xt7h18344m17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h18344m17/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1938 Vol.9 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, May 1938 Vol.9 No.10 1938 1938 2019 true xt7h18344m17 section xt7h18344m17 1 1'11
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, g l Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1938 I N
1 I i ; , P 6 h A I M . SURVEY BRINGS l .l: t. E 1: Cl Cl E
; i rogram 9t nnua eetlng FACTS 0N RESULTS “W a Ion X en e i
; . i ., . —— To Every Editor
I. , , 3 By WRAY E. FLEMING I t i
, I ' . . ‘4
. I; i .; KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION — MAMMOTH CAVE One of the chief functions 9f the} The 69th annual mid-summer l _
,. , 1 JUNE 9, 10, AND 11, 1938 H00?” Stete Hess ASSQClatlon 15 i meeting of the Kentucky Press As. ' T;
f. ‘, ‘ i t t? SW6 unbiased information on ac— ] socaition will be held at Mammoth l L‘
,I » , tiVities affecting the business in- , Cave on June 9 10 and 11 and _ M21n
j; I 1 .l terests of the member newspapers, l are not only invited but also 111:3 ? 1y:
: l l ‘ Thursday, June 9 which intormation‘ either is not i to attend this meeting Whether you i, M:
g E; _ eaSily available or is in such form l are a member of the K P A . mol‘f
. ,1 5' 6:30 pm. Registration and Buffet Supper at Mammoth Cave Hotel, th t it sca s th tt nt' 1 f t1 ‘ . ‘ ' .or not. f0(
I com liments Jo Richcrds n b a B De ‘ e a t" 101 0 18 I am very anXious for a splendid . oAr
' i g ,1 p e a O ‘ falcsty-fififi‘ivrfpapél . execu ive. Such a attendance as this meeting promisas , ,
_,’ _ . g seiVice should prove in— to be one of the mo t D b . ; 1118
‘5 Entertainment in charge of Mrs. Tom Underwood, Mrs. J. L. . _ S on} ya le 1“ ’
A valuable to those busmess manag ‘the histor of the Associ t' r subs
. . iv‘ Crawford, Mrs. J. P. Godzer, Mrs. G. M. Pedley, and Mrs. er wh find it diffi 1t t l y . a 10n' The W:
, 1 ,S 0 cu 0 keep up 1 program committee has arranged an ' .
- ’l J. L. Bradley. With the new suggestions and ideas, interestin . 1. .1. t f 11 f . port]
- , seine that are good and others with g p og am, no u O the latiO
j ; Friday, June 10 . _ _ some and long addresses but flex~
,l no merit, according to a lead ar [ible enough to interest all comi
j , ,‘ 1 8:30 a.m. Breakfast, courtesy Ed Weeks, Howard Felix and Chas. A. J “6531:Eirfhfiqgngfiigpggg-Shiie at—' With this assurance, as President ' :53;
3 l i ,l Blanchard. itention of the national Congress ‘ gf :26 geitiécky dPi'esstlAfssociatio: / net
v ,! . . u‘e a ouono a1 oa ..
E 3 9:30 a. m. Call to order b Pre ‘d . . ‘ p ._ Will be directed to H. R. 9464, known , _ _ _ giea
‘ l if dence y 51 ent J L Bradley, Enterpiise, Prov1 as the Patman bill and now pending , tend this meeting, because I, know . Even
l i ll ; ' Congress. Because of the nature of i you and your family W111 enJoy the Y‘ circu
I! Invocation. the proposal, affecting as it doesimftl?g andt 3:9 entertainment. ‘4 mucl
{ ; , i only one group of business interests, [ d' tg allies a te program W111 m” It
' <1 .; Address of welcome, W. W. Thompson, general manager l and that the little understood and 10163:; £1:35;Drainitfiméfijlgniem l pape
i ,g Mammoth Cave Properties. much criticised “chain store” sys—i . . . ' ner- l circu
j, { ltem, it is quite probable that fewitamment ls being stressed at thls " ai‘ti
-- .. l ‘meetin' so that th e t f 'l p
, i" Ll Response by Thos. R. Underwood, Vice-President KPA, Her~ : people, even newspaper men, Will ‘ g e n lte an?” t did V
.' ' I ald, Lexington. l have all the facts they should about l can enjoy a few days Of ielaxation - adve
. l 3 I this suggested law. ’amidst Kentuckys most famous ‘l C
i 1 Appointment of committees. l The Patman Bill is, in short, a ‘ surroundings. However, the ad- ! c"eaa<
w? l", i :move to destroy the chain store ‘ dresses that have been arranged l A. ‘
ll ,3 i; l 10:15 a.m. Round table discussion on such subjects as Streamlining; cir— systems in the United States by and the TOUHd table diSCUSSiODS 5 eiea‘s
> l. ‘ ,3 i culation; advertising; 50-50 deals; use of features; use of taxing them out of business. Rep- should be 0f much benefit t9 the ' WI?
. l . 1; local pictures, how to make them, develop them and make l resentative Patman. the author, is Edlti’rs- Am? a great deal 0f inter» incre
‘ ,; ti 5; them into cuts. iperfectly frank in admitting this is e“, ‘5 bemg Show“ 1“ the newspa" the”
-, l; .‘ ll . . 'the purpose of the measure. He pei contests . . tio
l if E}; 11:00 a. m. Discussmn of Anti—Steel Trap Bill by Miss Lucy Furman, l offers as argument for his law that‘ An outstanding speaker W111. be h n
l 1 ti author of “Quare Women,” Lexington, Ky. 'the independent merchant is being secured for the banquet on Friday l: 211::
l‘ ‘ ii l‘driven out of business by chain night and a top—notch orchestra .
, l , E}: 11:10 a. m. Awarding of Newspaper Prizes, Prof. Victor R. Portmann, store operatives. W111 hOId forth until the “wee small t iate—
‘ t! . Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky. Papersl This bill proposes that the Fed- ‘ hours.” 5 mm
. fl . l will be left on display until Saturday morning. l eral government levy a maximum‘ If you are among those who at— 1 ‘er;
in, ' E itax of $1,000 per store, multiplied tended the meeting at Mammoth ‘r 615
3, ‘ . ‘ 1:00 p. m. Luncheon in Snowball Dining Room, 267 feet underground. 1 by the number of states in which Cave a few years ago, please d911,,” “ adde:
y An event you can’t afford to miss. 750 per person. lthe chain operates, to get the to— let _thls_ deter you from 001111113 l come
. 3 a l tal tax against the entire system again this year. Many changes have l‘ mone
' ,: l 9 3:00 p. m. Special cave trip to Echo River, time two and one—half hours; ‘ Constitutionality of such a law jg been made and it is your duty as a Expe
, i s E, also nature hike, automobile trip in park area, shuffle i believed to be unquestionable. Ap— Kentucky citizen to know just what , ‘ p :.‘ow
‘ ‘ it board, bridge, swimming, and other games and contests.,plied to current operations of one Is taking place. Conventions at visab
_ i i . . - . . . Mammoth Cave are breaking all tioni
= l Guests of Mammoth Cave Operating Committee. 0f the nations leading f00d chains " - .
. ( g .the tax would require payment of records and we do not want to fall ‘ indiv
i ,1 - 7:30 p. m. Banquet Dinner and Dance, given by the’ Mammoth Cave - 62 per cent of the annual gross in— down on the lOb. ,2 Bu
~ I I Operating Committee. An outstanding speaker will be securedl come. Obviously, the chain store Whether you are a member Of th: more
1 l and a top notch orchestra will be procured for the dance. lsystem “7011101 be abandoned. Kentucky Press Assoc1ation or not, l is a.
c I l The major reasons for criticism want you-and. your entlre Milly to g0 11]
I [2; Saturday, June 11 l of the chain store system show up attend “11.8 mid—summer meeting or '1
t H . 'in the Hoosier Press survey. One th? assoCiation. I kn”? you need from
H 9:30 a. m. Call to order by President Bradley. lis advanced by the public even thls Outing and recreation, I know 7 if m
i E !‘ “How Will Retail Taxes Afiect the Newspapers?" Discussionl though it patronizes the chains the program Wil1 be interesting and _. Dofsil
‘ 5 ,l by Joe T. Lovett, Murray, former president of the KPA and l and involves the feeling that the I am certain you W111 enjoy the fel< I rates
ll now with the Kroger Grocery and Baking Co. : chain store is foreign to the inter- IOWShlp afforded by thls meeting. So , you 2
t tests of the community in which it plan on attending—everything has ’ 3 Sir
‘ I f 10:00 a. in. Address, “Selling Kentucky,” G. M. Pedley, Director of the ' operates. The other is that given been arranged for your benefit. Culat
> 12 , Division of Publicity, Commonwealth of Kentucky and chair— ' by Representative Patman and is J‘ 1" BRADLEY, PreSident ,: ‘ And
’ 2 1, man of the executive committee of the KPA. t engendered by the independent mer— ‘ M— ' cds t
i, chants, who have contended that . . w - l '
,, i l: 10:15 a. in. Address, Development of Reader Good Will,” Donald Mc— ‘ chain stores are destroying individ— R9g~e1 Babson erte recently}; tildn i gl'osl:
‘ :1 Wain, Courier—Journal, Louisville, Ky. lual initiative and ruining the inde— vertismg Is to. mass amt“ u 1‘0- l b k
v . , . :pen dent merchant ‘what the machine is to mass 1310 . ‘~ an
‘ a It , 10:45 p. m. Report of Kentucky Press Association Advertising Bureau. ' h ~ _ (1110151011. nght now it deserves a ‘9‘ Th;
a ‘ l T e first reason is open to argu— - - '
i ment the second is. not since the good share Of credit for the com SCl'ipi
g ‘, 11:15 a. in. Report of Resolution and other committees official record of the United St t paratively excellent volume 0f 1'9‘ Cl‘eas
. . E Unfinished business. Bureau Of Census shows thata f: tail trade. Sales cannot move EOOdS . lowec‘
I ,_ t} ", Adjournment. the seven-year period from 1929 to glmtess ({uStimefg knowhabout “3:211: ' fired
n 1 ‘ . 1936 th . o .ony s ou purc asing p ‘. heir
. f. Trips to Frozen Niagara or any other part of Mammoth Cave will be food stoeresn 11:36:55; ;:€;;en$:£ be inflated, but the W111 to .buy : Wise
" y . arranged on Saturday afternoon for any group expressing their wishes. succumbed to the inroads of the should be encouraged: AdvertISIIIIE Dubii;
, 0 : Golfers are also invited to visit Glasgow and will be given all privileges of chain store systems. There were IS the last item to cut in your sa 9 all th
’ . n the Glasgow Country Club Ibudget unless you want to close up germ“
1 . .‘ ~ (Continued on Page Six) shop.”

 l,,I I- l. III ,_
I I,II .3I.,.
May 1938 May, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ‘l l lll‘
’ , , I ,2
f—“Rfih—_‘————— - I: II ‘ll 2‘ _
——-—-—\ I . I, 1, . -
.. l lthem away and forgets about them. Several newspapers in the United l l I-I .l
l . I I l: .l .
:Xtencled lI Every aper 96 S ”crease Hundreds of newspapers, a survey States got enough Circulation rev— IlII II'IIII .
_ . shows, do not even have a renewal enue to pay all overhead. They IIIlIII l l. ,
'Clltor ‘ ' ' system at all! could print, without a loss, even if III III Ill ;I Q .I
-_ TO GGt VG r'rISI ng OStS Her-e is a practical tip: Experiment they did not carry a line of adver— I, II; llr I33, III , I
, _ l" with color in your renewal letters. tising. I II ,5; I' l~
ial mid-summer , The following article by Floyd they are. : Thousands of circulation experts They prove, beyond shadow of llIIlI .I 2'
otucky Press As I‘ L. Hockenhull of the Circulation Then if the publisher does decide have proved that a goldenrod re— doubt, that profit from subscriptions . , If III II I
old at Mammoth Management Magazine is most time- to put through a subscription—rate turn envelope or a pink one, for ex— can be made either to pay all the l}! M l'l ‘I '
and 11, and you 'r' ly: increase, he will make all the more ample, will bring back a lot more freight, or at least most of it. _,‘: lI. _3,
g qut also urged Many a. newspaper publisher needs money from it. I subscriptions than a plain white or But these cases are rare. The vast If I j l, . 1.
’mg whether you I more revenue tOImeet the rising COStS What are some money—making Cir" I kraft. majority or publications’ expert as I ll" II ill l I I"
e if). P. A. (1)“:IOII of conducting“ his business. culation methods? . Why? Just a quirk of human they are in the editorial and adver- I l'I? ES III 'I I
‘ raspenid‘ . II.» _ ‘ t — ‘ ‘t’ ‘iitisin dat ‘ ~ II'II'II.
neeting prom" And many a publishei is eonsldnh Strangely, they are surprisingly na ure but If; you play to i , it WI 3 th g ep r merits, IeitherI neglect .' 3 33 I , .
t . b “95 ing the matter of increasing his simple so simple in fact that they Increase YOUI “turns and your e profit Sid- of Circulatmn in a II I. l
‘05 enJoya le in “ I. ‘ . ~ . ~ ” ’ ’ I Iofit way that is shockinI o' ' t h lf— III 'I“ l l
. . I subsoiiption late. , _ , _ . 20 p1 . g, i Jus a I, I, ,3» 1
Assomation. The what about it? In a large pro— aim aigenggesllzztjgu1£5t becau“I Make sure each one of your ii:- heartedly develop it. lj,' I'll l-Il
has arranged. an I portion of newspaper plants, circu- T3171“ bi . Numger Ono W; to ak Itices or letters is a good puller. Subscription price increases are .l’ I? -I lzl
’mt fun Of me‘ lation is a pay—streak of added in— morgmoie hm; subgcr, 5,011 n? ,8 IAgainI why? Because you must hold not necessarily the answer to more I ll III II
lresses but flex— come that needs developing. Late give closer lattention to £11 Wslis 0 down the number of your renewal circulation profit, judging from the ,I I ll: ,
est all years have proved this as never be- ° How, First ,0 workn .‘Oeta 5:, f letters to a minimum. It costs money experience of hundreds of newspa— l EH" l; I, l l
ice, as President I fore. Ever since depression began, inite series of lood 1, 1 g 111 at-Iej: to send OUt notices, and the quick— pers. l EU 3 I} ‘
ress Association, , net revenue from circulation in a and letters It’gs saf 226:]: +310 :0”: er you get the renewals, the less The first thing a publisher must l l l l'II'r
not fail to at— I great many plants has increased. least eightIly news 2 ers (Slut if a3 your expense and the greater your do is to check his present circulation '1 ,l II ,I
because I. know , Even in the worst of the depression, humoed do not hgvf them Takfl net profit. system and pregram to see if he is l'Il 5 ll
Y Wlll onloy the I circulation did not fall Ofi nearly as a d; Ioff sometime (or ha ' 0 " Another practical tip: Get some coming even close to making all the 3" gll II III
antertainment. -. much as advertising did. do if) and write a ser‘ 5": £505“ “9‘ bright, ambitious young man to so— net profit possible with subscription ll1I'II;,I‘i'lII
Irograni W111 m It is logical, therefore, that news— lsix letters and notices leo d-ed ve (:1 “Cit subscriptions for you. Its a rates evactly where they are. - Illll l l l
ll entertainment I paper publishers today credit their ty much as if ou were Wrrm“ pie; good job, and in every community Then, with a simple, well—planned l ,I-.‘ l II llll
you. The enter- 1 circulation with being a. revenue de— ter back homeyto 0 r “grail? if]; there are young men looking for subscription—sales program function— . l; I Il l l, l
stressed at this l partment far more than they ever Make the lett-eills :im 10 a it; i . good jobs. They will make you more ing, if he does decide to increase I III :3Il III a
e entire filmy . did when times were prosperous and to understand vW0 dptl: n gas: money from subscriptions and they rates, he will make all the more lI IIIIlI l I IIII I
ys of relaxation , advertising plentiful “ ' r em a on also will report the interesting, money as a result. l, I 3,3,1,
most famous ' the way you would talk to your old . . . I ,I 3 I II,III,
aver the ad. Can circulation income be in— subscribers if you met them face to d0Wn't0‘ealth new; items “1a? m X I II,,., I I l 'lI’i
Vbeeli arranged I' creased—and if so, how? Are in— face. themselves are a Ciiculatlon builder EDITORS ARE CAUTIONED 1 lI.ifII llIIII lilI,
ble discussions I creases in subscription rates the an— Make it easy for the subscribers and-hOIdIll' . T0 GUARD NEWS FREEDOM 1-, I I l Ill llll
' , swer” not onl to renew b t t ,1 IIha Give this young man a title. Don’t .II Ii I‘ltlll‘l“?
benefit [5.0 the ' I~ - .: y , V ’ u 0 mai b V just call him a solicitor, and hurt S eakers at o h , - . ‘I I' Ill'lIZl‘
2 deal of inter- l It 15 easy to .say a publisher can ordeis to you. Many and many a . . . . . I. p . Del “3 585510115 0f . I II, III III
in the newspa~ increase his subscription rate and renewal has been lost, or delayed. hls feelings. Make hm} a Dlsmmt the American Newspaper PubllSh" I . I! . IIIIl ”Il
thereby greatly increase his circula- because the subscriber didn’t take Manager or something llke that. Hr ers Assomation in New York cau- I II I II I lll 1Il
peaker will be tion profit. A good many publishers time to hunt up a return envelope wm respond ln a way that W111 put tioned owners Of smaller newspa- I-l I ‘ llIII Il
- . . , . . ” more money 111 Your bank account. ers to resist assaults on freedom . . I I Slit II '
quet on Friday have don-e 1h 01 postage stamp. Give him an or— . . p I 'l ._ Ill I l
Iotch orchestra l But there is another side to the der blank (one big enough for his Use your good business head m of .the press and to combat. compe- I3”l I l llll I
the “wee small ,1 rate—increase story, too. Iname to be written without squeez— gagiigngubigégtgsn oferzh IItI—Stt: ad gition from other advertism g me- lrff , I'I llllll 1"
When subscri tion rates 0 u ,linI ; be .~ ' . . . n or; rm iums. I gIII'I : I‘Ilg‘l llI
those who at— I, there is a greatptendency forgreadj— l engvlelope-sgiied t; gili‘fgbilllirln :ifitugn subscriptions (which are terrifically Opening the 52nd annual conven- I'Illl'I II ,1 Il, II?
at Mammoth ers to drop Off. Sometimes thal (your records soon will tell ou)pt§ expensive bOIIh to secure and t3 tion, James GI Stahlman Of the lIII III‘II'IlIIIIIIII‘I
,0 please don’t ,I added expense and effort to over:Imak-c it a business—re l :1); 1 lhandle) make your best ofiers on Nashville (Tenn) Banner, associa— l 3 ‘l IlllIIll
’ ’I . . _ ' . ‘ , py e ve ope long-term subscriptions. They mean tion president, reported that “the l I' 2 liIIllIIIlI‘l-
flom coming I come loss-es cost more than the on which he doesnt even need to l I' l llIlIIIIII
. . a . . .. a lot more cash to you, and once encroachments on a free press are l I I‘ I[ Ill, ll:
y changes have _ money gained from the higher _I_ ates. put a stamp. . . . . . I I II :Ill‘. I ,.,l.
Your duty as a I Experience of many publishers Then do this: See that o - they are on your IIStI paid UPI you already coming through restrictions l f l. llIIIIlI‘ll
- .. - I . ‘ ” “ y ur 18' have no worry and spend no money upon smaller newspapers.” 1 i I jIE‘l i‘lIlIII
(now Just what . . p.0ves this, and also moves that ad— newal notices and letters go out on on them for a long time to come Declaring that efi‘Orts are being I-'II~ “I! II‘IIIIlIII
ionventions at Visabilit ‘ . ' I - . - a _ . 'v- . . . I . E ,I ,III IIIIIII ,1
’ breaking all tion rat:I aofftelil1 Zilllili-Inegnfille SUbscrIpl—i :hgeeefirwlee kSChbcluIe piobalily about Other publishers point out these made by IIDOhtICIanS and others m I' ‘ ll lll‘I l llll
It , 11 ‘ . - - - . ”p supon eac | I e S e ore expira Ion and good tips: the lesser governmental units to I f=I Ill i‘Il.IIIIlI,‘IIg
0 want to fa 1nd1v1dual Sltuat10n_ three after. . ,. . I II;IIl l:
2 B . I H . I k . . Work With your country corres— YBStIICt newspapers by various ‘ :,‘I II III,“
member of the I lit there 15 another way to makeI Iave £31 gall“ . eep IECOIClS on each pondents as subscription-getters. A forms of taxation, license or cen- Ilfi‘l ‘I, llllll
Iiation or not I I‘ more money from subscriptionsI It I notice 01 lottei. Put down the cost weekly newspaper in the middlew-sst sorship,” Stahlman told the smaller - ,3 IIIII lII lII'lIlIIlIlIII
ntii‘e family to I IS a way that works whether rates l 9f each one—Ithe cost 0f the print- every year gets nearly‘ a thousand paper publishers: lll ,II IlIIIIIlIlII
her meeting of go up or stay Where they are. l gig or multigraphing, the letter— very profitable subscriptions through “Every effort of this nature should l I“ 4, ll lIIllII:
now you need This way to make more money I 1.1:ads’ envelopes, postage and the an easy, simple plan with its corres— be met at its source and promptly . I Iil Ill lIIIII
cation I know ; from subscriptions is this: First 833' I}: 3 _ pond-ants. checked. Indifference in one locality 1 I I, I lllIIIII
nteresting and 1f you are making all the net profit e-ep a. simple receid of how many In nearly every town, a newspaper Will contribute to a spread of the I .- l III, I lIIII
enjoy the fel< I possible from your circulation with l rene‘f’alsfmfl how much money each can work with organizations such as trouble elsewhere.” IIl l, Ill Illl'II
iis meeting. So rates as they now are. If you see l letter, biings back. ICompare the Legion posts, scout troops and the Frank E. Tripp, general manager I; llIl l IIIIII‘I
everything has I you are not. next sit down and plan pun 0f eaCh F’ne Wlth the ”the”? like in getting circulation that leavcs 9f the Gannelt, newspaperSI “port" i Ill llIl Ill?
Ir benefit. a simple, definite program of cir- If one or two In the series; doesnt a high net profit to the publisher. ing an advertlsmg trend away from ll :lll lI’I‘Il IIl‘I
‘Y P 'd t culation promotion and fOllOW it pull SO well, replace them With oth- . small newspapers, urged the pub— g, ‘IIII I, II III:
. , reSi en . . _ - - To make money from subscrip— - - we {I ‘1;ll! VIII,
.3 And use the Circulation Sales meth— ers. . . h 3 t lishers to defend themselves against lI-i ll“ I ll ,,,.,I
— cds that set the most net rev ue You soon will have a series of tlons’ the pUblls el mus sell them increasing competition from motion lg gillI‘ I, ll II.IlI;‘
. 5 en - .- .. not merely wait for readers to come - i . - - . I, I [.1 Ill IIII
recently' “Ad- lt is net revenue 0 t t tiled—and-pioved profitable renewal . . pICtule adveitismg ieels. l, III, llII'
. .' . I y u wan, no . . ’ . . in and subscribe. But many and - - . - . - llll ‘III;II,III_,I
s distribution I guess revenue that Ioes into 7 r notices that Will quickly bring back . . Publication 0f ladlo programs In I -, lelIl to.
‘ l ’ g 30” .3 . many a publisher who directs the . > :gI I !; lIIflIl l1llll
to mass pro- . _ bank account subsoiiption money that makes the . . newspapeis was assailed by J. M. «.I II II,;I,I ,I,
. , ‘ . .. . sales effort of his advertismg, job . . . I4 :I ‘IIIIII ‘I.*:»:
it deserves a ‘ Th“ - . cash register Jingle Keep right on BuntlngI geneial managei 0f the IL: III: In th,
I 1° IS no contention that sub— 7 ‘ printing and who works energetically - . .. ;‘ . i‘.‘ l-I‘ll II! -‘II
for the com- won t. . usmg them Some of the most suc— Bloomington (111.) Pantagiaph, as : .Il Ill l HIV
. t l3 1011 rates should not be in- I ‘ '. . . . on the editorial side, for some reason .I - n . .- II t t-. :i . ill ‘IIiIll III'}
volume of 16' or cessful publications in the countiy giVing a flee llde 0 a compel e . I~ IIl IIli,
eased. But I have carefully fOl—' ” . ' ‘ seems to let nature take its course . ~ ' . II'I - l“ ‘Ifill gI
ot move goodS lot - use the same series of renewal no- “V9 medium. H15 newspapei, he i : l lII-II II .-
VEd the experience of several hun— .“ V so far as subscriptions are concerned. ~ . . - . E? II . I ll'II ,il a;
v about them- I tired news a bl‘ he fI tlces year after yeah said, discontinued ladio programs 3 ,‘l‘I-Z lII II: ill;
,hasmg power the PIP” pu IIS IJSIaod 10m _ . ‘ Yet, circulation is a little gold in 1932 and gained Circulation, 1n ;. IiliI III; It;
, . I__ 311' experience it is certain that The above is Simple and easy to . ._ . t’ . f, 5 .. -::l‘ l M IIIIII
Wm to buy . W1C, , . . mine one easy to develop, spite of compe ition ioni papers I I. , .II,, IL
d 'tising . S”. thing first of all is for each do. Yet, the average newspaper is 3 carrying them. Q LII-Ill I3 ,I ll ,IIIIII
i A V61 Ies publisher to make sure he is getting appallingly weak in its renewal ef— A few newspapers have set the IIIJI III I III, Iliri:
. 1n yolIr saup all the net profit possible from sub- forts. Some notices and letters are I pace and have proved how much rev— ———_ . . é’ll ? El I III ill}:-
nt to 0058 Scriptions with rates exactly where so perfunctory the subscriber puts enu-e can be had from Circulation. Stop running free publlc1ty. {Ill-:llI , I'IlIll IJ
m’lII ,,, III
I I»..},i . I,,I.:I
Elli li-WI‘
Ill" ill? I»:

 ., I I
,‘ I Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 19325 M:
- : I . w-fi—m——N~3_ /.
; I I , E— own community by mutual acts of If 1,500,000 electric razors Can be Thj,
I , confidence and business reciprocity. sold at $10 to $15 each, Why should I ten b
. I . Egg ,. The speaker is making a tour of a weekly newspaper hesitate to . nortel
, I I , ’ key cities, appearing before busi— charge $2.00 per year? It is more of ' IIhIef
, . g % ness and civic organizations in or— a necessity than an electric razor, ‘ ingtOI
I ' 'II I der to inspire confidence in the I I Marcl
, II 1 I ”American way-maintenance Of a No paid advertising will be used I. huenc
I» I . I I Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association hlgh standard 0f Ilvmg thro‘Igh by the San Francisco or New York I Tht
I. . I “x*% demand for conveniences, _ quality, I Worlds fairs for 1939. However, the girls
2' II II VICTOR R. PORTMANN.................Editor and plenty.”—Indiana Publisher. IDI‘BSS agents are working Overtime “f. Uhive
; I . I; _ , -.~. to furnish pictures and stories free L for a
' I .I Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, PERTINENT WORTHWHIEL?SING 0f charge to newspapers Willing to I GODY
, I I University Of Kentucky, Lexington NOTES ON ADVE T run them. Everybody gets paid but I for tr
. III. Alb t H ME of Cincinnati the newspaper. And some young men ‘ a n8“
.I PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS presideelnt of the Kroger Grocery &’ I 3:311 ying to syndicate the stufi for I oldgf
. ' I “$115323?%fif§§ftoaa"’:::::::::j:“t52:$112153et'I"'::::::::::::::::.ff?f“i§éé2ia,PESXISZI‘SS IBakmg Cow m a recent New” * * * LIKE:
- . I J. Curtis Alcock ._ Secretary-Treasurer Messenger, Danville told hOW newspaper advertising had Food chains increased advertis- I s.
, I I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE built one Kroger Store into 4,043. ing in dollars paid to newspapers . 1:;
: 3i 7% GMHMMH assimilation- Staging 3n $153333 ,Egigg‘eiioi’: 5-8 per cent for gainer 1936- Limit
. I I I _ . . . _ , _ , _ . . . year ag. . _ Newspapers receive per cent
' I. I fii‘iéiifr‘r’é’t’éf‘anod’gifitiIIéIe‘whilefiffi‘aia‘iii’fé’ragéé‘,‘eiafiiiiifmbafv‘iiieh; Sift/:11- house 130 house, carrying 111% StOCk of all advertising placed by these ’ Kern:
. ‘ I R. Poi-tniann, Kentucky Press, Lexington; Joe Costello, Democrat, cyntIllizilig‘; in market baskets. Wlth his first, chains. Cfflco,
, w ‘I Eirs‘sréiAttitif’déefififfifii:5111,“?335211fan‘tiir?LIVEESIIIFE‘ZIII’E‘SIEIIIntitiaryi store he started 115mg newspaper I. ,, ,. ’ “‘0
I LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE advertismg, and theIrest of the 23’s 2
’ I I Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington, Chairman; Cecil Williams, Journal, Story Of the merChandISIDg mthOdS A PLAN OF TEACHING I kept ‘
‘ ' Somerset; Tyler Munioi‘d. Advocate, Morganfield; George A. Joplin Jr., Com— used by hls stores has made hIStOI‘y; FUNDAMENTALS OF I, gave I
I I nionwealth, Somerset; Vance Armentrout, Courier-Journal, Louisville. in newspaper advertising. I ADVERTISING ObSSI‘V
I» I $.11:st, ”4......me we“: Although adverusmg as a wine — I ma
3 I Dawson, Oldham Era, La Grange; A S. Wathen, Kentucky Standard, Bards— has lts vulnerable ISpOtS-I—lts hill-I The American Association of Ad- I. shop:
'5 WW“- atic fringe which discredits honest . . . . t , I died
. I I NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE advertising—it has proved to be the I vertising Agenc1es a ,lts recent I standi
: I I Victor R. Portniann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, Chairman; W. C. Caywood best method the lnanufacturer has I meetlng announced detafls Of a' new I than
I II Jr., Sun, Winchester; Denny B. Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. yet found to present his products I- effort to educate consumers and $50100(
I II to the 130,000,000 citizens of thislbusmess men generally on the .fun' i cut of
I ‘I ——“_——__°—__:-_——— country. If there were a better orI darnental values (If advertising I Re31
I‘ , I; h. Cheaper method, he would find and I through the preparation and dIStm‘ I Kel‘ne
' I I 31': Isupply mass wants, and mass wants use it. It has produced a revolution I 1:13.101] (I; a 561135 (If Iadvirtisdemetiiists Greha
, I I -I MEMBER I {aha can be created by .advertismg,’ in better living such. as has neverii: mild is 3:; 110183; npplea Slider 0f thI
I I, I‘ 1% Thomas H- Beck, Ipresident 0f occurred before, in this or any otherI tg d bl 1t . ’ head
I III ' k tShe' Choi‘geuopltlblldsmndg' Company, country. For example, there was I S E’LIfhea sii'i‘zsmswas developed and sudden
I I . prlng e , -, 0 a inner mee ' no advertisin when the sewingi . , ~
I I . II K ‘ TUCKY PRES ing 0i £100 CIIlldiaktl'apocllisb 13115111955 I machine was ignvented. As a result, I 3:12?EIEbyLSfinLygfihfilg-lmdzinm; I anldmi
.. ;:I men a ‘3 0 uin 1a 11 - a whole generation of women lived, . ‘ , . ’ . town.
- , -: I ASSOCIATION Beck was introduced by Robert'worked and died before this labor- I Who e¥plametd I“ pulp“? 0f III? chasec
J: . .‘I $5” ”“1”" ””9 IM. Bowes, president of the BowesIsaving device became known toI‘ advertiszmen St 0 tthlurtAS 1:11;? L its pre
I, . III ——-——-——- I Seal-Fast Corporation. The meet—IhomemakerS. Advertising has com- 3 has, an gues S a. la orig. i I partm
II ' I , 1ing was sponsored by the Indian- pletely rebuilt American life. It has ‘ tions annual meeting. Advei 15m“ I- -
I' ' I YOU ALE INVITED ‘ ‘ - ~ I t r s resented in rimer form, . linoty]
,_ I apolls Sales Executive Counc11, aid— rescued men and women from drud- S _0 y _1 p . . p . t I financ
" ‘ - II Elsewhere will be found a letter ed by the Chamber of Commerce, gery by telling them of inventionsrwmh interest ievolvmg aiound I]: r Enquii
I I] I I from President Bradley, inviting Better Business Bureau and Ad— which enable them to do their workI characters, Od’ willobendeavorsith‘ ' obtain
.‘ I I I every newspaperman, and his fam— vertising Club of Indianapolis. easier. — “The Old Man at theI deyeltép 1.51.1009” 1; Aélsmfiis ir‘fakes . . year t
j ‘ III fly, to attend the mid—summer meet— The speaker gave “Termites in Desk,” Pulaski County Democrat. I 03f 3;. ver is1ng, farsloun d, :dvertising nel we
i I III ing. This invitation is extended to the American Home" as the title Ie (133:1 1:16 use 0 I a cert
. ( II every editor in the state, whether of his talk because “termites are One way to promote more adver— I m; (118’ t in the series Which ‘ from .
. I II. he is a member of the Kentucky what nobody wants,” He compared tising lineage has been tried suc—I Inac Saw f b t 50 advertise— I the Kl
. 1 I: Press Association or not. Incidently, termites to efiorts to tear down the cessfully in many small cities. The I W 0011.515 d o tadm; e field of equipn
~ I II non—members are especially invited reputation of nationally advertised publisher takes pictures of all the‘ gents, ls TEVOE st Oefifiued “The 7 work
( II as the executive committee wants merchandise and asserted such business houses along a certainfslgsinezi' 0 d :n d 2 d, and the Toma- Tod;
I II these men to learn of the Iwork movements “not only hurt business street, running these at the top of I IOSSY, shows ' the function of ad- is bett
t II and program of the AssomationI In general, but destroy employ- the page and selling ads for therertisin in developing loW—cost dis- and m
‘ ; i" which has been carried on for the ment.” .