xt7gth8bk91d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk91d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1991 1991 1991-02-14 2020 true xt7gth8bk91d section xt7gth8bk91d  


Vol. XCIV. No. 110

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Kentucky Kernel

Independent since 1971

Thursday. February 14. 1991

Wethington concerned with people, not media

Senior Staff Writer

UK President Charles Wethington
says he isn’t cencemed with making
sound bites for the media.

Instead, he says, his leadership
style is to work with people in small
groups, informing them of UK‘s

service to the state as the primary
teaching and research institution in
the commonwealth.

It is a style reminiscent of the
manner in which he dealt with the
legislature as UK's chief lobbyist
— a style which legislators have
said is effective.

Wethington, in an interview Tues-

SGA opens new
checking account

Assistant News Editor

UK‘s Student Government Asso-
ciation opened a new independent
checking account early this week,
after the Jan. 30 closing of an ac-
count that had existed since 1985.

The new account requires the sig-
natures of both SGA President Scan
Lehman and Vice President Sarah
Coursey, as well as the approval of
SGA faculty adviser J.W. Patterson,
Coursey told senators at a SGA
standing committee meeting Tues-
day night. The old account required
only Lehman’s signature and was
unregulated by University officials.

But Patterson said yesterday he
did not know about the opening of
the new account or his role in ap-
proving checks.

Patterson said he was out of town
until early yesterday morning and
had not talked with Lehman about
the new account.

“I must confess that I have no
idea (about approving SGA‘s
checks). I didn’t know that it had
been reopened. I have been gone to
a debate tournament. I just got back
at midnight (Tuesday night). I’m
sure Sean has attempted to contact
me, but I have been out of town.

“Scan had mentioned earlier that
he was considering reopening the
account and had talked about having
me as a ceuntersigner on the

“He (Patterson) will know about
all the checks," Lehman said of Pat-
terson's role in the new account.
“There will be a form that J.W., our
adviser, will sign saying that he's
seen the checks."

Lehman said expenditures will be
checked a few times per week.

“He (Patterson) comes down (to
the SGA office) about twice a week.
Every check will have a receipt
and a fomi attached to it. He will in-
ilial that."

Patterson said that whatever his
role is in the new account, “I don’t
feel I have authorization to approve
or disapprove of an expenditure."

He said he would ask three ques-
tions about any expenditure: Does
SGA have the money? Has it been
approved by the senate? And, is it

“As long as it follows that frame-


UK graduate Bobbie Ann
Mason will give a read-
ing at 7:30 pm. in Room
118 of Whitehall Class-
room Building on cam—
pus; event is free and
open to the public.
Mason‘s books include
Shiloh, In Country and
Love Life.



Pat Riley
was a

Page 4.

Diversions ........................ 2
h Viewpoint ........................... 3

Sports ............................... 4
Classifieds ........................ 9





work, I would not refuse to sign the
check," Patterson said.

The new account was never for-
mally presented to the senate until
after it was opened.

UK Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs James Kuder said he had not
heard about the new account, either.

“This is the first thing I'd heard
about it," he said. “Under Universi-
ty regulations, student government
can establish an account (outside
the University)“

When told about the new system
for writing and approving checks,
Kuder said. “It sounds like a good
system of checks and balances."

He said SGA was asked to close
the original account because it con-
tained both the University’s tax
identification number and the Uni-
versity name. If either of those is
used on an account “it becomes a
University account," Kuder said.
“That was not the intent of the stu-
dent government or of the Universi-
ty (in allowing the old account)"

However, SGA Senator at Large
Chris Payne said Lehman told him
that First Security National Bank
and Trust Co. mistakenly ptit the
University's tax number on the new
account and that Lehman was going
to have it removed.

Lehman could not be reached last
night for further comment.

SGA senators had the opportunity
to talk with Lehman on two occa-
sions about the checking account
and the recent controversy surs
rounding its use. If they had ques~
tions for him. senators could attend
a meeting held at the end of last
week or one held at the beginning
of this week.

“Two meeting times were called
to discuss the check ordeal, and we
had good turnout from the sena-
tors," Coursey told senators Tues-
day night. “If you (the senators)
couldn‘t make either one of these
meeting times. then come by and
see him (Lehman) whenever. He’ll
be glad to talk to anybody about it."

Only three senators attended Fri-
day’s closed meeting. The number
of senators attending Monday‘s
closed meeting could not be ob-

SGA Senator at Large Jason Pride
said he had not yet spoken with
Lehman on the matter. However, he

day that was his first with an inde-
pendent medium since his selection
as preSident in September. said he
has no plans to lobby the campus in
an address defining his vision for
the University.

Rather, he plans to continue meet-
ing with small groups to drive home
his vision for the University.

“As you remember, l gave an ad-
dress to the University Senate at
which time I talked about my goals
for the University," the 55-year—old
Kentucky native said. “So my style
leads me to want to talk with in-
dividuals and groups. And I think
the word gets spread a lot better
that way over time than it does try-

ing to make some big splash."

Former UK President David Ro-
selle gave a statewide teleVision ad-
dress in the fall of 1987, his first se-
mester as president. Wethington was
selected interim president in January
1990 and became the 10th UK presi-
dent in September.

The vision Wethington speaks of






UK basketball players Deron Feldhaus (left) and Richie Farmer trap Tennessee's Jay Price during
Kentucky's 8574 win over the Vols last night at Rupp Arena For game coverage. See Page 4

MICHAEL CLEVENGER - >s"'>! ‘.'.l"



said, “I like the fact that it also has
to be approved by (Patterson).“

Senator at Large Allen Putman
said, “I‘m glad that we have a
checking account open, but 1 have
questions about the way it has been
set up."

Putman said he thinks some other

UK theatre troupe
tackling tough issues

Staff Writer

On Monday. one girl was killed
by a drunken driver, another was
raped and a young man became ad-
dicted to drugs in UK’s Worsham
Theatre. But the crowd cheered for

These dramatic scenes were
brought to life in the production,
“Lifestyles of the Young and
Healthy." 8 play performed by Safe
Six. a theaue troupe of UK stu-

The play, in its first year at UK,
is a joint effort of the Student
Health Office and the Theatre De-
partment. funded by a grant from
the Kentucky Department for Men-
tal Health and Mental Retardation

“The performance deals with
date rape. problems in relation-
ships, low self-esteem. caffeine and
steroid abuse and dependency is-
sues. (but) everything revolves
around the alcohol issue." said An

Gillaspie, the project‘s coordinator.

The play was written by Carol
Spence. producer and director at the
Office of Instructional Resources. 11
grew out of a similar performance
designed for freshman orientation.
Spence said.

“It is a series of short vignettes
that take 45 minutes to perform,“
said Lisa Stofer, assistant dean of
students for health education. “They
are humorous, dramatic, hard—
hitting and tear-evoking."

One member of the troupe said he
became involved in the preducuen
to approach alcohol-related prob-
lems from a new angle.

“We’re trying to address the stan-
dard issues in a non-standard way,“
said troupe member Chris Carrier, a
political science sophomore.
“We‘ve all heard ‘just say ne‘ a
thousand times anti it‘s not work

"The program is not intended to
be real preachy," (iillaspie said. “It

See SIX. Page 8

UK official should give check up

“I don't necessarily think that
Patterson was the appropriate per;
son (to approve checks) . espe-
ctally since during the spring he
travels extensively With the debate

The check-apprmcr. l’utiiiiiii add-
cd. should be “an administrator who
is here on regular basis and \llH l\
familiar Wllh student government,"

He said because the S(i.s\ [‘l’t‘NIA
dent and Vice president iiou are

See SGA. Page 8

is summed up by hl\ “t me Universi-
ty" slogan, which he has used since
the University Senate address.

“I think that one university sig-
nals to people tlic tuti that 1 am in-
terested in ensuring that the various
major segment.» (it the L'niversity


Iraq, Allies
on bombed

Assocmted Pu}:

DHAHRPO- "1.1 1 « ; \l»
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yond Iraq. ..’. " ._ i an
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GULF Page 8





SAM CARLE ION sewer Start

Feur of the Safe Six troupe members (left to right) Rob Lehman, Paige Foster. Sarah Coursey and Chris
Carrier practice performances of the troupe's plays, which address alcohol-related issues


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 14, 1991






Anne Tracy (right) plays Maria, Matthew Stone (center) is Sir Oliver and Allen Minassian is Charles Sur-
face in the UK Department of Theatre's The School For Scandal. playing tonight at the Guignol Theatre.



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UK Theatre’s ‘Scandal’ gives inside scoop

Associate Editor

Gossip is one of the biggest in-
dustries in the United States.
Whether it appears on the front
page of the National Enquirer or in
the Washington Talk columns of
The New York Times. the public fe-
rociously laps up “inside" news as
fast as the media can report it.

While some may think that gossip
is an American phenomenon, the
18th century English upper class
was quite fond of gossip as well.

Tonight the UK Department of
Theatre will bring the curtain up on
life and gossip among 18th English
aristocrats with Richard Brinsley
Sheridan‘s The School For Scandal.

The play, directed and adapted by
UK theater professor James R. Rod-
gers, marks the first time in more
than a decade UK has produced an
18th century period piece.

In addition to the play, several
discussion, exhibitions and lectures
about 18th century life will be fea-

The events are funded in part by
the Kentucky Humanities Council
and the National Endowment for the

Rodgers said he wanted to pro-
duce The School for Scandal to give
UK students experience in a period
piece and expose the campus to lit—
erary works from the 18th century.

“This is a style and a period we
haven’t touched on since I have
been here at UK." he said. “1
thought it was important that we did
this not only for the students but the
entire campus as well."

With the commercial success of
movies set in the 18th century, such
as “Dangerous Liaisons," Rodgers
said that he has observed a resur-
gence in theater companies produc-

ing plays written during that period.

“I felt if (“Dangerous Liaison")
could be as popular as it was to-
day's audiences are not going to be
mad off at all by a theater produc-
tion," he said. “When something
commercially surfaces that is from a
particular period, interest in that
time resurfaces."

Rodgers said the play presented
several challenges to the actors.

In addition to having to learn
lines written in 18th century lan-
guage, the actors had to learn how
to behave like 18th century English

Actors had to learn how to walk,
bow, sit and wave a fan the proper

“The whole style of acting is very
different and difficult to copy be—
cause the aristocrats were very care-
f ul how they acted," Rodgers said.

Dress also was a big adjustment
for the actors because most people
are not used to wearing large hoop
skirts and powdered wigs, Rodgers

“Everyone who was an aristocrat
at that time thought of themselves
as something of a fashion plate,"
Rodgers said.

When The School for Scandal
first appeared on the stage more
than 200 years ago. a common criti-
cism was that it was difficult to fol-
low. Rodgers said he has corrected
that problem by rearranging some
of the scenes and eliminating some
jokes that are no longer relevant.

“From the beginning when this
play opened critics have c0m-
plained about how difficult it is to
follow," Rodgers said.

Another challenge of producing
The School For Scandal was direct-
ing a large ensemble, Rodgers said.
Unlike most modern plays in which
a few characters dominate the stage,

The School for Scandal has 16 char—
actors who perform as an ensemble.

“You've got to really look for an
ensemble feel” when directing a
play like Scandal, Rodgers said.

Although it took the cast some
time to get used to the setting of
18th century England. Rodgers said
“once they found the spirit of the
piece they found that it’s lots of
fun. Once you catch the rhythm of
it. it's extremely fun to speak."

The School For Scandal will be
performed tonight through Sunday
and Feb. 21-23 in the Guignol
Theatre in the Fine Arts Building.
All shows begin at 8 p.m. Tickets
may be purchased by calling 257-
4929 from noon to 5 pm. Monday
through Friday.

Other activities:

This month the UK Art Museum
will be displaying 18th century art.
The Lexington Public Library’s ex-
hibit of books on 18th century liter-
ature, art and history will continue
through the end of the month.

UK Theatre will present repro-
ductions of 18th century theaters,
performers and audiences in the UK
Theatre Lobby, tomorrow through
Feb. 23.

A series of lectures begins at
noon Feb. 18. “Satire in Hogarth
and Others” will be the topic of this
lecture, to be held at the Lexington
Public Library.

The lecture at 7:30 pm. on Feb.
19 at ARTSplace is “Prints, Fashion
and Values of the 18th century.”

“Reconstructing Historical Plays
for Contemporary Audiences and
The School For Scandal" is the top-
ic of the Feb. 20 lecture, to be held
at 7:30 pm. in the UK Theatre.



Interested in writing for the Kernel? Stop by Mondays at 3
pm. in Room 35 the Grehan Journalism Building.

See You There



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Kentucky Kernel

Established in 1894
Independent since 197]


Editorlal Board
Torn Spclding. Editor in Chief
CA. Dune Buufer, Associate Editor
Jerry Voigt, Editorial Cartoonist
Brian lent, Managing Editor
Jonathan Blanton. Special Projects Editor
Victoria Martin, News Editor
Dale Greer. Associate Editor
Julie Esselrnan. Sarior Staff Writer
Clay Edwards
Ken Walker


LCC has a lot

to teach


about college

At first glance. last week’s decision by the lnterfratemity Council
to allow Lexington Community College students to join UK social
fraternities doesn‘t seem like a big deal.

The council voted Feb. 4 to allow LCC students to join fraterni-
ties starting next semester. We applaud the council's decision.

LCC students, unlike students at UK’s other community colleges.
pay the same tuition and fees as UK students on the Lexington


Thus, the argument is simple. If you have to pay the same fees,
you should be entitled to the same privileges.

UK‘s sororities, through the Panhellenie Council, don’t appear to
be ready to make the same leap anytime soon, though. The council
reviews its constitution every November. And according to Susan
West, sorority adviser in the Dean of Students Office. the situation
is different between LCC and sororities.

LCC students aren’t traditionally enrolled in classes at the Uni-
versity. In short. “it just wouldn‘t be possible for them to become

involved in sororities here.“

It was nice of West to inform us that most sorority events take
place within the confines of a classroom, rather than the walls of a

sorority house.

The more logical argument is one Victor Hazard, associate dean
of students, makes. lFC could more easily amend its constitution
because of the flexibility of its national rules. And to be fair, West
points out that many national sororities might not allow those na-
tional rules to extend outside the main campus.

But that does not mean. however, that national sororities
shouldn’t be asked about the possibility of amending their rules. it
is at least something Panhellenic should consider in the future.

There are many things we can learn from our fellow students at
LCC. One need only walk down the halls at LCC to know there is
certainly a more collegiate atmosphere among students at the com-
munity college than in the halls ofthe White Hall Classroom Build-

ing each morning.

Such a feeling should be welcome in our social fratemities.

On a final note, the issue raises the specter of a more serious con-
cern that will have to be addressed in the future. A movement is
afoot to lower the tuition of LCC students to the level of tuition at

the other community colleges.

If that takes place. it could have serious implications for enroll—
ment at the already cramped college. Moreover, it could raise seri-
ous questions about fees LCC students pay, and how involved LCC
students can be in activities students on the Lexington Campus take

for granted.



Media do not report
true peace movement


By Judith Collins


. 3 .oby Gibbs wrote a rather

1 sarcastic piece on peace ac-
. twists the other. day (Jan-
23). i love sarcasm. But some
things we cannot brush aside with
sarcasm alone.

1 am not a peace activist. l have
never matched. sung, domed or
.eyen- listcrwd to anyone who did
wexcept on the news Sometimes
I feel as though 1 should, but I am
.a graduate student in English here
at UK, and button W and
peace rallies tend to take arms. in
my mind. appearing as trivial
momma end! one.

Knives-er, l have a friend who
has, of late, both participawd in
jnstor; She isoo fanatic-no 1960s
».tttrowbaclt. no sensationalist She
rmgry has a conscigrrcc that
woold put Moore: Theresa to
shame. My friend and I don’t al-
ways agree on issues and methods
of supporting them. but i respect
does something. the brow: why
$ch63 it.

The other night I talked to her
about the latest protests. She said
she felt both good and bad about
them: good because she believes
in her cause, had become of the
way the We have portrayed her
labor companions. 3_
’"l‘hemedraalwaysmakcsme to
call support for the war ‘rallies‘
arrdprdtcso Wit ‘dcruonctnt-
dons or even ‘dltruptiontt’ " she
said. ‘And we've had an Amado
caring; with its at every rally. bot
- camera never seem to catch




The media do not report
about how many peace
rallies are peaceful.


because just as people flock to see
1mm and Freddy Kmeger, they
keep their eyes glued to TV sets,
hoping to see coverage of the war.

Perhaps, then, it is the media
that is out of control, rather than
the mjority of peace activists. I
am the first to admit that bnrises,
broken bares and trampling deaths
have no place at a peace rally. The
place for that is on television

Peace activists often held open
peaceful discussions, but the me-
dia don’t cover them. Since the
media must please the public, they
must publicize the violence they
can find.

We don‘t hear newscasters say~
ing, “A Fayette County woman
was raped and shot to death in her
home last night. but 300,000 mm
on were not." By the same token,
we don’t hear about how many
peace rallies were actually peace-
fol. we don't see their American
flags and we hear them called dis-
nrptions. mm than rallies.

We hear thorn San Frmcisco.
not Lexington; we see grim faces
and marching bodies. not sane
cpwches and words of peace.

commit the very crimes they
protect us they protect them. But
"for every one idiot. how many
droosands of peaceful activists?
The fault, Mr. Gibbs, perhaps lies
with the violent tordcncies of the


pence activists.

Judith Collins is an English
graduate rm




Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 14. 1991 - 3






\ It Jus'l


be possible 4‘..-
tbem to become

Sororilies here."


















Standing Tall

British are leading the moral fight in defense of Gulf War

he Persian Gulf War has
I shown us one thing at least:
our nation's one true friend

in the world is Great Britain.

The British, under the leadership
of Margaret Thatcher and now John
Major, have thrown their full sup-
port behind the war.

A recent poll showed that 89 per-
cent of the British people support
the war. That's even higher than the
amazingly high US. public support
(which is about 80 percent).

Newsweek reports that Margaret
Thatcher, who was in Colorado
when the invasion took place, gave
Bush advice to send in troops im-
mediately and strengthened his re-
solve to see the situation through.
She also sat in on an emergency
cabinet meeting before returning to
England. which proves the great re-
spect that was felt for Thatcher.

Do you think Francois Mitterand
would have been invited to a cabi-
net meeting?

The support of the war in Britain
is not confined to the leadership of
the Conservative Party. In a column
in The Wall Street Journal, Davrd
Brooks reports that Neil Kinnock,
leader of the liberal Labor Party,
spoke with more bellicosity than did
some of the MP5 from the Conser-
vative Party.

UK’s double

Kudos to Jonathan Blanton and
the Kernel for publishing an exten—
sive essay about Robinson Forest.
Blanton’s work reflected time-
consuming effort, a philosophical
balance and serious attention to a
most complex issue.

His article referred in pan to a
December public hearing. Arch on
the Nonh Fork and UK both were
given the opportunity to document
opposing positions regarding Arch‘s
desire to mine its property near
Robinson Forest.

Other than a bnel statement 3 7
nugatory at best , , by one UK law-
yer, that institution declined to face
the public, especially the hundreds
of families adversely affected since
planned operations at Arch are sus-
pended due to legal actions by the
University and environmental

Concomitantly, Arch assembled a
distinguished panel of nationally
recognized authonues in specific
disciplines essential to any settle—
ment of this debate.

From the witnesses came over-
whelming evidence clearly refuting
UK‘s claim of an “undisturbed" wa-
tershed in the forest. They exposed
the University's own activities in
that area: logging. a sawmill. devel-
opment of roadways and other fac-
tors have rendered the land “dis-
turbed“ and unsuitable for scientific

An additional UK argument in-
correctly claims that Arch‘s mining
of 8l.5 acres would substantially
harm wildlife habitat. interestingly,





N. Alan


This is in marked contrast to the
leaders of our Democratic Party, the
American equivalent of Labor, who
ran for cover during the war debate.
Parliament approved war by 534-
57; the US. Senate by only 5248.

The British tabloids have been
having a field day with the hostili-
ties in the gulf. The lraqis have not
been their only targets, though. The
Germans and the Belgians have
been favorites.

In response [0 Belgium's refusal
to sell the British ammunruon (they
built Iraq‘s jet bunkers), the Sun ran
a contest to see if anyone could
name five famous Belgians; no one

The British tablord response to
America has been somewhat mixed.
They think that American soldiers
are godlike. and describe Gen. Nor-
man Shwartzcopf in “terms usually
reserved for the Queen Mum,"
Brooks reports. If the American
military gives even passing compli-
ments to the Royal Air Force, the

UK has adverUsed to allow mining
of 3,700 acres in Robinson Forest!
Would not the same circumstances
(actually 45 times greater) occur in
UK‘s 3,700 as in Arch‘s 81.5?

Why the double standard?

Thomas L. Preston is president &
CEO of The Preston Group. Inc.

A war for
the liberals

The current conflict in the Persian
Gulf brings to light many issues.
Some of these issues are indisputa.
ble, such as protecting our vital in-
teresLs and preventing a definite fu-
ture conflict A» one in which the
current lraqi dictator would certain-
ly possess additional chemical and
possibly nuclear weapons.

These issues alone more than jus-
tify our actions. However. there are
other reasons. which. although not
as obvious. are equally as impor~

The foremost of these is our obli-
gation to those who define the con-
cept of“social conscrcncc“ those
revered few who are totally incapa-
ble of contnbutrng to society in any
constructive fashion , the protest—

I feel that it rs our obligation as a
nation to provide our liberal minori-
ty with a fire that they can all gather
'round, holding hands. chanting ba-
nal slogans and srngrng songs of
peace e a time about which they
can wax nostalgic 20 years from

That‘s all they want. They ache
for the chance to march on the

The multiculturalists would have us believe that
Western culture is no better than any other. and.
therefore. why should anyone die for it. This is the
current assumption that dominates our institutions of
higher education. including UK.


press constantly repeats it.

On the other hand, British arti-
rudes toward American crvrlians
aren‘t nearly so kind; they think we
\'ll at home quivering With no will to

The problem in America, the Brit-
lsll have correctly surmised, is the
current trend toward multicultural-
l\lTl in American education. In Brit-
ml, the war is seen as an attempt to
protect Western culture from an ali<
en culture. Back home in the States.
we have lost the surety of our own
way of lllC.

in our efforts to “understand" oth-
er cultures, we can't convrnce our-
selves uurs 1s()K.

ThlS relativism may be “corrupt-
ing the body politic as well as clos»
ing the American mind," Charles
Moore of Great Britain writes.

The multiculturalists would have
us believe that Westem culture is no
better than any other, :uid. therefore,

White House to carry banners or to
simply be associated with those the-
oretically intelligent, pmgrcssryc
people who yearn to make this wold
a "better place II] which to live." As
fellow Americans, we should be
sensitive to these needs.

As they would be first to point
out, it is their “constitutional right”
to congregate, set the flag on fire
and perform a vast array of other
degenerate activities generally re.
served for small children and/or fer»
ronst organizations.

50 now we've given them the
perfect event the event which
makes them Jump for My war.
To them, the fact that our actions in
the Persian Gulf are completely lus-
Lified is totally irreverent. in their
minds, the only potenually better
set of Circumstances would involve
an eventual number of elation
induced casualties resulting from
such an outcome would greatly en~
danger an already dying breed
the few, the proud, the protesters.

Michael Wilkins l.\ an accounting
graduate student.

Kernel is

From the very beginning of the
situation in the Middle East. the
Kernel has printed nothing but
right-wing. pro-war, conservative

Even the paper‘s logo, “Libera
uon in the Gulf.“ which appears on
with Persran Gulf War stones could
be construed as pro-war W0uldn‘t
“War in the Gulf" be more accu-

why should anyone die for If
This l.\ the current assumption
that dominates Hur institutions of
higher education. including l‘K.
Just ask a few people ill the Ad
ministration Building, parts ml
which look like a mini-l nitcd \Li»


f)r ask the gentlemen ill the l'at-
terson (illicc “lower who :myc
shared their .imi-war vlCV