xt7h445hbc4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h445hbc4x/data/mets.xml Hopson, Ella Lord. 1887.  books b92-140-29331647 English Standard Publishing Co., : Cincinnati : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Hopson, Winthrop Hartley, 1823- Disciples of Christ Missouri. Disciples of Christ Kentucky. Virginia History Civil War, 1861-1865. Memoirs of Dr. Winthrop Hartly Hopson  / edited by his wife, Ella Lord Hopson. text Memoirs of Dr. Winthrop Hartly Hopson  / edited by his wife, Ella Lord Hopson. 1887 1887. 2002 true xt7h445hbc4x section xt7h445hbc4x  This page in the original text is blank.









      Copyright, 1887, by


                  TO THE MEMORY OF

              2M     af fp 3.   3i fe,

                                      ELLA S. Hopow.

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   More than a year ago I conceived the idea of writing
a history of the work of my husband, Dr. W. H. Hopson.
I did not at first think of publishing it, but it grew upon
my hands until it became a book. It served to while
away many a weary hour of the patient invalid, whose
life lies wholly in the past.
   By the advice of brethren who have published books,
I have endeavored to condense as much as possible.  I
have left out many incidents and the names of hundreds
of loved friends, for want of space. One request the
Doctor made, that I should not put anything upon record
that would convey a censure to any human being, or leave
an impression in the mind of any one that he had a feel-
ing of enmity in his heart toward any.
   If the book is full of imperfections, and does not
meet the expectations of friends, they will remember it
was written by a nurse in a sick-room, with constant in-
terruption to wait on the loved invalid, and often with a
heart full of unshed tears. Then do not judge too crit-
ically. I have left much of his beautiful, sacrificing life
for others to portray, and thank them from my heart for
their loving and comforting letters, appended in the book.


Vi.                INTRODUCTION.

They show clearly that those who knew him best, and
came closest to his inner life, loved him most.
   For him the sun of life is setting, but to him in a
halo of glory. He has no fear for the future; and, as he
slowly drifts from us toward the great ocean of eternity,
his hopes brighten, his vision grows clearer, and he real-
izes more and more what it will be to rest from his labors,
with those he loves, in the Paradise of God.
   I hope my imperfect tribute of affection to one on
whose strong arm I have leaned for thirty-seven years
may be read in the spirit of love in which it has been
written, and serve to perpetuate the memory of my hus-
band in the hearts of the many he loved so well.
                                  ELLA LORD HOPsON.
   NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 20, 1887.



                       CHAPTER I.
   Dr. Hopson's Birth.-Parentage.-His Father's Removal
to Missouri.-From there to Arkansas -His Being Sent to
Carrollton, Ill., to School.-Bro. Henderson's Letter.-His
Change to Jacksonville.-Home in Father Stone's Family.-
Attends Bonne Femme College, in Boone County ...........
                      CHAPTER II.
   Finishes His Education at Columbia College, under Profs.
Roach and Thomas, when only Seventeen.-Called to Preach.
-Spends a Few Months Reading the Bible with Bro. Abram
Miller.-Joins Bro. Samuel Rogers.-Bro. Rogers' Letter....  6
                      CHAPTER III.
   State of the Church.-His Father's Loss of Property.-
Opposed to his Preaching; Insists on his having a Profession
besides.-He Selects Medicine.-Married.-His Father Dies.
-He Becomes a Farmer.-Death of his Wife.-Removal to
Fayette, Howard County.-Joel H. Hayden.-Alex. Procter.
-Second Marriage.-Death of his Wife.-Visit to Dubuque,
Iowa, with Bro. D. P. Henderson.--Robt. B. Fife, of St.
Louis, Marries his Mother .................................. 12
                      CHAPTER IV.
   Meeting in Dubuque, Iowa.-Result of the Meeting.-My
Conversion and Baptism, and our Subsequent Marriage ..... 18
                      CHAPTER V.
   A Proposition.-Visit to his Mother.-Return to Fayette.
-Call to Act as State Evangelist.-Visit to Columbia, Paris,
Mexico.-Providential Escape.-Meeting in the Court-house
in Mexico.-Debate with Elder Wm. G. Caples ............. 31
                      CHAPTER VI.
   Visited my Relatives in Batavia, ll.-My Brother's Let-
ter Describing the Meeting.-Other Visits Made There.-His 38
Estimate of Dr. Hopson ...................................



                     CHAPTER XII.
   Visit to Pittsfield, Carrollton, Callaway Co., Booneville.
-Masonry more Liberal than Sectarianisin.-Visit to War-
saw.-Primitive Hospitality.-Visit to Versailles ............ 42
                     CHAPTER XIII.
   Novel Experiences.-Life among a Primitive People.-
How I Became Popular.-Crowds Attending the Meetings,
Coming Sometimes from Fifty to One Hundred Miles ........ 46
                      CHAPTER IX.
   Doctor's Meeting at Springfield.-Osceola.-The Man who
Joined Dr. Hopson.-Calhoun, Henry County.-Georgetown,
Pettis County.-Cholera.-Confession and Baptism of Four- 50
teen Young Ladies.
                      CHAPTER X.
   Close of South Side Mission.-Swimming Creeks.-Cross-
ing Prairies.-Visiting Everybody.-Changing Rooms.-Meet-
ings at New London, Paris, Lick Cr2ek, Hannibal.-Change
of Location to the Mississippi River.-One Year and Four
Months, Four Hundred Additions .......................... 55
                      CHAPTER XI
   Locating in Palmyra.-Building u p.-Palmyra Female
Seminary a Private Enterprise.-Bro. Knowles Shaw.-Bro.
J. J. Errett.-Bro. Creath.-Bro. L. B. Wilkes, Associate
Principal.-Palmyra Seminary Incorporated.-Encouraging
Prospects....................................... .......... 59
                     CHAPTER XII.
   A Preaching Tour.-Meeting at Danville.-Running
against a Camp-meeting.-Wins.-Methodist Cousin.-Num-
ber of Additions During Summer ................. ....... 63
                     CHAPTER XIII.
   Opposition Schools-Baptist and Presbyterian.-Two
Years' Prospectus.-Financial Crisis.-Made Assignment.-
School Closed.-Gave up Everything.-Extract of Letter
from an Old Pupil...........                     ... 71
                     CHAPTER XIV.
   Dr. Hopson as a Student.-As a Benevolent Man.-A
Friend to Young Men-Disliked Pastoral Visiting. -As a




Husband.-His Punctuality.-A Proposition.-Its Results.-
Practical Jokes.-As a Son.-His Patience as a Preaclier.-Ex-
perienees in School-houses and in the Open Air.-Thie Boy
and Cap.-What did Annoy Him .......     ................... 74
                      CHAPTER XX.
   His Courage and Fortitude under Misfortune.-Econ-
omy.-Division of Labor.-How the Dutchman Happened to
Saw Wood and Work the (Garde-n.-Meetings at Mexico,
New Mexico, St. Josephi-Fifty I)ollars for One Convert, One
Dollar a Head for the Remainder.-Meeting in Batavia, Ill.-
In Chicago ................................................ 81
                     CHAPTER XVI.
   L. B. Wilkes' Letter.-Walnut St. Meeting in Cincinnati,
in 18;59.-R. M. Bishop's Letter .87
                     CHAPTER XV[I.
   Removal to Lexington, Kv.-Bro. Ml)olnalds Letter.-
Pastoral Work in Lexington.--Nutnerous MNeeting.s.-Country
Meetings.-Basket Dinner-Meeting at Berea.-Tornado .... 93
                     CHAPTER XVIII.
   The Beginning of the War.-Withdrawal of the States.-
Meeting in Cincinnati.-First (Gun Fired.-Resignation at
Lexington.-His Position.-Kentucky Neutrality.-Pledged
to Neutrality.-Fidelitv of Union Friends.-Fear of Arrest.-
Took our Daughter to Missouri, to 'Mrs. Fife, Dr. Hopsoti's
Mother................................ ................... 99
                     CHAPTER XIX.
   Meetings at Shelbyville, Eminence, Bloomfield, Old
Union.-Morgan's Raid.-Mleeting Closed.-The Doctor No-
tified that the Order was out for His Arrest.-Attempt to
Escape.-Union Friends.-Refusal to Compromise Them.-
His Surrender to Major Brock, of Lexington.-Parole.-Ar-
rest by Col. Warner.-Louisville Prison.--Preaching-Re-
fusal to take the " Iron-clad Oath."-Camnp 'Morton.-.Joln-
son's Islanl.-False Charges.-MNv Endeavors to Secuire his
Release.-Banished from the State ......................... 104
                      CIIAPTFR XX.
   Dr. Hopson a Conscript.-His Regrets.-No Hope of Re-
lease.-His Masonic Relations Advantageouls.- Inside Post-




master.-Preached Every Sunday.-Accidental Discovery.-
Dutch Guard.-Way of Escape Opened.-His Release.-Sent
South.-Reports of his Command.-Kindness of Union
Friends while in Prison.-Bro. Bishop.-Bro. Graham.-Re-
ceived Commission.-Gen. MNorgan Delighted that the Gov-
ernment had Sent him a Chaplain ........... .............. 114

                     CHAPTER XXI.
   My Trip South to Join the Doctor.-Illness in Baltimore.
-Visit to Washington.-Interview witht J. J. Crittenden.-
His Assistance.-T)etai ne(d.-Seven W\eeks at Barnum's Ho-
tel-Won(lerful Kindness of the J'eople.-Recovery.-Trip
South to Riclhmond.-Bro. l'etti-rew and Family.-.uccess
in H lusbanl l Hunting.--NIet the l )octor in Augusta.-Atlanta.
-Trip to M.cANinnville, Tenn.-Not a Stranger, Though in a
Strange Land .........................................   119
                     CI1APTEh XXII.
   Hospitality.-Arri val at MNctli nn ville.-Preachi ng.-Life
in Camp.-R. M. Gano and Brothers.-I go to Knoxville.-
Evacuation of McMinnville.-Dr. Hopson Resigns-We go
to Richmond.-Meeting in Richmond.-Located at Bowling
Green.-Holly Hill.-C. P. Williamson.-Life at Bowling
Green.-Housekeeping.-Cost of Domestic Articles.-Ex-
penses, 20 a Day; Income, 2,000 a Year.-Old Mansion.... 126

                    CHAPTER XXIII.
   Gen. Wade Hampton.-His Request.-His Gratification.
-Christmas Dinner for Gen. Lee.-Preparations to Remain
in Bowling Green.-Battles of May 5, 6 and 8.-Wounded
Soldiers.-The Retreat.-. eating Lee to Richmond .......... 136
                    CHAPTER XXIV.
   Brief Stay in Richmond.-Amelia County.-Amelia
Springs.-Jetersville.-Paineville.-Kautz and Wilson's Raid.
-Flight to Horse Pasture.-Bro. D. H. Spencer.-Henry C. H. 141

                     CHAPTER XXV.
   Blue Ridge.-Patrick C. H.-Paid 5,000 for a Horse,
500 for a Saddle.-Plenty of Money.-Teachin- in Patrick
Henry Academy.-Thirty-five Pupils.-3,500 a Month Sal-
y.-Going to Church.-Confederate Candle ............... 144

x .



                    CHAPTER XXXI.
   Evacuation of Richmond.-The Doctor's Arrest, Deten-
tion and Release.-Col. Trowbridge.-Maj. Standish.-His
Return to Horse Pasture.-The Rai,, ....... ................ 149
                   CHAPTER XXVII.
   News of the Surrender.-Start for Riclhmond.-Our De-
tention.-Dr. Hopson as a Huckster.-Selling Vegetables and
Fruit to the Federal Construction Corps for Tea, Coffee,
Flour, etc.-Aiding Two Old People.-Three Attempts to
Reach Richniiond.-Trip in a Sutler's Wagon Across the Last
Field of Battle.-Arrival at Amelia Springs.-Fishing.-Call
to Richmond Church .............. ................ ....... 154
                   C(HAPTER XXNVIII.
Takes Charge of the Church.-Condition of the Country.-
Impoverishment of the People.-It. Ml. Bishop's generous
Aid.-Brave People.-The Doctor's Indebtedness in Missouri
nearly Doubled.-Visit to Kentucky.-Preachers Throughout
Virginia.-Bro. Shelburn, his Money and his Calf ........... 162
                    CHAPTER XXIX.
   Bro. Clemrnitt's Letter.-General Meeting.-The Con-
vention between Sixteen of our People and Sixteen Promi-
nent Baptists, in Richmond .................... .......... 169
                    CHAPTER XXX.
Letter from Bro. J. A. Gano ............................... 173
                    CHAPTER XXXI.
   Return to Ricbmond.-Our Family all Together.-Our
Daughter's Marriage to R. L. Cave.-Covington Meeting.-
Bro. Lape's Letter.-Call to Louisville.-Acceptance.-MNo-
tives Actuating Him.-Life in Lexington.-Removal.-Raises
Money to Finish Church.-Wm. C. Dawson.-T. P. Haley.-
Mission Work ............................................. 176
                   CHAPTER XXXII.
   Bible School for Colored Young Men.-Interest in Col-
ored Church.-Encouragement.-Substantial Aid.-Three
Letters from Students of the School ........................ 184
                   CHAPTER XXXIII.
   Bro. Grubbs' Letter.-House full of Boarders.-Aunt




Mima.-Bought a Home.-Last Payment on Missouri Debt.
-Preachers' Wives.-Dr. Hopson a Good Financier.-His
Desire for Rest.-Hlis Resignation.-Press Notice ............ 189

                    CHAPTER XXXIV.
   Leave Louisville.-Travel through Missouri.-Call to St.
Louis.-Social Meetings.-Presidency of Christian University
Urged upon Him.-Acceptance.-Silver Weddiing.-Rernoval
to Canton.-Felt Settled for Life.-Bible College and Stu-
dents.-Prospects Promising.-Trip in the Interest of the
University.-His Illness.-Mr. Cave's Arrival and Invaluable
Aid.-His Mother's Death.-Hlis Partial Recoverv.-Unable
to Teach.-Able to Preach.-Returned to Lexington, KN.-
Relapse.-His Old Church in Palmyra.-Iis Last Field of
Labor.-His Patience Under Affliction ...................... 196
                    CHAPTER XXXV.
   Letter from  Wiley M1ountjoy.-Dr. H1opson's Life at
Home.-Influence on the Students in his Familv.-;ervants.
--Bro. G. A. Hoffman's Letter.-Generons Kindness.-Con-
scientiousness.-Chr;st-likeness.-Influience at Home and
Abroad as a Neighbor, a -Minister, a Friend.-His Liberality. 210

                    CHAPTER XXXVI.
   Letter from R. C. Ricketts.-Encourageinent to Write.-
Dr. Hopson's Position on th e War Question.-His Conserva-
tism on the Subject.-His Friends in Both Parties.-Effect of
his Arrest.-His Retuirn to Kentucky after the War.-Speech
at Midway.-Cordial Reception.--Estimate of the MIan in
every Way.
   Bro. J. H. Hardin's Leiter.-First Acquaintance with Dr.
Hopson.-His Kindness to AMe.-Easv in his Presence.-Es-
timate of Him as a Preacher and Christian Man.
   Bro. Win. Van Pelt's Letter. - Warmth of Friend-
ship.-Political Differences.-Fraternal Feelings.-Grand
   Bro. W. B. Emmal's Letter.-Bro. WV. .. Giltner's Letter.
-Eminence, Ky.--Bro. C. B. Edgar.-Cynthiana.-Extract
of Letter from Ella B. Myles.-Letter from Bro. Fred Power,
of Washington City.-Extract of Letter from Pres. J. T. Pat-
terson, of Hamilton College, Lexington, Kv.-Letter from
Chas. L. Loos, President Kentucky University.-Letter from



                       CONTENTS.                     Iiiii.

Prof. Robert Graham, Kentucky University.-Letter from S.
W. (rutcher.-Letter from Mrs. Alexander Campbell.-Letter
from Pres. J. W. Ellis, Plattsburg, Mo.-Letter from Prof. J.
W. McGarvey, Kentucky University.-Letter from Z. F.
Smith, Louisville ........................................... 219

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                   CHAPTER 1.

Dr. Hopson's Birth.-Parentage.-His Fathier's Removal to 3Mis-
   souri.-Froin there to Arkansas.-His Being Sent to Carroll-
   ton, Ill., to School.-Bro. Henderson's Letter.-His Change
   to Jacksonville.-House in Father Stone's Family.-Attends
   Bonne Femme College, in Boone County.

   Dr. Winthrop Hartly Hopson was born near Garretts-
burg, Christian county, Kentueky, April 26, 1823. His
maternal grandfather moved from North Carolina, in an
early day, and located four miles from Hopkinsville, on
a farm.
   Ill a short time he was elected County and Circuit
Clerk, and removed with his family to Hopkinsville,
-where he acted in that capacity for many years.
   In politics he was a staunch Democrat; in religion, a
moralist, believing that an honest man was the noblest
work of God. He aimed to obey the Golden Rule, as
he understood it, and was just and upright in all his deal-
ings with his fellow-men. He lived and died out of the
   He was three times married. His first wife was Eliz-
abeth Elliott, of North Carolina. Of this marriage, five
daughters and four sons were born. After the death of



his first wife, he married the widow Samuels, who had
one daughter, Kitty, by her first marriage. The result
of this union was two daughters, Malvina and Lucretia;
the latter was burned to death. His second wife did not
live long, and he married, the third time, Mrs. Read, a
widow with two children. By this union he had five
sons and two daughters. The sum total of his family
was nineteen children. This was a large-sized fam-
ily for a new country.  He left Hopkinsville in Decem-
ber, 1825, and moved to Callaway county, Missouri, and
settled on a farm eight miles from Fulton, on the edge
of Nine Mile Prairie, where lie lived till his death, in
1831. All of his children, except the one burned, lived
to be grown iien and women, and all married but two.
   Col. Joseph Hopson, Dr. Hopson's paternal grand-
father, moved from Henry county, Virginia, in the year
1811, to Christian county, Kentucky.  His wife was
Miss Sallv Boyd, of Virginia, of a wealthy and influential
familv. Their children were George, Morgan, Samuel,
Joshua, Henry, and Mildred.
   Dr. Samuel Hopson, the third son, was the father of
Winthrop H. Hopson, the subject of these memoirs.
   The family were Episc.palians in Virginia, but there
being no church of that belief in Christian county, they
united with the Methodist Church, in which church Col.
Hopson died.
   Sally J. Clark was the fourth child of Capt. John
Clark, and was born in Hopkinsville, August 23, 1802.
She availed herself of the limited advantages offered for
procuring an education, and was a good English scholar
for that time.
   In 1818, when only sixteen years of age, she married
Dr. Samuel Hopson, son of Joseph Hopson, and moved




to the country, near Garrettsburg. While living there,
two children were born to them, Charles Bingley and
Winthrop Hartly, the subject of these memoirs. There
was one other brother born afterward, Joseph John, who
died young.
   Before Winthrop was two years old, his father re-
move(l to Montgomery county, Missouri. The trip was
at that day an arduous one. In 1825 there were no rail-
roads leading from city to city, giving easy transit for
men and goods, but the trip had to be made in wagons
overland.  Dr. Hopson placed his household goods and
servants in good, substantial covere(1 wagons, while he
and his wife made nearly all the trip on horseback, Mrs.
Hopson carrying Winthrop in her lap.
   She had a delightful riding horse, and has often de-
scribed the trip to me, and told how much she enjoyed it.
They campe(l out at night, having their provisions and
cooling utensils with them, so that they were independ-
ent of hotels, even if there had been many on the road.
   Dr. Hopson (lid not like his first location, and in about
a year lie moved to Callaway county, and settled on Heel
String, a creek seven miles from Fulton. He lost two
servants there, sold his farm to Mr. Yates and moved
into IFultoi. While living in Fulton, he attended lec-
tures in the medical college of Transylvaiiia University,
Lexington, Kentucky, when it was in its prime. I have
a letter mnother wrote him while there. After writing of
home life and business, she says: " Winthrop is three
years old to-day, and knows all his letters."
   His elder brother, Charles, died at four years of age.
His younger brother, Joseph, lived to be seven years old,
when he too passed away, leaving Winthrop the only




   He often says he wonders he was not a spoiled child.
The reason was that his father was a rigid disciplinarian,
and a stern man, and his mother was a conscientious
Christian woman, deeply pious and unusually intelligent
in the Scriptures. Dr. Hopson has often said that all of
good in him is due to that mother's influence and prayers.
   In the year 18:33 his father moved South, and while
they were camping on the Ozark Mountains, the Doctor
witnessed that wonderful meteoric shower of November
13th. He said it was the grandest sight lie ever saw; the
heavens seemed on fire, and the tall, sombre pine forest
was ablaze with stars. He only remained a year in the
South, when his father sent him to school in Carrollton,
Illinois. to Mr. Hinton, a Presbyterian minister of prom-
inence, and widely known as an educator. He remained
there two years, boarding in Mr. Hinton's family.
   While there, his father Inove(l back to Fulton, find-
ing the climate of the South did not agree with him or
his family. Winthrop made them a visit while at Car-
rollton. He went on horseback, and alone, from there
to Fulton, Missouri. He reached home safely, with many
adventures to relate.
   From Carrollton he was sent to Jacksonville. I am
indebted to Bro. D. P. Henderson for the following in-
formation in regard to that period of his life:

                           "CANTON, Mo., Feb. 11, 1887.
   "Dear Sister Hopson:-I can only say, in answer to questions
you propound, that Dr. Hopson, your husband, was the inmate
of Barton W. Stone's family when I first became acquainted with
him. He was a student in the Illinois College, attended the
meetings held by the members of the Church of Christ in Jack-
sonville, became interested, and publicly made confession of his
faith in Christ, and was immersed and united with the church
August 1, 1836. Bro. S. S. Church and Bro. Hopson were both




immersed. I think that Bro. Hopson was baptized before Bro.
Chureh. He was about fourteen years old at this time."
   Bro. Henderson baptized both Bro. Church and Dr.
Hopson, he being the baptist of the church, elected to
that office by the church.
   Winthrop remained in Jacksonville nearly two years,
when, on account of the excitement growing out of political
troul)les, culminating in the destruction of the press and
office of Lovejoy  Co.-in Alton, I think-his father
sent for him to return home. He was at once placed at
Bonne Femme College, near Columbia, Boone county.
While there, he boarded in the family of Bro. Austin
Bradford, where he was under constant religious influ-
   Elder T. M. Allen lived in the neighborhood, and
became the wvarm friend of and model man for the young
student. Time cemented the friendship, which lasted
during the long life of that man of God.
   It was during this formative period of his character
that he was under the teaching and influence of such men
of power and piety as B. W. Stone, T. M. Allen, Joel
Hayden, Jacob and Joseph Coons, Francis Palmer, Mar-
cus Mills, A.osaloin Rice, Wim. Davis, and Bro. Douglass.
In Missouri these men were the pioneers of and co-workers
in the grandest reformation since the days of the apostles.
The reformation of Luther took the church from creed
to creed. The reformation preached by these men of
God took men from human creeds and dogmas to the
   Having grown to manhood under such teaching as
fell from the lips of these men, is it any wonder that he
became the stern and uncompromising advocate of truth
which he has always been 




Finishes His Education a' Columbia College, under Profs. Roach
   and Thomas, when only Seventeen.-Called to Preach.-
   Spends a Few Months Reading the Bible with Bro. Abram
   Miller.-Joins Bro. Samuel Rogers.-Bro. Rogers' Letter.

   Dr. Hopson was always a g(ood student. He com-
menced the study of Latin at eight years of age, under
Prof. Dunlap, and at seventeen finished his Greek and
Latin course under Profs. Roach aud Thonmas. at Colum-
bia College, out of which grew up the State University
from which he afterward received the degree of A. M.
   Here he closed his scholastic life. At this time the
older brethren thought the church demanded that young
men of talent and education should be brought forward,
and urged him to devote his life to the ministry.
   His father, who had become a Christian but a short
time before this, was opposed to his taking the step. He
was proud of his son, and ambitious that he should make
his mark in the world. He had made arrangements for
him to enter the office of Geyer  Bates, of St. Louis, to
studv law, as soon as he left college. It cost Winthrop
a severe struggle to disappoint his father, as well as to
silence the cravings of his oWn ambition. On the one
side were worldly honor, fane, distinction, pecuniary
profit, while the other offered neither emolument nor
worldly glory, but a hand-to-hand fight with contumely,
reproach, persecution, an(l poverty.
   The Christians were at this time few, and a despised



people. They were ostracized from all communion with
their religious neighbors. They were called Campbellites,
Stoneites, New Lights, anything but the name they chose
to wear and strove to honor.
   But few young men who enter the ministry to-day
can appreciate the sacrifice he was called upon to make.
After prayerful consideration, he decided to devote his
life to preaching the gospel. There were no Bible Col-
leges then, to train young men for usefulness; his only
chance wvas to sit at the feet of some godly man, who was
able to teach others how to tell the story of the cross.
He spent several months with Bro. Abram      Miller, of
Millersburg, Callaway county, learning what to preach,
speaking as opportulnitv offered. I take pleasure in let-
ting the old veteran of the cross, Bro. Samuel Rogers,
introduce Dr. Hopson to our readers as he was in 1840,
in his eighteenth year

    " About this time I was approached by a tall, spare youth of
about eighteen summers, neat in his attire; graceful, gentle, and
dignified in his bearing; with an intelligent eye and charming
voice -altogether such a one as would at once com mand respect,
and, at the same time, excite the suspicion of the beholder that
he might be a scion of the stock of F. F. V.'s of old colonial days.
    "He bore letters from Abram Miller, of 'Millersburg, Callaway
county, recommending him to me as a pious youth, who desired
to devote his life to the work of the ministry, and who wisled to
place himself under my care. He brought letters also highly
commendatory to Philip Miller, then of Franklin county. Philip
Miller was a man of great goodness of heart, but very plain-
spoken, and sometimes blunt, almost offensively so. When the
young man approached Miller, lie was busy shaving shingles,
and, as if to test him, was asked the very blunt question: ' Young
man, do you think you are of any account Can you shave
shingles' 'I suppose I can,' was the reply. 'Well,' said Miller,
'take off your coat and try.' The youth, nothing daunted, threw
off his coat, took hold of the drawing-knife with. his white, ten-




der hands, and went to work as if he had served an apprentice-
ship at the business of shingle making.
    " A few minutes satisfied Miller that the handsome youth
was no humbug, so he urged him to resign the knife, saying,
' That will do, sir.' This, to us, appears a trifling incident; but
it was enough to endear the youth to Philip Miller for life-it
was the beginning of a lasting friendship. Years afterward I
heard Philip Miller tell how his admiration had been excited by
the simple determination expressed on this occasion by the youth,
and how his sympathies had been aroused by the discovery of
great blisters, which the knife had raised on his delicate hands.
    " This young man placed himself under my care for the pur-
pose of training himself to the hardships of the Christian warfare;
and I take pleasure in bearing witness siat this young Timothy
served his father for two years as faithfully and lovingly as any
Timothy could serve. At first I put him to blowing and striking
for me-to use a blacksmith's phrase-btut, finding him a young
man of great promise, I put him in the lead, requiring him to
deliver the opening discourses generally, while I followed with
exhortation. I have had a long and varied experience in helping
young men into usefulness, but have never been better satisfied
with the progress of any man with whom I have associated than
the young man, Winthrop H. Hopson.
    "His discourses were finely arranged, quite logical, clear and
forcible. They were always delivered in the finest language, yet
presented in a manner so simple that a child could comprehend
them. On this account I generally put him forward to preach
the sermons, and I followed with exhortations. In this way we
labored together with great profit, for his forte was preaching;
mine, exhortation. We always traveled together, and, in the cir-
cuit of four or five counties, accomplished a grand and glorious
work, which eternity alone can fully reveal.
    " The old men of to-day dwell with animation upon the trans-
actions of those primitive times, when I did the grubbing and
Winthrop piled the brush; or, when Winthrop made the log
heaps, and I fired them; or, in a different phrase, they speak of
his shooting with a rest, always hitting the mark, and of my
shooting off-hand, taking the game on the wing. These phrases,
homely though they may be, very aptly describe the manner of
our work. This very difference in manner arnd method gave effi-
ciency to our labors, and made each more useful to the other-




Our union was sweet, and our harmony complete throughout the
campaign. Winthrop sat at my feet, like a little child, to receive,
both by preceptand example, all I had to give that would make
him useful in the vineyard of his Master; and I sometimes found
it profitable to reverse the order an(l become his pupil. Him I
found to be an accomplished scholar, and I knew myself to be
very defective, even in the King's English, so I requested him to
criticise and correct me when there should be a necessity for it,
and to do this without hesitation. This he did; but with a man-
ner so humble and gracious as to make me feel that my fault was
a virtue Dear boy, h 'w I loved him!
    " I have said he was alkays neat in his dress, and dignified
in his bearing. Owing to this fact, many poor people appeared a
little shy of him on first acquaintance. To live in log cabins and
dress in homespun was the style in those days in that country.
When entering the cabins of these lowly people, Winthrop was
quick to detect the cause of shyness on the part of the inmates,
and always ready to remove it by his easy, gentle way of making
himself at home, and appearing as if he had been used to nothing
better all his life. He was a very magnet to little children, and
possessed that rare faculty of remembering their names, so that,
meet them where he might, he would address them by their
proper names, and make them feel easy in his presence. He was
never vulgarly familiar with any one, old or young, and was never
guilty of using slang phrases, and could not be tempted to ap-
proach even the precincts of a conversation vulgar or smutty.
When he entered a house, it seemed to be his first study to avoid
giving trouble to any one. Winthrop H. Hopson had then, and
now has, the appearance of being stiff and proud; but this is only
the man as lie appears to the stranger. Let him come near to you,.
and all this appearance of haughtiness and pride will vanish, for
it is, like beauty, only skin deep. To know him and to love him,
your acquaintance must extend beneath the surface. I wish the-