xt7gxd0qsz26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qsz26/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_142 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 142 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 142 1923 1923 2014 true xt7gxd0qsz26 section xt7gxd0qsz26  I ., ' _•-t—;-_
  T- E©
  Extension Division
  THOMAS P. COOPER. Dean and Director
  . Junior A.gricuIluraI CIubs.
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Junior Agricultural Clubs.
By E. E. FISH.
'l`l1»~~·.· ·l··1m»11~11·;11i·111.< ;11··» ·l·~n·l'ln·~<1lil111‘1l1~»··;1»·»i1» 1»l`1l1w)w·:11‘ wi1hi11 1h·; s:1111c <'·*lI1—
lll ]11···1·;11·i1ig f··1· il 1h·1i1<111st1·11ti·»11. il 1111111 slwulll supply
il1<·111~··lw» wich ]>l'¢¤[1l_‘l' wl"-1·1·11··1~ 111:111 1·i;1l. l»0··111110 l`z1111iliz11‘ with
l <·;1i·l11·;11·1 ·12` th·· ¤l¢‘llll1ll>ll'illl¤>ll illlrl lll<'Il >·‘<‘lll`<,‘ 11C¤‘l‘SS£lI’}' illlxl
·l··~i1·;1l·l»· i·1111i111i1··:11. '|`h<· ·l··1m111~11·;11··1·~ will p1·1·p;11·¤- lll1*ll`
hill; sw 11s in iii i11 with 1ho (l]N‘l`Elll¤>llS <~l` 1l11~`11· lt‘illlllllilll‘S. The
10¤·l111iq11.~ 1ll£1}' lm llll]1l'O\`Otl t‘0llllllll£lll}` illltl lll0l`Cl`<1I‘L‘ ]1lOl'O
l'¢ll>l1ll}‘Il11·11 ;>1·;1··ti<_ l,1·;14l4·i·$ will ilrill 1l11= 10:1111S sw 21S l<1 DVC-
s1·11t lll1'll' w·»1·l; i·l•·411·l_\‘. 1‘;1pi¤ll_1·. {‘<>Il\`lll<‘lllQ`l}` ziml ]1ll‘£lSilllll}'.
Tho ]ll£llm’l`l£ll in ilivw 0lllllllt‘N is ;11·1·;111u·11·l iii 1·11l1111111s for
wh #<‘ (ll. lhis (l(`lllllllNll`illl(lll is lo l‘(1ll\'t‘_\' i11Y01‘11lzl—
Qgégiillllllllll l'l`l`lillll »l11ml;11-.1 _l'l·1·{liii;;· Tiiillk llll‘ll` S1llll'L‘L‘$; 1‘1‘l:lfl\\‘ _
;1(1l11cs uml points ln hl- 1·<111s1¤l<·1·1¤l \\`ll<*ll lllvllllllllg lll(‘lll

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ll\lllll° 1ll1X1llQ`. ll1\ 1·1111111;11111111 l°\1ll1llll\ 1111- 1·l;1~~1111~.11E·:. _
lllill1}' 11·1·1l~. 1l11·11· \'il1'1¤•11~ l°lllll1lllll'.lll\. il1lill_\>•’~ 1111*1 1-1111; _ '
1`1··1l~. Q
111—;><1i1111 S11i1il>`l`l1>NS.
1. 1`;1ll 1··111111;11111111 l1j1` l11~111·~1 11;11111· 11111*111: 1l11· 1l··1111·11~‘~..' 1 1
Z. -\1‘1‘1111:1· 111:111·1·1:1l11111·11~·11\‘1·l_\‘. l)l2|·‘1' 1·;11‘1l~ *lI1!\\'l11Q 11111 L 1
11111;1*·· ··111111111~1Z1·111 111. 11· l~ ~1· 1l1:1‘ §111·_1 \‘.1ll 111' Z   ·
\\'l1ll 1l111\·11·11·1111l11· l.1'*'1l. . ·
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· t
_ 6 ]tt‘iztttt·/ry ('trrttlttr ho. 142.
C.\l"1`.\lN E I>l·ll\1ONS'l`1{.\'l`Ul{ 2
Explains that st person front cltttivt- i lirinxs out mlx<·tl ft-cds, p1;tqt·,; in _ wmv
~ very st-hlottt tnakes it meal 0I` willy ` •liSh<*S illlll ill`l`l\l|K\‘$ ttlatwtrtls shaw. ` _"`,,_|.[<
one thing. \'at·it·ty makes thintss l in: their anztlysvs as wt-it as tmdt, . .I,`,}`,_m
taste lmttt-i·. Same is true of ani- l namt-s. ,_.l_.h
mais. Some fteds are not palata-‘ 3 Ai`,{,I.\.‘
ble when ft-tl alone. \\`hcti ll\lX¢‘tll -t,..,`I.
with feeds they relish, they often! `S_]m’]
will eat tlesirabit- tk-i-tls which arel am x
· relatively untialatahlt-. \\'t- makt-~ qU,.,t}_
some cattle lt-arn tn eat vnsilase hy { {wt .
sprinklin: mt-al t-ver it. \ ,]],..,14
t .\ls.. ;,
States that stunt- feeds snvh as` 'l`ala·-s two vntttty dishes, puts tt;} Mft? at
cottonseed meal. linst-ed meal and meal into ont- and bran intti ·»t},tt_ 'J‘i~>1:~
others, when used alt»nt-, do not st-i»arat··ly inixt-s t·at·h with w;t1·r Y--·i'· tz
mix well with th-- tlizestire juices. ` vausin: tht- 1`oi·im·r to shaw stil-ty . ?f····~~`
Calls attention to littsetal meal as and th»u;·hy mass and the lazxtr ’l·‘-·t
mixed with water hy wmiiiatiititt. l ltmst- and rrtiinhly. l»t»ititntsti.tz·s ‘ *··‘_J;1
Dirt-cts him tt- take handful and l tht-sv conditions as <·•»tnt»;ini·»n ~i.» -*’-‘t  
show its t···ntlitit¤n. lixttlains that l rt-t-ts. '1`alu-s handful oil iii~· ..‘, ,_Q‘*¥—=-u
this fet-tl al·»n·- t·t»ultl not ht- easily ‘ s·iut···z·s tttgt-ther ta 1`·»rm hartl t~.t.i_ *_  
taken care of hy any aniinal's { Shows how rt-sist··nt it is tu ltztak- " ;*"-'l
StOtll:\Ch. l iii: apart, lh-itittttsttkttt-s lttxti; ;Zi
Iixtnlain the nature of hran, Falls similar tnannt-r. Shows imw ;t
attention to its condition under l snrinzs apart and fails ta forni M11.
similar treatment tu uil mt-al. Mixes tht- twa t`t·t·ds tt¤:t·tlit~ra!1-l _
Calls attention to the mixture and ` dt-m··nstratt·s naturt- at tht- ixiixrtrt. , ]· ll
any iintirovetttettt in tvxtttre for l <`lt—ans hands and dishes in whim;
either fee-d. l w··t mash has ht-t·n mixed. · ith
Gives it-asnns for such intprove-I 0 ,
ment. Shows how t·nrnmt·al. t·t»tton— ` -- (tt
seed meal. ·-t<·._ are h·-ztvy in weiuht
while ··th·-rs are liuht and hullay. I A Nl
Dm-; this l·y runnin: me-al tltrul Jl ‘\l
hand so Llll•llt·ll·'·“ t·an s--cg for them- ` min
selves. l·]xt·lains t•l:tt·e of tiht r in
i`<=ett>tltttt-nts. t·t»ml»lt»tt·- ttt i`.»·tl t-ttiitaiitinq gt l;ti·:t-1t!1t-v-`~il¥- I
IlE*!n of dint-sti-l `··"‘ll~
ltle niztttgrial In total taintt-nt. ‘ . YU 1
`littitiliassizos that stunt- t`•·t-tl··i~s` lirings out trharts ¥lt*‘“'l“:  slam-il
Illlltth t·rt-t`··i· its list: it l`t·t·rmt·r t‘Nlill*l”· _ limi`; >l\`t-ly
F0mt: itt:rt~*"‘__Q·‘ ·
Yet m#¤t1}' ht:-»|>l•· ttr•;t`··r tw t-l`t`t·t·t a t`t~t-ds as i·t-tamiim-tt¤l¤·¤l l-Y <`l*·‘*l.;\,
COflSl4l<·l'Gthlt· $i\\`lllL£` ni` tittvtit-y ltyl llttltls tir ttl;tt·t·:< <'llill`l* FY WUI]
using h¤»m··—mixt-tl ft-mls, States that ‘ niay ht- t·xt¤laitt··-I l·>' -"’l‘ll‘*"‘l`.`“|l`l_.[ l. [Qt
ftllr <‘<>llttt}‘ aw-nt has mw ]i;ii·t·tl spy- t t-tmttmip t., ittttd tht- att·’llll"·_ We `
eral 1'ormula·· far the lmtm·-iiiixiittgt tht· ;tndit~nt·t· up tn th·* -'l*‘”" {'I, M it-,
ol` l`¢-t-tls whi<·h wr- wish tt» i·t·t-nm- tlt-nttinstratintt. r\ ll*‘*l"*i-ll Ul`liu.N O '1`
Illf‘ll::11·:> :·-:::·:·::l 1·ul:·s 1`·»:‘ ::1:·l ::::·:::::;··s :1ll lI|Z1l4·l'l2ll 11) pru-
` _:,4:..:·:::::::::: ::~w ::::::-1: 1·~··:1 1:» :;iv:· #:::1 ;: ::::::·::·::: ::;::::·:::·;1:::;~.
e ::11-l: 4:1:::::::l 1»··1‘ ·l·¤>‘. <`l·¤H`!>¤ l`<¤1’l
li;l;:·x‘ 1;111l··, l···:I` 1‘.1ltl··, l.1¤1:S :111:lI
t:.-:`., ;~ ·l·‘*ll`·*l.
`;—:g,::::i:::x.·» ::.:· ·l·::::··::¤1::::1·::: s:;:::·l~ 1:: ::1;::-·· ::::11 :i::sw:·:·s »:u:·s-
a1::l .:>l1> :‘:::· :|1l~·>Il<1Il>, .\l1>\\‘•·1‘S 1:»·::~ :··!;:1i::: 1·· <·l:1s>l1i··:11i·»:: of
qll:·S[l1¤lI$ l:i{1l|llLI ln $~¤il]l`4‘¤·$ Ul. 1·····l>, ll:• \ZAl`lU\l$ f'*lll}:·:— ;:::·l I`¤lllLillIll;•; 1`vwls,
:::,.:::1 :`.~·l— .:::·l l.··::::· mixinu.: l£··1x·>_ ,
— _\l>··;:ll·::1:~':·:::< 1*1:11111: t·» hulk
, ;i:1:E :·1:.»·: 1·.:1‘1::·— :·I :1 1:11i·»11_
ll ` |[{l~>C14·l1 >.·:¤.l·l l»·~ ::·:`··:·:···1l 1·»
it iI.·‘¢*1`1l.l).1!•l.l, lll'1ll•·Sll:¤‘I1ll4ll· —
ill ::::·· 1:: .:‘1·1.—i l`Lllll‘~# ::1···1:11:s <»i`l
  , Z!.»·j:1.$::! tl :·: l1::·i 1:: ::::::·· l`·1l`\\21l'1l
"S .l:.·l f::·:§—.   ·Z·-::.:»11~11;11i·»11 1:1:1-
l;` ':·::.:l .:1 t`.· ··i:·~·· 4·l i‘:·· lIl*‘•·Illl¥. I
  'l` ·::2:~ 1 : :·   1··:· 1l:··i:· l::::1ll
  i iY·l1'l:·l l$·:·.·.~, l Ma
Vgt (Q1‘1is’1‘11»Ns.
  l. \\'l:;:1 ::it1···u:·:::::1~ l':·:·:l\ :l:» xw ::*··xi‘ ill l:1»1:::· 1}:111 ;11‘:* suit-
*“ ::bl¤1t»11¤1·l:: l:··:11:—»:11ixi::g·::l` l`:·:·:ls.’
· T, V`;::: il lq£ll'lll•`l` ;1tl·:¤l':l In limit 1l11· ;1::::»11:11 <»fg1‘z1i11f1rt‘ cattle
i=l]1l'·‘~1fllt ]11‘i··:·s ill 1:l':l:·1‘ 11: 2:*1 1‘<>IlQ'l1:1!'1* l1l21t<’1‘l11l ll*1’1lll[l?
J .\1‘·,· :·~:11::1:·1·:·i;:l :::ix:·:l liL‘1‘1lS l¤:~11:·1· llliltl l:·:»1:1:é—111ixc:l 1*11-
it l. l~ :1 :·;:1i·::i l`··:·:·:»1v<;1ll :·i:‘l:1 fm: pigs?
5:1; 2. l·ll'l`lN1;'l`lll·Z l>_\lllY1`:\l,l·` l·`<>ll Sll<>\\.
  lll‘1*:·:l:;1‘< nli ll\`C >l1l<‘l( 2ll1]ll'1‘<‘lill1‘ il \\`1’ll-Ql`111>lll1,‘-
· Nil :1::1i::g· ;:< :-::1:1;:ii: :·xy»l;1i::< y:l;::·i:1g· :·;1l1` ii: ]>:1~ili<111 l`l1l'
my >l::¤1\i11g .1111l :l11· \\`:1~l1111;;‘ ]:1‘1>:·:·s<, ll1< :·:»11111:1111:>11 <‘Xl1l£llllN
lflf,  J “"`lll*'·l··*'1···li~1:1::;· l:1·1·::~ Zlllll ll4141liS llllll 1l1:· ::li1¤1~i:1g·::1` :·x:·:·s—
W *ll"`l}` l··11u‘ l::1i1·<_
  (ll·ZNl·1l{.\l, ll1<¤\\\ g`1\1Nl
lll? - N . .
,· is W llllt ·111·l l‘(llll4ll'lll&lll11ll.
:1:11% Q_ 5 ,— . . . .
l"" llhll lllv will is iisml in l:;11::ll111g· :1111l is :11*:*llNt~1t1l¤‘1l t0
·* ’*‘1*1¤‘l···l will: :1 ll&lll1‘l'.

77 1
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3. 1111111 (l(\111U11$1I`i1t(11'$ s111111111 111- 111`('S>21‘(1 :111111-. .\11 111-1-1-:111
suit 111111111 111- 111-si1·:111l1-, 111111 1111--1-11 •1l1111111‘ (`11l1l1*;1l1\_ ·*
. -1. ;\1\\`2l}`S usc 1111* 111·s1 11;1111(` \\711(`11 2l<1l11`1‘SS111g' 1·11111l1;111j.,H M.
‘ using 11i~ 1111111lx (1111.111;,Y 1111- 11(x1111111\11.11111111. .
1`: ~»*, ·
11 1C
l1’1_/1`1·1‘111·1‘s. "E_j‘· _*_
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“_u;_i T11- 11111111-11.. 11. 11.5...-.-1 1|1.»
Hh‘__;_"‘111<·» l_11\‘1S11 11.1· .111111111 1‘111l» `
~ ' 1-]..1,],1]* hm! 111-111 1.y .1,,. hum,.
. QiB‘I]}*iIl1"Y|]-IUIUIKS 1111-111 I·¤*I° lI1•-i1` killnlf
  T_ Ql`1·ZSTl‘IONS.
>   Ig. `. '. . . ,
44/ - 11 1.111 te \\ZlN]l illld   801110 {lI1IIllillS i0l` ll Sll0\\' \\'1lCl1 H.
HU] · ` . ' , _' ·
I) Wllllwl 111 .1111111.1ls 11111 1111 S]l()\\`1l 111 the l‘<1ll¥`}1? ·
.. 1]} · ' . 1 U ·
tl dllllllellb \\1t}lOll1, h()I'11S Siillld {ill Oqllill \‘h2l1lCL‘ 2lg'£l11lSt
WS ‘ 1 . . . 1 ‘
0 11l10>e 1101 Ils ]l.l\C bee11 p011s11ed?

· l
_ 10 ]\rL`)l{llL`]t']/ (ll·I`L‘ll[<1)' Nu. 112. .
3. \\iill the titting for show injure the growth ol` a calf? *
. -1. \\`l1ere ean blankets he t1l.ililllll‘(l`] ‘
5. ls there any anlvantage in niore than one thorn washinu   I
fore the show ’3 (
13. HOL} l{i\l5lXtl l·]Ql`ll’)ll·ZN'l`. A
_ ’l`his LlC1.llO1lSil`i1ll0l1 requires the nse ol' ]tl't3\'ltrl\~l}' p1···p;e»·»l ~
fO1`111S antl seetions of eqnipnient. 'l`hese will he >el np l¤»·ti·~1‘~
the audience while their use is being explainetl. 'l`h·e ·l·_·nt~~:.- `
stration will present the teatnres o1' ¤·;t~e ot' t···n~i1·tt··tZ~rt 1 t·
llO111C antl tlesiraliility as well as relatively low eost. ii
'l`l1e eaptain opens with lllll'lNlll<'lC l.2lllllll21l` with tletails. .
_ 2. l_`arelnlly pael; inaterial when it is to he il`2lll\i\4tl'i•‘·l lie?  
1llO11Sll‘flllO11<. Speeial eontainers shonltl lie pr·»x·i·l·~·l.
3. All nietnbers of the teatn shonltl he tlresse·l alike. ,\ l»l·t~
Overall suit witl1 #.l·ll elnh eap tnahes :1 qootl Mritlltllllllinll.
(`irenlar No. N12. Office of the Si‘('l`<‘l1ll`}', l'. S. l)¤*]1ill`illi•llY ·1
.~\gri<·nltnre. \\`z1shin:ton, D. (`. _
Farniers Bulletin No. DUH, U.   D··partmt~nt or 1\gri<·nhn1‘~·.\\`¤`»=
ington, D. (`.
l’rogressive Hog Raising, ;\i`IllOlli`S' Dnrean ot` ;\u1‘i<·1tli¤i`1 3.. ;l11·li·-in--- :ls ` i··1:> :lii·l ~·l1. 'l`··Ile l.··lx¤ l~· {l1l4l>v· l-!} 7~,;~ .l.y;,..y,.
i` A»lj.‘;~»· l»»l··i15’ E.··1;>•·, ` >ll‘:lli~M, 51:ll·~ 1·,;ll
__ Iil`>l ;·i···» ~i‘ ···:ui:·—
  `rii-iii i~ me .\»~‘;l:··»i
;_— ‘w»Y4»:l·.* ‘llv;».- l. \;.j;,]y_.
  Mil il ·—;1~· Zli.1!' l·~_».
'Sll1*·~‘ !l*:~? '·;< il·!:.—
~i:~l!‘.ll··l‘ . ~·11~lv .\ ·»·;. .
lulirm >l:~-   i·»;··1l.l1`
ll·~ii~·-, ·},·.· ~ »i1x;.· vi-
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.$l.l.· l.;‘ M·:;~·_ v.lr.»El·‘.x‘,
x· 1¤til;il::.4 ~5>:· lil .l1li
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“·' I l··1|·.1Il. >;il\ >·· ;.~·1i~»
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l.,_, }>l:1ll1< {Eu ·;~·· for
l‘ >i:»·li gl l5;i·· ¤·l` ;:·»i1>».
1 Ei··w mniiy plus c·i·
{ s·»w< il will ;i··i··imul»—
»l.il¤·. ··ll~, S:.·»\\s :...\\‘
1.ll»··r will >1ll·· ·»l` E.`·i1>¤·.
; lux >l1·»w!i in i»Z;11·· I of
“‘ l l'1·»·:i‘·s>in· llo; ligils-
_ l in:. will i`:i··il1:.1i.·
,_Q_l vlizmitiz. )l·-iilioiis
i ll»lll<‘ ·»l` lllllll*r‘!` slu-
]_ l ¤·1·:1lly uswl in l·l·i1-{
v'  __i_ _ slrlivllip, N f » N
I l V V — 
'l`:il;l·s up yy.   ,_. UQ C _.
Sl*{‘lll¥ will ;NS'1`1l.\'I`-II`-II-—-·Ii-·I‘. I`I·I·-II·I· ;III-I sI:xI‘I> I-- >I;IIIII:; I;-·II-·I‘:II ;II. .- ,
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I ` III.IIII I-III·Ix·, xx I~·.  
` I ;:I·.IIII I—— >III.I-I  
‘ ` I I··-»-E-»I· ~I·.I-·-- I~ I·z  
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· »e:~=I·II-·II··II_ I --: I-—--I, I-I·I-· I ·. ·
I ‘ .·---IIII.; I-~III.:.:~;-· ~ .
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_ I I I
(JMS -·..;II‘I> I-:···x*1--IIs» _\>>I>I\ I·--IIII-;IIII--II III III\*‘$ I-~IIZI~—   I -·:·
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IICLLIIIIMS ¤IZ` I‘~I!II}¤.-ILI·¤!I's 1:;- I·,_;II‘I, I`- -··I· I`, LI` I--·—¤:~iiC·. .1 I
IIIIII. II--I-Is LI- Ix-Ix;III- II--I_ >II--x·.# ·*· I-»l‘~
Luge. I:I~ I>IIIII.>` --I I-jr 1  
I ··--IIII‘x .I..- II' ~   —
I - ··
}II·:II‘I`;III:--S I3I·· ·x- 'I`IIII--s <·E.;II·u-- --I` -I· III— .\<~I>Is III !'v·.II`I`.I!.» .1.: 'I·
IIIDIL of xx--rl; ass--IIII-I-~I --II~II.IIi·-II l-y >II!IIIIl1Ir , I -~ ·-x;.II·II --1 xx--I}.,
su IIIIII -·.I··E. I-1--I--; xxIII II;I··-:*11--II- >I.4I\\II. XI~·IIII··II> II .II 1],
I.£‘1lIIUII¤.>I~2I1··;IlI·Il··{II;··. I·I··III IS I-I·--I-·~I· I·‘II¤'·' I
I LI I· I`iI IIQII II-··IIIs. I:.·~
I \\';II<·I' s¤II-I-Ix ;III-I I-- I`· II.
III.II-s JI III-: \\‘:III-I\\‘.
Suuuvsls III:II I`;II‘III-·I‘sI i U
>lII-Iy III<·iI· II•·n·¤I> :III-11:; I uk
III--ev IIII-·> :II>I-, ,\>IIs  'l`;IIII·s I--»III--II --II  
I`--I· <[ll<’FIIlIlI$. iIII· I-¤·>ll-· >l·I·· ·II I`·I3’I·IIII
ca;-LIIIII IIII-I sI;III-Is III I III-· _\-Ix·III· I· I- 1 I- Il x· S\\'¤‘I' -III-·sII--us I’·'J·II‘I‘ MI
I·ezIdIII•;5s In 1IIIs\\‘-·I‘ II·IIIS•‘. .\I`1•·I· .
IIs I··-I;ItIII: L·I_ Ii--IIs ;II·I· -IisI-IIs--II III BU-
Lhe .sIIeII—IyI-·· uf IIUUSU. IIIviI-~s :IxII'\\'l\I'II xx‘III·II I _
III-- ]II¢·•'IIIIL( is I-x--Ir WI
I`:-II their IRIIIII :III-·II-
Ihnxvs us II¤· tII;IIII;s _
Bows in IIIIISUII xviIII ;IxIIIlIIl. r _,4
` Y
1. CIIII 0110 0f these small houses bc used i0I· ull SQIISOIIS 0f the squ
year? fOl`

 Tn:111 Iirmuzzslm{{1111 (lu}//zzrx I/I. lf}
, 2, ls >lI··l1 21 l|f>l|>1' \\`:11'111 ('lI11l|¥l1 l.¢1I'&1 l»1‘<»111l >11\\'l'
 __ ;;_ \\'j11 pigs u1·<»w ns \\'1‘ll \\`ll1'l| il s1·}1'-1'1····i1·1· js uswlj
-l_ llilll \\`ll11l<‘1‘1*}`}l l1¤* 11>1*<·ll'-l'1·1··l1·1·Q'
* Q_ \\'l1i1·l1 1·1` Ill1‘ Iwo l`<»1‘111~ <»1`1·1·l·»11_x· l1f