xt7gxd0qs03b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qs03b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1968-05-may7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-05-may7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-05-may7. 1968 1968-05-may7. 2011 true xt7gxd0qs03b section xt7gxd0qs03b 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, May 7, 1968

       As provided under KRS 164. 170, the Board of Trustees met in regular
session at 2.35 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time, on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 7,
1968, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the Uni-
versity with the following members present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman,
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. William Black,
Mr. Smith Broadbent, former Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper,
Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. George Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert
Miller, and Dr. N. N. Nicholas; absent were Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. Sam
Ezelle, and Mr. Hudson Milner. Professors Paul Oberst and Stephen Diachun, non-
voting faculty members, and Mr. Steve Cook, non-voting student member, were
present. President John W. Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R.
Willard, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, Robert L. Johnson, and Lewis W.
Cochran represented the administration and members of the news media were in

       A. Meeting Opened

       Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:35 p. m. Following the invo-
cation, pronounced by Dr. Stephen Diachun; Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Acting Secretary,
called the roll and reported a quorum present. The Governor then declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the Minutes of
the April 2, 1968 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the
Minutes were approved as published.

      C. Presidential Search Committee Announced

      Governor Nunn indicated that appointments had been made to the Presidential
Search Committee and asked that the names be entered as part of the official record.
The membership of the committee is as follows:

Appointed by Governor:

           Dr. Ralph Angelucci
           Mr. William Blacik
           Mrs. Rexford Blazer
           Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr.



Elected by Faculty of the University of Kentucky:

           Dr. A. D. Kirwan, Professor, Department of History
           Dr. Paul G. Sears, Professor, Department of Chemistry
           Dr. George W. Schwert, Professor, Department of Biochemistry

Elected by Faculty of the University of Kentucky Community College System:

           Mr. Charles E. Deusner, Senior Instructor, History
                     Elizabethtown Community College

       D. Executive Committee Reappointed and Officers of the Board Renamed

       Mr. Black made the motion that the present Executive Committee be re-
elected and that Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci and Mr. Sam Ezelle be renamed Vice
Chairman and Secretary of the Board, respectively. His motion was seconded by
Mrs. Blaze.r and passed without dissent. The re-elected Executive Committee is
composed of: Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. Richard E.
Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer.

      E. Presidentis Report on Activities

      President Oswald gave a brief resume of the items contained in PR 1.
Governor Nunn thanked him for his report and it was accepted and ordered filed.

      F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Dr. Oswald called attention to Item II, the establishment of a Department of
Planning in the School of Architecture; mentioned that 652 names were recom-
mended for associate degrees and certificates in the Community College System;
indicated that 46 persons were being recommended for promotion; and that two
department chairmen were being recommended--Professor Harry Barnard as
Chairman of the Division of Curriculum and Instruction, and Professor Fred W.
Zechman as Chairman of the Department of Physiology and-Biophysics.

      On motion by Dr. Angelkucci, seconded, and passed, PR 2 was approved as
a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the May 7, 1968 meeting
of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

      G. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 4)

Dr. Oswald mentioned the increase in number of doctoral degrees to be



awarded in 1968 and rem.nded the Board members that the list presented to them
was not the final list, but was subject to change after final grades for the semester
were submitted.

       On motion by Dr. Angelucci. seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed without
dissent, PR 4, Approval of Degree Candidates, was approved. (See PR 4 at the end
of the Minutes.

       H. School of Natural Resources Established

       Dr. Oswald said that the recommendation that a School of Natural Resources
be established came as the result of recommendations made by an advisory committee
on forestry and two outside consultants who had studied the needs of the state in this
area. He added that funds had been included in the current budget to support the
school if approved.

       Dr. Angelucci asked when it would become operative and was told that a
Search Committee for a di rector would be appointed immediately upon Board approval
and that by the time students entering this fall had finished their pre-forestryprogram,
the school would be ready to enroll them.

       On motion by Dr. Angelucci, duly seconded, and passed, authorization was
given to establish a School of Natural Resources in the College of Agriculture. (See
PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       1. Dr. Donald J. Clemens Named Director of the Paducah Junior College

       Dr. Oswald said th.at the recommendation that Dr. Donald J. Clemens be
named Director of the Paducah Community College had the endorsement of Dean
Hartford and the administrative officials of the University.

       The Board members having had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with
Dr. Clemens' qualifications prior to the meeting, there was no discussion of the
appointment and it was approved upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried. (See
PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

       J. New Non.-Voting Student Member Introduced

       Governor Nunn asked Mr. Steve Cook to introduce the newly elected President
of Student Government who would assume his place oil the Board of Trustees as a
non-voting student member in September. Mr. Cook introduced Mr. Wallace Bryan
who said he was looking forward to working with the Board of Trustees on matters of
interest to the student body.



       K. 1968-69 Internal Budget Approved

       Copies of the proposed 1968-69 internal operating budget of the University
were mailed to members of the Board ten days in advance of the meeting. Additional
copies were available at the meeting for those who had not brought their copies with
them. Attention was called to the transmittal letter in the front of the budget docu-
ment which set forth the main implications of the budget and outlined certain proposed
authorizations of administrative action for the President in the execution of the budget.

       Dr. Albrightpointed out that the estimated enrollment figure for 1968-69 had
been revised downward from 13,406 to 13, 028 students since the budget request was
submitted in the fall. This was done because it was felt that the new Selective Service
policy would have an impact on enrollment, particularly in the College of Law and at
the graduate level. He continued that the budget provided salary increments of ap-
proximately 5 percent for present staff and for 80 new positions in the division of
colleges; 20 in the Medical Center; and 60 in the Community College System. New
programs supported in the budget include the School of Natural Resources; a School
of Social Welfare (funds in reserve until established); the School of Library Science;
a Department of Planning in the School of Architecture.; further implementation for
programs in statistics, computer science, and applied mathematics; and new graduate
programs in accounting, business administration, dentistry, electrical engineering,
nursing, pharmacy and statistics. Three new community colleges will become oper-
ative in 1968-69--Hazard, Maysvile and PaducahI

       The income~percentages by sources for the institution are approximately the
same as for 1967-68--state appropriations 56. 8; student fees 9. 37; Auxiliary
Services 11; fund balances 1. 9 and hospital income 6. 56; federal funds 5. 7; re-
stricted income 2. 7; other 5. 2. On the expenditure side 35. 27 percent of the budget
will go for instruction and departmental research programs. He called attention to
page 2 of the transmittal letter which names the four major fund groups of the
University and recommends that the President be given the authority to transfer
funds within the overall general fund allocation.

       Dr. Derharn commended Dr. Albrigjit and his staff and thanked them for the
fine job they had done in preparing the budget. He then made the following motion:

Motion: that the 1968-69 operating bud~get as submitted, including the authorizations
set forth in the letter of transmittal be approved and ordered recorded as an integral
part of the University's financial system with the necessary fiscal control being
exercised for the collection and appropriation of income and for the expenditure of
departmental appropriations in accordance with authorized fiscal policies and pro-
cedures and accepted as a basis of maximum expenditures for the year 1968-69. The
Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee is empowered to make such changes
in the budget as may from time to time be deemed necessary upon recommendation
of the President.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenm  er, and without further discussion,



passed unanimously. (Budget document is in the files of the Board of Trustees.)

       L. 1967-68 Budget Revisions Approved (PR 9)

       Dr. Alb.ight explained that the recommended budget revisions were made in
keeping with customary procedure. On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Dr.
Denham, and passed without dissent, the recommended budget revisions as con-
tained in PR 9 were approved as presented. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.

       M. Dates for Meetings in 1968-69 Established

       During 1967-68 the Board of Trustees met on a monthly basis during the nine
month academic year with the Executive Committee meeting during the summer
months. It was agreed that the same pattern should be followed in 1968-69 and, on
motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the following dates were established for
meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee for the fiscal year

Friday, July 19, 1968
Friday, August 16, 1968
Tuesday, September 17, 1968
Tuesday, October 22, 1968
Tuesday, November 19, 1968
Tuesday, December 10, 1968
Tuesday, January 21, 1969
Tuesday, February 18, 1969
Tuesday, March 18, 1969
Tuesday, April 1, 1969
Tuesday, May 6, 1969
Friday, June 20, 1969

Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Board of Trustees (Statutory)
Executive Committee

       Dr. OsQywald indicated the necessity to change the June meeting of the
Executive Committee from June 7 to June 21 and it was agreed by the members of
the Executive Committee who were present that this would be satisfactory with them.

       N. Statement on Nature and Purposes of a University

       Dr. Oswald requested permission to read a statement prepared and signed
by the President, Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice President of the University.
A copy of the statement is included at the end of the Minutes.

       Following his presentation, Mr. Black commended the University adminis-
trators for the excellent statement on the nature and purposes of a university and



moved that it be received and approved by the Board of Trustees. His motion was
seconded by Dr. Denham. There being no discussion, the vote was called for and
the motion passed with all but Governor Chandler voting in favor of the motion.
Governor Chandler requested that the record show he voted no. (See statement at
the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Report of the Vice President of Student Affairs on the Students for a
Democratic Society Conference

       Mr. Johnson distributed copies of his report and read it to the group. A
copy of the report is included at the end of the Minutes. Governor Nunn asked what
were the Board's wishes with respect to the report and on motion made, seconded,
and carried, it was accepted and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the meeting.
(See report at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Kerley indicated his willingness to answer any questions relative to the
Financial Report which had been mailed in advance to members of the Board. There
being no questions, on motion made, seconded, and approved, the Financial Report
covering the nine months ending March 31, 1968 was accepted as presented. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Contract with Porter Memorial Baptist Church Approved (FCR 2)

       Dr. Denham reminded the Board members that authorization was given to
acquire property owned by the Porter Memorial Baptist Church and located at 730
South Limestone in August, 1965, and Mr. Kerley signed a purchase contract pro-
viding for passage of title to the University by September 1, 1967. The church was
unable to convey title by that date and the recommendation being made to the Board
was that a new contract under the same conditions as the former one be executed.
Dr. Denham then moved that the recommendation made in FCR 2 be approved. His
motion was seconded and carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       R. Veterans Administration Hospital Site Conveyance (FCR 3)

       Dr. Denham explained that the action recommended as a part of FCR 3 would
permit the implementation of an earlier agreement made between the University of
Kentucky and the Veterans Administration relative to the construction of a Veterans
Administration Hospital near the Medical Center. The exact site has been agreed
upon by the two parties and is described in FCR 3. He moved approval of the recom-
mendation in FCR 3. His motion was seconded by Dr. A.g iu1cci and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )



       S. Depository Account Established for Hazard Community College (FCR 4)

       Mr. Kerley explained that the recommendation to establish a depository ac-
count for the Hazard Community College in the Peoples Bank of Hazard was a
standard procedure and recommended its approval. On motion made, seconded, and
carried, FCR 4 was approved as presented. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T. Center for Handicapped Children (FCR 5)

       Mr. K.jxLe.y estimated that the total cost of the proposed Handicapped
Children's Center to be built near the Medical Center would be approximately $5. 7
million. He requested authorization to make application for federal grants under
Title I, Part B, and Title II of the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community
Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 (in the amounts of $3. 9 million and
$350, 000 respectively) to assist in the construction of this center. If the appli-
cations for the grants are successful, the Board must agree to provide matching
funds not to exceed $1. 3 million and $206, 000 with respect to the two applications.

       Dr. Angelucci moved approval of FCR 5 as presented. His motion was
seconded and carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U. Hospital Committee Report

       Dr. Angelucci reported that the Hospital Committee was pleased with the
advances which have been made in the financial status of the University Hospital.
The record system is now on a computerized basis and it is possible to obtain data
on expenditure costs and to determine individual costs. There have been efforts to
hold down expenditures in the face of rising hospital costs. This year expenditures
are in close alignment with the budget. Three hundred seventy-two out of 450 beds
have been activated, a variety of new services are planned which will provide better
care of patients, the community service program is to be expanded; however, some
programs must wait until more income can be generated or funds from other
sources obtained.

       Governor Nunn accepted the report on behalf of the Board and thanked Dr.
Angelucci and Dr. Willard for the progress being made.

       V. Dr. Robert Rudd Introduced to Board

       Dr. Stephen Diachun expressed his thanks and appreciation for the opportunity
to have served as a non-voting faculty member on the Board of Trustees and intro-
duced his successor, Dr. Robert W. Rudd, who was a visitor at the meeting.

Governor Nunn thanked Dr. Diachun for the contribution which he had made as



a member of the Board and welcomed Dr. Judd as the new non-voting faculty
member to take office after July 1, 1968 for a term ending June 30, 1971. He
also thanked Steve Cook for his short but worthwhile term as the non-voting student
member. Mr. Cook responded with an expression of appreciation for the consider-
ation which the Board had given to the viewpoint of the student body.

       W. Meeting Adjourned

       Governor Nunn, having first determined there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being
duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Ralph J. Angelucci, Acting Secretary
                                          Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 4, PR 5, PR 7, PR 9, Statement on Nature and Purposes of a University,
Report of the Vice President for Student Affairs, FCR 1, FCR 2, FCR 3, FCR 4,
and FCR 5 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the May 7, 1968 meeting
of the Board of Trustees. )



                               May 7, 1968


      Forty-five alumni and friends of the University have made
gift commitments of $2,466,406 in support of programs and needs for
which state funds are not available. Twenty of the 45 donors are
residents of the Commonwealth; 28 are UK alumni. The report was
made by Samuel M. Cassidy, president of the Senior Associates,
at a formal recognition dinner for the benefactors--known as UK
Fellows--at Spindletop Hall on Friday, April 26. The dinner
was sponsored by the Alumni Association and the Senior Asso-
ciates. The latter are alumni who have been out of school 30
years or more, and have promoted the UK Fellows program since
its establishment in December, 1966, on the recommendation of
the University Development Council-

      Of the total gift commitments, $2,028,000 are deferred in
the form of bequests, life insurance, trusts, annuities, or life
income contracts. Current gifts to the University, Mr. Cassidy
said, total $438,406, The University recognizes as a Fellow any
person who makes a gift to the University of $10,000 or more,
payable over a period of ten years, or a deferred gift of $15,000
or more. Prior to the Fellows' recognition dinner the Develop-
ment Council held its semi-annual meeting in the Rare Book Room
of the library, where it was learned that the conversion of
alumni records to electronic data processing is expected to be
completed by July 31.

      The University Development Office, under the direction of
Leonard L. Wilson, reported that fund-raising costs for solic-
itation and commitment so far this year amounts to approximately
$.04 per gift dollar. Gift commitments to the University since
the establishment of the Development Office in September, 1965,
total approximately $4 million. The Development Council also
heard University plans to establish a Medical Center Develop-
ment Office in the near future. The Council welcomed as new
members University Trustee Richard Cooper of Somerset, and
Albert Clay, Mt. Sterling. A resolution was adopted in appre-
ciation of service by Mr. Louis 'Ware of Palm Beach. Mr. Ware,
retired chairman of the board of International Minerals and
Chemical Corporation, recently resigned from the Council for
personal reasons. The resolution as adopted is presented at
the conclusion of this report.


- 2 -


      Dr. Gifford Blyton, professor of English and speech, was
honored at the annual debate banquet for his 20 years as Univer-
sity Intervarsity debate coach, during which time the school won
nearly 700 trophies, 57 of which were claimed during the current
academic year. During the past eight years, University teams
have participated in five national debates. Also receiving
awards presented by Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Speech
Honorary were: Rodney Page and Robert Valentine, each given in-
tervarsity debate awards. William H. Turner, a senior from
Lynch who received the student Speaker of the Year Award was
honored for his work in instituting open debates on the campus.
Sheryl Snyder, a senior from Owensboro received the DSR-TKA Key
Award for his work in effecting state legislation which placed a
student as a non-voting member on boards of the state's edu-
cational institutions.  Sam Browning, Clarksville, Tenn., and
John Nelson, Elizabethtown, received out-standing freshmen awards
in novice debate.


      The Agronomy Department and the College of Agriculture
recently hosted 123 undergraduates, graduate students and faculty
from Purdue, Southern Illinois and Illinois at the annual Ex-
change Day. Each year, agronomists from the four schools are
hosted by one of the other cooperating institutions, and this
year it was the University's turn. Dr. Charles Barnhart, di-
rector of the Experiment Station, said the 66 undergraduates,
25 graduate students, and 32 faculty members toured research
and teaching facilities of the College of Agricultuire, and
visited the various Experiment farms. They arrived late on
Friday, April 19, returning to their homes late Saturday.
Next year the host will be Southern Illinois University at


      A memorial fund has been established at the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center in memory of Miss Gladys Robertson,
the first secretary of the Kentucky Research Foundation. The
fund was started with a $500 donation from friends and relatives
of Miss Robertson. At the time of her death she was adminis-
trative assistant to James McDonald, acting director of the
Foundation. Contributions will be used to support the Clinical
Research Center at the University Hospital, and will be col-
lected by the Division of State and Local Services.



      Gilbert W. Kingsbury, assistant vice president for Uni-
versity relations is leaving the University May 15, to become
executive vice president of the Ohio Valley Improvement Asso-
ciation, Announcement of the appointment was made by Alex S.
Chamberlain, Louisville, president of the 73-year-old, 14
state organization headquartered in Cincinnati.. OVIA conducts
a program of education in support of navigation, flood control
and water supply in the basin area.

      The new OVIA executive is a University graduate and prior
to assuming his present post three years ago was a member of the
Board of Trustees. Listed in Who's Who in America, he served
as administrative assistant to two U.S. senators, Earle C.
Clements and the late Garrett L. Withers. He also headed the
Washington news bureau for the WLW (Cincinnati) stations. He
was a member of the Kentucky General Assembly in 1958 as a rep-
resentative from Kenton County, and currently is a member of the
Board of Associates of the Chicago Theological Seminary. Early
in his career he was a member of the editorial staff of the
Kentucky and Cincinnati Post and Times-Star.

      As a Washington newsman he served as chairman of the
Credentials Committee for independent broadcast stations
covering Democratic and Republican presidential nominating
conventions in 1948, 1952, 1956 and 1960. As assistant vice
president, Kingsbury was responsible for the establishment of
a radio-television bureau in the Public Relations Department.
He reorganized the publications bureau and strengthened the
news bureau's service to the weeklies and small dailies of
Kentucky. He also organized a service to national education
writers. A year ago, The Alumnus Magazine, edited and designed
by the Public Relations Department, won a Time Magazine award
for "the most improved such publication in the South." Kings-
bury also served as chairman of the committee establishing the
Hall of Distinguished Alumni in the Alumni House. Mrs. Kingsbury
is the former Sylvia Phillips.   They have one son, G. William
Kingsbury Jr., an urban planner located in Bowling Green. The
Kingsburys will make their home in Fort Mitchell.

      Dr. Glenwood Creech, vice president for University Re-
lations, praised the departing director and commended him on his
contributions to the University.

_ 3 _


- 4 -


      A recommendation by President John W. Oswald for a change
in a statement of purpose in the Higher Education Act has been
endorsed by members of a US. Senate sub-committee. The presi-
dent urged revision in recent testimony before a House Education
Sub-Committee- Officials of the association, acting on Dr.
Oswald's suggestion, presented a new statement of purpose to
the Senate group. The statement, approved by Senator Wayne
Morse, Oregon Democrat, said "that no student of ability should
be denied an opportunity to develop his or her talents because
of financial inability to meet basic higher education costs."
Both Senator Morse and Senator Ralph Yarborough. of Texas- who
also was present for Dr. Oswald's testimony, expressed keen
interest in a study which showed American college students
already pay higher tuition and a greater cost for their edu-
cation than students in most other countries.


      The contemporary woman's choice of roles in public life
and education and her outlook for employment will be discussed
at a conference May 21, 23, and 28, at the University. Mrs.
Celia K. Zyzniewski, head of the Continuing Education of Women
program at the University, is coordinator of the conference.
She hopes to repeat the success of the February 1967 series on
the 'Emerging Role of Contemporary Women',

      Speakers at the opening session will be Dr. Doris M.
Seward, dean, student affairs planning; Mrs. William R. Willard,
Lexington, and Mrs. James E. Reynolds Jr., Louisville city
alderman. The second session, on May 23, will feature Miss
Chloe Gifford, chairman of the 1966 Governor's Commission on
the Status of Women; Dr. James W. Gladden, professor of soci-
ology, and Dr. Joseph Hamburg, dean of the School of Allied
Health Professions. The final session on May 28 will present
Mrs. Zyzniewski; Mrs. Elsa Porter, director of the executive
and professional corps of the U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare; Dr, Carl Cabe, professor of economics and
former Kentucky commissioner of labor, and Mrs. James Humphries,
Louisville, state representative to the National Council on the
Status of Women. Information sessions on various careers for
women will follow the conference, A session on the allied
health professions will be presented from 10 arm. to 12 noon
on May 29 in the Student Center. All aspects of a medical
career, except that of an M.D., will be discussed.

      A morning session on education will be held May 31 in
Dickey Hall, and Social work will be the subject of an after-
noon session, in the Taylor Building. Library science careers
will be discussed on June 3 at the library.

      Mrs. Zyzniewski pointed out that the 1966 report on the
Status of Kentucky Women stated that the education level of
Kentucky women is among the lowest in the nation, "which is the
source of numerous other problems noted in the report,"


- 5 -


      A new alumni publication--the Albert B. Chandler Medical
Center Journal--has appeared on the campus. The Journal is
an outgrowth of a recent agreement among the University Alumni
Association and the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine and Phar-
macy under which graduates of the colleges will have separate
organizations, independent in their programs and activities
but operating within the framework of the general Alumni
Association constitution and by-laws. The College of Nursing
and the School of Allied Health Professions are expected to
accept the new arrangement and the Journal has been designed
to encompass all major divisions of the Medical Center complex.
The editorial board of the new four-page publication is chaired
by William M. Samuels, director of State and Local Services,
who said the Journal will begin as a triennial, with publi-
cation in Spring, Fall and Winter. As the alumni organizations
grow, the number of issues is expected to increase.


      The first of a two-volume, two-year study of the quality
of education in Kentucky's 197 school districts has been pub-
lished by the Bureau of School Service. The report, by W. J.
Diamond, IBM advisory statistician; Dr. Charles F. Martin Sr.,
and Dr. Richard I. Miller of the College of Education, ranks
each of the state's school systems two ways--on community,
school holding power and achievement factors, and according
to the latter two factors only. Purpose of the study is to
determine whether a school district is receiving a reasonably
effective educational return for the amount of money spent.
The authors believe results of the study would help the legis-
lature and the State Department of Education identify those
districts that need attention and pinpoint the kind of help
that is needed. When used with the second volume, on pro-
cedures for calculating improvements in each system, it will
be possible to determine how much improvement can be expected
from the proposed alternatives. The second volume will be
published in the next few months.


      With several months of the fiscal year remaining, alumni
in Connecticut lead the list of state organizations contributing
to the University Alumni Association fund. Eleven alumni from
that state have contributed a total of $5130. Ohio alumni rank
second, with 126 graduates and former students contributing
$2620.50. Other states topping the $2000 mark include Illinois,
and Michigan. Donors, according to Alumni Association reports,
live in every state in the union except Nebraska, Nevada and North
Dakota. Among Kentucky counties, Fayette gave the largest amount,
with 761 alumni contributing $11,236. Jefferson county was second,
with 138 contributors for a total of $3577. Perry county ranked
third, with 11 former students and graduates donating $1180.


- 6 -


      Graduating seniors this year will be moving into more
and better jobs than ever before, reports the University
Placement Service, headed by James P. Alcorn with Daniel G.
Tudor as assistant director. They report that 1,400 students
registered for post-graduate employment during the current
school year. Of these, more than 60 per cent, or about 850,
are expected to accept positions offered by recruiters from
621 employers. The recruiters made 929 trips to the Uni-
versity to interview students. The figures are up from 586