xt7gth8bgs1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bgs1k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1940-04-jun7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-04-jun7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-04-jun7. 1940 1940-04-jun7. 2011 true xt7gth8bgs1k section xt7gth8bgs1k 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, June 7, 1940.

     The regular December meeting of the Board of Trustees, Universi..
ty of Kentucky, was held in the President's Office, Friday, June 7,
1940, at 10:00 a.m.   The members of the Board present wero Governor
Keen Johnson; Judge Richard C. Stoll; Harper Gatton; Mrs. Paul G.
Blazer; W. H. May, Commissioner of Agriculture; H. S. Cleveland;
Judge John Cooper; James Park; Louis Hillenmeyer; D. D. Stewart;
and Lee Kirkpatrick.  President McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were

     1. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the Board of Trustees
of April 2, 1940, and the minutes of the meeting of the Executive
Committee of IMy 10, 1940, were approved as published and corrected.

     2. Executive Committee and Officers of the Board - Elected.

     On motion of Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. G~aton, the mem-
bers of the Executive Committee now serving were nominated and
elected, to-wit:

            Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman
            James Park, H. S. Cleveland, R. P.
            Hobson, and Lee Kirkpatrick.

     On motion, seconded and carried, John Skain was re-elected
Treasurer of the Board, and D. H. Peak was re-elected Secretary of
the Board,

     3. President's Quarterly Report.

     The President made his regular quarterly report, stating that
it is his final report as President of the University of Kentucky.
On motion of air. Gatton, seconded by Hr. Kirkpatrick, the report
was ordered inserted in the minutes.


                       University of Kentucky

                           June 5, 1940

     In the conduct of any institution, whether it is engaged in
business, or educational purposes, it should have clearly before it
objectives and goals.   This statement applies with particular


force to a university that is maintained, supported and administer-
ed for the education of the people of the state, and for research
and study of theproblems which come out of that relationship.    A
state university occupies a unique position, because it is estab-
lished by the people, and supported by them after it has been
created,   Specifically, its purpose is to provide opportunities
for instruction in advanced fields of knowledge, so that the state
may have trained lawyers, doctors, business men and citizens. The
number of obligations placed upon a state university increases with
the development of population, the growth of public schools and
the increase and complications of business and governmental func-
tions,   In the broad sense of the term a state university should
serve in all these relationships.   Whether it can do so depends
upon the vision with which it is administered, the support that is
given by the state, and the place it occupies in the minds and
hearts of the people.

     A state university must therefore have a board of trustees who
are loyal to its purposes, and who understand and appreciate what
those purposes are.   From its faculties a university has need of
loyal service and sympathetic, cooperative attitudes in an attempt
to reach the goals for which the institution was established,
Necessary also is it that a state university shall have men and
women who are as highly trained as it is possible to secure with the
funds that are available for the support of the institution.     The
university must seek to encourage the growth of libraries and labo-
ratory facilities in order to keep abreast of modern learning and
social organization.   I think we ought to accept this statement
without much question, but the realization of how it shall be car-
Aied out is not often as clear as it ought to be, and to keep these
groups interested in the university it is necessary that there shall
be the fullest understanding of the purposes of a university,

     Looking back over more than twenty years, I can see the steady
growth in the development of the University of Kentucky, and a larg-
er understanding on the part of the people, and increasing pride
on the part of trustees, who have served it from time to time.

     There are a number of problems which are before the University
at the present time that should be given careful consideration, as
I think no doubt they will be in the near future,    I referred in a
statement above to the faculties: in the long run a university rises
or falls, certainly in the scholarship world, by the men and women
who constitute its staff,    Thru the years an attempt has been
made to select persons who are qualified for their positions,     This
is a problem which needs to be given the most serious consideration:
it involves, of course, salaries, promotions, opportunities for re-
warch and facilities for study,    Another phase of the matter is
to exercise increasing care in the selection of personnel, to secure
persons on the staff who are devoted to the puiposos of teaching
in their particular fields and to the general cause of education.
This means the selection of staff, on the basis of character, of
personality, of training and ability as teachers and research stork-
er 5,



     Every institution is confronted with the question of making
teaching more effective and bringing a. larger interest to students
in the pursuit of their work.  Any person who comes to the Uni-
versity poorly prepared is a drag upon these purposes.   The in.-
creasing part that students' activities take in the time of stu-
dents is marked.   I think it is possible thru earnest effort of
the members of the staff to do much to increase student interest
and in a comparatively short tine to raise the standard of scholar-

     The number of graduate students registered at the University
of Kentucky during the period. of twelve months is a very large one
now, running over one thousand.   Two thirds of this number will be
found in the Sumner Session, and that necessitates an adequate staff
for the Sumner Session, and in addition, a staff composed of those
who are able to direct students in graduate work.   The responsi-
bility falling upon the University of Kentucky, in vie-. of the ar-
rmngement made several years ago, namely, to locate all graduate
work in public higher education in the University of Kentucky, is a
great one, and should be accepted with much earnestness of purpose.
On the whole, the graduate work done at the University of Kentucky
is quite good, but the heavy burdens placed upon instructors make
it difficult for them to do all they might in the fields in which
they are engaged.

     The Sum'ler Session has become an important part of the Uni-
versity organization, expending approximately ^275,000.   The State
has appropriated $12,000 a year for instruction, and the University
has been paying fully as much to keep the sessions going.    The
balance has been paid by students who attend the Session.    Addid
t onal funds for support would increase the summer school's effec-
tiveness and enlarge the scope of its wtork.  Perhaps the Universi-
ty ough.l7t to decrease the number of courses given in the summler and
center its work in given fields,

     In the encouragement of graduate wort the institution offers
fellowships and scholarships: two fellowships at 8500 each; eight
fellowships at $400 each; nineteen scholarships at $200 each. To
attract the best students in the graduate field will require some
additional sums for the encouragement of fellows and scholars, The
Haggin Fund has made it possible to increase these fellowships and
scholarships to more than double what they were before.

     Graduate students are attracted to an institution because of
the research that is being carried on in the different departments.
There are some departments where considerable research goes on.
The Experiment Station has increased its facilities for students to
do work in associated fields, but there are departments in the Uni-
versity whore therJ are no research projects.    In some instances
this is justified by the heavy teaching load, but in others,
the responsibility rests upon a lack of interest and energy,    In
saying this, I do not wish it to appear that I think all persons
should do research, but if they do not do this work they ought to
have a greater expertness in their teaching and a wider knowledge
of the field in which they are working,   Teaching is a serious
obligation, and no staff will ever do the work it ought to do if


the members do not "burn the midnight oil."

     Along with this matter of advanced graduato studies the publi-
cation of material bears a close relation,   Much of the writing the
faculty does can not find facilities for publication under normal
conditions, so the institution might do very well to encourage the
publication of books and papers by expending funds from its own rc.-
sources.   The Committee on Publications associated with the Mar.-
garet Voorhies Haggin Trust recognizes this point of view and is
endeavoring with such funds as it has on hand to subsidize some
publications.   This has been done in two instances.   Publications
do much for the reputation of an institution and I hope the Univer-
sity of Kentucky can expand considerably this program of publication
The LiW SCHOOL JOURNAL published by the College of Law is subsi-
dized to the extent of $800, and thru the years of its history has
done well and made a very good showing,

                   Bureau of School Service

     For the past twelve years the Bureau of School Service has
functioned in an effective way and published annually a volume of
monographs on problems connected with the administration and conduct
of the public schools,   This service has been an effective one
and has produced importart results in the educational progress of
the state.

     I may go on to the organization of college libraries.    Under
the appropriation made by the Legislature in 1938 the University
has been able to purchase a considerable number of needed books,
Tho reduced in amount, the appropriations due for the next two
years will continue these additions.   The Library Committee will
thus be enabled to materially enrich the collection that we now
have.   At  present, the University has about 260,000 volumes in
the different libraries,   The General Education Board made a grant
for two years of 98,000, aed this has been used wisely and well in
the field of agriculture.

     In the conduct of University libraries there is a tendency to
create special departmental libraries which are separated froml the
General Library.   A number of these exist on the University campus.
Sometimes they are justified, but an increase in the number of such
libraries weakens the general library and reduces the facilities
for the use of books by scattering books in many buildings.

                             Mu seum

     Ift is my opinion that something must be done in the not dis-
tant future for the protection and orderly presentation of the
museum materials which the University has.    These materials have
grown enormously in amount and value, but their preservation and
use are hampered greatly by the lack of facilities,    At the present
time the museum materials of the University are housed in three
buildings: -the old chapel in the Administration Building houses



part of the geological collection, another part of this collection
is housed in the Natural Sciences Building, and anthropological
material is on display in the old. Library building.  PMuch of it is
stored in basements and in the service building of the Department
of Buildings and Grounds.  Another collection of materials is to be
found in the Mining Building.  A great deal in the way of artifacts
and anthropological materials has come to the University thru the
federal anthropological project in this State under the dirbctior Of
Professor W. S. Webb.   If I may, I should like to call attention
to the way in which the Library building was obtained: it was by
thinking of it, talking of it and providing for it.   The same can
be done for a museum,   It is an important part of the University
and provision for it should not be too long delayed.


     The offerings which an institution makes in the form of various
curricula are basic in the development of instruction and research,
It is, of course, fundamental that certain basic things shall be
taught, and students well grounded in the requirements of languages,
social sciences and physical sciences.   Various changes take place
in thought and understanding of curriculum offerings, and I think
it may well be emphasized that the University ought to keep before
it the modification of curricula from time to time, so it can meet
changes as well as the needs in arts and sciences.   There is also
a tendency for the instructor to cling to the courses he has worked
out, and so the student misses much that is going on.    Every en_
couragement should be given by the Board to see that this is done;
that it meets not only the need in the addition of courses, but
J.aso in the elimination of those that do not meet present day needs.
On the whole, the faculty is sympathetic with this viewpoint, but
it is necessary that all members of the faculty should keep this
in mind.

     Reference was made above to the necessity of encouraging in-
creasing responsibility and earnestness among students in the pur-
suit of their education.   On this occasion, I may say that a
considerable movement is going on in this country under the name of
personnel and guidance.t   The personnel offices of the University
of Kentucky are engaged in studying students, finding out what
their capacities are, and attempting to show what fields of enter-
prise they may enter, and to give them advice concerning the per-
sonal problems that confront them.    This brings into the situa-
tion the guidance program that attempts to direct students in what
they might do, and particularly to bring to their attention the
best organization of courses that they could follow while in college,
With these twor developments has come a third, known as testing.
Here an effort is made to ascertain something of the student's
ability, his high school record, and interest,    The University of
Kentucky has entered upon such a program in a modest way,    It has
not yet formulated a carefully developed plan for future action.
During this year I have been holding conferences with a dozen per-
sons who are connected with the program in one way or another,
Those conferences really have great possibilities,    I am quite
sure that haste in such matters is not wise; that any steps of a


permanent nature should not be made until we know more about it,
Of course, the matter of money enters into the final solution of
this problem.

    We are all aware of the progress that has been nade in the
fields of radio and visual education.  Here at the University we
have done whatever we could for meeting the need of the public
schools in the field of visual education, but the program is limit.
ed, and there is need of leadership in the field of visual educatL r
The University knows more about it than anyone else in the State,
and has been furnishing advice and help to he schools.    On the
camDus itself there is need for films that can be used in lectures
and recitations.   These statements I have made about visual educa-
tion are, after all, among the demands made upon the University in
the growth and procedure of public education.   I am not prepared
to say how far the University should go, but additional funds should
be furnished for the program.

     The University of Kentucky has an efficient student health ser-
vice.   The number of calls made upon the Dispensary runs f rom 1200
to 2000 a month, but the health service is hampered, because many
times students who ought to be given hospital care cannot be given
that care. In the first place, there are no funds with which to give
assistance to students who are financially unable to pay for the
costs of such service, and again because in many instances students
ought to be taken from their rooms in the dormitory, the University
ought to have a modest infirmary where the ordinary cases of illness
could be given proper attention.   Here is a matter that should be
given study, and a good deal of consideration has been given the
matter in the past, but I have felt that the University should not
have a two or three bed infirmary, but should get along the best it
can until it can build a small hospital of its own.

     Another problem which confronts the University is in an entire-
ly different field from those which I have discussed thus far.    I
refer particularly to the athletic situation.    The University is a
member of the Southeastern Conference on Athletics,    It has held
membership in the Conference since that body was organized,    The
competition in the Southeastern Conference is probably sharper and
keener than in any other conference in the country.    The subsidiza-
tion of students has gone to great lengths,   We have endeavored to
obey the regulations of the Conference and to indicate in the open
what the University does.   At the present time about one hundred
rien receive some form of subsidization.  Board, room, laundry,
books at a cost of $30,000 a year are given.    Other institutions
in the Conference having larger resources are spending sums of
$100,000 or more for the purpose,   It is not possible for the Uni-
versity to meet that sort of competition to the satisfaction of the
public or of the University itself,   The proulen which I an rais-
ing is but a statement of weakening conditions, but now points to
the breakdown of intercollegiate athletics.    I am not pressing
at this point any solution of the problem.   One might undertake
to solve it in one or two ways: the University might drop inter-
collegiate contests and develop a high type of intramural athletics,
or it might increase subsidization, and to that there is no end,
But I want the Board to know the problem involved in the situation,



     In the course of the past fifteen years there has been a
marked betterment in the feeling among the institutions of higher
education in Kentucky, and I think this is due in large part to the
increased willingness of the University to cooperate with then and.
help them whenever called upon.   The charges that used to be made
against the University in the old days have largely passed, or if
not, the discussion of them is less frequent.   This is all to the
good.  A state university should constantly attempt to serve the
people of the state and schools of the state,   The University shoulC
continue to do this, and at no time should there be a feeling of
superiority over the sister institutions of the Commonwealth.

      This is the last report I shall make to you as President of
the University.   Thru the years you have listened to my quarterly
reports with interest and indulgence,   My association has been
pleasant indeed: I think we may say we have gone along well togeth-
er, and the University has made progress.   It has been ad.inistered,
with the exception of one year in twenty-three years, without a
deficit,   It has some problems with the State Finance Departments
but these are being worked out,   There are here and there some
personal problems, but there will always be some.   I think it might
be said that I am turning over to my successor ail institution that
is a going concern with a warm place in the hearts of the people.
So I extend my appreciation for your patience, for your advice
thru these years, and I wish for you and my successor a most inter-
esting, effective and valuable administration.

     I should be failing to avail myself of a great opportunity if
I did not say also that the administrative staff of the University
has always been ready to support and assist me in the work of carry-
ing on the affairs of the University.   To them i have been under
obligation for advice and help on numerous occasions and our asso-
ciations and relations have been pleasing and valuable.    To the
teaching staff I wish to say I thank them for their contribution in
developing the University thru the years.   They, too, have given
their time, abilities, and energibs for the advancement of the Un-
iversity, and on important occasions have assisted me with advice
and suggestion.   To another group who are often  overlooked in the
conduct of an institution, those young women in the offices on the
campus, I wish to express appreciation,   They have given freely of
of their strength and ability in administration and educational
problems that confront us,

     There is a rather large body of men who keep the campus plant
going thru heat and cold, who look after the comfort of the inhab-
itants of the campus, and who are called upon at all times to main-
tain cleanliness, repair buildings, clear roadways and walks and
trim lawns,   Their contribution to the work of the University is
important, since it is needed to keep the plant going,



    4. Financial Report.

    The Business Agent stated that his office had not been able to
complete financial report for May in time for this meeting.   How_
ever, he stated that the University willlive within its income for
the year 1939-40, the following statement showing the condition of
General Fund;


   13,297.52 _
   5,000.00 -
   61,131.87 -
   10,000.00 -
   5,000.00 -
   9,000.00 -
$124,574.77 -


t 84,000.00 -
  10,000.00 -
  3,000.00 -
  4, 000.00 -
  5,039.70 -
  2,446.66 -
  1,000.00 -
  8.000.00 -
$120,236.36 -

Unencumbered Bal. Rev. - Stat
May Col. Rev, Fund
Estimated June Col, Rev. Fund
Balance Appropriations
Petty Cash Funds
Sundry Ledger
Transfers Experiment Station
Balance Athletic Fund
Book Store Balance

e Treasurer

June Salaries
University Extension Honorarium
First Bond Issue
Second Bond Issue
Men's Dormitory

     5. Audit.

     The Business Agent stated that representatives of Peat, Marwick,
Mitchell and Company have completed the audit of Business Office Ac-
counts, but that the report of audit had not been received.     The
matter of audit for year 1939-40 was deferred pending the report on
the audit for 1938-39.

     6. Report on Catering Company - Cafeteria.

     The Secretary of the Board having been authorized to investigate
the situation regarding the progress financial and otherwise of the
College Catering Company made report stating in detail his findings.
The report was accepted and ordered filed.    On motion and second
which carried, it was ordered that the matter be referred to a
special committee for investigation and report to the Executive

Exp er



Co-mitt`c. Tca c Comrittee was naned as follows:  James Parl:, membler
of the Boaid; Bernie Shively, Head of Athletic Department; Jo=ies
Shropshire, Eanatger of the Student Union; and D. H. Peak, Business

     7. Student Union Fee - Summer School Students.

     A question havin- been raised as to charge of St-udent Union
Building -Lee to summer school students, reference was rmade to fo.Llow.
ing quoted section of a resolution passed at the Board of Truotees
meeting of December 7, 1935:

         Minutes of the Board of Trustees December 7, 1935,
    Section 2, item 6, iniesolution styled "Creation of Funds",
    is copied as follows:
         "Each student attendinng the sum.mer school of the Uni-
    versity and its several colleges, a Student Union Building
    fee amounting to l.0O per term."
    This resolution is a poxrt of the P.W.A. Contract .nd the con-
tract on vwich bonds were issued to obtain funds to match P.W.A.
grants.  It may not be altered.

     8. Increase of Non-Resident Fees - Graduate Students.

     President McVey presented a letter from the Chairman of the
Committee on graduate work and Staff Research, setting forth t-he
effect on scholarship and fellowship appointments of the increase
in non-resident student fees.   Especial attention iwas called to
those inst-ances -wrhere contracts have already been accepted.

     That 'the problem should be given attention was reco.c;nizable,
and ,adjustment, thereof was referred to President McVey and the Execu-
tivc Committee.

     9. Bud!et, Athletic Departrment.

     The President presented a budget for the Athletic Department,
apporoved and recomi-ended by tshe Athletic Committee.  The budret Was
exomiiined by the Board and on motion of Mr. Me.ay, seconded by, r. C-at-
ton, it was approved and ordered, made a pzart of the University
budg-:et for year 1940-41.

      Net Incorme          $53,355.00
      Expense               47,587.00            5,7G8.00

       Income                38,750,00
       Exponso               33,919.50            4,33050
 Excess of Income over expendcitures, 1940-41  10,598.50
 Eicess of' ThCooac over ex1enodituroo,1939-40  10. 00.Q0
                                                 "0, 598.,50


    10. Dicker Property - Proposed Purchase.

    Action on proposed purchase of the Dicker property (Refer to
Sec. 14, Minutes of M~ay 101 1940) was continued and ref erred to Execu-
tive Committee.

     11, Degrees - June Commencement.

       a. Senate Recommendation

                                           June 5, 1940

         President Frank L. 11ioVey
         University of Kentucky

         My dear President McVey:

               Attached is a list of persons who have completed
          all requirements and are recommended by the Universi-
          ty Senate to the Board of Trustees -Lor the degrees

                                     Very truly yours,

                                     (Signed) Leo ML. Chamberlain
                                              Secretary of the

        b, On emotion of Judge Stoll, seconded by Mrs, Blazer, which
motion carried by unanimous vote, the recommendation of the Uni-
versity Senate was approved, the degrees were granted, and President
ItcVey was authorized to confer degrees  at the regular June Comlence-
ment, June 7, 1940, on the candidates listed below in Sub-Sec. c,

        c. List of graduates.


Jeaine Russell Barker                 George Williai Booher
Ruth Conrad Bennett                   Walter Coleman Botts
Margaret Chenault B3lanton            Charles Patrick Cahill



Dorothy Ann Calhoun
Nathan Heath Centers
Floris Janet Chambers
Janet Reece Chanslor
Virginia Ruth Chase
Richard Joseph Colbert, Jr.
Martha Janet Curtis
Dorothy Pemberton Dean
David Haden Dorton, Jr.
Paul James Durbin
Andrew Conley Eckdahl
Lucy Marshall Elliott
Evelyn Rice Ewan
Martha Barton Fields
Anthony John Frezza, Jr.
Helen Elizabeth Friedman
Edward Hagan Gough
Leslie Morris Gross
Herbert Peckover Hargett
Hope Drummond Hatton
Dorothy Louise Hillenmeyer
James Ephraim Kixson, Jr.
William Walton Hopewell
Susan Elizabeth Jackson
Philip Preston Johnston
Lovaine Carol Lewis
Miabel Frances Lovens
Conie Crittenden Lowry
John Harrison Lynn
Anna Jane McChesney
Therese Louise McKenney
Sarah Elizabeth McLean
Barbara MacVey
Frank Douglas Mainous
George Fordha  Martin
Katherine Oelze Martin
Lillian Saffell Mose
John William Mylor
Anna Frances Odor
Jane Truman Ogg
Patricia Withers Parker

Mary Thomas Parks
Orville Miller Patton
Ruth McDanell Peak
Hazel Richardson Perkins
Lydia Ellen Perrine
Phillip Kirk Phillis
Mary Stuart Pile
Fannie Belle Pirkey
Claudine Katherine Poarch
John Gideon Prather
Susan Franklin Price
Helen Moore Ransdell
Sarah Long Ransdell
Nellie R. Rash
Harry Cordes Reckner
Harold Redd, Jr.
Helen Louise Reichenbach
Margaret Anne Rhodes
Martha Jane Rich
Virginia Eloise Rich
Lettie LaVerne Rigsby
William Stanley PRley
Layton Louis Rouse
Harold Martin Schildkraut
Ellen Jay Schoene
William Harold Spicer
Benjamin Franklin Stansifer
Frances Lucinda Still
Lois Litsey Sullivan
Margaret Tallman
William Russell Taylor
Ivy Hanmonds Thompson
Emma Louise Turck
Neil Bourne Waddle
Jule Camille Weakley
Maurice Porter Willis
Harriet Boal Woods
Eugene Francis Wright
Russell Spangla Wright
Dorothy Anne Young


James Clayton Anderson
Roy Joseph Batterton, Jr.
Thomson Ripley Bryant, Jr.
George Philip Carter
Wijilliam Roderick Eubank
Bernard Freedman
Gerald Greenfield
Marshall Beck Guthrie
Philip Parrigan Jenkins
Ira Daniel Langdon
Evelyn Ray Lannert

James Albert Lyle
Cloyd North McAllister
Lawrence E. Oliver
Audrey Belle Parsons
Albert Edwin Pettit
George Edwards Prichard
George Monroe Rust
Mi.nnie Schreiber
Robert Redmond Smedley
Leon Stein
Eleanor M.Iargaret Sweeney
William Mason Von Allmen




Vert Cameron Fraser, Jr.
John Frederick Gay
Carl Selestine Kelley, Jr.

Robert Walton Pemberton
Ulysses Grant Whitehouse,
Harry 11,cGoodwin Zirlraerman


Sada Louise Calbert
Joe Cross Creason
Louis Tillman Iglehart
George Townley Lamason
William Lloyd Taylor

James Carroll Treadway
Mary Elizabeth Vosmer
T'homas Nathaniel Watkins
John William Tilkirson


Thomas Vernon Ayres
Harol.d Reuben Katz
Ruth Clay Palmer

Nicholas Theodore Ungurean
Elna Wilson Winkler


M1argaret Joanna Abel
Elizabeth Counts Clifton
Elizabeth Ann Covington
Edith M1ay Giltner
Bernard Alexander Kenner

Betty Malraberg
Wilhe-li Johann Prahl
Harriet Hendershot Smith
Bertha Elizabeth Wright
Dora Adele 'Young

                    COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE

Robert Wilson Booton
Arthur Warner Broughman
Berlyn Brown
William Logan Caldwell II
Leon Chesnin
Simon Louis Clarkson
Robert Hawkins Cleveland
Robert Lewis Connor
Robert Bryan Conover
Oscar Monroe Corbin, Jr,
William Edward Davis
Andrew Cochran Duke
William Savage Duty, Jr.
Kelly Rugless Earle, Jr,
Delbert Lee Estes
Arthur MI. Harney, Jr.
Thomas Oscar Harris
Sanuel Thomas Harrison
Charles Henry Hogg
Jares Stanley Howard

Joe Wheeler Jarrell
Richard Ernest Jones
Paul Keen
Honer Lee Knight
Corbett Lovely
William Edward McClendon
William Julian Pierce
Robert Haigh Rawlins
Walker Russell Reynolds, Jr.
Elmon Leftridge Salyer
Edward Lee Sanders
IMartin Graves Shearer
Julian LaFar Smith
Lawrence Henry Snith
William Robertson Smoot
Silas Johnson Stokes, Jr.
Alfred Joseph Strauss, Jr.
Edgar LeRoy Thompson
Alanson .I,41orman Vivrette
Willard McKowan Welch




Wilma Louise Abrams
Margaret Adair
Jessie Elizabeth Ballard
Martha Lucille Bertram
Nervetta Childers
Dorothy Jane Cook
Joyce Cotton
Vie Cramer Crutcher
Helen Frances Early
Elizabeth Hamilton Furr
Danna Jean Hadden
Marjorie Farra Hayaon
Genevieve Robinette Hayes
I.uarJorie Widener Helton

Nola Jayne
Laura Grehan Johnson
Virginia Florane Justice
Mary Frances Kells
Margaret Sothard Kendrick
Louise Barbara L1cGoldrick
Ruth Ann 1MicKenzie
Sara Minerva Moore
Mary Dora Porter
Clara Elizabeth Robinson
Josephine Pfingst Snow
Lois Sara Straus
Emily Hope Wade

                     COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

John William Abbott                 Joseph Henry Rapier
David Knox Blythe                   Daniel Voiers Terrell$ Jr.
James Pleasant Bolling              James Henry Viox, Jr.
Thomas Carroll Finnie               Ha