xt7gth8bk920 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk920/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1991 1991 1991-10-11 2020 true xt7gth8bk920 section xt7gth8bk920  


rVol. XClV. No. 197

Established 1894

Wolfe lawyers
request delay
in hearing

Associated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Attorneys
for Kentucky State University Pres-
ident John T. Wolfe Jr. have asked
for a 30—day delay of a hearing at
which the board of regents will dis-
cuss firing Wolfe.

However, former Gov. Louie
Nunn, chairman of the Board of Re-
gents, said Wednesday that the
board would reject postponement of
the hearing, scheduled for Oct. 18.

Wolfe’s attorneys, William A.
McAnulty and Barbara Reid Har-
tung, both of Louisville, also re-
quested that the regents name “an
impartial non-member to preside"
over the hearing; allow quizzing
and exclusion from the case of re-
gents with “bias or hostility" to-
ward Wolfe; and require “clear and
convincing evidence" of wrongdo-
ing, incompetence or neglect of
duty before Wolfe may be dis-

Nunn said the board would also
reject most of McAnulty and Har-
tung‘s ll requests made Tuesday.
He said he had spoken to enough
regents to “determine that the
board's wishes would be to follow
the advice of counsel," attorney
William E. Johnson of Frankfort. In
a memo to the board Tuesday.
Johnson recommended against de-
laying the hearing.

Johnson said “the good of Ken-
tucky State University demands a
speedy hearing" on the nine charges
the regents filed against Wolfe on
Monday. They included two involv-
ing potential criminal liability —-
Wolfe’s granting himself a pay
raise and his alleged skirting of
competitive-bidding laws in reno-
vating his campus home.

Johnson urged the regents to hold
the hearing with no hearing officer;
no quizzing of regents; and no re-
quirement that the charges be prov-
en by “clear and convincing evi-

State law on removing presidents
of state universities requires that
their incompetence, wrongdoing or
neglect be proved only “by a pre—
ponderance of the evidence," he

Johnson urged the board to grant
a few of the procedural requests
from Wolfe‘s attorneys. Wolfe ap-
parently will be able to call witness-
es, cross-examine witnesses, com-
pel testimony with board-issued
subpoenas and get a stenographic
record of the hearing.

Hanung said Wednesday night
that she did not have any comment
on the likely rejection of the re-
quests. McAnulty could not be
reached for comment.


Size of school
Ky. salaries

Assoclated Press

Although salaries for uni-
versity presidents in Ken-
tucky typically are deter-
mined in part on the school‘s
enrollment and budget, that
rule does not hold below the
top three universities.

UK President Charles
Wethington receives
$157,955 a year at the state’s
largest university, while John
T. Wolfe Jr. at Kentucky
State University, the smallest,
gets $92,500, the Lexington
Herald-Leader reported yes-

Wolfe ha been embroiled
in a controversy after giving
himself a 9.5 percent raise to
$101,288 that is being chal-
lenged by the school’s Board
of Regents.

“Before we get excited
about Wolfe's pay raise, let’s
see what other state universi-
ty presidents are making,"
said Shelby Lanier, president
of the Louisville branch of
the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People, one of several civil
rights groups trying to help
Wolfe keep his job.

The University of Louis-
ville, the state‘s second larg-
est institution, pays its presi-
dent, Donald Swain, the
second highest salary at
Sl55,000, and Hanly Funder—
burk, the president of the
state‘s third largest school,
Eastern Kentucky University,
receives $122,210.

However, Western Ken-
tucky University has the
fourth largest enrollment with
l5,72() students, but President
Thomas C. Meredith gets
$99,924. That salary ranks
sixth on the list behind the
presidents of much smaller
Northern Kentucky and
Morehead State universities.

“I‘m not sure the size of the
salary and the size of the
school should be a correla—
tion." said WKU regents
chairman Joe lracane.

He said the school was fac-
ing a tight budget and Mere-
dith asked the board to give
him a raise of only 3.5 per-

See SALARY, Back page

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Kentucky Kernel

Independent since 1971

Friday.0etober11, 1991


r. . .

Staff Writer

Don‘t try to eat at the Lemon
Tree Restaurant anytime soon.
UK’s student-operated restaurant
in Erikson Hall. is booked solid
through early November.

“Almost from the first of the se-
mester the telephone starts ring-
ing: ‘We want Lemon Tree resero
vations,’ " said Sharman Jones.
the UK dietician who oversees the



The Lemon Tree is one of the
Unversity's best-kept secrets and
faculty and staff want it to remain
that way.

The restaurant is a small,
brightly-lit and comfortable din-
ing room with simple decor. It of—
fers a full-service, three—course
lunch that is fresh and nutritious.

Customers have a choice of two
entrees, two vegetables, desert
and a beverage for $4.75.

“You can‘t find the type of din-
ing we have for under $5 and get


The Lemon Tree Tea Room, a student-operated restaurant in Erikson Hall, is a laboratory for students in the College of Human Envi-
ronmental Sciences. Students are responsible lor everything from menu planning and cooking to waiting tables.

Lemon Tree serves up good food and experience

a full-course meal," said Jones,
who has worked at the Lemon Tree
since 1981. “We sell an extra des-
sert for 50 cents. You go out to a
restaurant, you pay $1.50 to 52. A
meal like we serve, you’d pay $8
to $10.”

The restaurant is part of the Res-
taurant Management and Dietetics
programs offered by the College of
Human Environmental Sciences.
The restaurant is operated com-
pletely by students —— from menu
planning and cooking to waiting ta-


GREG EANS Kernel Stal‘


The students are enrolled in a
five-hour credit course “Quality
Food Production," which offers
hands-on experience to students
planning a career in the restaurant
or food service industries.

“it's the only time they get [his
hands—on experience. l'his is
where they find out it it’s what
they really want to do," said
Claire Schmelzer, an assot'iatc
professor in the Human Environ-

See LEMON, Back page






Student ticket sweeps senate positions

Staff Writer

Four UK freshmen are now Stu-
dent Government Association sena-
tors after winning the SGA elec-
tions that ended yesterday.

Rob Bowling (422 votes), Mar«
vin Bishop (416 votes), Jennifer
Fields (407 votes) and Caroline
VanEman (388 votes) were voted
as freshman representatives.

The four, who ran on a ticket to-
gether, hugged each other as the re-
sults were announced.

Bowling, a pre-phannacy major,

won the majority of the 1,004
votes. “I was surprised ~ and I feel
great," about being the top vote-
getter in the election," he said.

“I would just like to thank the
freshman body for helping me out
and putting me in there, and I'm ea-
ger to start working for them,"
Bowling said.

Fields looks forward to begin
ning her work as a senator.

“I'm really excited about win-
ning," Fields said. “We have to car-
ry out our campaign promises and
be an effective voice for the student
body. We all worked together

Sorority holds dinner to improve race relations

Contributing Writer

“My face mm from smiling all
day," said Doris Wilkerson, about
her first days as a UK professor 20
years ago soon after the University
became desegregated.

Wilkerson spoke to about 75 stu-
dents last night about cultural diver-
sity at a “Greek Unity Dinner,"
sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha
social sorority.

The dinner was held to encour-
age better communication between
the predominantly black and largely
white sororities and fraternities.
said Kim Mayo, president of Alpha

Wilkerson emphasized in her
speech “Beyond Cultural Diversity"
the importance of learning to live
and work with people on a daily ba-

sis who are racially or culturally

Mayo said the best way to change
attitudes is by learning to be sensi-
tive to others and “not be phony."

“You may not be able to empa-
thize but you can sympathize," she

Six fraternities and one sorority
did not attend the dinner. All 39 fra-
ternities and sororities were invited.

Mayo said she did not think the
groups that did not show for the
dinner were prejudiced because one
of the fraternities that did not attend
was black. There are three predomi-
nantly black fraternities and four
sororities at UK.

Being in a black sorority provides
members with things that are fo-
cused to the black community.
Mayo said.

See SORORITY, Back page



Doris Wilkerson, a UK sociology prolessor, speaks about Cultural di—
versity at the Alpha Kappa Alpha first Greek Unity Dinner

and it paid off."

“l was very nervous before the
results were announced — and then
when I found out about the election
results, I was very, very happy."
said Bishop, a biology freshman.

Scan McGuirk, SGA elections
board chairman. said: “I thought
the election was very efficient. I
can tell by the high voter turnout,"

The help of the election board
was important, he said.

“They call me the chairman of
the election board, but each and
everyone of them did as much work
as I did." McGuirk said.

SGA President Scott (‘rosbtc said
he was lfllpl’C\\t‘tl With .\lt(iuirk\

“When the pressure and \llL‘.\'\ ot
the election came down on him, he
took the initiative and went about it
in a very positive manner." he said.

Crosbie advised the new treJi~
man senators to “stand by your
promises and work towards .i better
student body at the [frittersity of

The votes were counted by the
members of the SGA ElCCllt‘lh
Board, McGuirk said.

See SGA, Back page


Stall Writers

The Kentucky Kernel. the
state‘s only daily college news-
paper, celebrates 20 years of in-
dependence today.

UK‘s paper, which has been
published since the early 1900s,
became one of the few collegiate
newspapers in the nation that op
crates as an independent busi-
ness —— selling advertising to
pay expenses rather than receiv-
ing university funding.

“I think in the 20 years since
the Kernel became independent


UK paper celebrates
20 independent years

that this type of arrangement has
turned into the best situation for
UK,“ said Mike Agin, UK‘s
general manager and media ad

“The students can voice their
opinions freely and report on
what they think are the impor
tant issues of the day. The Lini-
vcrsrty isn‘t burdened by hilHl'lg
to worry about the Kemel's conr
tinuing finanCial health and can
see the benefits of the education
its students are receiving."

To celebrate the newspaper‘s
long history, alumni of the Ker-
nel will return to campus lhh

See REUNION. Back page











Story, Page 2.


With new starting quarterback Pookie
Jones, the Wildcats gear up for Mis-
sissippi State on the road.



A panel of professors from the College of
Pharmacy will host a 1-hour call-in show on
WKYT Channel 27 to field any medical

Musician wanders
through own “Lab-

y’rinthfi Story,
age 4.

Sports ....................... 2
Diversmns ................. 4
Viewpoint ................ 10
Classitieds ................ 1 1





 2 - Kontuclty Komol, Fr



Pookie vs. Sleepy: The battle of Cats and Dogs

Staff Writer

War on the Shore.

Summer Slam.

The Puncher and the Preacher.

You've seen them before. You
know. those tacky subtitles given to
championship boxing and wrestling
matches. Well, get on the phone
and call Don King or Vince McMa-
hon. Tomorrow‘s matchup between
UK and Mississippi State is in need
of a glitzy subtitle.

How about “Scramblefest?”

When the Wildcats (2-2 overall
01 Southeastem Conference) in-
vade Scott Field at 1:30 pm.
CDT to take on State (3-2, 0-2),
look for plenty of defensive line-
men to be out of breath and visibly
frustrated in a matchup of two
scrambling quanerbacks.

Earlier this week. UK coach Bill
Curry named redshirt freshman
Pookie Jones the Cats’ starting
quarterback against State. In doing
so, coupled with the return of the
Bulldog's William “Sleepy" Robin-
son, this game is shaping up to be a
battle of frantic, though exciting,
offensive units.

Jones saw his first extensive ac-
tion last week in UK‘s 35-14 loss to


UK vs ‘

UK 2'2 Overall. 04 SEC
State 3.2 Ovardl, 04 SEC

When. 1:30 p.m.CDT
Whore: Storkvliio. Milo.
Rodlo; live on WVLKvAM/FM
with Cawood tadtord, Dave
Baker and Dick Gabriel.
Tot-vision: Live on payout-


Ole Miss. The 6-foot-1, 192~
pounder replaced starter Brad Smith
and instantly sparked the Cats' of-
fense. completing ll of 21 passes
for 152 yards and picking up 77
more on the ground.

“Pookie Jones has earned the
right to start on merit," Curry said.
“He had an excellent game against
Ole Miss. And he gives us some di-
mensions that Brad (Smith) can-

But Jones‘ presence at quarter-
back doesn’t mean UK will change
its offensive scheme, Curry said.

“We won’t change our offense at
all.” Curry said. “We want to be
able to run our whole offense with

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any one of our quarterbacks. What
we have done is sat down and
planned the parts of our offense that
Pookie has done the most.

“Obviously, one of those things
is running the ball. That running
ability can give a defense fits —
they've got to stay on their toes.
Hopefully. that’s what Pookic can
give us."

Mississippi State coach Jackie
Sherrill says his team could have its
hands full with Jones.

“Kentucky gives you a lot of dif-
ferent looks, offensively," Shen'ill
said. “And with Jones at quarter-
back. that gives them more options.
From what we‘ve seen, he can hurt
you with the run or throwing the

The Bulldogs will counter with
their own accomplished scrambler.
“Sleepy" Robinson. a junior who
has missed part of the 1991 season
with injuries. has made a crucial
impact in the games in which he
has played. Robinson led the Bull—
dogs to a Top 20 ranking earlier
this year.

“With Robinson, they (State) do
a lot of things at the line of scrim-
mage," Curry said. “They have the
ability to call the play once your de-
fense is deployed and Robinson
makes some excellent decisions.”

Curry said the UK defense,
which has yielded an average of
190 yards rushing a game, will have
to toughen up for Mississippi State.

“People have consistently hurt us
on the option," Curry said. “We‘ve
been missing assignments and

Senior nose guard Joey Couch and UK's defense will face Miss. State tomorrow in Starkville.



Coach Bill Curry called State's offense a ‘tremendous, varied running attack."

that’s inexcusable. We can’t do that
if we expect to win Saturday be-
cause a lot of the things Rookie
Jones does for us. Robinson has
been doing for them."

Curry said the Bulldogs have a
“tremendous, varied mnning
game.” UK’s coach expects State to
run a one-back set, the option and
mix in some passing as well.


Curry also praised




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progress under its new coach, Sher—

“It’s remarkable the way their
team has played in a transitional pe-
riod with a new coach," he said.
“We‘ll certainly have our hands full
with a well-prepared, talented Mis-
sissippi State team.

“But I’ve seen us continue to im~
prove with each game. Tradition is
a fancy word for good habits over a

Read the
everyday for






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Friday, October 11, 7:30 RM.
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The Courts, the Community,
and the Bill of Rights:
A Bicentennial Forum

As part of an ongoing celebration of the Bicentennial of the United States Con-
stitution, the Office of L-ndergraduate Studzes at the U'l".‘5.'5:?‘,l of Kentucky and
the Lexrngton Public Library wrll sponsor the fourth in a SeerS of public forums
to explore issues related to the federal ludncrary and the First Amendment

Forum lV

Central Library
140 East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507

Civil Disobedience In America - A Definition and Brief History
Andrew Hadror. Prolassor ol Political Sconce,
City College of New Vor‘i

Saturday, October 12, 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
How Do We Distinguish Civil Disobedience from Criminal
or Revolutionary Activity?



Juno Graham. Attorney. US Attorney's Officl, Lexington, Konmeiry
leno Srnlth, Pastor. Southland Christian Church, Lexington. Kentucky
Ernost Ynnarolla. Professor at Political Sconce. University of Kontuciry

Saturday, October 12, 10:45 A.M. to 12:15 RM.
Don Civil Dioooodlonco ”no I Privileged Function In 0
Domocutle Minty?

William Pooh. Pastor. SI Polar Clavor Church. Loxungton, Kentucky
Don Pratt. lel’l. Lexington. Kuntuciry
Pm Sam, Protester or Philosophy. ”limit!" of Konludty




long period of time. Good habits
are built by hard work on the prac-
tice field, and I’m very excited
about the spirit our men have to
bounce back."

Getting their feet wet

UK played 61 players last week
against Ole Miss out of 70 Cats
who dressed for the game. Out of

that total, 11 were redshirt freshmen
and five were true freshmen.

Curry visits
‘the source’
in Starkville


On the

TOO QUIET: What a letdown. I
expected some verbal back lashing
this week from UK coach Bill Cur-
ry and Mississippi State coach Jack-
ie Sherrill.

Curry and Sherrill have gone at it
in the past. Shen’ill once referred to
the former Alabama coach as
“Chicken Curry.” after Curry did
not want to play a game because of
a threatening tornado.

Curry returned the verbal assault
two weeks ago while responding to
Sherrill‘s allegations that UK had a
scout on the sidelines during the
Mississippi State-Florida game.
Curry told a reponer relaying the
information, “Consider the source."

But Curry’s best shot at Sherrill
could come tomorrow when the two
meet in Starkville. Miss. — Go get
’cm, Bill.

week I listed 10 possible nicknames
for the Cat’s punt returner, Kurt
Johnson. Johnson led the nation in
punt returning, last week, averaging
24.5 yards per return. Johnson
ranks third in the nation this week
and a nickname like “Rocket“ or
“White Shoes" would funher en-
hance his status.

Among the names receiving the
most votes included:

1. Kurt “The Squirt" Johnson.

2. Kurt “Jammin‘” Johnson.

3. “The Kurt Alert"

Make up one of your own, or
vote for one of the above by calling
the Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.

Whomever plays Louisville.

CINNATI l. Fifth-place Reds 2.
Bengals 0-5 3. University of Cin-
cinnati Beareats 1-4. 4. Whatever
team outfielder Eric Davis plays on.
5. Pete Rose's cameo-role in the
“Babe Ruth Story.”

On the Beat it a weekly feature of
Kernel sports. Assistant Sports Edi-
tor Al Hill is afine arts junior and
Kernel sports columnist.


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Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, October 11, 1991 - 3


Hockman standing in as No. 3 quarterback

Ryan Hockman’s feet are a little
tired these days. Not from running
all day. but from standing.

So as the third-string UK quarter-
back walked off the field after a 2
1/2-hour practice this week, he had
his own simple request when asked
for an interview.

“Mind if we sit down?" the Harri-
son, Ohio, native asked. “I've been
standing all day. And I mean stand-

Just a few weeks ago, Hockman
figured the only standing around
he'd be doing about this time would
be at the cafeteria. The junior
thought he‘d be running around the
practice field, directing the Wild-
cats’ offense. Instead, he's watch—
ing redshirt freshman Pookie Jones
take the snaps.

“It’s been a little frustrating actu-
ally," said Hockman. “But I'm not a
very emotional person. I‘m not go-
ing to cry in my room or feel de-
pressed. 1 still come out here with a
smile on my face.”

It would be easy for an athlete to
lose a bit of confidence after being
so close to No. l as Hockman was,
then drop to a bracketed No. 3 spot
on the depth chart.

Hockman and junior Brad Smith
were neck-in-neck in the race for
the starting position going into a
late-August scrimmage, a practice
game that Coach Bill Curry said
would determine the starter. Smith
completed 14 of 15 and had a



couple of touchdowns,
Hockman on the sideline.

“The thing wasn’t based on that
one scrimmage, but hey. Brad had a
great day," Hockman said, as he
shrugged his shoulders.

On paper, Hockman was listed
behind Jones. who the coaches felt
needed the repetitions/experience
the No. 2 gets in practice. Jones has
since canted the starting position.

“The remarkable thing about this
is Ryan hasn’t done anything to
take himself out of the picture,"
Curry said. “He has never come out
here, hung his head or pouted. He‘s
a quiet guy and not aggressive by
nature, but every time he comes to
work, he comes to work sincerely."

The only blemish on Hockman’s
record this season was when he and
Jones missed the team bus from the
hotel to the stadium at Indiana. For
that, both were suspended for that

“When we discipline somebody,
it‘s over the minute the discipline‘s
over," Curry said, “so that had
nothing to do with the depth chart."

To compound the depth chart
woes for Hockman, senior Freddie


Maggard, the starter for much of
the last two seasons, returned from
shoulder surgery. At this point,
Maggard and Hockman are both
listed at No. 3 on the depth chan.

“I enjoy playing football, whether
or not I get a chance in the game,"
Hockman said this week. “What I
enjoy doing is throwing the foot-
ball, but right now I'm not doing
too much of that, honestly.

“Just about everybody goes
through something like this."

This time last season, Hockman
was in just about the same spot —
third string. It took injuries to Mag-
gard and Smith for the then-
sophomore to see action.

He entered against Florida in the
fourth quaner and completed 10 of
13 passes for 134 yards and scored
a touchdown on a l-yard sneak. He
relieved Maggard midway through
the first quarter at Tennessee and
connected on 25 of 43 passes for
277 yards and two touchdowns.

With that experience, standing
around is even tougher.

“This is something that’s kind of
good to go through,” Hockman

“It makes you appreciate winning
and being on top a lot more than
yOu would if you were up there the
whole time," he said, then breaks
out in a loud, wishful laugh. “Scri-
ously, anything can happen, as we
saw last year.”

Even though Hockman says he's

just standing around, he's actually
preparing for his future. He wants
to follow his father and brother into
the football coaching profession.

His father. Ken, is the head coach
at Harrison High School. His broth-
er, Kyle, is a graduate assistant at
West Virginia University.

“My goal is to be a successful
coach," said Ryan, who prefers the
college game. “And what I'm doing
right not is great preparation for
that, whether or not I’m playing. So
I think that‘s what‘s keeping me op-
timistic in a way.

“Some people might just stand
around and not get anything out of
it, but I’m learning every day."

This does not necessarily mean,
though, that his playing days are
over. Neither he or Curry believe
that’s the case.

“Football is a tough, demanding
business,“ the UK coach said.
“We've all been demoted and pro-
moted. There's a good chance we’ll
need Ryan at some point his season.

“We expect Ryan to maintain his
sharpness, and when the team needs
him, to be ready to go. That's what
he‘s always done.“

Hockman says all he needs is
“about five seconds“ to loosen up.
After all, nobody likes to stand
around all day.

Senior Staff Writer Barry Reeves
is a journalism senior and a Kernel
sports columnist.

Braves’ fans chop, chop, chop NL series tickets

Assoclated Press

ATLANTA — Hundreds of At-
lanta Braves fans who camped out
with grills and sleeping bags for up
to two days walked away with the
last 3,000 National League playoff
tickets yesterday.

But some were angry when the
tickets sold out in 90 minutes. They
booed, yelled Obscenities and
cheered for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

About 2,000 people, who could
buy up to four tickets each, were in
line when ticket windows opened at
8:56 am. Some had camped out at
Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium
since Tuesday night.

“I’m pretty psyched," said Mark
Tuchman, an Emory University stu-
dent who was first in line. He ar-
rived at the stadium at 5:30 pm.
Tuesday. and left yesterday with
choice, lower-level seats.

“I‘m kind of sad," said Anthony
Camp, the 450th person in line who

bought the last three tickets. “There
are people going all around the sta-
dium who aren’t going to get noth-
ing. I'm kind of sad for them."

But not sad enough to pan with
his tickets to the Pirates‘ games this
weekend — he said he’d only sell
for $500 a ticket.

“We got screwed, we got
screwed,” a group of disgruntled
fans chanted, charging that Braves
officials staged the ticket sale in a
manner that allowed a group of
about 200 people to break in line
when ticket windows opened.

“The people that broke in line
didn‘t get tickets," said Terri Bren-
nan, director of stadium security.
“They took the place of some who
wouldn't have gotten tickets any-

Stadium security guards, Atlanta
police and military police from Fort
McPherson were on hand to control
the crowd, allowing a few at a time
to approach the four ticket win-

dows. Only about two dozen people
complained, said Jack Tyson, direc-
tor of Braves ticket sales.

He noted that fans had other op-
portunities to buy tickets. The
Braves sold more than 15,000
championship and World Series
tickets in previous sales before the
end of the regular season.

The Braves announced last week-
end that almost 3,000 more tickets
would be sold for this weekend’s
games. These were “straggler” tick-
ets held by other ball clubs and
were the last tickets available, Ty-
son said.

“I guess they all waited ‘til this
sale because it‘s a lock. Before, it
wasn't sure that the Braves would
play," Tyson said. “We have literal-
ly sold every ticket we have, and
we‘re glad we did."

Braves fans came from as far as
Pittsburgh for their chance to see
the games against the Pirates — the
first postseason baseball games in

Braves blank Pirates, even series at one

Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — Steve Avery is
too young to know the Braves
aren‘t supposed to win in October.

The 21-year-old again pitched
with poise and Atlanta bounced
back last night to beat the Pitts-
burgh Pirates 1-0 -— with a chop,
naturally — to send the NL playoffs
south tied at one game each.

Mark Lemke's two-hopper eluded
sure-handed third baseman Steve
Buechele for an RBI double in the
sixth inning, and that was enough,
barely. Avery and Atlanta stopped
the Braves‘ lO-game postseason
losing streak, one short of the Phila-
delphia Phillies‘ record skid.

Avery gave up six hits in 8 1/3 in-


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nings, struck out nine and shut
down the middle of Pirate’s order.
Plus, he was at his best when it

Avery retired Game I hero Andy
Van Slyke on a grounder with run-
ners on first and third to end the
eighth inning. Then in the ninth,
Bobby Bonilla led off with a dou-
ble, making him 6-for-12 lifetime

against Avery. That brought up Bar-
ry Bonds, and with the Pirates‘ star
showing no signs of bunting,
popped up to shortstop.

Braves manager Bobby Cox felt
that was enough for Avery and sum-
moned Alejandro Pena from the
bullpen. Pena picked up the save by
getting the last two outs of the in-

Opening This Month



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Atlanta since 1982.

Brad Bell, a senior at the Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh, came all the way
from the land of the Pirates to see
the Braves play in their home stadi-

“This is amazing. I’m so happy
for this city," he said.

Cynthia Diamond of Atlanta
bought tickets for herself and her
three children.

“I feel marvelous,” she said.
“They are going to be very happy."

Though ticket seekers were origi-
nally told they could not camp out
until Wednesday night, the Braves
relented and allowed fans to get in
line Tuesday night.

Some grilled steaks while others
ordered pizra or ate from picnic


No. 3 ‘Killers’ look
for 6th-straight Win

Stuff reports

The UK volleyball team will
put a five-match winning streak
on the line this weekend when
the Cats hit the road to play Ala-
bama today and Mississippi
State tomorrow.

The Wildcats, now 105 and
1-0 in Southeastern Conference
play, are ranked 10th in the na-
tion in kills per game with
15982 and 10th in assists per
game with 13.836.

Sophomore setter Jane Be-
Ianger ranks third in the nation
in assists, with 12.87 per game.

Alabama and Miss. State have
identical records at 11-7 overall
and 1—1 in SEC play.

Cross country teams to
run In Bloomington

UK’s men and women‘s cross
country teams will compete in
the Indiana Invitational in
Bloomington,lnd., tomorrow.

Freshman Vadim Neinad has
emerged as the Wildcats' No.1
runner this season, finishing
eighth in the Mountain West
Classic in Missoula. Mont, and
third in Hall of Fame invitational
in Bowling Green. Ky.

Lady Kat seniors Denise Bu-
shallow and Khalilah Muham~

mad have shared the No. 1 spot
this season.

Bushallow finished 12th in
Missoula to lead UK while Mu-
hammad’s ninth place finish in
Bowling Green led the Lady

Mldnlght Madness DOW
Blg Blue Madness.

Big Blue Madness, this year's
version of UK‘s traditional Mid-
night Madness, WILL begin at 8
pm, Saturday, Oct. 19 in Memo-
rial Coliseum.

UK officials said they moved
the event to the weekend be-
cause they were concerned that
UK players, students and area
school children would be forced
to miss class following a mid-
night function during the school
week. Admission is free.

Midnight Madness traditionaL
1y was held on Oct.15 at one
minute past midnight, the first
day the basketball team is at
lowed to hold official practice.

Several basketball preview
magazines have IJK ranked near
the top of their presemsm polls.
Sport Magazine has LIK ranked
second behind Duke, Dir/t I'i-
tale's Prevten and Basketball
Digest ranked LTK filth.


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