xt7gxd0qvb29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qvb29/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1993 text GLSO News, July 1993 1993 1993-07 2019 true xt7gxd0qvb29 section xt7gxd0qvb29 /1’ Pit/lama” 47 Me [WWW ya, ”fled/2m few/gee filo/am: 5/”
Quakers SUDDOI’t LGSDiOD founded on the beliefthat all people have “that
& G M - of God” in them. This belief shapes our
fly arr'ages worship, which is a collective experience of
_ by Betsy Nea_le _ _ silent waiting for spiritual leadings. These are
The Lexrngton Friends Meeting has. 101ned a usually expressed as spoken or sung ministry
growrng number 0t Quaker meetings that shared by individuals as they feel led. Visitors
have agreed to marry 165b13h/ gay couples. are always most welcome to join us. Worship
Lexington Friends will consider marriage is at 10am on Sunday mornings at the
requests from couples regardless 0t sexual Meetinghouse,1504 Bryan Ave., which is just
orientation who are active in the meetingThis inside New Circle Road. If you have any
d¢C1510h tOHOWS several years Of, StUdY_ and further questions, please call Betsy Neale at
d15cussrons of gay/lesbian issues including a 277—6101.
presentation by members of the GLSO Speakers _
Bureau and personal sharing by lesbian DI’ICIE WEEK IS A
members of the meeting. Because Quakers try '
to act out of spiritual leadings rather than Blg SUCCESS
rational decisions, they make their collective Lexington’s Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Pride
decisions only when the group is in unity. It Week was held June 3—15 and was a great
took several years and the painful resignation success in most ways. Most events drew
of one member before we were in unity on this crowds exceeding 100 people with the Fairness
decision. But the meeting at which the same— Campaign’s Pride Rally in Triangle Park
gender marriage minute was adopted was a attracting over 200 people and local news
joyous occasion. Quakerweddings are different stations. The best attended event was of
from conventional church ceremonies. The course the Pride Picnic at Woodland Park that
meeting witnesses rather than performs the drew almost 500 people on a rainy Saturday.
ceremony in which the partners marry each Although GLSO has sponsored Pride Picnics in
other in the presence of God at a Quaker the past at private farms, this picnic was the
meeting of worship. Once the couple marry, first public “family outing” in Lexington of this
the meeting carries a continuing responsibility type and magnitude. Lexington is coming of
for helping them and their children with any age. Kudos to all the many EXHAUSTED
difficulties they experience. Thus, Quakers people who made us laugh, cooked for us,
speak of being married “under the care of the entertained us and made us buy all those
meeting.” In addition, because marriage is a rainbow flags. (By the way, if you didn’t get
spiritual union, Quakers have never believed your very own temporary tattoo, Suzanne still
that a marriage requires the sanction of the has abox.) Thanks should also go to the many
state. local businesses who donated prizes and
Friends’ wedding and marriage traditions are materials for the eVents.

 9 call/collect information from all local
EDIiODS Noili organizations about area events and dates for
by Jeff Jones the News and its calendar, and 2) another to
Next month’s AU8USt issue Wiii be acritical time collect news external to the local community
for our community. The GLSO News is an drawing on mail to GLSO and news stories.
important information source and service to TIME INVOLVED: 3-5 hrs/month, SKILLS
our community. In the 135t year, its circulation, NEEDED: journalism, basic writing skills, ability
advertisers and features have grown to type 'in work onto computer disk is helpful
tremendously thanks to the support Of our but not requiredThese positions are not
community and the hard work of over a dozen mutually exclusive. One or two people can
individuals. Forthelastyear,lhave coordinated handle all these positions: one person has
the work Of this great group 0i people, bUt i done all this work at times in the last few years.
must step down from the GLSO News editorship Please don’t be intimidated by the time or skills
to attend to my doctoral dissertation. SO, needed. If you want to become more involved
AUEUSt’s issue is my swan song, and despite socially, this is a great way to meet people and
notices for months, no one has steppedforward discover pride in your own abilities and
to replace me. 30, this month i Wiii outline creativity. The GLSO News is always growing
again the needs 0f the GLSO News volunteer and changing according to the gifts brought to
POSitiOhs This work does hOt pay in e35h bet it by the different people who work with it. If
certainly does pay in pride, creativity and as 3 you want to bring your own touch to this
way to meet people. General Editor: to important service, please call Jeff Jones at 276—
coordinate/collect articles from writers, edit 5383
writings, write a considerable part of the Woman Mns flag Contest
newsletter, make sure that copy is transferred Kay Maxwell is the winner of UK Lambda’s
to Mac compatible disk and delivered to Layout recent contest for a 3' x 5' rainbow flag.
Editor, make sure that newsletter gets to Layout Contestants registered for the drawing at several
Editor in time to get to printer in time for recent Pride events.
folding/stuffing party, be a general trouble- 0 -__ Q )3? 15°
shooter, TIME INVOLVED: around 20 hrs./ 9&1 greed/3W5 rye/:9
month, far less time if other positions are filled, Published Monthly by the
diplomacy, organizing skills, access to computgr flange“ gaff/Lima“ gamma“
(disks can be transferred from IBM to Mac) Omganézafion
AdvertisingManager: to pursue newadvertisers, p_o_ Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575
to update and collect ads, customer service, Editors:
billing for ads, TIME INVOLVED: around 10 Jeff Jones and Kristin Smith
hrs/month after initially signing on foundation GLSO Annual Dues _ $1300
group of repeat advertisers (already completed D f C l _ $20 00
in large part), SKILLS/EQUIPMENT NEEDED: “65 0r CUP es ‘
salespersonship, telephone, basic abilities to Newsletter Only ‘ $10-00
keep track of payments from advertisers Zia::“2::::.::r:”::i:.:::.°L::.::"::"$525.:“:22“:
WRITERS: GLSO News currently has 5 fairly anemones...“’m ”welcome. All Wm become the
regular columnists who submit work: Laura 35:52:35: 11:23:53;fixing?elitesifliisffnmffd :35“:
Jones, Christopher Robyn and BarryJames. The Ezztri’iijz?‘"51:23:?! five: 1:1“; :3 5:: ’35:; N21521:? 221'
rest is largely Written by the editor. [There is a 3:22;:echerson‘s sexual orientation nor a business' customer
need for at least two other writers: 1) one to -i\Ԥ .___f.& rel}, 4,5.
\.\ " i/
2 - GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 555.5??? ‘-—55'5-—5 :55: 25:55ng

 adolescents, and we had already arranged for
increased police presence for any public area.
4% And we had just recently heard the president of
the NAACP speak at the March on Washington
Esmerdela’s DOI’IOLII’ calling his community to support us in our
by Laura Jones guest for civil rights. All of the callers were
Not being actively involved with Lexington’s 1hV1tedt0 the SN meeting the following Saturday:
Gay and Lesbian Pride Week but rathera “fly on no one appeared. Because it was feared some
the wall” as Ann Olliges’ partner, I found myself people would hOt want to come to the Plehle,
baffled, vexed and intrigued by some aspects of 1t was moved to Woodland Park. 250 people
our community. Ann helped develop the Gay/ attended a great day, bUt only 2 members of the
Lesbian Services Network (SN) after a need for African—American gay/ lesbian community
improved community networking was (neither one had been the callers). We had two
determinedbythe Fairness Campaign. So,with minor incidents there: one adolescent in a
50+ lesbigay organizations, the theory of bathing suit requested escort by one of the-four
coordinating 3 Pride Week with each group police officers past us. (Incrdently, the officers
being responsible for an event seemed...well, were male, black andwhite,ternfic,andgobbled
at least plausible. And it worked! Lexington UP hOt (1085/ Cokes cooked by the COLTS)-
had a great week— but not without some Later, as the park and P001 were clearing due
controversy: Why did the Pride Picnic move to rain, four teenagers called OUt “that’s right
from Coolavin to Woodland Park? Many of us you queers, leave the par ht): That was It _(I had
use Coolavin on a fairly regular basis for walks expected the Chr 15t1ah rhlhtla)- Sunday night at
or softball practice. And despite the area being the Volunteers Eanquet we were quite a
perceived as an African- American community collection: politiCians and editors, doctors and
space, many gay men and lesbians Of all races nurses, entrepreneurs and librarians, waiters
live in the North Broadway neighborhood. and therapists. There were COWbOYS: 40 men
Well, after the announcement of Coolavin as th black .tuxedos, leathermen and a former
the picnic site, the SN received several angry Empress 1h 5U1t and he I thought to myself:
calls from both black and non-black lesbians whata strange collection we make. We have
and gay men who said they represented the th15_ trhY thread that brings US to_ this room
views of the black gay/lesbian community in tOhlght‘ RaCial issues lerde 115' It 15 important
Lexington. One caller felt the “white gay and to recognize our intent 15 {let to oppress.
lesbian community was once again ‘oppressing’ Members of the African-American community
her by having the picnic at Coolavin because it rhUSt come forward: we need to hear your
was in her neighborhood...” and that as gay experiences, fears and needs. And, YOU need
people we “should understand oppression.” to hear ours. It’s a tiny thread that connect us
After thinking this over I realized that the SN to_ one another, hUt rt 15 that very thread that
was not the oppressor in this situation: the derdeS us 1ht0th15 gay community. We need
victimizer was that part of the African-American to share some peace and support each other.
community who the caller feared exposure to
and retaliation from. Another caller said “I Tennis Anyone?
thought you would have realized how A new group is in the works for lesbian,
homophobic the African-American community bisexual and gay tennis players, If you are
is.” The sense was that there were safety issues interested in such a group for summer matches,
in any park where we might encounter large please contact Will at 254—3781 as soon as
groups of strayt (or strayt-acting) homophobic possible. The summer is going fast.

1h€ pros and Cons C. Shaw (Lexington)—6/ 10), Bush Was Lesser
Here is alisting of the people who wrote in pro 9f TWP EVllS: gay rights called “nefarious
and anti—gay letters to the Lexington Herald— 1551165 _
Leader since our last issue: Total: Pro (15): An“ (12)
Pro: Josh Van Lieu (Lexington)-5/ 16 Chris
Landon (LexingtonD—5/17 Kathy Schiflett Dee] Work] String Band
(Lexington)—5/ 20, Law Unfair to Gays,Lesbians ‘- D DI ay
D.P.Dixon (Lexington)-S/20, Protection Is by Pamla Wood
Wanted Beth Dailey (Lex1ngton)—5/25, The Reel World String Band will be playing two
Mm‘SteF 5 Article On Lesbians, Gays Was concerts at the New Morning Coffeehouse/
Disturbing Lawrence Durr (Lex1ngton)—5/25, Peace Center on Friday, July 9. Showtimes are
Dont Let Polls Dec1de Amy Johnson 8pm and 10pm. The Reel World String Band is
(Lex1ngton)—5/ 24: Treat Everyone Equally Linda a women’s group that plays political and “just
WCSt/ Sky Hedrnan (1‘6X1fl810n3-5/287, Wrong plain good” mountain music. The concerts are
On Size 9f CfOWdJ 1m McKeighen (Lex1ngton)— benefits for New Morning, which is located at
5/28, Military Needs Stricter Code Marlon 504 Euclid Avenue in Lexington. New Morning
Gregory Graves (Lex1ngton)—S/29, NotAMatter is an all—volunteer community coffeehouse,
Of Morality Andrea Lonon (Lex1ngton)-S/§O, available for groups to meet formally or
Tremendous Fear Llfiéd Marilyn 5-, Daniel informally. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at
(Lex1ngton)—6/ 2, Question Military Disc1pline the door. For more information call New
Patricia Ann Ellis (Lexington)—6/3, Paper Morning at 2354190 ,
Showed Courage Bradley Garrett (Lexington)— '
6/9, Colorado Keith Elston (Lexington)—6/11, (BL 80 SLIDDOrt Group Meets
The Plight of Lesbians,Gays Anti: Patsy Chaffins in July
(ML Sterling) "5/20> NOt Adam and Steve John Due to demand, the GLSO Support Group will
Miller (LeXington)-5/20, Start Showmg Concern, be meeting in July on these dates from 7pm to
gay. people are child molestors and AIDS 9pm: -Wednesday July 7 —Monday July 12
car rier S D.L.Campbell (MOHUCCHO)'5/21’ fairly Other dates are not yet arranged. For location
moderate butclaimsthatgaysforcing ourselves of the meetings please contact Mary Crone
on churches and Obsessed With sex Joyce A‘ (266—5904) orJeffJones (276-5383). This service
Smith (EggeWOOd)"5/24> Siclrened and is for people coming to terms with their
Ashamed, ...a lifestyle that results m AIDS and orientation and for people just needing a space
other diseases...” Eva Whltt (Lex1ngton)—5/27, to discuss issues related to their homo/
Burn Rap for Colorado David Smith bisexuality
(Richmond)—5/27, That’s The Wrong Message ' - _
Arthur Brestel (Wilmore)—S/28, Clinton Shows NGXt Dhonelme Meetlng IS...
His Colors, “...rally and march by the sex The next meeting for the volunteers of the
perverts— “gays” and lesbians...” Andrew “Butch” GLSO Phoneline will be held at Peter Taylor’s
Schroyer (Lexington)—5/ 28, Cartoonist Should home on August 3 at 7pm. If you are a current
Apologize, claims that Rush Limbaugh is not a volunteer, don’t forget your log sheets. New
homophobe Sara Warren (Lexington)-5/ volunteers are also heartily welcome with a
28,Defining Homosexuality, gays want special special need for women to staff the Phoneline.
rights Kermit Rice (Ashland)—6/ 2, How Times If you also are a physician, counselor or
Are Changing WilliamCowley, Sr. {Winchester} organization head that needs to update
6/5, Keep Sex Private, almost so incoherent information given over the Phoneline, please
that we could not tell if pro or anti~gay Edward contact Peter at 273-5845
4 - GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 fig??? riff; fij—E #5::ng

 .'3' k JE'I ‘-
WASHINGTON, DC: During the Senate debate
over Roberta Achtenberg’s nomination, Sen.
Claiborne Pell (D-RD revealed that his daughter
Julia is openly lesbian to a hushed Senate and GREEK
that Pell believes sexual orientation should not
be an issue in Senate confirmation hearin 5.
Julia Pell is President of the Rhode Islaid RESTAURANT
Alliance for G/L Civil Rights.
RUSSIA: President Yeltsin signed into law on
April 29 a bill repealing a Soviet law that made
consensual sex between men (but not women
technically) punishable upt to 5 years in prison. ‘
Activists say the law has hampered education ' , _g . ‘~ , '
and testing for AIDS. , »’-|"‘.‘. :4, 171%? \ c ,
NEVADA: The state of Nevada legislature has . I w .. .
voted to repeal Nevada’s same-sex only sodomy -. . ‘ ,g ' 1
law covering private consensual acts. ‘
sodomy law also appears at press time to be ‘
intact. Congress must review all of DOS laws
and overturned a 1981 sodomy repeal attempt.
TENNESSEE: Attorneys for six Tennesseans
have filed a lawsuit challenging Tennessee’s . CHICKEN, SEAFOOD. Vljt‘xli'l‘ARlAN
same—sex only sodomy law covering consensual '
private sex. The Tennessee legislature changed . BEER AND WINE
the law several years ago de-criminalizing oral/
anal sex for heterosexuals and lowering the o HOMEMADE BRli A D AND
penalty for homosexuals from a felony to a DESSERTS
misdemeanor. Led by openly lesbian attorney ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
Abby Rubenfeld of Nashville and a 4-woman
legal team, the suit says that the law violates the
right to privacy under Tennessee’s constitution
and the equal protection clause of the US
constitution. Donations for the Rubenfeld suit 557 SOUTH LIMESTONE
can be sent to 2505 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 201, 253-0014
Nashville, TN 37212. Some of the plaintiffs are
law and psychology students who claim that
licensing procedures demand they report crime FREE EVENING PARKING
convictions and that the law thus unfairly
affects them. BEHIND THE RHS'l‘Al’RAX'l‘ ()N PRAI.L ST.
gig—3:2? “-—H'.—-: {jg—E éééi GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 - 5

 \ o o t o /
//‘/<5’ 60"&/{ «5), ”(0 ,
pr; 1qu 2nd
Dam Browning ScboLcu'shiP Dance
Le):- Women’s Athletic CLub
‘f°"""L*~1i'L‘;fi'i’.5:’ K
sauna-In on
f damm— ate
“his CI' ton
Dessert Theater ' Sat, 552:.18th
E F 'd O 1:. Shh 5
m 8‘7 @C U.K. Smgletary
éahurday 0011- 9th Center for the Arts
2 865233] Unhfiarian Chturch g ‘ $13 students/ seniors
: W1 reserve: jODS :
call 257-4929 For
_ “=E53*5‘33gisfigéfim“ _ reserved seating
SQCK HOP H cosponsored by UKLAMBDA
RNA 'EACH welcome 194 wltb uoor [fiends
UMTARMEMCHURCH new Years Eve Portu
$8 WITH RESERVATIONS flldou Dec Blst (Dom)
$10 AT THE DOOR [0!
‘; detolsl
For raw/9M 5/0/(6’ aa/f 272-7782
6 - GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 fig—3%?! #:fi-E if: gig—#2

 I993 Volunteers of the ‘f" Kate's Coming?” F'T—‘N
Internationally famous lesbian comic Kate
’ year Honored Clinton is coming for a performance here in
In the second annual Volunteers of the Year Lexington. Hosted by UK Lambda and Iris
Banquet hosted by the Tri—State Gay Rodeo Events, Kate Clinton will appear September 18
Association (TSGRA),twenty—one local women at the Singletary Center for the Arts on the
and men received awards for their service and University of Kentucky campus. Tickets are on
commitment towards improving the Central sale now and going quickly. Prices range from
Kentucky LesBiGay community. The banquet $13 (seniors/ students) to $15 (advance) to $17
was held on Sunday, June 13, at the Marriott (at the door). For tickets, please call the Ticket
Hotel with over sixty people in attendance. Office at Singletary: 257—4929.
Rep. Ernesto Scorsone was the keynote speaker
with the Lexington Men’s Chorus providing Dallas TO IZIDSt Sports
entertainment. This year also marks the inception festl VOI
of a special award honoring the person who The Team Dallas Sports and Cultural Festival
has most contributed to [he gay cornrnunity in Wlll take place on the weekend. Of OCt. 8-11 in
the last year. In honor of Jeffrey Wasson’s 1331135,”, and Wlll include over8sports events
heroic legal stand that resulted in the overturning including darts, golf 7 swimming, tennis, running
of Kentucky’s sodomy law, this award has been and billiards. The event is a warm up for the
named the Wasson Award with Wasson being 1994 Gay Games in New York City in ]une. For
its first recipient. The other people who have so more information, contact Team Dallas at FOB
helped our community and have finally been 190712, 1331135, TX 75219-
recognized for it are: Wasson Award: Jeffrey
Wasson —American Civil Liberties Union: Keith _‘ _. _, :_
Elston —AIDS Volunteers of Lexington: Tracy ? _: ,- e :f"'.;:5i" E, 5,: é
Laughlin Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S.: Will Decious - “a fl éefl‘
Diversity Business Coalition: Brad Garrett — "
Esmerelda’s Parlour: Debbie Currie & Tomi 10 ye“; “page...”
Ross ~Fairness Campaign of Lexington: Pam .
Goldman ~Frontrunners: Keith Lovan -Gay/ l‘ [e a m
Lesbian Services Network: Ann Olliges -GLSO: w ‘gtoua aggaqe
Craig Clere 8; Bill Loggins —Imperial Court of the
Bluegrass Empire: Jack Childress ~Lexington 255—6209
Men’s Chorus: Nancy Ward —Metropolitan
Community Church/Lexington: Dr. Dwayne
Lewis -Ouvirir Laporte Productions: Mary
Crone, Bev Futtrell 8; Karen Jones —Tri-State Pegasus Travel Inc.
Gay Rodeo Association: Ben Saliers -UK AM” mfik—flrwm- 75W
Lambda: Steve Savage -Womynwe ave : Connie MEMZ/efl/PCE’ flfl'w'a 6mm
McNealy ._ . _
”‘0 News
congratulates these " " ‘ ‘ " ' ' " " '
800 228—4337 606 268—4337
worthy and hard. 2040 Idle Hour Center
‘ - - _ - Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502
3E iii-“255%? “-5555 55:7: gig-5%: GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 - 'Z

J 1 1993 Jim McKeighen
4. . — .
Happy 4th of July! 1 i ;
= ID..- 4 qu.t a
slit s c‘ (15th) 2 3 710 E031 Main 31 Office 6062526677
7:30 PM Men's Chorus W sum @ Chlb U Lexin 10D KY 40502 Home 606 233 9995
3:00 PM GUESS-EKU 8:00 PM Ga ILesbinn AA 9:00 AM Frontrunncrs g ’ Pager 606_23]_4724
Benefit-W Church
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ann 01 Ilges
Sister Singers-Cinc.(1- 7330 PM Gay/Ixsbinn M‘Amn 630 PM MCC—L'vfnc 7:30 PM Men's Chorus 9:00 AM ———_ —_
Indcndenec Dn 5th) ESPEEWPTIW” “HRH- 8500 PM GUESS‘EKU 7:00 PM Gay Men's Spiril.G... Frontrunners W
5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 8.45 m Rainbow Bowm_ 360 PM Ga M b. M 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS 3:00 PM oi [Lesbian AA 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS D T" ..- i. imiiNMCHM... 5...... - y .... swam- s G eep Issue
. y 8 Ian ppt. rp.
Sports Massage
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (60591“?153g3203
AVOL Mtgs. 4 m/5:30p 530 pM CAP AVOL 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 6:30 PM MCC-L'villc -
MCC-L’ville: Ilium/6:30;; 7.00 PM NMCl—I M . ) 7:30 PM Farmers of mv+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. cm“ L‘“ ‘h‘ B“ “mum" GLSO News KY F““"”@1‘ "m UC MA0012773
4=°° PM Diversity Built“ 7’ 00 PM GLSO ' Swt~GrP~ 8200 PM Gay/”shim M $13,311:”; 2336;? Deadline! lfifimm‘fwms’; G
C “1' ‘ “5 PM Mint» B0 ' - 1°=°° PM ICBE Sh» Club U = ' . = r- - .
7:00PM Gay/LesbianAA AA .... ..
1 8 19» 20 21 22 23 24 ,
MCC-L'viue: Mam/6:30pm 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 7:30 PM Gay/usual: Al-Anon 6:30 PM MCC-L’villc 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Dignity Mass ICBE Underwear Pmy— P F
3% 1% $335,233; 7:00 PM NMCH ML. 7:;fhs‘rpmrs °f HIV” 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 7:00 PM Gay Men's PGOIOUI up,
‘ 730 pM Farms/uh 8.45 PM Rims, 3,, In? L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Spirit.Grp.Pot1uck _“‘“ “5” ' .
. @Alfalfais Southlnnd w w 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp. 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian $231M gyms: W G Hll 80006 PO! Groomlng
AA 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg. AA ' ‘ ”" 'i\\l (‘4 E . d
5 \. a.» /;
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 t: Jig 2'“ XPOI‘IOHOO
“COL“ “”65”” i 6“" PM “CC-L'Vflle 7:30 PM M . Ch : ' :00 AM 1. \‘ 77
4:00 PM Diversity Busimss 5 30 PM CAP 6'30 PM GLSO N?“ Wd' - 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8-00 PM 61611132913211st 8 00 PM Gay/Lesbian 9 F /// / , \b 2 -9365
6:00 PM Imperial Ct—Club U. (AVOL) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 3:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ AA rontrunners
7:00 PM Ga lluesbian AA 7:00 PM NMCH 7:30 PM Partners of HTY+ 10:00 PM ICBE Show-Club U 8100 PM HIV/AIDS 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS
Mtg. WWW-S:- Swerv- SPPt-Grp- .
[MM 5 176905414, Wfl/
June August flak/za/ifizoxzi/li/apzw
S—MT__W_T__F_.S_ _S_M_T—LT__F__i agffifig/ gigfl/ba/ 05/51/546? goalgg/pp
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 —€1/fl/I5m.fwim
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 -43iuafmpiazy/Ac’m 4.76fowfll/ft.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 4925054617” 1% (Wm;
27 2a 29 30 29 30 31 -5W¢W/mw /606/Z54—977Z
- h'h-_-_‘ a J. ...; w 1.: an... H .. L .. ... .:. .. ... .. ... .. . fl ... :3:
8 GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 5-7.??- q: fig :3?- géié-isg Fag-72%.- 2.: fr: .—.__::;—= gig—g: GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 - 9

 ihe B'uegrass WEI CCITlGS reached at Club Underground at 255-9881 or at
the new meeting time: 6pm on the 2nd and 4th
Its New Monarchs Sundays of each month at Club Underground.
During the weekend Of thC March on ICBEalso now hosts showsat Club Underground
Washington, the Imperial Courtof the Bluegrass on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each
Empire (ICBE) hosted its annual Coronation month with doors opening at 10pm. Each year
herein Lexington. The Coronations are annual the ICBE donates the money it has raised to
€V€ht5 8iVCh by the individual chapters 0f the local charities. Over $1000 was raised during
Imperial Court system, an international charity Coronation 1993 alone and given to AIDS
organization that raises money through various Volunteers of Lexington and GLSO. The next
entertainments and fundraisers including their local Coronation will be March 25-27, 1994,
trademark drag ShOWS- With the local court Other courts hold theirCoronations throughout
established in 1981, the ICBE is one of the the year in other cities.
oldest gay organizations in Lexington. At \ \
Coronation the monarchs of the 11th Reign, ( $542. 4)
Emperor Thom Branscum and Empress
Michelle Carrington, were succeeded by the flQJUJ CO l—QJXIHQCOHO
monarchs of the new 12th Reign. Monarchs JU 1L; Comimg Out?
are popularly elected at Coronation and take For 0 GLSO welcome Doc/Hot
camp titles. Lexington’s new Emperor and
Empress of the Imperial Court of the Bluegrass GO“ Jolt JOWLI Qt 9705505
Empire are thus: the Diamond Stardust Emperor L n A
Ken Moore and the Crystal Snowwhite Unicorn Q’OVT gour omoLond ddrojlr.
Empress Ashley O’Hara-Moore. They can be LUCA coma to oxlngton
m lm GUESSNG! l-SHllllS Dandelion Bead Connection
0 : T :11—6,W d:11-8,Th :11—6,F':11-6.
AdilgBBlfiNND) B. WAONLGN pen 3:12:16. Sunfize1-6, 'CloselgMondayns'
' " [Aail OrderzKPYOmEg: 1453
 / _: seed beads, crystals,
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10 - GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 fi;.—..—.a 73,—. :37: Eng;-

 Gay/Lesbian Welcome Wagon I wig
Comma TO Town @ 3/25 flagella” 9305’s 292%
by Jeff Jones a 4‘3
If you are like me, you are a transplant to our E
fair city. As many new Lexingtonians know, it GLSO Nev/5 prouaf’y fillers a free 25 Vera
is not always easy to link up with the queer EZ’DEWWfifiZE {1:12 fl: XGLg‘gnsNfifE/sflng‘é‘fi’sfi‘znfi
culture here. To address this need both for Lexington, KY 20574, or Gaff 231-8303.
lesbigay peoplejust moving to central Kentucky . .
and for people just coming out, GLSO is starting fl hePPX aha aef‘ml/GPX “(Eff “Thea. 073,6 X351“,
our own brand of a welcome wagon. With the anon/smarytz’fo myeo-earl’or, Kws’fm Tuna
support of other organizations such as the Shall-’3’ on We? “sues of {Be GLTQ’O Nah/5'
Diversity Business Coalition and UK Lambda, Thanfis T9? 5th)??? (533 many 3. P1981: m’t’?)
GLSO hopes to soon gather packets of 580% no?“ em ‘1: 106 Ecogm’fion m EEG
information on local organizations and events Gommuicxpftxoz‘}? we]? {3% 6?? 5.16655 1?
fornewcomers. Ifyourbusiness ororganization gomané ”on? 9173173055 PO 1 Ba ermc
would like to include a pamphlet or other 63 an ml New '
information/coupon in this packet, please ,
contactJeff Jones at 276-5583. The packet will 0 i HID! HOTlInE
already include the latest issue of the GLSO .
News,thelatestPink Pages,aUK Lambda flier, Il-lox|n9Ion-;w - ~
and a greetings letter welcoming people to . . .. ,
central Kentucky. Hopefully, this service will i 3M: " .ij;
add to Lexington’s growing reputation as an 231-7 545
innovative city of charm and diversity. 0 :

“LIGOS IIIIZiIiiiiiiiilliiiiilliltPenicinedflbul1133333:
1.CongratulationstoAnn Olliges fororganizing :” " 11:1 I,,...I..II...I” i..iii‘ .. ,. ' .
a fantastic Pride Weekllfl HID! valunIGGPI ‘
2- Thanks to everyone Who ert6 in 50111631ng I:IiII:IZI3I.IICIIIIZIIII.Z'.ii:I:I:iiIIII:iii:iIII:iZIiCIIZIIIIIIIZZIIII:IIIIIIIIIKIZI

ositive to read in my mornin Lexin ton _; _, ' “
{Ierald-Leader letters to the editofg. g . O, .. of llengton- .

Youth Group Update WW
byrhTém W'h a fft

The Lexington You roup as go en 0 o '
a somewhat slow start. We have had only a ’01“ the
handful of youth to show up to the meetings. Volunteer p00]
The Lexmgton Youth Group was started as a '
support group for gay, lesbian, and bisexual and be a part Of ['1' a"!
youth under 21. Our biggest problem is getting
the word out to the people that really need it. Name-
The meetings are held on the first Friday of A d dre;—-_
each month at 7pm currently at the Unitarian '——————
Universalist Church on Clays Mill Rd. Please ph°“‘,°"——-—-—-—
help us and the youth in Lexington by spreading Ma" ""5 to; 31651;)"471
the word. Information can be obtained on the Lexin-ton KY 40575
group by calling Tim at 268-8626. I I I I .' . - - -
fiag—Eeiiv' L—iffi gig—E Ejfigf'g GLSO NEWS/ JULY 1993 - ll

 falrness Campalgn- llDEf Case Of the
Lexmgton Month

Fairness Campaign—Lexingtonrecentlychosea This column highlights legal cases involving
Steering Comm1ttee to guide it through the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund,
December 1993. The Steering Committee 666 Broadway NY NY 10012-9849.
consists of the following people: Julie Burns ’ ’
L153 Laufer Laura Duncan Glha Rose Paul Pruitt v. Secretary of Defense (California):
FullerTomi Ross Pam Goldman Cyndy Sullivan Supreme Court Review Denied- Apparently '
Jeff Ishmael. _ , accepting Lambda’s arguments, the US Supreme ‘5

. You may also have noticed the. Stthh t' Court decided not to review a ruling from the I
shirts put 01:“ for the March on waShlhgtOh by US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit which 5
Fairness Wlth their new 10g0,,590rtm8 the allowsalesbianforrnerarmycaptain to challenge 1‘
famous I-larvey Milk, quote: h S a Simple the constitutionality of the military’s anti—lesbian t
matter of justice.” This logo also decorates the and gay policy in court. The 9th Circuit ruled
coverof a new brochure put ON by Fairness last August that the Army must prove a rational (
explaining. their “115510“ statement and most basis for its discriminatory policy, for the first (
recent aCthlLleS: For more information Oh time (at the Federal Court of Appeals level) 1
Fairness Campaign Of Lexmgton,’ you may: placing the burden on the Dept. of Defense to (
Attend the regular monthly meeting on the prove that the policy is not based on prejudicial I
third Monday Of each month at 7:30pm at stereotypes. The Supreme Court’s decision I
Alfalfa 5 Restaurant, 557 S._Limestone Whte to: allows Rev. Pruitt’s case to return to the trial 1
Fairness Campaign—Lexmgton, P013 8011 court for a determination of whether the (
Lexmgton,KY 405,87'0801, Or call Tom at 266' military’s policy is at least rationally related to 1
1318' For July, Fairness Wlh be meeting onJuly legitimate government goals. LLDEF and the b
19 at7z30pmat Alfalfa’s Restaurant for our next ACLU—Southern California are co—counsels in I
program. Kentucky Fairness Alliance news: the case, Rev. Dusty Pruitt is pastor at the MCC I
The stateWide alliance Will hold its next meeting in Long Beach and was forced out of the Army f
on July 17 in Lexington. Contact Keith Elston after 15 years service in 1986 due to being a i
for meeting place: 266—3934. The August lesbian 2
meeting will be at the Fairness Campaign ' (
Louisville office in Louisville on August 21. (

- CLASSIFIEDS The Summer Is Gettlng Hot! :

WANTED: SALE 5 ADVERTISING Sirocco, the Cincinnati/ Lexington area’s answer 5
REPRESENTATIVES- The Pink Pages, produced to RuPaul, Will appear at Club Underground on (
by the Diversity Business Coalition, needs JUIY33hd 4- If YOU remember her U65 fabulous K
Sales Advertising Representatives on a dance numbers at The MCUO Of 370?, YOU know (
commission basis. Prior experience is not this performerelectrifies crowds. [Tickets are $4 1
required: only a high level of energy and Oh the 31331 and $5 on the 4th With grilled hOt i
enthusiasm, a good sense of humor, and a dogs available for that summer touch. Near the I
sense of personal committment to a common end 0f the month, 13611136 RUSSCH returns [0 1
goal. Approximately 5 hours per Week for a Club Underground toadevotedlocalfollowmg. 1
period of 10 weeks. Get involved where the Denise W111 perform on JUIY 24th For more 1
action is! For more information contact Heith information, contact the Chlb Underground or i
at 255-2945 or The Diversity Business Phoenix Bookstore. i
Coalition at 28