xt7gth8bk589 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk589/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 2006 text The Kentucky Press, July 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt7gth8bk589 section xt7gth8bk589 Volume 77, Number 7 PRSTP-sro A 1
g: , I ts» _2 .. w- , Kentucky Press Association U. S- “We 2
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Q saga“ F (UK) LEX 405 ermitNo.939
ii u ' ' ‘" “k 4 ‘3 CENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS 7r. 3
(”I } f), K ‘ i av UNIVERSITY OF KY LIBRARIES P 10 ;
I“ as, “is "k s It v: LEXINGTON KY 40506 H700 3;
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may; fl 2:' i 5999;”
' . July 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 3
I _M— "_ i
P 4 S . l . I d 4'
Randy Hammer sass '
JOIIIS C-J Staff iésfifigf ' .
News Journal, has been named a ’ :: : s - ‘ l l i ' ' ' . V I
vice president of The Couriers ‘ ' 7 ' 4.,
Journal in Louisville ' . “iii 5 :
Hammer, 54, will be in charge ; , ' , ' was . ”asst“ 2
publications, Internet efforts and ’ V' , " 5’?" s ' i a
Hammer held various report- '3 :1 if ‘y ' ' f 5
ing and editing positions at the w .1 ' '7 7 V i ' ‘ 7 ’
News Journal and newspapers in ‘ ’ T ' ‘ ‘ ,
Tennessee, Indiana, West Virginia . PHOTO BY JOHN WHITLOCK/KPA V
1a): Egg/{$5513.11 Eggearsétzflgéz State Rep. Jeff-Hoover, R—Iamestown, speaks to members of the media followinga bill signing ceremonyat the end .
e dito'r." _ . , . " ‘ , . of June’s specral sesswn of the Kentucky GeneralAssembly. Talk about the politlcal future of Gov. Erme Fletcher ;
. I D urin H" I 7 . ,fi,‘ g .‘ _. , ' :2 ‘sometlmes overshadowed the passage of a tax-relief package. 5
. . ,V ,. 3 ammrsseven year
tenure, ,..the Pensacola NEWS. ,_ o . . o i
. isms-was swsce- a finalist tor» N N A praises court rullng on fax transmlssmns :
{the Pulitzer Prize,s'journa_lism‘s" ‘
most-éoVét'ed aWardL Thel~3neWS{ The National Newspaper lenged California law contained no newspapers, we routinely use the ,:
Vpapeff-was' cited ifil‘2003’ .fgrhitg Association praised a California such provision, and would have fax machine to communicate with :
’-iflVéS'figatiOh‘ ,. into _.Escambia court's decision to block enforce- severely restricted the ability of our subscribers and advertisers. ;
County. ”government corruption ment of a state law that would have community newspapers to do busi— California's law, while well-inten- '
that led ',to therresignations of. banned all interstate ‘ commercial mess in the state. . tioned, was entirely too broad, and "
four commissioners and in 2005 , faxes w1thout'pr10r written consent NNA isvery pleased With the the effect on our industry would j
for its}, coverage of Hurricane from the recrpient. Court's deCISion. When Congress have been costl and burdensome ,, g
‘ Ivan's ‘ . " .. V » , , _ , ‘ The decision reaffirms the federal spoke on this issue last year, it wise- R dd (1 y ' .,
.gLHammer joins former News government's sole authority to gov- ly included provisions allowing the eppert a e ' . _ '
a Journal publisher. and president ern interstate faxes, and recognizes legitimate use of faxes between Twenty state press aSS'OCIdtIOns .'
Denise Ivey,~ who" became pub: the validity of an exception to a 2005 businesses,” said Jerry Reppert, SmelttEd a supporting bHEf 1n the .
lish’e'rf and president of The federal law which allows commer— NNA President and publisher of case in January, arguing that forth—
; . " , ’ . ' cial faxes where an established busi— The Gazette—Democrat, Anna, IL. coming FCC regulations on the
V SfiePEOPLE onPage 12 ness relationship exists. The chal- ”As publishers of community issue preempted the state law. :

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, July 2006 ]
. bl . t ’> Th i i " _ . : - 'v ‘
l t elsentgwPmss;(eenmt,r;939)is , ., . ;__ , ,, . . , p ; 4., .
J ourna lS ’ pu 1c servan published imonthly by theKentucky 'District12 -Donna Carman,Casey '
. 1'PressAssociation/Kentucky Press g‘County News? V ' . *1 1’ '
Lonnie Falk Passes away Same 1.... mm postage .. * ' ' .
,‘paid at, Glasgow, KY.-: 42141.. District 13— TomCaudilly '. ,. ,
Lawrence "Lonnie" Claster Falk, a jOurnalist who later became mayOr 0f glibscriptmn price 18 $8 Per year. Lexington Herald-Leader V ‘ V , a .
. . . ostmaster: Send change of address to . , ,
Prospect, died recently of a heart attack, his daughter said. He was 63. , ' . .
, . . . _ . . The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer District 14.- Teresa Scenters, Berea . .
Falk s ]ournalism career began when he was in college at the UniveISity L » , , . . . , ;
. . ane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223w Citizen . , . , ,. .
of Alabama, daughter Wendy MacGregor said. During a 20-year career, 8821 p y , .. .
Falk was a reporter for the now-closed Birmingham Post-Herald and then ' , State At-Large ' I. ,1 ,,
worked for United Press International in Alabama, Illinois and North OFFICERS ' .
Carolina, MacGregor said. KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION Julie Satterly ~.Oldham Era . _ ‘
Al Benn, a longtime friend who worked at UPI with Falk in Alabama, President Alice Rouse Mu Dennis H9t291' KEIItUCkY EHQUHCT
. . . . . . . . - . rray .
said Falk covered some historic events, including Hurricane Camilla 1n Ledger and Times Chlp Hutcheson— .
New Orleans and civil rights protests in Alabama during the 19603. Princeton Times Leader
"It was a difficult time back then. Birmingham was known as - -
Presd t-El t—Kri hns , + . .. .
Bombingham," Benn said. "He had deadlines to meet and he did it. He was Lexiiligign H2231 d-Lezsdi: on D1v1510n Chairman .
a pro in everything he did." News Editorial Division - Mike .
Falk. then worked in public relations with stints at the .University of Vice President-Eb ct ~Tay10r Hayes, A1€Xi€ffi Bowling Green Daily NEWS
Louisv1lle; the UniverSity of Alabama and the American Medical Kentucky New Era .
Association. - , ‘ Advertising Division ~ Steve
Falk was first elected as mayor of Prospect in 1993, according to the city's Treasurer _ Edmund Shelby Wheatiey, Elizabethtown News
Web Site. His third term was set to expire at the end of this year. While Bea - eE - , Enterprise
. . . . ttyvfll nterprise .
mayor, Falk helped establish the Prospect Reading Center in 2002 to give , , , g p ,
residents access to newly published works of fiction and nonfiction. P t Pr “(1 t~ Cl 11‘ P rtm Circulation Division ~ Jamie ._
Falk is survived by his wife, Willo; daughters Wendy MacGregor and 11:5] ifsliagdrite , e O _ ann’ " Sizemore, ElizabethtoWn News
Laurie Fields and five grandchildren. , , ' Enterprise ' j,
. , Associates Division - Stan Lampe .
Board of Directors " -
° ' ' ' ' . . Kentuck Education Cabinet» ‘ . *'
Former editor of Louisv111e Times new 1 -Loyd Ford, The Lake , y --
News, Calvert City . . . .
ft lournahsmEducahon Representative _
3 91110011 newspaper, passes away District2 —]ed Dillingham, Dawson gin/(13335011, Western Kentucky
Springs Progress ty
John E. "]ack"'Carey, a former editor of the Louisville Times afternoon _ _ . . General C o uns els _ l on Fleis ch aker,
newspaper, has died at 81. DISH-"1d 3 - DaVId DIXON, The , Ashley Pack Dins more & Shohl
"He was a newsman‘s newsman, from the no-nonsense school of jour- Henderson Gleaner ' ‘
nalism," Courier-Journal day copy desk chief Kentucky Press Association Staff
Marc Norton said. . fagfi‘t‘ 31$: 4 - left lobe, Butler County David T. Thompson, Executive
Norm“ “ed“e‘i Cafifi as a Strong Influence Director ,
on many young copy e 1 ors. 3 ' Bonnie Howard Controller I
Th: newhs editor 10b was th; only one 1 eff é 32:11:: Ron Fflkms’ Kentucky Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales :
wante .. at t e Times, or anyw ere else for t at David Greer, Member Services
. Carey worked seven years at a newspaper in I???) District 6 — Iohn Mura, Louisville John VVhitlock, News Bureau . , ,_ .
Sioux City, Iowa as a reporter, photographer, “x Courieruloumal , Director . . p , , ,
editor and other duties before he joined the W , ' ' > D "d S 1N M . , ' '
, ~/&‘/£ . . ‘ ~ ' , 8‘11 ‘ *
Louisville Times as a copy editor in 1955, said Egg/g, Dismct 7—Ke11ey Warruck, Gallatm g Agginisptjgtcs: ew 2? ,1
hisudaughter, Adrienne Wright. . lg; , County News .9 ' , ‘ ’ , BuffySams, Bookkeeping Assistant? ‘_
He used hls remarkable skills and leader- " W“ , " - ' " , {it h - C . ' d . ' ,. .y , v . » , » ._
shi abilities not onl to ut the finishin touch- JOHN DiStl‘inS 9K8fl MGfZ Bath county ' ' , ‘ 9P ame oma .' ‘ ' V "H 2'2
es on a we y an in ormative pro uct ut 1n . , , , ,. , . ‘. . Sim-CV ackkAiil' . 'trafikzé:
staff development, for he was a role model, _ . _ .» . Assmtant .. a
said Courier-Journal regional desk slot Rob gHeraicl ., g g "212.2. Assrstanf: ,, ‘ ‘ ' .5 ' '
' . ..: 11;. , w = I: v-VHOH .Wfllard,H\IANB- ‘ SS'
Carey became the Times' telegraph (now wire) editor in 1957. He was DISH‘ICUO“Bd-mufld5h€1byiStagfliéfizb' érs oflicersarijisgfectoierk
promoted to chief of the copy desk in 1963 and was named news editor in BeattyvflIeEnterpnsefl maybereacheclby amatlusmgfhemdl»
1964, overseeing the layout and content of much of the afternoon paper for ', wdual’sfirstimtml fulllast
the next 20 years. metll‘WflhesaWyerSJ-Ofidon ’tname@kypresscami ii .3":
‘-.-- ‘."‘ " _“_\ ’4 N'.." c‘_["h' ’,"\,‘7,-”i |7H'_\‘JI ‘ .-7 ”7‘3. - . ‘ ‘ '1'“, ,3", 1 ‘I'r “ . ' I .' ‘1‘,“"-"l,>:ll';‘ ,‘VII"

 ' > * <1 - "' " “' '; '
j The Kentucky Press, July 2006 - Page 3 i
' Gish recognizes best in r ral journal'sm 5
> Do you know a publisher, editor, [ helps non-metropolitan journalists
reporter or photographer who has / :z' define the public agenda for their l
demonstrated courage, tenacity and use?» communities, and grasp the local I
integrity in rural journalism? You 1 ./ impact of broader issues. It inter- i
i are invited to nominate one or more a prets rural issues for metro news :
I of them for the Tom and Pat Gish Gig/ZZZ ; media, conducts seminars and pub- ;
‘ Award, presented by the Institute /, My ; . lishes research, good examples of i
‘ for Rural Journalism and fl , .1 “j" - f » rural journalism and The Rural I
Community Issues. M ” 'I “4/ ' ‘ Blog, a daily digest of events, issues,
j The award is named for the cou- V V I .v . ,‘5 ‘ trends and journalism in rural
ple who are in their 50th year of if: , . H , , ' America, with ideas for stories and
publishing The Mountain Eagle of , it :‘_.; g , . . sources. It is based in the School of '
Whitesburg, Ky. The Gishes have , ”‘3“, Journalism and
withstood advertiser boycotts, ' jig”: . ‘ ' Telecommunications at the
declining population, personal “*mu ,, 5% ' University of Kentucky and has aca-
. attacks and even the burning of j " I demic partners at Appalachian State
their newspaper office to provide " , .' ' 1 " " , University, East Tennessee State
. the citizens of Letcher County the .. ' ' i , . University, Eastern Kentucky 3
kind of journalism often lacking in 2' ' , . 7 a I, ”W" '2 University, Georgia College and V
. rural areas, especially those domi- I - l i ‘ .1 I hf _. 1 : ' 1 State University, Indiana University
nated by extractive industries " in ”T " >3? '1 iii: ’3 ‘ j , of Pennsylvania, Marshall
. this case, primarily coal. Their cov- t 7?" . . . -- . . ' University, Middle Tennessee State :
. erage and commentary go beyond PHOTO COURTESY OF INSTITUTE FOR RURAL University, Ohio University, ,
the boundaries of Letcher County to JOURNALISM AND COMMUNITY ISSUES Southeast Missouri State University,
I address issues in State and federal Nominations are being accepted for this year’s Gish Award, named after Tom and Pat Gish. The cou— the University Of North carOhna' J
governments and other institutions ple is in their 50th year of publishing The Mountain Eagle of Whitesburg. Chapel Hill, the University of '
5 that have a local impact, such as a . . _ . . _ Tennessee-Knoxville, Washington 3
_ new regional drug—fighting agency, courage, tenac1ty and mtegrlty often way. Of a letter or e-mall 'g1v1ng and Lee University, West Virginia ,
the 40-year—old Appalachian needed to render public service details on the courage, tenac1ty and University and the Knight .
Regional Commission, and the through rural journalism. The first integrity demonstrated by the nomi- Community Journalism Fellows
Tennessee Valley Authority and its award was. made to the Gishes nee(s). Send your “Qmmatlon to: A1 program of the University of
coal-buying policies that encour- themselves in 2005. The Institute Cross, director, Institute for Rural Alabama.
aged strip mining in Central hopes to make it annually, depend- Journallsm and Community Issues, For details, see
Appalachia. These are just some mg on 91131th Of the nominations. 122. Grehan Journalism _Bldg" www.RuralJournalism.org.
examples of the type of journalism Nominations for this years Uruversrty of Kentucky, Lexrngton :
worthy of the award. award are due Sept. 1. The Instltute KY 40506-0042, or by e-mail to 0"!- ,
The Gish Award is given to rural plans to present the ”a“? at one Of Al.Cross@uky.edu. Story courtesy of Institute for Rural '
journalists who demonstrate the Its . conferences thls fall. The . Institute for. Rural ]0urualism and Conm'zunity Issues.
Nommations should be made by Journalism and Community Issues
N as 4‘ E94" an a 3% E} at a nag go a a g? m 9 a uni-info ’
‘ 3% fiefieTfi is? »@ fist fiefime are reSfle stir. jfiiafaiasm as
If you're still not exactly sure what "net neu- industry shouldn’t be permitted to control the already paying for access and bandwidth (and so
trality" and its alternative are, and why you Internet through discriminatory pricing in which is your audience), the telcos would charge you
should care, we recommend a couple of recent their business partners enjoy a huge competitive more to guarantee that your content is not placed _
commentaries on the topic of fees to surf the Web advantage by gaining access to the wires into at a competitive disadvantage."
. more speedily. homes and offices. The telecom and cable guys — "The consequences: If you don‘t pay up, peo-
National Journal technology reporter Drew the neutrality critics — counter that 'net neutrali- ple might experience various kinds of problems .
Clark writes, ""Net neutrality is about the rules of ty' is just a fancy way of saying that the govern- accessing or downloading your online content -- .
the road for the information superhighway —— ment should regulate the Internet." especially higher—bandwidth content such as
and whether, some day, traveling in the fast lane In a recent commentary for the Poynter audio or video. Unfortunately, your would-be
will require paying a toll. Because of the conver- Institute, Amy Gahran wrote, "This issue is one to audience probably wouldn't realize that the telco ,
gence of television and telephone service into watch, and I'm very surprised that most news was responsible for the slowdown. They'd proba- '
digital transmissions, the outcome of the battle organizations seem to be ignoring their own bly just think your site has problems, and click '
will affect all aspects of communications." stakes in this matter. It boils down to this: with- away to a better-performing (from their perspec- .
(National Journal is subscription-only.) out net neutrality, news organizations could be tive) site," concluded Gahran.
"Net—neutrality advocates — Google, shaken down by telcos for additional fees to "0"
‘ ' Microsoft, and the other tech companies -—— say guarantee 'preferential delivery' of their content Story courtesy of Institute for Rural Journalism .
3, _»the telecom companies (the Bells) and the cable via the telco's Ypipes.‘ That is, even though you're and Community Issues. ,

 ; Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July 2006
' h ' y NIE 9
W ere is our program .
. I can’t imagine young people in Canada “5,; Computer usage between daily readers and
E being much different from their counterparts in on second infrequent readers is slightly appreciable but
the US. That’s why a readership study com- Thought §§M . the margin widens on internet usage and even
5 missioned by the Canadian Newspaper _.____ more on e-mail usage. And there’s a very pro-
: Association is interesting (make that, encourag— , § nounced "divergence” on cell phone use. Of the
: ing) reading. _ daily readers, 53 percent use a mobile phone to
5 Much is made about newspaper readership By D ””1 T'_ Thornp son only 32 percent of the infrequent users.
: here in the US. and other media like to point KPA Executive Direcwr T Daily readers are more likely to access news
, out the decline of newspaper circulation. They _ . _ and information online than their infrequent
I note, and we seem to acknowledge, readership outgomg, are more soc1ally active, shop more counterparts and are more likely (60 percent to
. in coming years will continue to wane because frequently, consume more fast food and are 37 percent) to read a newspaper online.
the young folks aren’t going to depend on the more 11k91y to v1s1t restaurants, bars and night Myth #5 - ”Young People Don’t Read the
newspaper as did their forefathers and moth- clubs than infrequent readers. Newspaper for News”
ers. Myth #3 ' ”Traditional Media have no Some of the results here mirror what we
CNA commissioned this first-ever study as a Appeal for Young People as a Source pf News used to find in readership studies done by
way of measuring what young newspaper and Information. Newspapers 1“ Particular KPA. The front page is highly read, local news
readers think, what they do and what they care are seen as Old-Fashioned and NM rates very high and sports has declined. But
about. With many commonly held perceptions Appealing” . _ _ that’s a gender situation. While overall, the
about that generation, CNA wanted to find out Asked to rate eight sources Of information CNA study showed 28 percent of the respon-
what was reality, what was myth. on ”issues that are 1mportant to you,” the dents read the sports section, 46 percent of the
The result makes for interesting reading: respondents ranked newspapers as the second males turn to the sports pages.
”Reading Between the Lines: Debunking most valuable media source 0f information. TV Myth # 6 - ”Young People will pick up the
Common Myths about Young Newspaper was ant With 41 percent, newspapers second at Habit of Newspaper Reading when they get
Readers.” 32' radio and news websites both were at 22 older, just like the Previous Generation” '
I’m going to paraphrase some of the results percent. At the bottom was weblogs, or ”blogs" Actually, the study showed that newspaper
and in other parts quote directly from the as we know them. readership increases more in the 14 to 19 year ' '
study. And if you’ve made it this far and want age range (58 percent) to only 26 percent in the
to read no further, then at least read the last 30 to 34 age range.
few graphs after the starline. So that seems to say we really need to get to ,
The study was done in April, 2006, with the younger generation at an earlier age.
1500 respondents between ages 14 and 34. It Want to learn more about the And this leads me to the key reason for writ-
was done online and took each respondent Canadian study ? ing about this study.
about 25 minutes to complete. And it was Check out thiS web Site . Part of it is obvious and reminds me of a fre-
offered in English and French, meaning the ' quently seen bumper sticker ”Kids Will Be
results were wei hted for national and re ional ' What Kids See." If kids see their arents read-
representation. Tghe results are consideredgaccu- WWW. can 0 3C] 0 C a ing the newspaper in the home, tfiey may be
rate within 2.6 percentage points, plus or more likely to pick up the habit.
minus, 19 out of 20 times. But as important, if not moreso, is the fact
Myth #1 — ”Young People are Disengaged that ”newspapers in schools have a significant
and Apathetic” impact on forming newspaper reading habits in
Only 11 percent of the respondents say they . ' . these critical years.”
are not engaged in civic engagement (voting, A couple 0f interesting notes 80 With this Sixty-six percent of the daily newspaper
volunteering, social activism). Yet 34 percent of ”myth.” More than 91 percent disagreed With readers in the study said newspapers were an .
daily newspaper readers consider themselves the statement that ”newspapers are for Old peo- educational tool in their high school and 41
highly engaged. ple.” 31“ 62 percent in the 14 to 19 age range percent said newspapers were used similarly in
We might think that generation is a little said they would read newspapers more often if their elementary school years.
more removed from voting, at least that seems the content was ”more edgy and less conserva-
to be an attitude of many of us in older genera- tive.” . . 0 0 0 0 0
tions. Yet the young newspaper readers in And while Canadian youth value online Many of you reading this don’t have a pres-
Canada showed that 78 percent of eligible daily news sources, includmg newspaper websxtes ence in elementary schools, or even high
readers voted in the last Canadian election. more than newspapers themselves, newspapers schools. You don’t have a Newspaper in
Myth #2 - “Young Readers are Introverted rate higher in credibility, trust, level or writing Education program, you don’t publish the
and Marginalized” and quality pf reporting. And they rated trust chapter series projects furnished to you at no
We might stereotype that generation as and credibillty. as the most important criter 1a cost by KPA.
being removed or disassociated but in reality forgnyhnglvs/1;1forma1t{londsource. T h So what's stopping you? If you think the
' ~ . . - ” oun ea ers are ec no . . . < _
: Te. Study STTY.°T§TTPTH176T??? _ xppiiimies' and nehgind the Times" See SECOND THOUGHT on-Page 5' '

 The Kentucky Press, July 2006 - Page 5
Reporter says other c.........~....p.g.4 /
V 0 . younger generation in Canada is really no different than the younger
' Issues were lscusse generation in your community, ”debunking” that last myth should more
than convince you it’s time. It’s time to find a way to expose school-age
. . l d d . kids in your community to the value of newspapers. Specifically, to the
_ t value of your newspaper. ‘
In C ose 001‘ mee lng Sure it costs but there are sponsorship opportunities at the local level
. . _ _ _ _ _ to get the copies of those newspapers paid for. You just have to be con-
~ It“; m... eeeeee eeeveeeee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee- eee
lated the Kentucky Open Meetings lar count?! employee AfteIr) inter— them the firgdlt on yiur page; for bglng an NIE sponsor. Yd 1n the long
, , ‘ _ ' run, it wi e you w 0 gets t e cre it.
“mm mm... .y esgeeeesgeeeee
_ , , , rom t e uegrass . etter yet, e convince now. ontact one o t e
21:33:12? afutrlizgrecglslsgl 1:22:22 iin$gzxerézgfijgpgfigfii Bytgourt rtilewspapers atiloundgiou wh:1 publislfied the series last fall and seehwhat
. , ' e teac ers, e stu ents an even t e parents ad to say about t e proj-
held on April 24, 2006. In her appeal, Long said that
Although the conflicting evi— halfway through the meeting, the ec . , '
dence of record precludes this office emergency services director left the There are plenty 0f stories about last yeir S success, from any 0f the
from conclusively resolving the meeting and a road department 84 newspapers w o publlshed Tails from t e Bluegrass I, or the 935,000
‘ question presented, the fiscal court employee entered to discuss an readers each week. . . . . , .
appears to have acted in a manner employee issue. Long also said that If that doesn t convmce you to part1c1pate, if that doesn t convmce
‘ consistent with the law a county road employee told her you that an NIE program is worth the effort, the time, the cost, then
The Attorney General deter- that general pay raises and equip— nothing Wlll‘
mined that if the Todd County ment issues were discussed for the
_. Fiscal Court engaged in a discussion majority of the meeting.
. of general personnel matters, such Todd County Attorney Harold
as salary increases and equipment M. Johns, responding to the appeal 5 _ ; -' ~ i A y
issues unrelated to the possible on behalf of the court, said Long’s C O N G R A T U L A T I 0 N S
‘ appointment, discipline or dis- allegation was based on the state- .
missal of a public employee, the dis- ment of a county employee who p . '
' ' cussion was improper to that extent. was interviewed by the fiscal court 1 y ‘ ‘ .
‘ According to ' the Attorney regarding the abuse of equipment at ' g
General’s Office, reporter Dana the county road garage by various . - _ ‘ _ , '
1 Long submitted a formal letter of county employees. After leaving the , ' _ . ,,
complaint to Todd County Judge- meeting, the interviewed employee \ - ‘
Executive Kent Knight regarding made a public statement that he had , ' ., 1’ ' 'V _ . g
, actions taken at a meeting held in negotiated a pay raise on behalf of KENTUCKY f'RESS ASSOCIATiON
April. county employees, Johns said.
In her complaint, Long said the The next day, Knight suspended I = . _
fiscal court ”voted to go into a a road department employee 10 S E C O N D P L A C E
closed session to discuss personnel days without pay as a result of the ' ' ' ' ' '
matters regarding the disciplinary information provided by the inter-
action of some county employees viewed employee, Johns said. ‘ a, _ _ _
affiliated with the Todd County While the interviewed employee Emmi”? “WSW?“ Publishers 1 I ' _
Emergencies Services.” However it may or may not have understood §ssoc§a§on15kaieRenored KW? I. p H.;I;'.j .
came to her attention that matters the purpose of the meeting, the Emkw Ream Rmiumnflflfifi f f: 2%? , .
were discussed that did nos deal court didn't violate regulations is We eeeeeereiece ewe-ere tor “a .» i
strictly with personnel matters. the actual purpose of the session 395‘ 5min.“ Award. , «Q, I 7
‘ In her appeal, Long said she was was to determine if any action , . p : . I’fj: ”aft;-
told that a raise was promised to against the employee was needed or Thanks ‘3 LQSGE 3!» KBMUEW ifk' I -, i.
road department employees that necessary by the county. titliéthifit both EfQN, ‘ . g1" “fifiiigg
would go into effect in early July Because the evidence doesn’t fimeantessdoet that “999% iINe’ «eggfi'figfi’
and other equipment concerns were establish that the Todd County ’ .: ,. , u e >_ 5 ~ ,, " . '
discussed in the closed-door ses- Fiscal Court expanded the scope of Siam“ f; Jfizfiggl: the gfiymg. 1,: if}, Eif"
Long, citing Kentucky [legal improperly concealed matters that . g -, V fig”; I mg i
precedent, requested that the issues would otherw1se be a matter Of pub- m i ,7 if ' '
, be brought up in open-session at the lic record, the attorney general’s b: "- ' , j 5;.355 , :f . e '19.
next meeting. officeewas unable to conclude that GM m, e " '. fie"; »- 33593;»;
In his response, Knight said the the fiscal court had violated the '
purpose of the meeting was to gath- Open-meetings regulations... a _ .. a »-.- . .~ J g _ , ‘- 1 ‘ a . € 4. V . ~ . a ‘
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 g; Page 6 ' The Kentucky Press, JUN 2006 The Kentucky Press, July 2006 - Page 7
‘ Users of ne spaper Sch r ' d t d ' t H 11 f F
‘NI E I] Slt E S l] l C I E 11 I E l t VICKI@AMNEWS.COM g a , Excerpts from introduction speech
‘ :5 Mary Schurz was honored ' i i” . .. 3% i .. Tonight, it is both fitting and appropriate that the
-; recently as the first inductee -. t.“ _ Hall of Fame’s first induction recognizes one individ-
._ 0 into the Great American Brass ' ‘_ " , it * » . ual’s unparalleled support and commitment to the Great
- u on - lne Stu d 1“ ds Band Festival's new Hall of ‘ ' 1' 1. ‘4“ g American Brass Band Festival.
l. ’ Fame- . . «th ,1. ’ Our honoree has been an anchor in the Danville—
»‘ th 12h“ _A11;rlght,'Cha1rman 9f .1 ‘_ - . 1‘ . aesg . Boyle County community for years, providing leader—
.1 Vienna, Va. _ People who visi t newspaper Web sites te: 8:32: gigging $312131; ,1 . 1 A ’3- ' ship and service in a variety of roles, most recogniz'ably
{ 21:13::Sa::1:§1e13d1;ay ar::nore likplty1 tr; Ht'take phlmedpur- The study, ”Power Users 2006: An Engaged Schurz, chairman and editor .. , 3:; I? 1 w «a h a a ., max is .,» 51‘? hr; her role as Edi?!» Ia