xt7gxd0qss08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qss08/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1900 journals kaes_bulletins_086 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.86. text Bulletin n.86. 1900 1900 2014 true xt7gxd0qss08 section xt7gxd0qss08 N KENTUCKY
%   BUITJLETIN NO. 86. ?
{ nwsmacnou AND Amwsas OF Foousn. R
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I C n0ARD or c01v1ROL.
HART BoswELL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
J. T. G-ATERIGHT, Louisville.
IV. Trios. TODD, Shelbyville.
fz J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College `
I 4 M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
i ¢
I . _  
M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
  A. M. PETER,
  } Chemists.
to . _ H. E. CURTIS,
‘t H. GARMAR, Entomologist and Botanist. J
:· C. W. lilmunws, Horticulturist.
I J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist. i
` EDWARD RIIORER, Secretary to Director.
W. H. SciiERi»·E1ns.
Assistant Chemists.
Address of thc Station,
` .·¢!?·‘—~"  L-;. U   ··*    -      "   . 4

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7 .
lnspectmn and Analyses
of Foods.
Chapter 52, "An Act Regulatiiig the Sale and Manufacture of
Food," was passed by the General Assenibly of tl1e Co1n1nonwealtl1
of Kentucky during the session of 1898. This act became operative
June 13, 1898, and iiniuediately the1·eafic1· this Station issued.
and sent to all grocers, coiifectioncrs, n1ille1·s, and other deal--
8 ers in food products in the State, who were rated "K" and above in
Dun`s Agency, the following circular of information regarding the-
, above act, and enclosed also a copy of the act. ‘

 V ` _ — i IL, WW 2).; W; 4; ’M-QT 4 1-
4 Bulletin. No. 86. 4 `
Circular of information Regarding the Kentucky Pure Food Law.
  The Legislature of Kentucky at its late session passed an act
entitled ‘°An Act Regulating the Manufacture and Sale of Food."
_ The act went into effect June 13, 1898. Under thislaw, any per-
son. manufacturing, or selling, or exposing for sale any article of
[ood, or any article which goes into the composition of food,as pure or
unadulterated which is adulterated or misbranded, is subject to a
fine not to exceed $500, or not more than one year imprisonment.
p The terms "adulterated" and "misbranded" are clearly dehned
  _ in the law, a copy of which is sent herewith. So many inquiries,
Q however, have been made in regard to labelling diderent articles
of food so as to comply with the law that it has been thought best
to present herewith a few provisional definitions of terms for the pur-
_ pose of illustration.
? /,·» Salicylic acid, benzoic acid, ·boracie acid, or any of their com-
I  pounds, or any other antiseptic or objectionable prese1·vative must
" 4 znot be used in catsup, mince meat, canned meats or fish, canned
" vegetables, -or any article of food, unless the presence of such anti-
septic is plainly indicated on the label.
  ` Baking powders are known as cream of tartar, phosphate, alum-
phosphate, alum baking powders, etc., depending upon the acid sub-
stance used to liberate the carbonic acid in the soda bicarbonate con-
" i tained in every baking powder. As some of these acid materials
_ are considered more or less injurious to health, and as some are much
` cheaper than others, it is necessary, in order to comply with the
law, to designate the kind of baking powder on the label, as cream
` of tartar baking powder, phosphate baking powder, phosphatealum
baking powder or alum baking powder. V
Butter should contain at least 80 per cent. of pure milk fats. But-
ter made by the use of "black pepsin" or other substance, in order
zto incorporate large quantities of water and casein is adulterated.
L  ’ " »··¤• '  ‘·§e · ·‘ __l  , in _  L a t  * ‘.;4v;: ,  

 L ‘ Inspection and Analyses of Foods. 5 _
` Where other fats or oils are substituted, in part or whole, for
milk fats in butter, such article can not be sold as "Butter," or
j "Creamery," or "Dairy Butter," or any combination of words em-
` bracing the word "Butter," but must be classed as "Oleomargarine"
or “Butterine" and so plainly labelled.
Butterine or oleomargarine, or kindred compounds can only be
manufactured and sold in this State when put up in "such package
and manner as will advise the customer of its real character,
free from coloration or ingredient that causes it to lolok like butter."
Cheese not made wholly from milk or cream, salt, and harmless
coloring matter, is considered adulterated, and must be sold as
“Filled Cheese" or the name and amount of the adulterant must be
made part of the label. Cheese made from milk from which part
of the cream or fat has been taken, must be so labelled as to indicate
the amount of cream or fat taken from the milk of which it was
made. Cheese containing less than 10 per cent. of fat must be la-
belled "Skim milk cheese." .
Any article offered as coffee which contains any substitute for
the coffee bean in any proportion is considered adulterated, and can
not be offered for sale unless the quantity and kind of such substi-
tute is given as part of the label.
The use of harmful coloring matters or other ingredients, and
the admixture of terra alba, kaolin, or other mineral substances to
give weight and volume to the mass, are adulterations. Whe1·e
glucose is substituted in part or whole for cane sugar its presence
must be indicated on the label.
Cider is the unfermcnted juice of the apple. Any substitute
for apple juice, or any antiseptic added constitutes an adultera-
tion and such adulterated cider can not be offered for sale, unless
the name of the adulterant is made a part of the label.

· 6 Bulletin N0. 86.
· Flour is commercially known as the fine and bolted meal of the
wheat grain, and for the purpose of this law is so defined. YVhen
mixed with the product of any grain except wheat it is adnlterated
and can not be offered for sale unless the kind and amount of the ad—
mixture is made part of the label.
  Buckwheat flour or rye flour must be derived wholly from the
grains designated in the name, and any admixture of other flours
or materials constitutes an adulteration, and can not be offered for
E sale unless the kind and amount of such admixture is made part of
the label.
  Fruit jellies, fruit butters,preserves, cannedi fruits,fruit conserves;
confecdons,fruit juices and syrups,ete.,1nust consist of the fruit speci-
tied in the label, preserved only with cane sugar (sucrose), and must
; not contain artificial flavors, coloring matters or antiseptics. If
{ such articles contain a11y substitute for the fruit, or any inferior ma-
i terial to make up bulk or weight, any glucose or other substitute-
{ /,» for sugar, any artificial flavor or color, any starch or animal gelatine,
Y-»;gj;»@ any salicylic acid or other antiseptic, or any substance not naturally
` wi occurring in such fruits, except spices or other wholesome, natural
A "` 1 ilavoring materials, they are adulterated. and can not be offered for
sale unless the presence of all such substances is clearly indicated
  by the label.
to » Hoxnr.
Honey is tl1e nectar of flowers, and other saccharinc exudations U
· of plants, gathered by bees. Honey made by feeding bees glucose,.
F ; sugar, invert sugar, or other saccharine substance, is not pure honey.
Adding sugar, invert sugar or glucose to honey constitutes an adul-
1 teration, and such adultcrated honeys can not be sold. unless the
_ quantity and name of the adulterant is made part or the label.
Lard is the fat of swine, the fat being melted and separated
from the flesh. Adding beef fat or stearine, cotton seed oil, or
other substitute for swine fat constitutes an adulteration. and such
adnlteratcd lard can not be sold unless the quantity and name of
the adulterant is made part of the label.
l '  A ` ` "'* I ‘“““‘*§"“•*i   ~     . l

 Inspection and Azzalyscs of Foods. 7
Milk should contain at least 12 per cent. of total solids and 3 per
cent. of fat. Milk containing less than these proportions will be
considered adulteralted,» unless labelled or oifered as "ski1n milk,"
or milk below standard. The addition of antiseptics or preserva-
P tives is an adulteration.
All molasses and syrups are assumed to be made from the juice
of cane, or other sugar producing plant, or the sap of the maple tree,
. and any syrup or molasses containing; starch-sugar, ,‘l`lllCOS9, or corn;
syrup is considered adulterated unless the label indicates the pres-
ence of the same.
Olive oil is the expressed oil of the olive. The substitution of
other oils or fats for olive oil. either in part or whole constitutes
an adulteration, and such adulterated oil can not be oii`ered for sale
unless amount and kind of the adulterant is shown clearly on the
S iices mustard Je > wer etc. must not contain anv foreirrn sub-
7 7 7 3 . :7
stances or coloring matter introduced to dilute or cheapen the article,
and any such admixture constitutes an adulteration aml ca11 not
be sold unless its kind and amount are indicated on the la.bel.
_ TEA.
  Tea consists of the dried leaves of the true tea plant, without
addition of artilicial coloring matter, or filler, or extraction of any es-
sential properties, and any article oI`l'ered as tea which docs not con-
form to this definition is considered adulteratcd and can not be
offered for sale, unless its true composition is given as part ot the
label. "
Standard vinegar is a vinegar made from the juice of the apple.
containing not less than 11.*;; per cent. of apple solids and 4 per cent.
acetic acid. All vinegars labelled "apple." "eider." or "orchard"
vinegars are assumed under the law to be standard vinegars. Vine-
gars not made ofthe juice of the apple must be labelled truly of what

   -- ». '. 9 .7 ,_ I.  __
  8 Bulletin N 0. 86. E
i  _______________ 
they are made, as "malt vinegar/’ "distilled vinegar," or "wine vine- ‘
‘ gar." Otherwise, they are to be considered adulterated. If arti-
A Hcial coloring matter is used, this must be stated on each and every
label. Vinegars to which other acids than acetic acid have been .
added are adulterated.
Vinegars containing less than 4 per cent. a·bs0lute acetic acid
.   maybe sold, provided the percentage of aceti·c acid is made part of
the label.
*Direct0r Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station,
June 21, 1898. Lexington, Ky.
it ~ t

 T Inspection and Analyses of Foods. 9
Number and Kind of Samples Collected and Analyzed,
— A .and Where Obtained. .
The work of collecting and analyzing samples was not begun
until about two months later, in order to let all interested have
time to comply with the provisions of the law. During the remain-
der of 1898 the Station collected and analyzed 239 samples, finding
123 samples to be adulterated under the provisions of the law, and in
l 116 samples no adulterations were found.
During the year 1899, 488 samples were collected and analyzed,
167 being found adulterated, and in 321 no adulterations were found.
Classing these samples, the Station has collected and analyzed
from the time the law went into effect to December 31st, 1899, sam-
ples as follows:
Kind and Number of Samples Collected from June 13, 1898
` to December 31,1899.
Not Found
ARTICLE SAMPLED. · Arliiltemterl. Aes’ '1`en—Cent ......   " Aux. 23, 1898 .... Mrs. :l.lS(’I2llllOIl .................... · FI
. 4570 Kenton ................... " Aug. 22, 1898 .... J. li. lmtter ........... . ........ .. I1
» I . .
,   Igon tBr`_}n   ................ IParis ............ Box'. 29, 1899 .... I Lnvin & tionnoll .............,   G;
r 7 un em m:1’s ........ . " I " " H
I . 6188I 1’ure Food ............... " . " I.I`, l·`, l’l`:\lllP]` ......,............. .. F;
_ ·_   I llose ...................... Princeton ....... I8ept. 2, 1898 .... IA. (lush & Bros. .................. B;
-‘ · . .0met ..... . ...... . ..... " , " " D,
6191 I Quick Cream ............ ’Ri¢·hmond ...... IDM-. 9, 1899 ..... I Fl, Di·:itli·~i·n;1e & lm, ........,.... T.
6189 I Eddy's Reliable ......... I\Vincl1ester ..... Illee. 2, 1899 ..... IJ. M. Loekmaue ...,................ EC
6190 I Crescent .................. I "   " I " Ill
" .  ·-=:··· 1..; ·;u»;¤ =" · q,¤· ··’   ·    ` S .    " `   _··_:_{; · ·. i

 Inspection and Analyses of Foods. 13
I ·.;. I ICarhomc I
5 i E   I "5‘ _ I Acid (jus ff
Manufacturer as taken fronilabel I   I   I   I E   E5 I
· or stated by retailer. E_i'1.L'   I   I if lg   is I Remm-kS_
. 1*;* iz. IJ I It e1 AI
’ . . I I I
··• Cameo B, Powder Co., Chlcag0...   l’ollnflIFound |NOI1c 8.3I 10.4 35.9 I Phosphorlc acid, 5.9 per cent,
·· · I l·`ound|l·`ound |NoneI 6. 9.2 39.2 I Phosplioric acid, 5.7 per cent.
  Sou. Mfg. C0., Richmond, Va ...... I l·`ouudIN0ne _|N0ne   ....   I
  M, L. Ell\\`:lll;:j(*1', ]"l'Lllll{[0l`I', Kit. I l·`o1111dINone |None ....   .... I
  E. F. Sriurcr Co., Ricliulond. \'I1.. IFound|F0und INOne ....   ....
  Cnulvy, Ach & (lzlillia ......   ..... I 1"<)llIl(lII"O1l11d I§0.ue ....   .... I
  Cr, Tarmr B. Pow. *0. N. ..... I 1I`0undINone I-'0ne 8. 10.5 34.1 Label i d‘c. tn _ ( t d
  Jaqueg Mfg. C0., Chigaéod ........   Founllihound |Nonc ....   ....   · H I rl PQ cr mh ar DOW el"
  Calumet B. Powder 0., hiC€1g0. I Found Found INone ....   ....
··• 1* *1 ,- . 1 . .......... . ‘ I . . . . I 1135 01-C gc] _
  §EI‘i£§"€‘5‘;I§§'“5é"I‘.I§I; ‘'‘`‘’‘''‘` “ ‘`‘‘ II‘?£§IiiifII¥8I£.‘§’.I I¥3E§ @11 if M 1 Pl I. I .5 55
  .1. rz. H8“'klIlS, HopkIn5I·I11e, Ky. iIwIIIIIi1INo¤e |None 8.7 9.6 41.2I D ' DH °°°t‘
  Bain & tjhupiuzin Mfg. Co., St. L. I l·`o11ndIl”011nd INOne 7.5 10.7 20.5 I Phosphorlc Acid, 8.6 per cent,
  Evansville (`ll(‘Ill. \\ lis. ......... I l·`ounrlIFOund INrIne 6.6 10.8 34.4 j Phospho ' '(], 5_] _
  Gr, Tartar B. Powder Co., N. Y.. l’0undINIIne |None 9.2 11.8 27.6 ` See 4628,1-10 am per Cem
  _ Cr. Tartar B. Powder Co., N. Y... I I·`oun:lINone |N0ne 10. 12.3 28.1 Soo 45;33_
... Southern Mfg. C0., Richmond, Va. FoundINonc IN0ne 14.8 16.2 29.7
` I I IStamped 0 I b 1 "Th`
  Gt, Southern Mtg. Co., Louisville I L`onndINone INOnc .... ....I ..·. I ('l)l1[;ll1l$ ng, aq? g_ I?II·p0‘;Ig§§_
I I I ·   I s . ' 7
..· Diamond B. Pow. Co., St. Louis. l’ound1'I"race INone 10.1 11. 10.8 I "[Ieym Eb; gy; DCI. Cum
Cameo B. Powder C0._, Chicago... ;I·‘oundIIQound I1§one ....    
A. Holmes, Jeffersonville, Ind.   l"Oll1'l(lINO]l(! Ixonc 11.3 12.8 31.7 I
Ii. Ii. Greeley, Louisville . ....... IFoundI1·`ound |None 9.6 11.8 30. `Phosphoric acid, 5.4 per cent.
  \. Kahn % Co. Louisville ....... FoundIN0ne IN0ne| 8.5 8.9 29.3 Au ·_ { d_
.1. C. Grant Chem. Co., Cl1ica;;0.. IFonnd|No11e INoneI 8.7 9.2 43.7 mmum mm
E. Otienlieimcr & Sou, Louisville. l*oundINonc INOne| 9.1 10.1l 33.3 Ammonia found.
  Ballard & Ballard Co., Louisville I FoundINone [None] 10.4 10.8I 40.6 Ammonia found. .
.... Grom Bros., Louisville ............ I I"I>Il]l(IINIIll() INou1~I 10.4I ]0.7| PIILS I
  1-2. Ottcnheimor & Son, Louisville. I Foun;ent and oven so it would be an inert powder, without
I _ any action on the bread.
I Station I I _ Make or Brand marked on package `
I No. IVVl1ere Obtained Date of Colleetion From \Vhom Obtained or statedhy retailer R
I I __i_é;— , 4/_},,,4I 1 __ 1 _, _ , ,, , , , 1, , , ,,__,, ,,,,. ,,,44, , ,,-,,.7, ,,,. L ,,.. l
, I I _
:   4859 I Covington .... I Oct. 29, 1898 .... IH. Murphy .................. I.\n Ohio Creamery ................
· __, I 4863 " I " I\V, J. Drew ..............   Dairy ......................... . ......
·"‘i,_,;i 5228 " IFeh. 25, 1899 .... Ill`. XV, Bellmer .............. Iffountry . .................. .. ......
` 4781 Lexington .... ,Oet. 17, 1898 ..... IS. K. Cozine ................ {Sweet Table .......................
_,_,_1 . 4 4784 " Oct. 19, 1898 ..... IS. K. Cozine ................ ICreamory ...........................
4785 " " IW. \V. Gill ................. I "
4786 " " \V, XV. YVilliamson ......... "
4787 " " IJ. C. Cravens .............. I " I
v_ 4790I " Oct. 21, 1898 .... IXV. M. Gnlley .............. I "
, 4870 " Nov. 3. 1898 ..... IA. E. Shields ............   " `
I 4884 " Nov. 5, 1898 ..... Ililuegrass Grocery Co. .....   " `
  5007 " Dee *4, 1898 .... gShouse & Looney .......... I "
I; 5206 " IFeb. 4. 1899 ..... Ililuegrass Grocery Co. ..... ,('ountry ..........,...... . .....  
. r.  6095 I " ,Dee. 6. 1899 ..... ,J. C. Cravens ............... ljreamery ...........................
·` 4701 Louisville ....   Sept. 9, 1898 .... IGrom Bros. ................. ‘ "
' 4703 " I " ID. M. Clark ................ Country ...........................
4812 " Oct. 22, 1898 .... ID. M. Clark ................   "
4814 " " Il\[{1l`iIIl1ZlH Bros. ............ I "
·· 4815 " " Bessie Bowen .............. "
4817 " " li. G. Wells ................ ('reamery ...........................
4819 I " " Bishop’s Creamery ........ ‘t`OOl{lll§I .......,.....................
I. 4826 " " J. Schrodt .................. Country ......... . .................
4827 I " " I\Villiam T. Gaupin ........ I " .
4828I " " \\'iIliam 'l`. tiaunin ....... I "
4829 I " " Ilrlall Bros, .................. f`re:1rnery ...........................
5532 I " Jan. 27, 1899 .... H. Niemeier ................ Pure ........................,.......
5535I " " \\’ntlI
Manufacturer as taken from label ‘I § 5 E I     ;: E 1 {EQ R i ' k'
or stated by retailer. I .:5.: 5 I   I E, ·: yj Q I ‘m‘“` **
I 4; M1 I ; O n :> DI
  I IZ I ‘°* I I 2 E I
  Iioyal Baking Powder C0., N. Y. None INone Il*`Ollllll 11.2 12.1 18.4 Aualyzed for comparison.
  ‘ Powd, B. M. R. 1*. Cod l.ouisv·Il· . None INo11e Il·`oundI 8.3 9.5 15.9 Proteine, 0.9%:* llllSlll‘Jl,Ll(l9|l.
  Clpvplgynd Baking Pow, C0,. N, Y, None INone IFourIdI ....   .... groperly labeled. C T R P
  R .l B. k' P w. C0. N. Y ..... None INone IFouudI ....   .... . hould be labeled r. r. . ow.
  Psi; Baqkl;1n;§P0(;v. Co.,’Chiea,<;o..   Noue INoae Il¥‘0undI ....   .... Should be labeled Cr. Tr. B. Pow.
  hfgmmoth G;-0_ 00,, Louigvule   None INoue Il’ound| 11.1 12.7 10.2 Properly labeled
  Powd. P. M. B. P. C0., Louikx IIII .. None INoae IFouudI ....   .... *Mlsbra11ded.
  E. H. Jeuue ....................... · None INoue IF0llIl(]I 11.2 12.6 8.5_ Sold in bulk.
  E. W. Gllett, Loudon, Chicago .... None INoae Il7ouurl| 8.5 . 8.6 36.9~ Properly labeled.
  Price Baking Pow. C0., Chleagzon None INoue |l”oumlI 10.9 11.5] 17.5I Should be labeled Cr. Tr. R. Pow.
  Royal Baking Pow. Co., N. Y ..... ~ None INour· IF‘oundI 8.5 10.9l 14.5 Should be labeled Cr. Tr. B. Pow.
, Rpjd )[u]·r`I(;(·h & Iio__ I‘IIi··.Ie·I .... I Nom- INooe IlFoundI 9.2I 9.2I 15.4I Properly labeled.
abs Refail P1iI·eI R¢·iI·lI<·rt Valeutu I -
per pound I Numl»¤~r D Test C I Color R.·mmI;H
#5* ,I (‘gl'l*l·S I __ I I L
   I  L_I%wT T ` KT W f T J if ir W f
  $018 I 3.3 I 90 IAmmtt0 ...... IrIll}0lll1ll','Z2ll`lll0. Not so marked.
  JS 3.3 $9 IC0IlI·TFll‘ CIY0-··I " Stamped ou slip of paper.
  22 3.1 I 91 IAIIHTIITO ...... I " Not so marked.
____ I5 1.5 ......... IAZ0-dye ....... I " Sigrnlped on gmk,
‘ J5 I 3.2 I ......... " ·‘ ** "
l' ......... I 92 " " ‘* *· ‘
20 I ......... I SI2 " " ‘* ‘*
I 20 I ......... I 91 I " " *‘ "
20 ......... I 92 ICoal-far dy<>...I " " "
' 20 ......... S9 IAZO-Ilyv ..... .. " " "
2II ......... I 91 IAUIIIITTU ...... I " " "
gg I 2.7 I $9 IAZII-Ilye ....... I " Not so marked.
‘''` " 20 I ......... I 91 I " . I " " " `
25 I 9.0 I ......... I ·* ‘\I»out f\ro.1IIirIl¤ (\l<"0lllJll‘§I2ll`lllC,
  15 I 4.5 I ......... I'l`raee .......... II>l··o;11aru:11·l11e. Not so marked.
E0   I S; |Coal-tar dye   ·* Stamped oo tray.
20 I 3.0 91 IAz0»dye ....... I " Not so marked.
····"   I   (.4 I u AA sl sn
‘‘'' " . 15 I 4·0 I 04 I(`fIIll—I'll' dve I " " "
···· ·‘ I 15 I zh Ea Idzo-I‘.
  . ........ I 23.6 I T6 I I III'Ill|l’l' No. 95.0,
......... 23,5 I 47 I I‘l<·l11II r No. {Il 0.
  ......... I 19.3 I 72 I;\Z(`>—ll]'(¤ ....... Illc·lIo<·r No. f•l.T.
—·-— .. . .1 1. I I . · 1 . Y T

 I I
`:  .
Smmm I _ Mako or Brand as inarkedpn pack-
No. Wl1e1·e Obtained Dat