xt7h18344q32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h18344q32/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1989 1989 1989-01-30 2020 true xt7h18344q32 section xt7h18344q32  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIl. No. 98


Established 1 894 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

independent since i 97 t


Monday. January 30. iQBQJ

BOT votes to delay its review of allegations



Trustee members Jerome Stricker (left) and Larry Forgy show their emotions
during Saturday's meeting of the Board of Trustees

Editor in (‘hief

The UK Board of Trustees decided Saturday to wait at least a
week before reviewing the response to allegations against the
men‘s basketball program because of the legal uncertainty stir
rounding Eric Manuel's academic records

The board was to renew the University's response to ilic alic
gations Saturday, but Manuel, a sophomore forward, receiyed a
temporary restraining order Friday, prohibiting the release of r.-
cords concerning his American College Test score.

Judge Karl Forester issued the order after Manuel filed suit it!
[IS District (‘ourt in Pikeville last week after the (‘ourier Joni
nal. using unamed sources, reported that Manuel's test \t‘ttl't‘ but
been invalidated.

The NCAA alleges that Manuel cheated on the MT he took .i:
the summer of 1987 in Lexington

.\ hearing has been set for Friday in l? S District t‘ourt lli
liexmglon to decide whether Manuel's records can be ilit‘iiltit'tl l'-
the response

The deadline for the l‘niversity‘s response to the is allcgat: ill.
was today. But .\'(,'AA Director of Enforcement David lieisi has
said he doesn‘t want the L.’ntversity"s response until a decision is
made concerning Manuel‘s records. according to James Park. the
independent lawyer leading l'K's investigation lllltl thi- .illcea

\lanuci nas yoiuntarily wittidi,i.-.i. :ioro pry '1
season bet ansc of tilt-allegations

li lllt' 'oiii‘ts prohibit the linuci'sit‘. .
coi'd-- it would nicaii itic lira-lion oi ail l‘t‘lt‘l'i'ltttH w

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John Dame the l lli\rl'sli.
iicwspapcis 'o iiic still loda. "v not
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lilti litit! litt‘l’itil

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By 'I‘O“ Sl’;\l.l)l\(i
Sports Editor

Adam Malik capped off an incredible
Southeastern (‘onference Indoor Tennis
'l‘ournament yesterday afternoon. stun
niiig third-seed Al Parker of the l'iiivcr
sity of Georgia to win the SEC singles

\lalik. a l‘K junior. was unseeded and
largely overshadowed in the fourday
event. held at l'K's Boone liidooi
'l‘cnnis ('cntcr Rut the Malaysia natiu-
didn't let those factors hinder his per
formaiicc. he knocked off a host oi
sccdcd players in a victory stretch thaI
ended T 3. .Hi. i; :3 over Parker

"Adam had a sensational tournament
not only a great final. but a fantastic
tournament." Georgia (‘oath Manuel
Dial. said. "He had to play some tough
tiiiatcl’iest. but he went through the
field playing well He earned .i
championship "

Malik. who won the SEt' lndoors two
years ago as a freshman did earn it
Trailing :‘i 2 in the first set and headed
for troubled waters. the right handcr
stormed from behind. winning the last
five games anti as a result. the set

'l‘hat win set the tone for a Malik \‘ic
tory Parker. ranked fifth in the South
crn Division of the Volvo Tennis (‘olli-
giatc Polls. won the second set ii :i Rut
the t'laxton, tia native admitted it was
hard for him "to get a good rhythm“
and fell easily in the third set to Malik


"Frankly. I expected A] to win." Did]
said, "I thought that Adam would be
nervous in the first set and he was.
:Parkcr: had a slight letdown iii con»
centration tMaliki did a great job of
takingadvantagtwif it "

As surprised as Dia/ was. Malik was
even moreso

"i didn‘t expect it at all." Malik said
"It sounds silly, but l've been saying.
‘Wliy mc'." l guess cvci'y’hody gels hisi
one shot of glory

"This." liccot‘ilinucd. "is swcct

Malik‘s win was cycn better than that
becausc. .‘lt cording to ['K coach Dennis
Emery the (K player did what it took

"He played really well all week real
aggi‘esive and lie was really going for
his shots. Emery said

"He's a very good indoor player,"
l)i;i,’. added "He‘s a very good player.
. ,' l '

If its pci'f'oritiancc as a team was any
indication. thcn l'li‘s .\'o it national
ranking is no fluke tin the contrary

Resides Malik. tw'o l'K players
reached the quarterfinals as well l'K
senior Rich Benson could‘ye made the
semifinals had he not lost ‘o ii-aniiiiate
.\lalik ii i. t; -l

Mario Rllit'tili, the ,\'o i; \t‘t‘ti ill the
tourney for l'K. \\.is beaten by Parker
i; 1’ i‘. 1

All Iii all. it was a pretty good way to
begin the new year for ['K after losing
tothcl'nitci‘s‘ityof' Minnesota

\t't‘ “\l IK. l’acc‘

UK itinior Adam Malik defeated Georgia’s Al Parker tester
tav to capture the Southeastern Conference indoor Tenors



hearings dot
Bush agenda

Ry l).\\'|l) ESP“
Associated Press

WASHINGTON The Senate bores
ahead with confirmation proceedings on
President Bush's (‘abinet this week. while
the political imperative for most House
members seems to be to stay out of sight
and pocket a $45.01!) pay raise without a

Little or no major action is expected on
the key issue facing (‘ongress . reducing
the federal deficit until after President
Rush presents his own proposals at a joint
session of (‘ongress Feb. 9.

[n the meantime. Democratic officials
say at least three and perhaps more (an
inet appointees will come up for a vote in
the Senate this week. and all are expected
to win easy confirmation The list includes
Robert Mosbacher as (‘ommerce Secre-
tary. (‘arla Hills as trade representative
and Samuel Skinner to run the Transporta-
tioii Department.

Votes also are possible this week on the
appointments of Manuel Lujan as lnterior
Secretary and Michael Boskin to head the
preSident's Council of Economic Advisers,

The timing is less certain for Defense
Secretarydesignate John Tower, whose
hearing will continue before the Senate
Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.
Ed Derwinski, Bush‘s choice to lead the
Department of Veterans Affairs, has his

Elizabeth Dole, labor secretary.

Holdover Cabinet Members:

Cabinet Members Confirmed:
James A. Baker Ill, secretary of state.

R\| \l'ltlr~ I)“ k
Staff \lritcr

UK player scores upset, wins indoor tennis championship

‘f‘ii1"\lrv‘.‘lfl? y

”in "it “,4 r: ._

2nd in national contest

Nicholas Brady, treasury secretary.
Dick Thornburgh, attorney general.
Lauro Cavazos, education secretary.

Other Cabinet Members:

giearing scheduled)

(hearin%under way)
James .

(hearing begins today)


John Tower, defense secretary. (hearing under way)
Robert Mosbacher. commerce secretary. (hearing this week)
Jack Kemp, housing and urban development secretary.

Iayton Yeutter, agricultural secretary. (hearing scheduled)
Samuel Skinner. transportation secretary. (hearing this week)
Louis Sullivan, health and human services secretary.

Watkins. energy secretary. (hearing scheduled)
Manuel Lujan. interior secrtary. (hearing this week)
Edward J. Denivinski, veterans affairs secretary.


Source: Associated Press


confirmation hearing beginning on Mon-

Dr. Louis Sullivan, who has emerged as
the most controversial (‘abinet appointee
because of uncertainty over his Views on
abortion, faces the Senate Finance Com
mittee at a hearing Wednesday on his ap-
pointment as Secretary of Health and
Human Resources.

Sullivan sought to reassure conservative
Republicans that he shares their opposition
to abortion last week after he was quoted
as having told one lawmaker that he does

DANIELLE TURPEN/Kmrai (your ts,

not favor overturning the Supreme (‘ourt
decision that legalized the operations.

The Senate confirmed three t'ahinel otfi»
cials last week. approvmg Secretary of
State James A Baker lll; Labor Secretary
Elizabeth Dole and Budget Director Rich~
ard Darman on votes of 99-0. in addition.
Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady. Attor»
ney General Richard Thornburgh and Edu<
cation Secretary Laura Cavazos are hold-
over appointments from the Reagan
administration and do not reqwre confir-

When l l 's \ll
liltit'ul‘nss hii‘ltl t'ti i'ilit.i\
piisseiittci‘s \lllttlli‘. ltit‘ti‘i .
'cam from ‘fic t K t'olleuc
placed --ecoiid 1')
t‘ity last 'l‘litii‘sday

Although .i team
William and ,‘ilar‘.
competition th-
\largarct \Ifri-d and Kerry
teams from \loiitana Home:
l'niversity \‘anderbilt ~i.i5
School at \ttl‘illt'l‘ll Kt'lillit'h\ t Ii‘\t'i"\"".

”it was iitnte t‘\t‘liiliL. 'otiii ‘-l
Rogers. court adviser tilt! at.
“UK moot court teams nan fiaditionalix
done well. especially :n the
but no l‘K team has vycr goiii- s
this team ”

'l‘he tiioot court competition 'n-gaii as:
semester with sonic ioo teams (run it till
terent regions 'hc 'nilHili l‘hi-
teams were narrowed to JR, "xyo li‘tilii l'.ll li
region The two teams that won :irst .llltl
second to represent our icgion wci'c ‘tic
('ollege of William and \lary .llltl l K, i't‘
spectively‘ The 28 remaining ”cams went
to New York to compete tor the national

"The fact that the number one and Hunt



‘i'oiii ‘iit-

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"i t‘t'lt'w‘tt‘
\t'\‘ .‘ iii

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her two teams at nationals were also the

number one and number two teams .it re
gionals shows that quality of regional colii

w.‘ l t"lt ,

tint" "t ’fti {1.4l‘t'

”.9 ‘ ltl illitlltltit "
o l .
. . _;i\'iji~"

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‘Et-i‘v’itri ‘lit . ii‘\

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-':'ci‘.e l ‘rioiight “it‘i't' , .teiif 'v
‘Ill :t‘Hliii' .\t'l(ttll‘.lllt: '

Y'lwi'i c'r

'Hi I »c:‘t.i::il\ '\{t‘t'
tilt Attic-<2 Milt:

:itltlt‘lli\.tllllt‘llt‘t‘: ‘ tit. ,‘a rim»

“xii? "it' lulil: to "ll‘ \ iftii.’ .<
.|\\.l\s s:iitni’t
oiisiimiiie izlltl l i'llt‘li'tt-lvdt.
:gtil .oaif t.iii
H‘l't‘ i:iiies when l
prepared as l i'orinaln t- as

t’\\ unstil

..ist ‘tttwwi


\lfrcd is supportixc oi t ix ~-

its one of the few .i\'.‘lillt\
school for developing skills :i
slwtikltiu. .\lfred said it
think on your feet and to be prepared

iii’ m

’caiiics i-i. '






Today: Cloudy
Tomorrow: Chance of rain








Burt Reynolds' latest movie

nondescript action

UK teams lose to Ole





See Page 3






 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday. Jenuery 30. 1989



Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The
information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.






oExhibIts (through 1/31): Forgotten Pi-
oneers in a Southern Community; Free;
UK Medical Center; 9 a.m.-9 pm; Call 3-


oAcademlcs: Last day to drop a
course without it appearing on the stu-
dent's transcript

oAcademics: Last day to change
grading option in dean's office

oSports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Missis-
sippi State; Away; Call 7-3838

oWorkshops: Essentials of Successful
Fund Raising: $10. $15; 300 W. Vine St.;
10 a.m.-noon; Call 278-6258

- Workshops: Cooperative Action In the
Community; $10, $15; 300 W. Vine St.; 10
a.m.-noon; Call 278-6258

oWorkshops: Building and Understand-
Ing Budgets; $10. $15; 300 w. Vine St.; 1-
3 pm; Call 278-6258

~Workshops: Parliamentary Procedure
Practice; 510, $15; 300 W. Vine St.; 1-3
pm; Call 278-6258





'Concerts: “Der Rosendavalier” UK
Opera Theatre Production; 57 public, 56
students and senior citizens; SCFA Con-
cert Hail; 7:30 pm; Call 7-4929

0 Meetings: Food for Thought; Adult Stu-
dent Support Group — "UK Writing Cen-
ter"; Free; New Student Center Room 231;
Noon; Cali 7-3383

~Movies: The Enforcer; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30, 10 pm; Call 7-8867

'0ther (through 2/19): Thomas Hart
Benton: The Origins of Country Music;
Free; UK Art Museum; Noon-5 pm; Call 7-

~Seminars: The NSF Program for Sci-
ence and Technology Centers; Free; CP
137; 4 pm; Call 7-8737

-Seminars: Stress Management: pre-
sented by Dr. Mike Nichols. psychologist;
Free: Student Center Room 230; 6-8 pm.

- Seminars: Beyond the Dream: A Cele-
bration of Black History; Free; Old Student
Center Theatre; 1-3 pm: Call 7-4130

oSports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Missis-
sippi State: Free with UKID; Rupp Arena;
Call 7-3838



oAcademics: Last day for reinstate-
ment of students canceled for nonpay-
ment of registration fees

0Movies (through 2/4): The French
Connection; $1.95; Worsham Theatre;
7:30 pm: Call 7-8867

oMovles (through 2/4): The Big Chill;
$1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-

oSeminars: Acquaintance/Date Rape
Prevention Teleconference; Free (call to
attend); Old Student Center Theatre; 1-5
pm; Call 7-3151

oWorkshops (Thursdays through 3/9):
Single Parents Resource Group; Free.
(registration required); 412 Rose St.;
Noon-1 pm; Call 7-3383

special events


weekly events






oAcademics - 1/31; Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student's transcript '

OAcadernics — ”31: Last day to change grading
option In dean's office

cAcademics - 2/2: Last day for reinstatement of
students canceled for nonpayment of registration

~0ther - 2/1-2/19: Thomas Hart Benton: The Ori-
gins of Country Music; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon-5
pm; Call 75716

OOther - 2/5: Poetry and Short Fiction Readings:
Joanne E. Rea and Dorothy Moseley Sutton; Free;
ArtsPiace; 7:30 pm; Call 255-2951







0Concerts: Benefit — “Der Rosendava-
iier" UK Opera Theatre Production; Spe-
ciai prices: SCFA Concert Hall; 8 pm;

~Concerts: Fanny Mae Huggins Plays
Piano; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call 7-

-Concerts: The Second City Touring
Company (Comedy Tour): $7 public. 55
students; Student Center Ballroom; 8 pm;
Call 7-1378

0Sports (Through 2.4): UK indoor Track
Mason Dixon Games; Call 7-3838

OSports: UK Men‘s and Women's Swim
Teams vs. Kenyon University; Away; Call 7-

oSports; Lady Kat Basketball vs.
Georgia; Free with UKID; Memorial Col-
iseum; Cali 7-3838


oConcerts: Guitar Society: The
Schmidt-Verdery Duo; 87 public, $5.50
students and senior citizens; SCFA Recital
Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4929

OSports: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Georgia; Away; Cali 7-3838

oSports: UK Men‘s and Women's Swim
Teams vs. Bowling Green University: Away;
1 p.m.; Cali 7-3838

oSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Emory; 53; Lexington ice Center; Mid-
night; Call 269-4873



oConcerts: "Der Rosendavalier" UK

Opera Theatre Production (with iecture);_

special prices; SCFA Concert Hall; 2 pm;
Call 7-4929

-Movies: The Big Chill; $1.95 Worsham
Theatre; 7 p.m.;Cai| 7-8867

-Other: Poetry and Short Fiction Read-
ings: Joanne E. Rea and Dorothy Moseley
Sutton; Free; ArtsPlace; 7:30 pm; Call

oSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Emory; S3; Lexington ice Center; 10 am;
Call 269-4873




0Concerts: Britny Fox; 510; Student
Center Ballroom; 8 pm; Call 7-1378


oConcerts — 2/1: "Der Rosendavalier" UK Opera
Theatre Production; 57 public. 56 students and se-
nior citizens; SCFA Concert Hall; 7:30 pm; Call 7-

- Concerts - 2/3: Benefit - "Der Rosendavalier" UK
Opera Theatre Production; Special prices; SCFA
Concert Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4929

- Concerts - 2/3; Fanny Mae Huggins Plays Plano;
Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Cali 7-8811

oConcerts - 2/3: The Second City Touring Com-
pany (Comedy Tour); 57 public, 55 students; Stu-
dent Center Baliroom; 8 pm; Call 7-1378

oConcerts - 2/4: Guitar Society: The Schmidt-
Verdery Duo; 57 public. 5550 students and senior
citizens; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4929

oConcerts — 2/5: "Der Rosendavalier" UK Opera
Theatre Production (with lecture); special prices;
SCFA Concert Hall; 2 pm; Call 7-4929

oConcerts - 2/6: Britny Fox; S10; Student Center
Ballroom; 8 pm; Call 7-1378

oExhlblts - 1/30-1/31; Forgotten Pioneers In a
Southern Community; Free; UK Medical Center: 9
a.m.-9 pm; Call 3-6363

0Movles — 2/1: The Enforcer; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30. 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovles - 2/2-2/4: The French Connection; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovles — 2/2—2/4: The Big Chill; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovies - 2/5: The Big Chill: $1.95 Worsham
Theatre; 7 pm.- Call 7-8867



. sass. ,








OMeetlngs - 2/1: Food for Thought: Adult Student
Support Group - “UK Writing Center"; Free; New Stu-
dent Center Room 231; Noon; Call 7-3383

~5eminars — 2/1: The NSF Program for Science
and Technology Centers; Free; CP 137; 4 pm; Call

-Seminars — 2/1: Stress Management: presented
by Dr. Mike Nichols. psychologist; Free; Student
Center Room 230; 6-8 pm.

OSemlnars — 2/1: Beyond the Dream: A Cele-
bration of Black History; Free; Old Student Center
Theatre; 1-3 pm; Call 7-4130

oSemlnars - 2/2: Acquaintance/Date Rape Pre-
vention Teleconference; Free (call to attend); Old
Student Center Theatre; 1-5 pm; Call 7-3151

oWorkshops — 1/31: Essentials of Successful Fund
Raising: $10. $15; 300 w. Vine St.; 10 a.m.-noon;

'WOTkShOpS — 1/31: Cooperative Action in the
Community: $10. $15; 300 W. Vine St.; 10 a.m.-
noon; Call 278-6258

'WOTKBhOpB - 1/31: Building and Understanding
Budgets; $10, $15; 300 w. Vine St.; 1-3 pm; Call

°Workshops - 1/31: Parliamentary Procedure Prac-
tice; $10. $15; 300 w. Vine St.; 1-3 pm; Call 278-

-WOrlrshops - 2/2 (Thursdays through 3/9): Single
Parents Resource Group; Free. (WW '9-
qulred); 412 Rose St.; Noon-l pm; Call 7-3383


«Other: Warhammer 40,000 Role-playing. Free. Student Center
Room 205. 7 p.m.; Cal 7-6636

- Other: AldoClub Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym; 5-6:30 pm.

' OthOr: [K Parents Nelworlilno (bobyslttlno coop): Call 271-5191

00ther: Ailddo - Japanese Martial Art; Free; Alumni Gym Loft. 8 30
am: Call 272-3369

~RellGOus: Cornerstone Music Practice — no talent required - lust
“0V: Ff”: 508 COIWDCO AVOHUO: 7:30 9.111.: CO" 2“3714

- Religious: Worship Service - a casual time of singing and worship.
Free; 508 Columbia Avenue; 9 pm: Call 254-3714

OReilglous: Penance Service. Free. Newman Center: 7 30 pm, Call


'Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 8i 2. 550-? p m
Call 266-6920

oOther: Game Night. Free. Student Center Game Room. 7 30 p m.
Cali 7-6636

~0fher. UK Fencing Club — beginners welcome, equipment pro-
vided; Ff”; Alunnl Gym; 7:30 pm: CO" 3—5564

~0ther: Vlllalns and Vlgllontes Role-playing; Free; Student Center
Room 205; 7:30 pm; Call 2524204

0Other: Chess Club; Free; Student Center Game Room: 7 30 pm
Call 7-6636

'Other: Table Tennis Meeting, Seaton Squash Room. 7-10 pm.
Call 7-6636

OMeetings. SAB indoor Recreation Committee Meeting; Free: Stu-
dent Center Game Rcom; 7 pm; Call 76636

-Reiiglous: Tuesday Night Together - informal worship Free- 429
Columbia Avenue; 7:30 pm; Call 7-3989

oReligious: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCiAi Free New
man Center Rooms 3 and 4. 7 30 p m . Call 2558566


~Other: Aerobics. Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2 550-7
pm; Call 2666920

0 Other mo Club Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym. 5-630 pm

Other: ADQD Variant Role-playing Free Student Center Roar.“
205; 7 pm; Call 76636

~0ther: Alkldo - Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym Loft 8 30

~Rellglous: Student Faith Sharing Free Newman Center Room 8 9
pm, Call 255-8566

~Religlous: l-loty Eucharist. Free St Augustine‘s Chapel 5 30 p m


-Other UK Fencing Club - beginners welcome eaulpmer‘ pro-
vided; Free. Alumni Gym. 7 140-930 D m.. Call 8-5564

-ther. Aerobics; Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2 5507
pm, Call 266-6920

-Other. ADSD Variant Role-playing Free Student Center Game
Room. 7 pm, Call 7-6636

sOther Bridge Club Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 ‘0
pm. Call 7-6636

OReilgious Decision Point - Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
me: 8 pm Call 2543714

tRellglous. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Chapter Meeting Free
Student Center Room 115. 7 30 p m.Cai1278-8644

~Rellglous DOLL Grill - Devotion and Lunch 51 429 Columbia Ave

tReiiglous Cornerstone Drama Practice - no talent required - ius‘
energy: Free 508 Columbia Avenue. 6 30 p m . Cali 2543714

-Religlous Decision Point - Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
nue: 8 pm Call 254-3714

No listings


OOther Star Trek Role-playing Free Student Center Room 205 7
pm; Call 76636

-Other ADtD 211 Role-playing Free Student Center Room 205

-Rellgiousv Sunday Obligation Mass, Free Newman Center 6 p m


-0ther warnammer 40.000 Roieplavlno Free student Center
Game Room. 3pm Cali 7-6636

~Other> Aikldo — Japanese Martial Art Free Alumni Gym Loft 8 30
pm. Call 272-3369

'Religlous- Sunday Obligation Masses. Free Newman Center 8
10, 11:30. 5 and 930. Call 255-8566

- Religious: Hoty Eucharist Free St Augustine's Chapel 10 30 am
5:30 p.m.;C011254—3726


~0ther~ Warhamrner 40.000 Role-playing. Free Student Center
Room 205, 7 pm. Call 7-6636

0 Other: mo Club Meeting. Free: ALumni Gym. 5-6 30 p m

- Other: UK Parents Networking (babysitting co—op) Call 271-5191

~0ther: Aikldo - Japanese Martial Art. Free. Alumni Gym Loft 8 30
pm: Call 272-3369

0 Religious: Cornerstone Music Practice — no talent required — lust
energy: Free; 508 Columbia Avenue; 7.30 pm; Call 254-3714

- Religious: Worship Service - a casual time of singing and worship
Free; 508 Columbia Avenue. 9 pm, Call 2543714









OSports — 1/31: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Mississippi
State; Away; Call 7-3838

OSports - 2/1: Wildcat Basketball vs. Mississippi
State; Free with UKID; Rupp Arena; Call 7-3838

OSports — 2/3-2/4: UK Indoor Track Mason Dixon
Games; Call 7-3838

OSports - 2/3: UK Men's and Women's Swim
Teams vs. Kenyon University; Away; Call 7-3838

OSports — 2/3: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Georgia:
Free with UKID. Memorial Coliseum; Call 7-3838

OSports — 2/4: Wildcat Basketball vs. Georgia;
Away; Call 7-3838

OSports - 2/4: UK Men's and Women's Swim
Teams vs. Bowling Green University; Away; 1 pm;

- Sports — 2/4: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. Emory;
53; Lexington ice Center; Mdnight; Call 269-4873

- Sports — 2/5: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. Emory;
53; Lexington ice Center; 10 am; Call 269-4873










Kentucky Kernel. Monday, January 30, 1989 -- 3

Tom Speldlng
Sports Editor
Brlan Jent
Assistant Sports Editor


A Mississippi burning

Cats, Lady Kats get stung twice by Johnny Rebs for losses in SEC play







UK’s Malik triumphs
in SEC championships






By BARRY REEVES “He puts a lot of pressure on on open the contest. The 3-0 lead soon
3 - . . man ~ -
Staff Writer opposing defenses,” but he also my. mini. - 11 m m . Mtn vanished as Glass hit a pair of field (ominucd “U,“ “W, mun” I didn‘t want mm m
OXFORD M' F mTfkebS 330d d‘edfen5W9 plays him. 9‘“ 3910 13 4 e a 3 22‘ $03155: HlVe the Rebels the lead "I think this Is one of the best “all illt‘ that I
_ , ISS. - or many se u onsai. Paul 301 5 2 5 a o 2 4 orgo . I) rn'm’nt . h'd .\ 2 ,.. ,, E 3 . 3. . l
years, Wildcat fans from western Glass hit the Cats for 24 points Wt 35 3 9 I 3“ I 3 7 “We got behind early and that's ,2.” ‘i. l: x I“. P; «£1.31 .3; _}.dl.liu.”liol)p(»d Mr." j‘.“‘.' W.
Kentucky would make the trip to and six rebounds, both under his W“ 2: 3 1: g g g i g 3 not a good thing to do on the road “ r135“.\.‘t(l‘lnur\:fi\il:d”uxl Ftp dIHHI {“1th ““3”” 1‘.” 31"“ "“"ml (“*2 l
. . , i. . I . . cw: It» (“tn-t t_ F ‘1
lleOFfl and fl“ almost half 0t C.M. season averages of 25.9 pomts and W 14 . , 4 . 1 1 1 7 Sutton said. “We played much matches 1 : 2,231.? 3’] .‘§,.i.‘;f\.‘1’l’f,“ri3 .HN 1 l
Tad‘SmithColiseum. ~. 7,3rebound5. . Am 7 1 l o o 1 1 1 3 harder and better in the second "We (3‘, haw a M 1,3 WW; arm. W“ W, l'arker mill 1
Thlb season, however, Ole MISS While Glass sparkled, his coun- WW 6 ° ° ° ° 1 0 2 0 half but every time that we made a . . - t - l
officials decided that a home court t r ~‘ ‘d . Sytvo 4 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 n7 . . players. but “(I N ”m “WWI ”2 ”‘m‘ m”! 'l”. ”W” ““d ht‘l’ I
erpart on the LK side di every run Ole Miss was able to hold us It . t -- .I l- l . .V . - ... h .
advantage was more important thingbut Team 20026 56 15 2240 131570 off ,, ia . paint .iII ii. lllt his \I r ah
than a full arena and denied outof- UKVS 11930“ Elll5~ who entered KENTUCKY“ I «31:11:: \iiidlrrlldtllklhk Alpine-”3,133 FIN,I iMUHk ”W“
state ticket requests. the game averaging 17 4 points per Plover mln 1. m n n. we a pup I . . . - . i ' ' ~ ‘ “ " " ““3" -
. .. . . 3 . iadeatslosetome Miss ,. e I zI -_ , I I , I i MI ,. ...,....,., .
This decrston proved Vital With contest, hit only 2 of 10 shots for m 32 as 6 15 4 4 4 2 510 . hi'lflii‘lh‘tvflllt lll \lll lit k 3- 3k . .52 {micron i.i' to.
. _ ‘ ~ _ m 3 5 2 2 5 o 3 a ._ . t‘ i.’ 'I-r min ’iimi .
almost 2'090 empty seats, bl“ an only four pomts m 30 minutes or Elia so 2 to o 010 4 2 4 The Lady Kats. 109 and 1'2 1“ Both shots \IhII-h rxanii- Anti. willfwi ,' fiiil 'iih'l In,- .
°V9mhelmmg “We “0“”. ”0w" Play- W" 39 7 ‘9 5 5 7 t ‘2‘ the SEC. plated the eighth‘rankvd Parker ahead 3:3 \t't‘liit-tl llr
helped the Rebels in defeating UK However, Ellis grabbed a season- Sutton 34 3 9 o o 3 2 a 7 Universitv (,3 Mississippi Lady w J, both >111 (LN “WW,” 3 . _, -. ‘ ,., , . , k . . ..
7065 for only the seventh time in highlorebounds. 3;?“ 1; I f f, 2 I f 3; Rebels «is—I 'md 'l-‘i tn the si‘c min i’rtli KI \I'iltk' VIII- ‘ H II t d h
.. .. “ ‘. ' ’ t we I“ .1 .I t.\ II
the80—gameseries. . . I wasnt hittingmy turnaround Fame, 4 , 2 0 o 0 0 or- tough before bowmg late in the \‘t'Ilit'h “on. bar-km! I”, .m, 3,, .,_.. . ,,I 1,, ..
UK‘ ”(HO and 5'3 ll‘ the South- jumper and I 19‘ ll really bother 9- game by a score of 70732. t'f‘ earrieoiil’nrki-r‘r-rxes ill At. ' - .
eastern Conference) With a chance mexj Ellis said “I got flusteretlof- 2 "m The Kills. behind a game-high 24 oh the tit-”mi ’ I'ail .IIII l. . . I ’
to “We into'a hrSt‘ place “I: “ugh fenswely because Of that. b“! I “St 00 2‘ 62 ‘3 13 3215 1985 points and nine rebounds from Lisa tame utter l’arker’ had 'l'llllrlr- .“.l.Ii:L: t’iirirwrl Ararat! I I- ‘i 'm I
liouisiana State Universfly m t e triedtohelp-myteam. Halftime ux 22,019 Miss 32. Shooting per» Ellis, played Ole Miss tough de faulted to end lilt' gami- iurkw‘ 'rrr l .4 .41"? awn-arm! {not i
§E(« came 0UP flat m the f'rSt half, Coming ”"0 ”‘0 game, who comma UK 38.7. Ole MM 46‘ I‘M-Wow spite shooting 407 percent from the looked at Muirk rl.’ i \il'l i'w' . I 3 w'liiii'n-t ‘ r-I Io -. in r‘ 5
tell behind and was never able to would have thought that Ellis WOW percentage UK 100: Ola Miss 882 field wit-,1 . » I. -. l‘ I V d '3‘ H 3 , l
v i _ _ ' , _ x 1 , L Th - it ~ ‘ 0.2, - .. -. . . . .- . iv , irtn- ’Irvii’ ~_ tit-r".
mentakt the Rebels (US and 5 3 in would ix out-performed by the Re 80on :ghferuxzj,d;($: 3.53m (2): "I “.01 like mp game could have When II”, 33 i I31” Ti, ,1 3.3 ,, ”3,13. .114
the-Slush . ‘ bels center, Sean Murphy. Mur- Jumper 12. watch 1»1.Atkins Hi Turnovers been much closer It" \\(‘ had just AIIIII-hr-ri evil”. Imp, ,.,I-,;-,I .- v, 'wrlr‘v My, 1113...”.
. This league Is so balanced that Phy pumped in only seven pomts UK 14. Ole Miss 13 ortrceais JohnClouoherty. (mm, the 113”“ things like hitting iiill‘t'llll‘. “prvrvywmqi 3”,” Hm
If any team does not play well that but grabbed a game-high ll re~ Frank Ourso. Preston Cathay Technicals None , , . -- v . . , , - . . ~, , ‘ ,, ,. 3 - I
da\ it will get beat " UK coach b d Attendance 23506 layups l l‘ “'d‘h ”hill”? PM llI' evil ,:..III II.II..~. . .. .I . A live .-
‘ e V . ‘ , mm s ningsaid lliit ill \llt‘k ‘I- {I}! giir‘.» it: 9.1;; y‘- :v "ij'l' - ggglrw~ -
Eddie Sutton Sa‘l‘d. “And we dld “OI "We're. Playing pretty good has The Lady Kats trailed tlti~3l at In not L’oiriu ‘II t-e Eli’liii‘F’lJ’I'If ‘ I H I
plaiwelltodaij- _ ketball right “OW because we are UK took the lead when UK guard termission don" (’iii't‘ it .Ioltv \lr‘l'irtr‘w- E . .
llfi‘so'l‘ Its first‘ look _al finally healthiz‘and our center IS Derrick Miller. who scored 21 When sue;- McIntyre hit a layup HI I: I’tii‘kvr‘ has my -~ .~ : -. heir? pm-
MbSISMPPlS (.erald (11335 (”'5‘ playing better. ”19 MlS-“(fiaCh Ed points and grabbed seven with 14-17 remaining. I'K trailed mill rpm iIII II - t l;
hand. Murphy said. rebounds. hit a threepointer to byonlythreepoints ~ e -
I I . Dr. Mike Nichols 'JU'I IE BROCK Evenings 8:00 pm
W a p b 3 *-8 m 4 Matrnees 2:00 pm
9'9““) HRserriLRs
The presentation will iOCILS on and A RI‘ ’ ‘ 1: ”12.39 F M“!
u . college stress, stress and L E I . if" A ‘ "3 E 3' ” F '
IS now accepting members who V 2.7;:
relaxation techniques and the . '

for the following committees:

Public Relations
Parents Weekend


Contemporary Affairs
Little Kentucky Derby
Performing Arts
Special Activities
Visual Arts

Apply in Room 203, Old Student Center
SAB .. where the fun begins!







The College of Dentistry
cordially invites you to an
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to meet with
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the College Council
and members of the Admissions Committee
Tuesday, January 31, 1989
2:00 pm . 4:00 pm.
18th floor lobby

Patterson Office Tower

Information about the dental school
and opportunities in Dentistry will be provided.


importance of humor
Free and open to the campus

Health Education








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4 —- Kentucky Kernel. Monday. January 30.1989



reflected change

To hear tlov Wallace Wilkinson‘s state of the common-
wealth address Tuesday night. one would think all is well
in Kentucky

Most oi Wilkitisons speech dealt with his plan to re
structure the state's educational system. or "perestroika."
as he referred to it .

it was encouraging to see that Wilkinson recognizes the
embarrassing shape Kentucky's schools are in. Wilkinson
said that “never again should a Kentucky high school (li-
ploma be looked on as a disadvantag