xt7h18344j87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h18344j87/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2002 text GLSO News, August 2002 2002 2002-08 2019 true xt7h18344j87 section xt7h18344j87 "_;,.;-~- ‘37“? GAY
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Wham. Kentucw AHSUSt 2002
A publication or the Lexington Gav and Lesbian service OrganiZation
Volume 17 Number 8
It Takes a Village. King's Island Pride Night

An African proverb states that it takes a The sixth annual Lesbian and Gay Pride
village to raise a child. GLSO WOUid like to Night at Paramount's Kings Island will be
invite the entire GLBT community “village” Friday, August 30. Thousands of gay, les-
to join us in celebrating the forthcoming bian, bisexual, transgender, and support-
birth 0f Thomas Dysarz and Michael ive friends will come together fora night of
Meehan’s feur bundles 0f ioY- That’s right, fun, rides, food, live entertainment and cel-
as reported in the national news, two of our ebration.
own are expecting quadruplets. Their fam- The night is part of the Kings and
ily of two will soon become a family of six. Queens Weekend sponsored by the
They are expecting three boys and one girl. Cincinnati Community Center. Tickets will

Preparing for the arrival 0f four new- be sold at the GLSO Pride Center in
borns is no small t33k- To show our SUP- Lexington. Tickets are $36 and GLSO will
port and aid in this monumental task 0f receive a small percentage of this amount.
supplying the necessities for these babies, This is $5 savings off the price of tickets
GLSO is hosting a baby shower open purchased at the gate.
house on Friday, AUQUSt 2 from 6 Pm to 9 As part of the evening, there will be live
Pm at the Pride Center. Please come by entertainment including the Queen City
389 Waller Ave., Suite 100, to congratulate Rainbow Band which we enjoyed so much
the fathers and drop Off a gift. at the Pride Picnic in June. Vocal Point, the

The children are registered at Baby’s R Cincinnati Men’s Chorus, will also be per-
Us and Target. if you need directions to the forming The gates open at 5 pm. and the
Pride Center or gift ideas please feel free to park will remain open until midnight this
call the Center at 253-3233. The surrogate year. For more information see
mother is not due to give birth until later in www.kqweekend.com,
August, but multiple births often come Sponsor of the Month
early. If the dads are already busy chang-
ing diapers by August second, they may Unltarlan
not be able to attend but we will still be at f,“ Unlversallst
the Pride Center that evening celebrating 67/ \
their birth accepting gifts. 9' +1 _ ‘ i

Thomas and Michael are also thinking it} i / ChIII‘Ch
about their children's future. A college fund \kefi of Lexington
has been established. Donations to the
fund may be mailed to: Leslie Carter, c/o 3564 Clays mm Rd
Planet Salon, 2909 Richmond Road, See ad page 5

‘\ '36,? GAY and The Imperial Court of Kentucky kicked off Reign XXI
\ '1} LESBIAN with investitures on July 10 at Club 141. Empress Nicole
* .;f~: QERVICE Diamond and Emperor Orvis Kean identified their lines .
' mum of descent and also bestowed titles. On July 19-22,
Empress Nicole and Emperor Orvis, as well as a dele- i
WW". KNOW gation of nine others, attended the Chicago Adomment. I
Don’t miss the Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet ball, at i
161,50 NEWS Club 141, on August 28, beginning at 9:30. Admission is {
Volume 17 Issue 8 $5. Never done drag? This is your chance! Contest j
applications are available from any board member. 1
, Plans for Reign XXI include a calendar for 2003,
published monthly by which promises to be even better than the highly suc- l
The Lexington Gay cessful 2002 Femme Fatale Calendar, and a member—
Lesbian ship drive for the Imperial Court of Kentucky. l
Service Organization Membership is $5 and available at any court event.
389 wall" Ave' Mr. Bluegrass Leather
Editors The Lexington Lyons will present Mr. Bluegrass
. Leather at the Limestone Club on Sat. September 7.
Mary Crone John Rldener For information contact Thomas Smith at 272-0408
T Board.Membe’.s Demonstration against AMAK
erry Mullins, Presrdent .
Jerry Neff, Vice President Brake Corporation
Mary Crone. Editor The KY Advocates for Equality (formally GLSEN-Ky)
JOhI‘I Ridener, Secretary will demonstrate against AMAK Brake Corporation on
Thomas Collins August 5, from 10 am until 2 pm, at the entrance to
Cary Sudduth AMAK Brake, 1765 Cleveland Ave, Glasgow, Kentucky
Tom Collins KY Advocates for Equality has become aware of the
Bi|| Chandler unfair hiring and firing practices used by AMAK Brake.
Dan Rogers Over the past year and a half an employee of AMAK
Lee Noble Brake has been subjected to harassment because he
was not the "type" of person the management waned.
This employee was singled out after he reported his
GLSO Annual Dues 8' vehicle had been vandalized in the parking lot of AMAK
Newsletter. Brake. His supervisors began asking questions about his
Ind'v'dua' ' $15 personal life. When he complained to the management
Couple ' 525 about these questions, he was fired.
Anyone interested in joining the demonstration should
contact KY Advocates for Equality at 606-451-3030 or
. . . Email: KYAdvocatesForEquality@hotmail.com.
32%zzapurffiimgéhznifiarfx We have also organized a fund raising Party for this
essarily represent those of the GLSO employee on Aug. 4 to help cover his legal expenses. He
BOard- SubmiSSi°n§ are we'90me 3!“ is represented by Lawyer Everett Hoffman. This could
Siafi reserves the. "gm to 6d” Sme's' be a landmark employment discrimination case.
srons and advertisements as well as
the right to reject submissions or The Party will Start at 4 pm at Maple Ridge Farm in
adverfisementS- Edmonton on Old Judd Rd. (call or email for directions)
Entertainment begins at 6 pm and food will be served at
7:30. .
GLSO Page 2

 Community :News

. i Volunteer Awards Banquet Wishing Chair- Aug 1
i GLSO is planning the Eleventh Annual On Aug 1 Wishing Chair will be per-

! l gotugteebtfiwifi-s IBanqgg’zh to be held forming downtown at Thursday Night Live

; i c 0 er . is is our anniversary . ,

t l year so we thought that Coming Out Month In the Courthouse Square, from 5.30 to
l Id b tt' f b' l b t' 7:30 pm. They are also scheduled to be
xi” dedeSre: :o‘jeeih: Eaiijetrafrgg part of Americana Crossroads, a radio pro-

' L ram ta ed at Morehead Univ. Contact

' Pride Month where there are now so many gaul Hitfhcock at p hitchc@morehead-

' 1 activities that it makes your head spin. st edu for information '

' Every LGBT group is asked to choose their ' Check their website for more appear-

;wnBvolunteter of the year to be honored at ances and to purchase CD’s. www.ter-
e anque- rakin.com. or call 859.608.5393.
3 We will be soliciting nominations for the
- Wasson Award and for the Rainbow Dress and Gender A ”iance
Community Service Award. These awards T _
honor the outstanding volunteer work that All' he .Lexmgton Dress and Gendfer

- individuals and groups contribute to our ”lance '3 adpee; somal suppCIJrLgroup or

community. Aforrn will be included in next 2 transgen ere pelop e,dincu ing cross

I) months GLSO News and anyone can ressers, transsexuas, an rogynous o 3’

make a nomination and gender queer InlelduaIS. We also

In ' . . .

:0 Additional activities are planned for enjoy the presence-of Significant others,

, October. A play from ActOUT, a film, and a friends, and-supportive allies at our meet-

ie party are being considered. If your group ings. We discuss Issues related to how

3- plans something special, plese let us know. 96nd” expectations have _ affected our

.K lives and spend time somalizmg.

ie Moveable Feast Benefit Our next meeting will be on Saturday

_ _ _ _ _ August 3rd at 8 pm at the Pride Center. We

'3 Come 10'” the. festiwties as Tiffany 8‘ will watch a short video either about per—

‘_K Company entertains you at our monthly sons born intersexed or Gender 101, leav-

'r': g‘lée‘f'b'e Tfiiesarfitontfieri‘iefslhovarviclm oar: ing time to talk & socialize before and after.

r S'”93- o r e Around 9:30 those of us who want to

lld Wednesday, AUQUSt 21' A donation 9f socialize more plan to go out for the

or $500 til: :tsfie: pand anjhowfi$l::f;2 evening! Wear your best clothes and bring

promp rn. pe a little cash if you want to join us.

iis tB’Y “frag/3" Argrews, 373:? :rmdStaee: Our meeting on July 8th had the highest

18 ryant, iss heena, a - e" an an attended to date. It was truly wonderful to

”d Mescha. Come and enjoy frosty cocktails see all the beautiful faces and to hear their

in “Wt“ :11; HOT 52mg! _ d _ experiences! Hopefully everyone will return

' any an ompany '3 pro ucmg for the next meetin and brin a TG friend.

'51 these benefit shows every 3rd Wednesday We will not be meeg’zing on tth 4th Sunday.
a , . .

of the month. If you haven t attended, it is Call 433-8388 or email LexDGA@aol.com

13 time you did! for info.

GLSO page 3

 . . 2615for information. The trainin will sta
Jubilee Fellowship on Friday, Sept. 20 and continue9 over thIet
We are On The Move Again! Jubilee ne)_
‘ r . ~ ' . as
“We hadn't gone to church for years. We wanted a church where we could be
ourselves -a lesbian couple. I mean, not everyone is Ozzie and Harriet, you know?"


6 “Walking into a Unitarian Universalist Church was like finding a home.

h It goes way beyond acceptance. We are in the choir, teaching the kids,

’f organizing social action projects, and speaking from the pulpit.

; Diversity is celebrated here. ”

e we J 1 3 :5 a1 Jeri/W

)r W , W,_, _. p, , v.“

- “ 1.1." .1 J '3‘ r :14 ‘ .31., f: ‘1 1.. g ,1 1.7.4; ",1' , ”7..

, = iii-‘55”. “55):“! 7"", ; .fr ' I A """ h. I‘M V .

1 Events of Note: Aug 25 we we ioining with others at 4 pm at Woodland Park in the

Interfaith Alliance’s “America’s Diversity=America’s Strength"

d and at the church during Coming Out month

' Sat. Oct. 19 Fenton Johnson, Republican Meeting House Proiect
For information: Mary Crone 266-5904 or church office 223-1448

_ 1 -—-flm‘:A‘-ALA:J.2 Isms,“

GLSO Page 5

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
GLSO is in the process of getting a The GLSO Discussion/Support Group
printer to enable us to print this newsletter meets every Wednesday night from 7.830
at the Pride Center. We are looking for a at the Pride Center (389 Waller Ave, Suite
second hand PC to hook up to this printer 100). The group provides a welcoming
and to provide public access to the intemet and safe place to express your feelings
in the Pride Center Library. about living as a GLBT person in
Many types of computers would work to Kentucky. The group respects our differ-
provide the intemet access but for work on ences and seeks to help each other by
the newsletter we need the following tech- sharing our common experiences. If you
nical specs: need some time to be yourself, join us.
128 MB RAM minimum For info call the Center at 253-3233.
Pentium III or better
17" viewable color monitor Pampered Chef Party
We could use more than one PC so call us You are cordially invited to a "Mystery
even if your computer does not meet the Host“ pampered Chef party. Come and
specs above. Ginger is“ 253-3233- see our great products while enjoying a
cooking demo, great food, and the chance
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT to win free products by becoming the
_ _ _ "Mystery Host" for the evening.
. Lesbian Video N'ght resumes In August Pampered Chef is a line of great tools for
mm. a new host, Davrna IWarner. Jom your kitchen that make cooking fun and
Davrna on the second FndIay of every easy. The party will be held onSaturday
month as we have fun figuring OUt what August 24th at GLSO Pn'de Center on
lesbian film IS all about. . Waller Ave at 4 pm.
This month, iom us at the Pnde Center,
August 9th at 7 pm. for The Celluloid Writing Practice
Closet. This documentary based on Vito On the second and fourth Saturdays of
RUSSO'S b00k chronicles the portrayal 0f each month, Davina offers a writing prac-
QaYS and lesbians in film since its begin- tice group at the Pride Center at 10 am..
ning- You won't want to miss such memO- In August that will be the 10th and the
rable moments as Lily Tomlin's narration, 24th. We experiment with writing exercis-
self-proclaimed sexpert Susie Bright's es and share our work. (sharing is not
interpretation of Mrs.Danvers in Alfred required) No experience necessary, regu-
Hi’tChCOCk'S Rebecca and Susan Iar attendance not required. Bring a pen
Sarandon's discussion of her sex scene and some paper and join us,
with Catherine Deneuve in The Hunger
Grab your popcorn, soda, Raisinettes : Find Jane's article about the Pride
and favorite pillow, and join the girls at the Library on page 14. Come by the Pride :
Pride Center for Lesbian Movie Night. : Center Monday through Saturday,
(See pg 19 for info about Davina’s work- : between 10 am and 4 pm
shop on scrap booking on Sat., Aug. 17) to check out a book or video.
GLSO Page 6

 Unitarian Universalist response to the offensive “patriotic” rally at
Applebees park in June, this event
ChurCh “America’s Strength: A Celebration of
Interdependence.” will encourage tolerance,,
. acceptance and goodwill. Join us between 4
p We are proud to be this month's spon- and 6 at Woodland Park, exact location to be
0 sor of the GLSO News. There are a lot of announced.
‘_ groups and activities at the UU Church, On Wed, Aug 14 from 7 to 8:30, The
.e something for everyone. Our big news is a Humanist Forum will be meeting to discuss a
‘9 change from one Sunday service to two on presentation on “Humanism in Dangerous
IS August 25. (Service starts at 10:45 before Times." Many UU’S are humanists; they
in the 25th) At 9:30 there will be a Shorter emphasis science and reason as guides for
r- more meditative service and at 11 :15 a one ethical standards and decision making.
,y hour service. There will be a coffee hour Our local CUUPS chapter (pagans)
,u between the services for socializing. meets after church every sunday at about
5 Services in August include “Ethics and 12:15. Another group meets on the first and
' the Environment” on the 4th and “Sing third Sundays each month from 1 to 2:30 to
Sing, Sing!” in which Victoria Hammel will study and discuss A Course in Miracles.
encourage us to explore the connection There is also a Buddhist Meditation from 5 to
between body and spirit on Sunday 11th. 6:30 on some Sundays.
Y Interweave, the LBGTQS group, will go out How can all these groups exist under one
d to lunch after that service. religious umbrella? We believe in diversity
a On August 25 our minister, Rev. Cynthia and in each person's responsible search for
:e Cain, and others will be participating in an truth and meaning. We also play bridge on
‘3 event organized by the Interfaith Alliance of the first Friday at 7 - agnostic humanists and
J the Bluegrass to which we belong. Partly in pagans make good partners!
)r _ _
.8 Real Estate Servrce With
iy _
of i
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u_ Scott Ackerman E
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Office: 859-269-7331 &
e5 E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.Com A" of Central Kentucky
5 Call me wrth all your Real Estate Needs
— GLSO Page 7

 LMC Participates in The Black United Front and Stonewall), the
“S. . 'l” vision of GALA Choruses remains the
IngCInnatl' same: “Our Voices Win Freedom." said
The Lexington Men's Chorus had the BOb Blum, president 9f GALA Choruses,
privilege to perform at the GALA Eastern "The power °_f 1.200 vorces 0” the steps 0f
Regional Choral Festival over the 4th of 'hQ'SIat'Ve bu'ld'hQS' 'h churches and Nb-
July weekend. "Sing!Cinnati! Building |Ic squares and on the streets of Cincinnati
Bridges In the River City" was hosted by Will send a strong message. Our presence
Muse and The Cincinnati Men's Chorus in Cincinnati during the festival will reflect
and brought together more than 30 cho- 0}" commitment to fighting injustice Of all
ruses and 1200 delegates from the eastern k'hds- _
half of the country. Performances took . Seventeen srngers from LMC along
place in the Aronoff Center and work- wrth director Tim Glasscock, accompanist
shops, exhibits and conferences were held Loren Tice and Interpreter Laura B_UV9 per-
in the Westin and Hyatt hotels throughout formed selections from their spring con-
the weekend. cert, "LMC on Broadway." One highlight for
The choruses massed for two powerful everyone who was lucky enough to hear
public performances, pridey at noon at them, was GLASS, the Gay and Lesbian
Fountain Square and Saturday morning at and Supportive Chorus 0f Vancouver,
Findley Market. Imagine 1200 musicians Bntrsh COthh'a- Th's chorus '3 the only
singing songs of inspiration and justice in YOUth chorr m GALA and they represent
one of the city's most visible spaces. the future of the gay and lesbian choral
Despite recent developments (boycotts movement. Theit performance 0h Friday
supported by Citizens for a Just Cincinnati, was heart felt, ongrnal and inspirational.
. ,He'alrng'152o Myof-ascral Release
. and- BO-dWork ' .- p ' ..
-‘ . 39h"?BarnesMvofdswalReleass‘t‘echntéifiettrea’r
. _ theamsesmuuflthasrmpmms >
, ' . . ,Wawmmmww
' .3 “Ww“¢WIIOWWWW.i. 1. . é :
MotthewSchuler, L.M.T-. .
(859) .420-4MFR. * "(859) 263—3998.
, 203 Woddland, Ave. , Lexington (inside Hair Razors)
. *Nationolly Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork .
*Licensed Massage Therapist *Member American Massage Therapy Association
GLSO Page 8

IE 1;: E? :13 1 :"P‘c 1 . A- if .5 51 f3 r: g 2?, 3?. 1
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August 18,1001
Door-@ 8:30pm; Closet Ball @ 9:30 pm
. ssnoN'mmN m- Tm: noon
. See Empress Nicole for Contestant Applications
GLSO Page9

 A can for Justice Baker to attend the minister’s conference.
Again, Rev. Baker declined.

On Sunday, July 14’ Soulforce in "Rev. Baker declined all our requests to
Kentucky stood vigil for nearly five hours help Calvary move fonNard in a meaningful
OUtSide Lexington’s Calvary Baptist dialogue on sexual orientation," says
Church. Calvary is a church in the McDaniel. "We shall overcome, but justice
Southern Baptist Convention, which is the is neither automatic nor inevitable. It will
largest Protestant denomination in the come about by relentless efforts to bring
United States. With over 40,000 churches truth in love to not only those who perpetu-
and 16 million members, the see is the ate spiritual violence, but also to those who
largest source of misinformation about are silent concerning the suffering."
homosexuality. On the Southern Baptist At the vigil, Soulforce in Kentucky dis-
ConVention website, they have a position tributed nearly 100 copies of “Rightly
Statement that reads, "Homosexuality is Dividing the Word of Truth” to members of
not a ‘valid alternative lifestyle.’ The Bible Calvary Baptist. Included in each binder
condemns it as sin." was a letter from Soulforce asking mem-

"Being gay is ”0" a sickness and it is bers of Calvary to “publicly refute the anti-
not a sin," said Jamie McDaniel, a leader in gay teachings and policies of the South em
Soulforce in Kentucky, duringa news inter— Baptist Convention and begin a journey
view at the vigil. "God loves God’s gay, towards taking a stand for the full inclusion
lesbian, bisexual, and trangender children and acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
jUSt as they are." and transgender people."

Over the past several months, mem- Soulforce is an interfaith movement that

‘ bers 0f Soulforce in Kentucky had met With studies the nonviolent methods of Gandhi
Rev. Baker, pastor Of Calvary Baptist and King. "You do not have to participate in
Church, and tried to negotiate a way for any direct action to join us," says
Calvary Baptist to move forward and begin McDaniel. "There are various stages in
a dialogue on sexual orientation. Soulforce which you can be involved and we respect
in Kentucky respectfully requested that the the fact that people are at different points
resource “Rightly Dividing the Word Of along the journey. However, I believe that
Truth: a resource for congregations in dia- there is something inherently empowering
logue on sexual orientation” be allowed in in taking a stand for justice."

a study at Calvary. Soulforce in Kentucky "The nonviolent approach does not
had offered to provide Calvary With as immediately change the heart of the
many copies as needed. “Rightly Dividing oppressor," Dr. King writes. "It first does
the Word Of Truth was chosen because the something to the hearts and souls of those
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America committed to it. It gives them new self-
and the Alliance of Baptists produced it. respect; it calls up resources of strength
Rev. Baker declined the request. and courage that they did not know they

Soulforce in Kentucky then asked that had. Finally, it reaches the opponent and
Calvary allow their community center to be so stirs his conscience that reconciliation
the host site for the two-hour minister’s becomes a reality.“
conference when Rev. Mel White came to That is the hope and goal of Soulforce.
Lexington in April. Rev. Baker declined. (Info? www.SoulforcelnKentucky.org or
When a new Site was found at Woodland contact McDaniel at 273-2746. See page 4
Christian Church, Soulforce asked Rev. for meeting info.)

GLSO page 10

to GLSO News Sponsors 2002
:3: Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201
Ni" 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
n9 Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055
fu- (mobile) 338-8483
ho For all your real estate needs
lis- SisterSound..............................243-0243
Itly Diverse music for all women
, f _
,Zr TheCreatIveTeam ........................494-1832
5m_ Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner
“ti' Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
:3 A Charity Organization
ion TheBarCompIex .........................255-1551
lal, 224 East Main Street
hat Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
dhi Seeking a Diverse Congregation
:‘2 Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812
1n www.bluegrassfaimess.org
ect Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
"t3 1513 Nicholasville Road
ing WindyKnoIlFarm .........................299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding

3h: Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090
365 Rehearsal every Sunday
386 Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033
8:; Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families
way PegasusTraveI ...........................253-1644
and Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

_ GLSO page 11

 ca" "umber '" AU U51: 2002
Directory for Location. 9
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 6 pm - 9 pm Baby Shower Pride Center Open 10-3
Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center 8 pm LDGA
10:45 am UU Church Pride 7 pm GSA 7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Men’s Night Out 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pride Center Open 10'3
Service 7 pm P-FLAG Berea Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center Celluloid Closet 10 am Writing Practice
7 pm Dignity Pot Luck Pubilc Library-Berea 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘Pnde Center
8 pm AA Step Study Southland Lanes (Call for place) (Call for place)
(Call for place)
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm Fairness Steering 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-12
2 pm Byways-Pride Center Committee-Pride Center . 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center (Call for place) 4 pm- 7pm Scrapbook
6 pm Imperial Court Pn‘de eting Southland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Workshop Pride Center
Center Pride Center (Call for place) everyone welcomed
7 pm C.O.L.T.s Pride Cente 8 pm AA Step Study 10 pm Tiffany and Co.
7 pm HUGS (Cdl for lowiion) (Call for place) Benefit Crossings
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Me 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
7 pm Dignity - Pride Center 8 pm AA Step Study 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center (Call for place) 10 am Writing Practice
7 pm HUGS (Cdl forlomiion) (Call for place) Southland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
(Call for place) 4 pm Pampered Chief Party
Pride Center-
everyone welcomed
10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 5 King’s Island Pride Night Pride Center Open 10-3
6 pm Imperial C0urt 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center Cincinatti-tickets available
7 pm HUGS (Cdl for location) Southland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA at the Pride Center.
(Call for place)
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 ‘ - . - ' ' Keep Singing: Two Mothers, Two Sons
Pnde Center Librefy. nghhghUHg and Their Fight Against Jesse Helms.
Famlhes Patsy Clarke & Eloise Vaughn.
By Jane Minder
Sometime this month a new family will be The Lesbian Parenting BOOK: A Guide '0
formed when four babies are born to Creating Families and Raising Children.
Thomas Dysarz and Michael Meehan of Merilee Clunis & G- Dorsey Green.
Lexington. Like any other new household
with quadruplets they will have four times the LOVE. Ellen: A Mother/ Daughter Journey.
bottles and diapers to go with four times the Betty DeGeneres
love. This got me thinking about
families...our families. Here are just a few of MY Father and Myself. J-R- Ackerley
the books and videos at the Pride Center
Library about that one relationship we have Our Daughters and 30031 Questions and
all experienced...child and parent: Answers for Parents Of Gay, Lesbian and
Bisexual People. PFLAG.
Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians &
Gays Talk About Their Experiences. Carolyn Out Of the Ordinary: Essays 0“ Growing
Welch Griffin & Marian J. Wirth Up with Gay. Lesbian, and
Transgendered Parents. N. Howey & E.
Family Stories: Journeys of Spirit in Mixed Samuels, eds.
Orientation Families. [VIDEO]
The Queer Parent's Primer: A Lesbian
Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son. and Gay Families Guide to Navigating
Phyllis Burke. the Straight World. Stephanie A. Brill.
_ These and many other books and videos
Kentucky Bluegrass Fairness can be checked out from the Pride
Bluegrass Chapter Center Library at 389 Waller Avenue,
open Monday-Saturday, 10-3.
e "’3‘"
«a fi Q
. . ” if 3.4g Turner Counseling
3“, gun.” a" , (559)2G9—6497
*‘ IL. I0‘g 22lGYoungDr.#l
rags Lexmgton. KY 40505
Fairness works with legislators and other
decision-makers to ensure equal treatment . EXPCNCHCCO' Prdmai Therarlsts
of LGBT people in the Bluegrass and in a Safe and Friendly Ermnonment
around the state. Contact us to help in the
fight and to stay informed on important Beverly K" Tumer’ LC5w
issues. Apryl Tandy, LCSW
The BLUEGRASS 2 Jo Lillard, LCSW
CHAPTER of Kentucky FAIRNESS § Mendy Dan'e'e’ Leew
Faimess Alliance at“ l JOY Leet—Mullms, LCSW
PO Box 22032 “‘"" ; Diane Hill, LCSW
232335? No More, No Less i mwrmmmmwww
Call: (859) 296-7812llvisit www.bluegrassfaimess.org
_ .
GLSO page 14

 s ”G s e FRIDAY
630$ 10 pm meet and greet the
E ' n o n contestants
1 1 7 N. LIMESTON 9 special guest star Sal Bruno
859233-7255 performing
' ”*nm
4, . r, 2pm beer bustandcookout
f v ; ., on Crossings patio
‘ , " 3'7 ‘ 10 pm Mr. Kentucky Bear
>- f " "i _ Contest
‘ 5;]; ‘ ‘ hosted by Scott Perry, Mr.
. vii; . V _, v - : Kentucky Bear 2000 and Mr.
. j 1 . lnternationai Bear 2001
i , j“; :1 , . .. . , major prize raffle
: ‘ A y? "f"; I I Vendor Fair in the Loft at
i ' Crossings
'1' ,, ' i ”g? a r M“ 11:1n:r;:~:;:zza:L-$i 225:5.4143331 ,
«i , :' if ': ragga * ;, 7 Friday 8 am to 1am
4,, ~ '“ ; pm to 1 am
4 1 ‘5‘: - _ , ,. winner of Mr. Kentucky Bear
, ' will receive round-trip
. , i ‘ 'j , airtareto San Franciscoto
- ,1 : Egg 5 ~31 ; compete in the Mr.
3% W,” ' "‘ lntemationat Bear contest.
'1 : _ if“ interested in competing?
ifs; 5"; ;%< > contact the Moonshine
, > n3 fé“ www.moonshinebears.com
' firm“ ,. 3 ~ n; 1’“; < r ‘ . . .
, ,7 _ ' “ ornlck up aaeohcaflonat
,, ' ' ’ ' ” ’ Crossings
{2}» Moonsh‘ine Moonshine Bears of Ky. M h n t t d.

,w i. n ,r s e n
(3.35%8281'5 4th Annual Mr. Kentucky pai’t‘fcigamg; fhm'ndo,
*3? 33‘3““ka Bear Contest Fair me contact the
Vii/f}; September 1 3th & 1 4th Moonshine Bears website.

GLSO Page 15

 Lexington QICCI‘ History: short. By the late 603 he reigned in the 2
n . ,, Lrvrng Room Lounge, an early gay bar, as
James Sweet Evemng Breeze community gatekeeper. When new people
Herndon would visit the bar, he would invite