xt7h445hdt5q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hdt5q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1959 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1959 Vol.26 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, November 1959 Vol.26 No.2 1959 1959 2019 true xt7h445hdt5q section xt7h445hdt5q . _, , ' ' 11? I?
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11l‘1wljl1‘l‘l1ll A W S I 1. newspaper Circulation. We must not NOVEMBEl

1 1 ‘ k The KentuCk Press 'lL S e ee t ‘1 these proposals too lightly and “11151

‘1 1 1 H I H “ prepared to oppose any tax movement

1' , 1 . “ C ”CCd "1 reporter! \VC "CCd an could seriously curtail freedom of the

1 , v°lume 26, Number 2 editor!' “’0 need an advertislng man! and the public’s right to know En seven

1; i ‘ Official Publication thSC requests are 0“ our dCSIfde‘W and went through almost 150 years of “tats.

1; 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. they are recurrlng requests. lhesC, and knowlcdgc"—and the public was the;

is , Kentuck Press Service, Inc. manv more like them reach the KPA of— - 7 , , , ‘

1 y . — ‘ . , _ tun, not the no“ spapcrs alone. Etc,

1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor fi1ce and the School of Iournahsm w1th 1n— vigilance must be the \vatchwor d for “1

1 ‘ Perry J_ Ashley, Associate Editor creasmg regularity. loday, little can be newspaper and cvcrv press associatiofll By PI

‘1 J x) i s v . \ l ._ . i ‘

1 1 Member done to meet the demand for tralned, quah Amenca. 1 1

11 j Kentucky Chamber of Commerce lied personnel; tomorrow somethmg can * =1: * it: 1 A scncs ot p

11 3 , Newspaper Managers Association be done, and by the newspapers them— _ ' . 1 early in Apnl a

1 i ‘ Sustaining Member selves thru the School of Journalism Foun— “7 C watched With PTOfCSSIOUal inltl full length 0f t

11 ’ National Editorial Association clarion—the procedure is on your desk, tllC outcome Of a llel Slllt filed in Cl];l was conCludCd C

11 . Associate Member Four of our dailies, The Lexington 12111 COUN." against a “10ml Operatort tern State C011

1 National Newsrmper Promotion Assocrauon I'lerald—Leadcr (for the past two years), the was alleged to have hbeled Croftonb; Murray State (

111 Printed by The Kernel Press Ashland Independent (two years), the 1“353 111C“ and OffiCIEllS by posting asp’uI conseuetive days

1 1 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes the Lou15vrllc Courier—Journal and anes, and U31) warning Sign on 1118 prcmlses. C1111 1)r01ect which

51‘, fundamental importance 0/ the implied trust th‘? Paducah Shh. Democrat, thrl'l $11013? lUdgc 1m 0- Smltll, 1m dlSmlSSlng their with doubts of S

‘ 1 , imposed on newspapers and dissemination of ships already provide, and are mak1ng 1t pos— 0h NOVC‘thT. 20, r1ghtfully stated, if, has become of a

11 , 1‘ l’“bli€ i"/0"""“'0”r “ WW“ for truth, laf'm‘“: siblc for six outstanding students to pre— Slgns MC 110i 111 good tQStC and nott: that it is onC Of

‘ "““mcy’ “1'"! 7,6534”? ”'CU" I)r;s_ctnia1f':7isyzl pare themselves for journalistic careers. mannered, hilt thC “ght to freedom ever been done

1 . ono Oin . ,1 . .. 1U ‘ ,

l, , Zelda/2:11; ifrrici Jilin-:1 st:ii(la:ds in its adver. lhrough salaried posrtrons on student Pub- SPCCCh ShOUId “U” ht TCSthhhed- T011 l'xelltUCkY Press

1 , rising m,,,,,,,,_ u opposes the publication of lications, as practical operating scholarship SllCh 2‘11 INIUthlOD “"0111le contrarytu: The general

1 '~ propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms grants, eighteen journalism students are State 311d 1‘ ederal CODStltHhOII grantu of the News" \\

1 , the obligation of anewspapento frank, honest making part, or 3]], of their expenses today, freedom of speech." The Crofton m21 of the sessions v

- “"d (“"19” {d'f‘mal “ens“?ys' It “‘9‘?“ and, upon graduation, will be available to stated that the Slgn “’35 hurting lOCflill sonal experience

; 1‘ . "WW” of op ""931 (".‘d t.“ "g” of elm)! m' fill your personnel demands. ”053- He said, “Motorists see them; at each. The n

z . ; ilimdual to participation in the Constitutional - ‘ .. u. _

1 ‘ guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes AlthOl‘gh the prospects, explanatory let- refuse to stop ' ' ' own to buy gas. I' the mcctmgs V

1 ' 1 in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, ter, and pledge were only made. available motel operator, after the hearing, retort Adams; Secreta]

1 "07'0"“: 505W: and cultural community 4" November 15, four progressive newspapers “\VhCfl Crofton officials start (10ng ItE Foster Adams, 1

i 1 , i/clopment and pTOgTCSS. llElVC Sent pledges t0\vard the Foundation’s I’ll do rlght." SO thCl'C is Stlll and llllp COlllllllttCC; D1‘.

1 . , ‘ ‘3 _ , I scholarship fund—The Bowling Green Park 33 the SlghS are Shh 1“ 1313“" tht‘ Universrty

1 1 1 Kentucky Press Assocratlon, nc. City News, the Calhoun News, the Haz— a: 39 it a Iournahsm, and

3‘ 1 7 ‘ Thomas L- Adams, Pres’de’” _ ard Herald, and the London Sentinel Echo. Labor Department published a repul1 hCC» W110 10111“

a l. , . . Herald-Leader, Lexmgmn You, too, can help the Foundation—and “How American 131“,ng Habits c113,“ tap to Morehea
1, 1 . laul Westphelmg, Vice-Presxdent . M“, l ,. . d. . ,» 111 t , . _ _' . 11‘ You have "ill

1,1 ‘1 1 Fulton County News, Fulton ”MISC—)3 :99“ rng 1“ 30‘“ P C( g0 0 1““ contarning the followmg comment 0H1 . r ‘.

.9 1 ‘ Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager . prove 1ournahsm 1n Kentucky! role of advertising: u Advertising has ,1 are still conscrou

1 _ _ Umvemty ff Kenmdiyj Lexmgton it a s stimulated, the often directed, cont “:16 €01”er ‘1

11 1 1 Blur!“ Executive Committee 1 ., ,11 Dr 1 . 1, , Md 1 - .. ,. 1 demand, particularlv in the marketsl [‘1 rer tian g?“

1 , t , . . . l usse \C re ias passe to us re\\ar(. , , 1.1511,

, . , Chairman, W. Foster Adams, Berea Citizen, Be- , 4 . , 1, 7 d-‘ 1 _ , d. comi- . \10 mCCtlng

1 ‘ , . f. 1f 1 s . s 1 f.“ ,. , (epcn ent upon tic expan mg 1n 1

1' 1 . rea (Seventh); First, Ray Edwards, Messenger, If long .‘Ut‘lj SCIVICC to '"S L Oh men, , 1;, ' f. '1‘ tl , .' r011 01' ”’C comments

1 3 i 1 Mayfield; Second, Larry Stone, Messenger-Argus, to hls c1ty, his country, 1118 state; 1f long “Chas? ‘hhl 1‘35— 19 ma10r 3h poll around the Stati

it ‘ 3 Central City? Third; has“ Caummisar, Courier- adherence to the highest principles, prac— lNatlon S consumers. To thCSC t epr 1, seminars

1 , 1 Iomnal, Louisvrlle. fourth, John G. Gaines. trees, and ctlncs of 1ournahst1c integrity have appeal for consumption of the vastollll S C V-m C

t ' 1 Park 6’” Neu’s’ BOWImg Green; F’flh’ Frank C' - s , 1 . k f not 1ust the electric blanket wrth duih . ' ' ‘

.1 1 Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, George been duly recorded on tIC‘GILdt B00 .0 ”01 And while the consumer may PW pl‘lSC: Informal

1| 1 1 Trotter, Enterprise, Lebanon; Eighth, George Deeds, than his reward Will be great In— . iid' . ’ 1’. . ‘ lti f . 1 adrell‘t‘i: specifically what

1’ - 1 Joplin 111. Commonwealth, Somerset; Ninth, Earl deed. His kindly counsel to his fellow m1u rerousy ‘15 ‘1 resu 0 sum. 011» crallv know. Shi

1 ‘ 1 “’1 Kmner}; lé’dgngv Valéey C012“? WC“ fi‘b' publishers, his counsel and guidance, always he nevertheless has thC 'prOtCthOfl I“: W. C. Cavw

1 1 1 arty. Tent , . . an dummBnkelipriimC ar- freely available, to the Kentucky Press As— requrrmg accurate labehng 0 mar: Most valuable .

ii “ I‘m' State'At‘Lafige’ Fre J' “r H ‘ “my f 1'1 1 .1 H t' s ducts and preventing false advertrsmgdc ‘ “

1: g 1 1 County News, leerty; State-At-Large, Landon socmtlon. 0 wncr re was a. 10— une lnem— . ‘ t t] ,~ A 't n to have UK I(

'1 1 - 1 Wills, McLean County News, Calhoun; Imme- ber, director, and past pre51dent, wrll long “5 0 ‘Clr "1C” 3- explain new 1m,

1.11:3 1 (”(156 Past PTeSldC’m: Mam" DYChev 5‘3"""5" be remembered and cherished by all with it it a a ‘ Pupcrdom, Such

1‘ 1 1 E“ ’0’ L0"“°“' ’ ' whom he came, almost daily, in contact. US. Supreme Court Justice Dough“ tinned under th

” " 1 Kentucky lless Servrce, Inc. He will be sorely missed in our meetings. opposed to cameras in the court {001' UK.
1 - .~ 7' ' ) ’ r - - . I

,1 1 1 1.11an M. “lllls. Irmdii'elss ” m Brandenburg I‘lie Press 1oms all the members of the allowing TV or broadcasts of trialsl Allan Trout,

“ l i “(i 'r ‘1 5 . 7 _Y ,1 -. 7‘ ~ ‘_ \ ~ 7' . , u r1.

;j 1 1 James G. Wilson. First l'ice—Pi'izrident kentucky Fourth lLstate m. Ci‘tCndmg hcart— recent lecture, the Iustlce said, “1 ll 1‘13 Conference
, 1 i Log Cabin: Cynthia"?! fdt sympathy to thC survrvlng family. have been instances in which W”? In QUCStlon con(
. -1 George”: Wilson' Second ”refunds"? ,5 ,1 ,1 ,1 publishers sought to influence COUm/f the NCWS." It 1‘.

5 ; .lireckmrulge County Herald-News,Hardinsburg . . . as some politicians have sought toil-1 and highly benel

, , “m" R' Pm‘malm' secma’y'lllanager . Michigan needs to reuse more revenue influence to bear on 'udicial commlfili 11m Horner l

1;, U’l’vemty of Kenm‘kJ’r Lexmgton and already verbal proposals have been ad— . . ‘ l 1‘. r1611 tOOk L'nr f ’1

, Board Of Directors .. .. , . . 1 . . 0 Mass opinion has no place in on 1 _ z i 0 he

1 \anced to tax newspaper advertising 7/?) tom ,. The 'ud e has 5 okcn 1n the I-School

1: , l C”1"“"”l:"i Benn?“ RGoacn, Shel? £731“: Slfilbl" among other ideas for raising revenue. ' i g ‘ p I 1 fleshed evervtliii

1 , vil e: umsey ‘. arrlson, n erson cws, \ , _ , ~ , 1 1 1 _ 9k ,1 9,5 :1 I .

1 1 Lawrenceburg: Enos Swain, Advocate-Messenger, chl 1’ “$0.51 accordlng to reports, are ser , ‘ V d thfll,1 and has also bro

1 Z , Danville; Niles Dillingham, Progress. Dawson lousy consu ermg a tax on newspaper ad— Dont be so busy sawmg “00 V Leonard Kels;
' 1 , Springs: Officers Ex-Officio. vertlsing; Alabama already has a tax on don‘t have time to sharpen the 53‘“ mative to the 11

1:1 r I . I .

1. ’ 1 1 It I


 E V V \
hr; . r ;'
iIVi VI. ,
.V i; V V V
Iy and ma gr
K1 InovemeVmVV , Joe LaCorc, Paducah Sun—Democrat: \Ve VV V V j V f
(0m 0 ”It S f I S I I I E d Shorild never grow wearr of being reminded itfi ‘ 5
k110W~VEnV seven uccess u e lnars n of our legal responsibilities as newspapcr- VVV : V ,
”Cars of ‘tam _ lTlCll. . VVVV V V Z i :
)lic was thei AI B Ilng Green And Murray This is 011l\"1 ' ' -' . . :éIVl‘V I V
I \A’ . . _ , small p01tion of the re- V, VlVV V,
VVRVOIVVC-VEta: 0 marks which have been extended at the VVI V
eiwor 0W". . . . conclusion of each meeting. Many sugges- Vi!” i i? V
35 associatioflV By PERRY ASHLEE experlcnee represented provrded a v1rtual tions have been made about possible topics ‘ VIV VVV V ! V V
_ V _ . V 1‘ 1 l . 'm dictionary of journalistic experience. for next year's seminars also and requests VVV‘VVI V : 3
V A genes 0f prCSS SUNVUUTVS “ mi xgtl Henry HOIHSby’ Lexington: I think this to continuc‘ the series‘lr’nebceh numerous MEV V i i
l: = ' V ' v ’ ' \ “ ' ‘ ‘ . . . . , \ r c . l V g
. V : early ”1 AP“1 at “01‘1“?“ VCVOVVUHVg 1? semmar series 13 the finest thmg KPA has Those attending the Bowling Green 30$ VVVV V V: t
fessronal mm: full length 0f thC_ Std“, 111 50 en Vumps, done for its members. \Ve owe a debt of _- . , .' > ‘ ‘iVVVI i V : V
't filrd’ V 1 d l “ rher tlns month at \Ves— . r . . 51011 were Iohn and Ray Games, Bowling 45V V H . V
IH e in CV; was concu ecc VVa B l' Creel nil gratitude to Tom Adams for mauguratmg Green Daily News Ben Boone Elkton VVVV‘ r: V
‘3 OperatorI tern State 0 ege, 0W111g ”17 a” the program ‘ - " . ’ .. ”Vi 2V V
,, . . . , . ,- ‘ ' V Standard; Allen Read, Seottsvrlle C1t1zen- Vj ‘ I. I
Ld Croftonb MIIU‘JY State College, Murray on tho N. A. Perry, IL, Frankfort State Journal: T' .. G 'C k M , t , R: l ’V‘! V'l V
posting aspe ctive days November 6 and /. A _V . . V . .. V _ . . 111165, l U} 00 , vorgan 0““ CPU)‘ V; l! t», V
eonseu . r . . , . I feel that all who ha\e attended pubhsh l' .V _ 1V“ 't L ,, B I; I'll‘ N .. “V V V ,
remises. Cir ‘~ct which originated With an idea, . . V . V V. . . _ 'll 'k‘ 1e1an, #11165 M6011, 1U CSV! C C“S~ VVII V I s E
p , V 1)“ch . . . ers, edltors or busmess managers w1 ta e L l \V’ll C ll N V . Cl r~ . I VVI f! V :
smrssing then "tl doubts 0f SUI'VlYlllg the first 24 hours, V V V V V V V V_ anc on 1 s, a mum ens, a ence V: {4' VV V V
.' \u l "l l V l ful‘ home a greater knowledge of the ne“ spa Martin Tompkinsvillc News- Larry Stone V‘Vél VV V V
lll_V' stated, l has become of age mt] tic Vgenera . ee mg pays responsibilities in the field of publish- l A V St V C‘ t l yC'tv ‘Tines- VVVVV ii‘ : V
ste and not I: that it is one of the best tlnngs wlneh has iug an IVIVIOVS é] OIVICV :1;th 15t t 1C l V'VV; VV 1 VV
. '. . x ,- A ‘ . r r us: 0) ocn‘an, res ern ac 0— 5iI: :‘ I V
to freedom e\-cr been done for 1VtsV members b3 the Don Deaton, Mt. chon Slgnal: I con— VVgVV L VV DIR VVV C l b'a Ne vg- VVVVVV IVV VV
trained.Tor Kr tucks Press Assocratlon. V. . VV . V V l . cge, ours e osse , oum 1‘ w, VVVVVV V V
g. C“ - , m, .. sider the semmar to be one of he most M" 11" V R'ch'irds \Vestern State Col— VIM! ;V V V
)e contran’tr The eneral topic of lhe Legal Side . ,. V. . -. - l' - l' 158 YJIICCS 1 . , ‘ I}!!! . . V
V . g VV . l 1 ll interesting, Informatne and stnnu ating tlat lege‘ Dr Niel Plummet UK School Of 3V V. V V V, f
.tllthIl grants» 0f. the News was earned oul' tlrougl1 51‘ I have attended. I look forward With inter— V011rhrlisin- President Thomas L. Adams ii!!! 'i V:
3 Crofton sz of the sessrons w1th new pane ists anVC per— est to future seminars h1 which we can P001 “V Foster Adams Berea Citizen- Victor VVVVV VV VV _
lurtmg 1003!! 5011211 CXPCH€DCCS btjmg the mam Change: our COHCCh-VC thoughts on other subjects. Portmann and Peirv Ashlev Central Of— VVVVliV i V!
is see the!!! at each. The travehng group for “C1 0 Fred Bllfkhflfi Liberty NCWS; Getting fiee and I D Corin Greensburg Record VV! 3! :V "V i
to buy gas. ! the meetmgs was Presrdent Thomas L, the news and heading Off trouble are sub— Herald i , VVVVI V VVV , V
hearingyVTCVOV A‘dmm; Secretary 'VlCtor Polhmm'm \i‘ I jects WhiCh need constant review to be the Participating in the Murray meeting were iV V V 1 .
start dongnV: 1+osterV Adams, chairman of tle Vexecutan best informed editors and publishers. VOC LaCore Paducah Sun—Democrat; R0 VVV i! V.V;V
Sh“ and lap: committee; Dr l\1el Flummcr, dlfcculfl Of Archie Frye, Georgetown Graphic: This C'rrdner Hickman Courier' Baxter Melton, V‘VV Vi VV *
CO. the Unn'erslty 0f chltLICF§,CSC11?()1 O: is the best program KPA has had since I Sebree iBanner; Rav Edwards, Mayfield VVVVV V: .
V VeurnalVisrn,V andVPVm AVshleS,ft chtVic1 first haVC been acquainted with it. Messenger; Erl Sensing, Clinton Gazette; VVVVV VV VVV V ,
,isth a report; ace. “ 1;} “film: ht 0t rers A er 16 ‘ Hugh Morris, Lomsv1lle Courier—Journal: Paul \Vestpheling, Fulton News; Harry VVV! i V I: ‘.
Habits Chain mgr“) V 0,1C 1161‘“. d l H i ,f and Chief value Of these seminars, to my way Of Bolser, Courier-Journal; Charles Pepper, iVVV V‘sVV . V f
commenton’; ' OLill we a" dttcfnla K lnfjllligsyliieh thinking, is that they brlng the partleular Marion Press; Charline Rawes, Cadiz Rec— VVV VVV V V
:rtising hast: AIV‘LSVU cVonsVIOLViso tieV arech 0 asVn So experience of Vourncymen newsman 1er 0rd; LaMarr Bradley, Providence journal— VVVVVVV V.
reeted, consir \iVeVVe eoViVerer (Vurmg tie1 cIVSVcrtiVssVl 13f the against the legal, theoritrcaVl, and aeadennC Enterprise: Ben Boone, Elton Standard; 3V VVVV ,
he marketsr V‘l V1” tian gVomg VI‘VOVV“? eVai S of viewpoint. The net result is a broader ap- Larry and Sonny Stone, Central City V V V .2
nding incomt Ills! hm meetings, '1 .‘V1 ngVe VOL} Sililalists preeiation 0f neWSp?1Per f631301131blht." 311d 3 Times—Argus; Robert K. Payne, Murray ‘ V; VVV ‘V 3' I
rjor g romp at VVIVV eVorVVmeéthVsV vVvVnVcVi ,0 VowVV VClibrlif the strengthening of aggresslve efforts to cover State College; \Villiam Nelson, Benton Vii VVV‘V‘EV .V
iese the pair V0 anV re a e iaxe expresser a all prlYingCd areas wrth confidence. V Tribune—Democrat; President Adams, Chair— V VVVVIV VV V V J V
the vastoulpI‘ “Slings-v. . ll VVV D' ‘l' E t Martin Dyche, VLondon Sentmel—Lchoz man Adams, Dr. Plummer, Victor Port ‘VVVV l .: '
ct with duali V .1 an CLVnon, V ar anV V al 3 ‘f nVeVr‘ The most informatlve sessron on szVrttersV OVf mann and Perry Ashley. VVVV . V V
mer may PU“V prise. nformative, mstruethe—re res 1C3 grave importance relative to the pubhcs . VVVV‘V VVV ,
: such adiVV Speeifically what some of us tlnnkae gen— right to know” that I have ever attended. . .VV V VV VLVVVI V
arotcction of: orally km“- Should be more seminars. C “7 Hume Stearns Record: I find the New Electronic Engraver VVVVVVVVV VVVI I
V \VV \ VCVV 7' V .V - 7V . V V V ._ . . VVVVV:VVVVI ‘
1g of many; Mo; VSVJV. (VIVnVnoon, VIVr., V\V\thehCSVCVVIVYCSVVVVV:1 meeting helpful in rVenewmgV ideas and de A new electronic engraver wlnch can pro- VVVV V; V V V V
advertisingdi to lra V‘ “51): anc VsVnnn ‘1 mfg—re VV t tg veloping new Viewpornts on l1bel7 COUtCmPt’ duce curVCd or flat plates up to a maximum VV:VV ‘V VVV 'V VV V V
er 1 'w Iournaiani 'Sm' RICSCH O privacy, access to records, etc. \VC. tend ti) Size of 14x20 in. in six screen sizes from V! l::V VV'VI : .
{pm new trends and thmkmg Of “CWS— forget these things in the daily grind until 70 to 150 lines/in. on plastic, zinc, mag— V! VI = VHIVV i
3% ‘ ll VVKVPCfdoln. SUCh semmars should be con— the time we find ourselves Wlth a problem nesium copper and grass, is described in :: VVV‘V !
ustlee Doug VIVIVhed under the sponsorship of KPA and on hand the current issue of Printing Abstracts V, V; VV VVVVVV V .
\ oor ’_ ’ , . ‘ . . . ’ l: :VV *
K C(f)u:t"1l5 l‘ Alla T . ,- . '1' Larry Stone, Central City TlllleS'Arng153 published by the Printmg, Paekaglng and V"! VVE:!IIV ~
.t3 0 'dl‘ ‘VTI This Cl; Vrout, IVOLUSVIHPE Cdourler—Iournclt. Tom Adams' seminars are the best tlllllg Allied Trades Research Association. It is jV iVVi VV
, 11 (3‘ g ' c V S . - . . -: ‘ ,VII
reeV VsVal VVVVVVVVVVV in questVonrecnce ns C aVrVVVVe Lrnanl.‘ Sifiznof which have happened to KPA smce Doug stated that the engravmg tune for a mVaX- V V! V VVVVVVV V
wnei VVVVV the Ne V VV IonVeermng re ega 1 V Cornette started district meetings. imum-size plate is approximately 25 mm., l V V VV-V VV V V
101]“ CO V ‘ '“S. t MS- been a most mterestlng E‘ tL son Burkesville News: I think smaller size plates taking proportionally less I; VV =.;;;‘VV V ;
Sought f0 . dndlnghlv beneficral session. ines aw ’ ‘. . - VI 4;: 5| ,, V V
"i ‘ ' . . ' , ’ l ld be ermanent and time. Clean and crisp tr1angular shaped or . V;: V V V :
‘ ‘ l commIW' Inn Homer M ddl b D lI News I regional meetings 510“ p ’ :I :1: , I: ,1
.c1a It took LI ’ 1 CS oro a1) . lroadened out to cover all phases of news— conventional dots can be produced. The fill? VV VV; ,
e in our leg ' ' (1w 0f the Press under Dr. Plummer ) ¢ ' machine called the Hassing electronic en— VI’V.V i 't I Vii 9
cu“ in the I‘SChOOI but this seminar has re— paper busmess. ' 1 l 'ver was developed by O. Hassing and EVVV: V fVViV t
I freShed everything I learned two years ago Doug Cornette, Courier—Vorllrnilh anc THO ,Nielscn of Copenhagen' further de— 'lVlf VV VVVVVVV
t g and has a ' ' : I have en'oyed immense y 6 Par' - ' . T I; ii VVVVVVVI‘
.g wood IIIIIV Le 15° brought me up to date. TIT-neg ' t da] ’3 seminar KPA is ren- tails can be obtained from Wilhelm Staub :VV VIIV
l 51“" V0nard Kelsay, Glasgow Times: Infor— ticipatlon 1n 0 y . (311in New Isenburg7 Germany. lib: .fl VVVVVVV »
11 “C ‘ matlve to the utmost. The many years of dering a fine servrce. ’ V VV Vi“ '
r; VV V
5 ;I M :
i; V ;I VIVI; ‘5
I ‘ .i‘: H ’
l V ,V.-‘ ~

t l-
lj ‘ . . Growing Antagonism
1, Journalism E ducation Wanted Noted Toward Press Sage t
j , y , The Associated Press Managing Edith
. Some desires are born in us, others are reach a newer horizon. Even so, a reporter Association’s Freedom of Information C0,, Cl '5 RUS‘
Ij ‘ installed by our parents, and still others must be intellectually curious. He must be mittce reports that it has been, for them; L?" on (
Ij ‘ are implanted by our relationships with able to think through puzzling situations part, a poor year for legislation aimed 3H,! DleS Al’ Age
others. The most admirable desires, I feel, which are new to 111m; he must ask ques— creasing freedom of information, Noting Russell 1)}.ch
are those inspired by all three meang; and tions and arrive at conclusions. I want to a growth in antagonism toward the presjjji Kentuckv Press
i that is my interpretation of my aspiration develop intellectual curiosity through a various seats of government, the COIHmitj wars on the ex
j y ‘ for an education in journalism. journalism education. tee found it strange that so many editor president in 19-
j 3 Both my parents have an interest in writ— Our Indian friend was a leader. Having appear indifferent to a situation whichii London Sentinel
it} ‘ ing. My father has published a book of seen something no one else in the tribe had “eating away the foundation on which thsl He had been I]
poetry and is working on another, and my seen, it was his duty to report it to them. job is built.” l\"Iorc than 30 state leghli' time, vet kept
mother has long been interested in short He should have learned enough to answer tures were concerned with some phase lij newspaper and i:
j story writing. My writing desire was nur- the many questions his people would ask the access to information problem, accord beloved London.
jl tured by my parents in my early years. him. If he could not describe the shining ing to the Committee, but only in jjj Although perl
lj . Since my parents enjoyed writing, they sea, his visit to it was worthless. His account states of Maine and Hawaii are cleartrj newspaper opera
i i _ had many friends who shared this interest of the sea would be the picture his tribes— victories scored. , ways in the for
i: ‘ and who had great influence on me. One of men would see. If he called it green water, Twenty-one additional state boards ail: meat he felt was
' my favorite subjects in school has always they would picture it as green. The modern commissions in California are now covered} his country, his
been English, and the teachers imbued me journalist has the same duty. His writing by the “Brown Act” provisions bindlni crusadcd always
j‘ j j with a desire and some knowledge toward must consist of a true picture of the events previously on some sixty odd governmental roads, more tour
" 1 writing. Of all these influences the great- he describes, events Which his readers agencies. A loophole in the original as of recreation faci
j cst was a grade school teacher who could probably know nothing about. allowing boards to go into exectuivc so, Editor of The
weave history into an interesting narrative. Ilc must go a bit further, though, in that sions by claiming personnel discussion at" he coined the s'
‘7 i . It was she who persuaded me to read parts he should make his readers think the situa— then discuss other matters has been pluggedl of every good 6
i of newspapers and magazines other than tion through for themselves. He must pre— by an amendment which prevents the oi From the time c
l; the comiCS and advertisements. This was sent the facts in such a way as to be a ccutive session from any discussion excejlj Lebanon, Ohio,
‘ i the step that first brought me in contact stimulus for thought and to make a con- of personnel. turned over the
, , with the field of journalism, and I have elusion possible. If, by Skills learned in a Another bill, now law in California, a newspaper to his
‘g loved it since. journalism education, I could make one empts reporters from having to pay “super. untiringly to p:
, Prose writing has always appealed to me. reader see the true facts of a situation, and vision fees” while inspecting public record“ cause was current
‘5 ‘ To express one’s thoughts in verse and form these facts, draw a logical conclusion, The Pennsylvania Senate has amendedtlri Dyche was borr
ii , meter always seemed too involved a way my dream will have been fulfilled. state’s right—to—know statute to provide is oflice where his fa
ji 1 to get the message across. This new form of This is why I want a journalism cduca— public notice of governmental meeting operated The Loi
j writing, journalism, appealed to me even tion. r\"[casure passed without a dissenting vole, mother’s 13001310,
j, . more. The realization that one is able to s k * , No difficulty expected in the House. 1 1116 first settlers i
t ‘ ; interest and educate a reader at the same (Editor’s Note: This article, entitled An opinion by a law firm has informali father’s family 1n‘
j ‘ . time seemed impossible. However, I soon “\Vhy 1 \Vant A journalism Education,” the chief of police, Enfield, ConnecticutF AHOY only 3 5"
‘ learned the POSSibilitY 0f it» was submitted by Glenn C. Graber, A311— that his refusal to give information overtlt Drchc went intr
l1 -- After entering high “1100], I “’35 chosen land high school senior, as a partial require— telephone would in all likelihood be deem-j and In a short tir
jj i , 10 TCPFCSCDt my SChOOl 35 fl reporter for the rncnt in competition for the selection of ed in contravention of the 14th amend, 1118 father, He 801(
h i ‘ “Ashland. Daily IlldCPendcntfl In that the Kentucky delegate to the Ford T een— meat—since it unfairly burdens out-of-touj Corbin with his l;
|[ . . relationship I began to YCflliZC how much age Conference by KPA this fall. Glenn newsmen—and of Connecticut’s rightl“ At 19 he dccid
i there is to know about journalism. AS I also submitted numerous articles which he know statute. i education again—
j . ‘ began the Slow PTOCCSS 0f learning by 97‘" had written for the Ashland Independent. A ban by the Israeli government 01113“bj \‘crsitv at Leban
1, ‘ perience, I realized the many requirements He was selected to represent KPA and the lication of the information on immigratiorj short on funds,
j: g 1 Of a journalist. They can bCSt 1)? described Independent on the merits of his essay and under threat of 15 years imprisonmentht'l OlJCmtcd printing
ii 1 b3" 3 story I heard at (33an MmlWfinCfl: 3 press stories.) met with considerable opposition from the money to pay hi
v. - 2 camp of the American Youth Foundation Israelites and some jokes from the peoplt: rated in 1907. ’
i located in Michigan: . Among these: “In lune, the 1301311131in SQ>000 to the V
j i ‘ “The chief of an Indian tribe was Newspaper advertising received an un— grew by 157000 of which 10,000 was 133.7 Society in Lebam
, . choosing a successor to lead the tribe after solicited testimonial from USDA, Agricult— natural means and 5,000 by other means": Cducatiou he rece
l‘ I his death. As their test, he sent all the are Marketing, an ag department publica- After graduatio
1 eligible braves toward the distant moun— tion, reported after a series of motivations “'f to run The Lorid
l. tains as far as they dared go. The last brave studies: “Newspapers, the survey show, are Census Bureau estimates that the POW” l‘Cars he bought j
j to return had gone past the mountains and the best medium for food advertising and tion of the US. totaled 178,252,000 0“ and merged them
seen the ‘shining sea’, a sight never before for marketing information on food. The September 1. Population is growing ab; Among his 111V]
i seen by anyone in that tribe." printed word can be read, reread, clipped rate of about 3 million a year and 1”, Russell found tir
; This brave was evidently a curious per— and filed. It commands more authority.” estimated that the 180 million mark “ll State Park Dire(
son, but not blindly Curious. He reasoned, Radio and TV people became irritated, it is be reached before mid—1960. The EVE/”55 Willis from 194+
3 . 1 upon reaching the mountains, that there reported, and fired letters to their congress— annua