xt7gqn5z945q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z945q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 2007 2007 2007-02-13 2020 true xt7gqn5z945q section xt7gqn5z945q Too cheap for dinner and a movie?

\\’\\’\\Cl\’Yl\/FRNH ,(‘()M

ttBRt‘ARi tt loo"

The Cats Den has your back with a speCial Valentine's Day
installment of Comedy Caravan ~~~ at no charge to students.




(‘ELEBRATlNLi its YEARS ()l lNl)l H .'\[)l i\(l


Phelps first candidate to announce run for SE presidency

By Blair Thomas

tit'w "tiislkykert‘ei Ltll‘t

Red. uhtte arid liltte liallooris.
streaiiiers and [he \\ lio‘s "Balia ()‘Rl'
|e_\" helped introduee the tiist \Jlldl
dates to aruiouiiie their iuii tor ne\t
_\ear's Student (imer‘iiiiient presiderie}
and \ ieevpresidene}

Niek Phelps and Hi’ittari) l.arigdon
said the_\ “ant to l‘llllg S(i haek to the

"lot too long has our loeus been
on our imri ititet'i'elattons." said prest

dential eaiididate l’helps

\t last night‘s aririourieeuieiit.
Phelps and 1.;lllgtlttll promised a
pat ked Sttidetit (‘eritet Small Ballroom
that ll eleeted the) \\ill retoiisider the
distr’iliutioii ol S(i ttuids.

"\VC plan lo lake a sL‘I'lUtls look at
the sentees that Studetit (imernriierit
pro\ ides. eialuate their usage and real-
loe‘ate l'tiiidiripr to those \L‘Hlt‘t‘S that
the students use most." l’lielps said.
"Student (‘io\errinierit should sigriiti»
earitl} aid the students and it's not do-
my that.”

Antone their proposed thaiiees.
Ill-C} plan to tillet a st'll delerise tlass
toi \soiiien during l'l\"s \\eleoriie
“L'Ck ll) lllt‘ tall

“I don‘t \\.uit to rust talk aliout
piolileiiis \\llll isoirieri's salet}, l uatit
to aet on those prohleriis." l’helps said

Phelps and l.arigdoii also plan to
e\paiid the tree legal ser\ lL e turided hi

'l‘he_\ \saiit to hire an attoine) that
\\ould tiot itist pro\ ide legal adt tee to
students tree ol eharge. hut also tollou
through \\itli iii eourt representation

"lhis is one ot the iiiost sigriitiearit
thatiges and one ot the riiost important
ones."~ said eurierit at large Sen and
at large senatorial taiididate l}lt'l
\lontell. “ho is running tor re elet
tioii "lhts is soriiethiug that a large
group ot our student liod} reall)
ltccds L.

Alone \Hll) .\lotitell. lfi otliet tau
didates ariiiotuit ed their senatorial l‘ltlS
on the l'helps Lilllgtltilt tieket last

l’lielps has ser\ed ori S(i tor three
)ears. tirst as a senator and then Senare

president ('urreiitli. he is the luau
tt\e (’al‘it‘iet Seeretan

"It's a thalleuee to tire \ilieii I hear
people douii talk this oreaiir/attoii.”
l‘helps said ”I knit“ \\hat it is eapalile
ot. | knou the potential that this group
ot senatorial \aiididates has

lariedori has serxed as air .. large
senator lor’ too \eats

'l \\as looking; tor a \\.ii to get
more irixol\ed arid tiiake a taiieihle
dittereuee." laiiedori said ”\\ lieti

~\WSG Liir3



Century-old campus tree

Emily Coovert

iii iv iVHr"«Ll\Kl"UF

that it poses a high risk ot toppu‘;

i\lter lielpiue to iiiakel is a lit
tle iiioie lieautitul toi met a eeritii
r}. one ot the liieeest and oldest
trees on ta'iipus \\ ill lie taketi
ilo\\ri some tiriie tli:s \ieek and re
plated \\ith toiu \l‘llltflk'l (‘lk‘

lllt‘ llk'k'. a large [‘llt 'tak liital
ed near the Lilllllt‘ll iii trout o‘. the
Main Building. has l‘ieeti .uouud
suite the earl} Willis. attoidirie to
l ls spokes\\oiiiati (iail llatrstoii,
)iie to the deeluie in health ot the
tree‘s liuttress roots the roots that
llare out as tlie_\ go into the :Jltllllllli
ll \ias dClL‘l'lttlllCtl that the tree
posed a potential threat to iauipus

"llie tree has lieeri :zeiieralls
sltt‘sst‘tl Hill ittiel lltt' ltasl li‘u
\ears” llatrstoii said “\oii it's
|ust daiieeroiis‘

lhe ltt'L‘ llas t‘attitde‘tllta It]

i ltlltlltv a turieus that "deta_\s root

met during storriis.” said John
't K plant pathologist
llie turieus pit-\s on trees that lll!.lil‘i;‘ stiuetiir»

Ilar‘triian. a

are ahead} iriiured (lrie ioriiriiori
torrii ol mum is «.attsed i‘,\ ia\\tt
tt'tii\\t‘l\. llai'triiari said

lhe pin oak had also sustained
totisideialile dariiage during the
I‘ll” iee storm and li} a lightning: me the iri‘erioi ot tlit t-urii
strike soiiietiriie iii the spring: or
earl} suriui'iei tit Itilll

lhe tree did not appear to li.i\ e
l‘iitlet'ial leal set-ti h. a disease that

has lieeri \\ipiii;: out pin oaks all

' v
oter [,t'\!ll:l\-:t 11.1' r'

s\steiiis arid \\eakens the tree so tree il.d hoist-t *r

truitstie or: the. 'i

rriau sari!
Hattoiari M; l or“.

sistouiaph _i rte-xii e'

llar‘triiari irispei‘ted the tree iii ()t that l; peiterit
\la_\ INNS. \sheri he diagnosed the roots \xere detioed lietiea'h txio
tree \\ itli the luiieus

.\t that tune. the tree appeared
Mm.“ to lie "in good eoiiditioti tor its si/e
and age and the ritaiti tr'urik apr
peat'ed souridf’ Hartriiari said itiiu sa i.
\dririiizstratioii l )i in

that trees are urisate


at: said i

side arid at the root p .

\1l‘t\'. llll‘L'il\ ,~ ‘I‘i\tili'

\LMV[_'s tt\ r-t‘zl‘\“1‘_}yy>-V

the ariiotiti' m rzte l .i\

sistoutapli l\”\l'.:lt‘tl that i‘: ,

Ul iltt' l‘lllllk“-\ tititls ‘1‘”

iiiehes ot healthi tissue

l’tolessiottai arltot‘ists ea.

to 'talfli t‘oo '.\l!l lie ten

to be removed this week

it 'r‘

i ,

“txtttt'l ilti llit' \‘dlide‘ la!
the (tree “tie," Haitstoii \llki
'hati that

lotir \ ts Nani}:
;:o\\'ii: ttl't' w i t l\ l liar:
dict ilosp t.:‘. ‘iiil‘i tie otistriieteil
\ttil li-e titeserwd and it
replaie the ind oak

. , Hatrstoti said ”is New \x.
ilti ii‘xe'il ‘

la! ctiouyh ap.u' 'lia‘i dies or ‘i

ills'llW ot room To eriva

’I it: sad as ioritiii_~_r dit'aii
iause the trees 'i‘ake ta'itpus :::i

j; to lo peaiettrl and take auto trout

P\‘l\k'll' liuttress i‘oot ileia\ ll irt “WW“ ”I the "”‘d‘lllli ‘

lxatlirxri \v,lil‘.t'll l' ,,,'r:e.i"tir:
xi. 1 not ltiittsthiitiloew iriior l’irit ‘ ”lit


l‘L' t Il‘\t'tl .tllil t‘lll's ‘I‘t‘lilillt \it‘la‘t s It _ >i‘t E:_l ll‘i" i tit} r3.

\\.tl\ its

Student’s celebrate Darwin’s birth, theory

8y Kenny Colston

Ur otq'nv (Liykfi'"fll (rim

lor liioloe} protessor latiies Krupa. people
reiett e\olution tor one reason it 1H\t)l\L‘s hur

”Ilziolutiorii \souldii't ha\ e been i! prolilerti
it |)ar\\iii had lelt liuiiiaris out" he said "It‘s hii
riiari eiolutroii that e\epxoiie has a prolilerii

Forts students telehrated the I‘Nh limhda}
ol seieiitist (‘harles l)ar\\in h} attending; a pre
sentatioii li_\ Krupa at a Smiet) tor Hlllll.lltl\llt.
lritelleetual and free l‘houelit iSllll’l'i iiieetirie
at the (enter l'lieater in the Student ('enter last

Krupa said e\olutioii is starting to lirarieli
outside ol liioloe} \\llh t heriiistr} arid euitiorii
lkS iii-:orpoiatirie the ideas ol eiolutioii in their
respeetne tllSk ipltries

"Dam in liorrim ed l'roiii eeonoriiies. and
no“ modem t‘UHiUlnlts Is starting to use prtnt‘l
ples ol molutrorif‘ knipa said

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

Ktupa said that |)arx\iii’s "()iieiit o7
Spet res” thaneed literature and that at least one
latiioiis hook \tas dueeth altotit e\olutioii

" ‘l‘he l‘iiiie .\1aehirie~ h} H (i \\ells 'aas di
reetl} aliout e\olutioii arid l)ar\\iri." he said. ie
len'iiip to the too dillerent huriian raees teatured
iii the stor}.

Krupa then turned to the ltiilrltlllltill issue
“llll emlutiori it's plate alongside religion

"'l'here should not be problems t\\itli exolii
tioii and religiorii.“ Krupa said

Krupii 31;“0 .‘I list oi R‘lltllUlh derioiiiiriatiotts
that ha\ e Jkkk‘plL‘tl eioluiiori, int llldlllL‘ the
\rriertetui .le\sish ('oiieressi the l utherari \\oild
l‘t‘tlt‘lalli‘ll. the l iiited \lethodist ( htlltll. the
l.ptseopal (‘hurth and the Roman (Liiliolit

'Se\eiit\ se\eri perierit ot ( liristiaris lielorie
to tlerioiriiiiatioris that auept e\olutioiif Krupa

Ashlin Hrtiee. a member ot the Baptist
(‘ariipus Ministries leadership ('ourii il said the
statistn is easil) e\pl.'uried

l iari'? speak for at} t ll:‘\'.ilil‘ ":it 1 'h'iil.
.' in! :'-ioti to “their; it. :‘tii 'i‘\‘ i: i'atti hi1? i1o'
triai roexoliitior: llr‘iit e said

ll-it others. like losli Spit? .i sapliorriore
“l \l ’llt'tt‘ilk‘l iliilt l l‘s‘llt'h‘ t" ‘\ttlitltittt al all

Krupa. \\l‘a‘ relustd to dis. lose his r ‘l eroiis
illlillitllttll said that ritosl pevple itll't‘llldluillh
\lt‘\\ e\olutiori as a lieliet oi‘ atheists

ts olteri i reittotiisrri eiiuals (rod. that \'\("

lutioti equals atheisrii." ls'rupa sa‘il

\\ lii‘ri asked al‘oirt \i'llll iasgs triuoltzrt," .i"
terriatiw teatliirie approai lies to i‘\t‘dlll.tr'l lsrii
pa had .i ltltuit ret-l‘»

'\\;tli a Hit retold at taxiir o‘ trim 'i.
iii: e‘uilutiori soiiiethiii; slioiiai \ sliw
lerrt‘a said

\titll ll‘inllt‘lll 'llt‘ ilt'lt' l‘\t.l 'i\?i.il lit ' "tit t
\\ llttt‘lS i .tlllt Ilit‘Al‘i lit llte «lel‘dlt‘ .iliitlll llli‘ si'l‘i‘.
iatroii ot iliuieli arid state

liolutioii is rust .is i‘itlhll .i t‘t‘llL‘li‘t‘. as a"\
llllttL else and this ileliate is aliout keeping rel


i- Darwin '::;i 3


for ‘ampaign



By Katie Saltz

Is t "KL-3n" w

(io\ lrrtie lleh‘rie: eriiois l‘lt‘.itll‘ll}'. tt\ 'i):
d listening to tlassit rotk Z‘illl\‘.e llis ta\oitte
\‘tt; is '[tii’i ( iitrr H

()t at least. tli it’s “hat llls l ateliook \t‘i'll pro

ltle sa\s

tile on latehook. hut the\ rrias riot ieali/e the


.\lari} students riia\ hate seen I Qetelier's pm


itile aetuall\ does l‘ieloiie to the state's eo‘wt
I. said Matt} Riall. llettliei s

tariipaign iiiariauer


It's all part ot a tie\\ trend in
illlstll tariipateiiirie

l sat: laeel‘ool. tit-~tttt's i

eioiips as a tariipaiz'ri tool



v l




\ K



ili‘rits i‘ii


ttiirr: I‘ti‘l‘tljallH .i i

-‘.ttit:i:tis ttlrt‘t
iirte o: tits :1. peop e ‘llliltl
tr: ikes seri- 'I isel ei-‘ioitl
lateltwol. "it-gar
t‘\\ t'\;‘i.t." d


i's a re'uivtk o.‘

-"i‘.lll'\\|\ £"l Ilit

\ iitiitattt. :‘tii-ll
\lttik\ sit. i‘ 'j'ii
l .

ttIS E?‘ ‘i'l

t' shit

lil'Idlt imam

iiip 'altzel. la

d\ _‘r‘ ~“lilt‘lt's '

r’irie \tni’tt‘dit‘l 's eh-i {it'll
‘lt .\ up»

i . ..t
iilttw iti

plump e ‘1‘ ', '. is ‘1‘.: soul

\t at“! ' ll‘il ‘u lotsr‘ ' itixorie lin

illi'thS i' lit! ’1 t“ Ill lt‘ls "t‘itl‘lt st‘t' llltl‘ ..\ .l

l‘t‘tst‘tt arid 'zitt rist a piiittti ,at‘

(onirituiizi atrons treshriiari Walker \1atto\ is
» Fletcher , :viiie3

Newsroom: 257 '0‘- ‘i Advertising: 2572872



BAQEZ‘I luesday. February 13, 2007





















89 74)








By linda C Black

To get the advantage, sneak the
day s rating '0 ‘s the waves: or;
0 the most Chat/entrmg

Aries (March 21 — April 19) it:
day is or 8 ‘ ant
artwntnre are you .‘513’8? /
a good «from it twin: .i'tt
exr‘eeit ya .t No" “lit" tat . '~

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) it:

laws ‘t‘ G“



day Is a / A sta'thJ .i'Kle‘H
Sti‘tl"?5 ti U‘ar‘oe EVEW'." ' .t t ‘
toes"? Mai'ital" yno't .rso a'x'.

you tat "yew 'vi a! no "at nus-x


Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
day 's‘ Et't it Sii"‘t3ttnny list.
turns it»? passaowvai. tut H. it“
Try MM. '6‘ . t‘ Jliilxi 'l"" s‘ 3 it 't
cept yo. What"! or ' :t‘» r :s
.ri‘ttalzy "as "to“ At a' z: 'r :v

and ti‘ror: :rtinao

4puz com


Cancer (June 22 — July 22) lo-
‘tay is a 7 » You're tiniting things
you thought you'd lost forever
You're trotloana things you never
lldtl tietore Hiite d.) nt it away in
sale places, clearly marked, so you
can find them again

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today [5
an 8 . The more \lLl. locus atten-
tion on others, the hotter yoti're
trivia: to toe) lliiS is going to be
'Fttsy, toil, (l't-L‘. a ltr'. til tar

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) today

s .113 n.5, it " mi ti sstl‘d?’


To new it"s

' l 'i‘ro‘t tinsel

’4 'i‘ viii" HIT



.ti {lily

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) luiim
s a 1' ltd. f' .f' netealeit tirirf
“tat i2. ll stiltjtiiit‘ t"


’ ‘1».t"t,‘"'lt“itil\lll‘


"a 1. mm; ltSl

:1! i. W W“ L: 13'?

Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) 7v

:33, s i inn \1, t .it; "I;
l y l V‘- "t it

‘ "y i ‘ irll vil‘ ‘





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ey very much Don't provoke )eal

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
today is an 8 Your persistence
is beginnnig to straw 'esalts You
profits are {(lllll'lll in Restist the
terrriitation to sri‘n'ge, this may
have to last a while

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19)
lunar s n l The trick s it: k
at previously expendable :tiwrs .r
.ft‘wrur‘t war, Instead. Ht t

.‘r “t
(W ‘;i‘(>‘llltlttd,\;!1.:l‘.’ilrrti»\v nth.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) i .

fl» > .i b t .1 7 Si' t‘e= Iris:
t-‘iw tea i'r'a’si' ritit: All: the “lam
w r w
i'ti‘f‘ not ‘1 :s T l‘“ in lgii' t‘ 1l~ "
‘ its


Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) ll

tat vs a n I‘ Itsistitit'ti"

v .‘.r:‘ take" .‘or’a ltl‘» 1‘1 ’

> is. it tr i» Hi" van w "o: out;

, -,V~ r . ‘, «it s - s
”us, .i i. » ill. i' to i. t r.



your daily dose of entertainment, pop cuttureandrtun genial ‘ 0|


The behind-the-scenes play-by-play?
Justin and Scarlett hook up (againl), Nick
Lachey runs into Joe Simpson and Tom

We Di SH Cruise makes out in front of his mom

Justin & Scarlett Heat
Things Up

Jiistiii 'l‘imhcrlakc touchcd
doun in Miami rust past midi
night on lichruar} 4 7 and “as
soon ioincd hy Scarlctt Johans-
still. his "What (iocs Around
(‘onics Around" \idco costar
and his tirst post-(Kinicron (ling.
l‘ii'st stop: a pan) at Kid Rock‘s
penthouse at the Shorc (tub.
\shcrc lhc} t'lii'tcd until 4:3“
d.llt.. sa_\s an onlookcr. Latcr
that da). ihc too “crc cnv
sconccd in thc Biidxsciscr Suitc
insidc Dolphin Stadium tor thc
hig gaiiic. "'l‘hc) \\crc attcction-
atc and laughing.” a soiircc tclls
l's l‘rom thcrc. tlic pair mowd
on to thc chncss} (iamc ()\ci‘
hash at Moka° . and h) l a.m..
'l'iinbcrlakc had situaicd himself
in .lohansson s corncr hooth.
'l‘hc} lct‘t at 3:l5 am. and hcad»
cd to thc Dclano Hotcl. whom
the} spcnt scwral hours in hcr

\thl it ltlsl‘ ”Sc‘ttl'lcll (attic
to Miami to hang out “till
Justin. and tlic_\ do likc cacti
othcra sass a source. \\ ho adds.
"’l‘hci are not scrioiis )ct."
t(i\t0tl thing tor .lcssica Bicl.
uho \\.isni spottcd in Miami.)
.\nd. .is c\rttaiidni.itc .lt‘ (‘tias-c/
thIs is. ”Sonic da}s. ,lltsllltS
ton~ hit: is grcai. sonic d.i_\s it's
not. Hut ai ilic cnd ot the da_\.
ihc onl_\ pcrson \\ ho l\lli\\\\ is

K-Fed 8t Justin: Brit's Exes

It) all accounts. l\c\in l‘cdr
ci’lincs sta) in Miami uas a

\llLCk'\\. llc took in a tcu pair
tics. drank sonic .lack l)anicl‘s

and. oh ycs. chattcd with Jiistin
'l'inihcrlakc t'or 2)) minutes in
tlic Budisciscr suitc during thc
gaiiic. " l‘hc) \sci‘c laughing
about Bittnc) and how nicsscd
up shc is." \.t_\S an onlookcr.
"'l‘hc} sccmcd likc the) new
ha\ing a good tinic and liked
cacti other." 'l‘hc [no haic actu—
all} knoun cacti othcr tor
)cars, l“cdcrlinc. 3S. \sas a
backup danccr in 'l‘imltcrlakc‘s
\itlcn liti' 3003's ”likc l l.o\c

Marc & J. Lo Put On a

The ucatlicr \\ as \\ arm. hut
Marc Anthon}. .its'. and Jcnnit'cr
Lopw. 37. \\crc hot. At thc
()ccan DriwrMark'ct Anicrica
concert in Miami Beach on Fct»
i‘uar_\ 3. Anthony thrilled tlic
crowd \sith a t‘ii‘c-song sct.
niostl} in Spanish. Thcn. rust
hctorc midnight. Lopw - who
“as carlicr owrhcard sa) ing. "I
am so in lo\ c \th Marc. it gets
ticttcr cwry da) " appeared on
stagc. "l‘hc_\ did a lust'riddcn
duct. all thc “hilc looking at
cacti other.“ sa_\s a tan. "l‘hcn
ttic} Iiiiggcd and kisscd." During
tici' sccond song. "No Mc Attics"
("Don't l.o\c Mc”). LOPCI did a
thtIltpnllltl-g‘l‘llltl \\lllt Anthony.
tottoucd h} tirtwmrks litcrale

More Miami VIPs
'l'hcsc cclchritics \scrc also
spottcd making the rounds
Although NH. star Tom
Brad}. 2‘). minglcd \sith Stac}
Kcihlci and Scrcna Williams at
Mokai on lichiiiar} 3. he had

(lisclc Bundthcn. in. on the
brain: liarl) on l‘t‘ltl‘ll'dt’) .‘i. he

>|CllCtl [0 NYV tlltil lttltl .i It)

mantic dinncr “llll hcr that

l‘hc latc lyatc Shim host
(‘raig l’L‘l'gUSOIt. 44. tunicd
uhcn tic \\ as dcnicd immediate
acccss to thc l’lastio) part) on
l'chruar) .1. ”No onc kncv.
him." saw an onlookcr The
Scottish comic \\‘.ls C\Cit[tltlll)
lct in. and )okcd on his l-chrii-
at‘) 4 shim. "l \\Ll\ the otil_\
cclchrit) I hadn‘t licard of."

last days attcr separating
limit his \iitc ot ll scars.
.lohnn) Knouillc. 35. “as
spottcd talking \\llll Al’sssa MIA
lano. 3—1. at thc Phobos part}.
Says a sourcc. "llc looked likc
a kid in a candy store."

Tom & Katie Go to FDA

()K. \\c‘ gct it: You're in
low? Cruise. 44. and Holmcs.
38. couldn't kccp their hands
off cacti other during pal Air
thony's concert - cwn in thc
prcscncc ot (‘ruisc‘s son. (‘on
nor. l2. and mom, Mar) Lcc
Mapothcr South. .s\ttcr\\ ard. the
group hit the (‘.\A sports part}
at Mokai. \shcrc the dancing
continucd. "Thcs “crc making
out in tront ot c\cr_\onc.” sa)s
an oniookcr. thn thc l).l
pla}cd "Danger Zonc" troni
('riiisc's lop (itltt. "Tom \scnt
cra/_\." sa_\s a source, B) 3
a.m.. "Katic \\ as tircd; hc “ant
cd to stay" the insidcr adds.
"'l‘om rclcnicd "

Mara ltet'istrnt‘

(jar-vet zu' .‘ id‘s Mfr .v







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of u




p01 i


















Continued from page 1

Nick approached me las a run-
ning mater. I knew this \muld
be a great opportunity for both
of us."

Both Phelps and Langdon
think' the} hase the experience
and capability needed to make
imponant changes v~ithin SO.

“I have seen this organiza-
tion from the outside with m)
in\'ol\ement in other groups on
campus." Phelps said. "Britt-an)
and I both are \ery imohed
within Student (iovemment and
in other organizations. (ireek
and non—(ireek. We have great
potential to represent and work
for the students."


Continued from page 1

another l'K student in\ol\ed
in Faeebook polities. Mattos
said he supports gubernatorial
candidate Jonathan Miller by
creating Faeebook groups
backing him.

“I think it is \er} el‘t‘eetne
to campaign through I-‘aeee
book," Mattox said. "It is the





biggest medium to reaeh eol»
lege students. I unite in)
l'i‘iends to IUIII eandidates‘
groups and get in\ol\ed."

(‘ross said that he thinks
l‘aeebook \\1l| continue to be
used b} polititians iii the lit»

“These politicians are
thinking outside ot the bo\.”
(‘ross said " l‘hese ltttltes are
likel_\ to be siieeesslul iii the
long rim ”



Continued from page i

gioii out ol schools." Seott said

Krupas list ot the number ot
denominations \\llU aeeepted
esolutioii didn't surprise Bennett
.lerroxs. seeretars ot’ l'lx' Sllll’l'.
uho said he loiiiid Ki'tipa's pie
seiitation iitloi'iiiati\e arid llllt‘l'

“l‘hat sttitt doesn't surprise
me lteeaiise most people don‘t

i‘eali/e itlieir church‘s staneei "
Bennett said

ll si‘lllt‘ttllt‘ e\CI lllt‘tl lll \lt‘
bate e\oliitioii \\|lll Beiiiiett. he
said he \\oiildn't \\.iste his time

"l \soiild ask ll the\ debate
the shape ot the earth oi ll atoms
e\ist.” Bennett said

Bi‘iiee said that iii debates.
hoth sides are too iudgiiieiital
but that the topit taii be debated

"lit the end. sou ha\e to ask
\\|iei'e did that one thing begin "

Brut e said

‘ilm explores untraditional family structures

By Kristin Stock

news @kvkernel corn

Family is \\ hat _\ou make it out to be

This is the message that Kate Blaek
.s\ppalaehian ('olleetioii.
Ruthie and Connie

curator ot l'K's
hopes the film “
Room in the House"

Bingham-Davis House.

The screening is a part of the (iendei
and Women's Studies Spring 2007 tilm se
ries directed b} Black and b} the (lender

and Women's Studies Program.

Black picks a dillerent theme
'l’onight‘s t'ilm

fits into this genre beeause it is an untradr slls‘
le.i\ing their htisbands and starting a neu A“

year and this year is tamil}

tional l'amil} .stor_\ about

life together in l‘)7-1.

“Family is wonderful no matter \\ hat
I pick l'ilins
that challenge the eomentional notions ot

the grouping is." Black said. "


“ill eotixe} to slllr
dents tonight at 7 in the (iaines (‘enter‘s ll

Some students think this

liliii \\!ll
\ie\\s ot taitiil}

sou can tiiid lo\ e

ti'eslimaii. ”
you have


laiiiil) it presents
mom: and

t‘dt Il

\\ ill



lilin \\tth
makes a laiiiil).
"laiiiiilt can


"I aiiiils is a place \\ here
and iiiii'tiii’
\\ \‘t'h.n
a l‘iolog\

iiig Hernia} ol the
said Melissa Jones.
It doesn't itiattei
a mom
it's still tainil} ”


bet arise

Blatk hopes that students lea\e the
a \‘sidei' understanding ot \\ hat


”Family l8 8
place where you
, in find love and
nurturing every
day of the week
It doesn't matter

ll you have a
mom and a dad;
it's still family,

al‘itl .t

lt‘t'l llltil
the liliii sei'eeiriiig \Hll raise
Ul lIlL‘
Illlllllll\ HI

against in)


sttlil .IUslt l‘el'g‘tlsutl.

make people

giou tings ol \eo ale,”
. _ l

lc'ticlt sltltlHlis
taiiiilies throughout the seiiiestei
\\llll the
students to e\peiieiu e iiioie tiii
tiaditioiial ta

lute a taiiiil\
tig'tt't‘.” \llt‘
that those :.a:~..iits _-\:~.t

aiid twiiiaii

Illdtls \.tlkl \llt‘ “‘llllkl llltt‘ lt‘


an uttes tll

lilrii series She wants

iiiilies ai‘.d toiitto

\eistal suhleets


s.tltl iiothiiig




saiiie se\ parents do not eotisti

. but she thinks \t‘ll

lllc'll‘ as a laiiiil} unit

shouldn't be dtsi‘iissed

~Ilis llk


’Itiii .i is a rat!

people yl[\


”laitiil\ is a tiotarti oi iiiaii

l‘it! Yl'ial ts lll‘l leiilts
llieie aie all

.iii_\iiioie lands

oi taitiilies’

there is

Black said that as long
a taiiiil\.

as llit'lt‘ is lit\ L'.

and tlit uptoiiiiiig llllli

disl‘lltt}\ that

lll.lslt ot tll'l_‘lt‘lll

UK doctor to speak on cosmetic surgery trends

By Erica Mitchell
newstlkykernel corn

eosmelie siirger}

\\ith less reemer} time are I‘Culllllllg‘ more



stugital piott duie ”

'(‘ltiitk lises"
in e\elid siii‘geix

'll_ii_\ \l

ind bie l\l siiigei\ lhe

opti itioiis \tlll tikt mo houis to eoiiip 'ete

an an ah'u \i ited :liiot ti it-
\tlltls i
ll‘, tosiitetits iie pieseiit l l\

stiti du'i.a_. 'ZtJi'en A ll

I’l.rst:t \iiizjett. .i s\ o'lei- ’lu
\ l.\l \ toiiiplesxoii

pio\ides art iii depth .1!) i“\s.s w' an :im.

atia‘t szs si. stet‘.

popular around the eountr) and at l'ls'

Speed) reeoter} is more common. and
a greater number ot college students are
showmg interest in eosmetie surger}. said
l‘K Health (‘are l’h)sieian. I)I. Richard .\

I’olloek. a thtttl‘terCl'llllCLl plastu stii
geon. “Ill be holding a discussion toriiglii
about laeial reunenation and abbi'e\ rated
surger) at (i ‘stl iii the l e\iiigtoti l’ublit l i
brar) Beaumont Braneli on l‘ieldstone

He \sill discuss the use ol lasers to treat
eosinetie prohlems sueh as pore si/e. aeiie
sears. urinkles. hair. the digital
measurement ot’ t_\pes and digital



imaging ol laeial t‘eattires
”People are interested in a quick li\.“

and reipiii. l\‘t\ to three dass oi lttt‘\tl\
Mali) soitii: “when are interested iii

as a iiiat

\tlll\c'l \ttll\t' l‘it‘thl t’llltll‘ ‘JL'llik‘llls

tei' ol sell esteem ind sel! eiihariteiiieitt

l’olltuls said
It‘\\ \lllhllt’ Ulllk‘l


tatial aii.l
iepoeiiatioii aie

\Ik‘!‘\ [u

\(Mlllt‘lk lit‘\\

“NB the help or iie\\ tetliiiolog\ l’oliotk

l\\o laseis iiseil toi skiii reiuxeriaaiotr
iittltide the \d \ \(i tieiiiiiii and the

Venus i llie (lemma is used toi eliiiiitiai
mg a \aiiet} ot lllltl‘lt‘llls :iitiiidiirg
ltt\.tet‘tl, spidei \eins. siiiispots. l‘lt‘l-a‘l‘i
tapillaries and pigmentation \ iiiatioiis

Younger patietits \\llll mild \\iiiil~.les or

ttalls latial til.ll.lgle‘ll\'.t s 4'

ieui'xetiation and slat: tar: "i“_‘l.lff‘\ tr-r

tlieit spet lilL toiiipit \ on
llie douii lithe' to: (ties. :‘lw < s

tpitte alrltieuated oliztli ‘r‘ales "it s {lit
ee'tllllt“~ a \iab't trii-sdtta'a»: Z-it st:
tlk'lll\l I’Ullikls stllil

l'oilotk stressed ti set ::i.ii_;s :pafa'ii‘
should not do hetore twining: ill it i a pro
te.liiie no use oi the atiie 'itait‘ Ret i‘
\. no taiui:iig and no trait-i tum \\ , eks “-c

l’illltkls ‘i‘.ill I‘k' .t‘~.t‘:ittl‘l\' 'i .tlis‘-\t'l
itiiestioiis attei tlie tli\tll\\litll lilt .s
tiee and ietieshiiietits usill l‘re sti'xed \'

teiidatits taii register foi 'lit \\\'ll" “2 tat

lll‘_‘ (Bllllt §§§ 537.1





“a ra'rx

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OUK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center
OCheap Seat Tuesdays
"The Departed", 8:00
PM, Worsham Theater
(Student Center)
OYMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center
For Achievement
OPPTSA Meeting,
7:30PM, Gallery Room



OUniversity Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center
-Comedy Caravan with
Will Hardesty, 8:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

OBryan Station Middle
Tutoring, 4:00 PM,
Bryan Station Middle

OGuitar Trio: Ben Lacy,
Andrew Leonard, Jerry
Belsak, 8:00 PM,
Memorial Hall
Resumania, 10:00 AM,
RGAN Commons

0L.E.C.M. Food for Body
and Soul, 5:05 PM, St.

A's (472 Rose Street)
0Horse Racing Club
Meeting, 6:30 PM, W.P.
Garrigus B—52

. , , .
at'atldy lt‘l."att'. J LL

| PAGE 3’



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lebruarv l t, 2007

Page 4

Dervishes bring message of love and

By EllieFfiairbanks
efatrbanks©kykerna| corn

While most of the news from the Mid»
dle Iiast recetitl) has focused on “ar. \io-
lenee and unrest. the Whirling Denishes of
Rumi came to UK last night \Mth a message

of peace. love and tolerance.

“’l‘oda}. this message is more ittiportant
thaii eter.” said Mehmet Saracoglu. the
president of I'K‘s Interfaith Dialogue ()rga-
iii/ation. “thli organiled the perfoniiance.

l‘he Den ishes are folloviers of Rutni. a
ch century in} stieal poet. Rumi preached
about understanding and the acceptance of

all cultures. Saracoglu said.

Rumi was a messenger of God. much
like Moses atid Jestis. said I’mit (ioker. a
represeiitati\e from the Istanbul (‘enter for
Culture atid Dialogue iii Atlanta. Rumi is as
a perfect and true human being. he said.

“Rumi became one of the greatest teach—
ers of universal love and peace." (iok'er
said. "He merged e\er_\thmg he did into one

unified existence "

The dance performed. the Sema Ritual.
is a spiritual tottriie) for the performers, The
spinning iiiotioti of the performance has
roots in science. (ioker said. The nhirling
knowledge and lov e. ending in a higher lex-

action creates a journe) of

el of perfection. he said.

"The Den ishes are re\ol\ ing in harmo-



n) With each other." (ioker said. “The futi-
dameiital condition of our existence is to re-
vo|\e. Everything in nature revolves
electrons. protons. neutrons. The Dervishes
share in the revolution of other beings."

Before the twrfoi'mance. traditional Sufi
music was planed, Sufism is a in) site tradi-
tioti Viith ties to Islam.

"Sufism is a path followed b_\ ati indi-
vidual to free otieself from vices." (ioker
said. “Followers come to know knowledge
and love and live in spiritual delight."

Joseph Tiu. a resident of Berea. tra\ eled
to Lexington with his fiance for the music
and performance. He said that Sufi music
offers something a bit different from West»

em mUsie.


together all cultures.

"Traditional music from the East is a lit—
tle off sometimes.” Tiu said. "It‘s \er} nat-
ural atid organic. and there‘s an element of
chaos iii it. It‘s a nice change from Western

While the Den ishes are Muslim. (Joker
said that the performance is meant to bring

"'I here is unrest atid conflict e\er) -
vs here (ioker said. "There is a clash of ci\ 7
ili/atioti. Now is the time to come together
to understand each other and find common
ground and references.

"Religions differences can pulveri/e

t at 'tt

imp ‘Iyas Edit“.




Before the Sema l‘lf'tlldi, the Dervishes ate ttttissett in Ittill ls t‘ttraks .Jtist ftefote flit: st] t'fi‘ttt; tregtns they tase rift the avttttatats
to reveal white tititfitiiti S‘flliltt‘il‘itt‘iti the lh‘itiml‘itts fret uttutttt tatisrtt fit find [Junta tf‘e hit rat the "up" team: (led .tttpnttt his

love and not t‘luset to l‘t‘t‘t‘tt‘ii‘ttll a ttt‘t‘wt‘t "‘2"“.ftt, dt t‘t‘t’tl’llil ti: ll'll‘l tittkt" of the lSldl‘Il‘tll Center ltt' f‘tant'e ant: D, atrium in

people, If “e btiiltl good relations vve cati

better all major faiths,"

Aflat‘ta the Whittattt Deit'snes of Riit'u t‘utti tttttx: or: t i” has aist "v at" at the S'tttilvta'v llFEIllt" for tt‘v Ans

Valentine’s ‘date night” offers comedy. wholesome message

By Ellie Fairbanks

etarrnaukstlkykett‘e‘ com

Valentine‘s Ha) sometimes gets a
bad reputation the mandatoi‘_\
cards. gifts atid tenelt‘} all hog tltWHl
\\ hat should be a da) spent \\IIlt lo\ ed

petiall) appealing to students.

“We ;il\\a_\s ha\e free popcorn at
(‘ometh (‘aia'san. htit this \xcek “e‘i'e
ha\ing ptiiicfi \tl'd\\lk‘rt'lC\ and a
chocolate fountain." l‘nderhill said
"It‘s going to he a lot of fun. \Ne‘i'e
tt'_\mg to make it a date~night for stlls

ones, fhe (‘at‘s l)en‘s (