xt7gxd0qvh0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qvh0w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1989 1989 1989-03-10 2020 true xt7gxd0qvh0w section xt7gxd0qvh0w  




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny, high in 603







SEC Tournament last
chance for Wildcats ..




The Flaming Lips out
_ ma}??? .5}?P§?S.

See Page 3




Vol. XCll. No. 127

Established 1894



University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Friday. March to. 1989






Julie Butcher of the Women's Law Caucus watches as Jacques Wigginton of
the Black American Law Student Association speaks.

Black law students engage
in fight against Chandler

News Editor

A group of black law students \]()lllt‘(i
other camptis and state groups yesterr
day in asking for former Gov AH
“Happy” Chandler‘s removal from the
UK Boa rd of Trustees

“As a representative of the Universi—
ty of Kentucky and of our state. Mr.
Chandler is speaking t'or us in a lot of
ways. and personally I don't want him
speaking that way for me and rep»
resenting our state and I'niversity in
that particular manner.“ said Julie
Butcher of the Women's Law Caucus.
“l just find it unacceptable.”

Butcher also said more than too taw
students. faculty and stall have signed
a petition asking for t‘handlei's remot-
al from the board.

The requests tor either t'haiidler \
resignation or removal from the board
came after (‘handlcr tised a racial t'pb
thet in an interview with the Kernel last

.\l'ter the remark was reported in an
article about his new autobiography .i
number of students protested 'lie ‘itt
year—old t'handier‘s presence in the
governing body of the l 'ntyerstty

.\t .i Board of Trustees meeting Tues
day. however. t‘handlcr said he xuitlltt

not lcaye his position and tie :oiitif :t'
sist any attempt to ren ovi- hint

Yesterday. it it «it ‘hc Law ltiiiidiiii'
about Jo students gathered .tt
ionlei'eiicc ‘ii i'haruiier "s

The :‘t-sotiitiiiii .tliict‘,
i‘o l'K President liayid
fiicky Wallace
t'handier ‘.\"(t.\ proposed iii. 'iie l'K i’..1
tcL‘c of Law chapter of ’i‘tt' Hiat'k \mct‘i
can Lav. Student
Natl :a-L‘tli
iaiwuiet‘s lillllt‘i ,ind .'te
l‘auctis itiitchcrsaid
-ttidents tertn? "me it". no»

“WEI \( k i'.i.- i :.».'_‘

silt a.» unmet?

{oselte ‘nei.

(ion Wilkinson and

\ssociatioii Erie t':;r.s


\tu‘tMy ‘tti‘
Attllit‘t‘ ‘ 4.2V

1 Al \~.



Moberly runs
on 4th ticket
for president

By .\ll('ll.\El. l...lt).\'l€t~'
Staff Writer

Promising to make student government
more accessible to students. Angel .\lober—
ly' and David Skidniore announced their
candidacy yesterday for student govern-
ment president aitd vice president.

.\loberly. a sociology Jullltll‘ and disc
_]Ut'k('_\ at l’K's campusrun radio station
WHFL—FM. and Skidmore. an engineering
junior and Wlil’L-FM DJ. are running on
the ".-\ll Night Party Ticket." They said
L'K's Student (.kivernment Association has
not responded to the ”student on the
street H

"They SGAi spend our money padding
their resumes." Moberly said. “These peo—
ple tSGAi haye copped an attitude that
'w e are student leadei‘s.‘

‘SUA infighting and sell~servuig travel
bills this past year haven‘t done anything
tor the student on the street. I think
some concrete and tangible progress needs
to be made in proyiding simple services to
students "

.\loberly attended [‘K in ltt79. but left to
work in "the real world." When he re-
turned in 1986. he found the same "bull . .
that was going on when ihci left."

If elected. Moberly said he wants to es-
tablish a campus pub.

"There’s got to be a place on campus
where students can meet. have a drink and

Sec FOl'RTH Back Page

Eastern files
for protection
from creditors

By \l.\R('\' GORDON
Associated Press

NEW YORK Eastern Airlines filed for
protection from creditors in bankruptcy
court yesterday. the sixth day of a machin»
ists strike. and blamed pilots for a “cash
crisis” that paralyzed the nation‘s seventh-
largcst airline.

The move came a day after Eastern inA
sisted such a step remained a last resort in
the airline's effort to endure the strike.
which had strotig support front pilots and
flight attendants and was costing Eastern
an estimated $4 million a day

The filing under (‘hapter H in US. Bank-
ruptcy Court in New York is designed to
give Eastern a reprieve from debts while
it tries to restructure and redeem itself
from the worst crisis in its 60~year history.

Eastern Boss Frank Lorenzo and East-
ern President Phil Bakes insisted they in-
tend to restore the airline in bankruptcy
court, though in a smaller form.

“We tried mightily to keep Eastern from
bankruptcy.” Bakes said at a news confer-
ence. “We intend to operate our airline:
make no mistake about that."

Bakes said Eastern faces a “cash crisis
that can only be averted and stabilized by"
turning to the bankruptcy court.

Union leaders lashed out at Lorenzo as a
“robber baron.“ Machinists called for a
public boycott of Eastern's sister airline.
Continental. and said they would oppose

Sec EASTERN Back Page




Brent Lovell, a bartender at Two Keys. mixes a drink for one of his many


Students learn how to
mix drinks in course

My .ll'l.ll<2 .\l. RUWIANI)
Staff Writer

A new UK class gives students the op-
portunity to learn the correct way to
blend. shake and stir.

The UK Student Agenctes' Bartending
Course. offered from March 20-28. will
have lastday sign—ups today

For those who cannot make the
March dates. another set of courses is
offered i'roni April 3-11.

“We want to have at least three isets
of coursesi a semester. because a lot of
different students couldn‘t do it at dif—
ferent times . so they can sign tip for
either right now." said (‘hristine Zolkie-
wicz. a communications senior and
manager of the bartending agency.

Alcohol is included in the $50 course
fee. along with a course manual. certifi-
cate of graduation. a card for the stu.
dent's wallet arid the student‘s natne is
kept on file for reference purposes.

The classes are geared toward stu
dents and try to stress drinking legali-
ties. Zolkiewiez said.

"We don‘t actually place people in
yobs. after this." she said. “This is
usually for people who have never been
behind the bar before to give them a
goi-I oasic knowledge of what bartend-
ingis allabout."

Trainees learn about drink recipies.
glassware and the history of different li-

They also learn correct alcohol mea-
surements according to legal blood~al-
cohol levels.

“Real drinking. proper drinking and
safe drinking comes from the right
measurements.“ Zolkiewicz said.

One of the more important things the
courses teaches is how to deal with
drunk people. Zolkiewicz said.

“We do an on—premises type of thing

where you pretend there‘s either a
drunk person or an olinoXious custoincr
aitd how you deal with it So a lot of the
PR is included. .she said

The new regulation recently passed
by the lnteivl‘raternity Council which
prohibits t'K trateriiittes from serying
hard liquor is has hurt agency. Zolkter
wtc/ said

“I was planning on having a Saturday
seminar tor fraternities because a lot of
them had approached its and said that
they wanted more information.” she
said, "\Hicn they decided that they
weren't going to have alcohol provided
at parties. that hurt Us a lot. And I was
planning on going into that type of

Zolkicwtcl. said the [H‘s new alcohol
regulation is better tor the campus be-
cause inatty people do not know how
much alcohol they can safely consume.

Zolkiewicz doesn't teach the courses.
but hires two instructors from the fac-
ulty club to train students.

Anyone cart take the courses. but they
must be at least 20 years old. Those
people under 21 years old must sign a
waiver which promisies they will not

There were 33 people in the last class
and Zolkiewicz hopes there will be there
in this class. She said the class should
be larger because there has been more
publicity this time.

“Publicity is one thing we‘ve been
trying to get a lot of. We‘ve put up fliers
and we advertise at WRFL.“ she said.

Zolkiew'icz had to take the courses
herself since she makes out the tests
and also videotapes the classes so that
people who have to miss can watch
them at a later time

Information about the classes can be
obtained in 107 Student Center, or by
calling 2. 76551 or 257-1776.



Tower becomes

first Bus

h cabinet

nominee rejected

By IN i\\ \ (WES \'I'.\

A\sstici:itt-ii P: t :s

The \cnatc \t'stt‘l‘tlzly
iciected 'tit- :ioiitt
nation ot .lohn Tower
.‘is iletcnse secretary.
BIHT. handing l’resi
dent Bush a iiiaior de~
teat iii his tirst high-
stakes showdown with
the i)(‘llltK'l’élltt'rt'ttll'

The White House
S'dltl RUST] \kttuni ttti \\\llli‘.
placement nomination to tfie Ninatc

Tower tour. ,
his fil'lllklllL‘. i..titli.\.
unhappiness that no i
post as arnis negotiator .tlitl ticeai. i'.tllllllL
hundreds ol thousands of
tense industry consultant

The \ote was the i :iiiiiinai tilt vil ..
tuous six~day \t‘lliltt'
follow cd party lines

llowell lletlin ot \iiliitilliti
sen of Texas and tin isiopnt-r iioiiit it t .-
necttcut were the tiltiy ltcinotiats to sit:
port the nomination tint- ltepiitiiicait
Nancy Kassebaiini oi xoit-ti
against it.

Tower. in a statement ‘t
the Pentagon monients .itiwi 'tie \oto \tli't
“I will be i'ctot‘dcd as ”it "rst tatiiiicf

7 i ~~ttliiiitt .

‘.‘»t‘l.\ ‘rllli tilil‘t'l".\

.l'lllL‘ \t" v-iia‘iiiui.

'tt Lts .,tt\t‘l'll[tti‘lli
tltilill‘s is z :e


‘t'lttlit' ‘ttl ii\t't\

Hoyt! ,.ciii


.ichycicit .

‘ioniinee l‘l the ’ttsittl'\ Iii f'ic "‘titi'ttl't vii

'f'tl‘t‘lt‘ti l . VA 11'»' ‘l't id‘ iii \‘llg'll
.tndiicrtiaps tit-t‘ai‘stil‘t '
tint ‘ it-iiar' in
will ‘ziysett snowing "tar 3 iii»
iiiit Ennisilli‘tit timiitioii' II‘)‘ \ winifi‘.
":‘owei' ' Luit
tieci‘i stitiiectcii
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\iiit 'et tlt‘l't' ._ so i tl'llll.i

~l't'rti'ttt'tl Isittl»lt\!lt'ii "Li:

‘Ltitl =t. 'ittt‘l' :ttllitit'

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Mitt lt~ '.tt.f...

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i'\i l'

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W .\'l - l \pciii :ic mi 1 t ‘iiiilt'it'iiti' .

;‘. Items titu‘ ' slut _‘.ttt ..-,i

~‘t‘f.\\lft1ii_ri . .

Three UK students injured
in Harrodsburg Road crash

Staff reports

Three l'K students were hit in a head oi:
collision on llarrixlsburg ltoad \iiiiday

Beth .\Ia.\edon. Ktni Murphy and
Wolfzorn were coming ironi .\si)lll‘) tol
lege. in Wilniore. Ky. when the amateur

‘ My understanding is that a car driyen
by a woman sideswipcd a Lincoln t‘oiiti
nental on Highway on near ltrannoii
Road." said Bill Moore. campus minister
of t'nitcd Methodist (‘hurch "lt swcryed
into the path of .lon's car and hit it head

Murphy and Wolf/.orn. who were both
taken to Saint .loscpli Hospital. were
treated for their injuries and released


\itiiptty t'l .taii-iioniy i‘li‘itil. ~ititeit-it .
ili‘t‘l‘ . i.‘ his leg anti a hull ii'ii

it Ms .irtst “Hit/Ul'li. .! t‘tllltltlit'i‘

lttit ‘. t't‘
-.\ ,t‘lil'V
"itlitl i i‘l'k il\iit,‘i

‘ittitttt. mi» 't’catcd tor ..

iiiit cuts at ’Itlliil tits iitoutli

\lawitiiii .i ioiitiiiiiiiicatmits ’ltl.|iil .
suitetiin; tron. lilt‘lili cuts and was takczi 1.,
l’eiilrai Baptist Hospitai .\hc is
satistactory iondition

il\it'li ill

It was initiiini.‘ l't'.ii tiaid .iitll y\.i\ «f?|\
trig Hcth was ill the back seat and i this t:.
the front seat.. Mast-don said ’\\c were
about eight minutes otit tit l.e\ington when

the accident oct iircd

tither tactual ltllttl‘tlldlltlll and the names
of the other driycrs and passengers ill
\olycd iii the accident h;i\c not been re
leased by the Kentucky State Police

Ringing in spring break ’89

St af f reports

The new bell in Barker Hall will ring tor
six tninutcs today at 12101 p nt . officially
beginning spring break 1989. according to
Vice Chancellor for Administration Jack
Blanton‘s office

At 12:01 pm. Monday. March 20. the bell
will ring again for six minutes. officially
ending spring break, a spokesperson for
Blanton's office said.

if t'K‘s men‘s basketball team beats

\‘anderbilt l'niverstty in its first game of
the Southeastern t‘onfernece Tournament.
the bell also w ill ring for six minutes

l'K is scheduled to play Vanderbilt at
:t.13p m. today

For each subsequent postseason game
the Wildcats win. the bell will be rung.
Blanton's office said.

The bell. which was cast in the late 180m
in Hillsboro. Ohio, was donated to UK by a
state business,




2 — Kentucky Kernel. Friday. March 10.1909



C.A. Dunno Bonlfer Jim White Julie Euclrnen
Editorial Editor Managing Editor Special Praiects Writer
Jay Blanton Brad Cooper ”Clint Brennan
Editor in Chief Copy Desk Chief Cartoonist


Preventing World War III ought to be everyone’s business

III ll|\ column on Socially ('on
eerni-il Students. t' .\ Iluane Bonil
er heaped ridicule on Socially t‘on
eeriied Students and four
\llltlt‘lll groups loi' daring to sag
L',t‘\l that students can time an el

teet on the situation in the Middle

\eeording to llllll. i! is “Iiidi
Iii say that world eyents can
.itleii .iII oi us and that the student

l’ertiaps \lr Itonilei l\ unaware
tli.i! the Middle l‘iast |\ the region
it! 'lii world most likely to act as
the trigger point loi \\oi'|d War III
tutti superpowers .ii'e deeply iii
\olyed ii: the region the t'iiited
states I“ supporting Israel and the
NH. 11-! t'niiinatlieil \\ itli .\_\ri.i

’l‘lieri' ,ilreaily lia\e been si-iei‘al
lliiriiig the l‘lTl \l'.lli
Israeli min. the t'nitcd States \\t‘llI
iii' iiiii lt'.it alert to pi'ey'en‘ the \o
‘.it'l liiioii troni sending |I\ troops



t'ltist' t‘.lll.\





to Egypt to enforce a ceasefire
that Israel was violating

During Israel's ltlti‘.’ invasion ol
Lebanon. Israel shelled the Soyiet
Embassy in I‘lt‘l'llli and then occu
pied that embassy during its inva
sltlli ol West Iteriiit. in violation ol
another ceasefire Israel also
killed 31in Soviet technicians near a
Syrian air defense installation
l1‘iirtunately. the Soviet t'nion did
not retaliate against Israel tor
these attacks on Soviet citizens

ltuane tonili-r states that ‘the
I'niteil States foreign policy is not
to iii\ade other countries unless
\Illt'l'lt‘lllh arc iii danger ” l’lease
llllyt' tie \t't‘tiiitls to imagine what
‘.\tIlllll ll.‘i\i‘ happened ll tlie Soviet

Union has been operating accord-
ing to the Bonifer Doctrine in 1982.

What if they had invaded Israel
because Soviet citizens had been
killed and others were in danger"?
In my opinion, we would not be
alive today to talk about it.

The conflict between Israel and
the Palestinians is at the core of
the decadeslong Arab—Israeli con
diet It has contributed to the out-
break ol' a series of bloody wars
over the past 41 years and threat:

This time, however, certain Arab
countries possess chemcial weap:
ons and long-range missiles to de~
liver them, while Israel has more
than enough nuclear weapons and
long-range aircraft to devastate all
the Arab countries and parts of the
southern Soviet Union.

The main rationale for our pro
posed student government resolu—

tion is that a negotiated settlement
of the Israeli»Palestinian conflict
would greatly reduce tensions in
the entire region, making the out-
break of disastrous war less likely.
This would have beneficial effects
on the security of Israel, the Arab
nations and the rest of the world

Bonil'er erroneously reported that
this resolution was on the agenda
ol the Student Government Asso-
ciation Senate meeting of March I.
Recognizing that this issue is a
complex one, we didn't attempt to
push it through without adequate
discussion and education

Last week. the sponsoring groups
organized a series of free public
education forums designed to high-
light various aspects of the issue
In addition. we plan to be available
during the next several weeks to
meet with any and all of the StiA

Senators to explain the resolution
and answer quest ions.

In Mr. lionifer's mind, such
grass-roots activities conjure up
images of the 1960s, “when student
protests, burning the American
flag and tearing down anything
that resembled the evil establish-
ment was in vogue.“ This is unfair,
unsubstantiated and a cheap shot. I
have never burned an American
flag amt never will. To my know
ledge, none of the students in the
five sponsoring groups ever has ei-

If I were to respond at the same
level ol rhetoric, I might say some
thing like: “At times, Bonifer‘s
blind faith in the Secretary of State
and other Sit-('illk‘tl ‘experts‘ re-
minds me of those people who sup—
ported the napalining of children
liy the US. Air Force during the

Vietnam War." But I wouldn't
stoop so low.

The people sponsoring the resolu-
tion on the Israeli-Palestinian criti-
l'lict have a hope. possibly naive,
that our efforts can help lead
toward a peaceful settlement when
combined with the efforts of thou~
sands of other people across this
country. We realize the conflict is
deep and bitter. and won't be re:
solved in a day. We are in this for
the long haul.

The attitude of cynicism is in
vogue these days. It‘s easy to sit
back and sneer at the idealistic ef-
forts of others. I hope that in the
future, however. Mr. Bonifer crit-
icizes us for the content of our pro:
posals rather than for the riiere act
of trying to gel actively involved in
the world we all live in.

(leotrr'ey M. Young is (1 member
otSocirrllv ('oriccrned Students.



(‘ampus needs
to work to wipe
out racism

February ltlai'k ll|\ltil'\
\liitl‘ii It L‘.i\i- t'\f‘I')ttllt' ilie oppoi
’ii:i.'. to gain .i deeper understand
Illt’ lilaek :\Illt‘i'lt'2itl \ eat
and contributions made
litt‘..lt'il tlie iipliltiiieii! iil Illlllliillll‘.


tlir' "I


t‘eleliraliiii; ltlack llistoi‘y not
onlx enables us To better under
stand the lillllll't'tllllll'til heritage of
the t nited States. but brings us one
step closer toward racial unity

The Italia 1 t‘lili til l'K would like
to present a challenge to each indi
\idiial member of the college com
niiinit\ to examini- his or her t|\’tll
attitudes and toward
.ii-liiei inil interracial unity

\te cannot atlord a

“1' tIill\I strive to become mod


moment 's

els ol race unity. taking no part in
racism. however subtle or blatant;
never allowing ourselves to be pas
sive participants in racist actions

We feel that the advice given in
the Itaha'i Writings establishes
healthy guidelines for dealing with

"Lei neither think that the min
tion ot so vast a problem is a mat
ter that exclusively concerns the

"IA-t neither think that such a

problem can either easily or imme-
dialely be resolved

"llet neither think that they can
wait confidently for the solution ol
this problem until the initiative has
been taken

”Let neither think that anything
short of genutiic love, extreme pa
tience. true humility. consummate
tact. sound initiative, mature wis~
(tom. and deliberate, persistent,
and prayerful effort can succeed in
blotting out the stain which this





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The Kentucky Kernel
Jay Blantort
.sz White
"3 A tin/mo Boniter
limit (Amber
t uglinetii Wade
but; i loin Splliflittq
An t ;; """ l ‘ Brian. Je'it
Am i i”! Rob Ben".
I" it it .“i: :3 W: n minim
r‘ti’lv Moxie Agn
Atl.’t"il'» '7 I? l mini Co.
A" i ' [Vin tli It Kat-i}.
I‘N; n ’.1: Hair: ‘v’ iid
r a a, 14,. , t . r, ,v',ij.,"‘ri/f'ii iir/iliwittir';
y,» proxy '1: 3 :1
' ;"'7 tin ii i 't t 1 V1 M : Iw; .i.:i tiirltvOIl
i ,w ' y»: '
l~ r i ,pi ' ‘e' i‘ t id l'...‘3.." "n, (Hr: l‘ir‘. "r; 5134 Back
1 i act 1 ,i ’ r: idd'i» rid afi'w‘ri"airy/Kernel, Room
“7 to,“ li‘ m It . id nq. tl'iivw" fy Ll t‘li ‘iiifr , t1 r iijion. KY
11357, ("j-1:7 ll’t’l'te ("306, {I‘M "' "




Spring Formal





satin \ll.lt‘lt“~~
\tlplll\llkillt’tl .iiid
liits «it glittt‘i
iis b.1tiiiil.i\tiiiiii
It“ It‘

l\ti.ix.ii:.'.iix i‘


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iii' ~tii ' ‘l










the kernel











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LeanonMe PG
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12:00-2125.5:05-7:30-9:50 Fri/Sat 12:15


True Believer R
121202304 :35-7:55-1 0:00 Fri/Sat 12:00

Bill 81 Ted's Excellent Adventure PG
1:20-3:10-S:15-7:30-9:35 Fri/Set 11:20






Police Academy 6 PG
2:00-1:505:4o-o:oo-1o:oo Fri/Sat 11:50






11 :50-2:1 54145-721 5-9245 Fri/Sat 11:55





PoliceAcademyG PG

1:10-2:55—5210-7240-9225 Fri/Sat 11:15


Dream a Little Dream
12:05-2:15-4:40-7:25-9:40 Frl/Slt 11:50




Working Girl
1 :15-3:25-5:35-7:50-10:00

Ctiaices Are




Skin Deep R




New York Stories Ft
11:55-2:204:so-7:2o-9:50 Fri/Sat 12:05





Bill & 106': Excellent Adventure PG











Dream a Little Dream PG














W Bumhg
11 :50-2:15-4:45-7:30-9:50



paleiit evil has left on the lair
name of the common country . "

While this letter six-cifically ad-
dresses blacks and whites in the
Fruit“ States. it can be applied to
people of all races in all coutries.

Please join us in the effort to
w1pcout racism

Let it be this generation which
ushers in a new era of interracial

Bruce Kinzinger, Curl Lee and
Christine Weaver are nieitilicrs of
the Baha'i Club of UK






It is that time of year again and time to begin
the Singletory Awords selection process. The
applications for the Otis A. Singletory Outstond—
ing Senior, Mole and Female, are available in
Room 230 Student Center. As you are aware,
the Singletory owords recognize the outstond-
ing seniors, mole and female, who have made
superlative contributions to the University of Ken-
tucky through their involvement in leadership
activities during their tenure at the University of

Applications are also available for the nomi-
notions of the outstanding Freshman, Sopho—
more, ond Junior student owords. These oppli—
cottons will be due Wednesday, March 29, 1989.
If you have any questions, feel free to colt the
Student Activities Office at 257-8807.

The Student Activities Board is pleased to
present these awards and welcomes all nomi—








L k h t’ ' ° t
Flexibility. When you take courses through UK's
Independent Study Program, you choose
the pace and the place.
Selection. More than 130 credit courses, including
many degree requirements. are offered.
Convenience. You can register at any time for an
Independent Study course. You can tinish a
course in ten weeks, or take up to a full year.
If flexibility, selection, and convenience are what you're
looking for, stop by the Independent Study Program at
Room I, Frazec Hall, and pick up a free catalog with course
descriptions and costs, or call: Z
. Ill-IlyvlhtNl ' S p















be seeking entertainment
er climates, the Hume-I
ue at Lomsvflle 5
es of three new

While everyone wiiirmi
' 'ous forms in su . .
‘rri‘avflrew Play Festival will contin
Actors Theatre with the premier


.. F‘sh"
plays. ‘ the seedier side of H°“Y‘”°°d' Bone The I

to nudity and strong
' day at7p.m.Due ' |
Opens ms Sun ' to be controverSia .
la is sure ho
languanglaggyy” a poignant story of a fezuplzaws‘
haigullllred in rural isolation for the past y y

decision to
. . - ' e mustiacea. ‘
When the Wife is taken ill, mrycontinue in their faith to

l of strangers o h 15 at
seec: 3:3: The play opens Wednesday, Marc
ea .

7:30 pm.
look at suburba
als. The play's c '
scape where nothing works as
explanations of life's daily my;h
in the artifacts around them. 6 p
day March 15 at 7:30 pm“
I‘ rices range to . .
pelltlfahoe time, For ticket informati

akes an irreverent .

ed by extraterrestrv
ped in a planned land—
they search for
ms and

ot the Lost Formicans“ t
n angst as observ

haracters are trap

planned; _
teries in their drea
lay prem‘e'es 8""

‘ (O
‘50 to $21 according
6 on. call (502) 584‘

1205‘ with«
The Lexington Philharmonic Will7;:rteo;mm 3‘
out a guest artist Friday, March 1

{y the Singketary Center for it; Arts.
For ticket information. call 257-49 .



Lou Reed
Sire Records

Virgin Records

2. SPIKE Giant Sand
Elvis Costello Homestead Records
Warner Bros. Records
3- FL", FLOP Love and Rockets
Guadalcanal Diary RC A/Beggar's Banquet
Elektra Records Records
Fine Young Cannibals Robin Hitchcock
l.R.S. Records Warner Bros. Records
5. BUG 10. GREEN
Dinosaur Jr. R.E.M.
SST Records Warner Bros. Records

As determined by airplay on WRFL last week.






Auatin Clty Saloon — 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. John Michael
Montgomeiy and Young Country will perform at 9 tonight and tomorrow
night. Cover is $2.

The Bearded Seele — Euclid md Woodand avenues. Velcro Pygmies
will perform at 9 tonight and Edison’s Revenge tomorrow night. Cover is

The Breee A Saloon —- 2902 Richmond Read. Free Fall will perform at 9
tonight and tomorrow night. Cover is $3.

The Brewery — 509 W. Main St. Lury Redmon will perform tonight and
tomorrow night. No cover.

Cheapelde Bar —- 131 Cheapdde. Dave Wunech will perform at 9 tonight
and tomorrow night. No cover. ID required.

Comedy On Broadway — t 1 4 N. Broadway. Jack Grayman. Gary Barlow
and Mark Psisper will perform. The shows are at 8 and 10:30 tonight,
and at 7, 9:15 and it tomorrow night. Cover is $6 both nights. i0

Copperfield'e -— 249 W. Short 8t. Putter Coleman will perform at 9:30
tonight and tommorrow night. Cover is $3.

Klnga Arm Pub — 102 w. High St. Tommorrow night Limited Access will
perform at 9:30. Cover la 32.

Malnetreete — 269 W. Mdn St. Jack of Diamonds will perform at 10
tonight and tomorrow night. Cover la $22

Rhineetene'a — 5539 Athena-Booneeboro Road. Rough Cult will
perform tonightmdtommorrownight. Coveria saaperson and $5a
Two Kaye Tavern -— 333 S. Limeetone St. The Duster will perform at 9
tonight and Next Beat Thing wl perform tomorrow night. Cover $3.
The Wrocklage — 351 w. start §.-Tonight Afghan Whigs and Flaming
Lips will perform. Coverie 85. Tommorrow night the Will and the
Bushman aid City Sonora wl perform.

Compiled by Staff Writer Michael L. Jones








Lips service

The Flaming Lips out to alter senses through their music and stage show

Staff Writer

I remember the last time I saw
The Flaming Lips. It was less than
a year ago and my ears are still

"We play loud. so that it isn’t
just music. It‘s a physical thing
when it‘s this loud." said Wayne
Coyne, guitarist/vocalist of The
Flaming Lips. in a recent phone in-
terview from his home in Norman.

Wednesday. The Flaming Lips
embarked on a one-month tour of
the eastern linited States in sup-
port of' their new record, Telepa-
thic Surgery.

(‘oyne describes the new album
as ”our version of what punk rock

“(Tolepathic Surgery) ended up
being a really experimental re-
cord." Coync said. “We went in the
studio at the end of July for 12 days
and recorded to songs. Some of
them we had thought out, some of
them we hadn‘t . "

When the band found that the re-
cord would not be released until
after Christmas. they returned to
the Dallas studio. recorded a few
more songs and rearranged some
of the previous cuts.

The band’s second album and
third LP on Reckless Records fol»
lows in thc samc vein as its prede-
cessor. 1987's Oh My
Gawd'" . The Flaming Lips, but
differs. according to (‘oync in that
it “rocks liardcr.”

Although The Flaming Lips fall
into thc broad catcgory of rock 'n'
roll, comparisons to psychedelic
artists of the early ‘70s abound.
which arc due in part to their stage

show that includes a smoke ma-
chine. a bubble machine and a
light show operated by bassist

Mikc lyins.

"Wc don‘t take the whole stage-
show thing as seriously as some
people who want to hold up the
sanctity of rock ‘n‘ roll.” (Yoyne
said. “They say. "It” you took away
lhosc bubbles. and you took away
thosc lights. what would you guys
bc"‘ Wt-‘d be borcd shillcss. We get
up and play and create this atmo-
sphcrc. And that‘s the way we like
ll, \l'licthcr wc get paid a lot to do
it or wc'rc doing it for nothing. it's
still the samc feeling for us.”

In addition to overloading the
senses with smoke. bubbles and
sheer loudness. the trio recently
added a laser.

"I remember going to a Blue
l))'>l(’i‘ l'ull \llt)“ when l was 11 or
so. and thc lasers were flying all
around." ('oync said. “A couple of

y 7%



Wayne Coyne and his bandmates Richard hogtisn
and Mike Ivms comprise The Flaming Lips who.


Kentucky Kernel. Friday. March 10, 1989 — 3


will performing 'oni’ch‘
Afghan Whigs Will open the «to w


Rob Sang
Arts Editor



it The "N'T'C'Klal'le The



The Flaming Lips will
perform at 9 tonight at
The Wrocklage With The
Afghan Whigs. Cover is




weeks later therc was a tug law
suit about .i