xt7gth8bh68t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bh68t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-04-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1938 1938 1938-04-26 2013 true xt7gth8bh68t section xt7gth8bh68t The Kentucky Kernel







Reviving the Deai
We Intended to let the matter
die as a case of bad reporting. We're
referring to the "horror In brick"
squib contained in Friday's Clear
ing House. After talking to members
in the class before which the Student Union building was referred
to in this manner, we found that
we misjudged the professor's statement and also his meaning. However, another professor now writes
a not, part of which is printed below, that indicates there are individuals who refer to the building in

this manner.

And He Sets
There are others who do not
consider that the professor's comment that the new student building
I is a "horror in brick" was in bad
taste. There are many of the stu-- i
dents and faculty members . . .
who spent 'months of hard work to
realise the dream of a campus community center.' who are dissatisfied
. . . Why should not faculty and students criticize when things are
It is good to see
'What is whispered everywhere in
closets' come out Into the open."
But'he asked that we omit his ini-



Blonde Peace Part
In keeping with peace week activities was the feature story in
Courier Journal concerning the organization of beautiful blondes to end war. Calling their
rrouo the "Little Women's League
for Peace." the blonde listed as the
rational commander-in-chie- f
plained that she intended to organize
thousands of beautiful
blondes. "Then, if war comes, we
will stand in front of the trenches
and we'll look at the enemy. How
many of us will emeree from the
front lines alive is dubious." with
an air of sadness.

Pwer f Woman
That kind of activity is good for
nublicitv. but they certainly are doing an about-fac- e
from the attitude
assumed in the last conflict,
to what we are told. Wonder if they remember the bags of
slack which they sent to young men

who were backward about "Joining
up?" People tell us that the women
were mighty influential factors in
rousinc local men to get out and
fight. Ah. the power of woman.
Poetry Lover
Kernel staff member who is a
bit shy about divulging his name,
which doesn't mater anvway. suggests that the English department
should offer a course in poctrv appreciation. Savs he. "Poctrv Is too
difficult for the run of the mill
student to rraso and it could be
much easier for him if he could hear
it read by some instructor as it
should be read." His plan is to offer the course at one hour a week
and one credit. Any other suggestions?

Nature Lover's Cry
Conies to us this note headed
"comolaints." "No four leaf clovers
on this campus, asserted by 'Students' looking into the matter. Who
wants to keep off the grass anyway?
Just a little bunch of vegetarians
loking out for the little blades of
prass. not real nature lovers who appreciate the cool greenness pressed
aeainst their backs they relax in
hsnpv anticipation of
D. C

"Childish" Pain
Relative to the keep-of- f
rmpaign. students resnond to the
.slogan contest with a fair amount
of enthusiasm. However, there are
a great manv individuals who are
nrone to smile, condescendingly, at
the "childish" idea. Reallv, after all.
they sav. dont you think that is a
rather ridiculous undertaking for a
llee paper? Franklv. no. We believe that an attractive campus is
one of the best means to gain favorable recoenition from outsiders
who. you know, often "carry tales."

Questionable Taste
contest where the contributor is riven free play, you can
eiroect anything and everything.
When we onened the box at noon
Seturdav. we expected and found
ouite a few "sloeans" on the smuttv
side. Some of these in doubtful good
taste were clever, but the majority
represent five of the usual
tvoe of material which is printed
on walls aivt on raped little pieces
of nper That is the work of a
child, and not a very bright child

in anv


at that.

Tutorial Course

"In a facultv meeting vesterdav.
"nite a bit of d'scussion arose over
the ouestion of conducting
tutorial classes for students
behind in their studies. The course
mtcht be reouired for those in the
non-cred- it

category of scholastic deficients. One
of the arguments voiced against the
was that, according to University recommendations, two hours
are smnoed to be spent in nrepara-tto- n
class. So
for each
tf we want to avoid compulsory tutorial courses, we had better start
one-cred- it



L. B.
I .a st of All

This is neace week, althoueh some
of us are not aware of the fact
Read the editorial on page 2 and
see if von acree that we ought to
stJirt thinking Also notice the

(clean means free
"clean" pae
from advertisinei. an editorial staff's
dream Phi Beta KaDoa is the
honorary of the week as exDlained
in the editorial. Also treated is the
subiect of the new athletic program. After reading John Ed's column, we begin to wonder If we
arent lust a little "off " Eckdahl
goes off. completely off. and the
sub ten of slogans, and Didl Castle
ooens the door of private life to
tell all, and eo to pnsb at 11 o'clock






20. 1938





Playing Their First Match
Away From Home They
Defeat Tennessee

Hinkebein, Muehsler, Buckley,



Selection Of Coed To Head
SuKv May Day Pagent
Will Be Made As
Was Prom Queen




Wildcats Victorious In Five
Singles And Make
Sweep Of Doubles

'vr. f




Suky's annual May Day pagent in
a manner similar to the Junior
prom queen election, were formulated by the Men's Studnt Council
at 4 p. m. yesterday afternoon.
Each social sorority will name two
candidates, while the independent
group will choose six representatives. Names of all entrants must
be in the hands of the Student
Council committee by noon Thursday. The committee is composed
of Ross Chepeleff, chairman; Robert Stilz and Harlowe Dean.
Selection of nine girls from the
26 candidates will take place at 4
p. m. Thursday in the Recreation
room of aPtterson hall. Judges will
be announced at a later date.
Final voting will take place from
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the Administration building, with only men students allowed to cast ballots.
Some definite means of identification must be shown by the voters,
and will be divided into four classes: student ticket books, driver's
licenses, social security cards, and
membership cards in student organizations. Names will also be checked in the student directory.
The Student council will hold an
important meeting on Thursday
after the first selection to decide
means of final voting.
Members of the queen's court, as
selected by sorority and independent committs are as follows: Lucy
Bach and Mildred Griffin, Alpha
Delta Theta; Mabel Pay ton and
Eleanor Ruth Jones, Alpha Gamma
Delta Florence Greene and Eva
Clay. Alpha Xi Delta; Lucy Anderson and Glenda Burton, Chi Omega.
Ruth Dilly and Margaret Rhodes.
Delta Delta Delta; Dorothy Santen
and Marie Snyder, Delta Zeta;
Markley and Caroline
Adams, Kappa Delta: Clare Taylor
Spencer and Joan Mahan, Kappa
Kappa Gamma: Fannie Benelli and
Barbara Dennis, Zeta Tau Alpha:
and Mary Jane Roby- - and Rae
Lewis, independents.



Kernel Aids Plaque Fund
To Commemorate Myey
As Edgar


Pastors And Leaders To
Attend Banquet In Commons At 6:43


Two hundred pastors and lay
church leaders are expected to attend the banquet which will be held
in connection with the fourth annual
short course for town and country
pastors at 6:45 o'clock tonight in
the University Commons.
of all churches
are attending the short course
which began at 1 p. m. yesterday,
and will continue through Friday
morning. The meetings are being
held in the auditorium of the Stock
Judging Pavilion.
Dr. M. A. Dawber, of New York
City, national superintendent of
town and country church work, is
among the nationally known speakers at the conference. He is a graduate of Oxford University and an
authority on church problems. .
Other prominent figure on the
list of speakers are Dr. Paul L. Vogt
of the program-plannidivision of
the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and Dr. O. E. Baker of the
United States Department of Agriculture.
Dr. Frank L. McVey delivered the
welcoming address yesterday afternoon following the registration.
will speak again tonight at the banquet. Educators and pastors from
Lexington who will address one or
more of the sessions are Dr. George
V. Moore, president
of the Kentucky Rural Church Council; Dr.
T. W. Ralney. Dr. T. C. Ecton. Dr.
J. L. Clark, Dr. Thomas P. Cooper.
Rev. J. S. Dailey and Rev. T. W.
The course is open to the public,
wiin special invitations to all pas- tors, lay church leaders, teachers
and social workers, according to Dr.
W. D. Nicholls. secretary of the
Kentucky Rural Church Council.

6-- 3.




Rickey To Display

Paintings, Cartoons



Balloting Closes
In YMCA Election
Balloting for Y.M.C.A. offices for
the coming year will close at 4 p. m.
today. Candidates for president are
Campbell Miller. David Lewis, and
Arthur Plummer.
The remaining candidates are:
Arthur Bicknell and Everett Stephenson for secretary; Herman Kendall. Harry M. Smith, and Thompson Bryant for treasurer. Four students, three faculty members, and
two business men will be elected to
serve on the advisory board. Students nominated for the board are
Campbell Miller. Robert Connor,
William Craig, Virgil Beaseley,
Marshall Guthrie, Morry Holcomb,
and Charles J. Wade. Faculty nominees are M. W. Beebe, Huntley
Dupre, and A. T. Ringose, while the
business men candidates are Fred
Bryant and Howard Whitaker.

Latest Sour Mash

Is Dedicated To
Charlie McCarthy


Dean Jones
Asks Students
To Report




Packed House Acclaims
Guignol's 'Stage Door'

Each Sorority Will Propose
Two Names; Independents
Final Production Of Season
Will Name Six
Filled With Comedy And
Boasts Plot Fringed
selection of a May
Plans for the
With Hilarity
Queen and her two attendants for

8-- 1

"Chickie" Penn, ' business manager of the Kernel, handed
a $200 check as that organization's
contribution to the McVey Plaque
Fund to Berkley H. Benneson, Jr.,
president of O. D. K., in the wind
behind McVey hall, the fund for
erecting a Dronze plaque to help
commemorate the President's
service to the University and
the state reached $966 toward the
goal of $2,000 set by the committee.
Lances, Junior class honorary, the
Association of Women Students,
and the swimming team are the
campus organizations which most
recently took advantage of this opportunity to honor Doctor McVey.
Many local alumni have contributed
to the fund recently.
Contributions have been received
in the past from Omicron Delta
Kappa, men's leadership fraternity,
Kappa Delta Pi. honorary education fraternity. Mortar Board, senior
women's honorary, the Men's Student Council, and the German club
Many social fraternities and sororities have already given funds and
the majority of the remaining ones
have indicated their desire to contribute in the near future.
Peterson, who is making the plaster cast from which the plaque will
subsequently be cast, will send the
preliminary cast for the commitWest Kentucky Alumni Hold tee's approval at ar early date. The
plaque when completed will occupy
Rallies To Increase.
a niche in the foyer of the library.
Interest In U K
The committee in charge of funds
for the plaque, of which Dean Boyd
In accordance with action taken is chairman, will continue to relast week by the University alumni ceive contributions from those
club of northern Kentucky, a series
of honoring Doctor McVey
of meetings in other sections of the in this way.
during the next
state will be held
two weeks by alumni, former students, and friends of the school of
form booster clubs, whose purpose
is to increase interest in University
athletics, accordng to R. K. Salyers.
alumni secretary.
Athletic Director Bernie Shively
George Rickey, of Olivet College.
and Coaches Ab Kirwan and Adolph
Rupp will be present at the meet Olivet, Mich., will be at the Uniings to discuss the University's new versity Thursday and Friday, April
athletic status and. at many of the
to display paintings, cartoons,
meetings, outstanding graduating
and other works, under the ausathletes of the surrounding county's
pices of the Association of Amerimill be guests.
The first definite action toward can Colleges.
the formation of a booster club was
Mr. Rickey will arrive Wednesday
taken by the Kentucky Club, alum night and will be a guest for dinner
ni organization of the Northern part at Maxwell Place. On Thursday
of the state, at a meeting in Cov
morning hs will devote his time to
ington Thursday night, at which 65 conferences with the teaching staff,
senior athletes from the surround- and that night he will be the guest
ing territory were honor guests. Si- of the Brush and Pencil Club of
milar meetings havj been slated at Lexington, at the home of Prof, and
various focal points over the state Mrs. E. W. Rannells.
and it Is expected that delegates
He will again hold conferences
from near-b- y
counties will attend Friday morning, and will give a
the meetings.
demonstration of fresco painting on
A meeting last night at the Hotel Friday afternoon.
At 6:30 o'clock
Owens boro. with W. J. he will be the guest of honor at a
Poster presiding, started the latest buffet supper to be- - given by Miss
action. At 6:30 tonight a gathering Anne Callihan at her home on Mill
will be held of supporters at the street.
American Legion Hut in Morgan-fiel- d,
Judge Earle Clemens in
Alumni of the Purchase
section will meet at the Irvin Cobb
Hotel at Paducah Wednesday night
with Brandon Price as chairman.
Thursday night at the Latham
Hotel. Hopklnsville, the Christian
county alumni and neighboring of Featuring Ray St. John's account
diminutive Charlie McCarthy's
groups will m?et with Dr. W. E.
mere stump of
Gary in charge. The Bowling Green rise from a of the country's white
pine to one
meeting will be held Sunday at the celebrated personalities, Sour Mash,
(Continued on Page Four)
campus humor mag. goes on sale
today at the Campus Book Store
and at other parts of the campus.
Billed as the "Charlie McCarthy
Dr. Norman C. Meier, associate
professor of psychology at the Uni- Issue" the current edition sells for
versity of Iowa, will speak on "The the usual pittance of 15 cents. It
Discovery and Development of Ar- carries "Fun. Satire, Puzzle. Jokes,
Campus Sweetheart Contistic Talent" at 3 p. m , Tuesday, Features, admits on the cover in
May 3, In the physics lecture room. test," it
inch high.
letters only
In addition to St. John's contribution, stories appear labelled as
follom-s- :
"The Last Letter," "Confessions of a Press Agent," "Alca-tre- z
Island." and "Necking in the
Movies." A Charlie McCarthy poem,
some more poems, and several
are contained along with
the usual sprinkling of
Junior and senior students
who are citizens of Kentucky
Bids for contributions are made
and have a physical disability
by the editors in a contest which
should see the dean of men or
offers a folio of a year's back subthe dean of women at once.
scription each month to the best
Dean T. T. Jones announced
short-shostory (1.000 words), caryesterday.
This action may
toon, and Joke submitted.
mean financial assistance to
The next issue of Sour Mash is
those persons, the dean furthslated to appear on sale about May
er stated.
8. press room attaches said

Qiiisenberry Pledged To ODK


if? MV;--


Kernel Special Serrtce

Knocking off their first match on
foreign soil the University Tennis
team routed a weaker University of
Tennessee net squad
afternoon at Knoxville. The Wildcats took five of the six singles and
swept the doubles contests.
Coach Downing" squad exhibited
their best performance of the season with each man placing his shots
with telling effects. George May,
the No. 3 man for the 'Cats, lost the
only match and then it required
three sets before he went down in
Hugh Faust, coach of the Volunteers, had three veterans returning
from last years outfit which left
with capable performers. "Biggy" Marshall, his No.
1 man on last year's
machine, was
lost through graduation.
Bob Evans, playing the No. I spot
for the Kentuckians by virtue of
defeating Phil Englebardt, displayed
the best tennis of his career and
triumphed over his opponent with
ease. Evans, who is captain of the
aggregation, has not lost an intercollegiate match in the last seven
exposing his
Phil Englebardt
usual steady game had little trouble
taking Gillespie, outstanding 'Vol
sophomore net star
ie lost
the first three games in the second
set. but came back strong to take
the remaining six straight and tilt.
Walter Botts and Russel Cooley
won easily over thir opponents
while "Buddy" Boone came back
after losing the first set to take the
next two. losing only two games.
The doubles teams had little trouble
each winning In two sets.
The Wildcat netmen left immediately following the match and arrived in Lexington last night. They
will begin practice this afternoon
(Continued on Page Four)



Sigma Xi. Elects



Active And Ten
Associate Members



Sigma Xi. national honorary fraternity in the natural and biological sciences, announced the election
of one active and ten associate
members at a meeting In Penn
l hall
on April 22. Friday night.
Chalres E. Bortner. assistant ag
ronomist in the Experiment Station,
was chosen an active member of
the society. He spoke on the production and disposition of nitrate-nitroge- n
in the soils of the Exprei-men- t
station farm.
Denzil G. Barker and Joe H.
Kurre, candidates for degrees in
June, and Wellington Cochran, O.
R. Depp, L. D. Etherington, Kathern
Montgomery, Louis R. Prince, J. R.
Randolph, Dudley A. Roberts, and

L C. White, graduates, were elected
associate members.
Plans for initiation ceremonies to
be held on May 14 at 7 o'clock at a
dinner in the Lafayette hotel were
made. The principal speaker at the
dinner will be Dr. J. R. Marlin, head
of the Department of Physiology, at
the University of Rochester.
The reaction between benzene and
in the presence of anoydrous aluminum chloride was the subject of a talk by
J. Forrest Allen of the chemistry

Paul Averitt. Instructor in geology, discussed geological exploration
in southern Utah.



The very simplest and most con
vincing way to report on Guignol's
latest production. "Stags Door," is
to be colloquial and say it was Just
plain swell. Packed with reams of
comedy and boasting a plot fringed
with fine bits of hilarity, the George
Kaufman-Edn- a
Ferber Broadway
and Hollywood success must be
called a Little Theatre ace.
There was more than one snapped stiff collar as the three act play
unwound in surging precision and
left a gayly bedecked audience of
first nighters gasping from spells
of laughter and sorrow. Action, and
let me tell you it came in droves,
took place in the Footlight Club,
ostensibly a rooming house for the
Great White Way's haughty and
beautiful hopefuls. The place, however, bore a close resemblance to a
successful three ring circus.
course, there were no animals, but
wild blondes and raving brunettes
dashed in and out in rather picturesque confusion.
The plot centers about Terry
Randall, played by Minna Bloom-fielTerry refused to forsake her
stage career for a chance at Hollywood's glamorous motion picture
world. David Kingsley. portrayed by
Frank Fowler, is a
pictare executive who gallantly disregards his position and encourages Terry to abide by her own
Acting in last night's opener to
Guignol's final major production
genuine realness
was fiUed with
all the way down trie line. Louise
Nisbet as Kay Hamilton deserves
credit for a really sterling bit of
work. She was a natural Clarence
Geiger as Keith Burgess, young
(Continued on Page Four)


Rankin Terry Wins
ASME Recognition
Rankin Terry, senior in the Col
lege of Engineering, won third place
and a prize .of $10. with his paper,
..i :
.. .J . . ..
CUglUC t
A MJUVZ VslKb, iVXUlkl r.'
trial Power Plant," at the annual
convention oi tne soutnern group
of the American Society of Mechan
ical Engineers in Atlanta, Ga April
18 and 19.
Technical papers were
presented by representatives of 17
colleges and universities
in the
Sixteen members of the local student section of ASM E. made the
trip which included an inspection
tour of several industrial establishments in the South. The delegation
from Kentucky was entertained with
a dance by the Engineering College
of the University of Tennessee at
Knoxville, Saturday night, April 16.
Those who attended the convention were O. B. Alderman, Fred J.
Fisher Jr.. John Mcintosh. Mike
Snider, Earl G. Welch Jr., Paul H.
Brown. N. I. Gebhart, Garni Mor-ett- i.
Kenneth Sylvester, Norman A
Wides, William K. Dyer. Wickliffe
Hendry. Clifford Simpson. Rankin
Terry. Fred VanArsdell and W. T





Frank L. McVey W ill Address
First Annual Conference
Of Airwave Directors
At Gander

Assembly To Acquaint Center
Officials With Programs
Of Value
Pres. Frank L. McVey will speak
on "Why the Listening Center System" at the first annual conference
of University Listening Center directors to be held at Gander, Letcher county, Kentucky, Friday and
Saturday, April 29 and 30.
The conference has been arranged
In cooperation with the Carcassonne Community Center in order to
better acquaint listening center directors with existing programs of
value so that they may operate their
centers to the greatest benefit of
the community.
Parts of the conference will be
which will
broadcast by short-wav- e
transmit the program a number of
miles from Gander to a point where
telephone lines are available to
carry the program to the broadcasting station.
Visitors to the conference will include Pres. McVey; Prof. Maurice
Seay. director of the bureau of
school service: E. G. Sulzer. director
of the publicity bureau and founder of the listening center system;
R. K. Salyers. state director. National Youth Administration; H. W
Peters, state superintendent of pub
lic instruction; Lee Coulson. executive manager of radio station WH- AS. Louisville; and Tom Wallace,
editor of the Louisville Times.
Allen Miller. Chicago. 111., director
of the Chicago radio council: Josef
Wright. Urbana. El., director of the
University of Illinois' radio station
WILL: Miss Judith Waller. Chi
cago, HI., director of education for
the central section of the National
Broadcasting Company; and Major
A. B Dalrymple and Andrew Haley,
Washington. D. C. attorneys for the
Federal Communications




(iov. Chandler. Keen Johnson,
Prof, H. H. Downing, Ami
Prof. G. D. Davis Are
Invited To Join
Three Of Four Men Pledged
Are Publication Men;
Hinkebein, Athletics
Four students, two associates and
two prominent Kentuckians were
selected for membership in Omicron
Delta Kappa, honorary leadership
fraternity, at a meeting of the organization last night in McVey hall.
Sherman Hinkebein. Sidney Buckley, Edwin Muehsler and Jum"s
Quisenberry were the four studenw
approved by the society. Dr. H. H.
Downing and Dr. Davis Buckner
were named as associates with Gov
A. B. Chandler and Lt. Gov. Keen
Johnson selected as honorary mem
The selections, composing one of
the smallest student groups in recent years, was named after a two
hour meeting which
and one-halasted through the dinner hour until 7:30 o'clock last night.
Scholastic deflciences and partici
pation in a single type of activity
were given among the reasons for
the failure of several promising
vo be elected. The prospective members were selected upon the
basis of their leadership in five
phases of campus activities: forn-sicathletics, publications, scholarship, and social service.
Hinkebein. a Junior in the Collet:
eX Commerce,
is from Louisville,
and is a member of the varsity
track squad, captain of the football
team for the coming year, captain
of the swimming team '37, "38.
Sigma Chi fraternity.
President Catholic club, received a
letter in boxing in 1936. and is possessor of the most valuable players
trophy presented by the Lion's club.
Buckley, a Junior in the College
of Arts and Sciences, is from Sturgis
and is the recently elected editor
He is a
of the "39 Kentuckian.
member of Alpha Tau Omega, Gui?-nolf- l
Mike Players, Delta Sigma Chi
and the Patterson Literary Socl'"y
Muehsler. of Rockford. 111.. ais
junior in the College of Arts hi id
Sciences, is managing editor of The
school year,
Kernel for the 1938-3- 9
is president of Delta Tau Delta and
has served as stage manager of thn
Guignol theatre.
Quisenberry. Winchester, is a junior in the College of Agriculture,
and was selected for his scholar
ship record in addition to participation in Alpha Zeta. SuKy. Block
and Bridle, Kentuckian business
staff, and Alpha Gamma Rho.
Dr. Downing, professor in the
mathematics department, has been
at the University for 29 years and
is in his 17th year as tennis coach
Dr. Buckner. in his 26th year on fhs
campus, is chemist in chage of animal nutrition, experiment station.

sut-de- nts




Lysle W. Croft, student counselor,

Moreland Announces Student has been appointed the assistant
dean of the College of Arts and
Board With First
Sciences. The announcement wai
Girl Editor
made yesterday by Dean Bcyd at a

meeting of the faculty. Mr Croft
For the first time in the
will fill this position starting nexi
Kentucky Law Jour semester.
history of the
nal, a girl. Bettie
During the progress of the meet
Kentucky. Junior in the ing. plans were suggested and disCollege of Law. honorary member of cussed concerning the development
Phi Delta Phi. and former president of "help" classes to be added to the
of Kappa Kappa Gamma will be schedule of all lower decile students.
the student editor, it was announced Due to the late hour and amount
recently by Roy A. Moreland. proof business to be covered, another
A panel discussion on "Collective fessor of law and faculty editor of meeting was set for Monday. May
Security or Neutrality" will be pre- the publication.
sented Wednesday at 8 p. m. in PatPaul Oberst, note editor; Jo Ferterson hall under the sponsorship guson, business manager; and Steve
of the United Student Peace ComWhite, circulation manager, were
also named. James R. Bush. Jr..
Palmer Hall.
Dr. Frank L. McVey. president of John Breckinridge.
the University, will act as chairman Phillip Schiff. J. Wirt Turner. Jr..
Alan R. Vogeler and Ramon Wood
of the discussion. On the panel will
be four students and two faculty all complete the student editor
members. Dr. Huntley Dupre. of the board.
The selections for the editorial
history department, and Dr. J. B.
All members of Delta Sigma Chi
Shannon, of the Department of po- board are on the basis of scholarship. Appointment on the board is are requested to attend an import,
litical science.
one of the two highest honors in ant meeting at 8 o'clock tonight at
the law college, the other being the 324 Aylesford Place. Refreshment
selection for the Order of the Coif, will b? served.
honorary legal fraternity.
Since its conception in 1912. the
An important meeting of Lamp
Journal has become a prominent le- and Cross will be held
gal periodical having subscribers 7:30 o'clock at the Si;ma tonieht e.
N i hon-throughout the world. It has fre- 173 Euclid avenue.
quently cited by such authorities as
Shepard's "Citator" and Carroll's
AU students interested in fornmi?
Statutes." a dramatic group on the rampns
The purpose of the Journal is to are asked to attend a meetms to
promote student and faculty re- be held at 4:30 p.
tions will merit a prize of $5.00. search
in. tooav. m 'It
and to provide a vehicle for
Slogans must be short and to the its expression. It contains critical Women's building.
point, for they will be printed on notes on recent Kentucky cases and
Suky will hold a meetuig at s
posters and distributed over the leading articles on prominent lawp. m. todiiy in the Alumni gym.
yers and


Kernel Slogan Contest Pays Off
In This Issue To Peter Gragis
Cash Awards Will Be Made
The contest will run until the end
In Everv Kernel Issue
of this semester with a prize of
$1.00 given twice a week. Winners
Until End Of This
will be announced in each issue of
the Kernel.
"Don't be an ass keep out of the
This week's prize winning slogan
in the
keep-o- ff
campaign was
orignated by Peter Gragis, sophomore in the College of Arts and
Sciences. It was selected on the
basis of originality, cleverness, and
pertinence to the subject.
Second choice in the current contest goes to James Labach. also a
fophomore in the Arts and Sciences
college. His contribution is: "Be
a sport and do not trod upon the
clods that try to sod." Although
the catchword was excellent, it was
not considered for the prize because
of i's le!g'h.

Three major campus organizations are contributing to the campaign for abolishing unnecessary
paths across the turf. The Association of Women Students, the Men's
Student Council, and Omicron Del-- a
Kappa are cooperating in Judging
entries and presenting prizes.
A box for receiving the slogans is
in the post office and entries may
be made on a coupon located in the
Kernel Phrases may be rhymed or
unrhymed, should not be more than
two lines, may be submitted as
many times as the contributor
wishes, but must refer to the campaign.
At the end of this semester, the
superior of t!w vlnning contribu

Posters entered in the same campaign must be turned in to the
Kernel business or news offices before May 4. Entries will be judged
on promptness, in addition to neatness and originality.
They should
be constructed on white cardboard
by 14
sheets, approximately
All contributions are to be entered
with the agreement that the department of buildings and grounds
may use them as they see fit.
In the slogan contest, the deadline for Friday's paper is Wednesday noon, while slogans for Tuesday's issue must be in the box by
Saturdav noon.


Campus Sing:
Due Wednesday

for the
Sing are
to be turned in to Hardue
lowe Dean or Mary Lou
by Wednesday noon.
The application must include
the names of persons in each
group and the selections to
be sung.

Thore will be a meeting of AIpln
Zeta at 7 o'clock tonight in the
Dairy building. An election of
will be held and all memijera
are requested to attend.
All men who plan to try on' for
the swimming team next year ar
asked to meet in Room 34. Mr Vcv
hall on Friday. April 29. at 3 p m






Delta Phi. national literary honorary society, urges all student inter
ested in attaining membership to
turn in manuscripts as soon as possible. Students in order to be eligible must have six hours of Eng.
libh md, a


� ucoi uupy
Tage Two








at (he Pn Office l Lextnrton, Kentucky.
nutirr under Vhr Art o( March 3, 1S7S.
Knntiickr Tntercollemte Prena Ansortatlna





eHnn tunmlil!
New Vcmik.
tO Madwon Ave.






M. V.



lxris T. Igifhsrt


Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
AVn j Editor
Ruu'nrsi Manager

Jtan McFiroy
Fnr.AR I). Pfnn
L. H.

Piimsey Garrison



Louis Hayjies
Andrew O. Eckdahl

Sports Editor


Society Editor
Advertising Manager


Jack Treadway
S. Louise Calbert

Al Wat

Myer C