xt7gth8bk96b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk96b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1996 1996 1996-01-22 2020 true xt7gth8bk96b section xt7gth8bk96b ,.._. o l . .
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tonight, 1021‘ around 9)”,- cloudy

WEATHER Purl/y yunny
today, big!) near 50; .vliou‘erx

tomorroz. big/i near 55.
PRECIOUS JEWEL During her In]; to
I exington lust tree/c, ‘7t'Ii‘t'1 Kilt/MW took time

out to talk to the Kernel. Qii’d, page 5.


MATT BARTON 1m nrl out}

Playin .

By Gary Wull
Stuff ll 'I'Ilt’r

\\'hen asked what students
do on a Sunday morning most
would say, “Sleepl \\'hat else
is there to do?"

If you’re a dedicated ['K
basketball fan who doesn‘t
like being stuck in the ‘nose-
bleed‘ seats, you get up early,
say about 6:30 a.ni., 5nd get in
line for the 8 3.1". ticket lot»

Yesterday morning, comv
munication freshman Amy
Wagner, business freshman
Jentry ()sswald and undee
clared freshman .lenna Fergu—
son set out for their first tick
et lottery.

“'hen asked what sacri~
fices were made, the common

. “i .
.5 PENNY PINBHEB Spams/.7 senior Daniel Lucit belt! u “one-mun proleyr‘ ofibc )It’L" 35 Nude!!! fizptoininators “ in full And
li: ticket price. He and about 32 .rrudemy paid for their tit/cm in pcnnicx. ul d on't think right mm.
; - (the cold and lack ofsleep) is a
3 big deal. I'd rather be sleep»
ll u an s pro es '0 8 ing." \Vagner said “l'K is .i
ll big basketball sebool and we

. i I I bavetft been (to a giiiiicl."

l t w :\t the front of the line
were two people who had
been in there since _ a.iii:
By Jenniler Fleming Ticket Board. inurnalism l‘rcslmmn »\m,\'

.—nm~;--m .... .. _




.. _...a ._.......





Penny for your thoughts?

Several UK students shared many
thoughts when they paid for their basket—
ball tickets with pennies in protest ofthe
new student ticket fee.

Daniel Lavit, a Spanish senior, began
what he called a ”small one—man protest"
when he went to his bank and withdrew
$250 worth of pennies.

\Vitb the help of his roommate, Lavit
transported the beaiy load of money to
Memorial Coliseum where he asked the
students standing in line to swap their bills
for pennies.

“Some guy just asked me ifI liked pay-
ing $5 for my ticket,” said Scott Smith,
marketing sophomore, who paid with pen—

“Of course I said no, so he

It wasn't the way the protest went or
who received the message that upset Lavit.
It was that many students who he asked to
participate declined.

Lavit said “the majority of the people on
the UK campus are sheep."

The whole reason for the protest, Lavit
said, was because he was upset that students
have to pay an activity fee, then pay an
additional fee for basketball tickets.

Accounting junior Shaun Quinlan said:
“I don't like the idea of paying 55, but I‘ll
pay it to see the best team in the nation
play. Ifthe price was $10 or $15, I'd still go
to games, but not as much."

Education freshman Rose—Linda
Faulkner agrees that it is wrong to pay the
ticket fee.

“When I came to UK I was excited that
I got to see such a great basketball team

play for free -— then I found out


gave me 500 pennies. I figured
the pennies would show a sign
of resentment for the new

ready to finally meet “Penny

send me to the back ofthe line
~~ how juvenile is that?" Lavit



the new

there was going to be one more

thing I had to pay for," she said.
“Ticket fees should be includ-

ed in our student activity fee

I..tvit said his friend and Stuv
dent Government Association

that if SGA thought it was going
to meet with resistance trying to




Director for Administrative Services
Rodney Stiles, said the people taking the
money definitely weren’t too happy about
the pennies.

He said they weighed the bundle at 110
pounds. The salesmen had to get a two-
wheeler to carry out the pennies.

“\Ve acce ted his (pennies) and we will
if he brings tliem back a ain,” Stiles said.

However, Stiles saitf he thinks Lavit’s
protest was misdirected.

“I think he should have protested in a
different way," he said.

“The people who had to deal with it
were not decision—making people. If that
student wanted to make a protest, he
should protest to policy-makers, not ticket

the Dean of Students Office or to C._]. Har-
low, the student representative on the UK

raise the Student Athletics por—
tion of the Student Activities Fee it would
have gotten involved in the protest.

In an SGA—sponsored student referen~
dum students voted to raise the athletics
fee instead of paying for basketball tickets.

SGA President Shea Chaney said after
SGA figures out how much the fee would
have to be raised to equal the revenue that
the $5 fee generated.

Then, e will then ask the Senate to
endorse the plan and be will present the
idea to the Board of Trustees at the May

Lavit thinks students aren't as upset as
they should be.

But as for another protest —— not by
Lavit. He will be graduating soon, so

At least not from him.

Fadool and landscape archi—
tecture freshman Megan \iiln

“Last time we arrived at
7:15 and there were already
people here," Fadool said.

Though yesterday morn—
ing was fairly pleasant, there
have been times when weath«
er has affected the lottery.

“\Vhen I came here in the
snow we decided to come
here at 8 a.m and it was our
celed till 10," Fadool said.
“\Ve came back at H) and
they let us inside."

“'6 were the first people in
line and were really psyched,
when they told us we had to
go around because they didn't
want us walking on the gym
floor, and we ended up with
not as good of seats," Fadool

However, not all students

said. “It doesn‘t involve get-
ting tip much earlier than lor

with getting up early.

Kelly .\loynahan, an archi»
tecture sophomore, disagrees
with the way it is run.







[0110 [0"!an Hunt/rem~ of. .‘flll/t’fll‘." (u/wcc) trim III the cold. cur/y Umnnngfor (r'lv f‘i’lVK'i‘I/lil/l
rickety. Computer .vrienccjunior Rum Burnt (lie/or)prcpnrci for My nun/l'cr to lic till/ml.

"It's eight o” clock in the
morning and it's freezing. I
don‘t see what the prob eni
would be with having the lot—
tery on Monday afternoon,"
.\loyiiab.in said.

Here‘s how the lottery

Lavit was able to persuade 50 be gave because even though $5 isn't a have problems ”‘ l’””ll3*m¥ V,“ rm); mm“ the ,1,,(,r.,-
about}.7 students to purchase file 500 lot of money, if you want to go UCkCtS- . "PC“ and students run up the
1 their tickets in pennies. , to all the home games it really Mark Parshall, :1 graduate “ml" ”mm. “f Memorial

Lavit said the ticket sales~ P977771“ 1 begins to add up?" student. buys a ticket at least (~ I . ,,. . - -k-

. ‘ . .o iscuni to get a tit ct.
men were not extremely happy figured the A possible reason many stu- UHEC'JVWIW: . l l . ll (,‘mup, A“. encouraged I”
with the protest. By the time penmey would dents did not take part in the. l“ "Us" l.“ -‘ Pl“ ’ U" trade for higher ”mum.” in
IfJYII’ reached tne front of the Show a sign of small protest was that not a lot of (buying tltlxt‘KSh iii” Wills" order U, sit together.
line the ticket salesmen were people knew about it. tlmt’S '8 long “‘8". leflhfill ticket

()nct- seated the
holders sit watching the UK
junior \ai‘sitv team practice.

1‘81“ "Ill ”W" and I think it pn‘f'l'“ ‘ Vice President ”Nth” Helm“ an X ”kiwi!" CIJT' II“ "M a and hope that the number
was some administration guy V would have gotten SGA involved hill (lC‘Jl- . . ”w, ”New “in be called.
yelled at me," he find “They Scott Smith 'l she ,‘Y‘ml‘l‘h‘l‘ic PCP” previous~ 1‘ getting up on Sunday An initial number is called

,‘ said if it happens again they'll much-ling ly notified of the protest. morning worth it, though.- and intervals of lllll are Ch”,
either not accept my money or xophommr Henncl said she told Lavit »\“Y 6‘ ”Wm“ '5 WNW“ 5,.”

From there, students have
to choose in which section
they wish to sit and pay $5 per





By Kathy Reding
Stuff ll 'I‘irn'

an eastern Kentucky [Hill].

hour surgical procedure.


The UK Hospital performed its first
kidney/pancreas transplant Thursday on

Clayton Sizeniore, 46, of()neida, Ky.
received the organs during an eight—

had been~on a waiting list with United
Network for Organ Sharing for a kidney

and pancreas since September 1095.

Dr. Dinesb Ranjan, director of LiK‘s
liver and kidney/pancreas transplant
program, led the transplant team. The
organs, recovered from an out-pf—statc
donor Thursday, immediately began to
function in Sizemore on the operating
table on completion ofthe surgery.

Sizeniore is in critical condition iii

cessful organ transplant.
Sizeiiiore's transplant team, in .Mltllr

Illl pcriorms its first kidney/pancreas transplant

tion to Dr. Ranjan, consisted of Dr.
\Villiaiii Strodel. L'K chief of general
surgery. LVK eiidocrinologists l)r. Den—
nis Karounos. Dr. David Fscalante and
Dr, 'l'hoiiias \\'.iid, .i kidncy/paiicrcas

Ranjaii became director of L'K‘s liver
transplant program in l‘N-l. The kid
ney/pancreas program, which is under

a .. . . . . , . . . .

, .. . . . _ , ,‘_ _ . ‘. . .. .\\.. .. .\‘.

, sellers.” accordin to him, “the administration Sizemore has insulin dependent dii the hospital s intensive cirt unit, it ht rt his direction , is innoiintcd in lirch
He suggested Lavit take his protest to doesn’t ave to worry about any more betes and suffered a kidney failure. He all patients go directly following a sucv ol I Hi, Ranjan was recruited to L K

from the University of Alabama»Birm—



Army says GDP
wants some concessions

\VASHIN(II‘ON —~ Contradicting other Repub-
lican leaders, House Majority Leader Dick Armey
said Congress will refuse to raise the federal debt
ceiling next month unless President Clinton agrees

to GOP budget-cutting measures.

Anney‘s statements on NBC's “Meet the Press"
yesterday put Republicans on a collision course with
the \Vhite House that could bring the fiscal integrity

of the country into question.

House Republicans in articular have been reluc-
tant to pass stopgap fun ing measures for the 1996

u ' I

budget and raise the debt ceiling until the White
House moves closer to the Republicans' seven~year

balanced budget plan.

Talks on the balanced budget broke down last
week, and it's unlikely there will be an ' progress in
settling the differences before Presi ent Clinton
delivers his State of the Union address tomorrow.
Congress returns from a two—week recess today.

Abortion groups convoru on "common

\VASHING’H )N — As Congress moves closer to
banning some rare late-term abortions, abortion
opponents gathered in the nation's capital for their
annual march to the Sn remc Court to protest its

decision 23 years ago.

The abortion debate appears to have taken a back
seat to budget and tax matters in this presidential
election year, but it remains one of the most emo—
tional and divisive public and political issues facing

landmark Roe vs. Wade

y- '1

.-M~.W» - . ‘»A«....W~—-- -


Thousands of abortion opponents from across the
country were to rally near the \Vbitc House at
lunchtime today before marching to the Supreme
Court, as they have done every year since 1974. ‘

m Aralat wins Palestinian election
GAZA CITY. (iaza Strip M \Vinning 88 percent
of the vote, Yasser Arafat emerged yesterday from
the first Palestinian election with a resounding "MH-
date to complete peace with Israel and lead his peo
ple to independence.
Final results ofthe race for presidency released by
the Central Election Commission late Sunday gave
Arafat 88.l percent of the total vote and his oppo-
nent Samiha Khalil 9.5 percent.
Arafat loyalists will also control the newly elected
Bil-member Palestinian parliament, though they may
have to share some poWer with uprising activists.

' . .

. ..-—...M-.-40....... -~ . -

NAMEdroppz’n g

Stars sneak out on lack oi beauty

NI‘AV Y( )RK Big hands? Droopy ears? Yes,
even Hollywood stars admit they're

“l have these big piano playing
hands," Sandra Bullock said. “I feel
like I should be picking potatoes."

Bullock and others critique their
looks for the February issue ofCos-
niopolitan iiiagaline.

"All I ever wanted to be was
blond, blue-eyed, short and bi - All"
breasted," Kirstie Alley said. “.\ v
prayers were obviously not answered."

(implied fimfi U'H‘! rrpm'rr.


'V ‘ ’ ’ "V

--¢_‘ ~_—_~“~._,..



 2 .llondqy.]dnuaty 22, 1996, Kentucky Kernel





I 4 5‘ .
..-- i
Saturday at the Buell Armory. The Morehead match were Dan Span— blocked Sam Cagsell's layup
Wildcat women (Iats took the small bore 4,616- er, Matt \Valters, Brad Jackson, attempt at the buzzer to seal the
, 4,598 and the air rifle 1545—1535. Sundin and (iaitan, Mauriello. victory.
| ' lose to Bama The Wildcats were led by Mike Anfernee Hardaway had 13 of

The UK women's basketball
team held a S-point lead at half-
time of Saturday's game with
Alabama in *-

But Bernadette
squad was
outscored 40—30 in
the second half, & ..
and Alabama . wwl?‘ ‘
cruised to 66-51 Robe";

Shaunda Roberts had 20 points
and nine rebounds to lead the
(Iats. Shawn Manning added 11
for UK.

UK's record fell to 4-13 overall
and 0-6 in the Southeastern (Ion—
ference. Alabama improved to 15—
i, 3—3.

Hills team all with a hang

The No. 4 UK rifle team
defeated No.2 Xavier (i,I(il—(>,1_i0


Boggs, who finished second in the
small bore with 385, and Nancy
Napolski, whose 388 in the air
rifle was good for second.

"III! “in III

The UK men's tennis team
opened its spring season with a
pair of victories yesterday at the
Boone Indoor Tennis Center.

The Cats defeated \Vestern
Kentucky 4-3 in an afternoon
match before downing Morehead
7-0 in an evening affair.

junior Ludde Sundin was the
only UK player who played in his
regular spot in the rotation against
\Vestern, winning the No. 1 sin—
gles match over Bo Sparks, 6—4, 6—

Other winners in the \\'estern
match were freshmen Ariel (iai—
tan, Keith Mauriello and Patrick

The singles winners in the






Jayne: .IBI ll 30""!

The UK junior varsity basket—
ball team (4-ii will take on (Iuyas
hoga (Ioiiiiiiiinity (:ollege tonight
at 8:05 at Memorial (Ioliseum.

The \\'ildcats are L‘Ulnln" off a
75-74 loss to Hanover College's
iiinior varsity squad.

Sophomore (Iameron Mills
leads the squad in scoring average
at 24.8 points per game. Freshman
Nazr Mohaniiiied is averaging
23.9 points and 14.0 rebounds per

Milli: (0| KICK!" ‘

HOUSTON —- Shaquille
O’Neal's layup with 4.7 seconds
left after snaring a rebound lifted
the Orlando Alagic to a 97-96 vic-
tory over the Houston Rockets
yesterday in a rematch of the
teams that made last season's NBA

O’Neal, who finished with 6‘)
points and 16 rebounds, then

his 28 points in the final quarter as
the Magic turned away a Houston

The Rockets, losing for the
fourth time in seven games, had
gone ahead 86—78 with six minutes
to go before O'Neal, and especial-
ly Hardaway, took over.

Hardaway, whose jum r at the
buzzer gave Orlando 2 firistmas
Day victory over Houston in the
first meeting between the teams
this season. hit a 3-pointer with
2:59 left to tie the game at 90. His
flying dunk with 1:37 left put the
Magic ahead ()3 -()2.

After Hakeem Olajuwon, who
finished with 30 points on his 33rd
birthday, hit a 17~footer to give
Houston a 94-93 advantage,
Hardaway rammed through
another dunk with 42.6 seconds
left to regain the lead for the

(,‘ompr/rdfi'rmt mil}; 3‘”? r'cportr.


v»! ‘












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Kt’NTl/CKY . Newsroom: 257-1915 ‘
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' i integer: du/K K 1 _ _ W“ HELENA lMU Kmm‘ .11.}; 3;
- www.u .e erne . . . . , .
ttp lty y mm mm UK iprmter Tm: Harden tied bis own Nutter . s
. . . ‘ . Field Home retard in winning the 55-mrter darn Sriturdiry at the Kentucky 3
Lance \fVilllams ....................................... . ........... Editor in Chief Invitational. Harden It 6. I 4 qualifier him for the .\'(,'.-i.~1 (jimnipionxliipx. j 1
jennifer Smith ................................................. aManaging Pgditor By Mike Embry Corporate Insurance Services Inc , T k t - 1 ' é
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor xli‘i‘m'mtrd Pratt The Courier—Journal reported last Pan eam WIns even 8
eff Vinson ........................................................... Cam us Editor , y . ‘ p . ""W‘h» F'Ung JCfferffi’“ (“Minty . .. . . , _ .
’1‘]. Ki h Ex p. Edi LOLISV ILLE - . Louisville registration records. The compa- .Smflrrpon 0‘?" L’h WU)“: m the pole V311]!
15011 g t ................................................... CCUITVC l1t01’ cent“, Samaki \ankcr “,i” be ny's president is Anthony Huff, , with“? leap 0f1/_l 1/2_:rhe van]: ‘
Matt Felice ................................ . ........................ Editorial Editor withheld from competition during who was Samaki \Valker's summer The UI‘ tragk team “’0“. 10 qualifies bl!" for the NLAAS- '
‘ . - an internal investitration into his cm )lover. events at the Kentucky lnv1ta- VTlie hnal UI‘x record was set
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... Sports ditor . p i‘ . _ . . l h ld . h ' l . . .
R be Duf ’ Alt Edit USE of an automobile last “1mm”. The car originally was owned tipna e~ over t e weekend at iy Disa Salander, who finished
0. rt f) ............................................. . ................ . S l or coach Denny (Irum said yesterday. by David Huff. Anthony Huff’s Nutter Field. House. Seven other second m the women S 20—pound
Erin Bacher ........................................................ mDeSIgn Editor “This inquiry is being conduct- brother and co—worker. The title schoolsgpartICipated m the meet weight throw ““h a "’55 "A 41’7
Benlamin Abes ed in cooperation with the N(I.\.\ was transferred to the business along with several non-collegians. 1/4; , _ . -
And G f5 0 li Edit enforcement staff," (jmm said Oct. 0, 1903. 3“.”de m the “is“ UK set five varsity records: | L‘_I\_ sprinter Tiiii Harden won
Teas “Sta 501'1 ............................................ {1‘ Re TOrS before [TIC (iartls OT'OT victory lSXrfltit')” FCCONTS. ‘ 'Arnold Payne ran a 461”) In [TIC ))_n]cter (l'JSh at the Ken-
Ashley SthWSbUI’VASSt Editorial Editor over Southern Mississippi in (Ion: The title to the Accord was sur- the 400-meters ‘9 break the UK WCl‘Y Invitational Saturday in .3
Chris Easterli'ng ........................................... Asst. Sports Editor fcrencc LISA. “After mic“ mg the rendered to John “hiker on Dec. indoor rCS‘Trd‘ H‘s "me ““3"?” (”"6 E" ("H' .Ih" ”Wk ”Cd “‘5

, . inlortiiation km,“ n U, ‘13“. with (h but 5mm“ \x'aikcr “ as “chm ed ically qualifies him for the NCAA old Nutter Field House record.
jtilie Anderson .................................................. Asst. Arts Editor . . .- . . . . . ~ , . .

, . university offic1als, l have decided to already have been driving the Championships. Harden 5 ”We Saturday was a l
Claire Johnston ........................... . ............................ KCG Editor that it is prudent m withhold car for several months, the VThe Cats 4 x ~l>00 relay team NCAA proms’iona‘l mark. . i
YiBien Thain ............................................... Photography Editor Saiiiaki from competition until we Louisville newspaper reported. of 'DeiMarcus Lindsey, Darryl Other UK Winners inglude, l
Tracie Pardon have resolved all relevant issues." Friday, the University Games, Ray Achaurin and Alark BC" B‘rd (shot PM). Va‘llm t

' . . . (Irum said that “idly-er hug "m announced that assistant coach Miller set a. new.UI\ record at Nemad (3,000 meters), Passion
Sheri Phalsaphie ......... . .......... . .................... Asst. DeSign Editors been found m have ”Ohm, an), LA”). Ga}, “mid resign at the end 3:10.86 despite losing to Georgia. Richardson (women’s 55 mom). I
John Abbott, Scott Gordon, Lindsay Hendrix, Beth MCKCHZJC, rules, but he didn’t know when ofthis month. VRalm Turner set a new UK the 4 x 400 "3133’ team 0f R0511?“ <
JeffVmson and Tiffany White ______________________________ COPV Editors “'alker would return to the lineup. Gay has been at the center of FFCOFd by winning the WOW?" 5 Russell, Meka Rembert, AlCXIS
' “'alker's father, ~lohn \Valker, repeated reports of recruiting h‘gh )ump “'"h a a leap "f5” feet. Simmons and Latanza Stephens, '
bought a 1991 Honda Accord from iinproprieties at U of 1.. VNathan Plager broke hls and Tony “’oods (long-jump). I
I ‘
8:00pm; Athens, Ga. SDECIfll EUENTS -Aikido class, 1:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft; 1
-Catholic Mass at the Newman Center. 9:00 2694305 5
ll‘lURSDfly 1/25 8. 11:30am. 5:00 & 8:30pm :1
RRTS 8 rnuur ES RECREQTIDN -UK Women's Basketball vs. Arkansas, t
ASAB MOVlE: “Copycat." 7:30 8. D bi R b "T t 2100“": Lexmmom KY t
10:00pm. Student Ctr. Worsham Theatre; ' 0“ es acmie a ournamen r
$2 i
-Cultural Diversniy Programs Committee
Meeting, 2:00pm. Rm. 545 Patterson 5
Office Tower
UK Opera Mixes up .
- mus s. mouuzs .
— m Potent Potion for Fun‘
10:00pm. Student Ctr. Worsham Theatre;
The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organiza« $2 .
lions wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special events and sporting events. must have ‘UK Opera Theatre: Ellx'r Ol LOVE. by
all information to Student Activmes room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication. Donizetti, 8:00pm. Singletary Ctr. for the
Arts Concert Hall. Tickets are $10 and
mUNDny 1/22 lNTanlanlS 8 3&4" 257-4929
RE.11' I11-
(mtl' “3”}. Ic Systemfu} EDDS1-314-47.P0pe$4,0~07;5heppaid2- "HIV DCIk ttiaiiaged doesn't 11et .1 chime in Il.l\t' 1 1111'11
i am e icient t estruction o 4 . l ’ - 7 “~ '. .. . _ - ‘ _ 'F . ‘ " "
. o H )n nts '005 ““5386 '3‘) 40'24 I” Illtdh IIIL *"HJIL' nightbecausehc1l11esi1i1.11'11'1111111'h
I. ”1'11; h (I, .1 I' _ ,'. Halftime UK 63 TCU 33 Rebounds UK 471Wa1‘1191 game record for minutes "
I ' . ‘ ‘I e ““5 ‘IICSIHL’ MNB'WBI TCU38IPEV‘W5‘ Wee'PO'NFG UK three—pointers with I"111' the se'111111l 11111s1'1iiti11' 11.11111'
, . . 1. ‘ tim saw first-hand how dan— 1‘327 1'./1110015011 l-31Wa'ke'2'21McCan10'2 Delk ' ' ' . 1» F '
[WW/WU} ‘" ‘ ' . . If ‘h I 9-1.2 Mergeioipooemfpps i-3.Sheppaio 113; ””1“ III" "III record I it11111 staiie1l fi'esliiiiaii \\ .11111 I111111-1
at? 1" g germ“ 1‘” "n“ I‘ "m TCU4'151‘J8C0DSU'2 Buile10~2 Peiiny0~l81agg was Iield I11 l)er1icL’ .it p11111t .1111l ti.111sf1~1 l)1-11L \11.I1~1s1111
" ' _. focused team can he. 03 811113.02 P3115461 11551515 UK 291121115 71 .\Iiller who hit eight Pliino II the three \ 111i
emut'k) I The (xm had 71) ”SIS.“ TCUIS 1Bvaggs1 Blocks uxa1McCany671cu3 ' I '
.HPI. .' _ “ ' - '. ' 1 iWaikeer Fouls 111115 TCU 25 Technicals icu treis on three tlII'Itrt‘nI 1111.17 '\litl once again. ilie (,1lls started 1111
1 g and l I players scored six or Bench sions. .1 torrid pace
It if "I0” points In the ”4'80 A “I89 All of Delk's gaiiierhigh L'K opened theg .llllt on I Ii 4 11111 and led
a dissection ”I the Horned . 37' points came from behind I11 .1s mam .is *1 iii the first half when \Iltll
l 3‘ ‘ . Frogs. L'I‘ “I5“ had II) players earning dotible— the arc. I dw .irds hit two Iiec throws
‘- leIt VIBIENTHAM 11111111 11!? figure IIIIIIIIICS~ Interestingly the last time \liller hit eight l tth we're 1'e1ll1 st .ii'tI111 i11 iiiideist 111d
1 1: u’ ‘ ..' , 1 '1 . .‘
1e vault . III" passing and tinselfishnessis making threes in a game was _l.in. Ill. I‘WII e'.\ictl\' s111' whit 111 ikes 11s l11oL g11.it."'f111111.11l \\ .1Ii11
is. STAIN“! Guard l/Vayne Timer (5) mutedbisaerond11111111111111gun“ 115 .1 great l1I1ek911l1.1|] [1:31])" 511111 P1111111, 11 I111»- \L. 11s piior to Satuidit s111111e \HIII' 1( L .\11( I.1i't_\ s.111l 1~ 1 Iiat helps 11s 3.111 11111 i111l11-s1
'washsedt Saturday agairm TCL m Rupp drena. Turnerpmbcd in 11‘ pumn \\ ”dun, 111111 1111' the l-lth consecutive time. I or 111I11le 1t IIIIIL. and I)1ll1 would fall big earh leads."
inis e
"'"J Delk m0d€St even £17267 7 ECU? d 561'th 1767 I07 77151716?
en won g
3 h?"— onv Delk three point Iireballer/quiet leader of mates do 'a good job of gettin1r him the bill. Delk still from the senior. “He doesn't sl)‘ much about himself,
I)' 1" P the (.ats that are \\ ild,1s not a normal human has to hit the shot wI'iith to him is expected. but this is his. "
ied his being. Not even close. l)clL s off —court stature and on court presence are Delk his bee n allowed everv chintt to he tuck)
'CCOTd- Fortret his propensitx from the three- point line reminiscent of former L'ls' All—American _Iamal lhis season he's been chosen pli_\'er of— the name
“'35 a (better known as Delk s .irc, in most geonietri class- .\Iashhurn whom Dell: is on track to pass on the foe times; hit 4