xt7gxd0qs015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qs015/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-03-mar5-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-03-mar5-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-03-mar5-ec. 1969 1969-03-mar5-ec. 2011 true xt7gxd0qs015 section xt7gxd0qs015 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee o.f the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky on Wednesday, March 5, 1969

        On call by the Chairman, Mr. Albert G. Clay, the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees met at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 5, in the President's
Room of the Student Center with the following members present: Mr. Clay, Mrs.
Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham and Mr. Robert
Hillenmeyer. Acting President A. D. Kirwan and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright
and Robert F. Kerley were in attendance. Mr. Albert Christen, Commissioner of
Finance, and Mr. Lawrence Forgy, Jr. , Deputy Commissioner and Budget Director
of the Department of Finance, were present at the invitation of Mr. Clay.

        Meeting Called to Order

        Following luncheon served in the President's Room, Mr. Clay called the
meeting to order at 1:00 p. m. The Secretary reported all members of the Executive
Committee were present and Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:03 o'clock.

        A. Discussion of Administrative and Financial Matters Related to the
Operation of the University

        Mr. Clay explained that the meeting had been called in order to acquaint
members of the Executive Committee, Mr. Christen, the Commissioner of Finance,
and Mr. Forgy, Deputy Commissioner, on administrative and financial matters
related to the operation of the University and to provide them with the opportunity
to ask questions on matters of interest to them. After a thorough discussion by all
present of the financial scope of the University operations, of the land holdings,
the floor space leases, the administrative linkage between the University and the
Commissioner of Finance, it was agreed that a similar presentation would be helpful
to all members of the Board of Trustees at an informal session at 10:00 a. m. on the
morning of the March 18 meeting of the Board. It was deemed extremely important
that the Governor be present and Dr. KEiwan was asked to contact him to see
whether or not he could be present. If so, then Dr. Kirwan was authorized to issue
the call for a 10:00 a. m. meeting to the members of the Board of Trustees, Mr.
Christen, Mr. Forgy, the University Vice Presidents and the Academic Deans. It
was further agreed that should the meeting be called, it would be a good time for a
panel of University people to discuss the "publish or perish" theme with the Board
members on an informal basis. Dr. Kirwan was authorized to arrange for this.

        B. Discussion of Cave Hill

In the discussion of land holdings of the University, a question was raised



relative to what should be done about Cave Hill. Under the terms of the deed of
conveyance of Cave Hill to the University, certain restrictions were placed on the
usage of the property which the University has not been able to meet. In the event
the University wished to dispose of the property, the deed provided that it should
be turned over to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to be sold. Mr. Kerley was
requested to have the University's Legal Counsel explore with the executors of
Mrs. Clayton's estate the possibility of changing the terms of the gift in order to
effect the disposition of the property by the University or the Comrnonwealth.

       C. Possible Affiliation with Ohio State to be Explored

       Mr. Clay suggested the possibility of an affiliation with Ohio State University
to permit the University of Kentucky to send approximately ten veterinary medicine
students to that institution for training. This program would be supplementary to
the present program with Auburn University, which is financed by the Councdl on
Public Higher Education, and would in no way change or affect it. Authorization was
given to investigate the possibility further w th Ohio State and with Mr. Christen as
to the ways in which such a program might be financed by the state.

       D. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly
made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p. m.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Lucile T. Blazer
                                             Secretary, Board of Trustees