xt7gth8bk43t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk43t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1988 text GLSO News, June 1988 1988 1988-06 2019 true xt7gth8bk43t section xt7gth8bk43t Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
by Craig Clere
The May 2|: issue of The Advocate National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, will be
included a listing of June Gay Pride events giving the keynote address. Ms. Vaid is a
occurring around the country. Lexington's nationally recognized gay rights activist, as
plans were included, along with New York, well as a dynamic speaker. The presentation
Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and all your is free and does not require attendance at the
favorite cities. We've got a class act here in preceding banquet. The 1988 Gay Community
the Bluegrass! In fact, our week-long Service Awards will be presented.
schedule of events is matched only by Tuesday is Bowling Night at Joyland
Albuquerque, NM, the only other city listed Lanes, located on Paris Pike just north of the
which has at least one event scheduled each I-75 intersection. Starting at 9 pm, this will
day for the entire week. Here's what is be a fun evening, whether you plan on
planned for your enjoyment. bowling or just partying with friends. Four
The Sunday kick-off of this year's games and shoe rental will cost only M.
celebration is loaded with events. As in years Lexington's gay and lesbian artists will
past, Interweave will begin_Lexington's Pride be featured at Arts Night on Wednesday
Week with a 102% am service at the Unitarian evening, 7 - 9 pm, ArtsPlace, 161 North Mill
Universalist Church devoted to gay and Street. Musical and theatrical performances
lesbian issues. The service will be a by members of Lexington's gay community will
retrospective of events which occurred during accompany the exhibits. Both Joseph-Beth
the past year, focusing primarily on activities Booksellers and Sqecial Media have been
in Kentucky but including major national invited to have tables offering gay and lesbian
events. literature, pins, games, and more. Admission
Following lnterweave's service the action is free.
shifts to Great Moments Restaurant, 137 West The'Victorian Square Party Room, just
Vine Street. Pride Week Brunch begins at across from the Opera House on Short Street,
12:30 pm. The cost is $6 and reservations are will be the site of Video Night, Thursday from
required. Please call 233-0001 to confirm your 7:30 - 11:30 pm. Maurice and Desert Hearts
table. Next on the agenda is a Tea Dance, will be shown. There is a $1 admission
also at Great Moments, beginning at ll pm. charge. Refreshments will be available.
Admission is $2, but for this event, just show Friday brings GLSO's monthly
up at the door. The Imperial Court of the Coffeehouse and Dance at the Unitarian
Bluegrass Empire will make its traditional Universalist Church, 3561i Clays Mill Road,
contribution to the celebration, the Show for beginning at 8:30 pm. This month's C/D
Gay Pride, beginning at 9 pm. Admission to celebrates not only Gay and Lesbian Pride,
the ICBE show at Great Moments is $3. but also the first anniversary of these popular
Monday evening will include a Pride events. The Coffeehouse and Dance Committee
Week Banquet and Keynote Address at Great has prepared a special evening by booking
Moments beginning at 7 pm. The price for a Jamie Anderson and Martie Van Der Voort from
buffet dinner is $7 and tickets are available Arizona. Admission is $11.
from all Committee Members. Check the The annual Pride Week Picnic will take
special insert for names and numbers because place Saturday from 12 noon until 5 pm at
tickets must be purchased before Saturday, Jacobson Park, off Richmond Road. Bring a
June 10. Following the banquet at 8:30 pm, basket lunch, your frisbees, baseballs,
Urvashi Vaid, Public Relations Director for the (Continued on Page 2, Column 2)

(Continued from Page 1)
Please send me a free introductory volleyballs and tanning lotion. Just look for
[:1 issue of GLSO News and information the signs only gay men and lesbians will
on GLSO. recognize!
The newest organization helping our
El I'd like to become a voting Member community, the Aids Volunteers of Lexington,
of GLSO, including home delivery considered holding its Summer Benefit as the
of the GLSO News and discounts final event of Pride Week. AVOL decided to
at GLSO functions. My Membership postpone the Benefit'because of a conflict with
fee of $10/year is enclosed. Father's Day. Those of you on the GLSO
News mailing list will receive a separate
D I don't wish to become a Member but invitation when AVOL's plans are finalized.
please send me the GLSO News each The Gay and Lesbian Pride celebration offers a
month. | enclose the $5 annual fee- great variety of events. Lexington is
fortunate to have a strong, active group of
Name: individuals donating their time, energy and
resources to put together such a large scale
celebration. Take advantage of this annual
Address: event, have fun with friends, and be a part
of our thriving gay community.
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471 On May 26, the Centers for Disease
Lexington, KY l30575 Control began the mailing of "Understanding
AIDS" to the 108 million households and post
office boxes in America. The brochure
GLSO News is published monthly by the stresses preventive education and contains
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. material on transmission of the disease, IV
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services drug use, condoms, testing and sex education.
Organization), Box 111471, Lexington, KY l#0575 Health officials in Great Britain sent a similar
Steve Savage, Editor mailing to their citizens last year.
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar Part of the "America Responds to AIDS"
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda campaign, the brochure symbolizes the dilemma
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist faced by the government in fighting the
Additional Contributors: Dave, Craig, AVOL, disease. A nationwide mailing was initially
The Advocate, LLDEF, Fin Ser Week, NGLTF, discussed about two years ago, but postponed
NAN: Typists: Dave, Craig; Equipment: Dave, because of concern by Congress. An
Karen; Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Craig, additional 110,000 AIDS cases have been
Gerry, Brian; Mailing: Dave; Courier: Barry, reported in those two years. Because AIDS is
Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Gerry, primarily transmitted through sex and IV drug
Dave, Jonathan, Bill. use, it is not something the general population
talks about openly. And since sodomy and
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are drug abuse are illegal, such frank discussion
those of the authors and do not necessarily raises questions for politicians which go
represent those of the Board of Directors. beyond simple embarrassment.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions Residents of central Kentucky should
become the property of GLSO and must include prepare for the barrage of "Letters to the
the full name and address of the author. Editor" and righteous indignation from church
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The leaders. Rep. Jim Bunning fired the opening
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any shot by mailing his constituents a postcard to
submissions (including advertising) to meet warn them that sexually explicit material was
publishing requirements. on the way. Most people have already heard
enough about the disease to form an opinion.
The placement of advertising in GLSO News The arrival of "Understanding AIDS" in every
does not denote a person's sexual orientation mailbox may enlighten a few, but will probably
nor a business's customer preference. incense many more.

 — —

On Saturday, June 25, Louisville will see A Cook County Circuit Court recently
its second annual gay rights March for rejected adult adoption as a way for gays to
Justice. Organizers of the March anticipate insure that their lovers would be considered
last year's success will spark an even more heirs. Adoption of an adult is permitted-in
impressive event this summer. many states.

A pre-march rally, including music and In this Chicago case, Mary Cross
information tables from organizations created a trust naming her son David as
throughout Kentucky and surrounding areas, beneficiary. Upon the son's death the trust
begins at 11 am in Central Park. At noon the proceeds were to be distributed to the
March for Justice will begin its trek to the surviving descendants. After his mother died
courthouse in downtown Louisville, where the David adopted Gilbert, his roommate of 16
afternoon will culminate with a post-march years, making the roommate a surviving
rally featuring speakers of state and' national descendant and therefore beneficiary of the
prominence. trust. David died about a year after his

The importance of this event cannot be mother, and two cousins sued to acquire the
overstated. For the past several years the funds held in trust.

Greater Louisville Human Rights Commission In the opinion, Judge Siegan wrote, "If
has been working towards passage of local she had intended that David could adopt
legislation prohibiting discrimination based on anyone and appoint to that person, the words
sexual orientation. Last year's March included 'my descendants' would be meaningless.
300 lesbian, gay and straight people, and Gilbert was not adopted until after the death
presented a strong demand for such of Mary and therefore was not one of Mary's
legislation. It is imperative this summer's descendants at the time of her death."

March send an overwhelming voice demanding The effect of this decision on Kentucky
equal rights for us all. Your participation is law is uncertain, but it again illustrates the
greatly needed! For more information, problems faced by gays and lesbians in
including car pooling to Louisville, call Steve long-term relationships.

or Craig at 26643887.


The Kentucky AIDS Education Project the group could concentrate on improved
has awarded $2,080 to AVOL for education and patient care services. With the help of Comp
risk reduction activities. The funds have not Care and Hospice, AVOL has a Buddy System
yet been released, but are intended to cover and support groups in place. The next major
the period May — December, 1988. AVOL will goal is establishment of a residence for
use the money for brochures, patient resource patients in need of housing. Housing
material, condoms, and phone, printing and Committee members have visited Louisville to
mailing expenses. Since formation in October, learn the details about Glade House and are
AVOL has raised over $5,000 and spent about working on a similar program with the support
$2,000. The state grant should cover many of of other community agencies. Additional grant
the organization's regular expenses for the applications are anticipated, but local support
balance of this year. is needed for property acquisition and

Receipt of the grant was important so on-going operation.


Nearly 600 people participated in This year marchers were heckled by a few
Dubuque's Second Annual Gay/Lesbian Pride observers, but police adequately staffed the
March on April 30. Marchers poured in from event and discouraged outbreaks of violence.
the upper midwest, and from cities as far Representative Torn Jochum (D-Dubuque)
away as New York, San Francisco and Miami. addressed the rally, saying "I stand here

The crowd was reminded of the first before you today calling for an end to violence
march last September in which 30 marchers and an end to discrimination because I believe
were pelted with Obscenities and eggs by in justice. The Constitution is not
approximately 300 angry counterdemonstrators. negotiable."


. And now for the fun stuff: Esmerelda's
p featured article this month has been reprinted
_ ,5’ from the Dallas, Texas newsletter Diversions.
‘ , Written by Ashley Taylor, "13 Ways To Make
Sure a Romance Doesn't Work" is too much fun
_ ”I smerEIda S Parlo r [and worthwhile to boot) to not be passed on.
5‘“ Hope you all enjoy it as much as we did.
3% Until next month.
.5 Debbie 8 Teresa
from Ashley Taylor
— ‘- _———X————°“ “"3 first date' °“ ‘3'“ am“
having a commitment. Concentrate on having
We hope that all of you enjoyed the a good time and getting to know each other.
many special activities May had to offer as Don't be pushy about a commitment, you might
much as we did. Not to be outdone, June push that person away.
looks even better! After all, in the spotlight 2. Nag and worry about her ex.
is Pride Week, and it would be difficult to top Come on girls everyone is allowed to have a
that. Be sure that you don't miss out on past. Concentrate on making you current
anything - information about all the various relationship satisfying for both of you.
activities can be found elsewhere in this 3. Take your date to the bar and
newsletter. then gripe about who she dances with. That's
We're still hoping to hear from more of what bars are for, to socialize and have a
you out there as to how you feel about good time. If you can't handle that, then I
Esmerelda's Parlour. What we have here is a wish you good luck when you invite your date
wonderful opportunity to provide information to come over and dance with only you in
and an artistic outlet. However, just a between commercials on your stereo.
handful of people are involved in its ll. If you are into athletics and your
production, and each month we are met with a date isn't, do not talk about how to slide into
new challenge to come up with something that home plate. If you are somewhat femme, don't
will truly interest all of you. We can only tell your date all about picking out nail polish.
hope that you've enjoyed the mix that we've Try to talk about things both of you can get
come up with, and hope that you don't mind into.
our experimentation. Possible topics for the 5. Think that everyone is after your
future include women therapists and gay and woman. Don't be possessive. You might
lesbian owned and/or operated businesses. We think that your girlfriend is topnotch, but to
will also continue to include movie and book others she may be like Lassie; friendly but too
reviews and poetry whenever we can. We'd furry.
love to get more contributions from you all - 6. Take her for granted. Expect to
any ideas are welcome! have a meal on the table and you clothes
Just to keep you updated on a few items washed. If you keep doing this, you will'run
previously mentioned in Esmerelda's Parlour, her off and then you'll have to eat your own
the much-hyped Lesbian Passion Discussion cooking.
Group finally get under way with a dessert 7. Love her only when she's happy,
potluck on Sunday, May 22. But it's not too strong, and confident. She needs you more
late to get involved, so if you're interested, when she is down and out. If you won't give
call us at 255-3851. Also. we've had an her support, there is always someone else who
encouraging response to our call for women to will.
staff the Cayline. We should be having a 8. After the lst night you sleep
training session early in June, and we'd love together, tell her she reminds you of so 8 so
to have even more of you join us. in bed. Then you can try yelling "Good
morning" as she is walking out the front door.


9. Criticize the dresses she wears. UNTITLED
At least, her wardrobe does not consist By Christine M. Meier
strictly of 501's and flannel shirts. There's
always someone who will like that dress or the Hold me, she whispered
stores wouldn't sell it. into my throat, her breath

10. Expect your girlfriend to be weaving
Princess Charming everyday. Everyone has through the hairs on my nape,
an off day. It's ok for her to "muddy" her her voice
white horse - haven't you muddied yours a ragged. Hold me, she said,
couple of times. and i did,
11. Expect your girlfriend to think though I knew she hadn't asked it,
your best friend is super. Just because you not aloud,
enjoy watching your friends slam down beers to ask was forbidden.
and dance on tables, doesn‘t mean your She never said
girlfriend does. You can not expect her to hold me.
like everything you like. She whispered into my throat.
12. Get angry and make a scene if she Her breath
talks to her ex. Get a grip, Honey! It says wandered soft beneath my ear,
a lot about a person if they can be friends soundless, as though
with their ex-Iovers. Are you friends with I had imagined her. My illusions
any of yours? withdrew,
13. Last but not least, expect your ragged.
lover to do everything with you. ' Sometimes it Hold me, she said. and I did
is nice to go shop with a friend or have a not
beer. Let your wife out of the house without know how. I curled
you being 10 inches behind her and you might around her, she drifted
have more things to talk about when you are through me. past me,
together. A relationship that puts other away. You can't
activities and friends in the back seat is more hold me, she whispered
than likely headed for disaster. into my throat.

Of course, you should take all this with her breath.
several grains of salt and please don‘t call us short, her eyes wet.
in the morning if this advice doesn't work! You can't, she said, no

one can. I touched
UNDER THE BLEACHERS my fingers to her lips. My pulse grew
from Teresa ragged.
Hold me, she said, and I did

Hey sports fans! Tired of all that old not turn away.
hat Major League stuff? Sick of the Orioles'
loosing streak and Pete Rose's temper tantrum?

Have I got an answer for you.

Tuesday nights. 8 pm. Castlewood - -

Park. "What's up" you ask? It's the GLSO :figoziuxlggg,$51,225:.“
sponsored softball team, the "Critters." Yes, children‘s books. New age
every Tuesday night at 8 pm you can be a music. Black women‘s literature.
part of the excitement. Help cheer on your Lesbian and gay literature.
"official" women's softball team to victory. _ ,

At 3 and 2 right now, the Critters are Ma" 0’71””, SPEC”! o’der"
heading their way to tournament time and, . G‘fl Certificates.
hopefully, a winning season. They need your lhe Ask aboulnurSAVINGSCARD
support. So come "out" and cheer for the Crazy Ladies
home team. It's exciting, intense, and a great .
opportunity for girl-watching. BOOkStOIe

The Critters last game is June 7’ so 4112llnmilion Ave. Clncinnail,0|l45223 (513)541-4193
hurry out while there's still time. See you in '
the stands!


by: Jim Pickett

One of the most important and con- The corollary, a negative test result,
troversial issues surrounding AIDS today is can mean two things. It can mean a person
the question, "who should take the test?" In has not been infected with the virus, or, it
answering that question it is important to can mean that the person is, in fact, infected
understand just what the test is, what it but has not yet developed antibodies.
proves, and what it does not. The effect of the test result on the

The test is not a test for AIDS. It is 3 individual becomes more important as issues of
test to show if a person has produced personal responsibility and community
antibodies to the Human Immunodeficiency resources come into play. Since there is
Virus (HIV), the virus known to cause AIDS. medical agreement that an HIV-infected person

Originally introduced in 1985 as part.of is potentially infectious to others, a positive
an emergency effort to safeguard the nation's test result brings a burden to bear upon that
blood supply, the test to identify HIV infected individual to not engage in behavior that could
blood is fairly simple. There are three spread the virus to others. That is an
laboratory versions of the test available, the enormous burden for a person to bear without
ELISA, the Western Blot and IFA. adequate counseling or emotional support. ‘

The ELISA reacts to the presence of A person who tests positive becomes
HIV—specific antibodies in the blood being part of the "worried-well" - those who are
tested, showing a more intense color as larger concerned with learning new ways of leading a
quantities of antibodies are present. Because fulfilling life, paying increased attention to
the ELISA was developed to protect the their diet. and lifestyle, and who live with the
nation's blood supply it is highly sensitive and constant anxiety of their infected state turning
often shows "false positive" results. This into full-blown AIDS.
means that some tests will indicate that the On the other hand, a person who takes '
HIV antibody is present when in fact it is not. the test and receives a negative result often

For this reason it is essential that blood experiences great relief and a false sense of
showing a positive result with the ELISA be security so that all precautions are abandoned.
retested with the more specific Western Blot or Or, the "test negative" person may truly be
IFA to confirm actual positive status. This infected, but without adequate knowledge of
retesting is extremely important to protect the how antibodies develop assumes him/herself to
mental health of the person being tested. be free from infection and proceeds with,

None of these tests are totally conclusive perhaps, a pregnancy, or engages in a new
as it can take a person from two weeks to six sexual relationship, unwittingly placing loved
months to produce the HIV antibody after the ones at risk.
person has been infected. This is referred to As you can see, the question "who
as a "window period." Because of the six should take the test" raises questions about
month window period for antibody the kinds of services and resources available,
development, the test should not be considered and, of course, about what information is
an easy or complete answer to an individuals' available at the test site so that those tested
questions about their vulnerability to AIDS. can use the knowledge gained from the test to

First and most importantly, these are effectively reduce the spread of AIDS.
not tests for AIDS but only for antibodies to Local, free testing is available at both
HIV. People testing positive may or: may not the Fayette and Madison County Health
develop AIDS. Without certainty of diagnosis, Departments. These sites offer pre- and
and with no cure for such a deadly disease, post-test counseling, and testing is both
knowing one's antibody status sometimes raises voluntary and anonymous. Although AVOL
more questions than it answers. does not offer testing it can provide additional

A positive antibody test result does not, information and on-going support services.
by itself, indicate that a person has AIDS. The phone numbers for these services are
The CDC definition of a person with AIDS printed each month in the DIRECTORY section
requires three things: infection with the of this Newsletter.
virus, a lowered immune system, and the [Reprinted with editing by permission from
presence of at least one of the opportunistic ISSUES: AN AIDS FORUM, Vol. 1, No. 2,
infections associated with AIDS. copyright AIDS Project Los Angeles.]

June 12-19, 1988
SUNDAY Pride Week Service, 10:145 am
Pride Week Brunch, 12:30 pm
Tea Dance, 1; pm
Show for Gay Pride, 9 pm
MONDAY Pride Week Banquet, 7 pm
Pride Week Keynote Address,
8:30 pm, by Urvashi Vaid, Public
Relations Director of the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force
TUESDAY Bowling Night, 9 pm
WEDNESDAY Arts Night, 7 - 9 pm
THURSDAY Video Night, 7:30 - 11:30 pm
FRIDAY Coffeehouse and Dance, 8:30 pm
_ SATURDAY Pride Week Picnic, 12 noon - 5 pm
. . . . @ @(‘i
For Pride Week Banquet tickets or Information 335 )
contact The Pride Week Committee Members: @
Bill....... 266-9175 Q)
Barry. . . . . 268-3935 &
Robin..... 233-9223 (1%
Jeff. . . . . . . 252-5248
Terry..... 255—5u72 iii,“
Craig. . . .. 266-8887
Jerry..... 272-7381
Keith. . . . . 269-8u17
Teresa. . . . 255-3851 x
z ‘
”0% Z. Kim @

We need 74 people to contribute $5 each in order to
run this ad during Lesbian and Gay Pride Week, 1988.
, Are You
AbUSlng The Greater Louisville
‘ . Human Rights Coalition
" Your Chlld plans to run a similar
)' ~ . advertisement in the
Wlthout "Courier-Journal."
Knowmg It?
‘ llnlOdtildmwfllgrowuptobe Hel CLSO
. p run
( 9’“'°’"“"‘ this ad in the
. If they let It show, they are often "Herald-Leader"
4 humiliated,excluded,oramcked at the same time
‘ by friends, and perhaps even by .
. hmily.
Nobody will let them be themselves.
So they will have to hide. From friends. From family.
Ifyouanteachingyourchlldxentbhnteglysandlesbinm, We need $370
you might be teaching one of them to hate themselves. to make this ad a reality _
That isn’t right. That's a form of emotional child abuse.


People helping instead of hating.

P.O. Box 111:7! - Lexington, KY “0575
Address _______________ Amt. of Contribution _________

LEXINGTON GLSO o P.O. Box 111471 - Lexington, KY “0575

from Craig Clere

The Convocation '89 planning committee Bored? Need money?
of Interweave, the gay/lesbian support group
of the Lexington Unitarian Universalist
Church, has already been hard at work, We are seeking sales
thou h Convo '89 is still ei ht months away. -
Theg UULGC (Unitarian