xt7gth8bgr9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bgr9q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1918-09-oct2-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-09-oct2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-09-oct2-ec. 1918 1918-09-oct2-ec. 2011 true xt7gth8bgr9q section xt7gth8bgr9q 

  Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee
    of the Board of Trustees, Utniversity of Kentucky,
               Ccvober 2, 1918

     The Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, Univ.rsity of Kentucky. met in regular
session  n te officod. o. the President at the
University at 11:00 uml. on October 2, 1918, with
the following members present: Mr. R. C. Stall,
Chairman, :,r. P. P. Johnston, Jr., and lir. R. F.
Ernst.   President McoVev and Wellington Patrick
were also present.   The minutes of "he previous
meeting were read and adopted.

     (1) A. communicati'n wmas read from Dr. James K.
Patterson, asking that he be permitted to appear
before the C.ommittee to make a statement regarding
the matter of his annuity before the case was sub-
mitted to the Attorney Gene ral.  The following
motion was duly made and seconded and unanimously
adopted: It is the sense of the Executive Committee
that it would be desirable for Dr. Patterson to sub-
r.2it in writing such statement as he may care to make.
If such statement is submitted, the Committee gtill
give it full consideration.

     (2) President ZdeVey reported to the Committee
that he had purchased for the Depart ment of Music
Sfour pianos from Baldwin Piano Company.   He stated
that thru the solicitation of Mir. R. P. Ernst, the
University had been able to purchase the pianos at
reduced prices.   He stated that he had- purchased
one grand piano, listed at $1050.00 for the sum of
$675.00; two upright pianos at 8270.00 each, listed
at $450.O0 each; and one player piano at $485.00
listed at $800o05:.  He adked authority from the
Committee to make payment.    On motion duly made and
seconded and unanimously adopted, paymient was auth-

     (3)  On motion, made and duly seconded and
unanimously adopted, the bill for ;-305.02, submitted
by Miro Cha-rles A. Coolidge, advisory architect, was
ordered paid.



     (4) On motion made, duly seconded, and unani-
mously adopted, a bill for $646,49 submitted by
Olmsted Brothers, landscape architects, vn orard.rcri

     (5) The bill in favorr Comb         r Co-nany
for 43817.5O on the heating plant and $5386.56 for
'lumber for No.1 and No.2 barracks being construotod
at Winslow and Rose streets, with - statement from
the Business Agent that the money for payment was not
on hand, but that it would be forthcoming from the.
Government in a short time, was, on motion, made,
duly seconded and unanimously adopted, ordered paid
as soon as funds can be secured from the Government.

     (6) The President (reading from the report-of
the Business Agent) brought to the attention of the
Committee the change ia method of tIe Lexington
Utilities Comipanr for charg.itng for light.  On motion
duly made and seconded and uaanimotisly adopted, the
President was au tc*iseP to take the matter up with
the Company.

     (7)  The Presidden- thea brought to the attention
of the Committee. the necessity of placing extra fire
plugs near the barracks.    On motion duly made and
seconded.and adopted, the President was authorized
to request the Waterworks Company t, o put adequate
fire plugs around the barracks.   (Mr. Stoll stated
that he was attorr.ey for the Vlator-vorks Company and
therefore would not take part in the discussion or
cast a vote.)

     (8)  President McVey called the attention of
the Committee to the fact that owing to a change in
the amount in taxable property in the State from
that on which estimates were made when the budget
was prepared, the University would fall short in its
finances for the current year about `31,000.    He
stated, however, that the tuition fees received from
the Government fog men in the Students' Army Train-
ing Corps would practically cover the shortage.

     (9)  The financial report of the Experiment
Station was presented and the attention of the Committee
ci.lled to the fact that it should be audited and a
report made to the United States Government.    The
chair appointed Mr. Johnston and I.11r. Patrick as a com-
mittee of two to audit and make the report.


     (1O) The Fresidenrt then presented to the
Committee a list of appointments, resignations,
transfers and changes in salary.    On motion duly
made and seconded the list as presented was con-
firmed.   The list was as follows:

                 List of Appointments

     Mr. W. R. Rleynolds, Emergency County Agent,
Jackson, ';still and Perry count-iis, at a salary of
0150 a Tmontlh, effeclive J.ly 1t     for a -eriod
of six monfhs, .'1J6.?/3 per month to be paid from
Emergency Fund and ,33 u1,s from Jackson County.

     Miss ilse Hilde Er-unhoff, Emergency Urban
Agent, City of Louisville, at a salary of $125 per
month, effective July 1. J5R8, for P period of nine
months, to be paid from Emergency Fund.

     Miss Lucy Bell Setile, Emergency goae Demon-
stration Agent,, Ballard Coun-i-, at a salary of $125
per r=onth, effective July 1, 191.8, for 1U 2/3 mon-oths,
$100 per month to be paid from Emergency Fund and
$25 per month by Ballard County.

     Miss Laura Granducci, stenographer, department
of Animal Husbandry, at a salary of $.?0 per month,
effective July 29, 1913, to be paid from budget of
Animal Husbandry department.

     Miss Mary Belle Baird, Secretary Lo the depart-
ment of Education, at a salary of 850 per month,
effective July 1, 1918.

     Mr. John Hurst Adams, County Agent, Simpson
County, at a e&lazy,.of  * .33 1/3 per month, effective
July 16, 19tb, f ,r a. -Or  ol cf 2ur, aacl ore..he lf
months, $100 to be paid by Simps3on CoaGnty, @!3 by
Smith-Lever Fund and V15 by Agricultural Department.

     Professor F.j. Sutton. assistant professor OI'
Horticulture, at a salary of f1700 per year, effect-
ive September 1, 1915, S00 to be paid from budget
of department horticultural teaching, and $300 from
budget 6t Experiiaent Station.

     Mrs. Zetta IleG. Lowry, Emergency Home Demon-
stration Agent, Fayette and Woodford Counties, at a
salary of $100 per month, effective August19, 1918,
for ton months, one-half paid by Emergency Fund and
one.half by, Smith-Lover fund.


- 4-

     Mrs. Frances Y. Kline, Emergency Home Demon-
stration Agent, Livingston County, at a salary of
$100 per month, for one year, effective July 1, 1918,
one-half to be paid by Emergency Fund and one-half
by, Livingston County.

     A. L. Garvin, Emergency 48sistant County Agent
(colored) Mercer County, at salary of ilOO per month
effective July 1, 1918, for one year, $66 2/3 per
4ionth to be paid by Emergency Fund.

     Mr. E. J. Kilpatrick, County Agent, McCrack6n
County, at a salary of $225 per month, for eleven
months, effective August 1, 1918, $10 per month to
be paid by Department of Agriculture,  (90 by Federa"l
Smith.Lever and $125 by McCracken Growers Astsociation.

     r. A. H. Varney, Emergency County Agent, Pike
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $)125 per month,
effective August 1, 1918, to continue for eleven
months, to be paid by Emergency Fund.

     t rs. Sue Corne Beardsley, Emergency Home Demon-
stration Agent, Garrard, Lincoln a'nd PulaskIC.Counties,
at a salary of $100, per month. effective August 19,
1918, for ten months-, to be paid one-half from
Emergency Fund and one-half Smith-Lever Fund.

     Mrs. Margaret C. Crowder, Emergency Home Demon-
strati on- Agent, Ne'lson and Spencer C ounties, 'at a
ealalry of $100 per month, effective August 19, 1918,
for ten: months. to be paid one-half from Emergency
Fund and one-half Smith-Lever.

     Miss Mary C. Crutbher, Emergency Home Demonstr'-
tion. Agent. Clark and Powel Counties,f orten months,
at: a, alary of 4100 p`er' month, effective August 19,
1918, ene-half to be paid by Emergency Fund and 'one-
hal-f from Smith- Lever.

     Miss Fanny Merritt, Shipping Clerk, Feed and
Fertilizer Department, at'a salary of $40 perf month,
effective August 19, 1918, to be paid from budgets
of Feed and Fertilizer Departments.

     C. St Porter, temporary Public Service Laboratory
Assistant in Bacteriology, at a salary of $15 per woek,
effective August 22, 1918, to be paid from funds of
the Public Service Laboratory.

     Miss 011ine Cruickshank, temporary Assistant in
Bacteriology of Public $ervice,Laboratory, at a salary
of $18 per week, effective August 20, 1918, to be paid
from funds of the Public Service Laboratory.


     Hiss Elsie White, stenographer, Home Dlemon-
stration Office, at a silary of Ci60 per mo-nt-hk
effective August 21, 1'918, to be Laid from the
funds of the Extension Division.

     Miss Manila D. Lyman, stenographer, Department
of Animal Husbandry, at a salary of `60 per month,
effective August 1, 1918, to be paid from budget of
Departmenit of Animal Husbandry - Experiment Station.

     Mr. G. W. Whiting, instructor in English, at a
salary of 8l1200,, effective September, 1918.

     Dr4 Arthur W. Calhoun, Assistant Professor of
Sociology at a salary of $1800, effective September

     Miss Idadge Lamareaux, instructor in Home Econom-
ics, at a salary of "1400 pwr annum, effective
September 1, 1918, on a twelve months' basic.

     Mr. J. F. Ramey, temporary agent in wheat cam-
paign in Lyon County, at a salary of 150 per month
for the period of one month, August 15 to September
15, 1918.   No travel expense to be allowed.

     Mr. T. R. Howell to assist Mr. B. G. Nelson in
the wheat compaign, college to *pay his expenses only.

     Miss Celestine Graves, stenographer to Mr. Nelson
at a salary of ;35 per month, effective August 1, 1918.

     Mr. William R. Jilloon, Assistant Professor of
Geology, at a salary of 01800,per annum, effective
September, 1918.

     Mr. L. H. MIcCain, bookkeeper in Business Office,
at a salary of $1503 per annum, effectlive September,

     Miss Jean IMacKinnon, acting Heard of the Depart-
ment of Home Economics-, with the title of Professor
of Home Econoamcs at a salary of 02400 to be paid in
twelve monthly installments, effective August 15, 1918.

     O. R.'Clutter, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry
at a salary of ,'8OO a year, effective September, 1918.



     Ui1s Amanda Ha~nros "SFuiotnt Pn.thegonic
Bacteriologist in the Dapartiienri of Animal Hus-
bandry, at a talary of ;L0O a year, effective
October 1, 19 2.&.

     Mr. George G. Eirk, temporarv County Agent
in Hentlersoa Counly, al a salIr4 ii $2?56 a pear,
affective August '7, 191.8, ior a ^eriol of oni
year, salary to be paid from Feda.-al Si.th-Lever

     Mr. John A. Hurter, Emergency Ccunty Agent,
Allen Ununty, at a calary of 0125 a mionth, effect-
ive S'3ptembiec 17,. 1918, for twelve months, salary
to be paid from Emergency Fund ;`1200 and Allen
County $300.

     Ur. Charleq 1. Hill, Zmergen.cy County Agent,
MIcLeayn County, rt a salary of $133 1/3 a month
for one month, .f fee-I.iive September 18, 1918,
salary to be pai.;d from Emergency Funds $606 2/3
and McLean Coun;y 4 66 2/3.

     Rea~pointc..eant of Angus N. Gordon, County
Agan-, 1iaiederson County, effective October 1,1918.
This counter-nands previous action of the Committee
in recallinig himi to the Department of Agronomy.
The changs is ..ade at Mr.r Gordon's reouest.

     Mrsq Lyd-ia Brum, 'Matron of Maxwell Hall, at a
salary of $50.00 a month, effective September 10,1918.

     Miss kviaggaret Stevens, Dietitiari at ?atterson
Hall, at a saLary of $ 800 a year, payable in twrelve
monthly inst 4ipwents.

     The sala--y of Mliss Ada'aide E. Crane, House
Director at ?atterbon Hal! is to bo paid in '.er,
monthly installments, $100 a year.

     Miss Pearl A_   as-Lui.r4, 3neral lwsisltant in the-
Library, at a sa}a.-    all 0`(-0*3 a -aonth f or ninp
months, effle;tiv3 t~ie~cor 2.b, 1)1L.




     William Brusse, County Agent. Simpson County,
Kentucky, effective July 6, 1918, to join the Navy.

     Lawrence Bradford, County Agent, Carroll County,
Kentucky, effective August 7, 1918, to join the Army.

     J. M. Porter, County Agent, Hart County,
Kentucky, July 23, 1918, to join the Navy.

     Mrs. Marie Allison, stenographer to Mr. B. G.
Nelson, effective August 1, 1918, on the account of
the illness of her mother.

     Miss Lillie Liston, Chief Clerk, Public Service
Laboratories, effective September 15, 1918.

     Discontinuance of the services of Miss Olline
Cruickshank, temporarily employed in the Public
Service Laboratories, September 14, 1918.

     Kimber Bowles, Emergency County Agent, Morgan
County, effective July 15, 1918, to join the Army.

     J. W. Switzer, Assistant Emergency County Agent,
Harrison County, effective June 30, 1918, to join
the Army.


     Miss Mabel Huston, transferred to the office of
Public Service Laboratories from Dean Cooper's office,
effective September 16, 1918.

             Increases in Salary

     MIrsa. Anna Berry Jones from 0900 to $960 per annum.
Mrs.. Jones is Head Stenographer in Extension Divisions

     Miss Je-ssie Aldridge, stenographer to State
Agent Farm Dem6nstration work, 472O to `780 per annum.

     Miss Gertrude Sommer, stenographer to 14r. Merrin
man, District Agent, Mrs. Jonas, District Agent, and
Mr. J. T. Taylor, County Agent, $420.    She is now
receiving $55 per month, the balance-ebeIng paid by
the Loaisville Board of Trade.    This, therefore, in-
v-olves an increase of $5 per month.



     Mrs. Marie Al.lisoll. stenographer to Mr. B6 G.
Nelson, District Agent, $420.   The, Christian County
Board of Trade pays $240.   Her increa~se is recom-
mended at $;5 per month.

     Miss Margaret Ryan, stenographer, Boys'Club
Work, $720 to $840 per annum.

     Mr. L. F. Morgan, County Agent Braeathitt
County, Kentucky from 1JOC to *125 per month, ef fect-
ive September 1, 1918, said increase to be paid from
Emergency Funds furnished by the Department of Agri-

     Miss Mabel Huston, stenographer, Public Service
Laboratory from $50 to '60 per month, effective
October-l, 1918.

     Mr. J. 1. :bartin, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry,
increase of i.$280 per year, effective October 1, 1918.

     'Are 0. G. liantinv,Assistant in Boys'Club Work,
was assigled to us last year by the Bureau of
Animal Industry, his entire salary-- of $il800 pwr year,
being paid by them.   The budget for Lhis year pro-
vides that he shall be paid a sa.ary of $2O00 and he
was given this information by Dr, M.Kut.chklei .  Under
the agreement with the Bureau of Arimal Industry,
they did not deem it advisable to pay to exceed $1800.
He is to be paid a salary of $183.34 from extension
funds covering the eleven months fron August 1,1918
to June 30, 191%, placing his salary on a $2000 basis.

     Mrs. Margaret' D. Jonas, District Hime Demonstra.
tion Agent, from $1500 to $1600 per annum, effective
October 1, 1918.

     Mrs. Eloise N.. Graves, Distriit Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, from $1500 to 41600 pe.- ann.um, effective
October 1, 1918.

     Miss Lu.ie Logan.  mergeney t:.str~ct Home Demon-
stration Agent., from $Oi200 to 15c~o pi, ann~n,
effective Octobe-t, l,1q!8.

     Miss Hirnie Parker Durham, Distrie i Hione Denon-
stration Agent, L Om 4`300 to $500 per annum, nifect-
ive Oc-tober :J. 1ci..8,



    Miisa Lillie Goldnamer; Emergeticy HOme Demon-
stration Agent, from $1200 to 01400 per annumi
eftective September 26, 1918.

    Mrs. Martha V. Potter, Emergency Home Demon-
stration Agent, from ;1200 to $1400 per annum,
effective September 26, 1918.

    Miss Roxie Campbell, Emergency Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Wuhit ley County, $100 per month, appoint-
ment for two months.   Increase by way of $25 per
month additional allowed for travel.

     J. W. Worthington, County Agent Campbell County,
$133 1/3 per month for 8 months and increase by allow-
ing $25 per month additional for travel.

     Guerney C. Baker, Emergency County Agent,
Lawrence County, $116 2/3 per month and increase by
allowing $25 per month additional for travel.

     I. C. Graddy, Emergency County Agent, Mublenreirg
County, $134 per month for 12 months and increase by
allowing $25 per month additional for travel.

     B. S. Hensley, Emergency County Agent, Johnson
County, $116 2/3 per month; increase in allowance of
$25 per month additional for travel.

     Armiel Carman, County Agent in Hickman County,
$133 1/3 per month and increase by allowanrice of ;$25
per month additional for travel.

     A. Flem Baker, County Agent Todd County, $133 1/3
per month for 6 months and increase in allowance of
$25 per month additional for travel.

     W. W. Browder, Emergency County Agent Ohio
County, $150 per month for 10 months, and increase
in allowance of 025 per month additional for travel.

     Miss Lillian Brashear, Emergency County Agent,
Hart County, $100 per month for 3 months, and increase
in allowance of $25 per month for travel.

     Miss Rhoda Wardlington, Emerge:new Hlomnc D-monstra_
tion Agent Boyd County, $12.5 ppxz morth :  ) r;nths,
and increase in allowance or 4?5 per mio&xh' s* travel.



. -  Mrs. Minnie L. Hill, Eme gency Home Demon-
stration Agent, Logan Cournty, $125 per month for 4
months and an increase in allowance of V25 per month
for travel.

     Mrs. 0. T. Lyle, Emergenzy Home Demonstration
Agent, hMcCracken Coxnt.yy; ,?l00 per month for 6 months
and an increase of $25 per month for travel.

     i-ss V3illie M. heguire, Emergency Home Dempn-
s-r atio1n Agent Simpson 4;qt;*hy, ,l 0 per m onth for 6
months, and an increase of $40 per month additional
for - ravel.

     Miss Fleety Lynn, Emergency :-:ome Demonstration
Agent 1-yon County, at ;l0O  er month for 8 months
and an increase of 8i'-5 per month additional for travel.

     Miss Jacqueline Hall_ vome DesornsTration Agent
Harrison Cou-,ty, 4125 per month for 4 rionthis, and an
increase of 0950 per monz4h additional for travel.

     Mrs. E.} L. Grubbz, Emergency Rome Demonstration
Agent Boyle Ccun-y, $,Ob per mon', Jfor 6 months, and
an' increase of $S  per month additional for travel.

     Mrs. Anrna 3. Godiar6, mergen. y Home Demonstra-
tior Agent Mercer Countby, $1 5 pe'r month for 8 months
and an increase of $50 per month additional for travel.

     Mrs* Octavia Evans, Emergency Homne Demonstration
Work, Daviess County, $100 per mon'th f0r 6 months, and
an increase of "50 per montI. add.Ltionai for travel.

     Frank X'. Barrett, EmergEnoy B:oys' Club Agent,
L3166 2/3 per month for 12 months, representing an
increase of $16 2/3 per month.

     P. 11. Frye, Eme zgenoy (,o-tmiy    Ownt, Owsley and
Jackson Counties, $1..(t 2/js per aci,!,4 tJr 1? months,
representing an increase of $1.; fp s*er mont.h,

     Henry A. aine (c l.i- u' 7    - ncy Asissant
County Agent :tMadiso;. Con-y    .     r  ortxi for
12 months, rep coat-. ing an         VI ' 1  * 33 t'j3
per month.
     Be rlie 'T~iijtoa, o-A,;    .i.      .L     f
per month for 'L2 montLhs ,&   e      3% ^n l o   or
$25 per month.



     :W. 'W. Owiley, County Agent Washington County,
1225 per month for 12 months, representing an in-
crease of $25 per month.

     Ve D. Sutton,' Emergency County Agent, Boona
County, $116 Z/3 per month for 12 months, represent-
ing an increase of b16 2/3 per month, also $10 per
month increase in travel allowance.

     3. L. 2Iiiller, Emergency County Agent Taylor
County, $116 2/3 per month f or 12 months, represent-
ing an Increase of $16 2/3 per month, and decrease
of $-15 per month for travel.

     : Harland Amburgey, Emergency County Agent
McCreary County, $116 2/3 per month, representing
an increase in salary of. $16 2/3 per month.

     Iliss Mary McDowell, Emergency Home Demonstra-
tion Agent Shelby Counity, 41l6 2/3 per month -.or 9
months, and an increase in allowance of $30 per
month additional for travel.

     Miss Dora SUnnenday, Emergency Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Lewis, Greenup and Carter Counties, $100
per month for 12 months, representing an increase in
s8 lary of $25 per month.

     M4rs. Martha Potter, Emergency Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Warren, Butler, Edmonson, Barren, Metcalf
and Allen Counties, $100 per month for 12 months,
representing an increase in salary of $25 per month.

     Mrs. Idary S. Harbison, Emergency Home Demon-
stration Agent, Oldham, Trimble, Henry, Carroll,
Gn.llatin, Owen and Grant Counties, ;100 per month,
representing an increase of $25 per month in salary.
Appointment for 2 5/6 months.

     M11iss Julia B. Green, Emergency Home Denionstra-
tion Agent, City of Louisville, 360 per month for
-12 months, representing an increase in salary of
10 per monrth.

     Miss Lillie Coldnamer, Emergenc-t Home Demon-
stration Agent, tUnion, Webster, 1.IcLes.n, Hopkins,
Caldwell and Ohio Counties, 4100 per month' repre-
senting an jnz-'ease i. salary oi @;25 per month,-Ap-
pointament fvy "-.. r!ontas.



    Mrs. Eloise IN. Graves, Emergency District
Home Demonstration Agent, 9`125 per month for 12
months, representing an increase of $8 1/3 per

     Leona E  Carter, .Emergency, Home Demon-stration
Agent.                 go ribgt?i., ;Jorgan, Menifee and Elliott
-Counties, $v100 per monvth fdr 12 monthst, represent-
ing an increase of `25 per month.

     M1iss Caroline Tracy, Ea-ergency Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Fulton County, $100 per morth for 10 2/3
months, &nd an increase of $50 per month additional
f or tr&ve 1.

     H. L-. 1ic!;Auvary, Emergency County Agent, Knott
Count- , 133 1/3 per month f or 4 1/2 months, rep-
resenting 'an ifncteabe in salary of 916 2/3 per
month. aelso an additional allowanje of 30 per month
for tra,;.A.

     Mrse. Susan G. Weaier. gmergen6$ Home Demonstra-
tion Agen~l, Henaerson CountiY  4111 pe~ month for 6
months, and an increase in the. atllwalce of $25 per
month addttional for travel.

     Miss Iris Boggess, Emergency iibme, Demonstration
Agent, l.uhlenberg County, Y,$100 per month, effective
July 1, 1918 for 6 months, and an intrease in the
allowance of `40 per month for traiel.

     Artie Ashbrook, Emergency County Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Graves Count.4, effective July 1, !9.18
for 6 months, $100 per.month,   T:'a-el callowance $Sb
per monvh.   None a1owed last year.

     Mcs, 'georgs P. Haviton. Emergency Home DemotAstia3
ticn Agent, Claj County, efective Juily 16, 1918, for
3 monthst, a  $100 per mcnth;  Increase in s ala-y
$25 per wonthl travel allowance decreab0d $25 psr
m cnt h

     TArs.. Mit.ha  'olson., 'Emergeno.y Home. Demonstration
Ageiit, Bourbtz Zounty. effe-.tijre July 3, 19!6, for 6
months; $l10C pe; nr.Tncrec;ae il taLary' o. $25
per month;  Ceese 'i," trjiawl .waine oi ;_e4 r.
month.   Resc',r _..3  r f 4 t,' v' ' ;m 'rt.rL,
Bourbon,     *."c; . ~r~+ Ad '    !
Bourbon Co-.-.t, -, y

     J. EM Fe3.c.er, Xer e:   A.~ -i..mt l3,Byg st
Work. effectivi ;--.       8.  5C nar nrtb r-r ae
of $25 per mon+h i;                       ! I.l Jcir~enN'or.V rn;we1sv



      ( 1g)  On motion duly made and seconded, the
following motion was unanimously adopted: That
the Business Agent be authorized to purchase an
automobile at an approximate cost of 0350.00, an
automobile for general use by the University, and
to be kept in charge by the Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds.

      (12)  On motion by Ur. Ernst, seconded by
,r. 3Johnston, the f ollowing resolution was unani-
mously adopted by the Committee:   That Mr. Stoll,
as Chairman of the Executive Comm ittee, be author-
ized to borrow ;40,000 to replace the Peabody Fund;
that he invest the money in Liberty Bonds of the
fourth loan, the bonds to be registered; and that
he turn the bonds over to the Trustees of the
Peabody Fund.

     (13)  On motion by hir. Johnston, seconded by
..r. Ernst, and unanimously adopted, the Phoenix and
Third Trust Company was made truette of the Peabody
Fund, and required to execute a bond in the sum of
,40,0(0 .

     (14)  The bill of Mitchell, Miarvin and Peat
-for 97?8.07 for auditing the books of the University
was presented.   On motion made and seconded and
unanimously adopted, the bill was ordered paid.

     (15) President McVey stated to the Committee
that it would be necessary to erect a Quartermatter's
building in connection with the barracks, costing
approximately $2000.    On motion made add seconded
the President was authorized to have such a building

     (16) it was moved and seconded and unanimously
adopted that the President request IMlr. Charles A.
Coolidge to prepare plans for a building located on
the Campus for Y.M.C.A. purposes with a postoffice
in connection therewith, the building to be of per-
manent construction.    In this connection the Pres-
ident reported that a postoffice inspector had
visited the University tand discussed the necessity
of a postoffice building where mail for men in the
camps and the people of the University could be ad-
equately cared for.    He also called attention to
the fact that the Y. ML. C. A. people at the camp
are working under great difficulties, in handling
the mail.



     (17) The report of the Businesw Agent was
then presented and ordered to be made a part of the
minutes.   The report was as follows:

                               October 1-1918

President F. L. MicVey,
     University of Kentucky.

Dear Doctor McVey:

     I submit herewith a statement showing receipts
and disbursements to September 30.    The meeting
comes so soon after the first of the month I have
been unable to prepare a complete report.

     I also submit an analysis of student fees col-
lected to september 30.

     II report to Septenber 30 on Third Camp klilitary
Technical Training is also submitted.

     The reports for operation of Experiment Station
for last year are ready.   It has been customary to
appoint an Auditing Committee to examine and approve
these reports.   Copy is submitted.

     it will probably be well to appoint at this
time an Auditilig Committee for the Extension .Report
fo.r last *year which I hope to have ready at an early

     I wish to call your attention-to the copy of
letter sent to Lexington Utiiities Company.    If the
new method of charging is kept up! i.t will add an
average of over 075.0O per month to the 'Jniversity
bills for light and power.

     I submit the statement of account of Marwick,
Mitchell, Peat & Company for auditing booIs .
Mr. Forsyth 6xpected to be here the first of this
month to complete work on putting in new system, but
the forms have not been completed.    I think it is
not necessary to go to fuether expense than having
hill return and opea a General Ledger.   He suggested
bringing another man with him, but I think the pre8s-
ent office f orce can takc care of it.   With Ltr. L.H.
McCain now in the office I hope to give trou in a few
days a detailed budget report of bills 1 c8id, . utstand-
ing ordez.s and balances.


-15- .

     Tnsurance hae been plac-ed on Barracks and
0ontents as completsd as follows: buildings 010,000
each, contents  1,500, -tox'nado 95,000 each.  This
insurance.has been distributed among various agpncies
and companies.   If plan of insuring is continued,
it will be necessary to take out at least .25,000
more insurance on Barracks and building, and later
ve shall have to insure the shop building now being
erected.   I am continuously solicited by various
Agencies.   I shall greatly appreciate advice of the
Committee as to extent o.insurance and policy as to
placing insurance.

     I have been informad at the Auditor's office
that the amount of revenue charged to sheriffs of
the state for 1918 is ;,5,466,917.40-   Other collect-
i-ons last year on which t.he Unive rsity received tax
amounted to 4l837889.00.   Based on these figures,
the aLioutnt that the University will receive from the
State Tax' will be : 319,585.28.

     There is due the Combs Lumber Company 03,817.50
on contract for heating plant and   5,386.56 for lum-
ber used in Barr~acks No.1 and Barracks No.2.   The
:ompaay- i s asking payment, saying that they are ad-
vancing so much on Barracks No. 3 and E arracks No. 4
t'.at they are "hard pushed".   Money for this is due
but not on hand.   Shall we pay it  

                              Respect fully,

                                D. H. Peak

Dusiness Agent.


                Statement of Cash Rec-eipts and
              Expenditures to September 30, 1918

Fund             ::Collected : Collected : Spent  : :Balance
                   in Sept.   : & 6n Ha~d : to Date      :on Hand
                             : to Date

General Fund     :12,212.31 :   X086.39: 86,195.23 ;1,891.16
Experiment Station: 15,643.98        947824,10: 46,149.23      48,674.87
Extension Fund   : 3,230.44 : 48,365.18: 21,369.22    26,995.96
Trust Fund          1,492,68 ; 16,190.50: 46,362.86  30,172.36

                   32,579.41 , 257,466.17:200,076.54       57,399.63

       Statement of Fees Collected to September 30, 1918

           Instruction Fees...............,3142.25

           S.A.T. ......................., 2,067.00

           Student Activities .    ........... . 1,260.00

           Late Registr-atioi.   .    .       9.00

           Drafting.....................   220.00

           Graduate School  .     .75.00

           Changes in Subjects .    .        2*50

           Specials City School.......,    116.00

           Entrance Conditions.......        10.00

           Balance from last year.   .      634.36

                                           $8, 136.1

On motion, the Committee adjourned.

                         Wellingto'n Patrick,
                       Secretary of the Boards