xt7h18344v9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h18344v9s/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1979 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, March 1979 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, March 1979 1979 1979 2022 true xt7h18344v9s section xt7h18344v9s      


11.. KENTU





5 13379







. .'






”Good Ole country Music“

MARCH 1979

Country Music Mini‘ Concert

Held A1 Reformatory

The Kentucky State Re-
formatory’s _Recreation De-
partment presented“ for thier
second performance, Shot


own ver51on of country and-
" western music.


Along -with

Shot Jackson and Donna

Darlene were Billy Grammerg"

Kathy Lynn and the HeaVy
Cowboys. ,
Shot Jackson, famous for his

‘ “dobro sound,” is truly the ‘
master of his instrument. His
.. unique style of playing has left.
' many feeling that country and -

Western music is the only

_ music of today.

. Jackson 15 regularly filmed
on ‘_‘Hee Haw" and he makes

'. appearances at the Grand Ole

Opry. He has captured and

‘ _held the attention of his an:

diences all over the country.
Jackson started his musical
career. in Nashville in 1943.
.Shortly thereafter. he left
Nashville to join the navy.
After his release. he made his
.appearance On the Grand Ole
Opry with the then-famous
'Bailes Brothers. After their

disbandingc he became a

member’ of the ' Tennessee
Mountain Boys; He is best

' firemembered for his backup

playing of the steel .guitar
behind the famous Kitty

Wells. It'was Shot Jackson,

that the‘Te-nnessee Mountain
Boys had pl'ayingdobro and
guitar on their early million
sellers. In 1957. he joined the

' Smokey Mountain Boys. He

and Roy Acuff toured many
overseas military'bases. ’
Along with Roy Acuff,

Jackson Was involved in a"

seriousca’r accident in 1965.

-'.:Dtte to :this- almost fatal


‘ tragedy, he was forced into
semi-retirement. After much

hard work Shot Jackson has
made a comeback and is once


. P i .
company where he bu1lds the i."
' aruniqué sho-bud pedal steel

, and resonator guitars. .,
DOnna Darlene is, Shot , .
. Jackson’ 5 wife and a very

talented singer. She started
her career on Wheeling Jam-

' boree'. aired of WWVA Radio
’in Wheeling. West Virginia.

Her first love is eduntry music

.because. she says, it is the
‘music of America. She per-

forms regularly on the "Nash-
ville television stations and

, has worked in Las Vegas with

an all- -girl band at the Golden

. Billy Grammer is most not-
ed for his million seller re-

' cording of f‘Gotta Travel On.”
G'rammer started his career in ~

1947 on WARL Radio of
Arlington. Virginia. At the
time he was an. employee at a
naval gun factory. By 1959, he
was a regular at the Grand Ole
Opry. ‘It was at this time that

he produced “Gotta Travel


He has traveled all over the
world singing and playing
country music. As he is a
composer. Grammer feels that
he puts his persbnality into his
music at every performance.

"To receive the. appreciation
and warmth of a good audi-
fi-enc’e. a good artist makes

them feel important. Grammer
is an artist in- every sense.

', In' 1969. he became a Chris-
tian. and his outlook on his life
started to change. Through his
music. he shared the message.
He has been performing for


penal institutions for a number .'
of years. He feels that audi-- ‘

ences in penal institutions are

- more apt to appreciate music

because of (thetl

"‘3‘ ' , ,1 —.v . p
group Grammer believes his-'1 agreement reached bet-ween

{the state Departments of Jus-
. ., 'tice and Transportation

"musical talent is a heavenly;

gift and he shares it with

4 , people everywhere. .
Kathy Lynn started singing

country music at the age of

‘ nine. over 11 years ago. 'She

grew up _ around country
music. Ms. Lynn has'spent' the
past six years studying opera
and voice under Robert Turner
in Portsmouth, Virginia. She
sings country music because it

expresses her feelings and'

tells a story. Besides being a

‘ singer. she enjoys racquet ball
and song writing. She enjoys,

performing in penal institu-

About tWo years ago. Kathy
. Lynn and Rick Stanley formed

their group, “Kathy Lynn and
The Heavy Cowboys." They
have performed at the Grand
Ole Opry and for country and
western disc jockey's conven-
tions. They have recorded an
album. “That's How Long 1
Love You." “Kathy Lynn and

TheHeavy Cowboys" perform '

all over the country, and their
audiences. whether at the
Grand Ole' Opry or in a penal
institution, understand and
enjoy their .music.

Country and western music
has been around for many
years. Its- singersand musi-
cians produce .a warm and
personable 'sound. a sound
that 'any audience can appre-

ciate. This show will long be.

remembered and appreciated

' at the Kentucky State Reform-

atory. because in their music.

the performers left a part of 7

themselves. here with us.


11»: Program

Outside'Work Crews,
Planned At KSP&KSR


The new program provides
for inmates of Kentucky’s two
largest institutions. the Ken-
tucky State Penitentiary and
the Kentucky State Reforma-
tory. to volunteer for work
assignments on routine high-

»way maintenance jobs not

normally accomplished by
Bureau of Highways personnel,
because of staff and time

“The Bureau of Corrections
has people who need and want
to work while the Department
of Transportation has work
that needs to be done. We
believe the program we have
designed will meet the needs
of both agencies and also
serve the public interest,"
Transportation Secretary
Calvin Gray’son said in a press
conference concerning the

“One of- the most important
tasks of the Bureau of Cor-
rections is to teach inmates the
importance of work and the
necessity of work to having a
stable society."
Commissioner David , Bland

“We can leave inmates

sitting inside the walls and let.

them while away 24 hours a
day. but it makes a lot more
sense if a person can come
back to a decent meal and go

,to bed' tired." Bland said.

"‘One of the most important
therapies is togknow What it is
to work and to be satisfied

Inmate work crews will help

Corrections .


with ajob done. "

outside the prison _
be as31gned to the details
under the direct supervisiOn;
of three correCtiOnal officers, .
two of which/will be armed
while“ the other officer will be
in charge of work supervision. .
_He pointed out that al- ,
though work assignments will
be made by the Bureau of
Highways. the' actual ,work

. supervision will be the respon-

sibility, of specially trained
Bureau of'Corrections em-

' 'ployees.

He also noted that the
inmates: volunteering for the
highway maintenance details
will'be carefully screened by
institutional personnel and be
made aware 'of all security
procedures before being ad-

“Securitykwill be the most

‘important' determinant in sel-

ecting inmates for assign-

ment to the work screws,"

Bland said. " ,
Participants will be eligible

for the same incentive wages

paid those inmates assigned to
institutional jobs although the
pay scale for those persons
assigned to'the road details
will begin at a slightly higher
rate of one dollar per day.

- Bland pointed out that a
good work record on the detail
will be a major factor in the
decision to transfer a man to a
minimum security institution
and Grayson said his agency
would be interested'in hiring
ex-offenders with good work
records on the highway main-
ten'an'ce project. '


~ N r \ \i’:

a‘lls, w111 ; ,'











Page 2—The INTER-PRISON PRESS-March 1979


BCC Resident Larry Queen was married in the BCC Chapel on April 20. His bride is the former Gail

‘ Sairtin.

ollege Classes;







9 red


To WKFC Residen1s

. In October 1978. the Mid-
Continent Bible College of
Mayfield. opened its doors to

. residents of the Western Ken-

tucky Farm Center. marking
the first time that college
credit ‘courses were available
to the residents.

Classes have now been of-
fered for two semesters at

~WKFC. The first semester

class dealt with the Book of


the lie-tacky
"WEB-Pills .:


Acts and four men successful-

.ly completed the course. Sev-.

era] of the 15 men who ori-
ginally enrolled were paroled
and plan to continue their

studies outside the institution.
The second semester course .

.dealt with the Book of Romans

' with 11 men successfully com- '

pleting the course.
Each semester's class

counts as two credit hours

r hahtri'i'tr


Public Education Services Manager

applicable to the man‘s stud-
ies should he choose to con-
tinue in the program following
_ Fourteen men have enrolled
in the third semester class.
The subject of this, course is
“‘Old Testament Survey."
John Ahart. the Correction-
al Officer in charge of Food
Service at WKFC, serves as
the instructor for the classes.

The KENTUCKY INTER-PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of
the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is
produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of
Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the
proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should
be directed to the Public Education Services Manager, Bureau of _
Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second Class postage-
rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601.

USPS 011170

Wedding Bells
Ring A1 BCC

By Ace Easter

Resident Larry Queen and
Gail Sairtin were married at
10:00 a.m.. on April 20. in the
Blackburn Correctional Com—
plex Chapel.

The wedding cerentony was
performed by Reverend
Harley Johnson. a friend of
the family from South Shores.

The bride wore a beautiful
white lace gown and the

groom was dressed in agreen’ '

tuxedo with a green velvet

bow tie.

.lantes'L. Payne served as
Queen's best Hiall."Th€' maid.
of honor was Alpha Veach and
Queen's daughter, Teauna.
was flower girl for the wed-

Also attending the cere-
mony were two other daugh-
ters. Marlena Queen. age‘ll.
and Tammy Queen. age9.
Nancy Queen. sister-in-law of
the groom, also attended.

WKFC Correctional Officer John Ahart is shown with the men

who graduated from the first college-level class offered at the
Farm Center. Ahart serves as. course instructor.

Changes A1 I KSP

By Ronald L. Tipton ‘

;EDDYV1LLE‘—In the near j '

future, KSP will be' under-
going some.‘ major changes,

changes which have been a.
long time in coming.
' This' period will find a,

grievance committee, made up
of both inmates and officers,
whowill sit down together and

‘air out problems, the stumbl-

ing blocks at the institution.
At the present time, the

plan is on the drawing board.

Mr. Parker, the ombudsman,

is trying to devise a plan which ,
will be of the most benefit to ’

everyone involved.

Mr; Parker hopes the plan
can beimplemented on a small
scale, prove itself successful

_ and-be expanded‘to thepoint

that it is used throughout the
entire prison.

When expanded to include
the entire priso’n’, each hous;
ing unit will have elected.
members to represent each
unit in solving complaints

According to Mr. Parker,
this is a “touchy" situation
and will have tobe handled ‘
with “kid’gloves” in orderto
keep prison politics from
causing the new program to be 7

’ a failure.


Kentucky State Penitentiary............. 831
Kentucky State Reformatory .........1842
Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women .7...............95

, Blackburn Correctional Complex .226

BellCounty Forestry‘Camp. .........7.0

Harlan County Forestry Camp................. .... 39 - ' '

Western Kentucky Farm Center............... 130
Daniel Boone Career Development Center. 29
Roederer Farm Center ... ...... ‘ ..........l39: .
Frankart Career Development Center ..... . ......”80

TOTAL ...... ........... ...... 3481






7 , _ I‘TotaiCas‘es Considered



.‘_‘A Tentative View"

By Clarence Kimbrough, II '

Between dark and dawn we float free. Dreams consume us, the
simple perception of the natural world dazzles our eyes. We
comprehend corners, edges, boundaries, lines and beyond them
we sense spaces and times larger” then the universe, more
teeming than the sea. Out of signals, cues, sets. and codeswe
construct a reasonable world—knowing and tryingto forget‘that
our'construction is only approximate, reduced; is not form but a,
screen before the form. Every ecstasy we know, every art we have

_ devised points to dents in the screen. Points out beyond the flesh

and the stage to some'nether region where we are lovers and
murderers, children and ancient crones, athletes and paralytics,
rock and fish and fowl where‘we sail forever into Utopia.

We go badthrough the screen and come back' towing Gods
behind us. We govburn'ing through the screen and come back
flayed and spent and still. We go burning through the Screen and
come back brimming with the formulas that activate the stars. We
are not the only race of creatures thatthinksv, but we are the only
creature that voluntarily, periodically ‘ and perhaps even

necessarily seeks out disorder, madness and chaos; knowing that '

only through these terrifying passages can order and sanity be
enriched or sustained.


Wayne Green was a recent participant in the Youth Motivation Task Force Program sponsored by



The INTER-PRISON PRESS-March 1979~Page 3

Special Group Named To Study

Sentencing System In State

A special commission on
sentencing and the release of
created and its membership

named by Governor Julian

The l4—member special
commission will consider the
current sentencing system.
the state's parole system,

post—release supervision and
the System used for the award-
ing of good time to Kentucky

In his March '8 announce,-
ment. the Governor noted that
a bill supported by the Attorn-

ey General providing for ar-

system of determinate sen-

, tencing was‘ considered in the
1978 session of the General

the office of Counseling and Placement at Kentucky State Reformatory. Mr. Green is a Correctional
Educational Specialist atKSR. Youth motivation is a national program of the National Alliance of


Business. ‘_ ‘
Parole Recommended - _ . _ 2 . 3 7 ' 8
,- percentage Recommended . 33 °70 , ,75‘7 10.0% . .73 07°
‘ Cases‘Deferred - - - . 3 i 1 0 2
Average Length of Deferment [in months] . 8 . 6 n/ a 5
. Serve Out Sentence , . '_ ' 1 ’. 0 0 1
, 6 4 7 ll

offenders has been"

The proposed legislation.
House Bill 442, was referred to

the House Judiciary-Courts

Committee and a hearing was
held. However. the bill re-
ceived no further action during

' the 1978 General Assembly.

“The task of the special
commission will be to look at
the current system as well as
alternative systems of sen-
tencing and release." Gover-
nor Carroll said. '

The Commission is charged
withreporting to the Governor
and General Assembly on its
findings and. recommenda-
tions by December 31. 1979.

Corrections Commissioner
David Bland and Attorney
General Robert Stephens were

named to serve as co-chairmen

of the commission.

Other members appointed
by the Governor to serve on
the commission are: John Paul
Runyan. Commonwealth At-
torney for Pike County; Will
Shadoan. a defense attorney in
Wickliffe; Senators Walter
Baker. Glasgow and Delbert
Murphy. Owensboro; Repre-
sentatives Bob Jones. Crest-
wood, and Bill Weinberg.
Hindman; District Judge Julia
Tackett. Lexington: Parole
Board Chairman Burnett
Napier and four citizen mem-
bers—~Mrs. David Cole, Bowl-
ing Green; Mrs. Gloria Neal.
Louisville; Kenneth Silvers.
Lexington and Donnie White,
Lexington. ‘





By Barry V. Williams, KSR' .

I feared once to know of you,

To hold your hand, to see your face,
To feel your touch, your firm embrace.
Many say, your touch is cold,

[find you warm, my heart you stole.

We ’re not strangers, we ’oe been alone before,
Just you and I, You took me home; remember?

Such peace I found in you that day,

You begged me to stay; I went away;
Then I was too blind to see,

That you offered love, peace and harmony.

I’m once again knocking upon your door,
You’ll open it this time quick, I know;
So I’ll call you once again as before,
And knock again upon your door.

“Death, oh, Death, where are you? ”






4 21
44% . 75%
4 , 4
2s . 1o
1 3
9 28

' --»-l-. IllllilllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllltlltlllllIllltllIIt'llIIllllltlllllllllllIIllIllllIIlllIlllIlllIllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllltlIllllttIllIllIlllllIIlliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllll’llllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

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41 % 43%
70 , '31
10 13
3o 3
171 65


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 I ' ' could trust and rely.‘ on, -.and_ as 2.2.1"

I old gospel song.

Page 4—The INTER-PRISON PRESSuMarcn 1979

How To Find

A True Friend

'By' Barry V. Williams

Each of us at one time or
another have been friendless.
We go through life searching
for someone or something that
we can truly say is a friend;

-' someone we can confide'in .

,when things do not seem to be
going well,in our lives.‘ Some;

one who Will accept us as .we ~>

are, even in our worst con-

We all have felt close to ,'

someone who we thought we
always, their loyalty drifts
away during

involved;' or they leave just
when we need them the most.

Soon, We have no one to
turn to and this leaves us
feeling despondent and des-
perate enough to go to any

lengths to find a companion
~who will for a time, be our

friend, if it is only for a
moment. There are men and
women in our prisons today
who were friendless, desper-
ately looking for a friend.
Many of them went to great
lengths to prove their friend-
ship worthy to some unde-
serving soul. Individuals who,
because of this, have commit-
ted crimes only because of a
friend, or who have been left
holding the “bag," when their

~ friendship with certain others

left ,them in circumstances
which were not too pleasant in
the end.

If one is’looking for a true
friend,- there is a friend who
will stick by you closer than a
brother, father, sister or
mother; a friend who'will be
by your side in those moments
of consolation when you most
need a friend. He’s a friend
Who cares for your well-being
far more than 'you care for
yourself. To find this friend,
all you need is faith. Have
faith and you will find that
through faith 1n this friend and
yourself, you will have a friend
for life.

Many of you have heard the
“What A
Friend We Have in Jesus,"

well, Ihave found this song to 7

be valid in every Way, beCause

circumstances ,
V which get them emotionally .

. I. myself, was once friendless

with no one to turn to, but in
Jesus Christ I found a friend
while yet in my worst condi-
tion as a sinner cursing God
with every breath I took. It was
an unworthy friendship which
led to my incarceration here at
K'SR. The states of Kentucky,

Indiana and Georgia consider- _
—ed me an incorrigible menace
, to society, a heartless murder4
er and,
appearance-m1 “was; labeledeasrg-

at my last court

an “Under World” figure and

_ called all sorts of degrading

names thrOughout my trial. All

those 'whofI thought to be my .
friends turned their backs on

me, packed their bags and left
town on the first thing smok~

»ing; they did not want to get ~

I . then asked myself,
“Where can I find a friend I

can depend on?" I already'

knew the answer because it
was instilled in me from my
youth, therefore, from that

. moment, I turned to Christt‘l

then realized why my life had
become so miserable. It was
because I was out of harmony
with the only friend man can
have, I was out of harmony
with Christ. my Lord. My only

way back into His graces were"
through repentance,

and meditation with the Holy

I have found that through
this relationship I share with
Christ. I have to search no
farther than my own heart for
consolation orany need‘ that
may arise in my life. I've
found myself free, “truly
free" for the first time in my
life. Therefore, I suggest that
“You" ask Christ into your

’life. because in Him and only

Him, you will find‘ a. True
Friend. Read of His great
works in the Holy Bible'and

meditate on his word. Most of .

all. be a friend to yourself by
accepting Christ enough, for
according to Christ there are
none good. Accept in sincerity
the Word of God. This is how
to find a True Friend, for life.

‘ makes a star?

one time she and her group

formance they gave on April
' 24, 1979, at Kentucky State-



the musical circuit. I believe

“What Makes A Star? "


In our modern society—a
society of fantasies, dreams,
hopes, opinions, and realiza-
tion—we often ask: what
'makes someone a known mu-
sical star, a recording star?

In any type of- music——
classical, pop and rock,
rhythm and blues, soul and
disco—there are some people
or groups that are better
known than others. There are
some groups that are known to

portant but once an audience
accepts their music and they
are understanding their con-
cepts and vibes, these musi-
cians are stars. If these musi-
cians cause one person to
‘ understand the difference be-
tween his music and their
music, what else can they be
but stars? Once a musician,
singer or comedian gets in-
volved in his work and he

be top stars, such as “Earth, brings himself out in his
Wind and Fire," “Isley music. song orjoke—isn’t he a
Brothers," “Brothers star.

Johnson," or even “The Av-

Suppose that the performer
fails to get a response from his
audience. He knows that he
will have to create an image or
illusion. The audience would

erage White Band.” Yet, what .

I had the honorof talking to
a very talented young lady
who is a young country music‘
singer. She is Kathy Lynn of
“Kathy Lynn and The Heavy
Cowboys." She stated that at,

but they would accept it. It
may be his personal experi-

play about; it may be his
father, mother ”or sister’s
memory that he has produced
in his mind; yet. he realizes

were not stars. That may be
true, but according to the per-

Ref matory. they are starsf
it's-i: rate ones at that!“

One might say that to be a
star one has to be. accepted in


that country music is some-

and enjoy.

that this is perhaps very im- ‘

be unaware of what he is doing.

ences that he starts to sing or;

that he has to create t_he'
,change to be accepted by his;
'E‘Eaudrence Kathy Lynn showed "

thing everyone can listen to-

A star forjust one day would
still be a star. One, two or
three hours for a performance
and these individuals, these
musicians, singers and come-
dians are always going to be
remembered by some member
of the audience. Perhaps in
the Grand Ole Opry, a per-7
former will have to be in the
lime-light for twenty years.
Maybe they have to- produce a
million seller record. Yet, if
their audience at the time fails
to accept them, they would
only be stars in their past

, experience. Whether a talent-

ed singer and her outstanding
band are stars or-not, it really
depends on the audience at
each performance.

. A star is not born into the
musical world, they are creat-
ed by the people who under-
stand and accept their musical
abilities. It is_ the audience.
who‘looks, listens and appre-v

‘ciates the fine talent of an

individual or group. These
things make a talented and
name star. So what 1sastar" A 7
“star” is created by our 33:1

UMcegfiance and understandmg of 7 , I, .- g
'-“"'the creat1v1ty and magnet1smaé~ we:

of a musician singer, or
comedian. even if it is the only
one person’s Opinion.

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. the
Min Pei say