xt7h18344j14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h18344j14/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-11-03 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year; issue is labeled October 28, 1910, no. 8 newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 9, November 3, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 9, November 3, 1910 1910 1910-11-03 2015 true xt7h18344j14 section xt7h18344j14 ~-·—·•—-··- ·—···*—·*··--·—··- —·1 -’-vv · ··—··1····· ··
4   ( · PUBL   University of Kentucky ’‘T‘“°" "`
O { · (  
Q Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 28. 1910 No. 8
· · when B. Shanklln mlsseda try at fleld line bucks where they lost lt on a
9 U A • r goal, the ball going over the goal fumlble.
.       S line, however. It was brought out Tulane lost the ball by a punt not
I · to the twenty-flve yard line and Tu- going twenty yards. State tried a line
. - lane punted seventy yards, the ball buck and an end run for no gain and
.‘ · — __________   rolling to S»tnte’s flfteen yard line, were penalized dfteen yards for push-
·. and Giltner _brought it back ten lng. They then made tire yards on a.
y · 4 yards. Reynolds made this long punt line buck, when time was called for
TULANE °EFEATED• G· Shauklm ‘‘‘‘ QB ‘‘‘‘‘° W°’lm°]°y for Tulane. lt was one of the longest the quarter with the ball on Tulane’s
'""' and Whit° that has ever been seen on the local twenty·ylard llnet No score during
` POORI-Y FLAYEU GAME H' Shmkuu and Cutsrsr and field this year. the quarter. No time taken out.
  "_" Kimbw ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· RHB ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Smith State punted to their forty-flve yard Third Quarter.
  About ave hundred d°V°t’°°° °f f°°t' Ham Pr°St°°• line and held Tulane to no return. Earle takes Bablitz’s place at
• ban braved me <>¤i11r· bum! w°°•th°’ Suluuvan and Tulane advanced the ball on the guard. B. Shanklin returns and Pres-
Saturday to see State   TulanB• Atkins .......LHB........ CO¤W·8,y next tour downs to Stgtevs telbyard ton goes in at ful]. State kicks to
A send Same was ]°°k°d for but the Gilmer and line but were penalized for holding. Tulane and ball ls returned to center
<>0¤¥€SY· Wu the wvrat Played °u Swu Burmss ······ FB ······ R"Y“°m" Th·ey then punted to State's goal of field. Tulane gains 20 yards by
Fwd UM Year- There W°¥`° ¤° many and ·’°¤€B line, State returning the ball ten well executed double pass, but pen-
changes in the llue up that it is hud Om°ia]3—H¤8¤‘· °Y Amh€·¤`¤t· ¤¤1· yards, and tumbled but recovered the allzed tor holding. Tulane punts and
to WU €¤¤¤ctlY who i¤ Playin! °¤ the pim; van Metal? of Lexington Y- M- ball. Reynolds, Tulane's fullback was recovers. No gain on end run.
“V81‘¤itY·" r C· Aa referee? Wus°¤· M Sta-[8- held hurt and Jones went in at full. Walmsley, of Tulane, injured in this
In the first quarter eimolt the €¤· judge? K€"°“¤l ef 'I`¤l¤¤¢· heed li¤¤¤· State punted to their any yarn une play, VVhite taking his place. Tulane
tllre second team played and it WM mw- and Tulane made no return. punts. State advances the ball by
not \1¤Ul UW ¤€c0¤d ¤“¤·!'t°l` that the F"'“ Q“*"*°"• Tulane used two end runs for a. plunges to 47 yard line. Ball lost on
S0U[·h€`¥`¤ mam seemed te let wermed ‘St"·t" kicked °“ at 3*04 0,**100}* to total gain of twenty yards when time a fumble. On forward pass "Dick"
UD Mid 0U€¤` 8 ¤W¥'dY d°!€¤¤€· The T“]°·“€'s 25°Ya-rd une and Tulane ¥`°‘ was called for the quarter with the Webb carries ball with two tacklers
Slime WAS d€V0id ef ¤¤Y IWW PMYS °¤ turned the ball eight Yards- Tul¤¤° ball in possession of Tul·ane on State'; hanging on for 15 yards. Time called,
Shawn pgrt, straight root-ball being went th-rough the line for two yards, thh·(y-yu;-d nun, score-state 5, Tu- ball in Kentucky’s possession on 30
resorted to. Tulane, on the other tried a left end run for no gain, and lam, 0_ Enum time of qum.tal.__ ym.d_1m€._ l
addition to a triple pass play, the the ball recovered by State. Second Quarten State advances ball to Tunnels 16_
latter which worked to perfection and Smfé lost UVB Y8¤!'dB UH it left wd Klmhro went, lu ln place of B, Shank. yard line ball lost on downs. Tulane·
gained them forty yards. Our boys Pun, but gained five on a right end lln_ and Chambers ln place or Webb, punts. State returns ball to 12-yard
` seemed to lack the snap and 8i¤8€1‘ Nm mid Puméd *0 'I`¤la¤€'¤ ten Yard Tulane went through the line for two line.
they have displayed earlier in U18 line and recovered th6 bill}. yards, lggt six on 8, right and and than Bryan Shanklin around left end for
season, and proved disappointing to State then ddl/8I1€€d the ball to the punted over the goal llno, The ball touchdown, shaking off several tack-
(hn spectators, many or whom, lu lieu two and one-half yard line by two line- was brought out to the tweutyulyn lers ln the attempt, No try at goal
of Tulane’s game wlth Central, loook- bucks. when Bryan, Shanklin scored yum pm- and gms punted to Tu. allowed ug punt out was fumbled,
Bd f01‘ 8 much l¤¤‘8€¤‘ NOTE- a t<>¤¤¤dt¤w¤ around left €¤d after lan·e’s forty-yard line. Tulane return- Shanklln taken out, Klmbro taking
The Louisiana team showed théy four minutes of Dial'- ed the ball ntteen yards to the center place. Chambers for Webb, Burruss
were not accustomed to this climate Tulane kicked oi! and the ball went of the Held, made no gm. ,m 8 fake for Giltn(;r· Tulane punts 0,,9,. goal
and n0t ¤S€d to hard Pl·¤Y» 8S ¤6V°*`¤·l OVW the 8081 line and State Put *1*9 end run and lost the ball on downs line. State punts out. Tulane re-
men were injured during the progress ball in Play Oil their OWU £W€I1tY-HV·€ on the ggntgr ]ing_ turns ball to 25—yard line. \Valmsley,
or the game, and time was repeatedly yard line. State gained five yards state punted out or bounds and as who was taken out because of in-
taken out. Play started promptly at &1‘0¤¤d right end. and then Diluted i¤ the bal] did not go twenty yards, it juries. went in for Tulane and made
three with quarters of fifteen minutes '1‘ulane’s forty-y-ard line, holding Tu- went over to Tulane. Tulane and one of the prettiest drop kicks seen
68Gh- Thd follcwing i¤ the 8‘¤·m6 in lane to UO l`°t“m· State each then won and lost the ball on the local field. After this neither
dntull; Tulane used the forward pass and in rhs mma way, when Tulane ud- goal ln danger and game ended with
The Llna-up. gained flve yards and then made vanced the ball ten yards to Sta.te's ball in Tnlane’s possession on Sta.te’s
The rollowlng lg the llne-up of the eight more by circling right end and Hfty yard line and punted thirty 30-yarn line. .
two teams: a. line smash. They tried another yards. State returning to their thirty- Final score--Kentucky 10, Tulane 3.
Kentucky, pun, Tulane forward pass but the ball was fumbled hve yard line. state made nrteen ' Summary.
Naylor and Smith and State recovere on their forty-five yards on a right end run but lost all Tulane showed much speed and
Kllmbro ........ LFJ...·and Montlero yard line- of their gnln on n penalty. They offensive play for a light team.
Campbell ......, 1,G.0’Brlolb and Hutt State lost five yards nn an end run. then punted, the hun going out of Wolmsley, at quarter was the bright,
Webb (Capt.) and punted to Tul·ane’s thirty-seven bounds and wng redovorod by Tulane particular star, he making quarter-
and Chambers...C. ..... Craighead yard line. Tulane lost seven yards on their own forty-tlve yard line. back runs, his puntlng averaging 40
Bablltz and Ea.rle..RG ....... Greene trylrng to circle left end, and then at- Tulane kicked and it was State’s yards and although taken out injured,
\'~l•all and tempted to punt but Johnson broke ball on their own forty·flve yard line. came back long enough lo make their
Ha-rrlson ...... R'l‘..Sentell (Capt.) through the line and blocked the State punted to Tulane's nfteen yard lone tally, a drop kick from the 25-
Harrlson and . kick recovering the ball for State. line and recovered the ball, advanced yard line. His playing featured
Glltner ........ RE ......... Lester State advanced the ball to Tulane’s the ball to the ten-yard llne by two throughout. Capt. Webb starred for
flfteenyard llno by two en-d runs State. The game was devoid of any

 DSSI bOpy Al
2 TH E I DE4 ,j r
*cLA•`|Fm¤ AD` rough tactics and squabbllng, all the November 19, University ot Alabama, Aik Your Grocer for- ,A_g
·· · — ‘ — e. _ ofhcials compeuentlly judging the at Tulane Campus, and Nbvember·24, .,   ~
D_ _ gam y p y as, . .at ouston.
  o ~ ... the ls rt. A . rr rt CREAM FLOUR  
WANTE Every State University C    
_ p , - --·-—--—— entral plays: Transylvania, at r M I 1 *
student ton ave has lhurrdry dose at Don t Forest Hoe Cnke ee
Y VARSITY AT KNOXVILLE. Lexington on the 5th; Nov. 12, U. of _ _
,. Wi] & Made By .
the Pee less Laundry. son C _ p,
Babbage Agents ' 10_6 —————· .. at Cincinnati, Nov. 19, Georgetown Lexi on Roller Mm, co ._
’ '   Tackle Vartlty of T•nne••••. College, at Georgetown; and Nov. 24, nm ` '  
FQR QALE.-prep, gait in grg condi- ——— State, at Lexdngton. _ ‘  
g§0»; jt;gp._¤|;i{;pé§.,.·r,¤.;5!;£¤·•, Glee Next ’Thursday night our team Sewanee plays Vanderbilt at Nash- M R C SR
Club outfit, Address ~K. care The IOUTIIGYS to Knoxville to DID.? ih! ville on Thanksgiving. Incldently » jx
Ide,_ · strong eleven representing the Uni- Sewanee defeated Auburn Saturday. ‘  
» ' " ` versity of Tennessee. This is one O! Cent-ral has the greatest team they’ve GOOD FURNITURE  
the hardest games this year and we had ln years, and with both Central "
8 ,
_ N"' h tm mm M ” want to win. Everybody turn out and and State winning all their games a Oupetsv wsu Paper and st’°v“° I the
Rudolf F;-·R09¢(\b3ui' give the team a rousing send cf!. battle royal will be seen on Thanks-   jj
1HE TAILOR Let "remember Ill.i0nls" he the giving Day Wl
-. ..,.rer.- .. elegarr. rreshrherr get up some splrlt North csrollhh defeated and so A. K. ADOOOK A  
Electric, Steam ind Dry Cleaning and do something. You h¤ve¤'t gradually all asplrants for Southern  
Works. shown any yet. Give the team all the Championship are being eliminated OIGARS   TOBAOOO
L;dI9|’ Garments} Specialty. encouragement you can. Everybody and this yea.r’s Champion in this WINSLOW & S. LIME
330 wen Short Street. turn out. The returns will probably modern gladiawrlal struggle will in- Lexington, . · - - Kentucky
Fpyeztc Phone 485. Lexington. Ky. be heard by wire in Chapel Saturday deed deserve the title of "The survival  
__________j__.;__..... afternoon. A. dmsll admission will of the flttest."
{All d { this want ‘c0lumn be charged to pay the cost of the ------—     V
8 B Or Wim- ‘ HAGERMAN NOTES- °‘The Tailor That Satisiies"
Bhwld be addressed to the Business Tennessee this year ls a harder ---
Messe ef The ldee *36 E¤¤*t’;{:;· .....,....rh..r. than her year. Saturday Mlrs. J. M. rapper of hehrevrrre, STMM end DRY °I·¤ANTN°·
{Shelli Fife u;;0°i:1t';sp;:`c§;;; ° they defeated Louisiana 35-5. And Illinois, ` spent a few days with her 15g south mmcstoue
0 BSS an _ ' they’re out for Stat.e’s blood. But daughter, Miss Ruby Tanner.  
. __ .___.......... we have eleven grim warriors, versed -—
in   heres of our ··r.h sperr,·· Ms. e..rtr....r.. curd .......r the week UNIV§?’SI¥¥ LIYNQH SLIMND
TEXIFBOQKS who are going to defend our name end at her home in Wilmore. ust Ha:SMuI{c1 an
. 0 ea s
NN N 8, P S-]-ERS and reputation. Its no more than -— _
PE A T 0 right to give them your support. Mr. and Mrs. Galey, from near QT BALI? /111-gggjgs
STATIONERY The procession, Thursday night, Richmond, visited their daughter, U ‘ Q •L, ‘ 1 (caf S
will start at the Campus gate, and Miss 1da osley. O"- *· ****0 em #0 ex *3-
PRINTING going through town will end up at the .-—- EVERYTHING FOR THE
Q, & C, depot, where cheer leader Miss Josephine Chenault, of Rich- t KODAK!
Duncan will lead all yells and songs. mond, was the guest of M·is·s Kathleen D . , ,
M   lopulg and Pnntmg.
•   & m• Watch the bulletin boards for time Sullivan, eve
‘ Inccorporated of fo·rthcomln8· -1- Lexington Photo Supply C0.
——-—-—>— The Sigma Iota Chi SOYOPUY 8376 Over Kirby's Ten Cent Store
No. 152 West Main Street STATE 10--rut-ANE a_ box party at the Opera Home to
Lexington, Ky, ' U ’ Bl see Net Goodwin, last Thursday even.
ing ln honor of Miss Mabel Beeman, Am-Qn  
'New phone 52]); Qld Phone 617-3 one mere vletery t" (mr USL S°m° of Litchfield. IUi¤0i8» 8 member of UW ICF CRE XM PAR
narrow escape Saturday . ’ · * LGR
  &   _ , ‘ t ba k is Grand Celmcil of the Sigma Iota, C'hl,
PRINTING hwcgmiley Tufme St quar fr- ii who W8·¤ 8- guest at the ($011989. AND LUNCH STAND l
` t e es seen ere or a ong me. Q _
Rush Work 3 Specialty His punts averaged 40 yard-g and he Misses Josephine Harkins of Pres- Louth Lime and \Vl.HSl0\•V Street;
140-M6 8¤¤*h Um°**°”¢ made their only score on a drop kick. muburg and Neue Shaw, of Fmnk_
L°"*°€*°“· K"°‘“°kY· He Wes ¤l¤<> Speedy 10** Tq‘;“"*°"‘b3°k tort, were meets at the college. J- *9- FITZGERAID
. F C b uane’ ne
_______;_____________ "“°S Gm°“r juud 218 tsose lone spunts _ PLUMBING
  “P· MT K Mrs. Head. of LaGrange, spent a swam and water Haan _
nicely- M—¤¤y MW men 80* ”Y·°“t8 few days wlth her daughters, Misses
ADAM S S¤¤·r¤¤>‘· M me we jfulsgg metre are Fr ances ees. 269 W. short. - - teresa. rr,. ,
had some class, White ml!. 118 _..  
yards on it. States work was rugged The gms enjoyed E very delightful
UU`°“8h°ut· dance, in the gymnasium-, on Hal-
    TGDDGBSBG at Knoxville, Saturday. l0w·€8u_ “ OTFICE and YARD--
The rooting is becoming wore: ar;} ________ N°_ 157 No Broadway.  
. W0¤‘S€- F6U°W8· Kei wget 9* an Ye · BASKET-BALL PROSPECTS. RAILRO 1)..0 ·
114   Limestone It always encourages thc team. _____ t ;D;AI:1 ` SA Fwght D°°
Ebbeft and Phister gave Bows Sat' Although each student ls busily en- po. ' ma way an Chrhty Su
urdlay, which were greatly €¤j0Y0d· gaged with the discussion of the "—';#'“""""""
N E . t No more games here until Th·anks· herms of Om. gridironr yet wps not II-. 0. . _ •·
CW lll IIICII Swing- then C°““`°1 ami ‘*‘°”"‘_‘ forget that Central must be whipped
q P well basketball. in bppkp,;.bpu_ ag wel] as {00t.ba]]_ .UHANGE’8 OANDY KITCHEN
·"‘ ———-——-·—·· We have three •·K" men, and several 119 South Upper $1;,
A   { G   "DOPE." oghephgood rgenuwlre Ivege m<’¤1b6';¤ Lexington. · · · - Kentucky
—--— 0 e squa a o as season, o
acc or en cmcn The following games on Tulane’s begin practice ""'"“""'
schedule have an important bearing Pralctlce will probably be started J .
·—···· on the Champlonshluof the S. I. A. pretty socal, anyhow lt will be started • M  
A. and a, little comparison can be had as soon as the foot-ball season ls {
. . , between State and these other teams. over. This year we wlll have the _
we are Fflmds OI the _UmvcrS“y Tulane plays Misslsslppl A. & M. at Armory to start practice in and we  
Lets Gel Acqualnltd New Orleans, on November 5; Novem- will not be worried by the "girls’
ber 22, A. P. I. (Auburn) at Gulport; hours" lor the boys’ gylmnaslum 205 Merrick Lodge Bulldint:.

t if A .1..--  classes. Everything depends upon Ihrktown Minstrel Troop The next
h the work the squad will do. amusement was a backwards dance
t *` Mr, Mr. Babb ts our manager and 110 xiven by eight of the girls. Then iu
r , _ should make a. splendid one. Ha I1- one corner of the room, among the
t     ready has several important games in fodder and , pumpkins a. queer light
t   vlew and tells us that we will get I was noticed and presently Blue Beard
{   ` Balm, in mind that the L€x_ Southern trip. Tnd his wives were seen. This ghast-  
W iumou Drug GQ is the most The student body must be more ydamrearance caused many shivers t
>   convenient place for- you, '°Y°‘ ****8 Ye"` ‘·"‘“° ‘““‘· " '° "' “‘* “°“*“’“‘ °' ‘°“°'· ·'“ °“‘°’ °°"° CLIFTON manronn
* »·, d I- · d · going to have a. sure enough team. uf the room several envious creatures s9(m.m;n 2%1¤.m n
8.11 3, 1.m1lt€ 8.m.0l1I1T. of III- V
A .·t formation will. be granted ——*···"" :‘:" ““d“‘€ Sk*’**’“‘“° twins- °"° "“° "Ghe.7\[¢w  
you. And that It is the place FAYETTE COUNTY |N8·r|·rU·rB_ I1, an Sha 6-B8.t€!‘ Were later dis- h  
,.r , _..__, covered. Apples, candy and cakes Nvfc C S
.. to buy your
, .=_‘ .’ » Pwr. .1. T. 0. Nm 1¤ wqutrmg Wm Served and throughout the ¢¤·  
- structor. During the summer vans- S‘°·Y*`°’B noted b¤·¤d· Whiffh ¢0¤8i¤t¤ of _ h
TABLET8, tion he was conducting mamma, such instruments as an old tinpau   `rl  
PENGILS and every week except two and has con- (discarded bY the Staw NYS). 8 h·¤·¥'D. 222 West Main
ducted nm since the beginning or Several ¤<>¤¤b¤· and an old broken KODAK FINISHING
STATIONERY- the fall term. Only last week he con- d°W¤ Pi¤¤°· AND PHOTOS.
_ ducted the Fayette County Institute """;_ Brin; your Kodak trouble to mc.
# V ;’n;nw2";`%l?V§6g£)£giy (ggeuglg men, prominent in local educational Noon TO THE cn-mpg; Room lAD|ES & GENTEMEN
i I " .
b f C rc €S’ mdmsged the msmute AND GET AN ACCOUNT 0F THE It you want a. new pair of shoes go
est we can OT You- Among them were Dr. Tuthill Dr. TENNESSEE GAME
Rgspggtfully ' ' to the shoe dealer. It you want your
I · Terrill, Dean Hamilton, Prof. Miller -..-—...
and DT Snow of K S U_ Prof shoes repaired go to Honaker the shoe
• ' ' ' " ’ MAN IS MORTAL. maker.
Lld,Pf.F ,Pf.Sh1l d T.
    C0• Degyn 1\fI:Car;:;n·&:f F'l?ransyTva;;· U3 South Mull'
, and Supt C“Sid’ ’ Well what is mam? Mau is mortal. "NUFF SAID,"
Corner Marin & Ldme, ' y' , _ Urpon that we w111 an agree;  
The Senior Class of teachers Col- But confusion seizes Ou us   &  
Phoenix HOW] Building. lege attended the institute in a nouy. Climbing his genealogical tree °
On Friday next, the Senior Class of ' HOME.MADE CANDY
  Teahcrc-:r’s College, under the care of One must be auem h b in
of a new graded school bunlding sit- AS he, beneath me mighty lens 107 East Mxam St.
uated on the Hrarmdsburg pike, near Be ms to examine th Sm I can  
• · Il Lexington. After the dedication there g 8 g 6 '
T - _ . i · O
will be an old fashioned basket du If he Should become impatient,
ner served upon the grounds. _ l _
114_116 North Upper St As, indeed, he very rea.d1ly can.
Let him pause and think a. moment,
LEXINGTON KY SAYRE NOTES· Here he Buds the first of man .
Friday. October 28th. Mrs- J· M- Let his care be more than double; "*'"""`
        Spencer returned to Sayre after a. But let him tthink as on he goes
pleasant   in Fulton,   For he   Surely get in  
""‘_ When he examines the embryoes. •
Blgnkgtg A delightful Ha1l0w’eeu party was      
C 1 rt given bY the First Presbyterian He falters, pauses, lest he err,
Shut, night. The basement was decorated Verily DOW the philosopher
C with COI11 stalks and lighted with Cannot be told {mm a frog. 1-1,1,
P1u°W ci"! pumpkins which were scattered
T . Beau of
, FOR THE GQLLEGE GIRL around in the com- `mgs · All his doubts that now are left
' Sayre, gave two selections, which Slowly but Surely va_u1sh€S_   B- 
Handsome Tailored Suits, Button greatly added to the enjoyment of the For in men he finds the gun cleft Vocalist
Gloves, and anything also sha wants at evening. Belougiug to the lowly ashes,
· special price. Delicious refreshments, consisting of
_ apple, szmdwitches, hot chocolate, Surely nOw_ he is insane,
‘ and cake, were served uqar the close Or his judgment is erratic;
J I.   of the evening- For to him it is very plain    
° ° "_" The baba’s motions are aguatjc.
Miss Meta, Leglu spent from Friday    
until Sunday with friends in Midway. The truth (U at last he scents, _ _ _
"‘_"‘ And he laughs at other donkeys. gh? (Fly h;§0°£?;ssS}:;ll€ Lcxmgmn
E     Miss Marachix, the French teacher The b&b€.S grasping movements ac cmp B FO%SCHy. Pm mewr
’ • or Sayre, returned this week, aftfr Am the Same as the m0nk€y»s_ - • l
. h i b t h home iu Lous-
Inpmlter and Dealer In *”;:6n§¤c§€;Yi3a5'·€r Well, what is man? Mauds mortal.  
CHINA CUT GLASS, SILVER BRASS ———-— Upon that we wm an ag,-66
E Miss Mary W“m`°““ wd Miss But confusion seizes on us    
AND PLATED WAR ` L°“iS° Spencer Spent um week Bnd Climbing his genealogical tree.
in Danville with friends. -·
·¤ LAMPS ELECTROLIERS, FANCY ____,_..1.... P E   R L E S S
DISHES NOVELTYS &°· The boarders at Sayre gave an m- coma our sATun¤Av Arran.
tervsting entertainment on Monday NOON TO THE CHAPEL ROOM I A I I N D R  
117 W MAIN N°w Pb°°° 985 might. The tirst thing on the pro- AND GET AN ACCOUNT OF THE
jr YOUR TRADE SOLICITED gram was 8 pgrrorhnmnce given by the TENNESSEE GAME.

 4 T H E I D E A ` {
Published every Thursday by the student body of State University of Kentucky.   ,
for the beneflt of the studehts. the faculty and nlumnae of that
Institution.   p .
THE IDEA Is the official newspaper of the University, and is issued wekly Q l
during the college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky. A » .
In addition thereto ft gives Items of interest concertng other universities and ‘C ‘
colleges In the l'nited States and Canada. c ( J ` ;
  `I A V
Enterredat Lexington Post Omceas second clam mail matter,   ·:> l .t
  •$ gl  °   .{., »
` ‘ 0. E. BAIRD. Edt · - , . . . .;. .}?%s.i5·f.5fi il!??E§}S}:'§?i{§Ef5'  t
I1? '\v.M;r`*h:~;€nt,E\’ ........................   ......... Assistant Editor OHGFS f7`06 $"»!h·071· IH all depart- ,g;?§i§  lil§ff§§§§{f$FEEE?7    
.   . .. .....   ........ i .............. . ......... . ......, , ;   »;:s=;s$#e¢=5; i;€:sf.’aa:s=€:£i5=§  =2·,·  ‘
E. L. ‘l·lECKER ........ . ..................... . ........ Assistant é;mSii2C i:·,((ii;i)i·. ments Oxccpt Law to graduams of   “;§$55€i55$E; 5¤é§5E5$€f:fé2%Eé5=-  .l‘}Z·‘:l .t
. • ` ...’,•  ....4 ,,_,.··.-·.·, .  Ahh
. Kentucky Hmh Schools who are   .;:g;;§;:$;; sg; iastate · `Q,
BUSINESS STAFF ‘ ‘   V=.; { . ta;g;;;;.: ¤ §;;;; 5;;,5;;; { .‘€•3;§·‘,g‘.¤g 
_ s. o. annum-, Business Manage.- ¥“`€P8"°d te °¤t°" the Fmshmm    §s2%%Y??· ¤E§§§;ii2é§i¥%s,¤   ‘ ‘
F. L. M.AR1x..A¤st._Bu¤1ness Manager. J. B. SANDERS, Agst_ Adv, Mgn Class,     ;;;g;,_:;_; M J   1 -
THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LUR ['l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. Each county in the State is eu-     `    
v. 1,. nowmm, subscription Mgr. E. J. norm, Asst. sub. Mgr. titled to send FREE of tuition,       no   s
      Idea WSU pre; The next ISSUE of The Idea   be er fees, Ono Or more        · im?  
gggeldeg Slime UW us mem ers 0 grlzptgitg   the following members ot Necessary expenses moderate.     a  :,;=¤.. t  .
l ‘ O d¤· F f   ·   . d. *:52-5    .¤:§·   _
D. w. nate. J. c. Lewis. Q' “ ‘“ °"“““°“ ’°»‘*‘" mg   $$5  ' »
A. C. Ball. N. G. Rochester. u?p€mti€S’t§0llrScSl of Study, cost   .  \l·J c
J. o. Lewis. M. M. Harrison. ° °a"}A§U5§“é”’ %,Il?ITF ‘   ***
R. G. Stevenson. Virgil Babbage, "A tt P   _ .   » l ‘ 
Miss Taymr. mss wunams. _ C "'Iq ."‘;t" CMR
rexm 0n, y. T
CENTRAUS SCHEDULE. be as hard as Sewanee. We have  
—-—— won from Central now for three or ’ '
In the Cento of Central Univer- four years. the score last year was  
sity we notice the follow-lng: "Las·t Smaller than the year preceding by 7HE COLLEGE MANSSTORE .
year we had a team of individual 30 points, and Ceutra1’s team is bet- If you want
pla.yers_ and that is where State b€8.{ ter this year than ]8.St. M A  
us. State‘s strong point was mass Why cannot State show up some in-     _ _ _
play and interference. The new game dividual playing as well as Central?   Thu ls th° Phu t° gn lt' if Y°° '"M
· - * L............ ` A S it 0 t. H F · .
ls an individual game and thats ' n · “h:¤n‘¢3•°°::¤:=,0: ,:h_ 3} Rza-:]
where Central scores. In the New York Times of recent   8hc••, come to
"The Sewanee game will probably date there appeared an article written
be the best of the season. We are by -1 London correspondent, giving the Cb IsT·E_98   C
looking for a hard fight. But afterall opinion of a "eultured E.nglishman"   for the Genuine u' ' nn" - ` - ml"'
we would rather win the State game" who has made a special study of  
Schedule   S})€€Ch in various p13.C€S. NIH all his  
Oct. 1-University of Tennessee travels," he says, "the best and K f   & C
at Knoxville .......... 17-0. purest English in the United States If You \\’m,t,       0•
Oct. 8——Miami at Danville ....... 12-2 is spoken by the cultured classes of _ .......
Oct, 17——SEWANEE at Louisville 19-0 Kentucky." As a treason, he says Prmtgd MUtt€I`
Oct. 22—Hanover at Da.nvllle... that the people "have remained im- “;hich Com cls Attention LEXINGTONS
Oct. 27—Tulane at Danville ..... 35-0 movable in the mountains of Eastern p GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE c
Nov, 5-Transylvania, at Lexlng· Kentucky in :1 state of arrested devel- \Ve know where you can get, it,
ton. ................... opment. They use to this day the
Nov. l2—Unlversity of Cincinnati, language and follow the customs of n c0LLEGE COLORS
at Cincinnati ......... ancestcrs who were contempararies THE [N
Nov. 19-Georgetown, at George- of Shakespeare. Children sing bal- _
town .................. lads of the 16th Century England and   &   C0.  
Nov. 24—tTHANKSGIVING) State Scotland, sonarous phrases are cus- 1  
at Lexington. .......... tomzlry, which come to the lips as   F l
Central’s team out classes State's naturallv now as they did to their C ts,
at present. The dope so far is for ancestors of the Jacobean era." ·
Central, but that is something that This "cultured Englishma¤" it D0 Only Thnt Kind     i
cannot be relied upon. Each indilvid- seems has failed to travel through the ,
ual on Central’s team is a star. The Central and Western parts of Ken-  
team is mostly composed of old men, tucky. He seems to have met a "cul-     i
such men as Duffy at right-end, Walk- tivated" person or twc in his flight       d I _ h d { _ I
er at left-end, Louis and Bill Seél- across the mountains, but he should a m S urms c M spun
bach at Tackle Todd and Andrews at he better intormed of the educational       orders
guard, Wings at Center, make a line conditions of the State before mak- ,
that is hard to break. ing the statement that the "Cultivated  
State’s team for Thanksgiving game Classes of Kentucky" come from the Everything fipgbclags to eafh     & C0. ..
has not yet been developed. This mountains. This is casting no reflec- Flrencll Drip Coffee; Oysllers any zi
means a lot of individual work, as tions upon the mountain people, they Style at U lnnlnnntts notice. Tha ' _
well as team work. But under such arc coming to the front. The moun· only fh·St_c;nSS Lunch Counter in l
training as our Coach will give the tain boys and girls are some of our the South cud of the city. gnnn       ’
teams we are confident that we will best students, they are Wide awake. day and njghh Und", Fume National Bank
give old Central a hard fight. energetic and enthusiastic pupils. W S  
Central has won the Sewanee game It is true that the purest Anglo- ' ° _ _   v  
which it counted as the hardest fight. Saxon blood in America ls found lll Comer Mill wd Bolivar Finest Hair Cutting and Shaving
They consider State’s game as an in- the mountains of Kentucky, and doubt. Parlor in the City L
terestlng one, however, but will not less it is true that the best English
’ at

` f THE IDEA 5
A   is SDOk€¤ UIQTG. but D0 Say that the from this. Instead, every citizen took  
l "cultured classes" reside In the moun- part In the celebration of the victory.  
, talns cannot stand the test. _ Such is the case in every. other ·  
. * . · ——-—···—-———— college town. The business men of  
A ,       In ¥'€¤·d|¤K UW EX¢h8¤8€8 from these cities, those with whom the  
  % ` various universities lu the United students spend their money, are al·
_ J     States THE IDEA finds that the stu- ways found rejoicing ln every c0ll¢9
Q  {itz., ‘ l We dent council movement is working Ll'ill[Il[)h and serrowlng sincerely when
,   Q` =  *,1 ¤¤¢¢€8Sf¤UY· the sombre pall of detcat casts its
W F; _   J/f l Forums are established whereby the gleem about them. C B
T,    _l{ /   student and faculty representmiveg why they ghuuld Lexington be gr) • •
  z I ` 4   discuss the student situations. The dmqreht? Why should this Athens
I I; .    e »~Y·".   ideal university ls one ln which the of the 3euth_ this Paradise of the
   lt     Wy discipline of the school is controlled Bluggrgggy this far-fa,med dispenser 0  
5 [ . W   tj   ` by a movement to that effect. have we or hogpttamy, manifest such mm dis- ·
` ‘ `     Mt the vvwef to control ourselves? regard rm the mgm or the cmxege
j f  ' ·   President Van Hire, of Wisconsin, man? & C
{ ' . lx I says: "If students are not capable of Verily we are eehgtmtlned to re- 0
. f governing themselves in c:-diese. they mark, ··*r1me shall unfold what plight- U
_ / are not fit to be given the right of gd cunning h;ideg_" (SIWMSSOFS
` _ citizenship when they graduate" However, we humbly bow to the su- to ·p_ ;;_ D€Whum_)
t » ev "; f_!»' This is 8 VQYY 8*·¥`0¤8 St9·t€m€¤‘t. but perior wisdom of the City Fathers."
_, *   i' is U'u€~ WUY °8¤¤0t W9 85 SUP We crave pardon if there has been HEADQUARTERS
A A dvnw 80V€¥'¤ 0u¥'89lV€S? WUY IW? any criticism concerning their pro-
_ . learn to make and obey our own laws? c€.dm·€_ FOR A-LL r _
  it’S the ‘;—··—_— Was there any injustice in their ·¤ · A
l N '· *7 " *7 LIBERTY. course of action? Perish the thought.   t
about 0§,‘§g°' Qld *"‘“*° .. We   only We that they may pur. € IC
d "M&n`s inhumanity to man sue the even tennr of their Way Coll- ,
I Makes countless millions meum_" seieug of treading the paths of right-  
{   O euus conduct. But even in the
l n Monday followtimz the joyous sacred precincts of the council cham-
I celebration of our splendid North ber. even in the midst of their most. FOP College Meh.
{     C8.l‘OIln3.€ Victory, t,h€· City Council profound meditations, may be h€8·I‘d
E l mf-Pt and passed an ordinance forbid- the still, small and plaintxs Joie; 0; —--
. . ding college yells upon the streets of the student saying, "Oh, 6 Y. 08
l OP thc COll1billiltlOll of Slllart Lexington. This action, which is not forever in the dream of the en- FOOT BALL GOODS,
- "C0l]€gu” Stvler, good, all- without precedent in college history, thusiast_ the philanthropist, and the
_ wee] fabrics und making, has not only aroused indignation peet; but eemejnd make thy home GYMNASIUM SUITS,
among the students, but has excited among the children of men."
Anyway its tt smtp to sell “";° °;’""“°“‘u*h';’;*ght‘;"‘uthgerjigaz ··—······‘_ SH0ES’
g'§i¤;;·§uYX1¤¤¤ <>¤r Yvuvg M<>¤¤’S why°°Q_.;m;[§u_ 2;; "g,(,mSQ’ Coum AN Ac¤.¤E~TAL ¤eAw. BASKET BAL;.
- _ hewn in the South, should display ·*···
such hostility toward the very lnstl- Thg firgt death fren) {eet.be,l1 this SUPPLIES.
*—_° tutions that have advanced the in- vear was at St. Louis, Missouri, on
  terests of the city. bctobcr 25, BASE BALL G00DS’
t . if this was the r¤g¤¤=¤¤¤¤ else mum whson, rt ht thalf—back on
* ‘ ` where; if all students in the various the \§·aba,Sh_ Indianih g0Ot-ba_u team and COLLEGE
You can count on getting a Places of 1<’¤¤`¤·*¤g throughout 0*** was me ram victim. The accident
d0l1ar’s worth for every dollar °°“¤*·’Y W°*`° P*`°V°¤t°d fwm giving occurred in the Wabash and Univer- PENNANTS·
you spend here. vent- *¤ ¤¤ i¤¤<>¤·>¤¤ Wav- ¤> their feel- stty of St, Louis game on sammy.
im <>¤ the ¤¤¤€t= if A¤¤ Arbor- october zz. 0n accom of um FLAGS,
.._—. New Haven, or Cambridge treated has been abapdongd at
their boys as common "r0wdys" and gsgggsgiotball PILLOW COVERS,
for everv ex resslcm of enthusiasm. ,
V D ress and Tuxedo dragged thempoff to the Ba.stile—then A;);`ltiI2` Bgéulgodgé vieciiguthzf nts; POSTERS, ETC.
Rélltéd R€8SOIl8blY we would have HO room for complaint. mfg; vjere r€SA£)0nS;bl'€ for me death
` ° " But such is not true. Take Louis- _ further -——
  -1- ville for example, a city which is quite of the Mmng athlete. He
respectable even though lt does not claims that the new rules Encourage Will always bv glad to see
, ,_ I trick plays. This. no [Jubt, is claim- _
Y · · Mm perfect law and Order in Such ed because the vouug athlete was lu- Mm`
,   sacred trust, as our dear Lexington. jurpd in a trick'play.
· ’ When Central won from Sewanee.
the entire city was Hun: open to the
· . victorious throng. That night upon INFORMAL DANcE_ G. D.  
`   &   L22a§L1°"$?‘ ${32 €§I3Ei},,§§Z{°"B,0L’,‘Z1“S“ —· & <