xt7h1834279t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7h1834279t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-06-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 29, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 29, 1928 1928 1928-06-29 2012 true xt7h1834279t section xt7h1834279t THE KFNTI JCKY KERNEL



volume xvnj







Couch Is

Honored at Blue
Ridge Conference

Virgil L. Couch, president of the
Y. M. C. A. of the University and

former member of the advertising
staff of The Kernel, was elected as
secretary and made a member of the
executive staff of the Southern Regional Council at the close of the
Southern Students' Conference of the
Y. M. C. A., which was held at Blue
SEVEN DAY PROGRAM Ridge, N. C, from June 15 to 25.
Couch was also elected an one of
'Cotter's Saturday Night" Ap- the eight delegates to represent the
Among Major Atpears
South at the National Students'

Will Present Two Popular Plays,
"Tommy'' and "The Shepherd of the Hills"

tractions on Bill

Council that will be held at Chicago
in September. He is now serving his
second year on the Southern Regional
Council, half of which is elected each



Present Program


Prof. Carl A. Lampert Directs
Rehearsals of Twenty-fiv- e

Larger Primates Wreaks
Havoc Among Brothers

"Benny," one of the larger primates of Dean Angerson's zoolog-icl- a
gardens, sought, on a recent
occasion of accidental freedom, a
chance to make like of "Caruso,"
one of his smaller .monkey brothers. As a result "Caruso" came
out of the scrap in a very serious
condtion and is not expected tc
live. "Benny's" freedom was the
result of a very interesting case
of monkey strategy, learned of
course, among his brother engineers.


JUNE 29, 1928

Mixed Chorus to

"Benny" Escapes








A chorus of 25 mixed voices, under
the direction of Prof. Carl Lampert,
director of music of the University,
is now practicing three times a week
on a musical program which will be
presented during the latter part of
the first summer term.
It has been a custom on the campus
during summer school to have some
sort of a musical program and after
much consideration, the department
of music decided that more interest
would be shown and a better program
could be worked out with a chorus.
At the first convocation, President
that Professor
Lampert needed voices for the chorus
Aclarge number responded.
and a
cording to Professor Lampert this
is one of the largest choruses that
has ever been gathered during a summer term. Much enthusiasm has
been shown during the practice periods and it is expected that it will be
a great success.
A complete program will be published jn The Kernel next week announcing when and where it will be



Holiday Notice
All Classes Will Be Dismissed
on July 4 for the Whole
It has been announced by Dean
Taylor that next Wednesday, July
4, will be observed as a holiday at
the University and that there will
be no classes on that day. A defi-

nite program has not been arranged for the day.
Students' are warned that the
will be deducted from their standing for
cuts in their last class before, or
their first class after the holiday.




Sir Leslie MacKenzie and Lady
MacKenzie, of Edinburgh, Scotland,
who visited the University last week
where Sir Leslie was given the hon-

orary degree of Doctor of Laws,
were chief among the distinguished
guests present at the dedication of
the new hospital of the Frontier
Nursing Service near Hyden in Leslie county Tuesday.
Sir Leslie, who founded the movement in Scotland to provide relief
to the mothers and babies of the isolated regions of the highlands, made
the dedicatory address of the hospital in this section of the Kentucky
mountains which is devoted to the
same service.
Others of note on the program included Gov. Flem D. Sampson, Judge
E. C. OTlear, of Frankfort; Dr. J. A.
Stucky, of Lexington, and Senator
Hiram Brock, of Harlan.



SPEND $1,225,000
Largest Construction Program
in History of Institution
to Be Inaugurated
Appropriations Make Possible
Supplying of Long Felt

The largest construction program
the history of the University will
be inaugurated this year if the plans
of the executive committee materialAt the close of the conference
ize. The program includes the conCouch remained at Blue "Ridge where
struction of eight new buildings, two
he will attend a six weeks' training
Doctor Vandenbosch Is Author
of which are now under construction,
school for Y. M. C. A. presidents. He
of One of the New
at a total expenditure of approxiis in line for president of the SouthMiss Amanda Forkner Is Elected
mately $1,225,000.
ern Regional Council next year.
to Faculty of "Floating
McVey hall, one of the buildings
Among the books received by the
under construction, will be complete
University library lately is one ensometime in February. The Memtitled "The Neutrality of the NetherMiss
Amanda Louise
orial building, also under construclands," by Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, of
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Forktion, will be completed in October.
the political science department of
ner, of the Iron Works pike, who was
The building is being erected in honor
the University. In his work Doctor Ray Stadelman's Daily Task Is of those valiant Kentuckians who
graduated from the University with
Vandenbosch makes a study of the
a degree in Journalism in 1922, has
to Extract Venom From Texas gave their lives in the World War,
Executive Committee Chooses received an appointment to the staff
development of the law of neutrality
Rattlesnakes; Fluid Is Used and will be used as a chapel and audMen for Next Year to Fill of the "Floating University." This
as illustrated by Holland during the
itorium. The money for the memoras Serum.
World War.
Vacancies Left by Resigna- ship, with its five hundred students U.
ial was appropriated by the Greater
Late books of interest to teachers
and fifty instructors, will sail from
tions of Old Members.
Ray Stadelman, former student of Kentucky Campaign Fund and was
New York October 6 for an eight
are: "The Passing of the Recitation," the University, now has a dangerous collected from the people of the state.
by V. T. Thayer, a 1928 edition. The
Special dedicatory services under the
job in the
At the regular meeting of the ex- months' cruise around the world.
development of recitation from the Philadelphia, Mulford Laboratories in direction of George Hillenmeyer and
During the past year, Miss Forkner
ecutive committee of the University
according to a letter
formal painstaking stutterings of the received Wednesday by
Saturday a number of appointments was instructor of journalism in the
Dr. W. D. James Parks will be held soon.
days to the
on the staff of professors and assist- Miami High school, Miami, Fla. Her Annual Southern Students' Con little red schoolhouse
Other buildings planned
system of the university is Funkhouser, head of the department Teachers' Training building, are a
ference Well Attended With modern
pupils won two national prizes for
ants were made.
zoology of the University.
a Dairy
Many interesting and in- of
From Ten
N. J. Howard was named inspec- exceptional work in journalism and
Industries building, two men's dormiAccording to
formative insights on supervised man's daily dutiesthe letter, Stadel- tories, a library, and an animal house
States; Six. U. K. Delegates. study
tor in the creamery license section the school paper, which she sponsorare to extract veand socialized recitation also nom from 40 Texas rattlesnakes, 21 for the use of the departments of
and Miss Mary Foster was appointed ed, won first place in the state jour
may be gained by its perusal.
instructor in home economics. Miss nalism contest and second in the na
water moccasins and eight copper- physiology and zoology.
The Southern Students' Conference
"Health Heroes," a series of texts
Foster is a graduate of the College tional contest.
The new dairy building has been
of the Y. M. C. A., held from June 15 useful for classroom study has been heads. The venom extracted is used
off Industrial
Arts, Denton, Texas,
advocated for some time by various
by the Mulford Company and
Last year Miss. Forkner was a delto June 25 at Blue Ridge, N. C., "was begun with volumes I and II, by Lou- deand received her master of arts
egate to the World Conference on
Institute of America in manu- farm organizations and dairy interPasteur and Edward Jenner, re facturing the serum
gree at Iowa State College.
New Education which met in Lacar- - one of the best conferences that 'has
used by the Uni- ests in the state. The last session of
inR. D. Metchane was named as
ne was also tne been held in the past five years from
the Kentucky General
no, Switzerland,
ted States government to
"Relation of the Teacher's Educa the effects of snake bite. counteract made vague dreams a reality by ap
structor in geology to succeed R. L. official Associated Press representa- the standpoint of a program," was
tion to Her Effectiveness," by Jacobs;
Murphy who resigned. Mr. Metchane tive for this conference. While she the comment of Bart N.
Stadelman was at the University propriating the sum of $150,000 for
Peak, secreDetermination of Major Problems of during the past year, and during
is a graduate of Yale University.
was in school here she was a member
that the erection and furnishing of such
Z. L. Galloway was appointed as of Theta Sigma Phi, national wom- tary of the Y. M. C. A. ofhe Uni- American Life." by Hockett, and time he was
for the
School Plumbing Equipment,"
versity, who returned from the con- Public
sistant in farm organization and an's journalistic sorority.
zoology department.
The new structure will serve as a
by Thomas may be found under Col- had at one time 20 The department
management at the Experiment Statimber rattle combination laboratory for the teachis ference this week.
The appointment to this staff
umbia University's Contribution to
tion, and Merton Olyer assistant in one of the highest honors of its kind,
Others from the University Y. M. education, Teachers' College Series. snakes that Stadelman "milked" for ing of dairy manufacturing and for
rural life studies.
Because of the small research and classrooms necessary in
only instructors of the highest C. A. who attended the conference
written by Dhan Go- - their
Three men were named in the de ability and recommendation receive were Virgil L. Couch, president; Howof snakes and the
pal Mukerji and illustrated by Boris number shown in the project lackwas the dairy program at the University.
partment of chemistry as follows: Z. such an offer. Miss Forkner will ard Fitch, Raymond Roberts, Bryant
It is the plan of dairymen at the UniArtzybasheff, was awarded the John given up.
L. Gabbard, instructor; George R. teach journalism and Englikhclasses, Jones and Phil Aswerus.
versity to have the building erected
Newbery Medal by the American Lit
Kingsley, graduate assistant, reap- and will edit the daily newspaper,
The front.
'Dhere were 248 students and fac-- erature Association as the best chil will be during the winter- snakes-ha- it or top- - of- the formation. used for ofpointedand G. S. Stamatoff.ceai),-pointe- d
remembered,-th- e
T, will be
Polo," the official paper fort
dren's book of 1927. The, central not eaten for a long time and Stadel- assistant in chemistry.
fices and classrooms, while the rear
the "Floating University." She will colleges of ten southern states. Morn figure in the story is a carrier pigeon
S. Edison Haven, a graduate of be associated with many well known
l decided to feed them. Ac section will be used for research lab
ings and evenings were given over to of the World War. Mujeri, ari" InOhio State University, was named educators.
got a large restaurant oratories and the study of butter,
address by prominent student speak- dian, is best known as the author of cordingly he
instructor in psychology and A. H.
rat and put it into the cage with the ice cream, cheese and other
The ship's itinerary will include the
Larson was appointed a fellowship in following countries and places of im- ers, and in the study of the important "Caste, "Outcaste," and "My Broth snakes and the next morning instead
of milk.
religious and social problems of the er's Face."
the registrar's office.
of the rat being gone several of the
The new structure will be helpful
portance: Cuba, Panama, Canal Zone,
Other books of especial interest'' are snakes were killed and part of one
Three resignations were accepted Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hawaii, day. The remainder of the time was
not only to the University but to
spent in rest and recreation, such as "A Political Handbook of the World,"
as follows: E. S. Hill, assistant chem
had been eaten. A short time after
Holy Land, Constanti-Japaedited by Malcolm W. Davis and that Stadelman forced the remainder dairy interests in the entire state.
ist in the Experiment Station, who India, Arabia, Philippines, Siam, Java, athletics, hiking, etc.
Dean. Cooper, of the College of AgriThe outstanding ieatures of the Walter H. Mallory; "Herbert Hoo- to eat and all but one died.
will go to the University of Cincinnople, Greece, Italy,
culture stated, and will enable
nati to pursue graduate work; Lewis and two months in northern France, conference was the group faculty that ver," a reminiscent biography, by
For a time there remained only
to undertake a number of
met under the leadership of Owen Will Irwin, and "Count Luckner, the King Oscar at the University until
W. Taylor, assistant in poutry hus
things heretofore impossible.
Pence, of Yale University, a vocation- Sea Devil," by Lowell Thomas.
bandry, who will go to the Univer Germany and Austria.
two were sent to the University from
Construction will start this fall and
al guidance expert, and the discussity of California to take a position,
Texas, which were much larger than Prof. Fordyce Ely, who became consion by a group of the faculty leaders
and Edward M. Prewitt, dairy speKing Oscar.
nected with the University in March
on religion in higher education under
cialist. No reason was given for the
After Stadelman left, all but the
year, sod who is now head of
D. Weather-forHalf-wa- y
last resignation in the letter mailed
Over the leadership ofofDr. WL Y. M. C. A.
and placed
Convention largest were pickled zoology depart-in of this
the department of dairying, will be
the committee.
the laboratory of the
active charge of the new building.
graduate school at Nashville, Tenn.
ment for future experimentation. The in "Work will be started on the pro
Wednesday marked the midway
Prof. Rhodes E. Welch, extension largest is now in possession of Doc
Other oustanding 'leaders a the
posed Teachers' Training building
point of the first term of summer
conference were: Dr. Harrison S. El- engineer of the College of Agricul- tor Funkhouser.
school. Only fifteen days remain for
about the first of September. It will
liott, Columbia University; Dr. W. J. ture, and Prof. J. B. Kelly, of the
Stadelman left the University June be erected in Scovell park, which was
the completion of summer work.
King, Atlanta; Dr. S. C. Mitchell, of agronomy department, returned June 15 to take up his duties at the Phil
Students look with interest toward South Carolina; Dr. W. W Alexander,
donated to the University by the
adelphia laboratory.
city of Lexington for thafc purpose,
Garden Clubs of Lexington Co the remaining half of the term. of Atlanta; Mr. Arthur Rugh, of 25 from the 22 annual meeting of the
Many interesting features will call
Of this
and will cost $300,000.
operate With University
American Society of Agricultural Engreater activity dur China, and Dr. W. Taliferro Thomp- gineers, which opened June 19 at the
amount fifty per cent was appropriatthe students to
in Plant Project
son, of the Union Theologian Semied by Fe General Education Board
ing this time.
Final examinations nary, Richmond, Va.
Hamilton hotel in Washington, D. C.
of New York City.
At a meeting of the board of trus- will stir many to the closing. realizaOne half of the Southern Regional
Professor Kelly reports a very inThere
tion that school is
The University has no available
tees of the University Saturday an
Council was elected at the close of teresting time at the meeting which Twenty Come Across Line to
funds for the construction of the two
appropriation was made for an abor- - are some who are anxiously awaiting the conference.
These members will
Take Up Advanced
the close of the term to pursue their
dormitories for men but they will be
trips, a
was filled with
etum to be inaugurated on the UniCourses
the summer. For those hold office for a term of two years. trip through the bureau of standards,
built on the amortization plan. The
versity campus soon. It is to be six plans for continuing
who are
their wonk, it The term of those elected last year
Security Trust Company, of Lexingacres in extent and designed to con
will expire next year and an election government experiment station and
There are 271 students, 20 of which ton, will furnish the money, erect the
tain at least one specimen of each merely marks the first of complet will be held to replace them.
other places of unusual interest represent 13 other states of the Un buildings, and rent them to the Uni
The tribute and honor
tree, flower, bush and shrub in the
Those elected on the council to rep- throughout the capital. The ladies ion, registered in the Graduate School versity at such a rate that at the
ing college is given to some who
resent Kentucky were: Duke
meeting were entertained very for the first semester of the summer end of 20 years the buildings will be
The project, the largest of its kind have in this extra time attained their of Kentucky Wesleyan and Payne, of the
N, cordially by Mrs. Herbert Hoover,
the release
all it
paid for. The board of trustees will
ever attempted in Kentucky, is an degrees. To energymeansthe final lap Peak, secretary of the Y. M. Bart at wife of the Republican presidential school.
C. A.
Tennessee has sent us five, which sign a contract with the Security
outgrowth of a movement sponsored of conserved
the largest representation, and Trust Company to that effect.
by the garden clubs of the state who of the stretch.
AdmisWest Virginia is second with three.
Musical Comedy Company.
enlisted University aid for the garAn act passed by the last legislaThe other states have only one rep ture allows the University to carry
children 50c
sion $1.00
den plant through the agency of a
resentative each, except Pennslyvania out its building program in this
Fifth Afternoon
committee composed of Mrs. Frank
which has two.
Andre Thierry. L. McVey, Mrs. W. T. Lafferty and
Piano Recital
manner but no action was taken until
Among those who have registered the Court of Appeals passed on the
Tat- - Miss Mary Didlake, chairman.
"The King of the Golden River,"
are: Virgil uiarK Bailey, barkers legality of the act.
Admission 50c
Work on the undertaking has
burg, W. Va.; Alexander Chavis,
ready begun, the landscaping of the
children 25c
By exercising thrift and economy,
Jefferson City, Tenn.; Ernest Willis
tract having been executed by Harry
Fifth Night
. Va.; Koss uraham, the University has saved a small
Gibson Ceredo
Tatterman Lindbergh and Maury Crutcher,
"A Marriage Proposal"
Ind.; Charles Wesley amount of money from the general
with the department of
Mo. fund which will be used to start a
(By J. Catron Jones)
When It is known for a positive can party pledge itself to the sup Juergensmeyer,
Capt. "Dinnie" grounds. The land is situated on the
Through Recreation,,
library, which will be built in units.
bill, Paul K. Moore Mackville, N. C; Mil Each unit will be of sufficient
oc. south side of the stadium, extending
of The Kernel has asked fact that conventions in these later port of the McNary-Hauge- n
The editor
Upton. Admission 50c Children
from the men's gymnasium to Rose me to give my impressions ot tne days are operated in this fashion, one which they claimed would give the ton Wesley Muldrow, Little Frank to house 1,000,000 volumes.
Sixth Afternoon
convention at Kansas City. For a wonders why we still hold conven farmer protection similar to that Ark.; James Alexander Elam,
are under way to start construction
Lecture, "What Does Europe Think
my suspicions tions. There may be several reasons, now accorded to commerce and indus Elam, Tennessee; Bernice K. Finn, of the first unit sometime this fall
The Hillenmeyer Nursuries have
of Us?" Anna Dickie Olesen. Ad- promised the arboretum backers a long time I have had
F. Clutter,
about the usefulness of conventions, though it is doubtful whether they try. The party leaders, however, by Anita, Iowa; Pa.; Mrs. William and as fast as money can be secured
children 25c.
mission 50c
specimen of every species of tree con- and my observations of the G. O. P. are good reasons. The first and fore an overwhelming majority of 35 to
Douglas V. additional units will be erected.
Sixth Night
tained in the nursuries' large collec- convention at Kansas City has con- most is that America has the con 15, in a committee, rejected their Dugres, Edinburg, Texas;Gertrude W.
The construction of an animal
Popular Entertainment
go to con plea.
In the convention hall their
tion. The planting is expected to be- firmed that belief. A convention such vention habit. Americans
Palm Beach Fla.; house was approved by the committee
Ross Taggart and His
as the one just held is about as use- ventions to let off steam, though if plea was rejected by an even larger Heavrin, West Falkvule, Ala.; Ross Saturday. A location for this progin next fall.
Mary Sue King,
Country Fiddlers. Admission 50c
in the lapel of anybody went to Kansas City to let majority. In regard to the specific
A committee of Lexington women ful as the button-hol- e
Ogden Louthan Shepherdstown, W. posed building has not been selected
children 25c.
is cooperating with Miss Didlake in a coat, just a remnant of a bygone off steam they were disappointed, be- pledge to enforce the Volstead act,
Henry Wiley, Halls, and plans have not been made definite,
Seventh Afternoon
age. We still have conventions, and cause the convention offered no such and the 18th amendment, the opposi- Va.; Patrick
the work.
structure with
"A Trip to Magic Land" Reno the
opportunity. Another reason is that tion didn't get to first base. The plat Tenn., and Robert Farrington Wiley, although a
button-hole- s
in our lapels,
still have
seven or eight rooms is probably dechildren
Magician. Admission 50c
lit gives us a chance to hold on to a form carried with it the specific Halls, Tenn.
but they serve no purpose.
There was no oratory, no enthus semblance of democracy. Somehow or pledge to enforce the 18th amend
Seventh Night
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser is actively
no fights, and absolutely no de another, we hold on grimly to the ment, and a motion to eliminate this
"The Shepherd of the Hills," powerinterested in the building which will
One usually thinks of a idea that a democratic government pledge was tabled by an overwhelm
ful drama of the Ozarks from the
house and isolate snakes, monkeys,
Maysville School convention as a place where delegates must be run byinthe people or their ingly large vote, without debate.
dogs, guina pigs, and animals of othfamous novel by Harold Bell Wright
convention assemAn interesting sidelight on the
from all over the country gather and representatives
Monticello, a er descriptions used in connection
Roscoe R. Dalton, of
A New York cast. Admission $1.00
Turner Gregg, a graduate of the sit down and calmly deliberate over bled. And even if it is dinned into convention is that very few women student in the College of Law at the
children 50c
University in the class of 1924 with the great problems that face the na our ears from a hundred trumpets were active participants. Although University, is attending the National with research and immunity work by
pysiology and zoology departthe degree of Bachelor of Science, tion.
However, no such thing hap that a few men like Vare and Mellon the women have 50 per cent of the Democratic convention which is be- the
and choose the
was elected football and basketball pened in this convention.
it was get togetherlike Reed Smoot, president, votes in the country probably less ing held in Houston, Texas, as the ments.
write the than three per cent of the delegates official delegate of the 11th District
Doctors of Lexington have asked
coach and
teacher of the decided long before they came there and others
political principles into the party
University what opmembers
Prof. L. J. Horlacher's lass in Maysville High school at a meeting that Hoover would be the nominee for platform, while our representatives and alternates were women.
of Kentucky. Mr. Dalton, who is on- portunity of the
they might have to conduct
Another interesting feature of this ly 26 years of age, will perhaps have
sheep production toured some of the of the Maysville board of education president. Mr. Smoot wrote the plat go blindly through
the motion of convention was the lack of outstand
work under the
form long before the convention as
vicinity's leading farms yesterday af last week.
the distinction of being the youngest supervision research University authorof the
Mr. Gregg, who was an outstanding sembled, and it was adopted almost adopting the dictates of these politi ing oratory. The only speech of any delegate at the convention.
ternoon. Among those visited was
cal bosses, we refuse to believe it.
merit worthy of the name was deliv youngest delegate at the Republican ities and it is believed that arrangethe farm of Clarence Wright, of member of the football team while at without change.
ments for such accomodations
There were only two issues of any ered by young Bob LaFollette. Young convention was a young lady of 31.
When it came to the nomination of
Bourbon county, who recently import the University, was named
be made.
for three successive a vice president, there were dozens importance before the convention Bob made an excellent speech in de
ed a carload of sheep from England quarter-bac- k
Altogether the construction proMcVEYS GO TO CHICAGO
The class inspected this farm with years. He was also a pitcher on the of aspirants in the field, but the "big One was farm relief, and the other fense of his minority platform re
gram calls for an expenditure of $1,
boys," who managed things, got to- was the enforcement of the 18th port, but it fell upon unsympathetic
the idea of comparing the English varsity baseball team.
L. Mc- 225,000 for buildings, exclusive of
President and Mrs. Frank
Last season, as coach of the Green gether the morning before the con- amendment and the Volstead act. ears. Much to his own surprise the
type of sheep with those bred in the
upon which work is now
United States. Among Mr. Wright's ville High school team, he had a suc vention assembled, and decided on Representatives from many agricul- audience tolerated him and heard him Vey left Sunday on a motor trip to equipment,
up a real fight be- through, without "booing" him down Chicago where they will spend the in progress or about to begin. It
flock is a Southdown ram sold by him cessful year, winning all football Senator Curtis. The word was pass tural states put
McVey will teach is the largest year's program that
to the U. S. government for G00, the games with the exception oi one ed around to the henchmen leading fore the platform committee, and But when they came to vote upon summer. President
a course in international law at the has ever been attempted by the
highest price ever paid for one of its which he lost of the Louisville Male the various states, and all opposition carried that fight into the convention
University tf Chicago,
to Curtis melted.
(Continued on Page Four)
hall. They asked that the Republi
High school.
ftp? in Kentucky.

Opening its program Thursday afternoon, July 5, with the Ramos family, of sunny Mexico, the Redpath
chautauqua will hold forth seven
days in Lexington on Stoll field.
Summer school students have already
been given tickets to the event,
an annual one one the University
summer program.
Among the many attractions to be
offered during Redpath week are the
two popular plays, "Tommy" and
"The Shepherd of the Hills." "Tommy," a Broadway comedy hit, ran an
entire year at the Eltinge theater,
New York City, and is presented by
the Redpath circuit with a splendid
New York cast.
"The Shepherd of the Hills," taken
from Harold Bell Wright's novel by
that name, has been realistically
staged and is presented here without
losing any of the effect produced by
the novel.
Another major attraction is "The
Cotter's Saturday Night." This outstanding musical play, presented by
the Scottish Musical Company of
Boston, has scored phenomenal triumphs throughout New York and
New England. Written by John E.
Daniels, of Boston, and based upon
Robert Burns immortal poem of the
same name, the author has caught
the very spirit of Scotland s vividly
described by the ploughman-poe- t.
is given in a quaint old Scottish setting with the cotter, his family and
friends assembled for
a Saturday night of jollity and music
Scottish melodies loved the world
over are sung. Among them are
such favorites as "John Anderson,
My Jo," ,Laddie," "Scots, Wha Hae,"
"Duncan Gray," "Loch Lomond,"
"Annie Laurie," "Bonny Mary," "A
Man's a Man for a That," and "Auld
Lang Syne."
Other outstanding features of the
chautauqua program include -- the
Garay sisters, of Budapest and Florence, the Tatterman puppets and six
lectures by men outstanding in their
respective fields and subjects.
The complete program follows:
First Afternoon
Popular Concert Ramos Mexican
ChilAdmission 50c
dren 25c
First Night
Concert Ramos Mexican Orchestra.
Lecture "What America Means to
Mp " hv Arthur Walwvn Evans. Ad
children 25c
mission 50c
Second Afternoon
Lecture ''Wild Animals in Captiv-;t- v
" bv George F. Morse. Admission
children 25c.
Second Night
"Tommy," great American comedy,
by a New York cast. Admission $1.00
children 50c
Third Afternoon
Garay Sisters
Grand Concert
children 50c.
Admission 75c
Third Night
IllusGaray Sisters.
"Deceptive Art"
trated Lecture
Admission ?1.00
Max Meldrum.
children 50c.
Fourth Afternoon
Artists from "The Cotter's
Lecture. "The
Saturrlnv Nierht."
Spirit of Youth" Rolf Lium. Ad
children 25c
mission 50c
Fourth Night
"The Cotter's Saturday Night," famusical play The Scottish

















"Gay-Neck- ,"



auth-oriti- es

First Summer Term


Professors Return

Board Sets
Fund for Arboretum

Graduate Students


Political Writer Gives Impressions
Of Recent Republican Convention



Turner Gregg Is


Law Student Is

� V






as second class mail matter.

Byron H. Pumphrey


W. A. Kirkpatrick
Literary Editor: Betsy Worth
Society Editor: Ellen Minihan

A heavy sheet
Falls like a panful
Of water
Out of the heavens.
That mudhole
Is a dishcloth
The celestial housemaid
Threw at her landlord:





Fred Conn
Assts.: Martin Wilson Stella Spicer

the following editorial remarks made

'The University of Virginia has
played an outstanding role in the
molding of thought and the creation
of leaders in the southern states.
With its new endowment the university will sweep to increasing heights
of power and influence. The income
from the fund is to be divided,
for the creation of fellowships
and scholarships, and the other half
for general educational purpo