xt7gxd0qvg58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qvg58/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1985 1985 1985-11-27 2020 true xt7gxd0qvg58 section xt7gxd0qvg58 ‘
’ ‘ ' Q'Thifi‘»"gig-wigs. ““T‘ ' ‘ W 1094 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky ‘ ' . ' W 5 WM. November 27, 19.5 ' ' "
3. “2;”. ..-~ ..~;1 , ‘t . at p" -‘ , . ",r :sftu‘ "W”, 7.5." . ~ . ,
UK f . l SAB 'd t "
orum ‘ ., . pl’BSl en says , -
. . ’s. . “ .
alts VIEWS 7- fee increase would
. V’ TY!" ‘- jl' ', It
on station . ._ ' ' m :.
. . . / _ . . t... - .‘ 1 prove programs
Group dissatisfied ._ -. ‘-:-; 'f -'r'."- 1
, h . ByJAYBLANmN —-——-————- .- ‘ .' Np"
Wlt current 1'3le ' “ ‘ .... W . ‘ smmmer “With the budget we ft ‘-’. 'tul’,
By BRAD COOPER ‘ ’ ‘ ml?" Etnaeettmscggvedg;me hall? of have now, we are
‘ Staff Writer 5‘ , 0 ~- ,r - I u en er ause o a ‘- 3 . -’ ‘, 2",;
f: a. T' T , Ina“. ‘ power failure, a committee last forced l0 pdeULC -' '55". i; v"

i From its perspective. WBKyzFM e; if . ... a I... I... night discussed the impact a student revenue and 30 “e .-' .121...
may be fulfilling a role at UK, but 3' '3;‘- t' . g fee increase would have on the Stu- . ‘ i . . .‘ .2}: 3.}.
not one that is “representative of 5 . . _.. ' “I ‘ dent Activities Board and Student must charge admittance mgr“,
the University market,“ said a Lex- l .‘I . - ' "‘ " ‘ Government Association budgets [0 Shows SChOOl\ '. ‘ r.-.' ‘2

' ington resident who spoke at the 1“, . . ,‘ ‘ P " i l Aresolution, postponed by an SGA . ' ' ' ' K . j t‘ ,1 - '-.'-. {-13,};
. Radio Free Lexington forum last is «9142‘ ' l._ . ' ‘ //. i " "‘l "l- l-” i- — committee to gather student input. llke Vandy can blmg 1“ -- ',"- . ‘ .-" ti"
. night" '&!33\ ' a! T .. l 3 1r 1.. has ””9““ "‘3‘ ‘h" ““9” “Ch“ some hot-shit concert '"T ' .. :3 ‘ "’
"l'm not getting down on them," _ T ' H; E}, ,1 - 9‘ ‘ ” “T t 1 ities fee be increased by $10 If the ‘ ; '_ r.’ ': .. _, H»
I John Croxton continued, "But there ‘Tiw'l .J . J g , -. - increase is passed by the SGA sen- and charge only .‘ 7; ,‘- ..~'
is just a tremendous amount they QM??? ; ‘ , ' ate and the Board of Trustees, the $2 00 H - ’ ' I '. '_ ("1.
are not doing — along with what * 5939;“ , L. «l»— ' i" "" SAB and SGA budgets would be m- ' ' . . .‘T 'a l.
they aredOing." fgg"a‘ ‘. I l l l creased by $1.50 per full-time stu- l)a\'ld \ICke”. ‘- ‘ .—_ V. ; i "‘t
Croxton was one of about 30 peo- “9‘3! . _ ‘ t'fi l; dent. SAB vice president .’ 1‘} -. ~ '5.
ple who turned out in the Student '4‘. i v- ‘. . «to—m9; L T u " ‘ ""’ Because Of a limited budget. ”to —— ' " ‘. ff! ' a
Center to express their feelings '_.—m- “w _ T" “T" ' j ' bring in a quality speaker we would j ,A ~ 1
about the independent student radio ' “9 " " w ‘ “ have to shut down," said SAB Vice some hot-shit concert and tharge T. . I f {"7
station thatthegroupwantstoform. ‘i \ . president David Nickel] only $2 00.” because the} how.- large " 5 ..£ 4" ‘~
Theo Monroe. an organization . 50A president Paul Hayden added budgets. Nickel} said A fee increase ‘1'. _. . .' _“~
member. said although organizers _ " . ‘3 that the grout) has to contain its “Wlll at least make U.‘ comparable '- 1 . *
have not decided on a format for the : "at?! ‘ t ,‘A ,‘ spending because it can't afford a he said T * j ~ . 35:.
radio station. it will offer variom :9?! 3 t ' 1‘ “'”“"$’ " nationally known speakei‘s fee. When asked whether the proposed ‘ -' ..
typesofmusic. .3“ " V W 3 it“ -- . which can range anywhere from $150 would be enough Hayden re 1.
“Students need to be aware right . . v n ‘ ; 57.500 to $20,000. The SAB's budget plied, “Honestly. no out you cant , .~ _‘ ;' ‘ _
away that this tradio station) is not i it}; ‘ ¢ . 3 for the 1935436 academic year *5 get too yeedy and you must >lal‘l . : .- 1" .. ~ g
going to be all new wave. but rather " - 3a,, ' W , let T’ ' it 349.000- Hayden said a fee increase somewhere " .‘ i l . ‘t‘ '
Will have something to offer for ev- ‘2? fig t . 1r" - 1 ‘ sh" WOUld add about $451130 to the bUd‘ SGA President John (am ‘81” he . ~. ' . j .
eryone."Croxton said. \ n. s.— , > i, ~ get. imagines money generated from the ; ~. .- » . , . . '3 ‘.
WBKY. currently the only Univer- -' 4% j . ~ . , . - j . Nickell said SAB‘S budget is cur- fee increase would he spent to im- . . - ' ~. .,
sity-licensed radio station. plays Na~ ' M t l. . l . «. 4.3. i ii i l . i rently “0t large enough to provide prove various 86% programs The -' , , 7- '
tional Public Radio broadcasts, _ s , ‘5‘. ,. . ‘ ”7,2,“: . fit" a l I r « l ' activities that students can attend SGA currently has 512.000 allotted to ‘ y » . . ‘ _
news.and classical and jazz music. :51; £2133 ‘ «11" \QT t . ’ ' l =“‘ i, i ‘,_' , h ‘ free. “With the budget we have nOW. bring speakers to the t’nit'ersity. f. ‘2 ,‘- J
“In thepast, students have walked fT'E-T ‘1" §§1§ 9'19, 3 ‘ . t ”l 4.23 Vt - , we are forced to produce revenue and Cain said that figure would he ' ‘ j: . “ ;
into WBKY and asked for six hours ' 41:53” 4‘ 4""? g ‘ ' ‘ .7 l i l ‘ ~‘g‘gl7‘ and so we must charge admittance increased by $20.01!! to $25000 . , a : . -. ‘ ‘-
to play the Pistols. and that doesn‘t . TE,“ “ ’ ' g , 5 l . T l i '. m 7‘», toshows."hesaid. He added that $3000 to 87 am 'VA'lll : ~ ' X . _ .. ‘
work." said Kakie L’rch. acting ‘ .T""‘ " ill-l ,‘ (f Nickel] said SAB's budget is cur- go for recurring funds to establish a ' i ; '- g '
president of the group. - ,- -. ‘ ’~, 4.. rently not large enough to provide radio station ” (‘am also said he .* . ; '
"You have to [”95th yourself to 4” activities that students can attend hopes that between $5_t|)tl to sin 000 " _' ., -
the administration as a sincere " .‘ ma” free. "Withthebudget we have now. in senate appropriations would he . .1 3 .
group 0t people who are organized Blockovoy mu” T" we are forced to produce revenue put toward programs at the [,exmg _. _ - ,_
. . . Then you get the radio station and so we must charge admittance ton (‘ommunityt‘ollege ‘ _:‘. ,_ .
and drop the needle and play what / t0 shows.“he said. The final forum concerning the fee " ~‘ , ,
youwant."shesaid, UKs Lisa Bokovoy jumps to block a spike by game at Memorial Coliseum. It was called in He added that other universities increase Wlll take place at “l 3" pm ' , -,
Pam Bratcher. the organization's on Ohio State player in last night's volleyball the third game due to a power failure. SUCh as Texas AM have budgets 0t Dec 4 in 115 Student ('enter and will ' ' ' ’ .
$3.25 MillIOh for student activities. focus on student (\FEdlll/nlll'l: lurid , " .
SeeF()Rl'M.pagc5 “Schools like Vandy can bring in mg. . , . ' '
- .. i e e e .. . .
Teacher d 1, l UK w us first Hawaiian duel = ‘ , '
escri es ro e , w 9
O I d e ‘.u§ b C O o .‘ .
" ‘ ' eats hamlnade l CI'SWOI‘dS " ‘ "
in n oneSIan program . . . V , , ,
- t it j .. ,' , . - . " ‘J ..
By LISA ATKINS Although the contract is only with h ' - Stanand “,repflm glvlhfllig‘g ‘10 make the “0" 87' “fixingfinfd smilfiljflrKilns '- ‘ ‘ V, IT '
taffWriter ri t ‘ ' ' . - . , . . ' Wt ; Pay‘ ' “i ' ' ' " . .
s :EHdCSmEiigishsihescti‘aiighsr‘s ttltéainaiii? ’3‘ 6!: . scghéd<éhlplollntsl-anthlEdT-‘Da?:ri::: Sutton, displeased with the efforts and Winston Bennett had eight .' . J ' “ i:
B di a i ult e fa ult' in donesian facult‘ in Am ri n ul- ., h '. °fh15 starting five. cleared them 0‘" .. t - v I I "' " '
y sen "8 grc ur c 3 3 e ca c . added 20 as Nth-ranked Kentucky - , , - Th Wildcats took their biggest .. ' ' , '
an exchange program to it lndone- ture. " V defeated Chaminade 395- in a nori- wrth only 3'24 gone m the second e . ,y. 5 ‘ , ', ’ . v‘ . "
. . . . . . . . , r s - . 't- half~ lead in the first half. 44m with i ll .. ,.
Sian universmes. UK [s sowmg a One team from UK partiCipatlng ,, . conference basketball game last _ . lft to 1 on . m) hm m “a . g; .. .1 u _. ‘
crop of expertise in the Asian own in the program was Harry H. Bai- a -. night The Wildcats were leading 4&29 at veenderpa) a lu l .~ . . . ; . v .
"y- ley. an agonomy specialist. and hi” LN. .th Kentucky coach Eddie Sutton. who the time, - , . ”'7'" i . i
A contract was developed in i981 wife. Ethel. an English teacher. ‘1, u he}. took his team [0 have fun and win The game was "ed only tWice. 2‘2 Bl k n filh‘l‘t’fl Wm H ”ms i >' i ‘,i .1 , ’a
in conjunction with the US, Agency They lived in Palembang. Sumatra on" » _j ;. ‘ -' ball \. d‘ lled , . 'h f and 4'4- Walker. Who Shffered from 4“ mo hf ' ‘ . . p‘ . ‘ ., ' ' i‘ ,, t'r'-’_
' . . - , . - ‘2 -, ‘ game ispe an} myt 0 l tF‘rlda tntheo ner while John Wyatt led thamdiade ii... : ,-
for International Development and from 1%3-84. teaching at the Univer- t: '; ~ . _' “polvneSian paralysis“ __ a visiting leg cramps as y P9 ' 'th 2 t; f it d m Hot \1_ ,. .1 ..
the Indonesian government to up— sitasSriwijaya. . fl ._ - 2’ . 'L L against Northwestern State. put LK M ,1, pom h‘ 0 we ‘ ( ' T .' it" '. f'-;
. V, , . c x. .3 teams inability to concentrate on head for oodw'itha 1540“ um r Cray mm“ ._,. .r‘ , 4
grade the education of faculty in the At a (bunch on Aging forum last .... re d the game m the island's plush 5m. a _ 8 . , l P" .i : - ._.. ‘
ii institutions, said Lynn Poneleit. night. Mrs. Bailey described their mundmgs MM"!17I‘2‘eftmthefirsthalf- Chammade. “ho ms few the _: 1., .fl
program director With the office for experiences to a "OWd 0t 1204 Her , L'K's three-guard defense of Da- Kentucky used a 1-2-2 mg“: likes of Louisville. 8311' and \ irgili- . .' . " .
International Programs 1" Agricul- husband was “a "350““? person “1 ETHEL BAILE‘ vender. Roger Harden and James [foretehl'l/fChaminade turnovers m la in recent matchups drops to l i in 1,.- ' ‘i i. f 1' ..
ture, sotl SCience and. coordinated the Blackmon swarmed the small gym "'5 a . the early seam“ “hue Kentucky - . . ,.'.
“0f the 11 universities we work courses at five univerSItles. and he and such a pleasure because they With full court P"?SS that secured a Kentucky guards Davender. rose to 24) - W I ‘ V
with, most of them (the faculty) “is instrumental in translating a are so eager to learn." She taught 44-25 halftime lead. Blackmon and Harden harassed the . . I. * - 'i ’5 '
have an equivalent to a bachelor‘s 5011 book from English to Bahasa In. about 275 people. and 96 percent of Kentucky's pressure never sub- Chaminade guards with their man to [K Will take on the I nl\'ers1t} of . :_.i 7- .' . _‘ .
degree. We help them get their mas- doneSIan. she said. those m her advance classes passed sided as the (‘ats pulled off their big- man. never letting them get into the Hawaii- tonight in the second game . .- . . . _ .I__
ter‘s. Most stay for their Ph.D.. “ Of her own claSses. Bailey said. the Test Of English as a Foreign gest lead late in the game when re- Offense. as the Wildcats came up 0‘ "5 ‘SIEhd Sta—V ‘Tlph-l L‘ *"ht‘d' ' f " '. .
Poneleitsaid. “Teaching in Indonesia is such a joy Language (TOEFL) " serve guard Leroy Byrd hit a with nine steals inthefirst half. uledfor1-:30a m EDT - . ‘._ ".
Club sells Egypt defends assault on hijackers ' ' ‘ ' *
U NI CEF ’ B) WILLIANH'. MANN Americans, and threw them from State ‘ l‘h “ARREN ilM'I—JNS team evened its conference record with the team A fourth starter from ; \s f ht th
.' Contributing Writer to 2-2 last season is out with an iniurv. ‘ lg S W]
. However. the “heel Rats were not In the first loss to West Virginia \ $
' The I'h’ “heel Kats are living able to make a complete turnaround last weekend, the Kats were down to g .
' . _. proof of what a tough early schedule as they dropped two games on the only four players because 0f fouls _ . “Pt“ . ’ Journa lsts
.» ' and a lack of depth can do to a road to a taller West Virginia team In the second game. the Kats were .-- .. : . ' fl. ~—~.' J 3
‘ team Just look at their 3-13 record last weekend. falling to 24 in the forced to play more conservatively ' . " . A»
' g ' *~ this season four-team Bluegrass Conference. tocut down on fouls. fi/ 3"" ~ MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) __
- ‘- - "i don‘t remember a worse start Kurt Kelley. the Kats' leading "We re trying ‘0 piece {1 team ‘9' ,- g .» :5 American tennis star John McEnroe
- . . . . m my five years playing on the scorer. attributes the team‘s early gether. helley said! Vie havent ‘ . ‘ 1*: f shoved and spat at journalists in the
. . « “heel Rats." said Randy Rhodes. struggle toa challenging. roaddom- found ourselves. _\ieve played 1n lobby of his hotel here yesterday
- - - who is in his first year as coach of inated schedule spurts andnhavent put together a " w ' . morning after being asked if he had
. . .. ‘ ~ _ the team "We‘re «exhausted! from road goodgame i " ‘t s- ' wed his girlfriend. actress Tatum
. - ' - Rhodes concedes his team was trips." Kelley said, The Kats' toughest test comes this ~ , ' g O‘Neal.
j *' playing games against superior non- In fact. the last SIX games have all weekend in Pittsburgh against a l i . The 26-yearold McEnroe, known
. ,_ , ' 1 conference opponents such as Nash- been conference road games Vlhen team that has beaten the Kats twice ; ' - v , .3? I for his hot temper, was in Mel-
. ‘ - r. Vlllt‘. Atlanta and Indianapolis Hi the schedule was first made out. the m Lexington so far. ,Afler the £1, ‘ li‘ a” _, -_ bourne for the Australian Open
- -. _- 1- , ' only “on one game in the first 12 idea was to get the road games out Christmas break. I'K “11] take on gig. ,' ' 5‘: ' . championship. He allegedly pushed
\ . ' .. 5 ' "\l'e are involved in non-confer- of the way early in order to face op Westvirgmja I“ I _' ,. i , ' ‘ i _ a reporter from the Melbourne Her-
‘ 5 i ' .' , I ence scheduling against better Ponenis at home during the bad “'1'“ I l ’ . :5 til “ aid Newspaper and insulted and
‘, - ‘. teams in order to improve.” he said ter months ~ ' 5" _~ ,3 spat at a photographer at the plush
_. 1. . ‘_ , A pair of four-pomt victories over Besides the tough schedule. Kelley ' l . ' T I Regency Hotel, where he checked in
. ' ‘ conference foe LOUisville tone in said the six-member team is a little UK Wheel KOi basketball PlOY‘ _ ~ ’ Monday.
.- 3 'i‘ overtime two weekends ago enr disc0uraging because of its lack of ers Kurt Kelly and Randy Rhodes ’ ,,
. .g I, . 7 . abled the squad to boost its record depth Three starters and three re- practice at the Seoton Center .. ~» . A group of reporters and photog-
-" r _ . . y . ~ to .i-ll But more important. the serves from last year are no longer earlier this week. uuouwitumsou Kernel Stall raphers was waiting to speak to
- I. ' ' .. . McEnroe about rumors he wed
»‘_ .‘ ,_‘. ' .. V I] b ll O'Neal. daughter of actor Ryan
* ' v; . ' ‘ ' . r _ O‘Neal. in New York last week. Ms.
, ., ‘ . Kenmd‘“ kernel TOP 20 . ' "‘ ‘ . 0 ey a O'Neal was rumored to be in Mel»
. ' . ,- : Team tRecordi Next Opponent : bournewith McEnroe.
. . .' ._ - '_ I PciinSiaietlI-Oi . . .. . . .. regular season mer \‘ ,w ‘
. ' . ' 3 limatltl—Ii . . .. regular season oier P '3 game laCkS Reporter Geo" EanPWh sa'd he .
. . , " ‘ 1 \IichiganW-I-Ii . ., . .. . regular season mer I . had asked MCEmoe If he. would
- - ~ , j.‘ 4 oishhhziis-ii . . . _ . , , ll 30“ Oklahoma State 0 o {if}: llus photograph taken With MS
“ _ . . .. _ < \tihiirii thrli . . II 30w \lahaniain Birmingham. Ala ‘ y l t ty ‘ ea‘
.' 5 " .1 h \1iamitHa lih-ll , ... .. .., .. .. ll 30ys. Notre Dame ‘ ( e ec rICI
._ ‘ rhinitis—i l) .. . . . . ll 3(lis.F|orida State v” ' “He then asked me to leave the
. I . .. ‘ ‘ - - \ct‘raskui‘i I) . . ,. . . . . .. regular seasonmer Staff reports hotel." Easdown said. "I told him I
‘ ‘ y .' ' 4 defiant \oungt‘irlt . . . . . ,. I: "at Hawaii . wasn't going to be ordered around
.5 ' V » I _- ill ‘vktinstis t9~2i . . . regular scaxonmcr ‘ ' The day the Ladv Kat volleyball by him. He then went Off the deep
' ' ’ = II -\=' l’t‘ic‘t‘lll'll . regular season mer ‘ . team cadcels a match will be the end."
. .1 g f -. I: :i:»rgtia Surf-tilt 11)] '10:.“ Florida , i day the lights go out in Memorial “He pushed me across the room.
‘ ‘ t tnlltssml ~l--l . . . . ll _( \s. anderhilt : COIISEUm. then grabbed me bV the throat and
. . 14 [\‘I U] ll ., .. . .. . II 3031 Tulane , . 3' > Well last nightithappened. . '.. . .
, ’, . ‘ _ i< Oklahoma \IatciXQJ . . , ii 3(‘iis.0klahoma ._ ’-_ ‘ if”? my Shirt collar. 535:2“?! $5“:-
. g “ 1h Tuas Asxi in) . . . . I] lit“. Tents if} , s. ‘ g A power failure on the north side bfu‘tepieogflfe sag-ted towggit mgaigaCke
. ,. 1‘ “NW“ 3’ . ll 31* alTNh UN ‘5 ' ‘ ""t of campus wiped out the volleyball 'Cds . ' h . Pusth l bb . ..
, ' . ' ; 1‘ "“1"“th - » - . regularscawnowr g l l i“- match between UK and Ohio State “a” “9’“ am" 9 ° 3-
' - . ‘ IV (It‘kl'gld t‘vlrii . . ., . Ii 30 at (ieorgia Tech .5 , ’ 'n Memorial Coliseum last nj ht} . _
. ' _. 2U Baum [9~:I . . . . regular season oier “rim" 2,,“ y' l. l g EanOWTi said he did not EEJI‘OpOSC
. .. ’ ,' J f i The match was only two games totakeany actionagainstMc nroe.
— ~ . -' j . oldbeforethelightswent out. "I don't think it's worth it.” he
. l ' . _ . ,1. ‘ , u ' . .7”
. , ‘4’ ., flaw"?- '5 . . The Lady Kats won the first game said. Whatdoyou achieve.
' '— 5: V I SIDEL'NES ixaéig‘“ 3 v». 5'10 and Ohio State ‘0‘)“ the second McEnroe was leaving the hotel
_ . L ;, 5%253 a? L ‘3 game 1P4- The Lady Buckeyes were carrying tennis rackets and heading
' . . ' ' . From Staff and AP Reports ' ' . up H) m the [hlrd game before the for the tennis courts when the inci-
' . , 5'” L lights went 0“" dent occurred.
. - . 4 ., _ i OffiCIals waited 30 minutes before Mike Porter. 25. a photographer
’ Wildcats, Lady Kats play over holidays 1 calling the match. which will not be for the News LTD bureau in Mel<
. ' - . ' ' . _ ‘ . , rescheduled. bourne. said McEnroe had insulted
1- ' V 5 In the second game of its Hawaiian trip. UK will take on é ~ “It ‘1: ‘r Th J . h himand spatathim.
. ' ih in 't ' of Hawaii toni ht. Ti -off is scheduled for , - ' ~ ” r e 0" ." senior on i e Lady Kat ..
‘ 1:10 al\;r ‘=°°P~M- TODAY afii'iiifihhih, 4 9'” 9" ° es '
. . . . . . vtti I -
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 I I I ‘ ‘
Arts Editor
lrnCco-I. _
Antwan! Am (duo, .
' . . , (soV‘e‘ixr-s'fiisai "3'1: ' . I: , . z'w-i'-i-v;-;. ”[512..- . I
Elt k h' wh l Pl ' ' i '
on eeps IS ee S , , ay mixes good time, - . :
e l I: I- I h) \ i ‘ . . ', ' V, . , .
turning on new re ease anti-apartheid message . -.
. V’ ‘ . I
ByLYNCARLlSLE ———“————" “V I “V “VIN , w . . . , . -
- - . . - » . ailing for a great leader to remedy , . 5 ., V
Assistant Arts Editor REVIEW ;\.\.\l.\I.‘tI1I \rts I‘AIHHI the problem ' 1.1:"! 1'. '

. —— Students attending the perfor . ' , V. . -. . . .. . V
lceonFireEFItonJohn Just because Itiilltii'l’liw is a tasty mance may recognize the three men . I" " [51 I :-
Wamer Bros. Opening with the danceable “This holiday doesn t mean the weekend‘s making up the cast Kevin Kennedy ‘. -, , Ni ‘V .

i. , . , . Town." John immediately follows ' entertaiiiiiii-iit scheduli- 'wlii be put a theater senior. plays Hail} the 'V . .-: "va ,-
thyziilbxindamlly "5 are the Chamh with the paSSIon of ”Cry to Heav- ’V‘ on hold Tonight at H the Actors confused young white man who sud LV" ‘2'. Van}; .V‘V "
. en." a slow song which takes an ' (iuliti of Lexington will present denly realizes that the dark man 3. .
2;:an wheel goes round and acrid look at me social scene. ac- " V’Mastei- Harold'VV h and the who cares to; iViirViVidis "lV)(eneaetVVh“ him ‘,VV~-V,"_'VV.V‘5:’,V‘.V' 'VrVr
' » , - centing the disconsolate clutches of V‘ )oys. opening at i e T eater Down on the socia a er enn 3. was - _' 5. ,~
Chances are you 11 never leate this poverty and the "endless wheel" of under lliIit‘hh Restaurant last seen in last years 'A Funny -‘. .1 iii: V',V
town. .. h' T . .. war. ‘ .. Written by South »\ii'ican Pulitzer Thing Happened on the Way to the »‘ V’VV'.;y'Vi:V.'.-_.'V;
TV15 0‘2: John jumps from passion to deja ‘V ._;._—_;-,_-4_ winning playwright Athol Fugard Forum 'and"l,egacy ' both at l'K ”if": {

I-iltonJ n vu. Though not as evident as 22 ‘3‘: ' "Master Harold reflects «men A theater junior)V Keith (iriffViVVth -f :1; V'V;V

. . Tops‘ new carbon copies of their old ‘:;3'1f.'-V.{.V-§.3-:if.V-'V.-V}'V.~V}' t'iill societ) when it was no better portrays Wiilie. a i ai'k man in s .' _ ViV‘V‘V‘iV .

Chances are you ll never heVar the cuts. "Soul Glove" 's melody almost 37:}? ;'-"-'-' V than apartheid iiiiiiiiiznted South .\1 late twenties who works for Hally s 5 .1 in; t", -' V' 7‘1
best cVVutszrom toe on VFiredT equp- sounds like “Empty Garden" on a . -, “w Almost an autobiography of mother Griffiths last stage perfor- V1VVZVfi’Vi;‘-V1AV if.
3:“ gV-‘hls Townb iVsVaVrea {y n 3ng slightly faster speed, Evidently. . Fugard‘s life the play is set in the mance was in the Actors Guild prov .' t .'. i: jV.’ VI‘V
ra (pawaves fuhlgsi aVr [mm e “ties that bind" keep him hanging I 1950s and iiepii ts a _.ouiig white ductmnof't‘oup (‘lucks 3:" :‘V 33.5.51”? '
profoun tlim}.t oktt aes “:5an ontohisfamiliarpOPStyle. ““5" “W“ for 'h“ ”'3“ man Who JOG Montgomery a graduate 0‘ ,"' 7'5. .if'.‘
LP from .e roc e man or ling Th h 't' d0 btful that the Na practically raised thin The young Georgetown (‘ollege rounds out the ‘. _V-',
the record industr oug ‘ S u it. .- - -
Fr 970. ‘yBo d So .. t tional Organization for Women will Fl TON mans struggle All“ the t-iiltural trio as Sam. the black man who .VVV ‘. Vi -rV'_...‘VV .'.
. . 0:2,- :- Sf L0 5?; ng f 0 make “Wrap Her Up" its anthem. ‘ ‘ ' JOHN barricades iii th.it decade is the 'raises Hally Montgoinomery also 5 -_ 3-2;. :ViV',
1% w] m 0. d veV t; ":fif‘ff‘ the lyrics about hookers are laid on .. Wmdiilltm“! ”with” hada part in t'K's "legacy ’ ' V "i 9V 39;,
yeg #55?th 9mm h 'dl e- a tune that packs an undeniable “Shoot Down the Moon is a beau; albums released this year. It‘i' is , VVV.VVrV "In";
cade. and '5 5‘” ”dingt 9 ‘1") for punch with a beat that dancers will tiful. bitter fallingoutoHone ballad definitely worth a hbtt‘n. “It“ ”3 Though first and foremost an en 11mm Huron ”pom :0..ng 'jV'_ . .V _'VV.‘~V. g:
the 30°- lov V whose chords echo the lyrics‘ pain: fast-pop. slowballad diversity Even “flaming 4”,th ,i mt V, ”ii-N, (a V . m : V \, 'i rm n \.,_ "ii i ~ ' V’ V (i
- “The 911(1155 wheel 80% round e “W c n b ild br’d between com red to his own successful al ~ . ~ g ” Id ‘h‘ ”1' ' A '6 g - r U .- ~' 5
and round" pretty much describes us/gutathe :mpt: spalcegeremains " bumgaof the "(:rocodile Rock er'd “my?“ It ”a“ mmmr \W ( mm“ W “M D" 5 m"”‘” D” - T" [ .5” . ' 9'; 5:
- - ~ 5 Featuring brass and saxophones. . ~ . V V ~ a t eater graduate student who last r};gh[ , pyrjlflmqniv A; m ”dawn; ' ‘3. 1V . ~ .
[helzvgareer‘ and n S doubtful hell "Candy by the Pound" has a con- JOhn uses his full range ovaocals be- I“) only falls 0.“? :ma” notth bthmd directed l K s ‘liedrooiii l-‘art‘e b. “- (humpuflm. ,..“,phnn (mu; m p .‘ 'Q
John wrote the mch for even trolled boogie-woogie undertone with fore coming [0 the haunting end 0f _‘ another 805 albumVuhith piom this semester ('haiie) saitl the point wit ivy 51:] Mr mun/m i'rhetx ‘or ’ V .-..V ;

. . V . V. 'V bass beats that Climb [he SCHICS and [his laSt cut that closes [CG on an IC)’ 1585 [0 keep hlm (‘IUTUlnan In ”“5 {kt Hi Iht‘ I;i\ l\ Iiidi .iittiilsi’iln’ ‘1 art {n.- iriV‘V‘ii'ViVni Or/VIIIV'V‘VQVI{(’S tiri‘ $5 . , "5-" ‘H .‘ViV-V‘

song With lyrics accredited simply - . d . . 11 p , F p A r . . i , .

‘ - : ‘ ‘ : sweet lyrics about a tast' minorchord. ‘3 933‘” heid is something eieerone should w onion“ :6 for W, gummii pub . ' .
to Taupin whom one assumes must ~ 3 V . Th . ‘h l' ‘tk V, V . V V _