xt7gxd0qs00k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gxd0qs00k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2006-04-jun13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2006-04-jun13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2006-04-jun13. 2006 2006-04-jun13. 2011 true xt7gxd0qs00k section xt7gxd0qs00k 

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky
June 13,2006
1:00 P.M. 18 th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Roll Call - Pam May
Approval of Minutes - (Consent) - Jim Hardymon
Minutes - April 25, 2006 President's Report and Action Items - Lee Todd
PR 1              President's Report to the Trustees
Progress Report on 2003-06 Strategic Plan
Introduction of Kumble R. Subbaswamy and Update of 2006-09 Strategic
PR 2             Personnel Actions (Consent)
PR 3              Appointment of Dean of the College of Nursing
PR 4             Proposed Amended Revision to the Governing Regulations (Reviews of
Educational Units and Their Chief Administrative Officers) PR 5              Reappointment of Board of Directors, University of Kentucky Research
Academic Affairs Committee Report - Myra Tobin
AACR 1         Academic Degree Changes (Colleges of Agriculture, Dentistry, and
Engineering) AACR 2         Change in Name of an Interdisciplinary Program (College of Arts and
Finance Committee Report - JoEtta Wickliffe
FCR 1             James Graham Brown Foundation Pledge (Consent)
FCR 2             Dr. Helen Thacker Hill Pledge (Consent)
FCR 3             William A. Marquard Pledge (Consent)
FCR 4            Estate of Ethelyn O'Neal Pledge (Consent)
FCR 5             Gifts and Pledges to the Thomas C. Robinson Graduate Fellowship


Endowment (Consent) FCR 6             Gifts and Pledges to the Jacqueline Y. Smith Endowed
Professorship/Chair in Women's Health and Rheumatology (Consent) FCR 7             E. Vernon Smith, M.D. Pledge (Consent)
FCR 8             Gifts and Pledges to the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community
Issues Endowed Fund for Excellence (Consent) FCR 9            Kentucky Social Welfare Foundation Pledge (Consent)
FCR 10           Gifts and Pledges to the Tri for Sight Eye Research Fund (Consent)
FCR 11           Renaming of Verizon Endowment and Transfer of Funds within
Endowments of the Center for Research on Violence Against Women FCR 12           Approval of Leases
FCR 13           Authorization to Lease up to 3.491 Acres Located to the South of the Plant
Sciences Building to the United States Department of Agriculture FCR 14           Approval of Lease - Lot 14A at Coldstream
FCR 15           2006-2007 Operating and Capital Budget
FCR 16           Providing for the Authorization, Issuance, and Sale of Approximately
$24,565,000 General Receipts Obligations (Student Health Facility
Project) of the University of Kentucky, Pursuant to the Trust Agreement
Dated as of November 1, 2005 FCR 17           Plan for the Distribution and Use of Professional Income under the
University of Kentucky Center for Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing
FCR 18a         Capital Projects
FCR 18b         Renovate and Expand the Hilary J. Boone Center FCR 19           2005-06 Budget Revisions
FCR 20           Authorization for Disposal of Surplus Personal Property Fiscal Year 2006-
07_ FCR 21           Capital Construction Report
Human Resources Committee Report - Phil Patton HRCR 1          Amendment to Long-Term Disability Plan
Investment Committee Report - Billy Wilcoxson Student Affairs Committee Report - Marianne Smith Edge University Hospital Committee Report - Barbara Young
UHCR 1         Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation


University Relations Committee Report - Pam May Executive Committee Report - Jim Hardymon
Other Business
Athletic Association Board Report - Frank Shoop
Gluck Equine Research Foundation Board Report - Frank Shoop
The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky
Medical Center Report - Mira Ball
The University of Kentucky Research Foundation Report - Pam May
Resolutions Adjourn


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 13, 2006.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A.        Meeting Opened
Mr. James Hardymon, chair, called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. and asked Ms. Pam May, secretary of the Board, to call the roll.
B.         Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mira Ball, Stephen Branscum, Penelope Brown, Dermontti Dawson, Jeff Dembo, Marianne Smith Edge, Rebecca A. Ellingsworth, Ann Haney, James Hardymon (Chair), Pamela May, Billy Joe Miles, Roy Moore, Phillip Patton, Steven Reed, Frank Shoop, Myra Leigh Tobin, JoEtta Wickliffe, Billy Wilcoxson, Russ Williams, and Barbara Young. The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Interim Provost Scott Smith, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive Vice President for Research Wendy Baldwin, and General Counsel Barbara W. Jones.
Members of the various news media were also in attendance.
Mr. Hardymon commented that everyone was present and declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:13 p.m.
C.         Consent Items
Mr. Hardymon then called attention to the items noted on the consent agenda and said that the Minutes of the April 25, 2006 meeting had been distributed earlier. Other items include: PR 2 - Personnel Actions and FCR's 1 through 10, listed under the Finance Committee. He asked for a motion for approval of the consent items. Mr. Miles moved approval. Mr. Shoop seconded his motion, and it carried without dissent.
Minutes      April 25, 2006 (Consent)
PR 1          Personnel Actions (Consent)
FCR 1        Bell Alcohol and Addictions Chair Gifts and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 2        Roger Disilvestro Gift and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 3        William Stamps Farish Fund Gift and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 4        Gifts and Pledges to the E. Preston Hicks Chair for Orthodontics and
Oral Health Research (Consent)
FCR 5        Estate of John C. Hubbard Gift (Consent)
FCR 6        Dorothy Nelms Gift and Pledge (Consent)


FCR 7        Medical Alumni Association Gifts and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 8        Gene and Deborah Gabbard Charitable Remainder Unitrust Pledge
FCR 9        Estate of Edith H. Harmon Gift (Consent) FCR 10      Estate of Anthony Leonard Boaden Wyatt Gift (Consent)
(See PR 2 and FCRs 1 through 10 at the end of the Minutes.) D.        Recognition of Dr. E. Vernon Smith
President Todd said there was a big headline in the Herald-Leader that morning about a gentleman who is a true Kentuckian who wants to do something for his university and the people of Kentucky. The gifts from Dr. E. Vernon Smith and those honoring his deceased wife, Eloise C. Smith, will have a significant impact on the university. His gifts trace the history of his personal contact with the University of Kentucky.
President Todd expressed appreciation to Dr. Smith's attorney and good friend, along with Susannah Denomme and Mike Richey, for helping bring Dr. Smith's gifts to the university. It is a great way to end the fiscal year.
President Todd recognized Dr. E. Vernon Smith and gave some biographical information about him. He is from Cincinnati; however, he is a native of Greenup County. He is a 1937 graduate of the University of Kentucky and is a former member of the UK Band. Upon graduation from UK, he completed Medical School at the University of Cincinnati, then spent his career as a highly respected internist in the Cincinnati area.
Dr. Smith was invited to the Board of Trustees meeting to be recognized during the announcement of his $5.2 million gift to UK. The gift will be matched by the Research Challenge Trust Fund, bringing the total gift to $10.4 million. Also, Dr. Smith has made estate plans to fund an additional $1.1 million in undergraduate scholarships for nursing. In addition, the Athletic Association will match $345,000 of this gift. Hence, the $11 million plus gift is a headline in the newspaper. Dr. Smith's gift will create two chairs  in macular degeneration and Alzheimer's research. Additionally, Dr. Smith will create a scholarship endowment in the College of Medicine with preference for students coming from Greenup County. Dr. Smith's gifts will also create three professorships in the areas of history, nursing, and macular degeneration and a faculty award in the College of Business and Economics.
President Todd invited Mr. Hardymon to join him in presenting Dr. Smith with his very well earned UK Fellows Presidential plaque. He asked Dr. Smith to come forward and accept the plaque. Dr. Smith received a round of applause and a standing ovation.


Dr. Smith made the following comments:
"I appreciate the opportunity of saying a few words. I don't think my mission would be complete unless I make this move. I promise you I'll make it short.
I was somewhat at loss for words when informed that I was to address the Board of Trustees on this occasion. However, I do recognize the occasion as an opportunity to provide a background to promote President Todd's mandate to grow the University of Kentucky into a Top 20 university.
First, I would like to offer my thanks to Mr. Mike Richey, Mrs. Susannah Denomme, and Mr. Dion Guest for their warm welcome to the campus of the University of Kentucky and to Dean Jay Perman, Dr. William Marksberry, Dr. Andy Pearson, and Dr. Jay Ambati for their introduction to the facilities that support their research efforts in the etiology and cure of macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease.
One might ask what triggered my interest in the two fields of diseases under discussion.
First, I lost my dear wife, Eloise, to events related to Alzheimer's disease in 1997; secondly, I was found to have developed macular degeneration in 1996. As a result, I now have vision in one eye.
So, fast forward, as in the case of all mortal beings, one must make plans where the most meaningful in the allocation of his estate. Following a seemingly daily uphill battle for a professional education after graduating from a small high school in eastern Kentucky, which did not have as much as a chemistry laboratory, I found myself at the University of Kentucky where with and provided by a Lexington Leader paper route and four years of academia, I found myself on the threshold of admission to Medical School.
All this, despite the national bank holiday of 1929 which bankrupted my father's business, and despite the ruin of the 1937 Ohio River flood which ruined my father's business a second time, and from which he never recovered financially.
All this history followed by four years of military service in the Army Medical Corps, followed by three years retraining in hospitals, obviated any thought of marriage, until meeting my wonderful wife-to-be Eloise. There followed several years of international travel, leading up to her death in 1997.
This event triggered estate planning. I had been extremely fortunate with the stock market after an early introduction, while in high school, by a paternal uncle in Ashland, Kentucky.


With this story as a background, I wanted very much to make a professional education available to the young people of my home county, Greenup, in the hope, with time, they could lift the Village of Greenup to a higher economic level on which a prosperous community could evolve. This, of course, would not occur without lifting the educational level of its residents.
I should say that my gift would probably not have attained this level without the availability of the Commonwealth's Research Challenge Trust Fund as an incentive.
Thus, in conclusion to my remarks to the Trustees of this great university, lobby your respective representatives and senators in Frankfort, Kentucky in the hopes that they will renew the challenge grant funds which will be key to the goal of making the University of Kentucky a Top 20 institution, accomplishing the vision of your president Dr. Lee Todd. Thank you."
Dr. Smith received a round of applause, and President Todd thanked him for his remarks.
E.         Recognition of Chair of Senate Council and Chair of Staff Senate
President Todd introduced the newly elected chair of the University Senate, Dr. Kevah Tagavi, who is an engineer. Dr. Tagavi has been at UK since 1985. He was academic ombudsman last year, a post that Dr. Dembo also had a few years ago. Dr. Tagavi was recently elected as the new Senate Council Chair and is very active in his research area with over a 100 technical papers and over $2 million of grants and contracts.
President Todd then recognized the re-elected Kyle Dippery from the Staff Senate. Mr. Dippery has had an interesting year with issue of salary increases and other things. President Todd thanked Mr. Dippery for his service.
F.         Article in Keeneland Magazine
President Todd called attention to an article in Keeneland magazine. He said it was a great article and a great magazine about a great Kentuckian. It is a very thorough article on Trustee Dermontti Dawson and his family about the work they have done with his foundation. He expressed congratulations to Mr. Dawson for his great work.
G.        President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)
President Todd called attention to the following items in PR 1:
The Medical Center was judged among the top #15 in the nation for consistent improvement. This is based on five consecutive years. UK is three years into this five-year period, and this ranking is tremendous.


There was a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Center for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology facility. Many Trustees, along with Governor Ernie Fletcher, attended the event for this long-awaited building on campus.
A 74-project initiative to renovate, repair, and upgrade classrooms on campus was unveiled.
UK was featured as a cover story in a Chronicle on Higher Education story. Over 100 copies of the actual newspaper and 1,500 of the reprints were ordered to blanket the nation with the information because it is a substantial story. President Todd thanked the Public Relations staff for an exceptionally good job of getting UK out there publicly.
The first Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars has been described as a success, and it will be highlighted even more in the future. There were approximately 100 projects to showcase undergraduate research. This undergraduate research will have to be stressed in recruiting because it is vitally important to differentiate UK from some of the other institutions.
The fourth annual President's Awards for Diversity were presented to six individuals and one unit within the university.
E.ON U.S. and UK recently announced a three-year research partnership to study technology that could improve air quality worldwide. E.ON U.S. is committing $1.5 million grant to UK's Center for Applied Energy Research. These energy companies typically give to a research foundation that does research for the entire industry. This gives UK an opportunity to help with some of the environmental conditions for coal in state.
President Todd said there were many other good things in the report.
H.        Introduction of Kumble R. Subbaswamy and Update of 2006-09 Strategic Plan
President Todd reported that extremely good progress had been made on the new Strategic Plan. Originally, there was a three-year Strategic Plan, and that plan is being updated. President Todd said he felt that it was important that Dr. Kumble Subbaswamy, the new provost, have his fingerprint on this plan because he is going to be the academic driver for it. He welcomed Dr. Subbaswamy to his first appearance at a Board of Trustees meeting and asked him to come forward and give his presentation. Dr. Subbaswamy received a round of applause.
Dr. Subbaswamy thanked President Todd and members of the Board for their confidence in him by giving him this important position. Since this is his first opportunity to speak to the Board, he said he would take a moment of personal reflection.


This is the fourth position that he has obtained through a national search. In the three earlier positions he started out as a stranger, and his employers had fairly moderate expectations about his job performance. He could only go one way from there. In coming back as somebody who is a known quantity at UK, the expectations seem to be running so high that he is quite anxious about which way the performance will be judged. He said that he will definitely give UK his 1,000 percent effort and abilities.
Another observation is that this is the second time he has attended a meeting of the UK Board of Trustees in his entire life. The last time he attended was some two decades ago, and he attended in his capacity as an elected member of the faculty senate. He noted that he was sitting on the other side of the room at that time and was actually there to protest some action on the part of the Board of Trustees. As they say, what goes around comes around. It will not be too long before there will be some young member of the faculty senate on the other side criticizing something that he has done.
Notwithstanding these anxieties, he said he is truly excited to be at UK. One of the main reasons is his boss. He has never met a more visionary, single-minded, tireless university president than Dr. Lee Todd, Jr. He said he felt like he is jumping on a train that is headed at full speed. The development of the 2006-2009 Strategic Plan is a case in point. After he agreed to become UK's next provost, he told President Todd that he would be glad to lead the strategic planning effort. He innocently assumed that meant starting the process in July when he officially starts his UK job. He was wrong. President Todd wanted to start immediately and never mind his full-time job at Indiana University.
In March President Todd appointed a University Committee on Academic Planning and Priorities (UCAPP). This committee has representation from all sectors of the university. This committee, along with the Council of Academic Deans, has worked throughout the remainder of the spring semester to develop the framework for the 2006-2009 Strategic Plan consistent with the agenda outlined in the Top 20 Business Plan. Dr. Subbaswamy emphasized that it is the faculty and staff who will help UK achieve its Top 20 aspirations. Accordingly, the goals, objectives, and action plans have to be developed in close consultation with the stakeholders. UK must act quickly but not at the cost of leaving behind the important stakeholders.
Dr. Subbaswamy presented a slide which shows the schematics of the Top 20 strategic plans. The Top 20 Business Plan which the Board has approved sets the financial parameters for achieving Top 20 goals. The strategic plans for the academic enterprise and the UK Healthcare Services will in fact work within these parameters and be informed by each other.
Basically, UK has come out of the starting gates ready to race, and academic enterprise looks to do the same. Once the university-wide academic plan is adopted, the college, center, institute, and clinical programs will have to update their strategic plans consistent with the Top 20 goals, as would the clinical programs because there is a strong overlap between the activities of the two. The administrative and support units will also


update their strategic plans to support the academic units and the clinical programs to achieve the Top 20 aspirations.
Dr. Subbaswamy talked about the process and the timeline for completing the university-wide plan.
He reiterated that UCAPP and the deans have worked on developing the Strategic Plan, and it is now being circulated to the stakeholders. The faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, and administrators want to make sure that the plan is consistent with the Council on Postsecondary Education guidelines and expectations; therefore, responses will be solicited to make sure it is consistent with some of the state-wide guidelines. Based on that input, the committee and the Council of Deans will revise the plan and develop the key indicators and action plans. This will be done early in the fall and certainly by October this year.
The Strategic Plan is built around eight themes referred to as the four E's and the four I's.
Excellence has to be a habit. As Aristotle said, "It's not an act, but it is a habit." Everyone must begin to think and behave like Top 20 universities, notching up the standards a couple of notches every year. That is how many notches it will take in 14 years to get to the Top 20 status. That is going to be the general message that will be given to every unit.
Expansion is another part of it, and that certainly comes from the parameters of the Top 20 Business Plan - more faculty, more students, more support staff, and increasing the volume and quality of the research and creative work that the university undertakes.
Engagement means increasing collaboration with communities UK serves and bringing UK research to bear on improving the quality of life for Kentuckians.
Entrepreneurship refers to the fact that 40 percent of the financing for this ambitious goal must be self-generated by the university. That requires entrepreneurship, and all levels must be instilled with an entrepreneurial spirit to increase private and federal support for university missions.
Innovation is a key to success in any enterprise and also in an academic enterprise. We have to increase experimentation. We should encourage risk taking and get out of complacency.
Integration is very rich in its academic offerings with a full range of schools and programs. We need to find additional collaborations among all the support units. Given the wonderful leadership that Dr. Todd has assembled at the University of Kentucky, this will happen and already is beginning to happen.


Supporting interdisciplinary studies and inter-professional training is the way of the 21st Century, and that will continue to be emphasized. UK already does a lot of this very well.
Inclusivity involves embracing and nurturing diversity in all its dimensions, and this is a critical part of living in the 21st Century. UK has undertaken a great many initiatives and will be consolidating them, examining what works, and what does not work, and making sure that specific goals are achieved. This will be shared with the Board when the key indicators are developed.
Placing responsibility and accountability at every level and in every process is important for achieving the goals. As long as these are left as vague goals that only some central offices are responsible for, results will not be seen. We want to make inclusivity a part of a culture at every level. Every leader and every department head will have to embrace and push for achieving the diversity goals.
Internationalization involves increasing the international exposure for students through curricular and co-curricular experiences. It is important to increase UK's international presence and visibility. Partnerships are also a critical part of what UK wants to achieve.
This gives a general outline of what the committee and administration are trying to do. The document shows the achieving consensus thus far by working with the committee and the deans. Solicitation of input from the Board, the faculty, and the staff community at large, as well as some external stakeholders, will begin.
Dr. Subbaswamy thanked the Board and received another round of applause.
President Todd said that he looked forward to having Dr. Subbaswamy on campus. He also expressed appreciation to Dr. Scott Smith for the progress and accomplishments that have been made at the institution during the past year. Dr. Smith has done a superb job serving as agricultural dean and the interim provost at the same time. Dr. Smith received a round of applause.
Mr. Hardymon said that he, too, really enjoyed working with Dr. Smith. I.         Appointment of Dean of the College of Nursing (PR 3)
President Todd asked Interim Provost Scott Smith to come forward and announce a new dean.
Dr. Smith said it was a pleasure to have the honor of introducing the new dean of the College of Nursing. Before introducing the new dean, he noted that Dean Carolyn Williams will return to the faculty on August 14. He expressed appreciation to Dean Williams for her years of service and the progress that she led in the College of Nursing. Dean Williams received a round of applause.


He reported that there was a rigorous and aggressive national search for a new dean of the College of Nursing, and there was a very competitive pool. The star of that pool was Dr. Jane Marie Kirschling who accepted the position. Dr. Kirschling will take office on August 14. She is currently Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Professions at the University of Southern Maine. She also has Indiana connections as does Dr. Subbaswamy. He thanked Dr. Subbaswamy for sealing the deal with Dr. Kirschling near the end of that process. Dr. Smith expressed pleasure in having Dr. Kirschling at the meeting and asked if she would like to say a few works. Dr. Kirschling received a round of applause.
Dr. Kirschling thanked everyone and said she was honored to have the opportunity to address the Board. She also thanked them for the opportunity to be the next dean of the College of Nursing. She is looking forward to working with the exceptional faculty, students, and staff. The college has a very strong national reputation, and she will help in moving forward to the goal that has been set for the college.
Dr. Kirschling thanked Dean Williams. Through her leadership, the college has achieved so much the last couple of decades. She leaves a large set of shoes. Dr. Kirschling received another round of applause.
On motion made by Dr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Shoop and carried, the appointment of Dr. Kirschling as the Dean of the College of Nursing was approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
J.         Proposed Amended Revision to the Governing Regulations (PR 4)
President Todd said that PR 4 is a proposed amended revision to the Governing Regulations. It was received for preliminary consideration by the Board of Trustees on April 25. It is being presented at this time for approval. The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) revised their standards in 2001. PR 4 is to bring this particular section of the Governing Regulations in alignment with SACS standards.
Mr. Hardymon called for a motion. Ms. Smith Edge moved approval. Ms. Tobin seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)
K.        Reappointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 5)
President Todd said that PR 5 is the recommendation for the reappointment of two members to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. Anne-Frances Miller is a faculty member who has served a three-year term, and her reappointment is for a second three-year term. Richard Kurzynske is a public member and a business leader who has been in this area for quite some time. He is very


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active in industry. His reappointment is for an additional three-year term as well. President Todd noted that the Board had received biographies on these individuals.
Mr. Hardymon called for a motion. Mr. Branscum moved approval. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)
L.        Investment Committee Report
Mr. Hardymon said that he was changing the order of the agenda and called upon Mr. Wilcoxson to give the Investment Committee report.
Mr. Wilcoxson, chair of the Investment Committee, reported that the university endowment had a market value of $752.2 million as of May 31. In May, $50 million was added to the hospital quasi-endowment and was invested among the various endowment investment managers. This hospital quasi-endowment was established in March with an initial $100 million transfer from the hospital's reserve funds invested at the state. The $100 million was also invested among the various endowment investment managers.
For the fiscal year, eleven months ended May 31, the endowment investment pool had an absolute return of 10.02 percent.
Mr. Hardymon thanked Mr. Wilcoxson for his good report. M.       Academic Affairs Committee Report
Ms. Tobin, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, said there were two items on the committee's agenda. The first is a recommendation that the trustees approve the a change in the name of the College of Agriculture's Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Education, Communication, and Leadership with a major in Agriculture Education, Communication and Leadership to Bachelor of Science in Community Communications and Leadership Development with a major in Community Communications and Leadership Development.
The second recommendation is to create a Plan B option to the Master of Science in Dentistry. This will provide those who are seeking a Master in Dentistry the opportunity to do more clinical work and not to write a thesis.
The third recommendation is to change the name of the College of Engineering's Master of Science with a major in Computer Science to Master of Science in Computer Science with a major in Computer Science.
The background for these changes is to provide for consistency with curricula standards accepted at the national level and to more clearly identify the programs for prospective students.


These proposals have the approval of the Undergraduate Council or Graduate Council, Senate Council, and University Senate, and the Interim Provost of the university supports these recommendations.
Ms. Tobin moved that the Board accept these academic degree changes. Dr. Moore seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)
N.        Change in Name of an Interdisciplinary Program (AACR 2)
Ms. Tobin said that AACR 2 is a change in name of an interdisciplinary program. The recommendation is that the Board of Trustees approve a change in the name of the College of Arts and Sciences' Women's Studies Program to Gender and Women's Studies Program, effective in the summer 2006 semester.
The background for this change is the consensus that the addition of gender to the program title is more inclusive, accurate, and institutionally progressive than the current program title. It will also aid students in understanding the importance of the issues of gender in their lives and to their programs of study.
The proposal has been approved by the program faculty and the Arts and Sciences College Council. It has been reviewed and recommended by the Senate Committee on Academic Organization and Structure and recommended by the University Senate. The Interim Provost of the university supports this recommendation.
Ms. Tobin moved that the Board of Trustees accept this change in name of an interdisciplinary program. Ms. May seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)
O.        Finance Committee Report
Ms. Wickliffe said that FCRs 1 through 10 are consent items. These are gifts and pledges that total $8.78 million, all of which are eligible to be matched by the state. With these gifts and pledges, UK will have matched $40.8 million of state funds from the Endowment Match Program, but there is still $25.8 million of state funds that can be matched to date.
Dr. Moore said he would like to recognize some people in the audience who played a key role in FCR 8 for the Institute for Rural Journalism. He asked Al Smith and Martha Helen Smith, his wife, to stand and be recognized. He also recognized Janice Birdwhistel, who is the college's development officer, and Dr. Beth Barnes, who is the Director of the School of Journalism and Telecommunications. These individuals played a key role in this new institute, and it is a sizable pledge. Dr. Moore asked Mr. Smith, a television commentator who has his own show on KET, to say a few words.


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Mr. Smith said that the election of Dr. Todd as the President of the university also ma