xt7gxd0qvc7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qvc7s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1997 Vol.68 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1997 Vol.68 No.8 1997 1997 2019 true xt7gxd0qvc7s section xt7gxd0qvc7s .I [mm a"; I“..,.;.M._....;g‘.‘,,_,_ .,..1.....,...“gm..4...»n,,.,.,,..,.m.,.‘,,, a‘anr-v-‘i'aflv-c‘f'i 24;. 1,...) s.‘ ; ' . I;._;. 139' “. ;_-I-r ”fl. . ,-; . :' I . .. -~. . , . . .. . . I . . . i
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w... ‘ 3 th F (UK) LEX 405 _———————-\
olume 68 Number 8
l )0 out LEXINGTON KY 40506 ’ __
mag. 1.4.. . The Official Publication .
1 IsEdiumalesmnMeehng . 3
= (0pm) of the Kentucxy l ress
' ' ' l 5m Service
‘1) "I! :" u: i‘ 3,?
.0... T. HE KENTUCKY ‘
" " .J’A Fall Ad Seminar ' '
M I Lexington 7,
’ 00d.23-24 I ' ‘
- . KPAIKPSBoudofDirecmMcefing , ,
Fall Retreat
Jamestown Marina ‘
0 Ian. 22-23 , ‘ ‘
1998 KPA Winter Convention
' Radisson Plaza, Lexington
D t if] f '1 d
' . By LISA CARNAHAN ' . j i- - . .. " ' i, .- : . ..
‘3 KPA News Bureau Papers profiled " Us... f " .
Dan Hollis came away with one o Gallatin County News If .. ”sss\‘.’~rs.«§£g~3» “4:3; *3
.. . .~ ‘ ' - snare“... ' 7
\cry strong impression after coImI . Bath County N ewe-Outlook gefigefisvwc . .
pleting his documentary on family- w fr.“ 3».
' owned newspapers in Kentucky —— 0 Edmonson News ”figs :33 .-1 .
. 'T small town newspaper staffs work . 1i a: i
nto oun N ws . iii, as. _
. hard. real hard. They also possess a C n C ty e ’9‘” ”Twyfir ' 1...... . .
' passion that may be. lacking at ° Dawson Springs Progress 2. ‘3 . _
. some corporate—owned businesses. owned newspapers. IQ .. I” I I
. These people have a genume A veteran of br adi'ist liul'l’“ l- i _
" commitment to their papers and a . . ‘. . (I L" ,"l M Q a... .. j -‘
. . . . . . . . . . . . ism. Hollis isnt sure i-vactsy where 7 .7, It .
- .I-‘v: genume affeition for their small h h 'd II . h . .i afiw v j .
. towns." he said. “it means some- e S“ l’ (I I 9“ tor "h documeii- H‘I fiflé 4 i i . s. '
thing to them to have their name taryII . . a? 33' \’. . ' d ..
I. on that paper They want. it to be . I knew I wanted “’Im’ mm“— . ' %}q 5 f
. the best .il 9‘" be." _ thing \I'isiial.I something ir:IipIoi.IiIaIna ‘ ’Im; gi’iII ,
,_ . ' Hollis is a part—tune instructor Hill hadnt wen (tone he tili‘. .u- pm $35.63* ”I, 3 . .
at 1h e linivei'sity (,f' Ken tucky said. "I come from a TV background . This #4315 "This”; : .
l. where he will teach Radio/TV News so l didn‘t know that iniici‘i .iboiii ' M fig», drag ., /-\
‘i Reporting in the fall. 'l‘o ciimplt‘le newspapers. and l on i. = Dan Hollis. a part-time broadcast journalism instructor at UK. recently
. his masters degree. he filmed a expand my iiot'i/oris. ; sari-2 1;; completed a documentary on family-owned newspapers in the state.
3 documentary this summer that i'ea- thinking about sinaii ll"»\'!i 711t""-i "‘lOlllS is Shown working on a segment in the film depicting his inter- .
.’- ttircd five of the state's family» See DOCUMENTARY. a e 3 new With Keilev Warnick oi the Gallatin County News.
, P 9
i. O . " \ X ‘ f) ' ' d "I
“ First KHSJ A worksho ‘1 success VIWP‘W U“
. L d
' it By LISA CARNAHAN nominations
‘_ . 3i i i ti“ KPA News Bureau
n‘ i . “/8 were told the need was great w h b KPA
f' ' Wig; when KPA began its endeavor in houg t y
a February to establish a high school jour—
. 3 nalism association. lt's doubtful anyone. Nominations and 10“,,” of
l other than the teachers themselves, application are being 1“.“th .
.. I knew what an understatement. that until Sept. 12 for the 0mm. (,j'ymc
, 3 WI 'v '54 %l really was. . I president of the Kentucky Press
’. _ . l " “#33914: 4ij The KPhtUCkY ngh hChOOl Association for l997.
. “m .. . to: Journalism Association (KHSJAi held Any KI’A member may mm“; ‘
_. l L i w its hTSt training workshop {01‘ teachers nate any individual who meets the
i it ' ' l. JUIY 31-Aug. 1~ and the 5935th was criteria set forth in the Kl’A
' l W 53:» received with open arms by 37 teachers bylaws for that position.
‘ a. .i l WNW from across the state. AHOthCY‘ “WK Additionally. individuals interest- ~
. i fins ‘ among the most experienced journalism ed in holding office in the
. aw - teachers in the state, participated as Kentucky Press Association may
i ' Kenn Johnson, Montgomery County High School’s journalism mstwcmm . . submit H 19“” “application- '
‘ . teacher, taught a session on writing, interviewing and news gath- When 0‘10 0‘ Ithfmc ”‘5‘ "1} “0”- KPA lii"lé1\\'- 5111“" “'l'lic only -
. i ering skills. Johnson, a former reporter at the Lexington Herald- Bourbon County High 5 Lynda l "the“ persons eligible for election to the
. .. . Leader, is currently a sports writer for the Mt. Sterling Advocate. See KHSJA, page 20 See NOMINATIONS, page 1 6 .
- i -——-———-————————————’ INSIDE W l
_ 1 . Kentucky people, Summer interns gain Understanding legal Sentence construction Classified section needs,
‘, ~- ‘ v papers In the news valuable experience jargon a must for papers sometimes overlooked deserves attention
. - Pg. 2 Pg. 4 Pg. 6 Pg. 10 Pg. 18
.0. , ‘ W-————wl
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 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, August, 1997 g:
l ' h W
Kentucky peop 6, papers 1nt e ne 5
' I t ' '( uatin from the University of staff. has also served as editor of will continue to serve in the top
samples hlred dS Cdltondl Missofri. the (‘itizen Voice & Times in spot at Springfield as well as his l .‘
' x ' ~ lrvine. new position as associate editor of l 7
wrl'ter‘ LOlumnlbt Nelson )nxm . He holds a bachelors degree in Kentuckiana Show 'N Go, a new l
Karen Samples 15 the new ‘ m I journalism from Eastern Kentucky publication geared toward car .
columnist and editorial “Til” {W Davig has llCW' ; ‘t ['niversity. serves as chairman of enthusiasts.
The Kentucky Enquirer. , i , ‘2‘ 3‘3. the news-editorial division of the A graduate of Murray State
Samples. Wh“ SPt‘m tour N93” title at DanVlllC (i . L fl Kentucky Press Association and University; Rice came to Bardstown }
as the southeastern Kentucky cor— John Davis long~ has won numerous KI’A awards for as a reporter in 1989. She also .
respondent for the Lexington time managinirleditor ; wk: his writing and photography. served as assistant editor before i
Herald-Leader. began writing a of the Ilha n ville 5d ‘3 Nelson also serves on the Alumni being named editor in 1995. {
twice-weekly column in mid June Advocate-Messenger. NELSON Advisory Board ()l‘l’CKtvih‘ Department . _ ‘ ‘ l
for the Enquirer. She replaces Bob has assumed the new r.____} of Miiss ({itillnnttzinlt‘éltlt)lns aéid isha Glass lOlnS “CW5 Stall l
Kaiser. who left in May to write for “Sum“ of editorial l nieni “‘1‘ 0 U" a WWW." )oar t0 1 “ ' I I (
the (‘hicago Tribune. iiage editor. The new !‘ ~31 EKI' student newspaper. .. dt RCLOTd-H6Fdld
As the Hazard-based Herald- managing editor isl ,_ ‘ ‘ _ ”‘1‘“ “’1le the Advocate statt (‘heri M. Glass is the new staff"
Leader ”TUNER S2““Plt’S (‘UVt’I‘t‘d John Nelson. whol it 3 g m 19‘4 ”5 ”PW“ editor and “if” writer at the (lreensburg Record-
12 counties in Kentucky s coal came to the newspaperl $39 3 naniul managing “inf”. m 19M" Herald. .
country. in January as copy edi— I w“ . BM”? coming to l)anv1ll(=. ht had Glass, a former assistant editor .
Before workinLr in Kentucky. tor. DAVlS twp.” ‘1 reporter. bureau duel and at The Farmers Pride in (‘olumbizL
Samples was a reporter tor the Nelson. who was editor and ‘ig‘SISIilll"l‘l‘qll‘dmln‘m "9'1“" ”t 3h“ will divide her time between working 5
Sun-Sentinel m Fort Laudei‘dale. publisher Millie l’ulaski Week from Kansas ( ”5' Star and Kansas ( ”AV as a Record-Herald reporter and as a t
Fla. where she worked aft” grad- 1987 until he Joined the Advocate l‘lm‘” H,“ haj‘ ““11“” one ”ml“ correspondent with Landmark l
lgétlkmg‘ thh was pUhhSh‘d m (‘omniunity Newspapers. She is com— i
__ Th6 Kentuck Pres S __ ‘ ' ' pleting her bachelors degree in public {
y relations with a minor in agriculture ;
The Kentucky l’resstlSSNvlll23—(l324)ispub- District 13 Hammonds named dd ”“05an kmwck’l “”an f,
lish monthl 'b 'th’KentuCkvl’ress ‘, x H ( ~ 5 i j . a c. , , ' ‘ ' -
Assfiiamn/fieniucfiy pm at I ('l‘““("‘-" ”hm“ “hm” ‘ rep «it Mountain Clive“ Bobo named news editor
Periodical-class F’O-‘mgt’is Paid atFrankfort, 1),; - 1 Diana Hanimonds. a native of , l - - ‘
KY40601. Subsm'pti’on Pripmssspw 5““ stuifigi; wn Pulaski w i 1k liovely. is the new advertising repre- (It Dd] ly Enterprlbe
Postmaster: bend change oi address to The p ’ “ -. . . . _ . V. .7 h . 1 . ‘ . ..
Kentucky ”955’ 101 Consumer lane, st ntatiu at th( Mouiitain( ltllt n. . Jeff-Boot) has been named news
Frankfort, KY 40(1)], (302) 223—8821. District 13A Haninionds serves the l’ikeville editor of the Harlan Daily l‘liiterpnse,
Tom Caudill,Lexington Herald—Leader and Ashland areas and is a former Bobo. who joined the Enterprise
Officersand Directors ad rep for WSAF Radio in Louisa. staff. in A ril 1996. will assist with 3
KmmckYPW‘?‘ AW‘C‘dfi‘m District 13—8 A L’Y‘iidlllilt‘ Hi. SlH‘ldtm ('lark High layout of tiljie news pages and will be i :
President Tom Moore, Stanford lnterlor journal religil.“Hiiinuniioinds. 20. current lfi' resptiiisibleitéirtdesigrning the (‘(llt(t)l'léil l
- ‘ - . _ , 3 ) . '05 ‘5 1' Sé. page in at 1 ion 0 iis repor mg
Liene Clabes, Recorder New s} apt rs State at Large duties.
President Elect Qharon luminski. Winchester Sun Bird nan1ed n1anauin0 A native of Illinois. Hobo has con» .
’ Cuy-Hatfield,Citi7en Voiceand times _ ‘ w ' C C nections to eastern Kentucky. His
P 1P ‘1 t lid Riiievflwensboro Messenger lnquirci Cd][()r ()t CZIIS PaUSe mother is a native Ul. lit’slit- (‘ounty
:35 resmen . X v. .t ‘ x ' . ., ‘ P
John Del Santo, Ashland [)ailv Independent Mark \eikirk lxcntuclxv l’ost . “MTV.“ Hurt Ii’l‘mm‘ iissifiant (\Sli’ll(}‘];"I‘li(\1\('i(:lt:{0:}().d m “(”Lm ( ”“an '
' editor at l‘he l‘Jwabethtown News—
Vicel‘resident Enter i‘se. has b” n; med i 2 i— ' . ' ' . . . “ ‘
Rush [10“.911’ Ashland DallV Independent L‘ltip Hutcheson, l‘rinteton llmt’s l tutdt‘t‘ “Lyn”: K‘fllltn‘ ‘ll. 'l‘lls: 12‘2”: l’i‘lull‘llél LEWl S J ()1 “8 “CW5 Statt . l
Treasurer Assocmtes Division tnagazme UWH‘mg L ””1151”. “1 at Dally Independent i
MamrBackuannalachi’an NCW‘ Express Barbara McDaniel, lovota Mm” kentucky basketball and football. , . . p . . .. ‘
' " Manufacturing ’ In his new position. Bird coordi- . Toni 110“” hdiJmm‘d the >13” i
District] nates coverage for each issue. "l th" Ashland “all." Independent .
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader Advertisin Division aTS.ignS .and edits gnu-1'05 and as a news writer. He works out of
‘ " g ‘ , assists with design and production the papers Morehead bureau Wlth
Districtz ‘ Teresa Rer’fl' MCLcan County New” ofthe magazine. responsibility for covering Rowan. .
19d Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress N, Ed’ , ID' 1‘ ' Th9 job change ended an 18- Elliott and Western (larter counties. - l
‘ DiStl’iCt3 l0::sl\lel;:i:l:)anlyiill:o;dvocate Messenger year career at the News- - Lew”. 29‘ was previously news
TeresaRevlett,McLieanCountyNews " Enterprise. The Hardin County directorat'WMKYi', Moreheadbtate
native had served as sports writer. UmVQrSlty S PUbllC radio station, a '
District4 . . copy editor. news editor and sports position he held for five years. H9
Charlie Portmann Franklin Favon'te Joumallsm Educatmn d't bxf ) L. k‘ r th . d. ~_ holds a bachelor's de rec in 'our-
' Dr. Ron Wolfe, Eastern Kentuckv e l or t ore .61 mg, over (’ ay - g J -
Districts University ’ to-day operation of news as assis- nalism anda master S degree 1“
DavidGreer, _ townNews “in: egltor m 1992. Burligitha; communications from MSU.
En . Elizaitetli Gen ral mm s in . e won numerous an _ .
terpnse Jon; ' Co kerandKimGreene, Earndgizk Cornimtunity .lslewspaper Warner, Musgrave J01“ l
Distn'cté DinsmorekShohl o po ,awar s or wri mg. , .
DaveEldndge,HairyC0imtyLocal staff at Mt. Sterling .
W7 KentuckyPressAssociation RICC named to tOp Melanie Warner is the new
Kenq,wmjd‘ tinCoun News KentuckyPressServiceStaff - - - advertisin re resentative at the
Calla W David T. Thompson, Executive Director pOSItlon In Lebanon Mt. Sterling Adgocate. .
Districts-9 BonnieHoward,Business Manager Former Kentucky Standard A former ad rep at the
“MMCWMY Nmmdook GWDiViS, Advertising Director editor Teresa Rice has been named Winchester Sun, Warner Wlll man-
10-11 WWNEWSBUMUWOI’ editor/genera] manager of The age accounts in Mt. Sterling,
Dbuict . News WWW/MW Lebanon Enterprise. Camargo,.JetTersonVi-lle, Morehead,
H." I” ’ H ‘ BuffySanuJooklreepmgAssmtant Rice, 29, replaces Tim Ballard megSVille, Flemingsburg and '
mu SHOW W who was Serving as editor/genera] Stanton. A native 0f Mercer .
WWJadcm‘nna/Baflyvifle BeckyWhibm,AdverfisingSalesSuppon manager of Lebanon newspaper as County, Warner graduated from .
W Janet him. AdverfisinsSalekark well as the Springfield Sun. Ballard See PEOPLE. page 15 ' t

 I .
The Kentucky Press, August, 1997 — Page 3 1
’7 Janie) at the (‘linton (‘ounty News and the metropolitan journalism at publications like -- ‘
= Documentary (‘antys (Bill and (‘athyi at the Edmonson People magazine, came back home to help with
j~ News. the paper. He covers a wide variety of beats - .
v Continued from page 1 "I wanted to tell the story of these five fami- including city government and two days a week.
_ ly-owned papers. how they were sui‘vivmg and sells ads.
I and the idea just evolved to family-owned news- Why." said Hollis. Cathy (‘anty pointed out in small towns
; papers. The documentary starts out with narration there is little separation between home and I
‘4 Although Hollis, 36. has never worked for a that says Kentucky appears to be fighting a work. j
newspaper. he had a taste of their importance trend toward corporate ownership. All the own- "The newspaper phone rings into our ,
‘5 early in life. ers exhibit obvious pride during their on-cam- home," she said. .
’1 "I come from a small town. Boonville. lnd.. em interviews. Alan Gibson said the main thing that sepa~
l" near Evansville." he said. "We had a communi- Ken Met] took over as publisher of the rates family newspapers from the chains is '
i ty newspaper and I remember my mom cutting ()wingsville paper last year when his father trust. ,.
3 pictures out of that paper and the honor rolls (lied. following in the footsteps ofone ofthe best "The people know our policies. they trust . .
'. every time our name was in it. I wondered if known communityjournalists in the region. us." he said. "This is our family's reputation ,
l people still did that." Dad always told me you'd never get rich in you may not have the same pride if there's not
g Hollis began shooting the documentary in this. There are plenty of professions with better ownership."
May and just completed his work in late July. money and better hours] said Ken. KPA Executive Director David T.
' He shot over 12 hours oftape for the 30-minute Hollis believes it was "kismet" that the first Thompson. who was interviewed for the docu- ,
video. interview he conducted was with Margaret mentary. noted when out-of-state newspaper ‘
~ "I had been living in bigger cities for a long Metr. people judge our contests. they "rave about the :
time and it was good to get back to small "We were sitting there chatting and it quality ofKentucky newspapers." , "
- towns." he said. "These were some of the nicest turned out that Booneville had been part of Hollis hopes his documentary shines a little ' ‘1
people I've ever met. They never said no. don't their history. After talking about it. I realized I light on some notable people. otherwise not in i
g: shoot that.' They are truly hard working. hon- had read Russ” column. with that caricature the spotlight. .‘
l est people. Just what you'd imagine is good with the pipe. while I was growing up." he said. "These people deserve some recognition."
I about small-town life. these people are it." "I knew then that I had absolutely the right said Hollis. "There you have Niles Dillingham _ ,
i Hollis featured the Metz family i’Ken and idea for my project and a bond was formed.’ devoting 50 years of his life to that community .
l Margaret) at the Bath County News-Outlook. Kelley Warnick summed the role of a small newspaper. I don't know if anyone has ever
i the Dillinghams (Niles. Jed and Scott) at the town newspaper owner like this: "You're recorded his story before. but 100 years from
l Dawson Springs Progress. the Warnicks responsible for everything. the payroll. garbage now you can go to the university and look at '
' (Denny. Kelley and Clayt at the Gallatin collection and heavy labor." this. I'm prejudiced I guess, but I think it's a
(‘ounty News. the Gibsons (Nell. Alan and His brother (,‘lay. who tried his hand at special story."
0 O
OSHA draftln g new safety rules, final regs expected soon
Tlii' fol/oiling iii/orniuii'oii from the Health Act. employers are required general industry workplaces. except reports about workplace safety and __
l’ri’iiiiiic lill/ll\ll‘l(’.\ ofitiiicriui [innit/m to provide a workplace environment in the construction and maritime be responsible for correcting any ‘
l (l "mm/t [’I‘t’i'fi'tt " oft/iv llt/H eiiip/oyec free from recognized hazards that industries. hazards. ’/ K
j ,wi/eiy .\[tUlt/UI'(/.\ i/iui ()SHA is preparing could cause or are likely to cause Five (‘ore Elements Smaller employers would be
In unveil i'ii .5t’ph‘lll/N'I‘.’ death or serious physical harm to 1. Management Leadership allowed to carry out safety responsi—
The Occupational Safety and employees. and Employee Participation —— The hilities themselves. through the
1 Health Administration t()SHAi is The agency started Working on first of ()SHA's core elements pro- draft C1095 not define "small employ— \ “
working on a new initiative that the latest proposals in the fall of vides guidelines for employer man- er." \2
would require employers to take a 1994. and the final regulation is agement responsibilities and Employers WOUId 5“ required to ,
, systematic approach to employee expected to be released in employee participation. Employers provide employees 01‘ their "dt‘filg' ,-
. safety. All employers would be September 1997. would be required to allocate safety nated representatives “dill "PP”r' '
I required to implement a compre- The standard is based on five responsibilities to managers and llmlllt‘fi {Ur "H‘éinlhgtul participa- /
l heiisiye safety and health program core elements that outline how safe- provide them with the training nec- “‘m m lh“ establishment. ’"lpl‘" _
l for their company. ty and health programs should be essary to fulfill their new responsi- ”W'lmtm” and. “"{‘ll“‘ll"ll_”l lh“ '
‘ l‘nder the general duty clause developed in all workplaces. bilities. At least one manager would program, Meaningful participation
l of the Occupational Safety and ()SHAs standard would apply to all have to be designated to receive See OSHA, page 13 ’
l M
NAA opposes USPS plan to discount Deaths
f d . . .1 .
rates or a vertlSlng mal companles Don Ridings national president of the League of « °
Advertising mail companies will get a lower postal rate increase than Donald Jerome Ridings. former Women Voters and more recently. / »
the average for all mailers, according to a newspaper industry analysis of executive director 0f the Louisville publisher of" the Bradenton iFla, i “
the new rates announced by the US. Postal Service. It is expected the Jefferson (‘ounty Planning Herald. . ‘
Postal Service will file its case proposing the new rates with the indepen- (‘om mission and a former urban The couple moved from Florida
dent Postal Rate Commission. affairs editor at the Courier to Arlington 13-“ 37“?” when Sh“
“Overall, the proposed rate case averages 4.5 percent,” Postmaster Journal. died June 17 in took a job as president of the
General Marvin Runyon said in proclaiming a “record-small rate adjust- Alexandria. Va. He was 59, Council on Foundations. a
ment.” He said nothing: however, about a lower increase of only 3.5 per- Ridin gs had serious health Washington-based trade ESSOCthiOD
l cent for one widely-used class of advertising mail, and did not note the problems for much of the past 20 ff" hundreds 0f charitable Organiza-
' mailers will actually receive a price decrease of up to 18 percent for heav- years and according to family mem— twns- .
ieradvertisingpieces. bers, died of complications after In addition to his Wife. he is
The Newspaper Association of America, which discovered the rate cuts recent Spinal "surgery intended to Starvived by two 50ns~ Donald J-
, in its analysis of information released by the USPS, said it will certainly improve his mobility. Rldmgs JT- and Matthew Ridings; a
oppose these discount rates if they do not cover attributable costs or if Urban-affairs editor 0f the OJ S‘Stert Wenona Harms??? and w"
they continue the practice of having First Class mailers pay more for and‘th" ,IJQU‘SV‘H" “was from 1968' bmthers: Hamld R‘dmgs and
overhead costs than advertising mailers. Today, First Class mailers pay 1972* R'dmgs was also a reporter- Charles Rl‘lmgs' , _
70 percent of the overhead costs While accounting for only 54 percent of producer for WHAS-TV from 1984- Memorial serVices were held at "
the volume. 1987. He was a well-known enViron- the LOUISVIlle. Presbyterian
“Postal rates should not discriminate among mailers, but the Postal mentalist, devoted to community Theological Seminary s (ialdwell
Service continues to favor the large advertising mail companies " said Improvement . . . ('hapel' .
. . ,. . ’ He is surVived by his Wife, Memorials can be made to the i
: ~~ ”USPS: 9.9913 Dorothy "Dot" Ridings. a former Special Olympics. ’ ' i .
't I ‘ . . ,. h.v ,, . "'- _.,, -~~ . ‘
~ 1 I I V ' ' " s. ~ .

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, August, 1997
I t h t th .t t t . I l.
[ft/”Ur't m,” [in-WU, 1}“ free reign in my experiment with Alyssa Bramlage i j ' . J sports prior to my stay with The l
[\‘t mmtt _/,.mna/imi Iromt-Uituh.” journalism. I haye written spot EKU.junior ‘ Sun and it needed news coverage. [
[Uh Mix/11px Ht it {with/u! Iii/y ymmmi IIt‘Ws. features. and business zll‘li- Recorder l I" \ Thats Wh'dt I gave it. 9
m 1 “ A} on“ At mm, » on and ”My, h cles as well as coyering court and Newspapers V. About half-way through the II l
\rsiixt my polite WWW This internship rt Weeks, 1 was coyering a flash flood
I’hW \'.1..itl,"\ ~: "Witt“! «If tilllr’ily ’l1\\'(l Sl‘ll‘lt'i lllill l llith‘ ('(IVM 111‘, kept lllt‘ llufiv I *‘f‘t’ \Vhich dt’SeryUd S()\'(\l‘&1! }]()Llr\‘(lt\‘ t
m. a tram“ um on mm m mm ei‘ed. though. will stick out in my and helped to -- and roadways along a ci‘eekhed. l I
x"! w. t i t. in a and M n W iiiiiid tor the rest of my life, sharpen by i‘eport- ‘ ' -‘ was under considerable deadline l
\_‘,<.m (hie afternoon around 4:45 pm. mt’; skills ~1 need this kindofeype— pressure and found myself scurry— t
W aw ."'z um um Kw 41mm: I sat alone in the iie‘wsrootii finish— ~th to help me become more out- ing from the sheriffs office to the
.e: rm n mm was gm unis-nu .; t M 3m to: up a brief when the scanner ”()III” with sources for stories police to the county roads depart-
i to: in r: a i .“t w. t w “mi: screamed Working on pure adren- Because of this summer I am now ment getting the details of whose
t’li’ltt alin. I grabbed the digital camera more dedicated to the idea of work» homes were damaged and the typi- ‘
1m om HI x mew J» JV) and headed out to the scene of a ing for a community paper after cal news material.
my mutt”; rm t. mm] . Hr car \\ reek on l' S 137, I ntxy'txt' graduatiUD- I was “1“. impressed It was moymg along as expect—
.”r‘: "t -i \t”t.‘,"tt ;\ m H ‘m """X' . 't thnught .il‘mtll what I ”tight MW. ()I‘ Will] llit‘ laid-hack attitude that (‘(l W llntll l Hill/(Pd WIIlI (l gflttd
get i. «in “High” what the carnage would hmk like. surrounded the newsroom. even on lady who had been treated badly by
. . lpoii ni\ arriyal. a sheriff saw dtittdhm, This W.“ .t t2”. cry from the flood. She cried. she liillélht’d
BrianMains .. V ,. - - ‘-' . . ‘Ils‘l'lldl"‘l" 1.1.]
v r v - t lIl\ ({‘lllll‘ltl illlfl ()ll-lll("t\('(‘llt‘ [he \‘llldf‘lll I](A\\'\'pi{})(l" 1t Tr'l‘lf‘l'll d! ( ’ it 0 1(1 ‘\ 0’) \\ 11 (
“I‘L‘ senior ' i . i - i ( A. ’ siniult'i It‘l i'ly r )t th . 'to ‘y ' ii ’1
. , notebook and called to me. 1 had \1th Of all 1 learntid that not all - t’ "-N H t 5 I. d K
BOWhng (areen -, ~ , ‘ ' A I ‘ ‘omforted her in h *r time of need
- . happened “IN“ ‘1 ll““"'k'<'” [H -l- newsrooms are the same and a bad k l ‘
Daily News g . - " » ~ . i ‘ h - i > ‘ Then I aid to myself after the
‘ . . .. » ( wreck. luriiiiig around to take my “pet-”inch with tmti editor does not ‘5“ .. . ‘. .' < t”
1h” I" m.\' “”1 a , initial glimpse of the scene. I lead to future bad experiences, 510".“ “‘35 {ml-“19¢ ”“5 15 £39413
internship and l :_ puntid my camp“, up just in time The internship acutely stimu-
haye found it to he a _ to 5“, the police throw a man Jacinta Feldman rir'A- 7m”... lated my interest in Journalism. 1 I
an enlighteningr one. A .. against their car and arrest him. EKU, sophomore , t was taken in immediately as an
When I first walked into the iiews- “(‘lick." my first photo opportunity. Henry CO. Local 1" ‘ ‘mp"rt3nt_ part Of the news staff,
roum Ol‘ lht’ l)all} N9\V.§ l “.215 “CT“ LUCkIlV, n” one in the accident “'85 W'h 1 1k d‘ "' I l WlllCh I dldnt expect. Though he
"011510 53." the least. hurt and the next day I saw my h in h “g e - w WOUId be the last to admit It” The
For one. I had “9"” written byline on a story and photo and for tfrough t 9H oors :94: ' bun s editor. Bl“ Blakeman, IS a
hard news before. My main line of the first time I felt news occurring ((1 t 9] lenfry W my: truly gifted one—on-one teacher
interest in college is feature writ- around me. The pulse of that feel- limf’t} 49C“ or r whose experience and practical
ing. I thought the two reporting ing has not left. t ed ”it {tme twh) I d'd . know-how helped me learn more
and writing styhts were worlds A week later, as I could feel in (1 hi mont S algo I nbt about the trade and made my time 1
apart. I found out that is both true myself being pulled into the world “(’ny W at to efoeCtt‘ "t walsd t9 9 in .Winchester both grueling and i
and false. True in the sense that ofjournalism I volunteered to my. "St taste 0 rea wor Jour- enioyable at the same time. 5
some stories don’t warrant the . , ‘ .‘ ' . nalism,andlcouldntwait.
. ‘ . . ‘ drive to hddyvdle for the execution I had hi h ho es of learnin . _
flowery. highly descriptive leads of Harold McQueen. I found a local h' h g h' pb ' . g Ian Shapira
that most feature stories get. False hook and qt0ry that I could write t ings t at “Qt mg ut experience Pruiceton UmverSIty, ‘
- h h. - . d , ‘ could teach. I wanted to improve so homore The
in t e sense t at reporting d“ which was excuse enough for my m , writin a (1 re rt'n k'll I p '
basm structure for news is pretty editor to let me take the four—hour 3 g n P0 1 g S 1 5- n Kentucky Standard
much the same as features . t , general, I wanted to better myself , _ ’27 as l
Th , th {h' a I .1 , . d trip to Western kentucky. as ajournalist. Between writing, l
h ehoh-er. mgr.“ eainet’1 Overwhelming is the only way But what I got far exceeded reporting, shooting - ,,
l rougr t_ ”flgtérdqi’ '9 ars the to describe my experience. Driving what I had ever hoped for. From and developing pic- ' 4 i
”“1"?” ante 0 ea ‘9“ a”? e up to see 14 satellite vans for TV h f- . ~ I d I tures, my duties at The
reality of a community oriented - ~ t e ”5‘ minute starte was K t k St d' d «is—#«J
neW‘ ”a er and literally hundreds of media treated as an equal part of the en uc y. an ar .
riirhpt h . d . KI’A crawling all over the 13‘] and Henry County Local staff. I was truly have immersed me into the pro-
- t 1t:- 0 ms .abthmtihe [my , d WOW“ “93 W35 impressionable. given assignments that tested my “55“?"31 realm OfJoumalism, where
m erns ”,3 we W". _9 ”m an What was most impressive to ability at both writing and gather- public trust meets a public forum,
has reaffirmed my desire to be a ,. ‘ , . , . . . wher W)I‘d" ‘m ortal‘ l
. al‘st . nd -. f tile ‘Aldom me was the comradery among the mg information, I layed out pages 8 ‘ D‘ m 129 P90? e.
Journ -L a ~d u ~ "5‘ print media. Interviewing people and covered government meetings AS a sophomore at Princeton
recognized strive for perfection. v, . . . Universit m ex r'ence in th
or listening to the neWs briefings, With all the trust that was put m . _ - y. y .99 1K . ‘3
. someone was always willing to me I gained a confidence 1 have field includes writing and night-
Rob Edwards . . l " ‘ edit-n f th d .l V
1 r help me clarify an idea or check never had before 1 g or e campus a1 y
Centre College. . .- ~ _ .. Workin f0 11 ,9 d ‘I
' - 1h" Sp‘dlmg Of a name. Yet among all the responsibili- g r a CO 95 31 y
semor,Danv1|le , . - a er thou h somlt‘ ‘ b)
. . , Most memorable was a pat on ty 1 had no one forgot I wag there P P a g ~ can . ( imes (
Advocate-Messenger ' ‘ ‘ ' K - a balancin -act wherl staff wr't-
§ . the back from Bill hstep. of the to learn. Ted Natt, the 3550013“, g . - ( - . 1
. I began my 7’" ‘ Lexington Herald-Leader, and editor, took the time to always go ers '4” forced to Juggle the” aca- ,
lnternShlp at the / words of encouragement after I over my stories with me. He point- demics and EXLracurrICLll_arS' l
Advocate-Messenger ' had broken a tiny story and he ed out what I had done right, and In turn, my Journalism-edu-
1“ Danyille Wlth no had witnessed the electrocution. what could have been improved. cation at school can be either
idea about what my expectations The {huts of those witnesses 1 Matthew Tungate, the editor, hurried or casual. to say the
should or “T"“d be once I arrived. talked with after the fact told a taught me the basics of design. least. . ,
A rising senior at ( entre ( ollege. I million htom“ and will neyer 1 know when I go back to Interning at The Standard.
have spent the last three years 10”“. m“ Eastern Kentucky University this however is nothing short of a 10-
writing “”11“?” (‘I-‘Siil'fl l‘” "I." My Kentucky Press Association fall. I will be better prepared to start yyeek tint“; ictourse Wt” eye ry
English major. The idea of liniitii'lL’ mternship has been more than a my sophomore yearofjournalism. MN I (x w ( (h to ” (r. . .
a story. shortening paragraphs “l learning experience. it has been a A summer spent reporting-in l
clarifying "I." d““'“l’“””~‘ *‘mel life experience As I write this 1 Jay (l. Tate / V7 , Bardstown has taught me ('“rl'l'd‘ I
unreasonable. am preparing to help coyer the UK, senior l . erably mm". than “WWW 1”" ”
What I haye found through my trial (WM. the 1994 death ”t- fire- Winchester Sun j full year onniy college daily.
internshi . and the wise teachings - , , ~ .. . . ,. i , w ., g, a ‘2» Ihe editors and reporters
P . IILlIltr btiawn I\uttti in Tht hunwa. a . ,
of my editors and staff reporters. l.1)lll>\‘1ll(‘ perfect fit for me. ” . were tremendously gracious.
has been that one does not need to ()nce again I will partake m which pmwid to be r “—3 .' tortlhrilght.I lulld. patieintx Iwith VIII“.
sacrifice atmosphere. critical IIIIpt'- the media “Nth- and once again I a good thing _ t as Is ow y earnm : 2st} e. .
prptmion twithout editoriali/iiigv. “I” walk the high “H.“ ”m know- because I didii t -.. 3‘} writing. Ililpl-tvlhw‘ing and pho.
and most importantly 51“” ”Hm“, inhr that somewhere. someone is know where I Would best fit prior tography techniques.
when writing an article. relying on the information 1 pro- I” ”I“ KPA internship.
. Th“ f’d‘l‘m‘ WW“ ”H‘M'Hl me yide I had spent all my time in See INTERNS. pages

 l . .
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The Kentucky Press, August, 1997 - Page 5
newspaper industry. junior a