xt7gth8bh677 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bh677/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-04-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1944 1944 1944-04-14 2013 true xt7gth8bh677 section xt7gth8bh677 The ECentucecy

ON PAGE SIX- Learn How To
Take Temperature


Our University
Goes Collegiate





Executives) Representatives 3,000 Attend
Annual KEA
To Run For Office In Third Convention
Is Held
System MeetingCampus
SQA Election Of New
Candidates Must
File Applications
By 3 p.m. Tuesday

Applications of students wishing
to become candidates for president,
or representative to
the Assembly of the Student Government association must be filed by 3
pjn. Tuesday in the office of the
registrar, it was announced yesterday.
Election of the executives and ten
representatives will be held on Tuesday. April 25. one week after the
filing of the applications.

Candidate must have a 13 University standing and must have completed two quarters' work in residence at the University prior to the
election, according to the SGA Constitution. A recent ruling of the
Judiciary committee requires that
he must be a student regularly enrolled in the college and class from
which he seeks election as determined by the registrar.
Candidates for president or

For First Time

Edward W. Rannells To Give
Open Lecture On Modern Art
Edward W. Rannells, head of the'
art department, will give an open
lecture at 11 a.m. Friday, April 21,
in Room 211 lot the Biological Sciences building.
This is a regularly scheduled
class in Contemporary Art. The
topic for discussion will, be "The
Development of Cubism in Modern

Painting and Its Continuing

may be enrolled in any
college or class and may be of either

Representatives to be elected include: Agriculture: one upperclass
Voman to replace Eloise Bennett.
Arte and Sciences: two lowerclass
women to replace Mary belle Calvert
and Brewster Phelps; one upperclass
man to replace Marion Vance; one
lowerclass man to replace Morrison
Swift; one upperclass woman to replace Anita Ross.
Commerce: one upperclass woman
to replace Margaret Erskine.
Education: one upperclass woman
to replace Lucille Clark.
Engineering: one lowerclass man
to replace Walton Howard.
Graduate school: one man to
Ray Garrison.
Third Election
This election is the third under
the new quarter rotation sytsem
inaugurated last fall. Representatives going out of office now were
elected in the spring balloting last
year, the last wndef "the yearly election system.
Jimmy Hurt,
SGA and an Independent, is chairman of the election committee,
which is composed of two members
of each party and the SGA faculty
advisor. Other members are Lucille
Clark. Independent; Polly Jo
Constitutionalist; Marion
Vance. Constitutionalist, and Dr. A.
E. Bigge. faculty advisor.

Graduating Seniors,
File Application
expecting to graduate at the close of the spring
or summer quarter and graduate students completing degree
requirements are asked to file
application in room 16 of the
building on
Monday, Leo M. Chamberlain,
dean and registrar, announced
Friday, May 5 is the last day
on which applications may be
made for June graduation and
fees must' be paid not later
than Monday, May 29.


. . . will meet at 4 p.m. Monday hi
the Union building.
Freshman Club . . .
. . . will meet at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday
In the Y lounge of the Union build
Campus King . . .
. . . will be held at 6:15 p.m. Thurs
day In the Music room of the Union
. . . society will meet at 7:30 p. m
Thursday in room 313 of the Bio
logical Science building.
Baptist Student Union . . .
. . . will hold an election of officers
at pjn. Monday In room 204 of
the Union building.
Prayer Meeting . . .
. . . group of the BSU will meet at
7 p. m. Wednesday at the Union
building and will go from there to
one of the local churches.
Prayer Service. . .
. . . which will be sponsored by the
BSU will be held at 12:30 p.m
Thursday in room 119 of the Union
Mortar Board . , .
. . . pledges will meet at 5 p.m.
Monday in room 205 of the Union
Cwens . . .
. . . will hold a meeting of all
pledges at 5 p.m. today in room
204 c the Union building.
Pre-edic- al



fluence on Contemporary Design,"
more especially in relation to contemporary interior architecture and
This is the third in the series of
open classes which are being held

this quarter.
Dr. Huntley Dupre, professor of
history, and Dr. Amry Vanden-bosc- h,
head of the department of
political science, will conduct the
next two lectures.
Chairman of the committee' in
charge of deciding on classes to be
held was Dr. Herbert E. Riley, head
of the botany department. He was
assisted by Dr. A. E. Bigge, representing the German department;
Dr. H. H. Downing, professor of
mathematics; and Dr. Niel Plum-me- r,
head of the department of

For the first time in the history
of the Kentucky Education association, the annual convention Is
being held in Lexington on the University campus. Crowded Louisville
hotels could not accommodate the
members of the KEA this year. According to Dr. Maurice Seay, director of the Bureau of School service, 2,500 to 3,000 persons are attending the meeting, which is one-ha- lf
the number that formerly convened in Louisville.
The wartime convention theme
is "Planning for the Postwar
World." Dr. Virginius Dabney of
the Richmond Times Dispatch,
Richmond, Va., who addressed a
University convocation last spring,
was the principal speaker In last
night's general session at the
Alumni gymnasium. His topic was
"America's Role in the Postwar
World." The University Women's
Glee Club sang several numbers
before Dr. Dabney's address. A reception was given afterwards in
the ballroom of the Union by the
This morning at 10:45 Gov. Si
meon Willis will deliver an address
before the general session. Dr,
Herman L. Donovan will speak be
fore Governor Willis.
In the closing session tonight the
. . . will conduct
the second in a Hon. Walter D. Judd, congressman
series of open classes at 11 a.m. from Minnesota, will address the
general session at 8 p. m. His topic
Friday, April 21.
will be "After Victory, What?"
This meeting is open to the University faculty and students. The
Transylvania ACapella Choir will
Sectional programs lor various
educational departments are being
held throughout the day In campus


Lucille French To Present
Graduation Recital Sunday
Lucille Haney French, Lexington.by the University
music department in a graduation
recital at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial
will be presented


Before coming to the University.
she was graduated from Henry Clay
high school and attended Eastern
State Teachers college in Richmond,
where she was a member of the Glee
club and active in Little Theatre
At the University. Mrs. French has
been a member of the University
choristers and the Women's Glee
club and has appeared as soloist
with both organizations. For three
years she has been soloist in the
choir i of the First Presbyterian
Mrs. French is a member of Phi
Beta, national honorary fine arts
fraternity, and recently appeared on
their annual concert.
Assisting at the piano will be
Ruth Pace, a Junior music student
from Ridgeway, Va.
The program will be: Sheep May
Safely Graze, from The Birthday
Cantata, Bach; three traditional
ulster airs. The Blue Hills of Antrim,
My Lagan Love, and Black Sheela of
the Silver Eye, all arranged by
Die Mainacht. Brahms; Gretchen
am Spinnrade. Schubert; Wanderers
Nachtlied. Schubert; and Who is
Sylvia, Schubert.
Intermezzo Op. 117 No. 1, and
Intermezzo Op. 117 No. 2, Brahms.;
Miss Pace.
Aria: Adieu Forets from Jeanne
D'Arc. Tschaikowsky.
Obst illation, Fontenailles; El Majo
Discrete, Granados; The Cry of
Rachel. Salter; The Pasture, Nag ins- It i ; and Serenade. Carpenter.

Fellowship Groups
Make Plans For
State Conference
The state conference of West
minster Fellowship groups will be
held April 14 to April 16, at the
Maxwell Presbyterian church. East
ern, Murray. Morehead. Berea. and
the University of Louisville will be
The following program has been
tion at the church; 9 p. m., mass
meeting to explain part of the conference; 9:15 p. m., evensong; 10
p. m., recreation.
April 15: 9 a. m., devotional; 9:15,
seminar discussion of three topics
philosophy of student work, (2)
student worship, (3) student forums; 11 a. m., morning song, piano
concert by Helen Lipscomb with
devotional by Rob McNeill; 12 noon,
picnic lunch; 1:30 p. m, seminar-discus- sion
of two topics, (1) organizational problems. (2) service projects; 3 p. m., summary of seminars
by the Rev. Garrison, Louisville,
leader of Presbyterian young people in Kentucky; 3:30 to 5:30 p. m.,
bowling tournament; 6:30 p. m.,
banquet and inspirational address
on "The Prophetic Church" by Dr.
J. H. Dupre.
April 16: 9:45 a. m., Sunday
School; 11 a. m., church services;
1 p. m., dinner, and installation of
new officers. Communion will be

A&S College
Gives Ratings
Perfect Grades
Are Announced

College of Arts
and Sciences who made a 3.0 standing for the winter quarter have
been announced by the University.
They include Huguette Balzola,
Junior, Quenderff, Mex.; Virginia
Stuart Baskett, Junior, Casper,
Wyo.; Frances G. Board, junior,
Harrodsburg;"" Sue "Ann Bradford,
freshman, Lexington;
Larsen Cole, senior, Lexington;
Margaret Boone Davis, freshman,
Orlando, Fla.; Alice Louise Dean,
Smith Dickson, senior, Paris.
Phyllis Renna Freed, Junior, Passaic, N. J.; Betty Brook Fulton,
freshman, Frankfort; Mabel Claire
Gumm. senior, Lexington; Helen
Louise Harrison, senior, Lexington;
Richard Henry Hunt, sophomore,
Lexington; Mary Ann Macke, senior. Newport; Lucy Guye Meyer,
junior, Lexington; Isabel Frances
Michelson, Junior, St. Petersburg,
Fla.: Ada Vaughan Newland, junior, Stanford.
Elizabeth Noble, junior, Hender-sonvill- e,
N. C; Nora Ruth Pace,
junior, Ridgeway, Va.; Mary Brewster Phelps, sophomore. Clover-por- t;
Ellen Jane Purcell, senior,
Fulton; Gloria Jean Reid, senior,
Fenton, Mich.; Anita Mae Roos,
James Henry
senior, Lexington;
Saunders, senior, Hopkinsville; Betty Tate Scruggs, freshman, Lexington; Charlsey J. Shearer, jun
ior, Lexington.

University Is Host
To High School
Speech Contests
The University was host last
week to the 24th annual Kentucxy
high school speech festival.
On the campus were students
from more than 38 high schools
throughout the state who participated in the speech contests which
began on Tuesday, April 4. They
contested for ratings of superior.
excellent or good in classifications
such as interpretative reading, ra
dio speaking,, poetry reading, ora
torical declamation, and extemporaneous speaking.
The festival was climaxed on Sat
urday with contest finals and the
state championship debate which
was won by a team from Shelby
ville. The Barbourville school was
runner-u- p
in the final debate con'
The championship cup was presented to the Shelbyville team by
Dan Bowmar, representative of the
Lexington Herald-Leade- r,
and the
runner-u- p
cup for the University
was presented by Louis Clifton.
Judges for the debate finals were
Dr. J. W. Sattler, Berea college;
Professor C. R. Fields, Georgetown
college; Professor Robert Triplett,
Centre college; Professor W. B.
college, and
Jones, Georgetown
Scott Reed, of the University College of Law.
Judges for the various other
events included Dr. Richard H.
Logsdon, Dr. Logan Wilson, Professor John Cutler, Miss Grace Anderson, Wallace Briggs, Dr. H. N. Sherwood, Miss Anne Shropshire, Miss
Anna Peck, Dr. Wesley Shrader,
Dr. J. Allan Smith, Professor Frank
Murray, Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, Mrs.


FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944

New Victory Center Reopens
As Bonds, Stamps Go On Sale
In SGA War Drive Campaign

Track And Baseball
Are War Casualties
Track and baseball are war
casualties on Kentucky's campus, according to an official
statement issued Tuesday by
Bernie Shively, University athletic director.
Because not enough men on
campus are interested or trained for either sport, and because
no nearby schools have teams
to afford competition, track and
baseball will be discontinued
this year, Shively stated.


Russian Drive
At UK Ends
House Presidents
Help Contribute


The Russian War Relief drive on
the campus ended Wednesday with
clothing for the needy Russian people still coming in from the sorority
houses and residence units.
Vogt Chairman
Maryan Vogt, acting chairman of
the War Effort committee of the
Union board which had charge of
the drive, said that the contributions were very generous considering that "girls are now living on
bare necessities and don't have

many unneeded clothes around."
The collected
According to Mrs. Bush Allen
Gorman, chairman of the collected
material for the Campus Club drive
which ended on April 10, reported
the donating of a fur coat "We have
clothing for men, women and children. Shoes, and even soap was
contributed." She was unable' to
estimate the amount of material
collected, although Dean T. T.
Jones guessed roughly that "100 to
200 pounds" was the total for the
Campus Club alone.
House Presidents
The house presidents of both so
rority houses and residence units
were responsible for reaching each
student in their houses and colThey were
lecting the clothing.
Ann Baily. Alpha Delta Pi; Geor-giaYoung, Delta Delta Delta;
Jean Runyon, Alpha Xi Delta; Jean
Kappa Delta; Betty
Ruby. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alma
Clarkson, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Patricia Cottrell, Zeta Tau Alpha:
Leila Nichols, Chi Omega; Nancy
Lee Bird, Jewell hall; Eloise
8igma Nu; Doris Pollitt,
Phi Delta. Theta; Betty Miller,
Sigma Chi; Betty Broaddus, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; Betty Ligon, Kappa
Sigma;. Mildred Jones, Xydia
Brown; Margaret Davis, Pat annex;
Mildred Buchanan, Hamilton
house; and Doris Enlow, Shelby



Sarah Anne Hall
Wins Scholarship
Sarah Anne Hall. Frankfort,
graduate of June 1943, has been
awarded a scholarship for graduate
work in the department of English
at the University of Illinois. Be
ginning in September 1944, the new
appointment would make it necessary for Miss Hall to conclude in
June her duties at Kentucky as research assistant in the Bureau of
School Service and a member of
the residence hall staff.
Graduating with highest honors,
Miss Hall was a campus notable,
holding such offices as president of
Mortar Board, senior women's
leadership honorary, and receiving
the Kappa Delta Pi award for the
outstanding student in the college
of education. She also was award'
ed the Phi Alpha Theta recognl
Hon as the outstanding history stu


'Modern' Teaching Describes
Philosophy Of Don Irvine
By Wanda



Lee Spears

titled "I Contend that the Silver
It is neither by accident nor by is interested particularly in four
hobbies music, drama, art, and Teakettle Revolves around the
misapprehension that Donald Van
that his
Moon." He mentions
Deren Irvine is recognized by his
friends weren't too enthusiastic
Interested In Drama
students as a "different" teacher.
He became interested in drama about it, but that he considered it
He is different. His whole philoafter writing a few plays of his own. quite immortal.
sophy of teaching is modern tfnd
Irvine's fourth and probably his
His desire to see them acted perthe type of teaching a thinking na- suaded him to try. He started at most important hobby is writing.
tion needs.
two novels.
Guiguol while still a student, and He has completed
He was born in Lexington and though he says "no one would ever Nothing could better express his
came to the University as a stu- accuse me of .being a good actor," personality than the books he has
dent. He graduated in 1939. The he thoroughly enjoys it and does it written. One is a psychological
annual of that year lists him as a purely for fun.
novel and the other is a detective
member of Ouignol, associate ediHis interest in music came as an story.
tor of the Kernel, editor of Sour unconscious reaction.
Philosophy Of Life
He started
Mash, Patterson Literary society, his musical career at the age of
When asked about his philosophy
president of Delta Sigma Phi. Mic- seven on a violin, but soon gave it of life he says, "Well I approve of
rophone Players, and the Kentuck-la- n up. His knowledge of the art is almost everything." He also does
not very extensive as he contends not believe this younger generation
It wasn't until he had completed that one need know nothing about is going to the dogs.
His idea of a good pupil is that
a year in Journalism that he de- the mechanics of music to enjoy it,
cided to teach. He started teaching and he is a great advocater of the aside from fulfilling requirements
at the University three years ago. Carnegie music room in Student of course he should express some re
actions in the classroom.
If his presentation of his ideas in Union building.
His art includes figure studies,
And about his plans for the fuhis classroom fails to impress his
pupils, his broad knowledge of his landscapes, and surrealism. One of ture "Barring acts of God and
various hobbies cnnot fail to. He his surrealistic paintings he ha? Congress I'll go on teaching."





"Sms '




Ruth Eubank
Carolyn Hill

Bonds Available
In Great Hall From
11 a.m. To 4 p.m.
"You'll forget how you spent it
but not how you saved it," is one
of the mottos which the Victory
center, sponsored by the Student
Government association, is using
this quarter in its campaign to sell
more bonds and stamps.
The center, which is located in
the great hall of the Union building. ' was reopened yesterday and
stamps and bonds will be available
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every week
day. according to an announce
ment made by Eleanor Bach, chairman of the SGA Victory committee.
Total of S2J48.M
A total of $2,148.80 in bonds and
stamps were purchased through
this station last quarter and it is
expected that the amount may be
even larger this quarter. Miss Bach

The center was closed before the
end of last quarter because of lack
of sufficient funds as the SGA
budget had not yet been approved.
ber of the advertising staff of the However, it is now reopened and
both 10 and 25 cent stamps and
Kerne since January. 1943.
A member of Kappa Delta sorority, any size bonds may be purchased.
Men and women who will serve
Miss Hill has been a reporter for the
Kernel the past year. She is also a in the booth each hour include
member of Theta Sigma Phi, Ann Bronston, Ann Howell, Marwomen's national honorary journal- tha Mann. Helen Dietch. Lucille
Ray, Yvonne Lyon. Ann Biggerstaff.
ism fraternity. WAA.
of Jewell hall, and is a member of Alma Clarkson. Wanda Lee Spears.
the social service committee of the Betty Fraysure. Jean Galloway.
Morris Leach, and Jack Schar-steiUnion.

Eubank, Hill Receive Posts
Ruth Eubank, arts and sciences
senior from Ft. Mitchell, has been
named advertising manager of the
Kernel, and Carolyn Hill, arts and
sciences Junior from Carroll ton has
been selected assistant managing
Miss Eubank is a member of the
YWCA cabinet. Pitkin club, publicity
chairman of the Westminister Fel
lowship group and has been a mem


UK Entertains UK Presents
By Reception Gnignol Play
The University entertained with
its annual informal reception from
to 12 p.m. Thursday night in the
room of the 6Union
building in honor of the delegates
and guests who attended the Ken
tucky Education Association convention at the University.
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes was in
charge of general arrangements for
the reception. During the receiv
ing hours, an orchestra played and
the Union was decorated with
spring flowers. Punch and cakes
Were serveds.
In the receiving line were Presi
dent and Mrs. H. L. Donovan, Dean
and Mrs. Leo Chamberlain, Gov.
and Mrs. Simeon S. Willis, John
Fred Williams, state superintendent
of public instruction, and Mrs.
Williams. Frankfort; W. P. King,
secretary of K. E. A., and Mrs. King.
Louisville: H. D. Palmore, president
of the U. K. Alumni association,
and Mrs. Palmore, Frankfort; Dr.
Paul Garrett, president of Western
Kentucky State Teachers college,
and Mrs. Garrett, Bowling Green;
James H. Richmond, president of
Murray State Teachers college, and
Mrs. Richmond. Murray; W. F.
OTJonneU, president of Eastern
Kentucky State Teachers college,
and Mrs. O'Donnell, Richmond;
William H. Vaughan, president of
Morehead Teachers college, and
Mrs. Vaughan, Morehead.

Independent Party
To Choose Thirteen
For SGA Election
SGA will be elected at a general
party meeting at 6:30 p.m. Friday
in the ballroom of the Union building.
Norman Chrisman,
Junior from Pikeville, was nomi
nated, unopposed, as candidate for
president by a nominating assembly
Wednesday evening.
Other nominations are vice pres
ident, Charleen Burris, agriculture
Junior from Paris, and Merl Baker,
engineering Junior from Hopkins
ville; agriculture upperclass woman,
Lexington, Nancy
Alice Freeman,
Loc leery, Sacramento, Helen Davis,
Paris, and Virginia Hill, Fulton;
arts and sciences lowerclass women
(two) Mattie Evelyn Douglas.
Lynch, Betty Ruth Harris. Lexington, Eleanor Keeti. Cumberland,
and Anne Biggerstaff. Lexington;
arts and science upperclass man,
Virgil Slusher. Barbourville.
Fred Hill. Lexington: arts and sciences lowerclass man, Jennings
Kerby, Fulton (acclamation).
Arts and sciences, upperclass
woman, Betty Tevis, Lexington,
and June Baker, Hopkinsville;
commerce, upperclass woman, Irene
Bridgeman, Wheelwright (acclamation); education, upperclass woman, Pat Gable, Hartford City. Ind.,
and Nancy Lowe, Columbia; enman, Roy
tion); graduate, BiU Gormley, Versailles (.acclamation).


Victory Committee

The Victory committee,


Bach. Bettye
June Baker, and Mary
Scearcy. will be assisted by Betty
Harris in charge of display and
poster material, and Sara Dee
Rainey, chairman of the blood
donors and surgical dressings com17
mittee. Miss Alice Jacobson is serv"Accent on Youth," by Samuel ing as faculty advisor.
The committee has also been asRaphaelson. opens at Guignol Mon
day. April 17. The play, a tragedy sisted by Vincent Spagnuolo. president of the SO A; Brewster Phelps,
of an old man in love with a young treasurer;
and Emily Jones, secre
woman, stars Eli Popa as Stevsn tary.
Gaye, playwright, and Sarah
Wilson as Linda Brown, secretary to Gaye. The "other man" in
the tale is Dickie Reynolds, played
by Dietrich Roetter.
The cast includes Jacquelyn
Martha Mann and Sarah Gay
Wiedeburg as Genevieve Lang, young Hall, both of Lexington, are nomiactress: Wallace Briggs as Flogsdell, nees for president of Alpha Lamba gentleman's gentleman and right da Delta, honorary scholarship fraternity for freshman women.
hand man of Gaye's; L. L. Dantzler
Other nominees are Betty Brook
as Frank Galloway, contemporary Fulton. Frankfort, and Dorothy
actor of Gaye's; Regina O'Flaherty Paar. Lexington,
as Miss Darling, a middle aged act- Betty Jean Pardo. Lexington, and
ress; and Madison Cawein and Hugh Elizabeth Thomas. Paris, secretary:
Lexington, and
Collette as Butch and Chuck, young Sue Ann Bradford.
Joann Gorham. Lexington, treasathlete friends of Dickie Reynolds. urer; and Suzanne Nicholas. Paris,
Behind the scenes will be Adolph and Lorraine
Bigge. stage manager. Bob Whitley, Conn., historian.
Elections have already been con
house manager; Frances Board, assistant house manager; Polly Galla-he- r, ducted and the results will be an
nounced at a banquet later in the
ed of Eleanor

Production Opens
Monday, April

Mc-Lf- an

Mann And Hall
Are Presidential
Nominees For Club




tume managers; Ann Duke Woodford, property manager; Suzanne
Nicholas, assistant property manager; and Ivolou Ross, call girL The
model set was made by Mary Swine-broa- d
and Niesje Wilder.
Tickets are now on sale at the
Guignol boxoffice.

Scholarships For
Delta Delta Delta
To Be Given June 15
Delta Delta Delta scholarships,
available to Junior or senior women
of outstanding character, will be
given June 15. to students in colleges where there are chapters of
the sorority.
Applicants may or may not be
members of the sorority, but must
show ability to be useful in the
war effort or promise of valuable
reconcitizenship in the post-wstruction period, and must be in
need of financial aid because of
from the war, stated Mrs. F. D.
Coleman, administrative chairman.
Application blanks may be se3050
cured from Mrs. Coleman,
Stratford, Lincoln 2, Nebraska.
Completed application blanks must
be in her hands by May 15.

Margaret Warren
Leaves University
Miss Margaret E. Warren, instructor in physical education at
the University, has resigned to accept a position as head of the women's division of physical education
at Morehead State Teachers Col-

Miss Warren has been with the
University physical education department for six years. Her resignation will become effective Saturday, April 15.


"so intr


By Dora Lee Robertson
Question: What is the Brst thins
jrou read or look for when yon receive your Kernel?
Brownie Talbert. A&S. freshman:
Box Cars.
A4S, sophomore:
Sis Doiier,
First page.
Eva Lee. A&S. Junior: Box Cars.
Norma Niswonger, Grad.: Box
Marge Palmore, A AS, senior: Ad
Mary Schlnnd. A AS, sophomore:
Jnanita Robertson. A AS. sophomore: Advertisements.
Polly VanBuren, A AS, freshman:
Box Cars.
Bettye Jo WoUnm, A AS. freshman: Box Cars.
Jean Crabb, A&S, junior: So
They Say.
Ann Moore. Com., freshman:
Box Cars, so I can find out what's
going on.
Ana Webb, Af.. sophomore: Box
Cars, to see what's going on.
Slew Davis. As, sophomore: Ad
Libbing, 'cause I like it best.
Carolyn Hayes. A&S. sophomore:
Kampus Kernels, to find out what s
Rebecca Shinkle. Ag.. sophomore:
So They Say, to see what they say.
Rath Ellen Link. Ag, junior: So
They Say. because it's the first
thing I see.
Betty Waltman, Ag, junior: So
They Say. because I like to hear
what people have to say.

� V

UK Qoes Collegiate
Ye hoie. clear
liinInK alarmed if you




all y tuiicc'ieg
to MeYry hall.



a luoim ni and consider said

eu'fior's leawins.
The University of Kentucky is going 10 have
a fooiLall team apiii.
Think of the limitless pnssihiliiies this
possibilitirt thai yon litsliinen never reai-imagined. Why just next week. Monday in
f.iit, spring practice, which alwas gives
fua dunce to go and gae wistfully at the



Mars, will begin.

NeM fall, of rotirse, is when the fun will
reallv pel going full forte and college life will
jje ollegiaie again. Pep rallies first of all even
those at which the frosh don't throw their raps
in ilie IxMifere will be taken from I lie mothproof hags and set out among the tradition.
A marching band will again become a
even though it may lx- - largely feminine.
Just think, we're going to hear "On, On. U of
K" again as the croud heers and tlie team
pianes tip tlie lckl after a totithdown. And
liiose format ions have am of you forgotten
ne-ret-- ii

Cat nations tied with blue and white streamers, ol course will ouee mote tome into llieir
own at I'K. (Note lo hcslmun men It is the
fuMom, or it was, 10 send your lest gill UK
r..i ilii ions for those big games.) Dates, loo, will
probably beccuur more numerous as "something
to do" is created by the games. Possibilities
pardances and lor
tes will undoubtedly add lo the 1'niversiiy's
so i.il life.
And lei's not forget Homecoming. This affects not only UK students bin. the entire state
as well as alumni pour into Jjeviiigton for
Floats and decorations,
"'vhai a week-end.- "
and awards yessir, we're going to have
anoihcr Homecoming.
The old keg. carried Ijatk and forih lieiween
and Knoxville ltd' years, will lie
brought out and polished up as the Kentucky-Tennessegame again lieromes a reality.
And the games them Ives yelling, cheering,
pushing, shoving, singing, shorn ing, freezing,

pie-gam- e




Wiiii the rcoicnin of the Victory tenter in
ihe Union building Monday, a second drive 10
sell war honels and stamps 10 University students will begin.
Although many of you have been told this
time and lime again, we must repeat once more
thai even students have a part 10 play in winning ihe complete victory. Yes, even suulenis.
Winston Churchill, in a speech last .September at Harvard university, slated effectively the
need foi all ol us lo assume our roles in the
war ctfoit.
"Let all ol us who are here remember that
we are on the stage of history," lie said, "and
thai whatever our station may lie, whatever part
we have to plav, great or small, our conduct is
liable to Ik' scrutinized not only by history but
by our own descendants. lx-- us rise lo the full
level of our duly and of our opportunity and
let us thank Cod for ihe spiritual rewards He
has granted foi all forms of valiant and faithful
Are you going to play your pan in tlie drama
or must two loles lie taken by someone else?



Nfo nl



Rasdell. So jmxu "Miss Rascal" sufier
lime tlitse aitiular CIs invade the Great hall.
This is a plea. kids. li s R ASDFI.L ;N.iT
as in Rale Dazzle, either we thought of that




Sprinq 'Practice Again

ii ft

What Goes On TKere.
By Helen Carroll












Student Assemblu Outlined
Bu The SQA ConstituHon













red-hatre- d

tk-ke- r



Somehow one gioiip of 1'niwu fans doesu'l
understand die name of little



d tm

1 1 11

Party. Ouests- were served sugar
syrup from huge pitchers. The syrup
Accomodation Plus!
was cooled on plates 0 snow and
attempt to ttodge then eaten. - And then to complete
The age-ol- d
class had a different ending for five the party dancing to the music of
Kappa Sig gals at Auburn who called Bob Threns and his orchestra was
up their professor last Wednesday enjoyed.
Belirve It Or Not
"We're not going to have class
Quoted from last week's Chronicle
today, are we, professor?" said one '
(Duke 'University) : "Since numerof the girls.
"Yes, I'm afraid we are," he said. ous requests nave been made by the
dispense with
that the ds
"But professor, it's raining so hard.
And we live so far from the New sweaters at the dances, because of
Building. Why. we'd catch our death the work Involved In cleaning their
of cold going all the way over there!" uniforms "Well, well; what's this
"How many of you are there?" he world coming to anyway?
Grace Moore, who presented a
The girls said there were five of spring concert in Dallas Thursday,
them, and waited hopefully for the refused to sing a selection from
Madame Butterfly as an encore. ."I
"Well, I'll tell you whsit. I'll just just dont feel like Madame Butterdrive by your house at 1 o'clock and fly." Miss Moore said. "I know it's
foolish, but I guess the Japanese are
well all go to class together."
(Afterwards the professor said. the only thing in the world I've ever
situation is so bad hated."
By Adele Uriiinan and Mary Kassenbrock
that we teachers must stop at nothTwo Pamarada pledges at Indiana
- the piano player for Woody Her- - ing to get the students to class.")
1. Patt Hall
and Casey Goman got the journalgot themselves out of bed one early
No Wonder They Were Scared
man is out of this world,
Tlie Navy boys over Morehead ism award.
Dr. Norman Humphrey's Sociology Sunday morning and dressed careway found themselves host to Lor- 8. Kappa Sigma
SAE House
class at Wayne tried an experiment fully for pledge services in the Union
1 sum Turck, Dot Wttson, and Rally
Three g. fr0m SAE. took a Ann Reed. Jean Landers. Jo Wil- - i nmob psychology last week and Building.- When they arrived, lookc
week-en- d.
.,.., liunwo.- and Marv Jo Whitticker the students are still recovering. ing sleepy, but happy about the
Boles seems quite Wrappea CUUiac Ul cu(uimiii( -- . . unci . iuwn'1 Innkinir nt. the orchestra. About half-wa- y
through a lecture on whole thing, they saw a group of
oy uw ejiuvemuy.
or j 1.1 ni,
lip i