xt7gth8bk37m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bk37m/data/mets.xml South Carolina South Carolina Historical Records Survey 1938 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 107 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.3/no.39 books English New York: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 39 South Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 39 South Carolina 1938 1938 2015 true xt7gth8bk37m section xt7gth8bk37m      5; *@"*"M'@' @"'”@
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N Prepared by
V E The Survey of Federal Lrchives
§ Division of Women's end Professional Projects
Q_ Works Progress Administration
A § The National Archives
E Coopereting Sponsor
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.4__._ *2 LIBRARIES
j New York, New York
Q The Historical Records Survey
` § l938

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The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the
products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which
operated as e nation-wide project of the Works Progress Adminis-
tration from Jnnuvry l, 1956 to June 50, 1937, and has been
continued since that dete as e unit of the Historical Records
Survey, also operating es a notion-wide project of the Works
Progress Administration, and e group of stete of local projects
of that Administration.
The plan for the organization of the Inventory is es follows:
Series I consists of reports on the vdministrotion of the Survey,
acknowledgments, and generel discussions of the locction, condi-
tion, nnd content of federol erchives in the states. Succeeding
series contain the detailed informrtion secured by workers of the
Survey, in inventory form, 0 separete series number being assigned
to each of the executive depertments (except the Depertment of
Stete) ond other mcjor units of the Federal Government. Within
each series No. l is n generel introduction to the field organi-
zation and records ef the governmental agency concerned; the
succeeding numbers contein the inventory proper, separrto numbers
being essigned to ench strte in rlphabeticcl order. Thus, in eech
series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, thet for Arizone No. 5,
that for Lrkonses Nc. 4, etc.
- For oooh local office informntion regfrding ecch series, or unit
or relrted records, is presented in the following order: title,
inclusive dates ("to date" indiccting an open filo rt the time the
information wes secured), generel description of informational con-
· tent, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a
stetement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record
itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footegc,
description of the conteiners, physicnl condition of the records
(net steted if srtisfectory), location by room number or other
identifying informction, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA
on which this informrticn wes originally recorded by e Survey worker
end from which it wes abstrected for the Inventory. This form is
on file in The Nntionel Archives. When it contains substantial
information on eddenda sheets which hes nut been included in the
mimeogrcphed abstract, indicetion of this is given by use of the
reference "See edoend¤."
» In South Carolinr the work of the Survey wes directed by Miss
Edith Belle Laymrn. This inventory of the records of the Depart-
ment of the Treasury in South Crrolinn was preprred in tho Cherles-
ton office of the Survey, with Mr. Dcnjrmin M. Badger, Jr., os
chief editor, and wes edited before finrl typing by Dr. Erik Achorn
- of the Washington office. It is reproduced in mimetgrrphod form
through the fecilities of the Historiccl Records Survey.
Edith Bello Lnymen
Formerly Regionol Director
Columbia, S. C. of the Survey of Fedorol Archives
August 29, l958 for South Crrolina

Charlesten, Branch Disbursing Office .... .............. 2
Celurhia, Ccttcn Trice Adjustment Disbursing Office... 5
Columbia, State gcccunts Office. ........ . .... ......... 5
1 Celumbia, Stgte Disbursing Office .... . ...... . .... ..... 5
Flcrence, jranch Disbursing Office. ...... ..... .... .... 6
Greenville, Branch Acccunts Office........ ....... . ... 7
Greenville, Branch Disbursing Officc...,.,., ..... ..... 8
Charleston, Charlesten Statien... ...... ..... ......... . l0
Sullivan*s Island Statien .......... . .... ........ .. ll
GCOYGC-bL7Y\nl, S'*C1C‘.T3ZlOl'l5‘?¤E>•••»•»..•¤•..•.•••·••e••».•••••  
Sulliv;n*s lslana (see Charlcstun)
Bcaufcrt (see Charlestan)
Charlesten, Office cf Callecter....... ......... . ..... , l5
Beaufort Reccrds.......... .... ... ................ .. 28
Geergetcwn, Office ef Deputy Callecter................ 28
General Cerrcspcndehcc, Uatices, ctc.......... ..... 59
Bands, Oaths, and Pewcrs uf nttnrney cf Private
Persons and C0rparatiens.. .... .... .... .......... &5
Ships* and }asters* Papers.... ......... ....... ..... QS
Recerds relating te Shipping and Ccmmereial
Transactiens...... .... .........., .... ..... ...... G2
Ccast Guard Rccerds..i .......... .... .... .... ..... .. 70
Gcergetewn, Custzms Agency Service, Lhfereeuent Unit,
Custems FSL-tI`O_.}..;••••·•••v•·•.•q•••••••••••••¤•••••••  
Charlesten, Office ef Deputy Ccllecter...,...... .... .. 75
C.lumbia, Office cf Ccllcctcr........,... ...... ....... 76
Ihcemc Tax Divisien................... ..... ........ 82
Field Division,. ........ . ........ .. ...... .......... B7
?rccessing Tax Divisicn. ....... ... ........ . .... .... 87
Florence, Office ef Deputy Cclleetcr. .......... . ..... . 88
Greenville, Office cf Deputy Uclleeter ........... . .... 88
Greenville, lucene Tax Unit, Office of Revenue agent.. 89
Cclunbia, Office cf Inspcct0r......................... Sl

Columbia, State Froourement Office,. .... . ....... . .... . 95
Administrative Section..... ........... ...... ....... 95
Purchasing Order and Contract Section.............. 94
Florence, Branch Procurement Office............ .... ... 96
Greenville, Branch Procurement Office................. 97
Charleston, James Island Quarantine Station..........,, 99
Charleston, Third Class Relief Station...... .... .,.... IOC
Columbia, Office of Special Export on yalaria
Investigations.........................., .... ...... IO7


WPA Headquarters, 27 Cumberland St.
This office was established February l, l9B6. Daily reports
on Form D—52, revised, are sont to Washington. All other reports
are made to the State Office at Columbia, S. C.
l. PAYROLL ALLOTMENT ACCOUNT, Feb. l - Sept. l956. Form
record: official project number, document, payrolls, encumbrances
liquidated and authorized, allotments, unliquidated encumbrance,
and uneneumborcd balance. (Never.) 6§·x lO 5/E cards, 2 in.,
in card cabinet on table. Office, Sd floor. (1678)
2. CORRESPONDENCE, Feb. l, l956 to date. Correspondence with
Columbia, in reference to WPA District 2 payrolls. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 9 x l2 folders, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
Office, Bd f166f. (1679)
5. ENCUMBRANCES, LIQUIDATED, Feb. l, 1936 to date. For pay-
rolls, contracts, and other obligations for which no encumbrance
document exists; stamped, dated, and initialed by examiner in
charge. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 folders, l ft. 2 in., in 2
drawers of wooden filing case. Office, Bd floor. (1674)
4. PAYROLLS, NPA, Feb. l, l936 to date. For active and in-
active WPA projects. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x l2 folders,
ll ft. 5 in., in 5 drawers of steel filing case and 5 transfer
cases on table. Office, Bd floor. (l677)
5. REPORTS, Feb. l, l956 to date. Schedule of disbursements,
daily summary analysis of payrolls, daily report of transactions,
check transmittals, register of delayed payrolls, weekly inventory
of payrolls and vouchers, daily summary of disbursements, daily
statement of balances, application forms, oaths ef office, and (
disbursing reports. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 folders, lO in.,
in drawer of steel filing case. Office, Bd floor. (l680)
6. REPORTS, MISCELLANEOUS, Feb. l, 1956 to date. Schedule of
disbursements, daily statement of balance, daily report of tran-
sactions, daily summary analysis of payrells, transmittals of
chock copies, register of delayed payrolls, journal vouchers, and
advice of allotment balances. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 folders,
l ft. 3 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Office, Bd floor.

 ( Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Columbia 5
; 7. REGULATIONS, Feb. 1, 1956 to date. From Commissioner, in-
_ cluding memoranda, administration and field office memoranda,
special letters, voucher examinations, Department Code System,
» and WPA circulars and letters. Filed alphabetically. (Occasion-
ally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 in., in drawer of wooden
filing case. Office, 5d floor. (1675)
Masonic Temple Bldg., Sumter and lady Sts. `
This agency was established in March 1956, to handle the dis-
bursement of the cotton price adjustment account in South Caro-
lina. Reports are sent to Washington periodically.
27, 1956 to date. Form 1064, schedule of disbursements, indicat-
ing voucher numbers, appropriation of funds to be debited, name
of payee, and approved amount; progress sheets contain all as-
sembled data, as above; daily summary of disbursements has all
expenditures on anything consolidated and posted to disbursing
officer's ledger; progress sheets; accounts current; reports;
prior balances; funds received; disbursements; adjustments; and
balance due U. S. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 covers, 5 ft., on
wooden shelves. lst floor. (1275)
9. CHECK COPIES, PINK, Mar. 27, 1956 to date. (Frequently,
official.) 6 x 16 covers, 5 ft., on wooden shelves. lst floor.
“ lO. CORRESPONDENCE, Mar. 27, 1956 to date. With Washington
and interstate, relating to checks and supplies. Filed alphabeti-
cally. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer
- of steel filing case. lst floor. (1272)
ll. PERSONNEL, Mar. 27, 1956 to date. No information could
be obtained. (Frequently, confidential.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
in drawer of steel filing case. lst floor. (1271)
Nat'l Loan and Exchange Bldg., 15OO Block Main St.
This agency was established in 1955 to handle purchases for
WPA and related agencies. ·
to date. Of money allotted for necessary expenditures. Card

 Y Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Columbia 4
index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 14 ft., in 7 drawers
of filing cases. R. 207. (1245)
15. CONTRACTS, Aug. 1955 to date. For work projects after
sufficient appropriation has been made to carry on necessary
work. Card index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
in drawer of steel filing case. R. 207. (1258)
14. CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 1955 to date. On all phases of
the work of the office. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 drawers of steel filing
case. R. 207. (1255)
Each project must issue an encumbrance as to payroll period or
necessary expenses. Gard index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12
folders, 18 ft., in 9 drawers of filing cases. R. 207. (1247)
16. PAYROLL ROUTING SLIPS, 1955 to date. Form D-55, accom- (
panyinp each payroll. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
4 x 10; forms, 22 ft., in ll pasteboard filing cases. R. 207.
17. PAYROLIS, MISCELLANEOUS, Aug. 1955 to date. For state-
wide projects. Card index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders,
44 ft., in 22 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 207. (1257)
18, PERSONNEL FILE, 1955 to date. Folder for each member
of office, with related correspondence and papers. Filed alpha-
betically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer
of filing case. R. 207. (1245)
19. PURCHASE ORDERS, 1955 to date. Checked against its cor-
responding veucher and contract before it is passed on to Dis-
bursing Office for payment. Card index. (Daily, official.) 9
x 12 folders, 24 ft., in 12 drawers of filing cases. R. 207.
20. REPORTS, Aug. 1955 te date. On all work of this depart-
ment, such as monthly administrator reports, monthly personnel
reports, etc.; sent to Washington. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of steel
filing case. R. 207. (1256)
21. REPORTS, COMPLETED, 1955 to date. Forms C—5, C-6, and
C-44, information regarding allotments to be distributed among
projects. Card index. (Frequently, official.) 12 x 15 binders
(s), 6 in., on tsb1e. R. 207. (1249)
date. For supplies to be used on state-wide projects. Card
index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of
filing case. R. 207. (1255)

 j Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Columbia 5
date. For Supplies to be used on state-wide projects. Card
index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers
of stool filing case. R. 207. (1254)
-') 24. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMERTS, Aug. 1955 to date. Record
“ of all disbursements, administrative and project, throughout the
state. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers
of filing case. R. 207. (1252)
date. Authorizations for employees who travel on Government
business; travel orders show estimated cost and allowance of
funds. Card index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 ft.,
` in 5 drawers of filing case. R. 207. (1244)
— 26. VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION SLIPS, 1955 to date. Ferm.L—4,
accompanying documents relating to expenditures connected with
workings of projects, such as travel, etc. (Frequently, of-
ficial.) 4 x 10% forms, 12 ft., in 6 pasteboard filing cases.
R. 207. (1251)
I 27. VOUCHERS, PAID, Rug. 1955 to date. For contracts.
Qi Card index. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in 4
drawers of steel filing case. R. 207. (1259)
A 28. WORK PAPERS AND COMPLETED REPORTS, 1955 to date. (Daily,
official.) 18 x 25 binders (2), 8 in., on table. R. 207. (1250)
- Nat'l Loan and Exchange Bldg., 1500 Block Main St.
‘ This agency was established in July 1955 for the purpose of
. disbursing WPA funds in South Carolina.
{ p 29. CHECK COPIES, PINK, July 1, 1955 - Jan. 1, 1956. (Fre-
·.· quently, official.) 6 x 16 covers, 70 ft., on shelves in vault
,i and on vault. R. 207. (1269)
l 50. BOOKKEEPING RECORDS, 1955 to date. Daily summary of
disbursements, daily balance report, letters of transmittal,
summary of collections, transfers of funds, expenditure vouchers,
~. WPA vouchers, and blank check reports. Filed alphabetically.
. (Daily, official.) 8% x 10% folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of
ij filing case. R. 207. (1267)
51. BOOKKEEPING RECORDS, Aug. 19, 1955 to date. Form 1064,
schedule of disbursements, indicating voucher number, funds to
be debited, name of payee, and approved amount; progress sheets,
containing all assembled data; and Form 1692, daily summary of
disbursements. (Daily, official,) 9 x 12 covers, 12 ft., on
shelves. R. 207. (1268)

 ° Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Florence 6
S 52. CORRESPONDENCE, July 1955 to date. Letters from Chief
Disburing Office, Washington, regarding certificates, cancelled
checks, checks refused by payee, and pending deceased cases;
letters from Federal Reserve Bank, branch office letters, Reset-
tlement Administration correspondence, and WPA correspondence.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8% x 10% folders,
5 ft., in 2 drawers of filing case. R. 207. (1261)
55. NOTICES OF EXCEPTIONS, 1955 to date. Exceptions taken
by the General Accounting Office; originals sent to Washington
upon completion. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 sheets, 2 ft., in
transfer case. R. 207. (1265)
54. PERSONNEL RECORDS, l955 to date. State-wide financial
record of personnel of State Office. Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, confidential.) 8% x l0%·folders, l ft. 6 in., in
drawer of steel filing case. R. 207. (1265)
55. PROPERTY RECORD, 1955 to date. For office equipment
used by State Office and all branch offices. Filed alphabeti-
cally. (Monthly, official.) 8 x 8 cards, 4 in., in pasteboard
box. 11. 207. (1260)
56. RECORD OF SUPPLIES, 1955 to date. Requisitions, trans-
mittal letters, purchase orders, paid vouchers, property vouchers,
bills of lading, invoices from central office, list of equipment,
and notices of miscellaneous encumbrances. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 8% x 10% folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing
6666. R. 207. (1266)
57. RETURNED CHECKS, 1955 to date. Undelivered checks of
dead payees and checks with errors; returned for correction or
held for future action. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, effi-
cial.) 5 x 8% checks, 9 in., in pasteboard box in vault.
11. 207. (1264)
58. TIME RECORDS, EMPLOYEES, 1955 to date. Daily record of
employees of State Office, three branch offices, and Cotton
Price Adjustment Office. (Daily, official.) 4 x 6 loose-leaf
books (5), 5 in., on open wooden shelf in vault. R. 207. (1262)
Schnibben Bldg., ll7 West Evans St.
This office was established in February 1956. Daily and
semimenthly reports are made to the State Disbursing Office in
' Columbia,
59. CORRESPONDENCE, Feb. 1956 to date, With Columbia Office,
. relating to reports, salaries, checks, and payrolls of WPA em-

 Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Greenville 7
ployeos in District 1. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)
9 x 12 folders, 2 in., in drawer of metal filing case. Front
Room, 2d floor. (286)
40. RAYROLLS AND ENCUMBRANCLS, Feb. 1956 to date. Tabulations
and semimonthly payrolls for WPA District l; originals sent to
Columbia. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders,
4 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. Middle Room, 2d floor.
· News Bldg., 505 S. Main St.
This agency was established in 1956. Originals of all papers
are sent to Columbia. Form D-52 is sent to Washington daily.
41. ADVICE OF ALLOTMDNT, Feb. 1956 to date. Amount of money
given each project. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x
ll 5/4 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 508.
date. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll 5/4
folders, 6% in., in drawer of filing case. R. 508. (64)
` 45. GENERAL CONTROL LEDGER OF FUNDS, Feb. 1956 to date. Con-
trol of funds for District 4. Filed numerically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 9% X 12 loosc—leaf book,·% in., on table. R. 508. (58)
For ERA and“WPA grants to states for educational, professional,
and clerical persons; also encumbrence cancellations. Filed
numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 11 5/4 folders, 1 ft.
8 in., in drawer of filing ease. R. 508. (62)
45. RAYROLL ALLOTMENTS, Feb. 1956 to date. For records of
payrolls and allotments. Filed numerically. (Frequently, offi-
cial.) 6 x l0§·cards, 6 in., in pasteboard box. R. 508. (60)
46. PAYROLLS, RAID, Feb. 1956 to date. Payrolls for local
workers. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 X ll 5/4
folders, 5 ft., in drawers of filing cases. R. 508. (65, 65)
1956 to date. Form A-21, requests, and copies of letters to
Columbia, S. C. and Washington, D. C., pertaining to work.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11 5/4 folders, 5
, in., in drawer of filing case. R. 508. (61)

Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Greenville 8
News Bldg., 505 S. Main St.
This agency was established February 4, 1956, to handle WPA
disbursements in District 4. Reports and vouchers are sent to
the State Office, Columbia, every ten days.
48. CORRESPONDENCE, Feb. 1956 to date. With State Office,
Columbia S. C., and Treasury Dept., Washington. Filed alphabeti-
cally. (Daily, official.) 8% x ll folders, 6 ft., in 6 paste-
board transfer cascs. R. 505. (475)


  cons? GUARD
Fitting-Out Bldg. 119, Head of Pier 514, " ·‘  vy Yerd
From about 1891 to 1895 this stetion was on Morris Islwnd.
_ The records for that period were left on the Island, but have
not been located. The house in which they were probably stored
was washed into the water.
f 49. PnYROLLS.&ND VOUCRERS, 1859. First payroll in book is
Z the Muster and Payroll of the Officers and Crew of the Revenue
Cutter William Liken. (Never.) 8% x 14 vol.,·§ in., in bookcase.
Record Room, basement, Customs House. (748)
50. PAY RECORDS, 1922 — 1955. Enlisted man's name, rate of
1 pay, allotments if any, clothing account, enlistment allowance,
and transfer record; form in use since 1955. (Never.) 5 x 8
sheets, 8 in., in wooden box. Office. lst floor. (697)
# 51. CODES.lND CIPHERS, 1925 — 1956. Used in connection with .=.
, law enforcement. (Daily, confidential.) Vols., in iron safe.
i Represontative‘s Office, lst floor. (752)
3 52. SERVICE CERTIFICQTES, 1926 - 1956. Enlisted man's full
Q name, service number, rating, place and date of enlistment,
§ special qualifications, commendations, transfers, ratings and
disratings, and average quarterly marks. (Occasionally, offi-
Lf cial.) 5%-x 6 forms, 8% in., in wooden box. Office, lst floor.
j (vso)
Q 55. MUSTER ROLL, 1927 — 1956. List of officers and men,
*§ giving serial number, rank or rating, number of days present,
Q; and date and term of enlistment. (Daily, official.) 10% x 16
·{ vol., 5/4 in., on desk. Office, lst floor. (550)
i 54. DIVISION AND DISTRICT CHlRT, Juno 1954. (Occasionally,
i Official.) 28% x 44 chart on wall. Representative's Office,
{ lst floor. (816)
g 55. BLUEPRINTS, 1954 - 1956. Of Coast Guard Cutters. (Daily,
j official.) 11 x 18% and 5O x 96 blueprints, 8 in., on table.
; Reprcsentative's Office, lst floor. (755)
g 56. CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 - 1956. On repairs to machinery and
§ hulls on vessels, procurement of equipment and supplies, ordnance

 ~ I
Q Bureau of the Coast Guard, Charleston ll
E and gunnery disbursing offieers' accounts, personnel accounts,
§ transportation, freight, operations, cooperation with other de-
; partments of the Government, communication by radio, telegraph,
( and telephone, etc. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 5 ft.
1 8% in., in drawers of wooden filing cases. Office, lst floor.
5 (vis)
i 57. PERSONNEL FILE, 1954 - 1956. Record of enlisted men,
( service number, date of enlistment, rating, and term of enlist-
: ment; also medical certificates, report of change in enlisted
p personnel, applications for leave of absence, health records,
, etc. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. ll in., in wooden
· cabinet. Office, lst floor. (555)
r 58. ROUGH LOG, 1954 - 1956. Record of daily happenings.
Y (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% vol., 1 in., on desk. Office, lst
y riser. (552)
1 59. EXFLKSE LLLOTRENTS, 1955 - 1956. Covering goods acquired
; by requisition, proposals, contracts, or vouchers, for repairs to
( vessels, communication lines, and rebuilding and repairing sta-
1 tions. (Daily, official.) 8 x lO%·vol.,·§ in., on desk. Office,
? lst floor. (749)
2 60. JOB ORDERS FOR CUTTQR GEORGE N. BIEB, 1955 - 1956. De-
i tailed instructions to various~5h5p5hd?Fy5?d for work; when the
l boat is completed these records will be kept on board. (Daily,
( official.) 8 x lO§·sheots, 5 in., in desk drawer. Representa-
Q t1v5·S orricc, ist floor. (751)
( 61. lulL, OUTGOING, 1955 - 1956. Record of concerns from
L which goods are bought and amount paid; also record of personal
1 1m1il forwarded to enlisted men. (Daily, officipl.) 8% x 14
f vol., 2 in., on desk. Office, lst floor. (551)
S1 62. SOUTHLRN Asha COLbUElC;TlONS CHART, n. d. Shows route
Q of Coast Guard in Florida, different stations, number of planes
( and boats stationed there, and location of same, commander of
{ aren, commander of division, comrmnder of district, radio sta-
§ tion base, etc. (Occasionally, official.) 15% x 25 chart on
Q wall. Representntive's Office, lst floor. (754)
E Su1livan's lslund Station
( "`“`§HllT¥i?@FEElT§i""
i 65. COhHLSlOHDE¤CQ LED KLFORTS, 1894 — 1950. Kel tc to assign-
E ments of men to duty, payrolls, enlistment contracts, service
Q records, pay and personnel records, forms for insurance, boat
g Feeords, nonthly report on machinery, report of vessels boarded,
j examined, or seized, wrecks and parties rescued, weather, appmr.-
1 tus, equipment, etc. (Occasionally, .fficial.) Variously sized
d vols., folders, envelopes, 6 ft. 6 in., on open wooden shelves
§ and in wooden boxes. Attic Storereon. (747)

Q Bureau of the Coast Guard, Georgetown 12
Q 64. JOURNQL NND LOG, 189% - 1956. Daily record of thermo-
‘? meter and barometer readings, direction end force of wind, con-
1 dition of surf, men on watch, and report of what took place.
= (Occasionally, official.) 8% x 1% vols. (2), 7 ft. 6 in., on
‘ wooden shelf and on desk. nttic Storeroom and Mein Office.
  (Ms, sen)
‘ 65. CORHLSEONUEHCE, 1955 - l936» Relates to observations,
tax exemption certificates, suggested changes in uniform regula-
tions, general orders, psy and supply instructions, Boards of
V Inquiry end Investigation, sites, leases and rentals (free or
» paid), electric current, ovorhauling and repairs, boat houses,
I steam machinery, etc. Filed by number and name. (O ily, offi-
. ci 1.) 9 x 12 vols., 2 ft. 4 in., in wooden cabinet. lain
orricc. (ms)
QQ? §> **9;   1
V STnTIei 345
Front and King Sts.
This strtion was estxblished in February 1917. In July, 1956
the Bewufort and Georgetown offices were combined, and All records
_ moved to Georgetown. 411 reports nre sent to the Jucksonville
l ` District Office.
H.B. Bee Georgetown Customs inveltory.
1 66. CORnbSYOMDbiCE, 1918 to date. With Jacksonville District
Office, rcgnxdinp est blishment of telephone lines; xlso matters
1 of office routine, expenses, -nd employ ent. Filed by subject
° énd cnronologicnlly. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft.,
` 7 in drnwcr of wooden filing cuse. Dirty. R. 21d. (518)
x 67. 1lSCBLL;hgCMG rlLb, 1Ul8 to ditc. *eekly report, trans-
1 portltion r quests, vouchers lor power und rental of storeroom
; and parage, und agreements with clubs, corporations, and federal
` 7 agencies. Filed by subject and chronologically. (Daily, offi-
le oiel.) 1O x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of wooden cabi-
1: mt. 1;. 21»2. (szi)
_ - 68. PhOPERTY LLCORD, 1918 to dite. List of all pxoperty,
· E including office ind work equipment, supplies, automobiles, trucks,
Q tools, st-tioncry, and furnishings, snowing condition, cost, sod
_ list of articles lost or worn out. Filew by subject and chrono-
1   lea;j_Ce.l]_y, (éyuily, cfficinl,)   x 11 vols., 13); in., OW Opbfl
  bookcise. R. 214. (519)
‘ { 69. RECORD OF TLLBPEOME CO SI UCIIOV, 1952 to date. Record
{ of work in district, constructinj tel phone communic tion line:
Q for milit ry wnd individu l protection. Uilrd chronologically.
g (Diily, officiul.) 4 x 7 vols., lO in., in compartment of wooden
  cabinet. 1;, 21/1. (szze)

 ., 1
  Bureau of the Coast Guard, Georgetown 15
  70. 1~.··OE·THLY LEPORT, 1935 to date. Report of ell telephone
? operations, showing time, location, expenses, labor, end other
1 details of work done. Filed ehronologieally. (Daily, official.)
j 9 sc 11 5//1 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of wooden eebinet. R. 214.
1 (520)

BUREAU ow cusrrms

2’ Custom Houss, E. Bay and Markot Sts.
` Tho District of Charlcston was croatod by Act of Congross
2 datod July 51, 1789. Tho first Colloctor, Goorgo Abbott Eill,
y was .=·. appointod by Prosidont Washington in 1789, but was not givon
Z a pcrmanont commission until March 21, 1791. Tho sito on which
tho Custom nouso is built was bought by tho Govornmont in 1849.
Tho building now in uso was in proccss of construction for a
long period of timo. Complotod in 1879, it was robuilt aftor
‘ sorious damago by tho oarthquako of 1886. Tho oarly rocords
J wcro sont to Columbia, and o largc portion wcro burncd during
1 tho Civil War. Cortain rocords huvo boon dostroycd upon rocoipt
2 of authority from tho Dopartmont.
2 N.B. This offico housos rccords of othor ports ond Coast
‘ Guard rccords. lt also has miscollancous filos. Soo particu-
1, larly ontrios 95, 102.
, 71. LETTERS RLCQIVLD, Sopt. 5, 1818; Sopt 9, 1822; Mar.
g 1845 - Aug. 1852; 1855 - 1855; 1858 - Huy 6, 1861; Sopt. 8,
1866 — Fob. 15, 1867; July 17, 1867 - July 28, 1871; Aug. 51,
Q 1871 - uoc. 51, 1875; Mar. 28, 187% - har. 15, 1875. From Do-
1 portmont officials, ctc., rognrding clcaronccs of coasting
Q vossols, dutics on cargoes, roto chorgcoblo for transportation
1 of negro slavos, discounts vn cool importod from England, duty
Q on cotton ~oods from Frussis and Saxony, bonding goods for warc-
Q housos, vouchers, rcquisitions, disbursomonts, appointmonts ro-
1 pnirs to hovonuo Cuttor Um. nikon, blockoding tho harbor, in-
Q Spoction nnd stamping ofrEiE;rs?»5tc. Soc roports ond addondas
1 for ndditicnil subjocts and morc dotailod information. Cortain
5 volumos indcxod. (Novcr.) Variously sized vols. (27), 4 ft.
é 6 in., on floor. Dumagod by vtrmin, csroloss handling, and 1
g faulty contnincrs, brittlo, dirty, torn, bindings brokcn, ink
1 fudod, covors missing. Accord Room, Boscmcnt Storago, W. sido.
1 CFJO, 855, 854,861,§57,Q72,853,967-969, 990, 975, 991-994, 1511,
é 1512, 995, 996, 1518, 1505-1505, 1514, 1507)
Q 72. IMFOLT LBTRIAS, Sept. 1855 - Jin. 1911. Homo of importcr,
3 hftiolos importod, from whom purchuscd, viluo in foreign currc cy
{ and nmcricin curroncy, numbor of puckmgcs, spociil marks, nemo of
Q vtssol on which shippnd, duty paid, ond nsmo of ship's msstor;
€ SpCci 1 invoiccs ond opplicvtions, with o th, for spocial pormit
Q to lind and dolivcr tropical fruits oro attached. Filod numoricclly.
1 (Vwvcr.) 9 x 12 fcldcrs and 51-x 9 folded forms, 105 ft., in 74
Q stool foldod documont holdors.- Brittlo. Basomont Storugo. (1845)

 Q Bureau of Customs, Charleston 16
§ MOUSE, 1855 - 1855. From the superintendent and the architect
IQ of the new Custom House to individuals, officials, and firms
; pertaining to the construction of the building, authorizing de-
§ livery of building materials and acknowledgment of receipt of
§ same, and instructions regarding plans and appropriations.
Q Indexed. (Never.) 1O x ll 5/4 vol., 1 in., on floor. Damaged
Q by vermin, dirty, ink faded, covers missing. Record Room,
l Basement Storage, N. side. (856)
A 74. CLEU LISTS, CLOS D, 1857 — 1956. Cats. 145, 477, and
’ 710a, and Form 710: n’me of seaman, place of birth, residence,
Q citizenship, age, height, complexion, rating, names of vessel
Q and master, sailing port, and port of destination; inspection
` certificates and discharge papers attached to some lists.
1 (Never.) 9 x 11 and 1O X 12 folded forms, 61 ft. 4 in., in
5 18 folded document holders, 5 pasteboard boxes, and wooden cabi-
4 net. Dirty. Basement Storage and R. 7-10. (1824, 1864)
75. WLlCHERS' AWD GAUGERS' nhTURjS, Mar. 1858.