, killing six
people, including the woman who
carried it. and wounding 73 others
police said.

The blast occurred a day after the
international airport reopened fol-
lowing a fiveday general strike.

The woman who carried the dead-
ly briefcase was posing as an out-
going passenger police said. She
was identified as Soraya Sahyouni.a
Sunni Moslem Lebanese.

“The explosion split her in two."
said a police spokesman, who spoke
on condition of anonymity. He re-
fused to speculate on the motive be-
hind the attack.

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Five other Lebanese died, police
said adding that most of the injured
were Lebanese and other Arabs
bound for gulf nations.

“1 was checking in when the ex-
plosion occurred. The devastating
impact almost choked me. I
struggled for breath and then dove
for cover " said Jacqueline Karakji‘
an. a Lebanese passenger bound for
Jiddah. Saudi Arabia.

“When I regained control of my
faculties. I saw blown-off legs and
arms all around me." Miss Karakji-
an said.

One witness said he saw “at least
four people lying on the floor with
blood soaking their clothes and glass
shards all around them.‘

“A man's leg was chopped off.
Blood littered the airport’s entrance
Everybody panicked. Women pas-
sengers shouted as they carried


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their children out of the airport
premises," said the man who spoke
on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile in Christian east Bei-
rut. gunmen shot and seriously
wounded a Frenchman. a Christian
television broadcast said. The Leb-
anese Broadcasting Corporation
television identified the victim as
Richard Gimpel. 46. an engineer
who has been living in Beirut for 10

A spokesman at the Notre Dame
of Lebanon Hospital told The Asso-
ciated Press the victim was in a
coma with two bullets in his head.

The airport bomb went off at the
main entrance to the airport‘s ter-
minal at 3:58 pm.

The explosion struck a heavy blow
at Syria‘s efforts to keep peace in
the capital‘s Moslem sector. where


ONun in Newman series

Continued from Page I

consciousness marked by mutual
trust." Sr. Fiand said.

in these confrontations. such as
in the Middle East and with the
nuclear arms race. she said we
must “empower rather than

More than 100 people turned
out to hear Sr. Fiand speak. The
general reaction was that the
speech was good. but perhaps too
philosophical for easy compre-

“The talk was good, but if
you‘re not on a philosophical
level. it was hard to understand."
said Lulu Shereef. a member of
the Newman Club from Barbour-

However. Kim Sweeney. who
attends the UK Newman Center.
said. “I thought she was really
good. I think it makes a lot of

Sr. F‘iand received her doctor-
ate in philosophy at DePauI Uni-
versity in Chicago. She is an as-
sociate professor of philosophical
theology and teaches spirituality
at the Athenaeum of Ohio.

The Distinguished Speakers
Program will continue in Feb-
ruary with a talk entitled “The
Gospel According to St. Adolph
and St. Harry." by UK graduate
Rev.Ed Beck.





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Food Science :rraor cone 0‘ '3 ~ grow "a
to d Demanc ‘or gran .zites 1W are": l-z
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What he really wanted was
to spend Thanksgiving with his family.

What he got was three days with the turkey






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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. November 12. 1007



Passage of agenda
in state legislature
a test for president

UK President David Roselle’s first few months here
have been relatively tranquil. Roselle has received pre-
dominantly positive responses as he has literally traveled
across the state and this University telling people what
needs to be done to make UK a first-rate academic institu-

In a recent column in The Courier-Journal, Dick Wilson
referred to the first few months of Roselle’s presidency as
a “honeymoon“ period. It is a time when everything Rose-
lle does is met with a positive response. He can do no
wrong and is the savior for our academic woes.

That period is officially over.

Last Thursday in Louisville, the Council on Higher Edu-
cation made its recommendations to the governor and the
General Assembly for higher education funding.

Roselle has said over and over that the key to making
this University a truly great institution is attracting qual—
ity faculty to UK. The only way to accomplish this objec—
tive, he said, is by raising faculty salaries and providing
better resources, such as with computers and the library.

Specifically. Roselle has said that he wants faculty sala-
ries to increase by about 20 percent over the next two
years. The first 8 to 10 percent. he said, would be a “catch-
up“ figure. The second 8 to 10 percent would be a “keep-
up“ figure. UK faculty on the Lexington campus are cur-
rently paid about $3,700 less than faculty at other bench-
mark universities.

There's no doubt that faculty salaries are an important
factor in ensuring the quality of an institution. It is faculty
who produce the research, academic articles and books
that enhance an institution. It is also a quality faculty who,
in part, attract bright students to attend a university.

But Roselle faces an uphill battle in securing funding
from the state General Assembly and governor. Estimates
have placed a budget shortfall for the state at $450 million.
A budget shortfall for higher education funding has been
estimated at $9.4 million.

Getting any money from a financially strapped state
will be a great test for Roselle early in his presidency.
Roselle’s agenda of attracting quality faculty to UK, as
well as making several other improvements, is sound and
needed here.

However, such an agenda can only be successful with
strong financial backing. It is imperative that Roselle and
Charles Wethington, who is UK's primary lobbyist with the
legislature, work to push the CHE recommendations
through the General Assembly.

If they can‘t. it will be a serious setback for Roselle’s
presidency early on. Rest assured, there will be several
battles after this one for Roselle and his staff.

But this first battle for funding is especially important
not only for Roselle, but also for higher education.

The honeymoon‘s over, Mr. President. Welcome to real-


Letters policy

Readers are encouraged to submit letters and opinions to the Ken-
tucky Kernel.

Writers should address their comments to: Editorial Editor, Ken-
tucky Kernel, 035 Journalism Building, Lexington, Ky. 40506—0042.

Letters should be 350 words or less, while guest opinions should be
850 words or less. All material must be typewritten and double-spaced.

Frequent writers may be limited so that we may publish letters
from as many writers as possible.

Writers must include their name, address, telephone number and
major classification or connection with UK on all submitted mat