xt7h445hbd8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hbd8t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1927-10-nov22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-10-nov22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-10-nov22-ec. 1927 1927-10-nov22-ec. 2011 true xt7h445hbd8t section xt7h445hbd8t 

     Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky for Tuesday, November 22, 1927.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the
President's office at the University at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday,
November 22, 1927. The following members were present: Judge
R. C. Stoll, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Mr. McHenry Rhoads, and
Mr. Frank McKee. Frank L. McVey, President of the University,
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee, were
present, also.

     The minutes of the previ'ous meeting of the Committee
were approved as published.

     The-minutes of the Board of Trustees for the September
meeting were read and the following resolution was passed:
WHEREAS, on the 20th day of September, 1927, a meeting of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky was hold
to which there was not a quorum present, therefore, be it
resolved that the action of the Board of Trustees at that
meeting is adopted as the action of the Executive Committee
at its meeting on this date.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the
Business Agent was received and filed.

     2. December meeting of the Board. Attention was called
to the fact that the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky is to meet on Tuesday, December 13, 1927. This
being Inauguration Day of the Governor of the State it was
deemed best to fix the December meeting of the Board of
Trustees at some other date. Motion was made, seconded,
and carried that the December meeting of the Board of Trustees
be fixed for Tuesday, December 20, 1927.

     3. Contract with Architects for Memorial Building. A
contract with Warner and lMcCornack of Cleveland, Ohio for
plans for the Memorial Building was presented and motion was
made, seconded and carried authorizing the Chairman of the
Committee to executo the contract.

     4. Battalion to go to Inauguration. Motion was made,
seconded and carried that the battalion of the University (f
Kentucky be allowed to attend the inauguration ceremony of
the Governor on December 13, 1927.

     5. Bill of Warner and KicCornack.   A bill in the amount of
$1200 for services on the Memorial Building was presented and
ordered paid.



     6. Report of the Athletic Council. The following re-
port from the Athletic Council was presented and ordered in-
corporated in the minutes.

                    FINANCIAL STATEMENT

                    S. A. Boles, Treasurer


Balance -- July 1, 1926 ................. $'1,836.76
Cash-- Student activities less refunds.. 18,690.14

Cash-- Season tickets.
Cash-- Rent on basketball building.
Cash-- Miscellaneous.

Football games - Varsity...
Football games - Freshman..
Basketball - Varsity.......
Basketball - Freshman......
Track  meets ................
baseball games............
High School Tournament.....


...... $46,970.30
...... .2,194.55
......   3,762.40
......  ...601.89
......  ...350.00
......  ...944.10
..... . 6,748.71
......  .     _ 805.45

Total xeceiots................



Football - Varsity
     Games and other expenses ........... $30,087.47
     Coachos........................       ..90.00

Football - Freshman
     Games and other expenses ........... $ 3,245.50
     Coaches... .........................    900.00
                                         $ 4,145.50

Ca sh--



     Games and other ox!enses...

........... .$ 6,943.47

Coaches ............L 800.00
                                      $ 8,743.47

Basketbal l-Fre shman
     Games and other ex-enses.............
     Coaches......        .

Track Meets...............................

     Games and other expenses .............
     Coaches ............................

BaseballNFre shman
     Games and other ex-enses.............

Gri dgraph
     Expenses .............................

High School Tournament
     Ex-oenses .............................

Secretaryts salary........................
Labor ............   ....................
Conference Dues...........................
Printing, stationery, etc................
Field Expense .....................     .
Convention expense ......................
Tennis.....       ...
Payment on notes ..........................
Interest on notes.........................
Telephone and telegrams............
Subscription to Walter Camp Memorial.
Office Equipment ..................     .
Doctors and hospital......................
Training room supplies....................

.$ 1,154.21
$ 1,454.21

.$ 2,057.86
_ 750.00
$ 2,757.86

.$ 2,353.86
$ 3,803.86

.$  104.50
*   200.00
$   304.50

.$  172.00

.$ 5,748.71

..$ 1,366.68
. 2,091.38
.,   50.00
..   910.55
. 6,619.40
..  393.00
..  750.00
. 1,688.99



Custodian of Gymnasium......
Refund ......................

        $-. 540.00
.............  1.1.80
............  194.72

     Total disbursements..............

Balance on hand and in bank, June 30, 1927
     Total ..................,.......b.



     Balance July 1, 1926, reduced by note to Fayette National
Bank for $5,000 of which amount $1,500 has been paid.


Note to Fayette National Bank to cover deficit
     July 1, 1925..............................
Paid during current year.......................

     Balance due June 30, 1927.............

Note to First and City National Bank as at
     July 1, 1925..............................
Paid during current year.......................
     Balance due June 30, 1927................

$ 5,000.00
_1,50q. 00

$ 3,500.00


Note to Phoenix National Bank and
     as at July 1, 1925...........
Paid during current year*.........
     Balance June 30, 1927.......

Trust Company
,.* *.............

Balance notes outstanding as at June 30, 1927..

  _518. 25


                            (Signed) S. A. Boles

     7. Ex-Service Men Ocallyinp the Dormitory. The following
correspondence with Mr. Encil Dron, an ex-sorvico man, was
read and ordered incorporated in the minutes. (The following
correspondence is entered here to complete the history of the



                                    Lexington, Kentucky
                                    November 2, 1927.

Chairman of Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky
c/o Dr. Frank L. McVey
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Si-r:

     Pursuant to conversation had with Dr. Frank L. McVey,
President of the University, recently, the undersigned is
dressing this communication to you regarding the payment
to me as an ex-service man of the equivalent of room rent
in the dormitory at the University.

     Enclosed is a copy of letter received from the Attorney
General of Kentucky. This letter was received in answer
to a communication addressed to him of recent date by the
undersigned. You will observe that he has merely sent to
me a copy of the letter which he addressed to Mr. G. H.
England on December 28, 1926, in which the points on which
I desire information were fully covered.

     I entered the University as a married ox-service man
at the second semester of the 1926-1927 term. At the time
of entering I requested the adjustment of my rights under
the Ex-Servico Act providing for scholarships, but was
advised at that time by the Dean of Men cat the University
of Kentucky that there was no provision whereby a married
ox-service man, living with his family and attending the
University, could obtain the equivalent in money of the
value of a room in the dormitory. It seems to me I am en-
titled to and I am therefore requesting of you the equivalent
in cash to apply on my room rent at my home that I would be
paying if single and. living in a room at the University

     When this matter is presented to your Board will you
please advise me of their conclusion in the matter? Trust-
ing I may havc favorable action upon this request, I am, with
highest..regards and esteem for the University,

                           Gratefully yours

                              (Signed) Encil Deen


                     CO P Y

                                    Frankfort, Kontucky
                                    Doccmber 28, 1926

Mr. G. H. England
159 Transcript Avenuo
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Sir:

     Your letter of December 11th to the Attorney Goneral
received in which you inquire whother undor tho Ex-Servico
Act providing for scholarships for ox-sorvice men, you
could stay ..t home with your family in Lexington and demand
tho price of a room in the dormitory to apply on rooms in
the city wherc you stay with your f..mily.

     This offico has held that under such circumstances
as you indicate an ox-service man would be entitled to be
paid such an amount as the dormitory rooms would cost him.

                             Yours very truly

                           (Signed) G. D. Litsoy
                        Assistant Attorney General
Copy to:
     Encil Dean
     155 Maxwolton Court
     Lexington, Kentucky

          This will answer all your questions of October llbh.

                           (Signed) Prank E. DTaugherty
                                    Attorney General

                                    Lexington, Kentucky
                                    November 7, 1927

Mr. Encil Deen
155 Maxwelton Court
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Mr. Docn:

     I am acknowledging receipt of your letter of November 2aK
together with a cony of a letter from G. D. Litsey, AssistanrU
Attorney General. I shall present your lotter to the Exec-ut;
Committoe when it meets this month.



     It is my imprcssion that you rcccivc compensation from
the United States Vetcrans Bureau. It is also my undorstand-
ing that the Tetorans Bureau deducts an amount from such com-
pensation. We shall communicate with the Bureau as you have
raised an important question.

                              Very truly yours

                    (Signed) Frank L. McVey
                              President of the University

                              Lexington, Kentucky
                              November 22, 1927

Mr. Encil Deen
     155 Maxwelton Court
          Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Mr. Deen:

     Your letter of November 22 to the chairman of the Board
of Trustees was today brought to the attention of the Execu-
tive Committee at its regular monthly meeting. The opinion
of the Attorney General was also presented to the Committee
and the Executive Committee directs me to say that it regrets
very much that it is not in a position to agree with the
opinion of the Attorney General which has been handed to you.

                            Very truly yours

                     (Signed) Wellington Patrick, Secretary
                                  Board of Trustees

                                  Lexington, Kentucky
                                  November 30th,1927

Mr. Wellington Patrick
Secretary Board of Trustees                  -
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Patrick:

     Mr. Encil Deen has placed in our hands for adjustment
his claim against the University for free room rent, fuel,
light and other fees as provided by the Kentucky Statutes,
Sec. 4636 K-1.  He has also handed us your letter of the 22:i.
inst. in which you refuse payment under the Statute.



     From our conversation with Mr. Deen it seems there is
at this time about Ninety Seven and 50/200 ($97.50) Dollars
due to him from the University. We are writing to see if
you will reconsider and adjust this matter without court
procedure. It is our belief that under the Statute cited
above the University is responsible to Mr. Deen for the
equivalent in room rent at the dormitory and also for certain
other fees. Unless you see fit to take this up with us at
an early date we shall take steps in the court to recover
for Mr. Deen the amount to which we think he is entitled.

                               Yours very truly

                          NICHOL.S, McCARTHY & DUMMIT

                          By: Eldon S. Dummit

                               Lexington, Kentucky
                               December 1, 1927

Mr. Eldon S. Dummit
          600 Security Trust Building
                Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Sir;

     I have received your letter of November 30, 1927 re-
garding Mr. Encil Deen.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky at its last meeting considered the
matter which Mr. Deen presented and the circumstances were
such that the Executive Committee did not feel that it was
in anyway obligated to make payment to him. I will bring
your letter to the attention of the Board of Trustees at its
next meeting, but I would suggest before filing suit in the
case that you consult the authorities of the University &nd
ascertain gully thvi facts involved.

                                   Very truly yours

                           (Signed) Wellington Patrick
                               Secretary, Board of Trustees

     The last two communications were exchanged after the
meeting of the Committee, but were entered here as a mattor
of completing the record.


- 9-

      Following the discussion a motion was made, seconded
 and carried that the Executive Committee regrets it cannot
 agree with the decision of the Attorney General and the
 President of the University is authorized to advise Mr.
 Deon accordingly.

      8. Bureau of Business Research. President McVey pre-
 sented a request from the Colloge of Cormmerce for the estab-
 lishment of a Bureau of Business Research.  The matter was
 discussed in considerable detail and a motion was made,
 seconded and carried that action be deferred until the
 Decembor meeting of the Bonrd and that Dean Wiest be re-
 quested to furnish further facts regarding the matter.

      9. Correction of Provious Minutes. The appointment of
 J. F. Wixtod, instructor in Chemistry, is cancellei. He did
 not report for duty.

      The minutes of September 20, 1927 in the appointment of
E. L. Hall is changed from Mrs. E. L. Hall to Mr. E. L. Hall.

     Mr. K. R. Zent previously appointed by the Board to
June 1, 1928 should road to June 30, 1928.

     10. Lease of VanMeter Parm. A lease far the Vanleter
farm by the ExDeriment Station was presented and a motion
was made, seconded and carried authorizing its execution by
the chairman of the Executive Committee and Secretary of the

     11. Appaointments, resi&nations, leaves of absenco and
increase of saLlaries.  The foll owing list of appointments,
resignations, leaves of absence and increases of salaries
was recommended by President McVey and on motion duly seconded,

     Appointment of M. R. Sullivan, instructor in the College
of Commerce for the second semoster at a salary of $120.00
a month for five months.

     Appointment of Mrs. Alma Moore, Assistant Rome Demonstra-
tion Agent, Fayette County, Kentucky, effective October 19
to December 31, 1927f    ct .a salary of $100.00 a month.

     Continuation of employment of P. H. Wilson, County Agent,
Calloway County, Kentucky effective October 11, 1927 to
December 31, 1928 at a salary of $183-1/3 ti month.


- 10-

      Continuation of omploymont of Mrs. Joxnie C. Grubbs,
Home Dcmonstr-tion Agcnt, Boyle County, Kentucky effective
October 1, 1927 to August 31, 1928 at a salary of $133-1/3
a month.

     Continuation of employment of John C. Brown, County
Agent, Oven County, effective October 1, 1927, to September
20, 1928 at a salary of $208-1/3 a month.

     Continuntion of employment of P. R. Watlington, County
Agent, Bourbon County, Kentucky effective November 16, 1927
to November 15, 1928 at a salary of $216-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of H. E. Hendricks, County
Agent, Marshall County effective from January 1, to December
31, 1928 at a salary of $116-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Hazel Graves, Home
Demonstration Agent, Boyd County, Kentucky, effective November
1, to December 31, 1927 at a salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of R. 3. Matson, County
Agent Gallatin County effective December 1, 1927 to November
30, 1928 at a salary of $200 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. Ed Parker, County
Agent, Bath County effective November 15, 1927 to November
14, 1928 at a salary of $183-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. R. Killinger, County
Agent, Bracken County, Kentucky effective October 1, 1927
to May 31, 1928 at a salary of $150.00 a month.

     Resignation of Dr. J. F. Bullard, assistant veterinarian
in the Department of Veterinary Science, effective at the
close of business November 14, 1927.

     Resignation of Mr. B. R. Ffleiderer, laboratory assistant,
in Psychology.

     Leave of absence without pay granted Dr. J. Z. Rush of
the Hygiene Department for tho second semester of 1927-1928.

     Sabbatical leave of absence on half pay wa.s granted
Professor Lyman Chalklcy dfor tho year 1928-1929 for the purpose
of study.



     Increase of salary of Mrs. Hazel Kirkpatrick, Steno-
grapher in the Department of University Extension, from
$75.00 a month to $85.00 a month effective November 15,1927.

     Upon motion duly seconded the Executive Committee

                        Respectfully submitted

                            Wellington Patrick, Secretary
                               Board of Trustees


Missing report(s)