xt7gth8bk564 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk564/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1941 Vol.12 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1941 Vol.12 No.10 1941 1941 2019 true xt7gth8bk564 section xt7gth8bk564 j “ w v.
1:335:5:i:E:32:35.3:2215;233:3411 ii A I I
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.3 Journalism - — OF, by, and For M:
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{i Volume Twelve N umber Ten a
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 ‘ ‘ “91.55:. . :.
555.55 1.5 -

5. ‘ 5' 5
"55' 5 55 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1941 ‘
555 5 . E 55
5552 55 . . . 5
5 .5 5. 5 . k S/Jeczal DaysComng 5 Fif
5 -5 5 1 Natlona ewspaper ee For Adi/erusmg Tic-Ups 7 F0’
" 5" I . '
5‘55: 5 55 . By taking advantage of all special ' ’
5.555 .255 To Be F1rst W eek In October days an.51.015day5.0 persuade merchants 5 .1.
55555" 5~5 to use time y acvertising, many-news- 5 be
'5" 55 55 This is your official reminder that Na- subscribers with the importance of the 13525131655 get Eonstdhfibleke’ftm lineage . frC
5' 555 j 5 tional Newspaper Week will be observed newspaper in the life of its people. eac 1 yeai. 1k_0r"a1( "5100 mg publishers 5 of!
55'_ 5‘5 5 October 1 to 8, 1941. You have less A large variety of promotion copy are-11ml: tf' 511.3511'1355556 scpeciakdays 1" 1, ap
55' 5 5 than two months in which to prepare will be available free from various b.6135??? 6' ¥5llc1 0591.21 velmmg 1395‘ ‘ fifi
5:55 55' for this important event. If you are sources on request. Announcements of ilbld‘hms's Ilebeacmg events Of thli 5 2th
555‘ 5 555 wondering what steps you should take sources will be made later. Much of 51.“ mb 56135161: £1 .3115: 5
5' '5'5 5' ‘55 to insure an effective celebration of Na- this promotional copy will be presented :cptembei 2" 553 (h _ “l'- f , ~co
'55 55 5 tional Newspaper Week, the following on a national scale and will support cptem £611 ~fiigng‘e‘isary‘yoD the crea: 5 gr
5 : 55 '5 " suggestions may be helpful. the slogan, “The Newspaper Light The Fork: “ff" ‘ ' leasml ePaltment 5 ‘
5' 5.» 55 5 '1? As soon as possible prepare a con- Way Of F1‘€€d01h-" HOW€V€13 the real 5 m 1' 9" ( 12-1113501‘1Oncal bank.) . '5 d1
5' ‘555' 5 cise history of your new5pape1~ which success of Newspaper Week, as proved cpgepibei 5—i'11111YCISflly “of 'Opening 5
'3 '55‘ 55 5 may be printed in booklet form for dis- in 1940, depends on localization of pro- 0 “SF Continental Congress In Phlla‘ ,
51' 555 ' tribution to visitors. Combine with it motion ideas in each newspaper com- delplLia 1" 17/4' . 5 a
55 1555‘ 5 a brief, clear description of the way your munity, as outlined above. Septem er -:'-_SChOO'S open m most *v'
' 5555' 55 newspaper is made. Illustrate the book- The free press of America has an 1m‘ Secgmr'fble'ihlllgixiiiver 5 f t1 5. 05
i. 55 ': 5 let with pictures of your building, of. posmg list of achievements to recount p e? _ ‘ ’1} saiy 0 16 W15" 5 dc
5' 5' " 55 fices and machines, as well as photos Of this year. It has been at the forefront 1:54“ the Star-Spangled Banner ”1 5
1 5"} 55' 1"55 each member of our staff. Print more Of every movement to “thhd the com- ‘ _ . . Ci
5 5 55 ‘5‘ 5555' of these booklets than you think you will munity, state, and nation. It has been September Iii—National ‘Felt Hat Day. '5 a1
. 55 "2'55 55 need. the first to attack enterprises destructive :eptemllier 11.3-20C—C0nstitutiolr3 “766k 5'
. '5'5‘ '5 2. Prepare several articles for publi- Of the common weal. Cptem 6' /_ onsuiuuon ay' 5 d
:‘ 55 5.55 . 5 5 5 ~ - September 21—27—Nationa1 Dog Week. V
' '. 551 55 cation in your newspaper about the pro- The selection Of the slogan IS'bZISCd S t b 25 27 N t' 5 N 5 h
: '5 '55-5 5 55 cesses of journalism and printing Run upon the B111 0f nghts according to e1]: em, a} 5; — a iona ewspaper
5 .55 .5 5 . - - - . ovs ee .
55 9-555 them once a week durin the whole the general committee which states. « _ a
5‘5 55.: '5 l ' , g ”National Newspaper Week is a time in September 22'28 _ Better Parenthood
. 555 5 . month of September. h' h tl tt t' f 5 A . Week ‘
. 5‘55 5 5 . w ic ie a en ion 0 tie merican '
. '.5155 5 . 3' Prepare a Celendamf all meetings eo 1e will be focused umn the free- September 22—Rosh Hahanah (lst Day) ‘ C
. 5535 in your community during the week of P p l 5 e5 ish New Yar 5 a
: =1 ' "5'. 5 October 1-8. Invite each of your local doms guaranteed by the B111 0f nghtS— I V . Ct ' . 5 5 ii
5 55 '5 555 groups to visit your plant durino news- among which stand free press rights—a Septembei 22-27—The $11k Parac e. 5
" 555 .' 5. paper week Try to schedule a tt'alk by freedom enjoyed by all people. News- 56136131136]. 23—ROSh Hashanah (2nd 5 1:
. ".' "' " '. . )a )er service will be revealed and ay. '1
5 55 " somemembei Of your staff, 01 any other brtliperly appreciated as never before September 23—F1'1'St day Of autumn. '5 V
-.' ‘5 '5 well-informed person at each Of these and it. will be made clear that newspa— September 27—F00tb‘1" season starts. 5 1-
5 5 ‘55 5 meetings. Prepare material about the pers are the bulwark of all our freedoms— September 28—Daylight saving ends. ‘ c
55 ‘ . 55 newspaper that speakers can use con— . . . . 5
i 5 5. .5 . that they are free to v01ce their opinions, '
55 5. 5 555 veniently. . . —————— 5
(5. 555 55 55. 4 Plan to have a s eaker on some good, bad, and varied—Without fear of _ _ 5 f
. 5‘ 5a 5 l ' 5 . p interference on the part of anyone who Famzly H2517”? Featm-es 5
,5 5 5 5 newspaper subJect at each of the schools . .
i- 55 '.5 5‘55 in your community sometime during “'.'ght dams“) dfte“ the thought Of Appearing in the Attica (N.Y.) News 5
1'5 555 ‘55". newspaper week. 1'15 fellow Citizens. are a series of family portraits giving ”/45 5
5c. 5 " '55 5. Ask each of your local ministers to ________ the hiStOI'Y and background 0f old—time 5
11' . '5 5 5555" devote a part of his SCFITIOH to an evalu. . residents Of the community. Th6 serres ; l
5. 5 55 :ation of the newspaper’s place in the Promotion Data is running while {in exhibit Of Old family 5
:55" 5 '.55 religious life Oh the people. Census Bureau Pamphlet Series P-3 portraits '5 on display at the Attica h— .' '
“ 55 555 6- Try torrepafe in advance one or No. 14 will be useful to publishers in bmy‘ .For Yea“ Personamy 51“?“1'65 5
'. ‘v 5': 5555 more eXhibltS Whleh may be (“swayed the presentation of market data It and articles have been the mainstrfi 4 '
5. 5 5 5 . 5 . . . . ' ‘ - .' ,
'5 1I '5 5" 1" VOL”: 0W“ “{meWS: 1n. cooperating shows the 1940 urban and rural popula- Of magazmes. Localized the 5.61165 coukc 5
' t5 55‘ 5555.5 store Windows, In the 10bb1e5 0f PUth tion of each county, with the percentage be expanded to include‘ buildings, par 5' s
9'. 5. 5 '55 buildings, etc., showing the intricate PTO‘ urban for both 1940 and 1930. Of the organizations, and readily obtained from '.
, E -. 5 55 cesses required to produce a newspaper. 3,100 counties and other primary divi- newspaper files. Here again the weekly '
. v 55 535". 7. Reprint the short, purposeful par- sions of states, 1,257 were entirely rural cashes .m. on the. use Of. local names, 5
5 a 5 5 ‘55 agraphs from N.E.A. directors in your in 1940. This decrease in the number ~. Wthh 15.18 excluSive prov1nce and main ,-
5 1': 5.5 5’15 newspaper and in your promotion ma- of rural counties results mainly from foundation for its circulation. The At- 55
5., : j - - ' ~ 5 ‘
: 95 5515 555 terial. 5 the fact that some places which had less tica NEW? m a depailtment'all hefac: 'lhgeeir j
5 5‘5 55 5555 8. Give some thought to what your than 2,500 inhabitants in 5930 had is Yea €1§t0 save t e, altlc es 0 .5
.5 n 55 5:55 paper will contain during National grown sufficiently during the decade to Attlca History BOOk- <5
‘5 h'5 555 5 51' Newspaper W eek. That Ought to be the attain urban classification. There was a ————— ' '
5 35 555555 best 5SSUC'OT.ISSUGS 0f the .year, for the net increase of 299 in the number of If you want something, the best Way ,,
‘ 115 55515 5 OCCRSIOH IS intended to impress your urban places between 1930 and 1940. is to ask for it—and keep on asking. 5
5 51-15 5 5 i
: 1 '5 ' » ,5
" , : ‘35555 '
. 55 5

 A 1’ l -'
. '1‘?” ij -
l: . , --
194i August, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1 1 1.
, . . . i‘ i j
‘1 FifW Live Sugges/ions 23. What merchant has advertised are predominant in1your1 community? 111 1
1' 1707:81im77167‘ News longest and most cons15tently With your What is their geological history? 111 11.1-
. i. . . paper? Get his testimonial. 46. Is there a keeper of bees 111' your H11 _:.‘
' SpeCial 1 There are dozens Of ways In WIUCh 24. Is there a “haunted house” in community, or a rabbit, guinea pig, or 11
ierchants the news columns of a newspaper may your community? Ghost story. squirrel breeder? 1
lyinews- 1 be given hfe Wlth news and features 25. What is the history 0f the local 47. HOW did your town and county: 1‘; £1:-
lineage < from many sources. Summer months volunteer or paid fire department? Who your schools or churches, get their 11111 '
11311511613 1 often are the time when local news were the first members? names? .‘
.days m 7 appears to be at low Cbb' Here are 26. Has the soil in the area ever been 478. What farmer has lived longest 1‘1 Z
ing 130.5- ‘3 fifty source suggestions as compiled by analyzed? What crops are best suited on the same farm, or resident Of town 111 :
Of [1115‘ 1 .the Colorado Editor: to it? in the same house? 111' . ,
1 1- Weekly crop report, giVing general 27. What is the plan of each of the 49. What new crops are farmers plant- 1111 . .
1 _ 1 .‘conditions of crops being planted or graduate Students of the high school? ing, compared to 20 years ago? Contact 11111 1,
16, Clea: ‘ growmg. What kind of business do they want to your county agent to get this informa- 11 :1
iaitment 1 ' 2_ Weekly market feature about pro- follow? tion. 111‘ iv
1 - ' . ‘:l
i‘) _ \. duce, cl‘OPS, 11VESEOCk- 28, Has there ever been a bank rob- 50. Check City and county records 111
Op}??? 1 3- A dall)’ or weekly anecdote. bery in your town? These accounts are for out-moded ordinances or other regu-
n 11 a- 4' Vveékly fOOd news ObtaIHEd from] interesting regardless of being rc[()1d_ lations which Still remain on the stat- 11 .
1 most 1 a tour Pt grocers. _ 1 1 29. Experiences of local fishermen UtES.-1‘1
s1 5. Timely interv1ews With Winners and a best ufish” story contest will in- 1111
h _ of something or other, local honor stu- terest readers ————— 111 1
e writ- , - ‘ ' . , ‘1‘
tin . - l dents, housew1ves. _ 1 30. Saturday brings a large number of Whats Read?
61 m 1 6' Series Of articles on history Of farmers to town. Street corner conversa- N 1 11 t a G 1 i con en- 1 .
- CIVIC clubs, women’s Clubs, churches, tion and interviews furnish good read— . ewspcpermen a 6mg a V ‘1:
at Day. *1 and schools , 1 tion recently were told that surveys show 1 :
v'eek. . I . . .- ‘ ing. . . the lollowin in re ard to reader inter- i}
, .i' 7' Seasonal. features on ”‘1 101‘s 11101“ 31. What is the history of the modern est‘ g g 11:1
Week 1 days 01‘ spec1al'days,_t0 b? “Named Shoe? Give some experiences of shoe inside )a es of news a)ers are read 11311 -
ws a er :1 from encyclopedia 01‘ mterVIGW'1 salesmen. Approximately how many b 9.. I gt fb tl ‘p l d 1:11
P P 8- Weekly accounts Of all CIVIC Ch‘b pairs are sold in your town in a year? yb I lifr cen O O 1 men an women 1911
. , 1 - , . . su scri ers. '«E‘I
*nthood and OLhBI meetings. 32' Interv1ews Wth Clty’ county, and Illustrated )a es are read b 92 er I{11
9' OccaSIOPal debates on popular school officials on their work. t f 11 1 Idg Y p 111111
1 current topics by local Citizens, such 33 Suggestions on gardening Stories C611 0 a ma 61‘5- 1 111111 .
[St Day) as 03inions on American aid to Britain . ~ . More women read advertisements 7‘"
l ‘ of suecesslul gardens, unusual landscap- , _ - 11
- _ i , than iead even the picture pages.
1e 1 in the wai. mg B k . . b ~11
- - ,- ' ac section 3a es are ust a out as '11?
(2nd 1 10' Local interView51based on news 34. Summer sports. Is there a former well read as frorit sgections] 1'11
1 paper or magazme articles, on contro- bio league baseball player in your town? - I ‘ 315:
1 versial subjects H'D to f 10 al b ll 1 b “flute space doubles the value of ad- 1111
run - I ' 157 ry 0 C a cu ' vertisin and advertisin a) ' 1'1
. _ , _ . , . _ . , . , . )ealin to 11
tarts. 1 1111- Sermon Of. the week, Plelml?d by 35. Articles on economics, govern- r'l fg l‘ - t g. 11 g 191:1
nds 1 ministers of various churches, taking a ment or travel contributed under by- p K 6.0 ownerls up Is en times as strong 11,1
' ' - _ , ~ - : , . ’ , ’ as )rice a ea . 1111?;
1 different denomination 03911 week: line ol teachers, clergymen, or others The olIdpidea that ri ht-hand a e 111:
1 12. Letters received by local Citizens in public life. g P g 5 1111
1 from relatives in foreign lands. 36. Personal narratives of unusual alijefild more carefully than left-hand ‘1
1 13. Hobbies and collections. things. "an“ ‘5 untrue. 1:11
) News 1 14. Success stories of men or women 37_ Short reviews on popular books _______ .1‘
giving (it who have won recent recognition. 88. 1.115101), of local library. Additions T] . 1 11111.11
ild-time 1 15. Description of busiest street cor- of new books. Recommendations for Get 7” Readms [77“3’65’55“
25611165 1 her m town: 1 summer reading. The Scarsdale (N. Y.) Inquirer is us
11am11'y 1 16.11nterv1ews With obscure charac— 391 History of local churches, Where ing a news tip contest to obtain live
filcal 1- teis, Junk collectors, hot tainale men. are the ex-pastors? Unusual gifts to pas- community features and news yarns. 517-35
‘13“th 1 17‘ Informal interwews W‘th officers tors from members. This week’s tale was told in pictures 111'
mm :11); 1 1on precautions against house breaking, 401 First moving picture in town. and text. It was about the rescue of six 11 1
( . . . . . . . . a. 1
5 couks 1 ”05' 1 _ . _ First talking plcture, ducklings trapped in two storm drains. 111:1
'dpfarrn; * 18'. Old?“ bmldmg ”1 community 41. Local pioneer landmarks, their The attention Of the winner 0f the {‘011- ‘111
e121), 1 anfgltilinstory'f fi 1 history. test was attracted by the mother duck’s 1
W6 1 ‘ . istor 0‘ storms, res, or otier _ ' ‘ 1,5;1‘
names d" - y , - 42. Do you have a local inventor? £111.1th quacking. When released, .the 1'11 '
’ 15am?” 1“ 3’01” community. . . . . entire family for the drake had arrived luv
d main 0 . . . . - - , Carpenter With unusual ability, cabinet . i ~xei-= 1
1 2 . Who were stieets in City named . _ 1n the meantime scuttled for the woods 2.1::
‘he At- 1 _ maker, doll repair man? The Village ’ . . ' 1‘1." 1'
[or and Who selected names? . . . Such human or rather animal interest Ma :
l urges i 1 blacksmith—what are their experiences? .’ ‘ ’ ' . ‘ it‘ll i
- their ,1 21. Experience of -telephone opera 43 T , l 1 _ yarns attract readers like bees to spilled 11 :
r '1 tor, number of calls, longest distance ' racing 9C? antiques. honey, and fill the gap in “CW5 that is 11 j
<1 call. 44. Who is driVing oldest car in coun- felt during the summer months. 11:11;
1' . . - t ?This can b a ' iii? ‘3
22. Experience of rural mail carrier, aZkin 1 a uni 10‘; [61:11 by storyuin' paper '__1___ 1 1 1111111 1
:st way What are some of odd articles found in .. g CCO .5 o 0 cars sti in use. Every week is Circulation Promotion :1 .
g. 1 mail boxes. 45. lfl’liat kind of minerals and $011 WBCk. 11; 1
‘ i5}: 1
7;» lléi‘
,,;-' 11,1

 . . 94;; J
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August, 1 I
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CKY PR tiVe’ 21(131' Cal)aC1[y . ( deral \ he
KENTU n execu fladmg dc 0* Fe I
II THE 1b11I5h a1 or local 1 mar V’ C0 Furthel‘more’ oPI
I. " ‘I 1 I c . 'I
. {"I7.~I II .I IIII I ich d0 nOt pt that Elfitle 29’ Chillhflt 541)Illetins that ap I {16‘
. 'HIIII I II fil‘ms’ WI d in effeclishiflg rulfltiOnSI fiative bu sineSS have “III
‘I II "II I I. II . 115‘ The [Ilpla‘de “C pub k Reg 1 interpl . El ’61“ bu .‘ e Bul- I ilnI
IIIII I Page Four fill papers C0 hich “’61 d job Wol SE"era [116 new”) 1interlfletauv ’ Sta
‘ III I I' I CWS [S W (111Ce rce- to I k for I,
I I EII I n 1~ 12111 I , r0 01Tlme )ly . I 35 nd GI' . f~ " '
II I ‘ “Dayle. nIZWSPaPerSIHEersta‘e f Howard Igeefi “sud 1(and 2’ 5 : washlngtoln 0as I . [II
II: I . ;I - - . _ . T ' x
”I I. §.' he .‘ 88 wee Iweflt 1“IOEA PYCSIdCIndencefro111 16““5 Noilile: the BE! in as qulc-k ythe ‘~ IIfiSII
IIIIIII' I . . . thatlermol‘e’ N dcorreSPO11 inspectors Mean“ kinv t0 ObeIon t0 61a“? by I Is
‘I, I: II I Furt1 ~ celve . that [he is See .D. 01‘6“” rate . I .ag
II: II I ent ~ Kentucky said he haS :eindicatmgeas and thatpers fice ible an InIICIIl) plants 101-3: informa‘ I PM
In. . II . te ~ 211‘ Spa 3055 f IO 1 [11 . - .
III I’ I‘ . 01 me her Sta - othe1 Ir 116‘” 1 ' n 0 * w 31“ s 1t ‘5 [10
..I - tion . “on 0t .- ,. 111 eek} - I [he - 11t10 )eIS on a I
, I: I Pubnca 001a . acme of w , WI” 51:1 < WSW] as so _ . I
III? I. IIII official press As bushfi- weleI nt t1“011ble_s Conn€ct10n weekly. ncbe sent yolIlI e Bullctm 18
III III I III mm “Culle «ilnal‘ily 111 ntS-I’ hat 211' tiOn ‘W111 I TYPA SCTV‘IIC . [0
III IIII . I I R Portmann, Lexington were P1 11 Of job Pla uinsherS 1‘: SS than a\railab1€’_:\ _~—_— I 1116'
”II II I I ictol' I 855' eratlo I' ed P lad 6 - I /))'l
III: ‘ I I : V ——n;r— 0P adVls e1‘5 1 I 1C1ng r I
I. ,- I, ‘I Ker ,)a ~0( 1 01’
III II II on The _ o Daley eir neWSI p were [)1 om- / ,o-e and H ,gnt - ' ion has ‘5 be
I: III I: I I Printed - n OmcerS ntineI‘EcIIe hough th t'on but ~ terstate C. '5 W (I? Restatem H uI‘ Dlvls apel‘ I a V
III 2. I: WES” Gaiger t circula} into In that It 1 P01” and 0 k1. neWSP - 1 ’I ' tI‘
III . I I‘ Pressresident’ Pres" Cville Messe 3:000 k gomg ork 50 ThuSI 1e W age all WCe I 536613 a la ‘
' :I I I ' ' . [he I - I
IIIIIII III I Dyche’ Pld Vlce as” D82“ men a1 - b WOI” . I that W I {11116 . T] ' . CE [0 e 0“ ect of
2 ! I I. 1 terfie ' -Tre me“ _ _Journ JO 0121Le ks ed - 1 (1116 . @1635 - I‘CSP
II: I . I . RusSeIL. Wa k secy- comm 1”er ucah A to IS . wee . destln 3116C ~ess 1 . wlth h
. I . I y. 100C I cutive _ C0u Pad - n erCC Ihm 3- 013 m . a P1 I10n -. abOr . W
I. IIII I : Har’rusA _ I Exe .svlue Gore. Umo 111 1 WI any J 01116 l 51105 . I165 11 L
.1 I II , J. cu Distr‘c t L01“ Joe La niord’ Rich' letec . on 11d C uh 1 )ul (1 he Fa "I s c
. I I I , . , Mu e . - ~ 11113 rklng “701 r P 1 1“ Of t A has [1
II II I II' ‘II‘ Armentrog‘ FlrStTyler ourth’ JII] Tr‘m LO e65 WO fierce nly f0 '6 a11( ) (8) NE '
‘.I I. I. . l . . , I . I 3 Also ‘ I lo
:1 I~II I . II Vanpe} Chalrmasecnnd’nneld’ grank B]; Wans; 61111310}, {‘3 CofflI Ur Act 0 “ 3% -'()I'1 13 ( 1938 S The s .5
II i'I 1. ’ Thu‘d ’ocrat’ Morga. Filth' Fred ' Robln ‘nflersta 11d HO sectl t of lember I ‘ . I' m
I.‘ I. II I I ( n_Dem avocate’Times’. sixlhv W. W. n Lpg for 1 age a d to ~13 AC V 2111 11 .1 d (115 I 6
.I I III II .I S11 unty A ngW (“0rd, . Sevenm’ . WllIso ’ W11" I the W nflete 7 ndalC [in [.0 detal e , .
I I .‘ I ‘ CO :1 Gla t Be der’. th T' T ang, 3- ndel - 0[ C01 1 I Sta Bulle ' S 21 3 1n ‘ [76
I. III araso e'mocra' ld-Lea. E1gn IA. Bro victor nd u k. . b 15 n onees ‘led a . Ontaln I.Oblem J
I .. . I w I ble .13 Hera eralg' H- 1 rgez n a t Wee - he J0 11 611113 - 1113‘ an C 1111 P - (310 I 1‘1”
I III I mgt‘?“ Inle H. Nmth I -at-3 xmgto ' [ha 1f '3 k a 551- bulle ' rceme l-We
I- II . I; I I Lex Palnts‘ iana’. , sta e L6 nt- ever, - “fee ’ be Cla ‘ E‘A enfo . d 56111 0 u
. . I - II sonI. cynth ubncan' luress’epende HOW Howlng ould , N . f the klICS an 300 I7
. II II cabln' Rep tucky d Ind_ . n; . 16 f0 '01) W I, even .1011 0 . Wee than ’
‘ II - sburg K9“ Ash‘a“ mmee halrm“ ul t1 - 1 the J wee“: £1155 - wflh f 1655 - . en-
. III I: . iI Ilamtmann, Forgey’ 'Ve com gate, 0 Thomas um (I Wlt l f r that ban a ectlon ions 0 _ It IS g I
”III III For ncey egisla“ , 1d AdVO zettev ward, neCte Act 0 ore t Conn _ ' culat . ad- of I
. . . I. I hall L nne. Ga enl‘y. Jr., col1 the o In re 11 C” r the . 1anY -
. I III . I III C d Morga cllnton 1d; H plm _ def end 11 hermo ’ ' ‘A’lt . unde - 1 Of 11 ~- 1
I ,II I . - 1d, Hera R. J0 omel‘ (1 un a SP Furt 1165 . Ius [101 . W11 50‘
I . III I .I II Munfolwaterfle. gtOn rge . . S, S fie h m Y ’ b erS 11‘ Sta t adOP 6111
I III I » I: '1‘err Lee Lexm I. Ge°.1 wulxam h t 6Y the JO mploy f [116 _ , (1 [ha , (1 {her 3- I
; . . . I; . ry oOdv ocra I. cecl thong on hat 6 . 1 0 new .alne , asses .
I I III .I III HarUndeerun-Dem ealm , e . inutCS ded ‘t ‘Iuslve y 11); be _ COnL k PEI}
I I II I “I R. cah S mmonw _ mmme irman' f W In (-311 S eXC‘ era SthUS . [3 baC _ bor- I BO.
II. I ‘III Pad“ t C0 . 1,1100 Cb? rS- C comm onee . ork 1 g6 ~ds 0 . ale -.
III II merSe 1 EA“ pressv m. M Te - 611013 ~ 121 W 116 51g halal thele I
III .I II sot Journa- wspaper ntucky g Hera} hardson’ Daley certam Ommelc 1611 t . . 1.76 the Where . nce' , cor
I I ' III I ‘II Se Ne an": Kerrodsbu§p W- levreema’n' Only . 1‘ CH C only H nnnlln I - t'll'lces . Illpha 09 II I
. i III PormIon Ha , C01. Jerry keep _ I Job 0 . [he . ter— in ms c 1 ,mg (:0 he W21O hlg
II IN Ictol‘ R‘e Hut rasped’cate; a 5mg 6 . e belng into 111 ments inV’O ‘ hich t all e
I ”III Ii II; VisS Jan idgey P r.AdV°rIand- 0n 1 leIC E 065 6111- - caSCS age, W .1 d t0 In
H I: I .. III M k Emr ssenge cumbe . enera’ - b tha g 0nly Ierlme ~ 1 rele ‘ mm 9 b- - 1
I: III II Mar '11e Me eWs' 1n g a 1" - the le ( fficla . - has er P“ I TO
I . “I IIII I. DanV‘ ntY N l— - On . ale 161‘ L 1 The 0 - . 51011 S )313 .
I .III I. i430“ RIA rklng . LhCY - » 1 um D1\1 , new I . non I [he
I » :3 I, Tr ITO VVO (31 CC, ~1'lSSlhe( Hour - .eeLIY . rcllla .
. I III. I I A'- ED TION comm d be C < and . mfl'" helr C1 ivl- ‘I .w,
1 i I 7‘ II a“ state nee . 'he and SC ., of: t e D . gl<
I 3 II II I II NATION ASSOC/A / Ployees IIEIaIIour ACt' ferred to 1111 I30 weekly irreSPCCIIIe out that Igrcement I r'
.I : II I I . fii'fim . an liS re )1”i ’ - hers iflts en - ,
. II, I W. .1: 1 a e . t1 _ AI _ 11$ . )0 . to . d In I In
E II II I I '9 “Ta" ‘IVYiu W111 fin? Bullellnd OiAn exelnl)) Inaxllnulnitign I‘EIatlf‘iIest enunclgtelggg’ 21d(
, III: II I . e , 01‘ 3i 3 (a . , )051 s I 1’ I I .
i I II I 1211 R P . was S - 1’1 1?) .101] S I - h Wa 11) 1‘1‘
IIIII III KIWI SIDE: in whlch lt'ded in Secuomployed Solicies’ WhICIhe NEA onhl latest Claby I EU
‘I ‘IIII I I. IIEImIB) 194 ’- also pron Employee? 6 Of any P 0)ini0n t0 hanged- T essitated I tax
I IIII‘ ! II MEMBER wigs/4’, S [i011 15 he Act for C ublicatlon 'th a an lot been C tk was neC )Olicies Or1 I Sur
jI‘I‘ t 'hp rWI 5n .611 1t} .. c-
- I III PRE (8) of - wlt Dape . ‘ ha t’ltcln eme] nspe ma
II: I cth11 1 new51 maJO1 i011 5 ‘ . nfOrC field I '
., 2. . II KY . Conne ‘_w€€k y 0 [he fiCat _ 0V6) e and n 15' ._ cul
. II I TUC [ON ‘n or 86”” han 300 ’ coun' £11810“ onel‘s ve bee - ‘
i .3 II I I‘ K AT 9 weekly . f 1655 t . is in the . Co“ of emP . ions ha listlng tax
I II II II ASSOCID “Ni/“m I“ ——‘ Circulatlon-fh circulatloninted and p111; the Ifigtecial instlugininistrators under I W11
' 1-. II I. E »— 1 ' ' ' 0 . ' r1 .
I 5.: II I III “WI” part of Wl:he Paper 15 gr Hour dIVISI 1i- tOrS' “1,3 regional :0 exemptlo I em
I . f II . 0 re an - 21313 d ‘ - s ' I
I1 III II I 12 Numb” 1 . ty WEE The Wagihis exempuone I/vho’ 51111: prerequlitig) the muffin: II :19:
‘1' I ——~—————————__ - . - . e . t a ' on , . 1n IS
I 9 ’I' II Volume 115116 nsldcr employ n - I3 ( . ed ~s 1“ .
.., .. t c0 n d 1 1011 . 13C . - t01 .
I‘ I III II 1‘ Inspectors doES “.0 the case Of aeeyk is engag-1mg SeCIEmIahaS‘S 1‘; pAdm‘mSIIZ inspector? . gas
9 II II I d Holt ble m f the W . ’ he prl of t C t fie faml ' I a I:
I. III I IIII ——-—6an— Ca art 0 wlth t f the Scope so tha be
. . . I - . . a t
JII iI .I II Have I/ijgurf Plant? d Job Plant: durlnSeIs) Connected newspapel .On 1f ailiuly 13' Igjge’mployees Inf 3116 law. It Ii! a I".
(I I ‘II .- ' ‘tl , a . :10 , 0 en a
: . .II ted w an [ate 0 cthl . of emp O . an . ntS u'rI‘ I gr
I . II VI“ r La rk S a Ishmg . 1e 6X4 . ed 1 ’6” Irenle the C -
II I _ I _ Ou YO sed 11b 1 n t 1 engag mp O3 requ of em
I ' ‘I I III -and H. - New 5 call 0Jr P . 'bed 1 k he 15 ' t— e - h the 1‘ many t I0 I
. . . I II Vvage . t m 5 ha , descrl wee . b- rm . wlt thll _ en 5 he I ]
I I , II 1V1 Y . ctor hers: e ame . f O P 1a? . (71d . 756’” to t
. II I II nt act 1115136 ubhs typ ' the 5 non 0 1 en fm” - 1171b” ble ' ”I
d 'I I III _ReC€ 0ur k1 P Ion durlng roduc n _ ,(15 be. ' , ’6 , ”(Med 38: 4; {(3
3 I; III e and H n to wee yer John? alS_0 .1 in theP mel‘Ce' , rs to h es zm/olvmg] pay me ,1 13, 19, 72 ,I. S I
L III , III waif-ale cOnCer 1 'Ch ManagI Vacatlon primarl y terstate Com 11 PuthheI d5 cas fOT bacl [at fhe Ill 3’ $677121)th - . In
I I . . l f w 11 1115 n. _ for In for a mm 211' loye‘l‘s - 71 t 1 ’ ket €~ 07'
‘ I, II II? no a It 0 . from . Mea mg - able _ bor S [J , 765520 bla” 6’ka qu.
.I . I (3511 . off 2115- . advls La . from 277117 II a . we 0 .
,I E II III as a 1 tlnle Officl nta' It 13 he Falr btaln false (ma 3’ dung 300 132
~' . t". n ’ ton rese - of t an 0 e - gas a 01767 ha” ’
I II . .I'I has take washlrlg . ton YEP pA coples - h ou C W 3g ~(lm‘l Z 131167 [6552 ‘ 150
. ; n Y ave h1C Y abor’ , 71 K 11.!) I ~ 0 ' re 0
SI II 'I II to ContaNcltiz‘VS Wafih; ignformEd tie in— film of 1938’ Wartime“t ofl LNinth AVeII for (my 15;} newspapwplgy‘e“ we ,
I I I - a hat Dep _ 34 . I [O '_ U66 em
1‘ I! whl1e . Daley: R der t a- U-S- - ' on: . lsab 6 ml 7 . 17055
. I, wsp the Dlvlsl . adv . 36’ n U)
t; II I . B111 les L. Y kly ne . our 1 0 1t 15 finmg -. ulatlo
I , t1v€,_ Char . f wee . Canon nd H . 7. A S : ions de 6116 . .
I X: . I II PreSldenEnspectlonS Oltant Classlg Hour aNeW York Cltgf the regulatemployed as
1 a ' II I III creased Its and resllle wage an a pro' btain a COP? n employee ‘-.
.~ . an ’ t1 m 0 0 a
II E II I II p61 P1 Iants underresulted 23mini5tra- [he terfl’ls
. s, .
I4; i I Of [11.6 pmany Case d Hour. rinung
. I! III III Act In wage an erclall p
I nI ‘, I: I, to the b .comm
I fI II III teSt lodged y
'I 3 ' n,
I‘ 2;! III “0
. I III‘» I!
- I I 3 II
, I. .‘1 III

 1941 August, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five l l
l l
rofession- 'l engaged in 0H?” (WM/vies; usually 1017 N.E.A. Opposes Slam Proposal vent this proposal from being written l ' 1
a' rintin . T ical situations are re- . . into law before its effect can be con- l '.
.( 5k for l P g yp . , . , p Chief of Staff Colin F. Stain of the . . . l; ,;.
. Federal \ sented in the ofHCial release to illustrate . . Sidered by appropriate postal agencies. 'l l _-
. .. . lomt Committee on Internal Revenue ‘ 1,.
hermore 3 the applicability of the exemption of the ' , . ,; '
, g. ,_ . . Taxation has reported to the House —-————— ll.
that a _ ,. operations ()1 the average combination , . E
p . . _. “lays and Means Committee an alterna- , . ‘l ‘
ess haw; newspaper-Job prlnung shop where the . . . Kentucky Edi/07‘s To Serve ;-.‘-
, , . . . . _ tive method of raismg the three and . y
tive Bul- circulation 15 Within the statutory niax- . . On N.E.A. Committees .
l , . . . one—half billion dollars requested by .l
; 1mum prescribed in the Fair Labor . . _ . a; ,
igton f 3 Standards Act of 1938 the President, and has included a pro- Three Kentucky editors were appmnt- ;
0 . , g A . u - ; p , . . . f
r . . osal for )lElCll] second class )osta 0 ~ - ' - L - :ll' -
.iickly as l The spec1al memorandum of Admin- (1:11 a 3,; ml 1),“ng (exclusive oflcoungt lid ('ml “inlmiteés 10; the) NilllmanEd .; '
. . . . c ’ c ' . ‘ ' , g r K - l'. ‘
arify the 7 istrator Fleming to regional directors de- 1 l g ,, - y ”mm 8800 mom 3 I‘CSK ent 1y '
4. . free delivery), which he states would mond B, Howard. Secretary I C_ Alcocky ll; - _
~21th b l fines three tests to determine the cover- . N. , ~ 1;:
inf , l’ ‘a e 01. exemption of em loyees in a Weld 5;;/8,000,000. DanVille Advocate—Messenger, was named lg;
Olm‘l‘ . ' ' g 1 1 d p. . The Postmaster General’s report 101‘ on the membership and the awards com- til ~
as It is l plant of tie eiaracter escribed in Sec- 1 , 1- 3 4 l .7 . l, .
; . ‘ . . tie yeai eming June 0, 19 0, SIOWS mittees; PreSident Russell Dyche, Lon- .;; ,1
m l tion 13) (a) (8). The gist of the matter . . 3
. . . . an alleged defic1t of $85,381,000 on sec— don Sentinel-Echo, was named on the ;'
is that the exemption is applicable only 1 . 1 - _ , - , . l;
1 l 1 - ,1 , bl'l 011C {12155 mall, 0f W 11Ch hCC-ln-COUHEY membership and the consumer educa— .,
to paiticu ai emp oyees in tie esta is 1- shows an alle ed $7 000 000 deficit Mr . . _ g . . -.
_. . .- . _ .~ < g , , . - tion committees, and CeCil Williams, ;
nient duiing w01k weeks in which then . , , . 11 h l
l g ,. g_ ‘k , , ,1 b , .1 Stains proposal wou ( meant at an 2161- Somerset Journal, was named on the ‘l >
lion has /' pizmmy W01 may piopei y e saic to (litional burden of $26 900 000 would committee on consumer education ll‘
’6 be in connection with the )ublication of ’- ’ ‘ ' w -
:wspaper I a e kl or se niu k1 hIa . , have to be borne by daily newspapers, l‘;
. , _‘ 1 Y r — .,
e speCial l we y CC y \ing a eircu $12,900,000 by newspapers other than —_—_— ‘11
r g lation of less than 3,000, the malor part 1 .1. 1 300 0 b f- 1 1- l
- espect of which circulation is within the count C a1 ies, $ 6’ ’ 00 Y iaterna ’ re 1.8; 117age “77d Hour Enforcement ll
tr Labor . . . .y ious and other zone exempt rate pubii- . l
JEA has 2-; where printed and 13111315th Fleld m: cations and the balance of $92 400 000 Complaints 0f weekly newspaper pub- l l
ers. The l spectors of the Ill/age (”I'd Hour Dzm- by all other publications including mag» lishers from New York and other states ii
iled dis- A; non have been Misti-acted to regard the azines and farm and business papers. about the assessment of back pay when ll
3161113 in gl 6771])1031'66 Zn (/1165th71 (IS exempted Ill/1671 FEW people realize that the free-in— they have Considered themselves exempt iill
.ni-week- «l he war/es more than 50 per cent of his county privilege is granted only to sec- under Section 13 (a) (8) of the Fair La- l'gll
in 3000 “"16 0” ”0"" Chm“? ”“55““? t0 the end—class mail rated publications distrib- bOF Standards Act have been accumu- ll.
’ ' ' , . . ._ . l, 9;.
t is ‘gen- publication of the newspaper. uted from post offices that do not have lating so fast that a clarifying-restate- l;
many of ‘, ______ either village or city letter carrier ser- merit as to the Wage and Hour Dwmon’s 1; lI
ein Will ' _ g _ . vice. Development of these services has enforcement pOllClCS is expected Shortly. ll ,
ly assess- Soczal Secm‘zty Revzszon reduced the number of papers utilizing The NEA Washington Representative l
are bor. ; It 15 reported that the Social Security the service within the county, has been in conference on the subleCt l‘llll
:ice. .g Board has forwarded to a special Senate Previous Congressional committees for several days With DlVlSlon oilicmls ;
e Wage committee recommendations calling for and post office commissions have es. 111 an Effort to Clear the confusmn ap‘ '0
i to all l higher pay roll taxes. Under the recom- tablished that nothing like this pro- 133“?le “mung “Ver the scope 0f the r
)er pub- _ mendations the existing 1 per cent pay posed amount or even 5 percent of it DIVISIOHS interpretation as to the status jlll
. . - l ‘l
culation l roll tax on all employees covered under could be collected by any assessment of Of combination newspaper-_;ob ShOPS- A ll;
16 Divi- ; the old-age and survivors’ insurance pro- postal rates without driving many news spec1a1 NEA Wage and Hour BUNCH“ l ;‘3;
rcement j gram would be boosted. papers out of business. Wlll be issued as soon as the negotiations ; ll;
iated in l The schedule of social security taxes, The policy under which second-class are completed. l
3, 1939, ; 111 the aggregate, Will require 15 per cent rates were granted is for newspapers and ______ “.gl;
:st clari- addltlonal pay roll taxes on employers. other publications to be distributed to . _ u l;
ated by l Employers are HOW paying a 3 per cent the public in all sections of the country J LaMarr Bradley, Cdlto“ 0f the PmW' 33.;