xt7gxd0qvc8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qvc8c/data/mets.xml Missouri Saint Charles County (Mo.). County Court Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1941 38 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number  FW 4.14:M 69o/16 books English St. Louis, Mo. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Missouri -- Genealogy County Court Records of St. Charles County, Missouri, 1821 text County Court Records of St. Charles County, Missouri, 1821 1941 1941 2019 true xt7gxd0qvc8c section xt7gxd0qvc8c ‘1‘ . V f ,5 . UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY I
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£3 / . Sargent B. Child, National Director ~ ;
3 George W. Hubley, Jr . , Regional Supervisor E
A. Loyd Collins , State Supervisor of Missouri ;
53E .
E: Florence Kerr, Assistant Cemmissioner '
EM Mary G . Moon, Regional Supervisor .
«31E Lena B.~ SmgxliL. 53.339, p imp-t or of Missouri F
'“V ‘
E“ Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
33’ George H. Fie 1d, Regional Director
B. M. Casteel, State Administrator of Missouri
g .
E? ~
E: Dwight H. Brown, Secretary of State
Eff; __‘WQWZ:;ZW~- u »~’-———

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' f I HlEFACE i
J St. Charles County is One of the oldest and most historic counties in 5
6 Missouri. It was one of the five original counties of the State laid out 9
» under laws of the Territory of Missouri in 1812. p
5 The city of St. Charles was founded about 1769 and was the first capital g
: of Missouri, from 1821 to 1826. It is the county seat of St. Charles County. 5
The early county court records for the first year of the county's :
2 official history under State government (1821) are of special historical ?
f significance and value, as they reveal something of pioneer times and condi-
F tions in Missouri. ‘
h This transcription of the first volume of county court records, St. I
: Charles County, Missouri, was made on the field by Andrew Hendricks, and ‘
edited in the state office by Joseph P. Carey. It is a verbatim copy 3
without corrections. 5
i ,— " 2 . I
LAC. Ejj;71§7£? (Zh>(:lZi/1flv‘2/’K i
State Supervisor 1
_ Historical Records Survey
‘ St. Louis, Missouri
I June 17, 1941.

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it: *** Dr. John F. Herget, Pro-Sident, William Jewell College and :11
fi‘ * Missouri Baptist Historical Society, Liberty, Mo. 1:
11’ * * 1
,1 * ***** 1
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s11 * John G. Ritz, PreSident, Cape Girardeau County Historical 1
*** Society, Jackson, Mo. 1
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:1 *** Henry C. Chiles, President, Lexington Historical Society, 1'
* Lexington, Mo. ‘f
15‘ *,* 1
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E31 * Prof. R. F. Wood, Assocmte Professor of History, Central 1
Egg 1111* Missouri State Teacher's College; President, Johnson County 1
11; * Historical Society, Warrensburg, Mo.
11 * * 3
11.1311 * ***** 1’
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EE * Dr. Ralph P. Bieber, Professor of History, Washington 1,
EM 9: * University, St. Louis, Mo. 1
1:1 * ' ‘
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13 *** Dr. Uel w. Lamkin, President, Northwest Missouri State 1
11% * Teacher's College, Maryville, Mo.
1 , =1: 1* ‘
9 "' ***** 5
11,1 * =|< . . . .
1:11 :1: George Pohlman, PreSident, Macon County Historical Seeiety,
E: at Macon, Mo. 1
11?; :1: :1:
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:31 * Charles H. Whitaker, Sr., Editor, The Clinton Daily Democrat. 1
1s: *** Clinton, 2:10. ‘
1;? 1141* , ***>t* _ >
*** Dr. C. H. McClure, Head of Division of Social Science, 9
131* Northeast Missouri State Teacher's College, Kirksville, Mo. 9
1:: *** '
1 *** Dr. Jonas 'V'iles, Professor of History, University of Missouri,
1_ * Columbia, Mo.
1‘2. *
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Egg *** Dr. E. A. Collins, State Teacher's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo
E1 * 1
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1i; *** Lloyd W. King, State Superintendent of Biblic Schools, 1
113 * Jefferson City, Me. I
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4 Vol. lvof County Court Records, ~ %
‘ Containing 40 Vol's. f
l State of Missouri ) l
* County of St. Charles )vs . , 3
4 At a county court began and held at the Court House in the town }
- of St. Charles within and for the said county of St. Charles on the ‘
: fourth Monday, February, it'being the twenty-sixth day of said month,
1 and in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty ‘
4 one, and in the forty fifth year of the Independence of the United :
3 States: Commissions from the Governér appointing Bell Farnsworth, }
I Robert Spencer and John B. Callaway, Justices of the county court, 5
‘ within and for the said county of St. Charles, with certificates of l
. qualification thereon endorsed, read in open court, and the Justices f
' . took their seats. A commission from the Governor appointing William
1 Christy Jr. clerk of the county court within and for the county of
‘ St. Charles with a certificate of qualification endorsed thereon, i
read in Open court.
The court having knowledge of the qualification of Joseph Evans,
1 James McCall, Everard Hall and Howard F. Thornton Esq. to practice
Z as attornies and counsellors at law in the several courts of record
f in this state, the said gentlemen are admitted to practice in this <
court accordingly.
On motion the court appoint Mores B. Banks, Censtable for the }
township of lower cuivre for the term of two years, on his giving i
bond with suretie in the sum of five hundred dollars, whereupon ;
. the said Mores B. Banks here in court accepts of said appointment. f
' I
On motion the court appoint Silas Massey Constable for the 3
Township of Dardenne for the term of two years on giving bond with i
1 ~rsuretie in the sum of one thousand dollards whereupon the said Silas .
Massey here in court accepts of said appointment and entered into 1
, bond with'Warren Cattle his suretie and took the oath required by 5
it' statute for the faithful discharge of the duties of his said office. ‘
‘ On motion the court appoint Osburn Knott Constable for the '
.township of Saint Charles for the term of two years, on giving bond
‘ 'with suretie in the sum of one thousand dollars. Whereupon the
. said Osburn Knott here in court accepts of said appointment, and
_ entered into bond with Solomon Whittey his suretie. And took the
oath required by the statute for the faithful discharge of the duties
>uri, of his said office.
On motion the court appoint Daniel Hays Constable for the town- *
ship of Femme Osage for the term of two years on giving bond with
‘ suretie in the sum of one thousand dollards, whereupon the said 1
u. M0 Daniel Hays herein court accepts of said appointment and entered into 1
bond with James Murdock and Isaac Fulkerson his sureties, and took !
* the oath required by the statute for the faithful discharge of the ‘
duties of his said office. 1
' 1
* *1 %
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E; On motion the court appoint Nathaniel N. O'Verall constable for i
E; the Township of Portage Dessioux for the term of two years, on going
ESE bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with sureties, whereupon the E
Ea said Nathaniel N. O'Verall here in court accepts of said appointment E
2%,; and ordered into bond with Cacsare Griffith his suretie and took the 3
Egg oath required by the statute for the faithful discharge of the duties E
{if E of his said office. E
a ' ' 9
:53: The court appoints John B. Carroway and William Hays, two Justices .‘
3} of the peace, Commissioners, to lay off the road established by law in E
Femme Osage Township and loading to Marthasville into road districts
‘3 and make return of their doing at the next term.
‘37 E'
On motion of Wm. Thornton, it is ordered by the court that an
3%; attachment issue against Auguste Chouteau Administrator of all and E
Eff singular the rights and credits and estate of St. Paul Lacroix -
deceased for his contempt in not making final Settlement of his said :
: administration in conformity to the statute.
g On the application of Thomas French and it appearing to the ?
H satisfaction of the court, that the said Thomas has complied with
”E the requisition of the statutes in such case made and provided. l
E?! 1 The court therefore recommends him to the Governor as a suitable j
53‘: 3 person for a Justice of the peace for the township of St. Charles ;
E54; 3 in the county of St. Charles, and pray that he may be commissioned :
E“ accordingly. 1
“E The court adjourned till tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. _
E Robt. Spencer
E Bill Farnsworth E
EEE John B. Galloway :
g E Tuesday morning the twenty-seventh of February 1821, court met '
E pursuant to adjournment f
gfi present. The Honorable :
EYE: Bill Farnsworth ;
:8 Robert Spencer 8c ‘
E55} John B. Galloway. ‘
E“ Justices of said court. ‘
E: ' On motion and affidavit: The settlement of Thomas D. Stephenson, '
E353 Guardian of Matilda Patton is continued until next term for settle- E
t ment. E
E1: Mores B. Banks appointed Constable for the township Lower Cuivre,
E; now at this day come into court and gave bond with Nathaniel Simonds E
5. his suretie, in the sum of five hundred dollars, condition as the law ‘
\ directs, and took the oath required by the statute for the faithful ¥
EE discharge of his duties of his said office.
E: i
E: 1
E ‘ E

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J n
= On the motion and application of John Zumwalt and Adam Zumwalt i
for letters of administration on the estate of John Zumwalt who died h
i intestate, it is ordered by the court that letters of administration 3
‘ be accordingly granted to them on their giving bond and security in 2
1 the sum of three thousand dOllars. And making oath agreeable to law. f
‘ Whereupon the said John Zumwalt and Adam Zumwalt as principals and 3
§ Hiram H. Baber and Nathaniel Simonds securities being approved of by 2
§ the court entered into bond as the law directs in the sum of three {
% thousand dollars and the said John Zumwalt and Adam ZumWalt having ‘
E taken the oath prescribed by law. Letters of administration are there-
§ fore granted them. On the estate of the said John Zumwslt. An the i
} court appoint John B. Callaway, William Hays and Isaac Fulkerson i
3 appraisers on said estate. 5
Daniel Hays and Isaac Fulkerson administrators of the estate of 3
Jashua Dodson dec'd. having given notice of a settlement, according -‘
‘ to law have filed their settlement, whereby it appears that the amount
of said estate is two thousand two hundred and fifty eight dollars j
I . twenty seven and one half cents, and it appears by proof given in f
court and vouchers filed, that the payments made by the administrators
amount to the sum of one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars and .
. ninety five cents, leaving a balance of four hundred and seven dollars
a and thirty two and one half cents to be administered which is allowed
: and approved - and thereupon the said case is discharged and the I
, administrators are to pay the costs cut of their own estate - John Pitman
- Administrator for the estate of Abijah Lathrop having given notice of
a settlement according to law filed his settlement whereby it appears ;
‘ that the amount of sales of said estate is two hundred and fifty seven 1
' dollars seventy six cents and one fourth and cash in gold and silver ‘
a? two hundred and ninety seven dollars sixty two and one half cents. £
‘ Current bank notes six hundred and seventy two dollars and seventy five f
cents, one needle case, two dollars and fifty cents, one pound of tea, :
four dollars uncurrent bank notes six hundred and thirty five dollars, i
Q and the amount of the additional inventory nine thousand three hundred ‘
v and ninety seven dollars ninety four and one half cents, amounting in E
‘ the whole to eleven thousand two hundred and sixty seven dollars and a
i fifty nine cents. And it appears by voucher filed that he has paid
1 twenty five dollars for funeral expenses, and the court allow him
fifty dollars for boarding and attending the deceased during his last ‘
‘ illness. leaving a balance of eleven thousand one hundred and ninety
: two dollars and fifty nine cents to be administered which is allowed
‘ and approved. ' ’
A On motion the court appoint Adan Zumwalt Guardian of William
‘ Zumwalt, orphan Son of John Zumwalt deceased of the age of eleven
years on his giving bond with suretie in the sum of two thousand
dollars, whereupon the said Adam Zumwalt here in court accepts of said
; guardianship and entered into bond with William Hays and James Mtrdock ‘
his sureties approved of by the court condition the law directs and 1
‘ took the oath required by the statute for the faithfull discharge of z
the duties of his said appointment. 5
g l
' !
$ 1
1, 1

 la,“ ‘1 3
e; -
‘2 Court adjourned till tomorrow morning at half past nine o'clock. I
3% ; E 5
37%: “ Robt. Spencer 2
3%; ‘ Bill Farnsworth E
“it E John B. Callaway .
gig Wednesday morning, February 28th, 1821, court met pursuant to 1
at» ‘} agreement. ,
e ‘ Present The Honorable
ii: ; _ 13111 Farnsworth
n2 Robert Spencer
W . John B. Galloway Esq's. . '
E‘s. ‘ Justices of said court.
Elienne Bernard, administrator of Jean B. Bernard dec‘d. having