xt7h445hbv6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hbv6t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-12-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 20, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 20, 1935 1935 1935-12-20 2013 true xt7h445hbv6t section xt7h445hbv6t Best Copy Available









58 to 30 in


f Perfect


Defeat Mountain-


Stahr Is Recipient
Ot Rhodes Scholarship

Garland Lewis Leads Wildcat
Scorers With Nineteen




Hampered somewhat by a slip
pery floor, the Wildcat offense was
ragged in the first ten minutes of
play. Berea's Mountaineers gave
the "Cats plenty of opposition in
the early stages of the game and
managed to hold their own with the
Kentucky shooters until Just before
the half closed, when the Blue team



lege of



J. Stahr, above, who was
awarded one of the
from this
Is a senior in the ColArts and Sciences.

lengthened its margin.
Warfield Donohue started off the
evening by dribbling in for a short McVEY
shot and a few moments later "Red"
Ragan rebounded a shot to give the
Wildcats a lead which they never; DINNER MEETING
relinquished. Major Gardner counted first for Berea with a field goal
from out beyond the foul line, but
of Our AccusGarland Lewis, Donohue and Ralph Framework
Carlisle added baskets to set the
tomed Social and Economic
score at 10-- 2 after five minutes of
Life Must Be Maintained,
Says President
gave up,
The Mountaineers never
however, and capitalized on almost
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president,
every scoring opportunity. They
closed the big gap slowly and with spoke to a dinner meeting of the
tta- -l Relation, study group
only two minutes left in the first
"Smoky joe T'
half, trailed
on the
Hagan cut across In front of the' subject,
"International Trends.'
hoop to sink a
and a
Approximately ISO guests attend
minute later scored again on a re
bound. Pour Kentucky men were ed this first meeting of the Inter
under the hoop and took approxi national Relations group which was
mately twenty tries before Hagan given in honor of the Cosmopolitan
made it good Just before the whistle, club of the University. Mrs. Walter
Coming back after the intermis- - Allen Price, president of the
the 'Cats went to work Im- - j verslty Woman's club, presided and
mediately to pile up a commanding Introduced the members of the
lead. Lewis counted first with a Cosmopolitan club,
crip and Andy Anderson came
The program was opened by the
through with a long heave before singing of Christmas carols under
good a short throw the direction of Miss Helen Parmer,
Wright made
for Berea. Hagan rebounded and after which Doctor McVey itemized
then Lewis went on a
the different stages of a revolution
scoring spree, registering three as (1) presence of discontent: (2)
(3) centralized groups
j consolidation;
straight hoops, all from in close.
Kentucky was never In danger In maintained by force; (4) centra'.i-th- e
second half and midway through zation and unification of purposes,
the period, Coach Rupp put In a and (5) a program of action. The
whole new team, consisting of Go- - speaker also grouped the main
and Ellington at guards, Walk- - litical divisions as: Faclst form in
er at center and Spicer and Bliss Italy. Communists in Russia. Bo- cialists in England and the regulaat the forwards.
This new combination had a scor- - tion of the United States,
said Doctor Mc- inir Dunch but lacked the defensive
power of the first combination, vey, "Is used to define what is tak
Big Jim Goforth rang up two long jng place in the United States. In
and Billy Spicer made good this country we are attempting to
on three of his efforts.
retain the framework of our accus
After the game. Coach Rupp ex- - tomed soc'ai and economic life and
preyed dissatisfaction with the to build within it a stable and
of the team and plans to grc.;sive state. We desire equality
get in seve:al tough practice ses- - &nx justice in economic life. May
sions before the scheduled game jt not be said that in the United
Pittsburgh, here, Monday States we have passed over the ear
with Pittsburgh here, Monday night. lier phases of revolution and in
and summary
The line-u- p
fact have now reached the last
Berea stage without passing through the
.(9) Gardner disorganizing, bloody stages of the
Carlisle (6).. ..F..
...(7) Clark earlier periods In a revolutionary
Hagan (12). ..F ..
. (7) Wright movement.
Lewis (19).. .
...(3) Blair
rvinohua (4) . ..a



16-1- 3.


one-hand- er





po-foi- th



Substitutions: Kentucky Spicer
(6), Bliss, Ctaig, Walker (2),
Berea H.
(7), Ellington.
Gardner, Eversole (2), Adams (2).
Referee Shively (Kentucky).


YMCA Gives Second

Membership Dinner

Go-for- th



Un- -

When Elvis Stahr was Informed
that he had received a Rhodes
Scholarship, he immediately wired
friends in Lexington: "I got one.
Am really surprised and thrilled."
That telegram Is expressive of
the attitude that Elvis has carried
during his life at the University.
"Certainly it's the biggest honor I
ever made," he says, "but the rea
son for that is because it helps the
school, too. It was my turn to do
something for the school."
A couple of months before he en
tered the University, Elvis J. Stahr
Jr., Hickman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elvis J. Stahr Sr., had probably
never heard of the Rhodes Scholarship. Then one of his most intimate friends, who went to school
at Vanderbllt, took the examination
for the scholarship. Although he
didn't get it, it set Elvis thinking
Just what a wonderful thing those
scholarships are.
Although Elvis says he really didn't think seriously of the scholarship his first two years, its influence probably had a good effect
upon him. During these first two
years he worked hard, hard enough,
in fact, to make all A's a perfect
3 standing, besides getting into all
the better campus activities and
becoming known for his diligence
and conscientiousness.
About this time, Elvis began participating In so many things and
attending so many meetings that
he had to have some method of
meeting all his obligation. The
on Page Pour)

Neil Plummer To

Represent UK At
National Meeting
Widely-know- n

Journalists to

Lead Discussions on Important Press Topics
Niel Plummer, assistant professor
of Journalism,
will represent the
Kentucky department of Journalism
at the convention of the American
Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism in Washington, D. C, December 27. He will
also attend sessions of the National
and Southeastern organizations of
Journalism teachers.
Heading the events on the convention programs arranged for the
Journalism teachers Is a press con
ference with President Roosevelt,




Music Sorority

Dr. McVey Talks on Campus!
Problems at Annual
"Between Us"


Recent Class Election, Student Union, Cuts Are
General convocation of the Uni
versity was held yesterday in Memorial hall at 10 o'clock, at which
time President McVey made his annual Christmas address
of problems and affairs of the
campus, under the title, "Between
The program was opened with selections by the Mens' Glee club and
the audience. Invocation was made
by Doctor Miles of the First Presbyterian church. Then the
assemblage sang Christmas carols.
Following the singing. Doctor McVey took over the proyram
spoke to the students.
He lauded the Glee club for Its fine conduct at neighboring towns. "Student bodies get reputation and
names, not so much by the conduct of a group but from individuals. Keep in mind the fact that
misbehavior, rowdyism and vandalism are disadvantageous to our development, and are a blot on the
name of the University,
it is the
ud!!nts' oration to remember
He also discussed the recent class
election and mentioned that there
were 50 stolen votes, for which reason the election was declared void
by the Men's Student Council.
The right of suffrage is a very
valuable, important one of which we
should be exceedingly careful." The
past elections repudiated the principles of democracy and students
should object strenuously to such
"We have an Anglo Saxon heritage of democracy given to us
through thousands of years, coming
from struggle and revolution. Are
we going to throw this aside, lose
It. defoul it, leave it in a worse
position than ever? We must start
with ideals that are high enough,
or else we comt to the end of life
bankrupt of Ideals and principles."
Next a discussion of the Student
Union building was undertaken.
"There are many problems con.
nected with the Student Union
building. Most argument has been
about a site, As thA nmmint ff

Dates Released

no excuses for absences except
In closing the President wished
the student body a Merry
and appreciative at home,
mas and advised them to be "kind,
Go back in a Joyous, kindly spirit;
not in an uppity one."


All contestants must have been in
attendance at the University for at
least two years. The use of class
room books and all text books of a
highly technical nature will be excluded from consideration, as much
emphasis is placed on the choice of
books and the scope of the collec-

Any of the libraries entered In
the competition must contain not
fewer than fifty volumes, and must
be owned by the student entering
the library. The books must be in
good condition, though allowance
will be made for volumes of age or
scarcity. The student must be able
to give a fair and Intelligent account of the contents of the books.
No set pattern is required as individual taste and initiative is encouraged.
Any further information desired
about the contest may be obtained
at the office of President McVey.

Helen P. Jones, Lexington, a
graduate student of the University, was named as winner of the
short story contest conducted recently by "The Sourmash," new
student humor magazine sponsored
by Sigma Delta Chi, men's Journalism fraternity.
Miss Jones' story, "Dollar To A
Doughnut," will appear in the first
edition of "The Sourmash," which
during second


mester registration.
Burton D. Levi, Chicago, a sopho
more in t.hp Cnlleirp of Arti and

Democratic Club
To Have Banquet






Xalinnal Pplfhraiinn. . Will T?
., .
- . - ... . v.
Held; Roosevelt to Give
Radio Address




Knnn Knnn
"Modern Girl." will also be' includ-waed In the "Sourmash," first edi- tion.


The Young Men and Women's
Democratic club of the University
will give a banquet at 7:30 o'clock,
Wednesday evening. January 8, at
the Patio, in order to take part in
a nationally planned social celebration.
Extensive plans are being made
by the members of every Young
Democratic club of America. President Roosevelt will speak at 9 p.m.
over a nation-wid- e
hook-udiscussing the wc.k of the organization. One of Kentucky's
prominent speakers will also be heard on
All University students are cordially invited.

W.S.G.A. to Give

Pictures to Hall
The Women's Student Government association will present Pat- terson hall with two famous
lnSs which will be hung in the re- creation room of the hall, Franks



Kerr, president

of the organisation,
which will be
are landscape
famous French


announced yesterday
The two paintings
the students that the pen- presented to the hall
alty had been reduced from three works by Czanne, a
hours to one hour. There will be artist.





Helen Jones, Burton Levi Are
Adjudged Best Manuscript


Standing of 1. Now Required
for Fraternity Initiation,

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, Lexing
ton, will offer prizes of $30 and $20
each to be paid annually to those
students who can present the best
libraries of their own choosing and
The prizes will be
the latter part of the second semester by a Committee of
Awards appointed by President Mc-

Sourmash Gives
Winners1 Names
In Story Contest



Best Individual Libraries of
University Students Will
Be Ranked by Judge Samuel Wilson


will be released

Band Members Must Enroll
in ROTC; Music, Military
Departments To


Christmas vacation begins Saturday noon, December 21.
Classes begin Tuesday, January 7, 8 a. m.
The penalty for absence before
or after a holiday has been reduced from three credits and
three points to one credit and
one point. This reduction is effective beginning with the
Christmas holiday.
University Council changed
the date of reopening from Monday, January 6, to Tuesday, January 7.





eight-year-o- ld

The University Senate met last
Monday afternoon in MvVey Hall
at which time they heard the rc- ommendatlons of the rules committee and revised the rules of
The outstanding rules which
were changed pertained to danojs,
the band, absences before and after
holidays, and participation in public activities.
The rule pertaining to dances has
been made to read as follows:
dances shall be on Friday or Saturday afternoons or evenings or on
the evening of the day before a
holiday or on a legal holiday.
In every case, permission shall be
obtained from the Social committee. However, permission for dances
on special occasions at times Oilier than these may be granted by
the Dean of Men and the Dean of
Women on approval of the President. For functions other than
Saturday night the closing hour
shall be 10:30. Saturday night
functions shall close at 12 o'clock.
Further ruling on the dances
ca.ls for a calendar to be made by
the Social committee, and an
copy kept in the office of
the Dean of Men. Affairs which
do not have an accepted
list of
chaperones will automatically
cancelled. This list must be turned in to the Dean of Women and
accepted by her, not later than one
week before the function. Besides
the chaperones, at least one member of the Social committee or a
representative, shall attend
dance and remain until it closes.
Organizations will be granted permission to have formal dances only
if the organization is prompt
meeting financial obligations. Permission for women to attend
dances must be made directly to the Dean of Women by
the parent or guardian of the individual, and an acceptable chap-eroprovided.
The new rule governing the University band requires
freshmen and sophomore members
of the band who are physicall qualified will be required to enroll in
the ROTC. The music
department is to have complete charge
of the training and Instruction of
the band during the first semester
and for the too. ball games, etc.,
and award the entire grodj for
the first semester. The credit is
to be the same as for mi.itary
science students.
Duiing tr.e second semester the
band will function as a military organization and will be turned over
to ihe military department, not to
exceed 27 hours, for the purpose of
scheduled parades and ceremonies,
for instruction in military courtesy, discipline, hygiene, first aid
and drill. During this time
band will be under the control and
subject to the orders and discpline
of the milua'.y departme nt. The
music departme ntis responsible for
(Continued on Page Four)
.e-g- al



Staff Members To
Attend Meetings

Professors Will

Three members of the University staff will take part in the program of meetings of the Society of
American BacteriolcgiUs
In New
York City, Dec. 26, 27 and 28. They
are Doctor Scherago, head of the
Department of Bacteriology; Doc or
Ralph Weave:-- associate professor
of bacteriology, and Dr. Ph.llip R.
ican Political Science association in Edwards of the University experl- Atlanta, Gu., December 2d through merit station staff.
Others from the department attending these meetings will be T. L.
"The American Neutrality PoliSnyder, senior technician, J. L.
cy" will be tiie subject ot Dr.
departing she left a request for a
discussion Thursday Stokes and Elizabeth Jolly, graduate
brand new limousine.
Dr. Manning, who is assistants.
Several kids were not the least president of the S P S A. for 1935,
bit concerned with impressing San- will present the presidential
adta. They tore up toys and with cork dress on "Whither tiie South."
Claus in the face.
8uns thot Santa
Joe Hicks boiled.
Others when asked if they had
been good replied that they had
Tiie advur.ced foods classes of the
been about
One small girl home economics department gave a
admitted that she had been good dinner Tuesday evening, December
uut mat ner Drotner Johnny who 17, in the Agricultural
was with her hadn't bten so good. The duunj room was decorated in
Johnny realizing that such an un- - silver and blue and candles served
repoit meant a disas- - as the only light. The foods
The staff of the University
ChrLstmus, burst into tears.
es prepared and served the meal.
ary will hold its annual Christmas
Jim omee qiuii i ease joe incus
party Friday.
troubles any either. He kept send- - HOAItU OF THISTLES MEETS
ing kids to Joe with all sorts of
Strollers and o'hers who sold
wai.cis ill connection with f ( d tickets for the minstrel are requirH.wn-.- . unr ui -- nicii was borne- "ke tnlf Tha
e','ul lou"s and tl,e election of the ed to have a settlement with Bob
lure you going to pluy Santa C.aus alumni member of the ho,,.rt nur,. Maloney, secretary,
before the
to on Christmas?"
at the quarterly meeting Chris mas ho.idays. He may be
One request put In by a little girl of the University Board of Trust-wa- s readied at the Phi Tau house, or
refeired to the real Santa ees Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock statements for him may be
Claus at the North Pole. She want- - in President McVey s olfiee.
with the housemother.
ed a Shirley Temple doll that would
Governor A. B. Chandler
Its pants.
tended the meeting and presided,
T.ie Christmas vacation of the
So perhaps you can sympathize and Lieutenant - Governor Keen University High school will end at
wnn mm wnen joe H'cKs says, Johnson was also a guest. Fol- - j 8 30 a. m. Monday, Jun. B. There-- I
"Lite as San'a Claus Isn't so hot. ' lowing the meetuig, the board mem fore it will be necessary for the
If my Job had lasted ten more days be:s were guests of President alid College of Education staff to rel wouia nave Deen tearuig my Mrs. McVey for luncheon at
sume classes one day earlier than
well Place.
the University.
Dean and Mrs. W. S. Taylor and

daughter, Mary Ellen, will leave
this week-en- d
for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where they will remain
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch and Dr.
for the Christmas vacation.
John W, Manning of the political
science department will attend the
meetings of the Southern Political
Sc.ence association and the Amer-

UK Student As Santa Claus Gets Whiskers
Pulled By Doubters; Co-e- d Wants Limousine
at another store just now and then
on the street corner, and now here
you are in here. How do you get
mound so fast?"
Probably the greatest deduction
of all was performed by a seven or
boy. He saw a ring
on Joe's finger and wanted to know,
"Hey, Santa Claus, whut fraternity
do you belong to?"
The most disconcerting
though, wvre those who took one
look at Santa Claus, alias Joe
Hicks, and immediately began to
cry. Joe couldn't figure out whether
tliey were crying because Santa
might not visit them Christmas
eve or because they were looking at
htin. Jim Smee. a fellow commerce
worked in th- - tou H,.- pattment at the same time, insist- ed that It was the latter.
Some were evidently doubtful
about how they stood In with Santa and did their best to make favorable impressions.
Two recited
"Christmas" and another sang
"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town."
A university
coed brunette, by
the way Is reliably reported as
having dropped in on Santa Claus
one afternoon. She impressed bun
by sitting on his knee and before




Official Holiday

Z.. magazine srnrv Z., the
r,fin runic LZ.,: T", held srnrv
ucdciuuntr uie

Are Newspapers Reflecting Public Opinion," by Raymond
Clapper, of the Washington Post;
"Editorial Interpretation of Economic Problems," and "The Press
and International Friction," with
several noted newspapermen pre- senting views on each topic.

ister and Tribune; "The DevelopColment of the Behind-the-Neumn," by Paul Mallon; "How Ac-

Mark V. Marlowe. Junior In the
College of Arts and Sciences, was
of the Y. M.
C. A. Tuesday night at the second
of the scries of membership dinners
sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. He
succeeds John Darnell who resigned
at the last meeting of the senior
second cabinet.
Mary Louise McKenna,
T. Aubrey Morse, head of the losemester freshman at the University, has been awarded a scholar- cal Y. M. C. A. spoke of his travels
various exship membership in Phi Beta, na- through Europe and the He was inhe had there.
tional professional music and dra- periences by Billy Leet chairman of
matic fraternity for women. She the social committee. Donald Ries-te- r,
received this honor for her outpresident of the Y. M. C. A.,
"Sleigh bells may be ringing for
standing music and scholarship presided at the banquet.
some people but the Eastern State
achievements on the campus.
hospital bulls are ringing for me,"
has been very
Miss McKenna
declares Joe Hicks, sophomore in
prominent in a number of campus
the College of Commerce, who for
musical activities and during the
Rev. J. Archer Gray, pastor of the past ten days has played Santa
week of September she repreguest Claus In the toy section of a defirst
Everybody's church, was
sented the University of Kentucky speaker at the annual Chrlsimas partment ttore in downtown Lexat the State Fair in Louisville, giv- party of the freshman engineers, ington.
ing daily broadcasts and recitals. held Wednesday in Memorial hall.
Dressed in a bright red suit
During the past summer she pre- An organ pre.ude. including Christtrimmed In white fur and wearing
senile a solo program each week mas musls was played by Dr. Ab-n- a tusseied cap Joe's Job was to tell
W. Kelly of the English departfrom the University radio studios
the kiddies all about the North
of WHA3, and at the present time ment. The speaker, introduced by Pole and what he was going to give
she is the featured soprano soloist Pre lessor J. 8. Horine, spoke on them lor Christmas.
on tne "Fifty Years of American "The Spirit of Christmas."
On the surface this appears to be
Light Opera," broadcast each Tuesa lot of fun but according to Joe,
day at 1:00 p. m.
playing Santa Claus has its catches.
A prominent member of StrollQuite a number of kids don't
A Christmas party for Lincoln seem to believe in Santa Claus and
ers, Miss McKenna had the lead in
year, school children will be given at to prove there is no such person
the production Puiufore last
they pulled Joe's whiskers and
and she was also one of four so- 1 p. m. today under the sponsorpranos featured in a series of thir- ship of the YMCA, the YWCA, and kicked his shins. And acting the
broadStudent contribu- part of Jolly old St. Nick to
the Pitkin club.
teen Slepmu Collins Foster
he stood and took it.
casts last spring She has been a tions were received at convocation
Rudolph Deltoode, Ev- club Thursday.
One observing youngster put two
member of the Gills' Glee
erette Stephenson, Mary Jane Ro- - and two together and told Joe,
since first enrolling at the Univer
slty and has had numerous solo bey, Caroline Slgler, Martha Chris "Heck you ain't Santa Claus. I
tian composed the committee on can see the stitches In your beard."
parts with that organization.
Another kid. trying to f'gure out
Miss McKenna is the daughter of arrangements. This party makes
Rich- - Chrlfttmas possible I or about zuo this Santa Claus business, asked,
Mrs. Mamie T. McKenna,
"Say, Santa Claus, I saw you down
moud Avenue. LexUigtoa

Student Awarded
Scholarship By

To the students of the University as they go to
their homes for the holidays, I extend greetings and
good wishes; to the staff of the University many thanks
for loyal and effective service. To alumni everywhere
I wish a happy time as they celebrate Christmas. As
the year comes to a close and the new year begins, I
hope all will regard the days of 1936 as a trust to be
used wisely and well. So we shall make a real contribution to those we love, to the community in which we
live and to the state and nation that mean so much
to us.
FRANK L. McVEY, President


designated for the conventions.
Subjects of general interest and
the speakers follow: "News of Eur- ope as Seen in American Newspa-trie- s
peis." a symposim by Sir Willmott
Lewis, of the London Times; M. Le
Mereier, the Havas Agency; H. W.
von Doemming, the German News
Bureau, and Denneth Durant, the
Tass Agency; "Interpreting National Affairs to American Newspaper
Readers, a symposium by Arthur
Krock, the New York Times; W. M.
Kiplinger, the Kiplinger Washington Agency; J. Fred Essart, the
Baltimore Sun; Raymond Brandt,
Richthe St. Louis
ard L. Wilson, the Des Moines Regh;



such a Drofeet. ther is i.nf
whether therp will ha ari,,v. ,u
..... u L.iuuKu
have all the things that students
in the building.
We want
a Student Union building which
will be a home for students from
nearby towns and counties and a
place where various student organizations may meet."
In discussing the probability of
a swimming pool in the propo'-ebuilding. President McVey said, "It
would take
of the pro
posed $250 000 to build a pool, which
be too small, too impractical
and would aid in the spread of eye,
ear, nose and throat diseases."
In regard to
and post
holiday cuts, President McVey




20, 1935

Christmas Greetings from the President




58-3- 0,


tivities Comprise
usual Record


Getting off to alow start in the
first period, Kentucky's basketball team came back with a last half
Berea College,
rush to
Tuesday night in Alumni
gym, in the second game of the sea-












5J-5- 0.









� Best Copy



Nitioinl r'tl"'" Prr. Atr'nt
Kent ic'v r t.'i !;.nMf rrr







1antihig Editor
issl. Manuring I'.ililor






in. ii



done ahei li.iieinily and sotolily

Ptiir Editor:
My attrntlon was recently cnlled
It a letter In the hist edition of



of cadi year
springs from tltc Itcarts of iliose influenred by
Christianity an enthusiasm and expression of
good cheer known as the Christmas spirit. This
spirit, emanating from a lowly manger in the
town of Bethlehem in Judea over 1900 years ago,
though modified by men of all generations and
The American press bears witness to an innationalities, is still manifested in our customs,
creasing interest of the college student of this
acour songs, our greetings and our religious
country in world affairs. This phenomenon has
been commented on amusingly by a writer in
How often parents say that Christmas means the New York
who says: "The
nothing to them but work; that they go to a lot CollePT bovs attll irirls arrn'l trpltlnir a fnir lirnt"
of trouble nist for the children. Rut they were ,or .
cars we ve been accusing them of wasting
once kids; had that selfsame faith in Santa i,.
i on ii nun-- ,mu min u.iiems money,
Clans. Now their mature minds, long since dis- and petting. Now that large groups of them
,. .
counting the Santa Claus myth, are often devoid
mulls dliu e.llls SeilUUSlV' ilUOUl
of the feeling and understanding of Christmas. .fill. in.uiiiiiliii:
such momentous subtects as war and peace, they
I Ithfirc hai'ii I in n cr hiuv irnttimr finrl iiviiflinir
are cither slapped on the wrist by some college
that they have imprisoned themselves in a shell administrations
or accused by some publicists
impervious to the genuine Christmas spirit.
of indulging in 'emotional sprees.'"
Santa Claris is the symbol of cheer and unBasic economics and social changes are comselfishness. He brings dolls, trains, little toy
soldiers and candy. Over 1900 years ago a poor manding the attention of all mature people who
carpenter's son brought rich gifts to men and are intellectually alive, and college men and
these gifts constituted a new and happier way women have the right and more than that
of life. So wonderful were these gifts and so the duty to equip themselves with knowledge
wonderful was the man that gave them that of challenging and penetrating problems of the
every year we commemorate His birth by seek- greatest importance. One need not look far in
the collegiate press to find evidence of wideing to exemplify his spirit of giving.
Once more candles flicker in the windows; spread interest in questions of widest implicaChristmas carols fill the frosty air; happy mothers tions.
The entrance of the United States into the
and fathers secure boys and girls in the pleasant
League of Nations was made the topic of a poll
land of counterpane; stockings hang over the
fireplace; and in other dwellings afflicted by prepared by the Association of College Editors
poverty, vice and sickness may be found frail and conducted last February by the Literary
bodies in rags awaiting a charity Santa Claus, Digest. The problem of preparedness as means
cheeks smiling with well wishers. of insuring national peace, of the strike method
There are still Scrooges; there are still hypocrites; as asserting the sentiment of college youth on
and there will always be many worthy folk the war question, of compulsory R. O. T. C. in
passed by and denied the joys of Christmas. But, the colleges, of the socialist and communist prothank God the spirit of Christmas is not dead grams as means of averting the "capitalist crisis"
these and other problems fundamental to our
national and world social structure have dieted
By a card, by a gift, by our very presence we
seek to bring cheer. But how silly we mortals more than passing interest in the colleges.
To insure a
definite attitude on
sometimes are; how helpless and artificial; but
still how human. To keep up with the Jones' the part of the college student in his investigawe must have those cards engraved and we don't tion of world politics, the answer to one leadneed to send the Smiths' one because they have ing problem should be imbedded in the minds
been out of work for so long. Men watch the of the college youth. This question is: Can a
retail sales barometer like the wise men watch- man acquire enough information during the
college period to justify his embraced the star of Bethlehem.
The noise of coin four-yea- r
sounds to many like the singing of angels on ing a cause? In other words, should the colthe night of the nativity. We clumsily dispel lege man restrict his interest in world peace,
communism, socialism, and all the other "isms"
the Santa Claus concept.
It is the stupid that scoff at Santa Clans; it is to intellectual curiosity?
the fool that thinks he can purchase his ChristA definite answer to this question in the minds
mas at the market place; and it is the infidel that of the entering freshman can do much to clarifydenies it altogether.
ing his reactions to various youth movements.
To wish a man a Merry Christmas is to wish It is easy to lose one's balance in a survey of the
him the greatest heritage of mankind. It is an many answers to the world's ills. In almost any
invitation to him to be joyous in his endeavor to disc ussion group of young cople, there is sure
do something sacrifical for others rather than to be one or more who think they are socialists
merely giving something incidental to caring for or communists.
Perhaps it is a sign that they
his own welfare.
have done some thinking about major problems.







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