xt7h445hdr41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hdr41/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-09-29 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 4, September 29, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 4, September 29, 1910 1910 1910-09-29 2015 true xt7h445hdr41 section xt7h445hdr41 Best Copy Availabl
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    'I` H E ID E A PERS     »
I mm simoicns °SH0ULD 8*;:FGK °" i
’ T PUBLICATION \ I E`, ’t f   k A i
l 111 €1‘S1 y O BHIUC y  
. ______ l
Q \ Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 29, 1910 No. 4  
  I O O
{ STATE AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Webb failed to kick goal and the score
Here Are the Frtends of the University ___ ,,,,0,, 5 ,0 ,,_ $,,8,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, me
‘ , Blue and White Eleven vw/IM Flrlt quarter intercepted a forward pass
¤ V         Game. anddwitlrivlgis game knee gained forty
-—- yar s. at m ghtn‘t he have done
  f After the strains of "My Old Ken- with his knee in good shape? Coach
A     O   tucky Home" had wafted away upon Sweetland then exercised the option
° _ the humid atmosphere, and several (under the new rules) of taking a
-_     yells had been given, Captain Webb man out in one quarter and putting
l and his ten ‘gridlron gladiators trot- him back in the game again, by taking
[ ted out on the field and took their Shanklin out and putting Lambertson
places. a grim look of determination in at quarter. "Spot" Giltner now did
l I mulls 0utmt°m' Cream Flu"' on their faces. These were the elev- the punting. Lambertson, while only
l <}i·¤ws, tus & ce. Lexington Roller Mills cn, en men cleked by Ceeeh Sweetlemi in the Same e ehert while. ren the
, Gmddy & Bradley. and Captain Webb te dawn their op- team well and showed we always have
, Kaufan Clothing C0. Cigar; and ']_'°baeen_ ponents from Ohio. A heavy rain fall- a good quarterback to fall back on,
l I ev ha t _ _ lng about neon mndg the field a hit Time and again Captain Webb broke
l lib Fxlmj `uexander Lexmgloll Clgal C0- muddy and rendered fast work impos- through theother line, time and
,1fhClMO;i_; Chas   qtmw ,8 Nazala C15-Ia¤‘€ll€S· elhle, but it the work done by the again men were tackled where they
. Manalniw ' ‘ " `     xlrtleoeli. team gatnrday ie any sample at what received the ball, and just before time
S d _d R`, ` I C l’lll"€l`SllY Lllllcll Stand- we are to expect this year, the friends was Called "Speedy" Watkins made
g tan an 00 en O' Amelia Milf- ot old State can be assured of again five Yards on fast running around right
. d. When time was called it was
Z Ladmv Oututtcll winning not only the championship of en i
  · Amu8°m°nt°· Kentucky but the Southern champion- States ball on Ohlo's 35-yard line.
E E¤1bl‘>' and C0mPa¤Y· Hippgdygmg (Vantlet-ille)_ Slllp ee Well- At BSU5 p. m. the second half he-·
I Fred Lazarus. Star Theatre (Moving pictm.€S)_ Ohio kicked oft to State at 2:50 gall- Soon after the beginning of the
  J. L. Watrou. The prirlcrss (Moving pictm.eS)_ n_ ni,_ B, shanklin catching the kick- quarter Threlkeld was taken out and
g Kaufman, Straus & Co. err on the fifteen-yard line. After ad- George Shanklin sent in at full. "Deaf"
{ _ Furniture, vancing the ball a few yards in two Shanklin was back again at quarter,
t Drugs and Sundries A _ dOwy]g_ ghanltlin ltlelred enteide_ he The ball was taken up and down the
Caden Drug C0 l`*· L· M““`°l'· hind the line, hurting his already in- field in a See-saw fashion, the kicking
_ · ' · - • f Jones, the quarterback of Ohio
4 C _ ,1D I lured knee. Ohio attempted an end 0 ,
I:Qlfgt($l':‘Dl_ll‘g‘Q0 ·’°“'°l"· nm, but on Dick webb broke Siilltlllig the ban tar dm,-ii the field
* ‘ i ‘ ‘ I3. J_ HAMA through the line and threw the man behind Giltner, who played hack for
1$ub°r Shops. for a ieee Qhio then puntgd back tl1e kick, and the third quarter ended
Cline and Glassware, and on the next plav State attempted “'llll neither Side Scoring.
Reed Hotel, Sherman Strain, Prop. F (Nl. ·k Yin a forward pass. only to be thwarted The fourth and last qnarter thnntl
Fayette, Ccgswell and Byron. Props. " ‘" ` " ‘ hy an -0hio man interfering with our champions thirsty rei- more Seal-ea
Leonard Hotel, Bexunrd Fotscli, Lumber etc 'Pllrelkeld and not the ball. for whioh Forward pass after forward pass was
Pi-ietor, ’ ' they were penalized twenty yards to made by State {tml many 0,- them
0 . Watkins went through the green playing right end this year. nspotn
Kinkelul CMI Com wmv Cleaning and Pressing. and white line for tive yards. only to rlearly demonstrated that he lg a vain-
‘ ° l ·' B_H I BNI ’ lose lt by an offside play. Tllell to able asset to the team, and with a
Athletic Goods. I d "l el the mystiflcation of everyone, the few more games' experience will tie.
Confcctions tlmekeeper called time. lt was soon lelop into an ··All Kentnrkyn €,nd_
(`obnmn Calloway. ° learned. though. that the game was 'l`in1e and again ~Sh0t·· Simply mined
_ Hlnc(}r:1<·n<·e the teethell has sets en the tWo·>’arl€· At a¤Y end he iilltllled the most sullgllillg ex.
SlN_Hg_h_I_ AM Hulln_y· _r_ _r_ l,»iUg.r_mm_ rate it appears the scores will be llertations of everyone by making the
smaller and the men better off for ?*`0l'*‘ €ilSll)’. All through the gglllltl
. • the <‘lla¤Ke- l`hrelIteld's line bucking featured.
        After 2 nunuuls, internlisslon play ·IIllS (‘ll(It*ll the S('OI‘IIlg. illltl fl'()lll
was again resumed. Thirty seconds lllls Oll- as before, the hall was (-0,,.
. after the ball had been put in play "'“'**lll’ ln 0hlo’s territol-y_ exl·,.,t
      Tlirelltel,] ··l,nr.hr.d·· the nm, rm. mn when Jones would make one of hlls
yards and our first touchdown of 1910, lm'?-T kl"l*S· “llll(`ll lliltner tillgllly

 2 TH E I DEA t ·
Ask Your Gwcef f0f-— judged. The team Dl8Y€d With {UM Senior class head or the vocal array. by their class to lead them in jelllngz
CREAM HDUR mixture 0f Sweetlsnd ¢0¤¢bi¤8 wd Mr. Duncan being absent, Mr. Ebber! Head Leader-—Mr. Duncan. L`
Kentucky State Spirit. 8 ¢0mbi¤$U°¤ was elected temporary yell leader. Mf. Senior Class——Mr, E. C. Ebhert. _
°°“’* F°"°* H°° °‘k° N"] which has yet to be defeated. Couch Ehhert, as the slang phrase goes, Junlr Class—Mr. P. 1,. cockc. 'Y >
M°d° BY Sweetland was Out in uniform Mid "tllled the hlll." Being one ot the Sophomore Class—Mr. W. ·C. Wil- 4
Lexington Roller Mlm! C0. watched closely every detail ot the mogt ncnnjap mcn of big close, and son. tb
88m€· Th€ 881719 S¤t¤¥‘d¤Y showed liked by everyone, he made everyone Freshman Class—Mr. S. Jackson.
  that Coach Sweetland can tllfll out 8 exert themselves to the utmost, even — ——-—————·—— 4 .`
championship team under the new the girls giving the "torpedo" yell .  
M A R C H rules as well as the old. The cadet with deadly enect. The crowd was MAYSWLLE V°· KE~TU°KY‘ In _)·
band under Mr. Grella rendered sev- {gw, hat thggg few made up in quality ___ ` ;
GOOD FURNITURE, eral selections which were much en- what the lacked in quantity, and un-
J0Y€d by the {8**51266 crowd Dl‘€¤€¤t· der Mr_ ébberti leadership made tho °°t°b°r 1' 191°"'8t°" F|°|d' ( "‘
c¤·¥'P°t·’. wm P°·P°" wd s*·°"°'· Mr. Banks. Central University coach. old gym. rcverberstc time and again ..... _
and several ot *C. V.’s students wit- with a. "suky" or s "locomotlve," and When Kentucky llnes up against .
  nessed the game from the bleachers. cvcn Mt-, whcelop would have been Marysville at Stoll Field Saturday, Oc- ·/‘
A K ADOOCK Every individual starred, but the more ·*de-11ghted•· (T_ R, pronunciation) tober 1, there will be one of the hard- _
‘ ' noticeable was the work ot Watkins with those vocal selections rendered est fought games this season. It will
QIGARQ and TQBAOGO (Possum), Threlkeld, Webb, Shanklin, by •·spt·ig·· and his colleagues, be remembered that State in her game
wnwshow a S_ LIME ;“3:’u:;"; *;‘:]':id'*§i*;;;*;;‘is_ F°“°"*¤8 This rally was not merely a ··ycn.   ;:;¤  ¤¤   `
Lexington, - - - - K¢¤t¤¢kY Qhio D • State mg ana"` NO' indeed Between margins ot one touchdown? `r
- yells several talented (?) members ot 1
  Sherman ...... L. E. .......... Babb tho crowd govo ton»o_o¤s oo oomo of What does that mean? ·
  B  Shield ......... L. G. .......... Earle tho mom oooulor members of tho It means that it we want to win, ;
. ' Rellley (Capt.)..L. T. ........ Dunlap foou]ty_ ood Prof. Mmm. govo us ooo not only the team will have to work, T
"The Tanlor Thst S•f1s£¢¤” Armstrong ....... C....Webb (Capt.) of thooo extemporaneolls ooooohoo but also the rooters will have to root i
STEAM and DRY CLEANING. Taylor ......... R. G. ...... Campbell that he olooo ooo givo ood which woo as they never have before. Marysville
Ports .......... R. T... Hendrickson roooivod hoormy by all _o,.osoot_ Mis, has a strong line and has always given
159 South Limegtone Mickelweight ..R. E. ........ Giltner Hamilton como in for h“. ohooriogi us tt hard game in the past.
  Jones ..... . .... Q. B. ...... Shanklin, and although it is not good oouoy for Secret practice will bel heldi all t:1is
Lambertson week, and Coach Sweet and s do ng
UNIVERSITY LUNUH STAND Ward ......... R. H. ...... Downing ;:€sgg§§ri;rs)€:; f;i?h;zoS(;neso;f his best to round up a team that will
GOOD LUNCH- BlYth° -········ L- H· ···-· Th’°“*°]d· ing that Miss Hamilton will make be 8 °"°‘m *° tm U““'°"°“Y °’ K°“‘
CHEAP. Shanklin oomo of hor youogor ohorgoo hustlo in tucky and the students ot this institu· _
K'·§’::;;€é;é; ·ié:· B- ·····-· Watkins the race for popularity this year at ti°;iw une mr for Saturdays game
gr,) ' n. I .  
0-I South Lum. Umpire—Baker. Stgtger evervone had practiced them. will probably be Hendrickson, Earle, ‘
  'I`imekeepers—Wilson and Cheer- ` Campbell, Webb, Williams or Barnett;
EVERYTHING FOR THE tngtcn “’lV°“ *;°;“`“;’ °""V"’i"' y°"· and “°"‘° the ends win probably be Babb, shaw- `
KODAK! Fjgld Judgg_Vau Mctcn Lerw E(:;);_?aMpaE°d iz minggucgd iby han, Giltner or Dabney. The back- ~
Developing and Printing. Linesmen—Shawhan and Wood. clags was imrgduxg gu; tcl; 0:1;; Held has been made up Of new mate- ` ¤
Le _ to Ph to S 1 C0 N. B. Owing to an injury to his decision of the upper cmssmen r€_ ria] with the exception of Threlkeld,
gg? Kzbws gm Cegpggrc • sthonglder, Dunlap was taken out in gaming the Freshmen which is pub_ Yl;m’9·°k· and ?h8¤F“n· quart"- Wh°
tt Q ast quarter' lished elsewhere in this paper. Mr. p ayed and on ast yemvs team Down-
"""‘1_`;‘_`_ ——-·—·———~— Webb. me popular captain of the tact. ;‘;§ef’m”;W‘;"“fh8W§}‘ l‘f§":1"" "° *"°
Am¤.m uh, r=oo·rsAu. RALLY. han team. made a few well directed Any may gen whoailavg been unable
UNIVERSITY ICE CREAM A small Butp Enthtuslastlc Crowd $$1;];:: ;§‘g¤*g5g,*;_<;*¤tg;* f;(;?£;S°I;°g ioletsetwitogss £·otg0a1;»1l?nt;E:;€t?:ny;, Ot: t
PARLOR and LUNCH STAND '“°" · root hard and help the team pull Mmaager Boyd can Obtain them now  
South Lime and Winslow Streets While comments have been made on 3;;):ghIt$:€n0l;a;(;t€ scglciulfl E30; October 3 Kentucky signs up all Y
  the loyal college spirit shown last make; a public appegmnge bgng sf q men that will participate in football
year by the student body, if the spirit ’ ‘ this season. The Southern Intercolle· 4 ‘
J_ J, FITZGERALD Shown by the students last Friday sogwewhat Shy and modest dispisotion, giate Athletic Association and the r
PLUMBING night is a criterion ot what we are Zn rcgnieguently his talk was much Kentucky Intercollegiate blanks are V
Steam and Water Heating to expect for the coming year, Prof. pp 6 8 8 ` now in the hands ofthe Athletic Com-
269 W Short _ _ Lexington Kyo Miller can easily say again, "It is thc Then came the best part of the even- mittee,
' ' ’ best that has ever been shown." ing. With Miss Hamilton’s permis- An urgent call is issued to the stu-
  Those responsible for the rally were sifm. the rally was turned into an in- dents and any new men who think •
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY greatly pleased by thc large attcnd- formal dance, and, although the first that it’s too late. Bear in mind this s
OFFICE and YARD- ance or the rah- gcx_ who ttmc and one of the year, proved very 'enjoya- call of Coach Sweetland and Captain  
again, led by that incom.pat·ah]c Mtns ble, the new and old students becom- Webb, for they assure any prospective ;_
N0. 157 N. BI‘0*a.dW8.y. Hayden, gave their yells and songs ing better acquainted. and those that candidate a fair and impartial oppor-
R_AI]JR();\l) yAm)__(·_ o_ Freight Do, with such a vim that they spurred "tripped the light fantastic toe" de- tunity to show his knowledge ot the ’
put, S. Bmadwm, uml Christy Sm their co-eds to greater hoarseness and clared that never had they danced to game.
` ._ mightier efforts. better music and never expected to, Let all who are not wise as to the
';—_“""—"‘"‘"_—”"’ The meeting was called to order at not even to the tune or the angels’ tactics or the game show their wisdom .
ring °.“dI·· 7:40 by Mtg Moore, who took thc tcm. harp or lyre or Gabrlel’s trumpet, We by obtaining a megaphone at Cello- 4
porary office of chairman nntt] cnc are much indebted for this music to way’s and root for Kentucky as they ,
8CHANGE’S CANDY KITCEN was elected. Although the crowd Miss Hayden and Mr. Tichenor, both never have before. Be on hand at
119 south U-ppor St. was rather gm3ll_ numbering anon; of whom displayed real talent. Miss 2:45 0'cl0ck on Stoll Field Saturday. `
Lexington, _ _ _ _ Kentucky two hundred, and which should have Hamilton bmught the VGTY Dl6¤¤¤¤t
  :*;*:1   ‘:v';*:}‘i’·\tb°sl;*"'“;’ haw can 2 ;’l‘;:*“§ng° ezeilfseaiexnt§gl‘;`§P**°*° On Saturday Dan patch attempted
Buy Your Fruit From f °' E gya °“m‘°’; th ’ f y 1 ° gym: to lower his record. Hundreds of
0 everyone of the men. we dont e scene 0 many terps chorean ac people visited his stan on Friday wom
have to mention thc rcmatc ccntyn- tivities. with a reluctant step, looking mg and Saturday morning, cage', to ‘
    igent. because they demonstrated their f0¥`W¤¥'d te **16 same 0¤ the morrow. get just ooo look ot tho oroot homo
oyalty. But, anyhow, as we were We hope these rallies wlll be held The fao, closed on Saturday night
FANCY FRUITB. sz?';_ia;;;)r§l6;2;;r'£;:’tii“8 ?l“¥;¤€:'6¤· 2;*:;** a°";;a88*;)’:":ct?:;l TVB :1};; :t“' with a very Dromlslnz outlook for an- .
Y ° " ve aa 6** “ ° " “g· other year.
South Broadway. and appointed Mr. Duncan of the FOUOWing is a list of the men elected

 e>¤1¤1°¤ the R· W- 1‘=¤¤1¤r · Juni"` E1111°1· a result of their thus meeting on com- bers of the faculty, upper classmen,
ll old ruling gave to the patrons and Assistants. mon ground and exchanging vlewa and anyone else chosen by members
Q 8111181`811111 of the game 1* fa" better J- O- L°wlS etc. The majority of the Rhodes stu- of the Freshman program committee.
¢ €1'1bl‘blll°11 11*811 the new ¤¤11¤s d°°°· W- C- Duncan- dents are well pleased with the re- College songs will be sung by the
  Altogether 1118 81`tlclb w8S decldely W- S- Pbbby- sults of the arrangement, but it will class and the last Daft of the pro-
" unfavorable to th€ game 88     be A§|°¢latQ|, take many years before the real map gram   be the Freshman orator-
- played this year. J. F. Bruner. its or the plan can be known.-Path After he has spoken, the exercises
Walter Camp, the father of foot b8l1 S. C. Ebbert. flnder. will be closed by the members of the
y at Y8l8» ¤8Y¤¥ “Tl181 111 tb1`€8 Weeks, 1*- M- H‘?111l1`lbkSb11· class marching around the nre and
time, the ruling committee will hastily H, A, Bam), T th —···*·°·•‘°·—*—M be f th F h tossing then- ggpg in the blaze one at
* meet and alter the new rules made O. E. Baird Ocala; em rs 0 8 res man a time. The upper classmen guaran-
4, this year." Whether bhesehtyro can- J. M. Foster. The Senior and Junior classes ask teel that this meeting shall not be
  able judges are correct in t er on 11- W. C. Shultz. tbat the Freshman class Wm please mo ested, but shall be respected and
.l ion, remains to be seen, as the season H. G. Lytle. comply wltb the tollowlng rules drawn entered into by the whole college,
Bf progresses. Miss Eloise Ginn. ub by the two upper classes The After the bon-flre the class parade will
.; "_“‘_—"_' Mlss Alles Cary Wmiami rules are positively not formed for he held
; CHAMPION SLUGGER8 CONTEST Miss Olline Crulckshank. the purpose Ot bazlng the Freshman ln regard to these colors being
FOR AUTOMOBILE ‘ P"‘°t°9"“l’h°"· class but for other more reasonable Chosen by the present Freshman
_ ____ wh B_ Wilson. and kinder Objects. It is hoped that class. it will be remembered that this
{ Although the foot ball season is Buaineeg Manager. the Freshman classlwlll receive the is the official Freshmanleap that will
l now on, everyone interested lu base- P, R, Cassady, rules ln a Senalble and serious mam gfat£01‘Il bg this, yealrs Freshman
. ball will remember that an automo- Aooiotanto, net., l-Ot. ln that manner were they . nex years an so on, e
1 bile has been offered to the champion _]_ J, Fitzpatrick, formed. StYl€ 8·11¤·¤·1t*¤e llshnien are sent to Oxford with very House. The caps must not be muti- G°01`8810W11 at Washington, 29,
.° 1188 8“'81`d°*l sweaters to the track different objects than a student in lated or changed in any manner, and V- · l- 81 Richmond, Nov. 5.
‘ 81111 b88l181‘b8“ te¤m¤ last “1”`i“g· this country goes to college. Here no numerals or other additions may \V&shl118lO11 and Lee at Norfolk, 12.
. 11811b°1' *1188 b8°11 heard °f “l“°"· 11 we seek preparation in the sciences be placed on the caps. l'11lv. of S. C. at Chapel Hill, 19.
L, ls 1111 h01101‘ to W°81` 8 191*91 8"°““d and other branches of knowledge, de- 3. The young ladies of the Fresh- V8- at Richmond, 24.
ljl the 08111¤l1118» 1118 111811 1111111111K the 19* signed to flt us for the practical work man class are requested to wear the —Tar Heel.

 4 T H E I D E A
    a paper that will be an honor to our- ,.
U ·· selves and to our entire University. ·•»··,
FSSUPG weekly by the students of Kentucky State Univcrsltv. But the- faculty must nm think W9 U a
` are going to do all this independent of
 *"“'_'” " their support. Of course we can do _>_  ,  ”‘ !______
O. E. BAIRD, Editor in Chief. nothing without the •help of the stu- _,    g
R. VV. TINSLEY, Assistant Editor. dents, That is conceded. Nor can   Y.  
S. C. EBBERT ........ . ............................... Business Ma,naggr_ we even make a beginning unless the   3 l   » Q;    
F`. L. MARX ................ . .......................,,. Assistant Manage;-_ faculty smile upon us. So here we  
THEO. SLADE ...................... . .............., Advertising Manager are; students, faculty and staf[—we   ii
J. B. SANDERS ........................... Assistant Advertising Manager; must work harmoniously or we fail.     5:;$`f;°w ·
V. L. DOWNING .............................. . .... Subscription Manager, When lwe 00 cooperate in this man·   ‘
W. A. LURTEY .......................... Assistant Subscription Manage;-_ ner success will surely accompany   ‘'.l‘   _._`.   L '
  our efforts and we will have a paper    
men-»¤ at me rm-Omce, Lexington, Kentucky as men mlm of the that “'°°’° “° °*‘€°“ *° °“* "“"°"   .t.’ —   .·.·t  I ‘."      ·
second eleee sity in our land. Why should we not    _,-yr-ij  , _
set up a•hlgi1 standard and fellow lt?       • { .
  APB W6 Kéhlllckllhl to SHIV bféhilld     I
The following members will get out one rcniowing members wm get out the other ¤t¤d¤¤t¤ in the ¤¤¤¤t¤‘>"? ‘=l·.   "-·2§;;.`  · -
this issue: next wesiye issue; Have we less ability than vhey? Woe    *·   l
P. O. Lewis.   (;_ Rocheete,-_ unto him that tells us so!   {Q1    1 g
G. C. Meadcrs_ w.m_ Th€iging· Now let us all resolve to make The {Z     b
F. L. Marx, B_ H_ C0lLings_ Idea a great success and we must win °{;`;i__i‘   ·
A- C. Bill. Miss Alice Cvgry wmieme out, for worthy labor will not be un-  3/  if"} 
Miss Marlam Taylor. l‘¤W¤1‘d€d· l ` ,4* l  ;Y y ;
In the four literary societies in the all been men of action and men of W6 STB DubH¤hm8 this week 8 list , · °
University there are enrolled about Words. They have stood before tlhe of the YQUS that will be used Punch ,
one hundred members out of the six nation and debated the most vital DBUY this fall at the foot ball Eames- V
hundred students enrolled in the Uni- questions of public interest. Even in All thé IWW fellows Wm please m€m· T
versity, which means that one out of our present time there are none that orize these Y€U¤ befm`9 the Same with _
every six belongs to one of the four can mold the public opinion as does MBFYVUIG S¤t¤¥'d8Y· EV€¥'Y one set in 8 `
societies. 'Iwo of these societies, Theodore Roosevelt, the gnmé and IPVB do 80m€ Y€m¤8 · ‘
Philosophian and Neville, are for 4...- ~ down there when our team gets into `
young ladies, the other two, Patterson tt`; play Saturday, and begins to slaughter ,
and Union are for young men. To the students of the State Uni- those MRFYVUIG BUYS like UUPY were  
The enrollment of one-sixth of the versity we ctme with an appeal for a bunch of mosquitoes. That is just
students in this work means that less your thoughtful attention The Idea exactly the way our wild rats, are o ,
than one-sixth of the boys and girls iS, in a Way, only beginning its career g0i¤g to 0D€¥`8Y€ 0n them in this game-
of the University are so trained that as a student publication and it is for VV€ must de Ou? Dart- The Yemng at
when they leave college they are cap- you, and not the handful of officers tht? giimé hist S&t¤¥`d9·Y was c0¤$Pic‘ A I
able of becoming public leaders. you have put in charge; to make it l0¤¤ by NB mmeness- We can do THE   MAN’S -. ’
The course of training offered by a success or a failure. V\’e are here b€U€¤‘ than this and must- The YSL  
these societies is as good as any one to represent the best interests of the 10WS Wh0 DMV Say NOTHING TN THE   is
can find in the South. The training Student body and to do wihatever we WORLD ENCOURAGES THEM MORE (Q
received in any one of these is of can to build up a college paper that THAN GOOD- LUSTY YELLING  
more value than any one subject pur- Shall be a strong factor in all things ATP Wi? ¤0t willing te dv that much i
sued through one’s college course. Connected with the student life and to €¤€0¤¥`&g€ them in their games? P
It qualifies one for leadership. It en- its problems, SURE!!! Every man in college is FOR l {
ables one to express one’s self clear· It is ugt fer Ourselves that we eek mm`9 than Willing- WE JUST SIM' l
ly and distinctly. It removes that your loyal support. It is for vou. The PLY MUST DO IT' The next game , 1 "
timidity and backwardness which gen- mpg beiougs to mu; it is devoted YOU $0 t" GET IN AND YELL AS
. ` ND SEE IF O   1
erally confronts one when called be- solely to {hg promotion gf your welt LOUDLY AS YOU PAN A , \
fore the public. fare, and who will stand back of it YOU DO.NOT I?NJOY THE GAME o o
The leader of today in public life with faithful, earnest assistance but FIFTY PER UWT MORE Try this F 1   `
arg {hugo who have had Such tmmmg, you? who will take tm interest in plan °“° game l““‘ “”` “‘° °"*‘€‘”"’“°_°·   S   l
Yes, even those of the past, had such Y0\1¤` DQDQT UUIPBS y0u first show that You wm mm mat your interest m
training; if not in 8. moron, Sooioty, you think it is worth Whoo? the team and in the college activities H t
, . , , _ in general will increase. a` S -
probably it was 1n some Shcllldéd We need t.1e support of our faculty BE SURE TO MEMORIZE THE
spot_ as Demastihenese of old. who and must hcve it, but first rf all the YELLS, , AND q ’
shut himself in a cave that he might students have their part to play or ` ` ’
train himself for public life. It we accomplish absolutely nothing. lt __-———_——_
was he, who. by his wonderful €l0· is to you that we turn for subscrip- R 1  
quence, stlréd 11]) the Athenians to tions. You are the (mes to speak 3 EXCHANGE NOTE8'    
resist the ci croachments of the King word in the interest of The ldca when- Exchoooos tomoro oo follows: ‘
of Macedon. lt was he who hufléd ever the opportunity offers. Let the Dolly Comomioo. D
against him his "PhillppicS" sp€6dh66, business men of the city know you Miooosoto Dolly. f
that caused the Athenians and PIG- read The Idea. Then they will see Tho Cadet. _ é
bans to un·te and meet Philip \1·lH¤ll the value or advertising in its col- Silver ood Gold. _ -
the memorable field of Chaeronia in umns. Let them know that we do The Clarion- ,
Boeotia. things out hcre and they will give U_ of N_ Segebmek  
In the history of our own nation our institution the credit t•hat is due Wesleyan Arg-ul •
Such men as Thomas Jefferson, Sam- it. In a word, put your whole heart Tm- I-;ee]_ _ `
ue] Adams, John Hancock, Peyton, into the work and go shoulder to (jayiigig A;·y0w_ '  
Randolf, Abe Lincoln, Patrick Henry, shoulder with the staff. lf you do this, Uni