xt7gth8bk73g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk73g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1973 1973 1973-09-19 2020 true xt7gth8bk73g section xt7gth8bk73g The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 30
Wednesday, September 19,1973

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Student Government President Jim Flegle
seems to be amused as University legal
counsel John Darsie makes Flegle
and John R. Crockett swear they have
never participated in a duel. The two men
were sworn in as Trustees at yesterday's
Board meeting. (Kernel staff photo by
Ed Gerald.)

Bryans receives
Board approval


In its firstqu meeting since May, the Board of
Trustees approved Tuesday, the selection of Dr.
J.T. Bryans as chairman of the department of
veterinary science and swore in two new
members as well as electing officers of the
Board for 1973-74.

The Bryans nomination was included with
other appointment recommendations but
President Otis A. Singletary commented
specifically on this item because of its recent
publicity in the press.

Dr. Charles Bamhart, dean of the college of
agriculture, recommended Bryans from a list of
three people given to him by a search com-
mittee. The nomination turned into a con-
troversy when it was learned that one of the
members of the search committee was L.P.
Doherty, president of the Grayson ‘Foundation
Inc., a nonprofit equine research organization.
Opponents of the nomination said Doherty was
serving in a position of conflict of interest
because his organization funds the department
each year. Doherty also signed a letter, written
on Foundation stationery, to Barnhart’s office
stating if Bryans was not selected, funds from
the organization would be “greatly reduced.”

Continued on page 9

After delay, confusion

Revised budget sent to Senate


Kernel Staff Writer
After considerable delay and con-
fusion. Student Government President
Jim Flegle has released a revised SG
budget for the 1973-74 fiscal year. The
new budget proposal will be presented

to the Student Senate for possnble ap-
proval Thursday night.

The Senate passed a budget this
summer and money had been spent
from that budget. but the Flegle ad-
ministration scrapped it after deter-
mining that it was too “fouled up".

would have been too clumsy and dif-
ficult to work with all year." said SG
Finance Director Ben Jones.

Flegle attributed part of the difficulty
with the original budget to the am-
biguous financial records left by the
previous SG president, Scott Wen-
delsdorf. It‘s hard to prepare a budget.
Flegle said. when only sketchy records
of past transactions are available.

Flegle admitted his own accounting
mistakes during the summer added to
the general confusion concerning the
73-74 budget. He said his staff had been
working on the books since the middle
of May. and that it was “not until a
couple of weeks ago that we could
figure out the budget."

FOR THE LAST few years. SG has
had two sources of income: the “101
account“ and the “150 account“,
reflecting what Flegle called the “dual
nature" of Student Government.

As an administrative body at UK. SC
is given $10,000 a year in state funds by
the University for its 101 account.
Spending from this account is subject to
University review and approval.

As a student organization, 80 is also
entitled to hold an independent account.
the 150. with the University acting
essentially as a banker and bookkeeper
in that case. It's up to SC to raise

money for the 150 account, but it has
freedom to spend that money in any
way it desires.

enumerates the expenditure of the 101
funds for the current fiscalyear. SG has
spent approximately $1912 of its $10,000
since July 1. according to Jones.

Presently there is no money in the 150
account. and in fact. a deficit of $650
exists which was incurred during the
Wendelsdorf administration.

“THE PROBLEM with the 150 ac-
count is that Scott (Wendelsdorf) didn't
keep good records.“ Flegle said.

According to Flegle and Jones. the
Wendelsdorf people dumped a number
of bills into the 150 account. unaware
that there wasn‘t enough money in the
account to cover them. The University
picked up the tab for the unpaid bills
and so now SG actually owes UK the
$650. SG cannot legally use its 101 funds
to pay off the debt.

(‘ontinued on page 12


Formal charges may come

Rush investigations continue

Kernel Staff Writer

No formal charges have been filed by
a UK sophomore who claimed she was
cut from sorority rush because of her
race. However. two investigations are
being conducted into the allegations.

A preliminary investigation has been
conducted to determine what happened
before Vicky Heston was omitted from
rush activities, according to Robert
Zumwinkle, vice president for student

decided not to press charges im-
mediately—although she may do so
later—and added that he is now
proceeding to “assign administrative
responsibility for moving ahead" with a
more intense investigation.

In a comment printed in the Sept. 14
Kernel. Heston contended that she was

omitted from rush activities and
parties before the third “round"—
although the Alpha Delta Pi house sent
her an invitation which was never

The comment place the blame for the
invitation not being delivered on
Panhellenic and quoted Panhellenic
President Lindsey Snow as saying the
office made a mistake and was sorry.
Heston‘s detailed account of her rush
activities contained allegations that the
third round invitation was not delivered
because she is black, making her un-
desirable as sorority material.

"ESTON CITED other incidents
occuring during rush which indicated
she might be rejected on basis of her
color with one sorority member being
quoted as saying it is against their
policy to allow blacks into the

0 SANTIAGU, Chile — The military

. l'.\l'I‘I-2l)

Zumwinkle said the only fact
ascertained thus far in the case is that
one invitation to Heston was not
delivered. although no reason has been
found for the error.

Zumwinkle said Greek organizations
are prohibited from practicing
discrimination and cited section 3.24 of
the Student Code which reads:

person due to race. color, sex or
religious affiliation or belief. except
when the express and legitimate
purposes of the organization require
limitation as to sex and religion."

He cited three tasks which need to be
undertaken in the forthcoming in-

(‘ontinued on page 12


News In Brlet

from The Associated Press

0 Pension debate begins
aflighway 4 reopened

o 95 die since coup

0 UAW 'sells' contract
0 UN into 'new-' era

0 Today's weather...

0 WASHINGTON — The Senate opened
debate on pension reform legislation
yesterday with sponsors of the proposal
saying that the failure of some pension
plans to pay any benefits underscores the
need for Congress to act.

The major votes on the complex
legislation are scheduled for today.

0 PHNOM I’ENH. Cambodia — The
Cambodia government said yesterday its
troops have swept Communist-led in-
surgents from Highway 4, reopening
Phnom Penh‘s once-severed link with the

Col. Am Rong. chief army spokesman.
said government forces moving along
Highway 4 from east and west linked up at
Thnal Totoeng. 18 miles from the captial.

Khmer Rouge insurgents cut the high-
way Aug. 26. halting supply convoys from
Kompong Som. the country‘s only seaport
147 miles to the southwest.

junta announced today that 95 persons
have been killed. 300 wounded and 4.700
arrested in the week since the armed
forces toppled Marxist President Salvador

Foreigners arrested will be court-
martialed. a spokesman said. Most of the
Chilean prisoners are to be set free after
an investigation. military officials have

O DETROIT — The United Auto
Workers yesterday began to sell 117.000
t‘hryslcr production workers a new con-
tract with key fringe benefit im-
provements and a first step in the area of
voluntary overtime.

Chrysler plants across the country and
in Canada remained shut as UAW leaders
met with committemen. officers and shop
stewards from all Chrysler locals to ex-
plain the new three-year contract.

United Nations admitted East and West
Germany yesterday in what the General
Assembly president described as a new
era for the world body.

The entry of the two Germanys was the
major order of business the opening day
of the General Assembly‘s 28th annual

"The restrictive stage of the
organization is over.“ declared newly-
elected assembly President Leopoldo
Benites of Ecuador. and “the stage of true
universality" is beginning.

...slight modification

The cool temperatures we are now ex-
periencing will continue with only slight
modification. It will be a little warmer
today with a high of near 70 and a 20 per
cent chance of rain. The low for tonight
will be in the 505. The outlook for tomorrow
is at little warmer.



The Kentucky Kerneli ‘

113 Journalism Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky 40506.
Established ton A


Mike Clark, Managing Editor
Charles Wolfe, Practicum Manager

Steve Swift, Editor-inChiet
Jenny Swartz, News Editor
Kaye Coyte, Nancy Daty,and

Bruce Winges, Copy Editors
Bruce Singleton, Photo Manager

Bill Straub. Sports Editor
Carol Cropper Arts Editor
John Ellis, Advertising Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is mailed tive times weekly during the school year except during
! holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer session.

Published by the Kernel Press lnc., 1272 Priscilla Lane, Lexington. Kentucky. Begun as
the Cadet in "94 and published continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The

Kernel Press lnc. founded 1971. First-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Ad-
vertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any talse or misleading

, advertising should be reported to the editors.
Editorials represent theopinion of the editors and not the University.

Support Miller candidacy





Rarely does a candidate for local elective office
generate much enthusiasm in the University com-
munity. But Pamela Miller‘s Fourth Distric Urban
Council candidacy is a rare exception.

When the field of candidates was narrowed from
seven to two in the May 29 primary, Miller exposed a
broad base of support by carrying 10 of the 11
precincts in the fourth District. The district, including
a large section of UK‘s off-campus housing, runs south
along Nicholasville Road as far as Zandale Drive.

In the primary, Miller tallied nearly twice as many
votes as her closest contender, and her margin of
victory might have been greater had the primary
occurred while school was in regular session.

The University community and the entire Fourth
District have much to gain by a Miller victory on
November 6. Pam is deeply concerned for her con-
stituents and recognizes the pressing problems in the
district. She has outlined a platform calling for ex-
tended sewers, strict enforcement of zoning laws and
landscaping codes, and an end to the proliferation of
four-laned commerical strips. Her comprehensive
grasp 'of governmental operations will make her a
most competent representative.

Miller helped spearhead the vociferous community
opposition to the Rosemont Gardens Extension,
helping to make it an issue in the mayoral and state
legislative races. And she favors seeking other means
of effective tramportation before allowing un-
necessary highways to surround UK’s new stadium.

As the potential representative of the Aylesford-
Transylvania Park area, she wants tougher regulation
of housing codes and leases to protect student tenants.

Anyone who has been to the Saturday morning
Farmers’ Market can thank Pam for her efforts in
establishing the open market.

Miller keeps in close touch with many students,
explaining her views and soliciting their opinions. As a
council representative she will serve as a voice for

students and women, and has promised to advocate

the interests of the black community.

The Kernel heartily endorses Pam Miller in the best
interests of the Fourth District and recommends to
those interested that they register to vote before Sept.
24, when the registration books close. Forms are
available in the Student Government offices and the
Fayette County Courthouse.



Two shall be born, the whole world wide apart,
And speak in different tongues and have no

Each of the other‘s being. and no heed;
And these. o'er unknown seas, to unknown lands
Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying death;
And all unconscxously shape every act
And bend each wandering step to this one end-
That one day out of darkness they shall meet
And read life‘s meaning in each other‘s eyes.

And two shall walk some narrow way of life
So nearly side by side that, shall one turn

Ever so little space to left or right
They needs should stand acknowledged, face to

And yet, with wistful eyes that never meet,
And groping hands that never clasp, and lips
Calling in vain to ears that never hear,
They seek each other all their weary days
And die unsatisfied—and this is Fate!





‘Library' displeases

The Library, Huh? near campus; dance
floor; good food. Sounds nice, I thought.
Lexington needs more places like that. I
walk in. As I sit there eating dinner I start
noticing the library decor. Visions of an old
man in lounging jacket with slippered feet
sitting before a fire....I notice a wall of
books....He is a University professor
perhaps....Sitting in his overstuffed chair
he ponders on a selected book. On the
surrounding walls are animals....dead
animals....symbols of courage....symbols
of victories....To conquer an animal....By
now I am a little disappointed. Another
wall holds the portrait of a woman....a



nude woman....with ratted hair, black
boots and bleary eyed....I want to cry.
She is displayed as a trophy just like the
gutted beasts on the wall....But not as a
trophy like the animals....She was spared
her life by the benevolent professor. Only
first she was battered and used, until all
that is left is a pathetic mass of flesh hung
on a wall....for his pleasure. Having had a
very pleasant evening indeed, the
professor rises, replacing the book
carefully on the shelf. He looks around the
room and smiles to himself. My heart is
beating fast and I'm shaking....My sisters,
1 hope you aren‘t feeling as hopeless and
powerless as I am tonight.
Dana Tackett

‘Freshwomen' victims

Revolution of sexist stereotyping


At the University of Kentucky, freshwomen dorm
residents are required to be in the dorm at 12
midnight Sunday through Thursday and at 2 am. on
weekends. Freshmen have self-regulated hours.
Precedent has been set, not that freshpeople need
hours, but that only freshwomen need hours. The
question—Why? The answer—sexual stereotyping.
The answer that is given for freshwomen’s hours
is that these women need an adjustment period. In
light of the fact that freshmen regulate their own
hours and that many of the women in question are
legally adults, let’s examine the idea of an “ad-

justment period" for freshwomen.

THERE ARE TWO possibilites for this inability to
adjust to manifest itself. First, freshwomen could
stay out late and neglect their studies. Of course,
studies can be neglected outside the dorm. Also—
the existence of hours in no way prevents fresh-
women from finding other diversions within the
dorm (as many past and present residents could
testify). In addition, the University can give no
guarantee that study time will increase or that the
time in which freshwomen are restricted to the
dorms will be spent constructively. Thus fresh-
women will study if they want to, and only if they
want to, regardless of the specific regulation that is
placed on them.

The second possibility is that of assault. The
decision to impose hours for women but not for men
incorporate the long-standing notions of the
inherent “weakness of women“ and of man‘s
natural role as their protector. Thus freshwomen’s
hours are based essentially on the premise of male
supremacy, reinforcing sexual stereotypes. Women
are pictured as helpless creatures, not only more
likely to be criminally attacked at night, physically
less capable of defending themselves than men, but
incapable of making judgement with respect to
their own safety.

Many women are capable of physically defending
themselves and many men are not, but the fresh-
women's dorm hours rule proceeds on the
stereotyped assumptions about the “strength" of
men and the “weakness" of women. The University
rules are inconsistent if safety is the factor, since
they do not apply to frail or physically handicapped
men. In addition, men are also subject to violent
crimes in the form of muggings, assault and
homosexual rape. Finally, confronted by an armed
assailant, the victim is not likely to be aided by his
or her relative strength. Despite the regulations
superficially earmarks as a safety measure, it
can‘t be reasonably regarded as such. Does the
danger of rape subside after Thanksgiving?

THE RATIONALE given for the different hours
on the weekends is that coeds usually have dates
and thus are under the auspices of “the male
protector" and are safe. Besides being obviously
sexist, this is illogical.What about a woman withdut
a date? The regulations proceed on the stereotyped
assumption that if a woman is out of the house at
night, she should be accompanied by a man. What
about a woman with a date who wishes to stay out
past 2 am? She’s still under the care of the male
protector, but she must return to the dorm.

It is obvious that safety is not the true issue. The
issue is whether freshwomen are capable to make
judgements with respect to their safety. The state
has already indicated by its laws on marriage
(women can marry without parental permission at
16, men at 18) that it feels freshwomen are mature
enough to take on the responsibility of a marriage
and children, if they so desire. Surely freshwomen
are capable of deciding when they should come in at

Mike Wilson is the special
assistant to SG president Jim
Flegle and “Harvest the
Revolution” is a weeth 56



‘Abominable' telethon disturbs card game


This Saturday night past, while at-
tending to a light-hearted evening of cards
and refreshment at the home of an
esteemed colleague, I was seriously
hampered in the task by the manner of
television programming which my dear
friend‘s wife decided to visit upon the
proceedings. Instead of the usual fare of
sober reflections by Roy Clark, Junior
Samples, Archie Bunker and Hawkeye
Pierce, I was forced to participate in the
viewing of an abomination entitled“The
Democratic National Telethon."

(I say I was forced, and this is true. I
was entirely at the mercy of my own
masochistic addiction to the business
of card-playing and a generally self-
preservative tendency in my relations
with the wives of friends.)

THE CREATURE in question was a
seven-and-one-half—hour-long attempt by
the Democratic party to milk four or five
million dollars out of the American People.
To this end all manners of sensational
emotionalisms were employed. The list of
beggars was comprised primarily of
patriotic-minded simpleton celebrities and
power-minded politicos. Andy Williams,
Steve Allen, Hank Fonda and Jayne
Meadows were in attendance, as were
Paul Anka, Milton Berle, Lorne Green and
Rosey Grier. All with their hands out,
while righteously ridiculing the bumbling
Republicans and silently computing their
own commissions.

Of course, no political fundraiser is
worth its tote board without politicians,
and there was an ample supply of these.
Among the many present was that A.J.
Foyt of the jetset and last surviving
American of royal descent, Ted Kennedy.

Von Hoffman

Ila; Feat-ms Syndicate


Most politicians under attack in the
press learned long ago that a generalized
counterattack against the whole media is
smarter than a response directed toward
an individual tormenter. If a politician
swings back at me by name, I know I'm
getting to him and it can’t help but egg me

That’s why I was surprised and mildly
pleased to get a phone call from Howard
Phillips, the man who was judicially
deposed as head of the OED (Office of
Economic Opportunity) for holding the
post illegally without Senate confirmation.
Phillips had called to say that I had
maliciously, untruthfully and viciously
defamed and libeled him for writing a
column calling him a monster because he
had been the head of CEO when one of its
local agencies had sterilized two little
black girls in Alabama.

THE UPSHOT WAS that Phillips and I
met for dinner. In the newspaper business
you sometimes do have dinner with people
you regard as monsters, although sitting
across the table from me he didn‘t look like
a guy who took pleasure in mutilating
small children. In fact, he said he had
three of his own and, “As a Jew it's just a
matter of self-interest for me not to be a

Phillips is a big man, more forceful and
loquacious than brilliant, but likeable in





a page of opinion from inside and outside the University community

Also on hand was the sheepish visage of
the once-respected, idealist-turned-greedy
politician, George McGovern. Kentucky’s
very own Gov. Wendell Ford took his turn
at the podium, speaking haltingly and in
broken sentences about the rewards of
intelligence and persistence.

ALL IN ALL. it was a consistently of-
fensive production, complete with trite
allusions to our President’s Watergate
Inconvenience ('l‘ony Randall interrogated
Jack Klugman about his late-night
carousing in a skit of resounding super-

ficiality: “Well, to the best of my
recollection ..... etc.) and melodramatic
renditions of nationalistic songs

guaranteed to fetch a dollar from the
pocket of any properly-socialized citizen
(“The Battle Hymn of the Republic”,
“This Land is Your Land", et cetera, et
cetera, ad nauseum). Presiding over the
whole affair was Kentucky’s Super-
Salesman Hall-of—Famer John Young
Brown, Jr., who—when off camera—was
no doubt licking his well-manicured
fingers at the prospect of a presidential
candidacy in 1980.

The avowed purpose of this money
hungry convention of fools and thieves was
to allow the individual citizen to help
ransom the Democratic Party away from
the horrible spectre of the Special In-
terests (although I am yet to be convinced
what any billionaire with a sense of the
present—1976 being three years distant—
might expect to gain by paying off the
Democrat's three million dollar debt).

TO MY MIND. there are two more
probable frames of reference by which to
evaluate the Party’s intentions. The first
is quite simply that some opportunity-
oriented staff worker wondered aloud why
politicians didn‘t steal directly from the


Sen. Hubert Humphrey (center) was also there.

citizenry. This prophetic soliloquy was
overheard, and with a few Madison
Avenue-type refinements (“Yes, America,
you can charge your donation on any of
four major credit cards!") was put into

The second perspective is much more
frightening. For I suppose that in the name
of objectivity and fairness I must admit
the possibility that the Democratic
politicos are serious, that they are indeed
selling their party down the river of public
ownership; that their slogan ”America
Goes Public" is more than a wispy en-
ticement to send in your money and allow
five or six years for delivery. If this is the
case, if Algernon Q. American is to
become instrumental in the directing of
national affairs. then I ask only that the

A dinner date with a

that he gives you the impression that with
a certain vaporous pomposity he does have
some settled principles to which he at-
taches more importance than getting
ahead. That, at any rate, is how he
depicted himself in talking about his
struggles as the head of OEO.

He repeatedly said that during his
tenure in office he fought the idea of
sterilization for anybody of any age as
immoral; he offered to show me memos
and records to that effect, and added, “I
was constantly assured that sterilization
was not taking place. [didn‘t know about it
until it was made public.“

MAYBE THE MAN was telling the

. truth and Ihad, indeed, maligned him. But

how do you know? That phrase he used—“I

was constantly assured"——was so
reminiscent of his boss‘ Watergate

Not everybody associated with the Nixon
Administration can be guilty of everything
he's accused of. Somebody has to be in-
nocent. and Howard Phillips may be, but
there is no way, short of a major in-
vestigatory swarm. of finding out. The
man offers to make his records public, and
that is refreshing in the light of the fight
over the tapes. Nevertheless, we‘ve seen

his comrades in government falsify
records to conceal thousands of bombing
raids carried out over a period of years.
Hiding a little anti-black sterilization
program shouldn‘t raise a scruple among
such men.

If Phillips had nothing to do with this
sinister business, he may have been a
dupe, a figurehead boss from whom in-
formation about a sterilization policy was
kept in a systematic way. Incredible. but
that is what may have happened with
former Air Force Secretary Robert C.
Seamans, Jr. and the Cambodian bom-
bing. Nixon said he ordered it, but
Seamans said he knew nothing about it. “I
was not in the chain of command so it was
not known to me," he told a reporter in
words not so different from Phillips. "I
was unaware of that information until I
read it in the paper two days ago.“

IT WILL BE YEARS before we can sort
out who did what in the two Nixon Ad-
ministrations. In the meantime, there is no
recourse but to say to Phillips, as I did the
other day on the phone, "Look, you were
the boss of CEO when it happened, so
you’re responsible whether you knew it or
not.“ Either that or you play hunches as to
who‘s lying and who‘s not.

Those aren't easy bets to make. Here's
Phillips, the man tagged with the




merciful angels of legend promptly
provide me with a passport and plane
ticket, that I may live out the remainder
of my days in the comparative peace and
tranquility of an alleyway in a Tokyo slum.

For the one thing that seems to me more
terrifying than the reign of highwaymen
and racketeers that now predominates in
this country is the Chance that the common
man might somehow succeed in gaining a
position of power from which, inspired
with the flames of retribution and
romanticism. he would be free to confuse
his ideals with the workings of the state.




is a
journalism student.

T.L. Tucker


sterilization rap, the man who shot down
the legal assistance program to the poor,
saying that while the liberals were out to
lynch him, “I ran afoul of the White House
bureaucracy because in the wake of
Watergate the technocrats said, ‘We have
enough trouble without that madman
Phillips.‘ “

Phillips isn‘t the first administration
conservative to complain about amorality
at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tom
Charles Huston, the White House aide who
wrote the famous memo proposing the use
of burglary. has written of Nixon‘s moral
agnosticism: “...a congenital grand-
stander, always anxious to please and
constantly concerned about his place in
history....The President abhors con-
frontations, most particularly those based
on philosophical convictions..ln the Nixon
White House it was damn tough for a man
of ideas to survive, for a man of con-
servative ideas and a modest dose of self-
respect. it was virtually impossible." (The
Alternative. JuneSeptember. 1973 issue.)

WHETHER OR NOT Howard Phillips is
a man with a modest dose of self-respect or
a racist in conservative trappings, his
fellow righties are giving him a
testimonial dinner for what he did at OEO.
Let's hope they’re toasting the right



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Handicapped students 'tacilities
below national standards

Kernel Staff Writer

Several handicapped students
have made complaints to Jake
Karnes. director of handicapped
student services. about the steep
ramps and dangerous curbs used
by wheelchair students on
campus. Karnes reported that
some of the ramps leading to
buildings do not comply with
national standards.

The major building of ramps
began about three years ago.
Karnes said. and the “American
Standard Specifications for
Making Buildings and Facilities
Accessible to. and Usable by.
the Physically Handicapped."
was used as a guide.

errors in construction. some of
the slopes were built steeper than
the plans allowed.

Specific slopes of ramps
mentioned by students were
those near the Student Center and
the‘ Law Building. The Student
Center ramp is twice as steep as
the national standard allows and
the slope of the ramp near the

Law Building is one-fifth over the
maximum slope stated in the
guide. Karnes said.

ramps has been suggested by
Karnes. but no plans have been
made according to authorities at
the Physical Plant Development

"The main barrier I see is the
expense of tearing out the
existing ramps and building new
ones.“ Karnes said. ”I don‘t
know when. but the ramps will
eventually be improved.“

drawn up to change the design of
the existing curb ramps. Karnes
added. Instead of asphalt ex-
tending into the street the incline
will begin in the sidewalk. This
improvement will make a
smaller slope from the sidewalk
onto the street.

Presently there are 26
wheelchair students on campus
and 23 blind students.

MANY OTHER students use
the ramps. continued Karnes.
including elderly persons.
students on crutches and persons

on bicycles. Karnes said there
was no reason why bicyclists
could not use the ramps as long
as the rider did not hamper the
use of the ramps by wheelchair

There is a state law that says
plans for the construction of
public buildings should consider
the needs of handicapped persons
and it is the responsibility of the
administrator in charge of
construction to make sure
provisions are made.

KARNES NOTED the state law
is very vague and is poorly en~
forced. Many of the new buildings
being built at UK had taken the
needs of the handicapped into
consideration and are easily
accessible for the most part. he

Another complaint voiced by
blind students is the ripping off
of braille labels in many of the
buildings. The labels are applied
in the cheapest way. Karnes said.
but if they continue to be torn
down. a more expensive form will
have to be used.

UK receives bid to broadcast
educational TV to Appalachia

Kernel Staff Writer
awarded a $1,067.000 contract by

the National Institute of
Education to broadcast
educational programs via

satellite to Appalachia.

“This is the biggest project UK
has had in a long time.“ ac—
cording to Dean Daniel Reedy.
acting dean of undergraduate

“It is an opportunity for the
University to take education off
campus to areas wher