xt7h445hbg1t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hbg1t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-10-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1927 1927 1927-10-21 2012 true xt7h445hbg1t section xt7h445hbg1t it



Plan Mammoth Pep Meeting
And Theater Rally Tonight



Students Will Gather in Gym
at 7:30; Will March to
Dean Pechstein, University, of
Kentucky Theater for .
Cincinnati, to Open Session
Another Meet
at Dicker Hall, Friday

Theater Management


The fourth annual state educational
conference will open this morning at
10 o'clock
at Dicker Hall, Dean
William S. Taylor, of the College of
Pres. Frank L. McVey will preside at
today's session, and the meeting
which will be attended by educators
from all sections of Kentucky, will
continue through today and tomorrow:
The first speaker this morning will
be L. A. Pechstein, dean of the College of Education of the University
in Elementary Education." Prof.
Leonard V. Koos, of the department
of Education of the University of
Minnesota, will speak on "Trends in
Secondary Education," this morning
Prof. Floyd W.
at 10:40 o'clock.
Reeves, professor of education, UniKentucky, will conclude the
versity of
morning session at 11:20 o'clock with
his speech, "Trends in Higher Education."
This afternoon sectional programs,
including elementary, secondary, college, health, and home economics education will be given. These programs
will be held in the Education building.
Beginning with the evening session
Friday, however, the programs, will
be held in Dicker Hall.
Speakers of note who will appear
on the program include W. F. Jones,
president of Campbellsville
College; Miss Hilda Threlkeld, dean
College; J. L. Creech,
of Hamilton
president of Cumberland College; Sister M. Ignatius, president of Nazareth
College; Mrs. Jane Belle Hoffman,
Lexington supervisor of home economics; Samuel Capen, president of
the University of Buffalo, and Ross
Rohn, principal of Owensboro Junior
High school.


"The biggest pep meeting the biggest rally
the biggest time ever."
Such is the motto of Suky circle for
the pep meeting in the gym tonight
at 7 :30 o'clock followed by the mammoth rally at the Kentucky theater.
Committees of Suky circle have
been hard at work all week preparing
for the two events and present indications are that to miss the fun tonight will be worse than having indigestion on Thanksgiving day.
The fireworks are scheduled to start
promtly at 7:30 o'clock when cheerleader Johnnie Jewell and his cohorts
start warming up the vocal mechanism of the student body. Professors
Lampert and Sulzer have promised to
take care of the musical part of the
bill while Coach Gamage will be 'on
hand to deliver a few words of encouragement in his usual optimistic
After a general warming up in the
gym the whole assemblage will head
toward the Kentucky theater. Drum-majWaller Jones and, his eighty-tw- o
piece band, all in uniforms, will
lead the way. It is expected that
practically the whole student body
will be in the parade.
Cheers and songs by the glee club


(Continued on Page Ten)

Initial Appearance of
"Letters" to Be Soon

or Page Eight)



Parody, Novelties ip Special
Program for Students

Large Attendance Representing
AH Sections of State


William H. Baldwin Award Will
Be Given for Best Essay'
Written on City
The National Municipal League has
announced the ".William IT. Baldwin
Prize for 1928.''' This prize is in
commemoration of the late president
of the Long Island Railroad company, a man who was greatly interested in rendering public service and
in promoting fair .business dealings.
A prize of $100 will be given to the
author of the best essay on a subject connected with municipal government. The contest is open to undergraduate students registered in a
regular course in any college or uni
versity in the United States which
offers direct instruction in municipal government.
The essays should not exceed
words and must be mailde in
duplicate not later than May 15, 1926.
A committee headed by Edwin A.
Cottrell, of Leland Stanford university, will award the prize.
Any student desiring additional details concerning the scope and condition of this competition should write
to the secretary of the League, 261
Broadway, New York.

Two U. of K. Students
Win in Vocal Contests
Miss La Una Ramsey and Ray
Mayes Are Winners in
Two university students, Miss La
Una Ramsey and Ray Mayes, were
selected as having the best voices in
contest which was
the Atwater-Keheld last Friday .night in the Senior
High school auditorium.
Miss Ramsey, a senior in the uni
versity, has a rich alto voice, al
though she sang a soprano aria. She
is a member of Phi Beta musical sorority, and sings in the choir of the
Calvarv Baptist church. Miss Ram
sey took part in "Trial by Jury," pre
sented by the women's glee club last
Mr. Mayes is a freshman in the
College of Engineering and has a baritone voice. He is a vocal student of
Mr. Jarman, of the Central Christian
church choir. Mr. Hayes won the
interscholastic vocal contest held here
April 16.
Judges in the contest were Prof.
Rouse .Rigby, Berea Colege, Margaret
Smith, supervisor of music at the
tmblic schools of Winchester and
Miss Anna W. James, teacher of mu
sic at Margaret Hall, Versailles.

The business manager of the Ken
tuckian announces that all students
must call for proofs of their pictures
not later than tomorrow at the Ken- tuckian office on the second 'floor of
The Kentuckian staff
the armory.
will pick the pictures to be run in the
annual of all students who fail to
make their selection before tomorrow.


Subscription Rate Is Dollar for
Four Issues; Will Be Mailed
to Subscribers
The first issue of "Letters," literary,
magazine edited by students and pro
fessors of the university, will appear
early in November, according to an
announcement made this week by
Professor Farquhar, editor of the
Prof. E F. Farquhar,
is assisted by Joe Palmer, Jo
Lee Davis, and Herbert Lukens. The
magazine is sponsored by the departments of English and journalism and
by The Knntwlry KernelfajiidL"vis a
quarterly "whose pages are to comprehend the best literary output of
thjs state."- Subscription fyo "Letters" is $1 a
year and may be made through any
professor of English or journalism.
The sponsors hope that a large num-- i
ber of students and faculty members
will subscribe before the first issue.
The magazine will appear quarterly
and will be mailed to any address given by subscribers.
The university has long felt the
need of a comprehensive literary pub
lication, but until lately no attempts
have been made for its materializa
tion. At last it has become a reality.

Frodh Football Player
Recovers From Injury
Ben Martin, of Denver, Col., a play
er on the freshman football team,
who was injured in a scriminage, Oc
tober 13, has fully recovered and is
able to be out When Martin's neck
was first examined by Dr. J. E. Rush
at the university dispensary, it was
not thought to be serious, but when
it continued to give him pain he was
removed to the Good Samaritan hispi- At the
tal for further treatment.
hospital Martin's neck' was placed in
a cast and he had recovered sufficiently to be discharged Monday.

Blue and White's Second Con
ference Tilt Will Be Played
on Stoll Field at 2:30


Special Convocation Has Been
Called Monday to Hear
World Renowned In-



last Fri
day afternoon. Everybody g6t wet,
no lives were lost, the shows were
rushed afterward, and a good time
was had by all.
Pray do not ask me who won the'
little embroglio. How should I know?
Or anybody else? The freshmen
think they won, the sophomores think
they should have won, and the upper
classmen say, "No contest." The un
certainty arises out of having no effective means of calling fouls.
The Student Council and the advanced R. 04 T. C. had offered to
police the party and see that every
thing was done properly. But the
council had neglected to borrow the
Lexington police force and the army
had left their bayonets at home.
Hence, with some four hundred .freshmen to cope with the sophs had about
as much as chance as a pint of ice
cream at a children's party.
Ninety-eigsophomores turned out
to pull for the honor of dear old 30,
In order to be generous the council
allowed the frosh 110 on the other

first university dance of ,the

vonr will hi



mester will take place and plans for
,the year will be discussed.
It is hoped that a good deal of
enthusiasm will be shown in French
club this year for it will provide opportunity to speak French, to learn
French life and French literature and
to make friends with a mutual interest. Anyone is eligible who has had
at least one year of college French.
The meetings later in the fall will
be held in the Trophy room of the
gymnasium. "Le Cercle" will meet
every Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock.



Former Law Dean Is Formally
Inaugurated as President of
Boyle County Institution
in Ceremonies Today

inauguration of Charles J.
Turck, formerly, dean of Law School
at the University of Kentucky, as
president of Centre College will be
held today. The .event will start with
a luncheon at Kentucky College for
Women, a branch of Centre College,
to which are invited the faculty of
the college, their families, and the
vjsiting delegates and speakers.
At 3 o'clock the inauguratioif-wi- ll
be held in the college chapel and will
be presided over by 'Dr. A. J. Alexander, president of the Centre College
board of trustees. The speakers will
be, Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the University of Kentucky; Dr. William Alexander, of New Orleans, former moderator of the Presbyterian
General Assembly; Dr. Edgar Work,
of New York, former vice moderator
of the Presbyterian General Assembly.
From 4 to 6 o'clock, a reception will
be held in the president's home on the
campus, for all delegates, speakers,



(Continued on Page Ten)


The gentle rain, so t'is said, falleth
alike on the just and the unjust, so
did the water from the two fire nose




Freshman Class Outnumbers Foes; Sophomores Grab Hold of
Hose ; Mud Adds Much to Fighters' Woes ; Water .
Drips From All Their Clothes; First Year
Men Take in the Shows


Students Fail to Cal
for Post Office Boxes;
Many Letters Delayed

Le Cercle Francais
Holds First Meeting

Crowd Still Wondering Who Won


Proceeds Will Go to Send University Band on Three
Trips With Football

Carnegie Room Is '
Open for 'Inspection

lrosh and Sophs Had Lots of Fun;

at the

Dance in New
Gym Saturday

Crippled Wildcats To Face
W. and L. Generals Saturday

Many students have not yet called LINE-U- P
f nmnrrnw nicht. in for their mail boxes at the university
fthe men's gymnasium under the aus post qffice, according to Mies Carrie 'Cats Will Do Best to Avenge
14-1- 3
pices of SuKy circle, pep organization Bean, manager of the Campus Book
Defeat of Last
of the university. The hours will be store.
through the university
taken out, notteven for
(By Kenneth Gregory)
A committee of SuKy circle con- distributed
In addition, all university
The Generals of Washington and
will be $1.00, sisting of Fred Conn, Joe Holton, and postoffice.
The fee for try-ou- ts
etc., are Sent to Lee will march forth to battle out on
and may be given to Miss Margie Mc- Martha Minihan has been working notices, summons,
Laughlin, or any officer of the Strol- all week to make the dance one of students in the same manner. If a Stoll fHd tomorrow afternoon. Their
lers organization, and musjt be in by the best ever given at the university. student fails to appear when sum- enemywill not be an army of men but
October 31. Blanks mast be made All students of the university are in- moned the fact that he failed to get a fighting pack of Wildcats out to
out by the entrants, giving the names vited to attend. Admission will be his notice is riot accepted as an ex- avenge a 14 to 13 defeat handed them
Two orchestras, Toy cuse. According to Miss Bean several by the Virginians last year.
of the act, the director, and the ad- $1 a couple.
Sandifer's and The Masqueraders, will students have notices at the present game will start at 2:30 o'clock.
dresses,- including phone numbers.
The Generals have a powerful maThe nanfes of plays and the number furnish the music for the occasion.
To avoid the possibility of getting chine this year and with the Wildcats
Proceeds from the dance will be
of characters they contain are:
"Catesby," one boy and girl; "The used to send the university band on in trouble Miss alreadyasks all students snowed under by numerous injuries
done so to call there is no telling hor ne score will
Noble Lord," two boys and one girl; trips with the football team. The who have not
be. It may be a question of how
"The House of Cards," one b'oy and circle has already promised the band for their boxes at
many points.
one girl; "Playing With Fire," two 900 to pay the expenses of the band
All told, the Blue and White squad
girls and one boy; "The Traitor," sev- to Nashville next week for the Van-derbis suffering injuries to eleven first
game.' In addition the pep
en boys. There will be a special play
string men. Paul Jenkins' ankle is
and the girls in- organization hopes to raise enough
for girls' try-out- s,
still weak and the slightest twist may
terested should see Mary Virginia money to contribute $600" more toCen- put him on the bench.
The Carnegie room in the Art
Dees, Gilb,
ward the band's expenses on the
Hailey at Boyd Hall, at once.
ter, is now open to thosa interested in Covington, Lyons, Mohney, Miller,
The' try-ou- ts
are held in, prepara- Birmingham and Charleston trips..
reproductions of paintings, architec- Stone, Idleman, Belt' and Bickel are
Chaperones for the dance will be,
tion for the annual spring production,
ture and literature along these lines.
and those persons selected as Stroller Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Horlacher, Dean At present 'the Carnegie room is open also on the ailing list. The' above
named could form an eleven that
eligibles will be entitled to try out for Sarah 'Blanding, Miss Marguerite Mc
Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Pribble, from 9 to 11 a. m., 12 to 6 p.m., and would just about equal anything seen
the spring play.
7 to 10 p. m., all days except Saturon Stoll field, provided they were in
Mrs. Gjles, Mr. and Mrs. Maury
Crutcher, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gam-ag- e. day afternoons and Sundays. Ann tip top condition.
librarians, Elizabeth Addams,
The question of the starting line-u- p.
Callihan and Elizbeth Smith, are only for tomorrow's battle is a hard one to
too glad to assist anyone desiring answer, as even Coach Harry Gam- help. The public is cordially invited
Le Cerc!c Francais will meet at 3
to visit Carnegie room during open
(Continued on Page Ten)
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October
hours or by appointment.
25, in Room 309 of the Science buildC.
ing. Election of officers for the seThe plays for Stroller try-out- s,
which will be held the week of November 5, are now in the reading
room in the Administration building.
The plays, all in one act, must be copied in the room, as they cannot be


(By Alfred

SuKy To Give





Plays for Stroller
in Reading Room



KY. OCTOBER 21, 1927






BEAT W. & L.


Mass Meeting of Girls
Artists Concerning Rifle Team

Committee of New York
Will Select University's
Most Beautiful



Although toie standard for originality and artistic designing has been
mounting higher with the appearance
of each year's annual, the Kantuckian
of 1928, under the editorshijijof Miss
Dorothy Sellers, gives promi of ad- -'
vancing still another step.
The themes of this year's book will
be the depicting of Civil War' Scenes
on the Southern side. Miss Joy Pride,
art editor, will have charge ofi this
work. She will be assisted by several
nationally known commercial artists.
The list of these artists, has not, yet
been made.
An established feature of the
is the "Kbntucky Beauty"
section, which includes portraits of
the most beautiful girls on the university campus. A committee of New
York artists is now being selected to
act as judges for this year's contest.
Pictures will be (submitted to the
judges in three weeks,
There will be many other new features in the Kentuckian for this year,
but the editors refuse to disclose
them. "For," in their words, "who
wants to buy a book when one knows
exactly what is in it beforehand?"

Doctor Crane Speaks
to Student Body at
Second Convocation
Henry Crane,
preacher and speaker, addressed the
student body and faculty of the university at the second convocation of
the year held Tuesday at 10 o'clock in
the men's gymnasium.
There was a large number of stu
dents who attended the lecture which
was declared by many to be ono of
the very best speeches ever given in
the gym. Doctor Crane also spoke
Tuesday night and Wednesday after
noon and night.
Doctor Crane was brought to the
University of Kentucky by the Uni
versity Y. M. C. A.


Politicians Invade
University Campus
Republicans Create Clubs
Offset Democratic


A breakfast for the Republication
party leaders was held in the Palm
room of the Phoenix hotel last Friday
end of the cable to offset the sopho-- , in the interests of Judge Flem D.
more acumen.
candidate for governor.
Vjupuun xayiur nceu Sampson,
the starting gun and the fun began. Mrs. John Lanclev coneresswoman.
Both sides tugged lustily and fortune Purged the workers to get the woman
favored the sophs. The freshmen on to go to the polls, Congressman Rob- the side lines saw the honor 'and the :son, Sampson's campaign manager,
white ducks of their class about to spoke on the necessity of a complete
be dragged in the mud, and disregard poll at each precinct. Interesting and
ing all notions they might have had encouraging talks were given by Mrs.
of fair play, rushed to the aid of John D. Allen, King Swope, Tate Bird,
their brothers. The cable wavered Mrs. T. C. Quisenberry, and White
and then the tugging freshmen sat Moss.
down with disconcerting suddenness
Representatives of the campus
the sophs had dropped the cable and Sampson for Governor Club were
The freshmen did present. This club has been organ-ze- d
seized the hose.
likewise and the spectator began to
for both men and women in the
enjoy the party.
Thursday afternoon a
The two sides melted into one .neeting of this club was held in the
cou irivate dining room of the Phoenix
seething mass, garnished with a
ple of fire hose and flavored with hotel. All those interested in the
mud. Personal encounters dominated coming election and wishing to join
the fray. Faces were rubbed in the the organization may inquire more
mud; hair was massaged with slime. fully into it at the temporary headMeanwhile two hose were making a quarters, the Tri Delta house.
lake of the football fields Several
times the crowd broke and ran as the
streams of water swung wide, but
Today and tomorrow are the last
always came back to see the fun
On and on the battle raged
until days to make application for degrees
No degrees
someone cut 'off the water.
in the registrar's office.
will be granted unless formal appli
Who won? Figure it out for
cation has been made

A mass meeting for all girls interested in rifle marksmanship will be
held Monday night, October 24, in the
Women's gymasium. Classes in rifle
instruction will begin Wednesday,
October 26.

The advanced rifle squad, which is
of girls who made 100
points in rifle trainnig last year, is
also required to attend the meeting,
as plans will be discussed for future
matches with other colleges.




Funds Will Be Used to Send
University Band With Football Team to Foreign



A vaudeville show, sponsored by
the university, will be presented, November 1, at the Woodland Auditorium. The proceeds will be used to
help defray expenses of the band on
trips with the footbalL team for the
remainder of the season.
About ten acts of vaudeville will
be presented, according to the announcement of the committee, composed .of: Thomas R. Underwood,
managing editor of the Lexington
Herald; Charles G. Dickerson, city
editor of the Lexington Leader, and
C. Frank Dunn, manager of the Lexington Automobile Club. The committee members are serving at the
request of university officials.
Plans call for divers entertainments, including musical comedy,
burlesque, gridiron plays and dancing.
University talent will be selected at
once and rehearsals under direction
of tha committee will be held this
week. The university will cooperate
with the committee in furnishing the

(Continued on Page Ten)



Was President of Fifth Inter;
national Congress of Historical. Sciences
Dr. James Thompson Shotwell, professor of political science at Columbia University and noted) authority on
international affairs, will speak at a
special convocation at the University
of Kentucky, Monday, October 24, at
10 o'clock.

Doctor Shotwell is now the guest of
Mrs. William R. Belknap, of Louisville, who, with her brother, will accompany him to Lexington Sunday.
Doctor Shotwell will be the guest of
President and Mrs. Frank L. McVey
Sunday and Monday. The committee
on internationl relations will have the
privilege of meeting Doctor Shotwell
at the home of the president, Sunday
Doctor Shotwell has contributed
manv articles and written a number
of book.on international affairs and
is a trustee and director of the divia- ion of economics and history, Caf
negie Endowment for International
Peace. He served a3 chairman of the
National Board for Historical Service
in 1917; was a member of the preparatory committee for the peace conference and was the American member of the committee of the international labor conference in 1919.
As noted abroad as in America for
his knowledge of international affairs,
Doctor Shotwell was the American
representative of the Union Academ-iqu- e
Internationale from 1919 to 1923,
Miss Lydia Roberts Represents
servedas president of the fifth inter
University at Conference
national congress of histojkal scien
at Anges Scott
ces, at Brussels, 1923, and was lecto the Nobel Institute, of
The student Young Women's Chris- turer
Christiana. He was decorated as com
tian Associations of Kentucky were mander of the Order of the Crown of
represented at the Council Meeting Belgium in 1923, and as commander
of the Southern division of NNational j of the Order of the Saviour in 1923.
Student Council of Y. W. C. A., held
October 14 to 16, at Atlanta, Ga.,. by
Miss Lydia Roberts, president of the
Y. W. C. A. at the University of Kentucky.
At this, meeting, attended by members of the council elected at the Blue
Ridge and Talladega Conference last Exhibit Consists of Modem Texsummer, plans for the stduent work
tiles of England, Holland,
in nine southern states were formulGemaii and France; Forated.-' Miss Margaret Lewis, student
tune Prints Included
Y. W. C. A. secretary at the University,) was elected chairman of the
committee to plan the Blue Ridge DUFY IS A CONTRIBUTOR'
conference for next summer. Misses
At the Art Center at the university
Theodosia Jones, Hollins College, and
Myra Logan, Columbia University, a remarkable display of the modern
of the coun- textile designs of England, Holland,
were elected
Germany and France is one exhibiThe members of council from the tion. Loans from Elkin and Daniel, of
white schools in the south were en- Colony Court, and members of the
tertained at Agnes Scott College, and Art Department who were in Europe
those from the negro schools, at At- during the past summer, form the
lanta University. The meeting were bulk of the exhibition.
held at the city .association in Atlanr
Colony Court contributed mainly
Fortuny prints, recent copies of Ital- ian designs of the fifteenth and six- teentn centuries. iHany oi. tne
are of
New Girls so extensively the conventional and
used for draperies
wall decoration during that period
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journal- and even in reproduction are rare.
istic sorority, will entertain with a
In the display are a number of
silks and
tea this afternoon at Patterson hall. many colored
depart- linens from Holland, France and GerThe faculty of the journalism
staff, the many. Several designs by Raoul
ment, members of Kernel
patronesses of the organization and Dufy, the leading textile designer of
all freshman girls will be guests. It France, are among them. Dufy, also
is the custom of the sorority to pledg? known widely as a painter, pioneered
new members at this time. To be eli France's recent trend in design.
gible for membership in Theta Sigmal
Phi a .girl mus be outstanding in
Council Will
journalism, must have had some experience in that field, and must have
a scholastic standing of not less than
two. Five girls will be chosen this University Girls Will Be Guests
at Tea in Patterson

Attends Conference






Phi to
.Pledge Five







The Women'i Administrative Council of the university will entertain
with- a tea next Tuesday afternoon
in the reception hall of Patterson hall
in honor of all the new girls.
The main object of the tea is to
explain the purposes of the various
Like Postum, "There's a Reason" Why Male Callers Fail to organizations on the campus, such as
The Kernel, Suky Circle and honorary
Register at Maxwell Street House Sunday AfterRepresentatives from
noon; Sisters Show the Bad Effects
each of the organizations will give
of Lack of Sleep
a short talk concerning their groups.
The tea is being sponsored by Dean
early panies the "law" had long since fled Sarah Blanding and Mis3 Lucille
A piercing scream rent the
atmosphere, and the and it was going to take a darn good Short, president of the Women's Admorning Sabbath
All girl stu
sleepy little birds fluttered about in chase to catch it.
ministrative Council.
At this point someone assayed a dents are cordially invited.
the trees along Maxwell
for a longer1 distance than it survey of the front yard from an up
But thei stairs window. She spied a reporter
safe to confess.
damage had been
and lurking in the shadow of a tree. "Oh,
that was all there was to it the there's a man in front of the house"
"hull" house was in an uproar from she announced to the sisters who were
to the sister Greeks.
in the room wjth her. Her voice carYou see it was this way someone ried the import that Gabriel had just
The American Road Builders Asheard something, it doesn't, matter at that moment given his horn a
what but something. And with the hearty blast and the sisters ans- sociation, of Washington D. C, offers
$1,000 in prizes for the best essays
announcement that "something had wered in squeals of apprehension.
Repeated assurances shouted from in street and highway construction.
actually been heard" there was nothing to do but call the minions of the below finally convinced those above The contest closes November 15, and
law to the place. It matters not that that there was no cause of alarm. all suggesion and ideas for modern
the sister who did this failed to give And after that, what was the matter street and highway construction must
the correct house number or the and where was it? From the ans- be in the hands of the judges at that
"eastness" or "westness" of the wers it was evident that a man had time.
Winners of the contest wiM be
street. The officers have ears, and been seen in the back yard or maybe it was downstairs he had entered announced at the annual convention
they used them.
through a rear door, side window and of the association of American Road
Cops Roar to Rescue
Straight as, .wingeth the homing the front door. "He was in the house Builders, January 9. Judges of the
essays will be C. M. Babcock, highpigeon roared three husky cops, a right at that very moment."
way commissioner of Minnesota, and
Dreams Peacefully
plain clothesman and two reporters
Now let us digress a bit and dis- G. W. Braune, dean of engineering at
where calamity was "calaming" and
was "pandemoning," cuss the experiences of the one and North Carolina State College.
only sister who had failed to awaken.
Information about the contest can
aided by some dozen sisters.
The house was surrounded before Sleep, bearing with it peaceful dreams be secured at the office of the Lexingk'new that the law had
ton Automobile Club, at 318 East
the inmates
(Continued on Page Ten)
Main street.
arrived. Order, which usually accom- -

Ei Cetera Disturb
Sabbath Morn Slumber of Sorority

Noise, Police,



Prizes Totaling
for Best
Ideas Road Building



Co-e- d




Subscribe for
And Help the Association


Former Wildcat Star Will Have
Chasge of All Athletics
at Capital High

James, Park, '15

Mrs. Rodes Estill,




L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George II. Wilson, '04
Dr.. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. rt.Townseiul 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes. '15
W. C. Wilson, '13





Alumni of the University of Kentucky, like the alumni of
many other state maintained universities, often lack interest in
the workings of their alma mater. They know that the university is supported and maintained by the state and for this reason
concentrate their interests in the athletic teams of the school
and leave the other activities to thestate and the officials:
is a. condition that the alumni associations in a great many of
the state supported schools are using every effort to correct.

The University of Kentucky is particularly unfortunate in
having this condition exist to an alarming degree. Our alumni
know too little of what their alma mater is doing off the football
Our alumni, through ignorance, fail to render a service
that would be invaluable to the university. The service in itself
is a simple matter.
Learn the needs of the university and then
use. your influence to help your school realize the needed assistance from, its only source of income.
Ima great many of the univprsities and colleges, not supported
by the state, alumni are called on each year to help carry on the
This we are not called upon to do.
work of their alma maters.
We can be
We are asked for no direct financial assistance.
instrumental in getting for our university the needed financial
assistance if wc organize and do a minimum fo work. This
service can be told in a Very few words.
Within a few months the members of the General Assembly
of Kentucky will meet in Frankfort to attend to the business of
governing the State of Kentucky for the next two years.
general assembly will at this time make appropriations for the
maintenance and expansion of all the state supported instituIn November the men who will make up
tions, for two years.
this general assembly will be elected. Each district will send
These men know '
its representatives and senators to Frankfort.
little of the University of Kentucky. They tare not acquainted
with the services that the university renders to Kentucky.
In the ten years just passed attendance at the University of
Kentucky has grown until now it is approximately 2,500.
When the university
has. more than doubled during this, time.
opened in the fall of 1919 there were 1,200 students enrolled.
The officials were pressed that year to make classroom space
to take care of the youth of our state who sought higher education. This year with an enrollment of nearly 2,500 the same
There has been no
amount of classroom space is available.
addition of classroom sp