xt7gth8bgq5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gth8bgq5t/data/mets.xml Price, Sarah Frances, 1849-1903. 1890.  books b92-155-29771819 English D. Lothrop, : Boston : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Songs from the Southland  / selected by S.F. Price. text Songs from the Southland  / selected by S.F. Price. 1890 1890. 2002 true xt7gth8bgq5t section xt7gth8bgq5t 

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            SELECTED BY
          S. F. PRICE



  COPYRIcGrr, 1890,

        Ii Y






              GEORGE D. PRENTICE.

Tis midnight's holy hour, and silence now
Is brooding, like a gentle spirit o'er
The still and pulseless world. Hark! on the winds
The bell's deep tones are swelling; 'tis the knell
Of the departed year. No funeral train
Is sweeping past; yet, on the stream and wood,
With melancholy light, the moonbeams rest
Like a pale, spotless shroud; the air is stirred,
As by a mourner's sigh; and, on yon cloud,
lThat floats so still and placidly through heaver,
Ihe spirits of the Seasons seem to stand.



Young Spring, bright Summer, Autumn's solemn form,
And Winter with its aged locks-and breathe
In mournful cadences, that come abroad,
Like the far windharps wild, touching wail,
A melancholy dirge o'er the dead year,
Gone from the earth forever.

             'Tis a time
For memory and for tears. Within the deep,
Still chambers of the heart, a spectre dim,
Whose tones are like the wizard voice of time,
Heard from the tomb of ages, points its cold
And solemn finger to the beautiful
And holy visions, that have passed away,
And left no shadow of their loveliness
On the dead waste of life. The spectre lifts
The coffin-lid of Hope and Joy and Love,
And bending mournfully above the pale,
Sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers
O'er what has passed to nothingness.

             The year
Has gone, and with it many a glorious throng
Of happy dreams. Its mark is on each brow,
Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course,




It waved its sceptre o'er the beautiful;
And they are not. It laid its pallid hand
Upon the strong man: and the haughty form
Is fallen, and the flashing eye is dim.
It trod the hall of revelry, where thronged
The bright and joyous; and the tearful wail
Of stricken ones is heard, where erst the song
And reckless shout resounded. It passed o'er
The battle plain, where sword, and spear and shield,
Flashed in the light of midday; and the strength
Of serried hosts is shivered, and the grass,
Green from the soil of carnage, waves above
The crushed and inouldering skeleton.  It came,
And faded like a wreath of mist at eve;
Yet, ere it melted in the viewless air,
It heralded its millions to their home,
In the dim land of dreams.

              Remorseless time!
Fierce spirit of the glass and scythe! What powei
Can stay him in his silent course, or melt
His iron heart to pity! On, still on,
He presses and forever. The proud bird,
The Condor of the Andes, that can soar
Through heaven's unfathomable depths, or brave




The fury of the northing hurricane,
And bath its plumage in the thunder's home
Furls his broad wing at nightfall, and sinks down
To rest upon his mountain crag; but Time
Knows not the weight of sleep or weariness,
And Night's deep darkness has no chain to bind
His rushing pinion.

             Revolutions sweep
O'er earth, like troubled visions o'er the breast
Of dreaming sorrow; cities rise and sink
Like bubbles on the water; fiery isles
Spring blazing from the ocean, and go back
To their mysterious caverns; mountains rear
To heaven their bold and blackened cliffs, and bow
Their tall heads to the plain; and empires rise,
Gathering the strength of hoary centuries,
And rush down, like the Alpine avalanche,
Startling the nations; and the very stars,
Yon bright and glorious blazonry of God,
Glitter awhile in their eternal depths,
And like the Pleiad, loveliest of their train,
Shoot from their glorious spheres, and pass away
To darkle in the trackless void; yet rime,
Time, the tomb-builder, holds his fierce career,



        SOAGS FROM THE SOU 7'H-LAAFD.         9

Dark, stern, all pitiless, and pauses not
Amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path,
To sit and muse, like other conquerors,
Upon the fearful ruin he hath wrought.


           CHRISTMAS. [i864]

                  HENRY' TDIROD.

    How grace this hallowed day
Shall happy bells, from yonder ancient spire,
Send their glad greetings to each Christmas fire
    Round which the children play

    How shall we grace the day
Ah! Let the thought that on this holy morn
The Prince of Peace -the Prince of Peace was born
    Employ us, while we pray!

    Pray for the peace which long
Hath left this tortured land, and haply now
Holds its white court on some far mountain's brow,
    There hardly safe from wrong.!



     Let every sacred fane
Call its sad votaries to the shrine of God,
And, with the cloister and the tented sod,
    Join in one solemn strain!

    He, who, till time shall cease,
Will watch that earth, where once, not all in vain,
He died to give us peace, may not disdain
    A prayer whose theme is-peace.

    Perhaps ere yet the Spring
Hlath died into the Suminer, over all
The land, the Peace of His vast love shall fall,
    Like some protecting wing.

    Oh, ponder what it means!
Oh, turn the rapturous thought in every way!
Oh, give the vision and the fancy play,
    And shape the coming scenes !

    Peace in the quiet dales,
Made rankly fertile by the blood of men,
Peace in the woodland, and the lonely glen,
    Peace in the peopled vales!




    Peace in the crowded town,
Peace in the thousand fields of waving grain,
Peace in the highway and the flowery lane,
    Peace on the wind-swept down!

    Peace on the farthest seas,
Peace in our sheltered bays and ample streams,
Peace whereso'er our starry garland gleams;
    And peace in every breeze!

    Peace on the whirring marts,
Peace where the scholar thinks-the hunter roams,
Peace, God of Peace ! Peace, peace, in all our homes,
    And peace in all our hearts !



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         LA BELLE JUIVE.

             HENRV' 'IIMR01).

Is it because your sable hair
Is folded over brows that wear
At times a too imperial air;

Or is it that the thoughts which rise
In those dark orbs do seek disguise
Beneath the lids of Eastern eyes;

That choose whatever pose or place
May chance to please, in you I trace
The noblest woman of your race 

The crowd is sauntering at its ease.
And humming like a hive of bees--
You take your seat and touch the keys,


i SONWGS Heit: 7lilt SOUTH7-LAND.

1 do not hear the giddy throng;
The sea avenges Israel's wrong,
And on the mind floats Miriam's song!

You join me with a stately grace:
Music to Poesy gives place;
Some grand emotion lights your face:

At once I stand by Mizpeh's walls;
With smiles the martyred daughter falls,
And desolate are M\izpeh's halls'

Intrusive babblers come between:
With calm, pale brow and lofty mein,
You thread the circle like a queen

Then sweeps the royal Esther by
The deep devotion in her eye,
Is looking "' If I die, I die!'"

You stroll the gardener's flowery walks.
The plants to me are grainless stalks,
And Ruth to old Naomi talks



    SONGS   XO.1/ THE SOUTH-LAND.           17

Adopted child of jUdah's creed,
Like Judah's daughters, true at need,
I see you mid the alien seed.

I watch afar the gleaner sweet;
I watch like Boaz in the wheat,
And find you lying at my feet.

My feet! Oh! if the spell that lures,
My heart through all these dreams endures,
How soon shall I be stretched at yours!


          TO HELEN.

          EDGAR ALLAN POE.

Helen, thy beauty is to me
  Like those Nicean barks of yore,
That gently, o'er a perfumed sea.
  The weary, way-worn wanderer bore
  To his own native shore.

On desperate seas long wont to roam,
  Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
  To the glory that was Greece
And the grandeur that was Rome.

Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche
  How statue-like I see thee stand!
  The agate lamp within thy hand,
Ah ! Psyche, from the regions which
  Are Holy Land !



           FATHER RYAN.

FoUR thousand years earth waited,
  Four thousand years men prayed,
Four thousand years the nations sighed
  That their King so long delayed.

The prophets told His coming,
  The saintly for Him sighed;
And the star of the Babe of Bethlehem
  Shone o'er them when they died.

Their faces toward the future,
  They longed to hail the light
That in the after centuries
  Would rise on Christmas night.



But still the Saviour tarried,
  Within His father's home;
And the nations wept and wondered why
  The promise had not come.

At last earth's hope was granted,
  And God was a child of earth;
And a thousand angels chanted
  The lowly midnight birth.

Ah! Bethlehem was grander
  That hour than paradise;
And the light of earth that night eclipsed
  The splendour of the skies.

Then let us sing the anthem,
  The angels once did sing;
Until the music of love and praise
  O'er whole wide world will ring.

    Glory in excelsis!
      Sound the thrilling song;
    In excelsis Deo!
      Roll the hymn along.



Then let us sing the anthem
The angels once did sing.

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    Glory in excelsis!
       Let the heavens ring;
    In excelsis Deo!
       Welcome, new-born King.
    Gloria in excelsis!
       Over the sea and land,
    In excelsis Deo!
       Chant the anthem grand.
    Gloria in excelsis!
       Let us all rejoice!
    In excelsis Deo!
       Lift each heart and voice.
    Gloria in excelsis!
       Swell the hymn on high;
    In excelsis Deo!
       Sound it to the sky.
    Gloria in excelsis!
       Sing it sinful earth.
    In excelsis Deo!
       For the Saviour's birth.

Thus joyful and victoriously,
Glad and ever so gloriously,
High as the heavens, wide as the earth,
Swelleth the hymn of the Saviour's birth.



      THE    VOICE     IN   THE     PINES.

              PAUL HAMILToN HAVNE.

THE morn is softly beautiful and still,
  Its light, fair clouds in pencilled gold and gray
Pause motionless above the pine-grown hill,
Where the pines, tranced as by a wizard's will,
  Uprise as mute and motionless as they'

Yea! mute and moveless; not one dickering spray
  Flashed into sunlight, nor a gaunt bough stirred;
Yet, if wooed hence beneath those pines to stray,
We catch a faint, thin murmur far away,
  A bodiless voice, by grosser ears unheard.


         SONGS FROM THE SOU,,TH-LAND.            25

What voice is this What low and solemn tone,
  Which, though all wings of all the winds seemed
Nor even the zephyr's fairy flute is blown,
Makes thus forever its mysterious moan
  From out the whispering pine-tops' shadowy world

Ah! can it be the antique tales are true 
  Doth some lone Dryad haunt the breezeless air,
Fronting yon bright immitigable blue,
And wildly breathing all her wild soul through
  That strange unearthly music of despair

Or can it be that ages since, storm-tossed,
  And driven far inland from the roaring lea,
Some baffled ocean-spirit, worn and lost,
Here, through dry summer's dearth and winter's frost,
  Yearns for the sharp, sweet kisses of the sea

Whate'er the spell, I harken and amn dumb,
  Dream-touched, and musing in the tranquil morn;
All woodland sounds -the pheasant's gusty drum,
The mock-bird's fugue, the droning insect's hum-
  Scarce heard for that strange, sorrowful voice for-
      lorn !



Beneath the drowsed sense, from deep to deep
  Of spiritual life its mournful minor flows,
Streamlike, with pensive tide, whose currents keep
Low murmuring 'twixt the bounds of grief and sleep,
  Yet locked for aye for sleep's divine repose.



              PAUL HAMILTON HAYNE.

TALL, sombre, grim, against the morning sky
  They rise, scarce touched by melancholy airs,
Which stir the fadeless foliage dreamfully,
  As if from realms of mystical despairs.

Tall, sombre, grim, they stand with dusky gleams
  Brightening to gold within the woodland's core,
Beneath the gracious noontide's tranquil beams-
  But the weird winds of morning sigh no more.

A stillness, strange, divine, ineffable,
  Broods round and o'er them in the wind's surcease,
And on each tinted copse and shimmering dell
  Rests the mute rapture of deep-hearted peace.



Last, sunset comes the solemn joy and might
  Borne from the West when cloudless day declines-
Low, flutelike breezes sweep the waves of light,
  And lifting dark green tresses of the pines,

Till every lock is luminous - gently float,
  Fraught with hale odors up the heavens afar
To faint when twilight on her virginal throat
  Wears for a gem the tremulous vesper star.


' Tall, sombre, grim, they stand-with dusky gleam
Brightening to gold within the woodland's core."

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I THINK it is over, over,
  I think it is over at last,
Voices of foeman and lover,
  The sweet and the bitter have passed-
Life, like a tempest of ocean
  Hath outblown its ultimate blast.
There's but a faint sobbing seaward
While the calm of the tide deepens leeward,
And behold! like the welcoming quiver
Of heart-pulses throbbed thro' the river,
  Those lights in the barbor at last,
  The heavenly harbor at last!

I feel it is over! over!
  For the winds and the waters surcease;
Ah! few were the days of the rover
  That smiled in the beauty of peace!



And distant and dim was the omen
  That hinted redress or release.
From the ravage of life, and its riot
What marvel I yearn for the quiet
  WVhich bides in the harbor at last
For the lights with their welcoming quiver
That through the sanctified river
  W1"hich girdles the harbor at last,
  This heavenly harbor at last

I know it is over, over,
  I know it is over at last!
Down sail! the sheathed anchor uncover,
  For the stress of the voyage has passed-
Life, like a tempest of ocean
  Hath outbreathed its ultimate blast.
There's but a faint sobbing seaward,
While the calm of the tide deepens leeward;
And behold! like the welcoming quiver
Of heart-pulses throbbed thro' the river,
  Those lights in the harbor at last,
  The heavenly harbor at last !